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- Path: xanth!mcnc!decvax!decwrl!purdue!umd5!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: mjr@welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v03i050: record I/O library for use with btree package
- Message-ID: <7953@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 12 Jun 88 21:53:45 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Reply-To: mjr@welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
- Lines: 1736
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 50
- Submitted-By: "Marcus J. Ranum" <mjr@welchsun2.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: bt-rio
- [Repackaged: I applied a patch before posting. ++bsa]
- #--------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # This is a shell archive. Save this into a file, edit it
- # and delete all lines above this comment. Then give this
- # file to sh by executing the command "sh file". The files
- # will be extracted into the current directory owned by
- # you with default permissions.
- #
- # The files contained herein are:
- #
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 1512 Jun 12 17:44 Makefile
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 3119 Jun 12 17:44 README
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 5585 Jun 12 17:44 example.c
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 7001 Jun 12 17:44 recio.3
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 17221 Jun 12 17:45 recio.c
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 2905 Jun 12 17:44 recio.h
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 823 Jun 12 17:44 sizes.c
- #
- echo 'x - Makefile'
- if test -f Makefile; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Makefile'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Makefile
- X# Makefile for record I/O library
- X# Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- X# $Author: mjr $
- X#
- X# $Header: Makefile,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:29:16 mjr rel $: Makefile
- X#
- X# $Log: Makefile,v $
- X# Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:29:16 mjr
- X# Initial revision
- X#
- X#
- X# define SYSV or BSD (only for purposes of test code) - recio.c doesn't care.
- X# defining BYTEORDER forces the system to maintain disk data structures
- X# in network byteorder. This may be more or less portable. (tested on
- X# VAXEN running ULTRIX and Suns)
- X#
- X
- XLIB= librecio.a
- X#LIB= recio.o
- X
- X# installation stuff
- XLIBDIR= /usr/local/lib
- XHDR= recio.h
- XHDRDIR= /usr/include/local
- XMAN= recio.3
- XMANDIR= /usr/man/manl
- X
- Xall: example sizes
- X
- Xlibrecio.a: recio.o
- X ar rcv $@ recio.o
- X ranlib $@
- X
- Xexample: $(LIB) example.o
- X cc $(LFLAGS) -o example example.o $(LIB)
- X
- Xsizes: sizes.o
- X cc $(LFLAGS) -o sizes sizes.o
- X @sizes
- X
- Xrecio.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- Xexample.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- X
- Xinstall: $(LIB) $(MAN)
- X cp $(LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- X chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- X cp $(HDR) $(HDRDIR)/$(HDR)
- X chmod 644 $(HDRDIR)/$(HDR)
- X ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- X cp $(MAN) $(MANDIR)/$(MAN)
- X chmod 644 $(MANDIR)/$(MAN)
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f $(LIB) *.o example core mon.out sizes llib-lrecio.ln \
- X recio.shar tags
- X
- Xlint:
- X lint $(LINTFLAGS) recio.c
- X
- Xdiction:
- X style $(MAN)
- X diction $(MAN)
- X
- Xlintlib:
- X lint -Crecio recio.c
- X
- Xshar:
- X shar -a README Makefile recio.c $(HDR) $(MAN) sizes.c example.c\
- X > recio.shar
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < Makefile` -ne 1512; then
- echo 'shar: Makefile was damaged during transit (should have been 1512 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - README'
- if test -f README; then echo 'shar: not overwriting README'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > README
- XThe poor man's record management library:
- X
- XThis is partII of the poor man's data management library. It's intended
- Xfor use with the btree index library, but can also be used stand alone.
- XThe recio library is designed with the following in mind:
- X
- X1) a simple low-level package to support inserting, modifying and
- Xretrieving records of (not necessarily fixed) length into a file. This
- Xis doubtless less efficient than simply keeping a whole bunch of UNIX
- Xfiles around, but that is a pain. The recio package, then, trades the
- Xspeed and elegance of UNIX files for a chunk-oriented structure that
- Xresides in a single UNIX file.
- X
- X2) a read/write/lseek-like interface, with a rudimentary higher level
- Xthat looks somewhat like stdio (at least puts/gets)
- X
- X3) reasonable performance and stability. It'll never be as fast as UNIX
- Xfiles, since the files are stored in 'linked' chunks, which are parsed
- Xin succession. There are a lot of trade offs.
- X
- XThe recio files are stored as a pair of UNIX files, one of which
- Xcontains a map of records by number to pages in the actual data file.
- XThe map file also contains information about which blocks in the data
- Xfile are free, etc. This file can contain 'holes', since a record is
- Xcreated at a specific offset per record number. The structures are as
- Xsmall as possible to minimize side-effects. The data file consists of
- Xpages of variable size (set when the data file is created). Each page
- Xcontains some small amount of information in a header, including
- Xpointers to a chain of offspring nodes, if needed, as well as
- Xadditional information about whether that block is free, in case the
- Xfile needs to be reconstructed. The recio.h header file lays it all
- Xout, somewhat.
- X
- XAs with the poor man's btree library, there are no concurrency controls
- Xin effect. The design of the whole package is with an eye to having it
- Xbe serviced by a deamon across a network, anyway, so this problem is
- Xleft as an excercise for the reader :-) Also, like the poor man's btree
- Xlibrary, this code is not public domain, though it is freely modifiable
- Xand distributable as long as the copyright notices are retained. If
- Xyou make any nifty improvements, please let me know, (E-mail, I am not
- Xon usenet) bugfixes, etc, are welcome.
- X
- XByte-order and portability: There are #ifdefs for BYTEORDER, which make
- Xthe program store data in network byte order (at least the data
- Xstructures that drive the library - user data is the user's problem.)
- XThere are several unsolved problems with this approach. It works fine
- Xbetween my Sun and my VAX, but the way the structures are written to
- Xdisk is also going to depend on your compiler. (the deleted element of
- Xstruct ripag is a long to force alignment in the VAX compiler, which
- Xthought a ripag was 16 bytes, while the Sun thought it was 15, with
- XNASTY results) The BYTEORDER code is not guaranteed to work, and if it
- Xdoesn't, your best bet is to look at the output of sizes.c and to check
- Xto see if your compiler assembles the structures in the same ORDER.
