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- /*
- * p a t c h l e v e l . h
- *
- * This header is included in only one place, so it causes no problems
- * to allocate storage for the version string here.
- *
- * DaviD W. Sanderson
- *
- * 16 Oct 91 version 4@0 sent to comp.sources.misc.
- *
- * 16 Oct 91 Added 1 from David J. Rood [rooddj@crtvax.vanderbilt.edu]
- * via David Gundlach.
- *
- * 15 Oct 91 Added 14 from David Gundlach [david@marie.stat.uga.edu]
- * from alt.sex.
- *
- * 29 Aug 91 Added 3 from Andrew Williams [awilliam@qucis.queensu.ca]
- *
- * 27 Aug 91 Added 1 from DJ Delorie [dj@ctron.com]
- * Added 2 from Dave Straker [daves@hpopd.pwd.hp.com]
- *
- * 15 Jul 91 Added 1 from Craig P McLaughlin [cpm00@duts.ccc.amdahl.com]
- *
- * 12 Jul 91 Added 6 from The Grey Wolf [greywolf@unisoft.com]
- *
- * 11 Jul 91 Added 4 from Michael Cook [mlc%gva.decnet@consrt.rockwell.com]
- *
- * 10 Jul 91 Added 2 new faces to faces.in from Po-Jen J. Yang
- * [pyang@rice.edu]. Improved README for the benefit of
- * UNIX novices to describe how to format the man page and
- * how to get smiley(1) to print a summary of its options.
- * Added 1 from Peter da Silva [peter@ficc.ferranti.com].
- * Added 2 from Charles J. Lord [cjl@ecsvax.uncecs.edu].
- * Added 2 from Liron Lightwood [r.lightwood@trl.oz.au].
- *
- * 09 Jul 91 Added 19 new faces to faces.in from a 1984 collection
- * mailed to me by Scott Bolte [scott@craycos.com].
- * This collection also included two animated smileys;
- * I saved them in "other".
- *
- * 08 Jul 91 version 3@0 sent to comp.sources.misc.
- *
- * 19 May 91 New smileys from lists recently posted to the net
- *
- * 27 Apr 91 Added new faces and definitions to faces.in from a
- * collection mailed to me by Karl A. Nyberg
- * [karl@grebyn.com]. This collection included some
- * attributions, so I went through more carefully and
- * incorporated not only the new faces but also new
- * definitions for existing faces. I should really go
- * back and see whether some of the other lists also have
- * definitions I have not yet incorporated...
- *
- * Added count of smileys and definitions to output of -V.
- * (Added ltoa() to generate string form of integer.
- * smiley(1) still doesn't need stdio.)
- *
- * 23 Apr 91 version 2@0 sent to comp.sources.misc
- *
- * 23 Apr 91 Added about thirty (!) new smileys to faces.in from
- * a new smiley list I found in rec.humor.d.
- *
- * 05 Apr 91 Used archie to locate ftp-able smiley lists;
- * found these:
- *
- * tolsun.oulu.fi
- * /pub/misc/smiley.lzh (unable to access)
- * mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu
- * /ux1/doc/misc/smiley
- * lut.fi
- * /misc/smileys
- * ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- * /doc/misc/smiley
- * fionavar.mit.edu
- * /pub/jokes/smiley_face
- * sachiko.acc.stolaf.edu
- * /home/sachiko/cdr/Doc/Fun/ai-humor/smiley_face.Z
- * vax.ftp.com
- * /hobbit/flamage/silly/smiley.faces
- * mc.lcs.mit.edu
- * /its/ai/humor/smiley.face.Z
- *
- * There was a lot of redundancy (as I expected) but there
- * were two new smileys for faces.in.
- * Corrected some spelling errors in faces.in.
- *
- * 19 Mar 91 Eliminated a couple of duplicate smileys from faces.in.
- * Updated faces.in and "others" with smileys from a recent
- * posting to rec.humor.d.
- * Modified smiley.c to exit with nonzero status if the
- * search for a smiley fails.
- * Obtained bsearch.c and modified smiley.c to use
- * bsearch() to look for a smiley in the smiley table.
- * Modified Makefile to sort faces.in when feeding it to
- * mkfaces. I keep faces.in sorted anyway, but it does not
- * hurt to play it safe.
- *
- * 16 Mar 91 Fixed example of ps1sed() in smiley.1 not to \-quote
- * the doubled !. The extra quoting hurts nothing, but it
- * is superfluous.
- *
- * 15 Mar 91 Eliminated #include of <string.h> in mkfaces.c for
- * greater portability.
- *
- * 14 Mar 91 version 1@0 sent to comp.sources.misc
- */
- static char version[] = " version 4 patchlevel 0: ";