- X
- X Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library, 1988
- X mjr@jhuigf.BITNET || uunet!mimsy!aplcen!osiris!welchvax!mjr
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < README` -ne 3119; then
- echo 'shar: README was damaged during transit (should have been 3119 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - example.c'
- if test -f example.c; then echo 'shar: not overwriting example.c'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > example.c
- X/*
- X * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- X * $Author: mjr $
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char *RCSid="$Header: example.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:27:06 mjr Rel $: example.c";
- X#endif
- X
- X/*
- X * $Log: example.c,v $
- X * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:27:06 mjr
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/* sample page size to use - obviously 20 is quite small, but it makes */
- X/* testing things really a lot easier than having to enter 1024 bytes of */
- X/* junk data for testing input */
- X
- X#define SAMPLESIZE 20
- X
- X
- X/* nobody ever writes nice test programs. in fact, this one is pretty gross */
- X/* basically, this allows exercising all the various functions of the rifd */
- X/* library */
- X
- X#ifdef BSD
- X#include <sys/file.h>
- X#endif
- X#ifdef SYSV
- X#include <sys/fcntl.h>
- X#endif
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "recio.h"
- X
- Xvoid
- Xhelp()
- X{
- X (void)printf("commands are:\n");
- X (void)printf("Read:\treads a chunk of the requested record.\n");
- X (void)printf("\tNote that this is artificially constrained in this\n");
- X (void)printf("\texample, to show how the consecutive reads work\n");
- X (void)printf("\nMore\tprints the next chunk in consecutive reads.\n");
- X (void)printf("\nGets\treturns pointer to next line.\n");
- X (void)printf("\nPuts\tappends a newline terminated string to rec.\n");
- X (void)printf("\nDel\tdeletes the named record by placing its blocks\n");
- X (void)printf("\ton the free block list\n");
- X (void)printf("\nLabel\tsets the database comment block that resides\n");
- X (void)printf("\tin page #0 of the page file.\n");
- X (void)printf("\nWrite\tallows input of text to a specified record.\n");
- X (void)printf("\nAppen\tallows appending text to a specified record.\n");
- X (void)printf("\nHelp\tthis.\n");
- X}
- X
- Xmain(ac,av)
- Xint ac;
- Xchar *av[];
- X{
- X RIFD *h1;
- X char instr[BUFSIZ];
- X char buf[BUFSIZ];
- X char *files[2];
- X long rec;
- X int ret;
- X int size = SAMPLESIZE;/* page block size - we use a small */
- X /* size to give things a real workout */
- X int num;
- X extern long atol();
- X extern char *gets();
- X extern char *strcat();
- X
- X if(ac < 3) {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr,"(using foo.map foo.pag)\n");
- X files[0] = "foo.map";
- X files[1] = "foo.pag";
- X } else {
- X /* there are keener ways of doing this, but why ? */
- X files[0] = av[1];
- X files[1] = av[2];
- X }
- X
- X (void)printf("record page size to use:(<return> = %d)",size);
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X if(strlen(instr) != 0)
- X size = atoi(instr);
- X
- X /* args passed in order: textfile,mapfile */
- X if((h1 = riopen(files,O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0600,size)) ==NULL) {
- X perror(av[1]);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X
- X while (1) {
- X (void)printf("Read More Gets Puts Del Label Write Appen Help Quit:");
- X if(gets(instr) == NULL)
- X exit(riclose(h1));
- X
- X switch (*instr) {
- X
- X case 'q':
- X case 'Q':
- X exit(riclose(h1));
- X
- X case 'd':
- X case 'D':
- X (void)printf("delete record:");
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X rec = atol(instr);
- X ret = riunlink(h1,rec);
- X (void)printf("...returns %d\n",ret);
- X break;
- X
- X case 'g':
- X case 'G':
- X (void)printf("gets from record:(<return> = continue)");
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X if(strlen(instr) != 0)
- X num = atol(instr);
- X
- X buf[0] = '\0';
- X if(rigets(h1,rec,buf) != NULL)
- X (void)printf("\"%s\"\n",buf);
- X else
- X (void)printf("returns NULL\n");
- X break;
- X
- X case 'r':
- X case 'R':
- X /* this is just an example - not pretty */
- X (void)printf("read record:");
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X rec = atol(instr);
- X (void)printf("how many bytes (max:%d <return> = 20):",BUFSIZ);
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X num = atoi(instr);
- X if(num ==0)
- X num = 20;
- X if(num > BUFSIZ)
- X num = BUFSIZ;
- X
- X buf[0] = '\0';
- X ret = riread(h1,rec,buf,num,0);
- X
- X if(ret >= 0)
- X (void)printf("\"%s\"\n",buf);
- X else
- X (void)printf("returns %d\n",ret);
- X break;
- X
- X
- X case 'm':
- X case 'M':
- X (void)printf("how many bytes (max:%d <return>=20):",BUFSIZ);
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X num = atoi(instr);
- X if(num ==0)
- X num = 20;
- X if(num > BUFSIZ)
- X num = BUFSIZ;
- X buf[0] = '\0';
- X ret = riread(h1,rec,buf,num,1);
- X if(ret > 0)
- X (void)printf("\"%s\"\n",buf);
- X else
- X (void)printf("returns %d\n",ret);
- X break;
- X
- X case 'p':
- X case 'P':
- X (void)printf("puts to record: (<return> = same record)");
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X if(strlen(instr) != 0)
- X rec = atol(instr);
- X
- X (void)printf("enter data: ");
- X (void)gets(buf);
- X if(riputs(h1,rec,buf) == EOF)
- X (void)printf("returns EOF\n");
- X else
- X (void)printf(" ok\n");
- X
- X break;
- X
- X case 'w':
- X case 'W':
- X /* this is just an example - not pretty */
- X (void)printf("write to record:");
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X rec = atol(instr);
- X (void)printf("enter data: ");
- X (void)gets(buf);
- X ret = riwrite(h1,rec,buf,strlen(buf),0);
- X
- X (void)printf("....returns %d-",ret);
- X if(ret == strlen(buf))
- X (void)printf(" ok\n");
- X else
- X (void)printf(" count does not match\n");
- X
- X break;
- X
- X case 'a':
- X case 'A':
- X (void)printf("append to record:");
- X (void)gets(instr);
- X (void)printf("enter data:");
- X (void)gets(buf);
- X ret = riwrite(h1,rec,buf,strlen(buf),1);
- X
- X (void)printf("....returns %d-",ret);
- X if(ret == strlen(buf))
- X (void)printf(" ok\n");
- X else
- X (void)printf(" count does not match\n");
- X
- X break;
- X
- X case 'h':
- X case 'H':
- X (void)help();
- X break;
- X
- X case 'l':
- X case 'L':
- X (void)printf("enter label:");
- X *buf = '\0';
- X
- X (void)gets(buf);
- X ret = risetlab(h1,buf,strlen(buf));
- X if(ret == 0) {
- X *buf = '\0';
- X if(rigetlab(h1,buf,BUFSIZ) <0) {
- X (void)printf("error reading label\n");
- X } else {
- X (void)printf("label is:\"%s\"\n",buf);
- X }
- X } else {
- X (void)printf("error writing label\n");
- X }
- X break;
- X
- X
- X default:
- X (void)printf("huh?\n");
- X }
- X }
- X}
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < example.c` -ne 5585; then
- echo 'shar: example.c was damaged during transit (should have been 5585 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - recio.3'
- if test -f recio.3; then echo 'shar: not overwriting recio.3'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > recio.3
- X.\" recio.3l (C)1988 Marcus J. Ranum, Welch Medical Library
- X.\" $Header: recio.3,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:28:40 mjr rel $
- Xriopen, riclose, riwrite, riread, riunlink, rigets, riputs, risetlab, rigetlab
- X.br
- X\- the poor man's record management library
- X.B #include <local/recio.h>
- X.PP
- X.B RIFD *riopen(paths,flags,mode,size)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B char *paths[2];
- X.br
- X.B int flags, mode, size;
- X.PP
- X.B int riclose(rifd)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.PP
- X.B int riwrite(rifd,recno,buf,num,appen)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B long recno;
- X.br
- X.B char *buf;
- X.br
- X.B int num, appen;
- X.PP
- X.B int riread(rifd,recno,buf,num,cont)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B long recno;
- X.br
- X.B char *buf;
- X.br
- X.B int num, cont;
- X.PP
- X.B int riunlink(rifd,recno)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B long recno;
- X.PP
- X.B char *rigets(rifd,recno,buf)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B long recno;
- X.br
- X.B char *buf;
- X.PP
- X.B int riputs(rifd,recno,buf)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B long recno;
- X.br
- X.B char *buf;
- X.sp
- X.PP
- X.B int risetlab(rifd,buf,size)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B char *buf;
- X.br
- X.B int size;
- X.sp
- X.PP
- X.B int rigetlab(rifd,buf,size)
- X.br
- X.SM
- X.B RIFD *rifd;
- X.br
- X.B char *buf;
- X.br
- X.B int size;
- X.sp
- X.PP
- XThe poor man's record management library is a set of routines to manage
- Xfiles containing linked chunks of data that can be either fixed or
- Xvariable length. Records are designed to be stored based on the
- Xrecord number (presumably indexed someplace else, hashed, or whatever).
- XEach data file consists of two UNIX files, the "record" file and the "map"
- Xfile. The "map" file contains very little, holding one entry per
- Xrecord number, consisting of the numbers of the first and last data
- Xrecords. The "record" file contains a linked list of records, with a small
- Xheader preceeding each, with information about which record it belongs
- Xto, whether it is deleted, which record is the successor, etc. Some of
- Xthe information is redundant, to make consistency checking possible.
- XA free chain of records is maintained, with a pointer to the first
- Xstored in a superblock at the head of the "map" file. Deleted records are
- Xreclaimed as needed, though not in any order that prevents fragmentation.
- X.PP
- XThere are several extraneous elements in the RIFD data structure that
- Xkeep track of the current record, record offset, and so forth. This is used
- Xin the
- X.B rigets()
- Xand
- X.B riputs()
- Xfunctions, which are designed to provide a familiar interface, as well
- Xas allowing a user to append to existing records, or read them a line
- Xat a time, with some minimally intelligent buffering. The
- X.B riwrite()
- Xand
- X.B riread()
- Xfunctions also contain means for appending writes, or performing
- Xa sequential series of partial reads. These are useful kludges.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B riopen
- Xsubroutine allocates a control structure, using the path names
- Xprovided in
- X.B paths.
- XThe first string in paths is assumed to be the name of the "map" file
- Xto use, and the second the "record" file. Needless to say, they should
- Xboth be the appropriate type of file, or trouble may ensue.
- XThe
- X.B flags
- Xand
- X.B mode
- Xarguments are passed to open(2) to control creation and permissions.
- XThe
- X.B size
- Xargument is used to set the record size if the file needs to be
- Xcreated. (If the file already exists, the
- X.B size
- Xargument is ignored.)
- XIf the data file is created (either through
- Xopen(2) flags O_TRUNC or O_CREAT on a nonexistent file) a new header
- Xis initialized automatically, and the record size is set as
- Xrequested. A
- X.B size
- Xof 0 will result in the file being initialized with a record
- Xsize of BUFSIZ less the size of a record header.
- XThe size of the records should be chosen carefully, since it will
- Xaffect either disk usage or performance considerably.
- X.B Riopen
- Xchecks a magic number stored in the "map" file superblock, and will fail
- Xunless the magic number is correct, to prevent accidentally using a
- Xdamaged file, or an incorrect file. No such check is performed on
- Xthe "record" file. If
- X.B riopen
- Xcannot open the requested file, or encounters other problems,
- Xit returns NULL.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B riclose
- Xsubroutine closes opened files, and deallocates the memory that
- Xwas allocated in riopen.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B riwrite
- Xfunction writes
- X.B num
- Xbytes of data to the specified record from
- X.B buf.
- XIf the
- X.B appen
- Xflag is nonzero, the data is written to the end of the record. If the
- X.B appen
- Xflag is zero, any old data is overwritten.
- X.B riwrite
- Xreturns -1 on error, or the number of bytes written.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B riread
- Xfunction reads data from the record file into
- X.B buf,
- Xstopping when it has read
- X.B num
- Xbytes, or when it has run out of data to read.
- X.B Riread
- Xreturns the number of bytes read, or -1 in the event of error. If
- X.B cont
- Xis nonzero,
- X.B riread
- Xwill continue reading from where it left off after the last read,
- Xor from the beginning of the record. Due to the implementation, if
- Xa different record is read, the
- X.B cont
- Xflag is ignored, and reads are performed from the beginning of the
- Xrecord. If the current record is deleted with
- X.B riunlink
- Xthe position is invalidated. Thus, continuous reads work unless
- Xyou read a different record, delete the current one, or read from
- Xthe beginning of the same record. Since
- X.B rigets
- Xis built on
- X.B riread
- Xthe same restrictions apply. Performing a
- X.B rigets
- Xof a different record from the one you were last
- Xreading will reset the current record pointer to the
- Xnew record, which may produce some confusion.
- XThis implementation is rather
- Xodd, but it seems to be fairly useful, and is certainly more useful
- Xthan not supporting continuous reads at all.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B riunlink
- Xfunction marks record
- X.B recno
- Xas deleted, and adds all of its record blocks to the free list.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B rigets
- Xfunction reads a newline-terminated string from record
- X.B recno
- Xinto
- X.B buf,
- Xreplacing the final newline with a null terminator.
- X.B Buf
- Xis assumed to be large enough to contain the returned data. Some internal
- Xbuffering is performed, and sequential calls to
- X.B rigets
- Xwill return sequential strings from the record, unless the current
- Xrecord is reset (see
- X.B riread
- Xabove).
- XIf there is an error, or the end of a record is reached,
- X.B rigets
- Xreturns NULL, otherwise it returns
- X.B buf.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B riputs
- Xfunction acts like its counterpart
- X.B puts,
- Xby appending the contents of
- X.B buf
- Xfollowed with a newline to record
- X.B recno.
- X.B Riputs
- Xreturns 0 if successful, or EOF in the event of a failure.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B risetlab
- Xand
- X.B riputlab
- Xroutines allow access to record #0 of the record file (which is otherwise
- Xinaccessible). This can be used to store any miscellaneous data that
- Xcan fit. If the
- X.B size
- Xis larger than the size of a "record", the label will not be set,
- Xand -1 is returned. Otherwise
- X.B risetlab
- Xreturns 0. The function
- X.B rigetlab
- Xretrieves
- X.B size
- Xbytes from the label into
- X.B buf,
- Xreturning 0 for success, and -1 to indicate failure.
- X.PP
- X.PP
- X.PP
- X.PP
- XMarcus J. Ranum, Welch Medical Library.
- X.br
- X.ti 1i
- Xuunet!aplcen!osiris!welchvax!mjr
- X.br
- X.ti 1i
- Xmjr@jhuigf.BITNET
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < recio.3` -ne 7001; then
- echo 'shar: recio.3 was damaged during transit (should have been 7001 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - recio.c'
- if test -f recio.c; then echo 'shar: not overwriting recio.c'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > recio.c
- X/*
- X * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- X * $Author: mjr $
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char *RCSid="$Header: recio.c,v 1.4 88/06/06 13:44:58 mjr Exp $: recio.c";
- X#endif
- X
- X/*
- X * $Log: recio.c,v $
- X * Revision 1.4 88/06/06 13:44:58 mjr
- X * fixed the drop of occasional chars in rigets()
- X *
- X * Revision 1.3 88/06/06 09:58:58 mjr
- X * *** empty log message ***
- X *
- X * Revision 1.2 88/06/02 15:35:32 mjr
- X * added rigetcurpag and risetcurpag
- X *
- X * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:27:20 mjr
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "recio.h"
- X
- X/* if we wish to store our disk data in network byte order */
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <netinet/in.h>
- X#endif
- X
- X/* size of a page header (without buffer) */
- X#define RI_PHSIZ sizeof(struct ripag)
- X
- X/* size of a page (with buffer) */
- X#define RI_PSIZ(rf) (sizeof(struct ripag) + (rf)->sblk.reclen)
- X
- X/* size of a rifd superblock */
- X#define RI_SSIZ (sizeof(struct risuper))
- X
- X/* size of a map file entry */
- X#define RI_MSIZ (sizeof(struct rimap))
- X
- X/* write the rifd mapfile superblock to disk */
- Xstatic int
- Xwsuper(rf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- X{
- X extern long lseek();
- X struct risuper boge;
- X#endif
- X
- X
- X if (lseek(rf->mfd, 0L, 0) < 0)
- X return (-1);
- X
- X boge.magic = htonl(rf->sblk.magic);
- X boge.reclen = htonl(rf->sblk.reclen);
- X boge.free = htonl(rf->sblk.free);
- X boge.last = htonl(rf->sblk.last);
- X
- X if (write(rf->mfd, (char *) &boge, RI_SSIZ) != RI_SSIZ)
- X return (-1);
- X#else
- X if (write(rf->mfd, (char *) &rf->sblk, RI_SSIZ) != RI_SSIZ)
- X return (-1);
- X#endif
- X
- X
- X return (0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* read the rifd mapfile superblock from disk */
- Xstatic int
- Xrsuper(rf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- X{
- X extern long lseek();
- X struct risuper boge;
- X#endif
- X
- X if (lseek(rf->mfd, 0L, 0) < 0)
- X return (-1);
- X
- X if (read(rf->mfd, (char *) &boge, RI_SSIZ) != RI_SSIZ)
- X return (-1);
- X
- X rf->sblk.magic = ntohl(boge.magic);
- X rf->sblk.reclen = ntohl(boge.reclen);
- X rf->sblk.free = ntohl(boge.free);
- X rf->sblk.last = ntohl(boge.last);
- X#else
- X if (read(rf->mfd, (char *) &rf->sblk, RI_SSIZ) != RI_SSIZ)
- X return (-1);
- X#endif
- X
- X return (0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* dynamically allocate a control structure for an open rifd */
- X/* including opening and checking the mapfile and textfile */
- Xstruct rifd *
- Xriopen(path, flags, mode, reclen)
- Xchar *path[2];
- Xint flags;
- Xint mode;
- Xint reclen;
- X{
- X struct rifd *rf;
- X int r;
- X extern char *malloc();
- X
- X /* lets be dynamic, shall we ? */
- X#ifndef lint
- X /* this to avoid the possible pointer alignment lint message */
- X if ((rf = (struct rifd *) malloc(sizeof(struct rifd))) == NULL)
- X return (NULL);
- X#else
- X rf = (struct rifd *)0;
- X#endif
- X
- X /* open and check the mapfile - the long part */
- X if ((rf->mfd = open(path[0], flags, mode)) > -1) {
- X
- X r = read(rf->mfd, (char *) &rf->sblk, RI_SSIZ);
- X
- X /* if read nothing, must be a new guy, right ? */
- X if (r == 0) {
- X rf->sblk.magic = RI_MAGIC;
- X if(reclen == 0)
- X rf->sblk.reclen = BUFSIZ - sizeof(struct rimap);
- X else
- X rf->sblk.reclen = reclen;
- X rf->sblk.free = 0L;
- X
- X /* this keeps page 0 as a comment page */
- X rf->sblk.last = 1L;
- X
- X if (wsuper(rf) == 0)
- X r = RI_SSIZ;
- X }
- X else {
- X /* read something, decode the numbers */
- X rf->sblk.magic = ntohl(rf->sblk.magic);
- X rf->sblk.reclen = ntohl(rf->sblk.reclen);
- X rf->sblk.free = ntohl(rf->sblk.free);
- X rf->sblk.last = ntohl(rf->sblk.last);
- X }
- X#endif
- X
- X
- X /* cleverly check ret value from either read or write */
- X if (r != RI_SSIZ) {
- X (void) close(rf->mfd);
- X (void) free((char *) rf);
- X return (NULL);
- X }
- X
- X /* check that ole magic number */
- X if (rf->sblk.magic != RI_MAGIC) {
- X (void) close(rf->mfd);
- X (void) free((char *) rf);
- X return (NULL);
- X }
- X } else {
- X /* couldnt even open the bloody file */
- X (void) free((char *) rf);
- X return (NULL);
- X }
- X
- X /* allocate buffer memory */
- X if((rf->dat = malloc((unsigned)rf->sblk.reclen)) == NULL) {
- X (void) close(rf->mfd);
- X (void) free((char *) rf);
- X return (NULL);
- X }
- X
- X /* now open the text file */
- X if ((rf->fd = open(path[1], flags, mode)) < 0) {
- X (void) close(rf->mfd);
- X (void) free((char *) rf->dat);
- X (void) free((char *) rf);
- X return (NULL);
- X }
- X
- X rf->pagoff = 0;
- X rf->curpag = 0L;
- X
- X return (rf);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* close and deallocate the control structure */
- Xriclose(rf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- X{
- X int t;
- X
- X t = wsuper(rf);
- X (void) close(rf->fd);
- X (void) close(rf->mfd);
- X (void) free((char *) rf->dat);
- X (void) free((char *) rf);
- X return (t);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* allocate a page block, either by using the free page chain or */
- X/* by creating a new page at the end of the file */
- Xstatic long
- Xpagalloc(rf,rec)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- X{
- X struct ripag pag;
- X long nfree;
- X extern long lseek();
- X
- X
- X /* read superblock in case someone else has changed it */
- X /* this is not totally bulletproof, but doubtless helps */
- X if(rsuper(rf) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* if there are free blocks, use them, otherwise use the end of file */
- X if(rf->sblk.free != 0L) {
- X /* allocate the block, and then reset the free pointer */
- X if(rpaghed(rf,rf->sblk.free,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* should never happen ! this block is marked as in */
- X /* use but is on the free list ! */
- X /* (the other alternative is to just eat through the */
- X /* file, using allocated blocks instead of the free */
- X /* list :-)) */
- X if(pag.deleted != RI_DELETED) {
- X /* AIIIEEEEEE!!!! */
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* remember it */
- X nfree = rf->sblk.free;
- X
- X /* the new free pointer is the free block successor */
- X rf->sblk.free = pag.next;
- X } else {
- X /* use page after current highest page in file */
- X /* this is dependent on your OS being UNIX-like */
- X /* in that 'holes' in files are filled with 0s */
- X /* rather than something else - hence we expect */
- X /* that data blocks in a 'hole' will read as all 0 */
- X /* this should blow up MS-DOS */
- X nfree = rf->sblk.last++;
- X }
- X
- X /* all is OK - rewrite our superblock - new free head */
- X if(wsuper(rf) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* we now have removed the free entry from the list */
- X /* and mark it as active */
- X pag.deleted = RI_ACTIVE;
- X pag.next = 0L;
- X pag.recno = rec;
- X pag.high = 0;
- X if(wpaghed(rf,nfree,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X return(nfree);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* write a map block from the given struct */
- Xstatic int
- Xwmapblk(rf,rec,blk)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xstruct rimap *blk;
- X{
- X extern long lseek();
- X struct rimap boge;
- X#endif
- X
- X
- X if(lseek(rf->mfd,(rec * RI_MSIZ) + RI_SSIZ,0) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X boge.page = htonl(blk->page);
- X boge.tail = htonl(blk->tail);
- X
- X if (write(rf->mfd, (char *) &boge, RI_MSIZ) != RI_MSIZ)
- X return (-1);
- X#else
- X if(write(rf->mfd,(char *)blk, RI_MSIZ) != RI_MSIZ)
- X return(-1);
- X#endif
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* read a map block into the given struct */
- Xstatic int
- Xrmapblk(rf,rec,blk)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xstruct rimap *blk;
- X{
- X int ret;
- X extern long lseek();
- X struct rimap boge;
- X#endif
- X
- X if(lseek(rf->mfd,(rec * RI_MSIZ) + RI_SSIZ,0) <0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X ret = read(rf->mfd,(char *)&boge, RI_MSIZ);
- X blk->page = ntohl(boge.page);
- X blk->tail = ntohl(boge.tail);
- X#else
- X ret = read(rf->mfd,(char *)blk, RI_MSIZ);
- X#endif
- X
- X /* if we EOFfed we are still (maybe) OK */
- X if(ret == 0) {
- X blk->page = 0L;
- X blk->tail = 0L;
- X ret = RI_MSIZ; /* kluge */
- X }
- X
- X if(ret != RI_MSIZ)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* read a page header into the given struct */
- Xstatic int
- Xrpaghed(rf,rec,blk)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xstruct ripag *blk;
- X{
- X int r;
- X extern long lseek();
- X struct ripag boge;
- X#endif
- X
- X /* seek the distance, and read a page header */
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,(rec * RI_PSIZ(rf)),0) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X r = read(rf->fd,(char *)&boge, RI_PHSIZ);
- X blk->recno = ntohl(boge.recno);
- X blk->next = ntohl(boge.next);
- X blk->high = ntohl(boge.high);
- X blk->deleted = ntohl(boge.deleted);
- X#else
- X /* try to read a page */
- X r = read(rf->fd,(char *)blk, RI_PHSIZ);
- X#endif
- X
- X /* if we EOFfed, we are still (maybe) OK */
- X if(r == 0) {
- X blk->recno = rec;
- X blk->next = 0L;
- X blk->high = 0;
- X blk->deleted = RI_DELETED;
- X r = RI_PHSIZ; /* kluge */
- X }
- X
- X if(r != RI_PHSIZ)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* write a page header from the given struct */
- Xstatic int
- Xwpaghed(rf,rec,blk)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xstruct ripag *blk;
- X{
- X extern long lseek();
- X struct ripag boge;
- X#endif
- X
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,(rec * RI_PSIZ(rf)),0) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X boge.recno = htonl(blk->recno);
- X boge.next = htonl(blk->next);
- X boge.high = htonl(blk->high);
- X boge.deleted = htonl(blk->deleted);
- X if(write(rf->fd,(char *)&boge, RI_PHSIZ) != RI_PHSIZ)
- X return(-1);
- X#else
- X if(write(rf->fd,(char *)blk, RI_PHSIZ) != RI_PHSIZ)
- X return(-1);
- X#endif
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xriwrite(rf,rec,buf,num,appen)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xchar *buf;
- Xint num;
- Xint appen;
- X{
- X long j; /* junk */
- X int k; /* junk */
- X int wrote =0; /* number of char written */
- X long this =0L; /* current page */
- X struct rimap map; /* buffer for map entries */
- X struct ripag pag; /* buffer for page entries */
- X extern long lseek();
- X
- X /* no matter what, we will need our map block */
- X if(rmapblk(rf,rec,&map) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* turn off read continuation for this record */
- X rf->curpag = -1L;
- X
- X /* if no page at start, write map to disk now - new page */
- X if(map.page == 0L) {
- X map.page = pagalloc(rf,rec);
- X if(map.page == -1L)
- X return(-1);
- X if(wmapblk(rf,rec,&map) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X
- X /* if we are appending, we start at the last page and continue */
- X if(appen) {
- X if(map.tail != 0)
- X this = map.tail;
- X else
- X this = map.page;
- X } else {
- X /* start at the first page */
- X this = map.page;
- X }
- X
- X
- X /* main loop, in which we spit the bytes to disk */
- X while(num > 0 ) {
- X
- X /* read our page header */
- X if(rpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* seek to head of page data segment possibly */
- X /* skipping over previously written bytes */
- X if(appen)
- X j = (this * (long)RI_PSIZ(rf))+RI_PHSIZ+pag.high;
- X else
- X j = (this * (long)RI_PSIZ(rf))+RI_PHSIZ;
- X
- X /* actually do the thing */
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,j,0) <0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* figure how much to write */
- X /* is this devo ?? - my head hurtz */
- X if(appen) {
- X if(num > rf->sblk.reclen - pag.high)
- X k = rf->sblk.reclen - pag.high;
- X else
- X k = num;
- X } else {
- X if(num > rf->sblk.reclen)
- X k = rf->sblk.reclen;
- X else
- X k = num;
- X }
- X
- X /* actually do the thing */
- X if(write(rf->fd,&buf[wrote],k) != k)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* adjust our notion of where we are and so on */
- X wrote += k;
- X num -= k;
- X
- X if(appen) {
- X pag.high += k;
- X } else {
- X /* this prevents us from accidentally losing the */
- X /* rest of the page in overwrites */
- X if( k > pag.high)
- X pag.high = k;
- X }
- X
- X /* remember our new last page in chain is this one */
- X map.tail = this;
- X
- X if( num > 0 ) {
- X /* the current block has no associated page */
- X if(pag.next == 0L) {
- X pag.next = pagalloc(rf,rec);
- X if(pag.next == -1L)
- X return(-1);
- X }
- X
- X /* write our page header with next pointer */
- X if(wpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* move along to next page */
- X this = pag.next;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* write our page header */
- X if(wpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* write our map block */
- X if(wmapblk(rf,rec,&map) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X return(wrote);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/* drop a list of pages, and pop them onto the free list */
- Xriunlink(rf,rec)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- X{
- X long head =0L; /* first page - we build a chain */
- X long this =0L; /* current page */
- X struct rimap map; /* buffer for map entries */
- X struct ripag pag; /* buffer for page entries */
- X extern long lseek();
- X
- X /* read superblock in case someone else has changed it */
- X if(rsuper(rf) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* turn off read continuation if this record */
- X if(rec == rf->currec)
- X rf->curpag = -1L;
- X
- X /* now read the mapblock to be deleted */
- X if(rmapblk(rf,rec,&map) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* the map block has no associated page block - life is easy */
- X if(map.page == 0L)
- X return(0);
- X
- X /* remember our page */
- X this = map.page;
- X head = map.page;
- X
- X map.page = 0L;
- X map.tail = 0L;
- X
- X /* first off, mark the thing as gone */
- X if(wmapblk(rf,rec,&map) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X while(1) {
- X /* read our page header */
- X if(rpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* if no next page, we are mostly done */
- X /* drop to bottom, which links us into the free chain */
- X if(pag.next == 0L)
- X break;
- X
- X /* mark it and go to next */
- X pag.deleted = RI_DELETED;
- X if(wpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X this = pag.next;
- X }
- X
- X /* this now points at the end of our list */
- X /* head points at the first one. so we: */
- X
- X /* make the superblock next free block pointer the next of our */
- X /* last node - if we crash here we lose our free list - they just */
- X /* sit there */
- X pag.next = rf->sblk.free;
- X
- X pag.deleted = RI_DELETED;
- X if(wpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* now the superblock free list points to our list head */
- X rf->sblk.free = head;
- X if(wsuper(rf) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- Xriread(rf,rec,buf,num,cont)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xchar *buf;
- Xint num;
- Xint cont;
- X{
- X long j; /* junk */
- X int k; /* junk */
- X long this;
- X int nread =0; /* number of char read */
- X struct rimap map; /* buffer for map entries */
- X struct ripag pag; /* buffer for page entries */
- X extern long lseek();
- X
- X /* these check to make sure our current record and such are */
- X /* all still more or less valid - a kludge, but it works... */
- X if(rec != rf->currec) {
- X cont = 0;
- X rf->currec = rec;
- X }
- X
- X if(cont) {
- X if(rf->curpag != -1L)
- X this = rf->curpag;
- X else
- X cont = 0;
- X }
- X
- X if(!cont) {
- X /* we are starting a new record - read the map block */
- X if(rmapblk(rf,rec,&map) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X this = map.page;
- X rf->curpag = 0L;
- X rf->pagoff = 0;
- X }
- X
- X while(num > 0 ) {
- X
- X /* we have run out of pages to read */
- X if(this == 0L)
- X break;
- X
- X /* read our page header */
- X if(rpaghed(rf,this,&pag) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* seek to head of page data segment */
- X if(cont)
- X j = (this * (long)RI_PSIZ(rf))+RI_PHSIZ + rf->pagoff;
- X else
- X j = (this * (long)RI_PSIZ(rf))+RI_PHSIZ;
- X
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,j,0) <0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* read a page worth OR whatever is left in that page */
- X if(cont) {
- X if(num >= (pag.high - rf->pagoff)) {
- X /* read rest of page, go to next */
- X k = pag.high - rf->pagoff;
- X this = pag.next;
- X rf->curpag = this;
- X } else {
- X k = num;
- X }
- X } else {
- X if(num < pag.high) {
- X k = num;
- X } else {
- X this = pag.next;
- X rf->curpag = this;
- X k = pag.high;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if(read(rf->fd,&buf[nread],k) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X /* adjust our notion of where we are */
- X nread += k;
- X num -= k;
- X rf->pagoff += k;
- X if(rf->pagoff >= rf->sblk.reclen) {
- X rf->pagoff -= rf->sblk.reclen;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X rf->curpag = this;
- X buf[nread] ='\0';
- X
- X return(nread);
- X}
- X
- X/* set the record file label (page 0) from the contents of buf */
- Xrisetlab(rf,buf,num)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xchar *buf;
- Xint num;
- X{
- X extern long lseek();
- X
- X /* will it fit ? */
- X if(num > rf->sblk.reclen)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,(long)RI_PHSIZ,0) <0)
- X return(-1);
- X if(write(rf->fd,buf,num) != num)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/* get the record file label (page 0) into buf */
- Xrigetlab(rf,buf,num)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xchar *buf;
- Xint num;
- X{
- X extern long lseek();
- X
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,(long)RI_PHSIZ,0) <0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X if(read(rf->fd,buf,num) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X
- X buf[rf->sblk.reclen] = '\0';
- X
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *
- Xrigets(rf,rec,buf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xchar *buf;
- X{
- X char *bptr = buf;
- X static int cont;
- X static char *rptr = NULL;
- X
- X /* this is kind of wasteful, but necessary */
- X /* we re-check to make sure that the record has not changed */
- X /* in riread() - but have to do it here, too, to make sure */
- X /* that we can take from our buffer, instead of reading */
- X cont = rec == rf->currec;
- X
- X /* if the record number has changed, or the buffer is empty */
- X /* we must needs fill us a buffer */
- X if(!cont || rptr == 0 || *rptr == '\0') {
- X if(riread(rf,rec,rf->dat,rf->sblk.reclen,1) == 0)
- X return(NULL);
- X rptr = rf->dat;
- X }
- X
- X while(1) {
- X switch(*rptr) {
- X
- X case '\0':
- X /* out of stuff, load another buffer */
- X if(riread(rf,rec,rf->dat,rf->sblk.reclen,1) == 0) {
- X /* record empty, finish buffer */
- X *bptr = '\0';
- X return(buf);
- X }
- X rptr = rf->dat;
- X *bptr++ = *rptr;
- X break;
- X
- X case '\n':
- X *bptr = '\0';
- X rptr++;
- X return(buf);
- X
- X default:
- X *bptr++ = *rptr;
- X
- X }
- X rptr++;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xriputs(rf,rec,buf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xlong rec;
- Xchar *buf;
- X{
- X char wbuf[BUFSIZ];
- X char *bptr = wbuf;
- X char *rptr = buf;
- X int count =0;
- X
- X /* combined strcpy() and strlen() */
- X while(rptr && *rptr) {
- X *bptr++ = *rptr++;
- X count++;
- X }
- X *bptr++ = '\n';
- X count++;
- X
- X *bptr = '\0';
- X if(riwrite(rf,rec,wbuf,count,1) != count)
- X return(EOF);
- X
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xrigetcurpag(rf,buf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xchar *buf;
- X{
- X if(rf->curpag <= 0L)
- X return(-1);
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,(rf->curpag * (long)RI_PSIZ(rf))+RI_PHSIZ,0) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X if(read(rf->fd,buf,rf->sblk.reclen) != rf->sblk.reclen)
- X return(-1);
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xrisetcurpag(rf,buf)
- Xstruct rifd *rf;
- Xchar *buf;
- X{
- X if(rf->curpag <= 0L)
- X return(-1);
- X if(lseek(rf->fd,(rf->curpag * (long)RI_PSIZ(rf))+RI_PHSIZ,0) < 0)
- X return(-1);
- X if(write(rf->fd,buf,rf->sblk.reclen) != rf->sblk.reclen)
- X return(-1);
- X return(0);
- X}
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < recio.c` -ne 17221; then
- echo 'shar: recio.c was damaged during transit (should have been 17221 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - recio.h'
- if test -f recio.h; then echo 'shar: not overwriting recio.h'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > recio.h
- X/*
- X * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- X * $Author: mjr $
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * $Header: recio.h,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:28:06 mjr rel $: recio.h
- X *
- X * $Log: recio.h,v $
- X * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:28:06 mjr
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef _INCL_RECIO_H
- X
- X
- X/* this is actually highly dependent on a few major assumptions: */
- X/* 1) you can lseek() past EOF and extend with 'holes' */
- X/* (which fails under MSDOS, I think, but who cares about DOS) */
- X/* 2) when you read data from a 'hole' in a file, it will */
- X/* come back zeros - hence we can check the flags to */
- X/* see if it is free based on that. If your system does */
- X/* not work in this way, you're out of luck, or you have */
- X/* to construct large blank databases beforehand */
- X/* this indicates a node deleted */
- X#define RI_DELETED 0
- X#define RI_ACTIVE -1L
- X
- X/* as a result of using 0L as an indicator of being a free block or a */
- X/* null block, we have a left-over page at page #0. This can be used to */
- X/* store invariant information */
- X
- X/* our magic number - just to be safe */
- X#define RI_MAGIC 0x72252
- X
- X/* record file superblock (one at head of map file) */
- Xstruct risuper {
- X long magic; /* magic number */
- X int reclen; /* record chunk length (variable) */
- X long free; /* head of free chain */
- X long last; /* last page in file (alternate free list) */
- X};
- X
- X
- X/* an individual record header - one per record in map file */
- X/* the map file consists of nothing but the superblock and one */
- X/* of these critters per record */
- Xstruct rimap {
- X long page; /* assigned page if any, else 0L for free */
- X long tail; /* tail of assigned page list */
- X};
- X
- X
- X/* a page header - one at the head of each page in page file. */
- X/* for now, quite rudimentary - room for more data if needed */
- X/* otherwise it would not be worth defining a structure */
- X/* - note - the use of longs here is a bit unecessary, but this */
- X/* way its 4 longs, and there are no alignment problems between */
- X/* my Sun and my VAX. Its a pain - feel free to fix it */
- Xstruct ripag {
- X long recno; /* extra to help reconstruct crashes */
- X long next; /* next page pointer 0L = no next */
- X long deleted; /* 0 is free, anything else is not */
- X long high; /* this page highwater mark (EOF) */
- X};
- X
- X
- X/* the actual control structure. Includes a buffer for reading pages */
- X/* and a few other handy buffers for map entries, etc */
- Xstruct rifd {
- X int fd; /* record file descriptor */
- X int mfd; /* free map file descriptor */
- X struct risuper sblk; /* superblock */
- X /* all used to emulate stdio, sort of */
- X char *dat; /* page record buffer (malloced in riopen()) */
- X long curpag; /* used to simulate consecutive reads */
- X long currec; /* used to simulate consecutive reads */
- X int pagoff; /* offset within current page */
- X};
- X#define RIFD struct rifd
- X
- Xextern struct rifd *riopen();
- Xextern long riseek();
- Xextern char *rigets();
- X
- X#define _INCL_RECIO_H
- X#endif
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < recio.h` -ne 2905; then
- echo 'shar: recio.h was damaged during transit (should have been 2905 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - sizes.c'
- if test -f sizes.c; then echo 'shar: not overwriting sizes.c'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > sizes.c
- X/*
- X * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- X * $Author: mjr $
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char *RCSid="$Header: sizes.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:27:31 mjr Rel $: sizes.c";
- X#endif
- X
- X/*
- X * $Log: sizes.c,v $
- X * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:27:31 mjr
- X * Initial revision
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/* provides some minimally useful info about how big your */
- X/* data structures are */
- X
- X#include "recio.h"
- X
- Xmain()
- X{
- X (void)printf("a record I/O control structure is %d bytes\n",sizeof(RIFD));
- X (void)printf("(that is without the dynamically allocated page buffer)\n");
- X (void)printf("\na map block is %d bytes\n",sizeof(struct rimap));
- X (void)printf("\na page header is %d bytes\n",sizeof(struct ripag));
- X (void)printf("make sure these sizes match, if you're running on\n");
- X (void)printf("several different types of CPUs.\n");
- X}
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < sizes.c` -ne 823; then
- echo 'shar: sizes.c was damaged during transit (should have been 823 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- exit 0