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- Path: xanth!mcnc!uvaarpa!umd5!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: mjr@welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v03i049: btree library
- Message-ID: <8806020220.AA18235@welchsun2>
- Date: 2 Jun 88 02:20:14 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Reply-To: mjr@welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
- Lines: 2053
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 49
- Submitted-By: "Marcus J. Ranum" <mjr@welchsun2.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: btree
- Poor Man's Btree Library
- This is a library that maintains a simple balanced btree index. Nothing
- more is provided than routines to insert, set, find (specific, next,
- and previous), and delete keys. Each key, however, has a spare long
- value that can be used to contain an offset to a data file. A library
- to handle fixed-length records based on these pointers should be
- trivial. (Can you say 'dBASEIII'?) Another failing of this library is
- its total inability to cope with having several programs modifying
- indices at the same time. (it *CAN*, but I won't vouch for the result)
- The good solutions to that particular problem are OS dependent,
- unfortunately, and I am not a database guru anyhow.
- ---mangle------mangle------mangle------mangle------mangle------mangle---
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive.
- # run the file through sh.
- # shar: Shell Archiver
- # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
- # Makefile
- # btree.c
- # btree.h
- # btree.3
- # bench.c
- # loadtree.c
- # treedump.c
- # sizes.c
- # example.c
- # This archive created: Wed Jun 1 22:09:41 1988
- echo shar: extracting README '(3153 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > README
- XXPoor Man's Btree Library
- XX
- XXThis is a library that maintains a simple balanced btree index. Nothing
- XXmore is provided than routines to insert, set, find (specific, next,
- XXand previous), and delete keys. Each key, however, has a spare long
- XXvalue that can be used to contain an offset to a data file. A library
- XXto handle fixed-length records based on these pointers should be
- XXtrivial. (Can you say 'dBASEIII'?) Another failing of this library is
- XXits total inability to cope with having several programs modifying
- XXindices at the same time. (it *CAN*, but I won't vouch for the result)
- XXThe good solutions to that particular problem are OS dependent,
- XXunfortunately, and I am not a database guru anyhow.
- XX
- XXThe code originally came from a Public Domain package written by Ray
- XXSwartz in 1983. I have almost totally re-written it; a proverbial 'no
- XXline remains untouched' job that included removal of globals,
- XXrearranging most of the data structures, and use of read/write for file
- XXI/O instead of stdio. I also made sure that return values are all
- XXchecked properly, so they can be properly ignored in the user code :-)
- XXAnother addition is a simple cache, which boosted performance a great
- XXdeal. The cache is maintained through a sort of a hash. I had a fairly
- XXnifty LRU cache set up, originally, but it turned out to be marginally
- XXslower, according to gprof, time, and anything else I could bring to
- XXbear on the problem. If a real database guru takes a look at this,
- XXperhaps they can come up with a better way of doing things.
- XX
- XXSome aspects of this package are a bit primitive - mostly those that
- XXdeal with deleting nodes. Deleted nodes are simply flagged as such, and
- XXare ignored when searching for data. This effectively means that the
- XXindex will continue to grow. Fixing this is left as an exercise,
- XXetc... :-) (actually, keeping the stuff around has its uses, too.)
- XXThere is a hook in the super block structure designed to allow a
- XX'free-list' to be implemented, but no hooks in the btdelete() code for
- XXjoining nodes, etc, etc.
- XX
- XXThe original code was placed in the public domain. This is not, since I
- XXwish to retain some control over it. No restrictions are placed on
- XXmodification, or use of this code, as long as the copyrights are not
- XXremoved. There are some areas that really could use improving (like
- XXhandling free nodes better) and I hope that if someone makes
- XXimprovements they will keep me up to date on them (e-mail please, I am
- XXnot on usenet).
- XX
- XXByte-order and portability: There are #ifdefs for BYTEORDER, which make
- XXthe program store data in network byte order (at least the data
- XXstructures that drive the library - user data is the user's problem.)
- XXThere are several unsolved problems with this approach. It works fine
- XXbetween my Sun and my VAX, but the way the structures are written to
- XXdisk is also going to depend on your compiler. The BYTEORDER code is
- XXnot guaranteed to work, and if it doesn't, your best bet is to look at
- XXthe output of sizes.c and to check to see if your compiler assembles
- XXthe structures in the same ORDER.
- XX
- XX Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library, 1988
- XX mjr@jhuigf.BITNET || uunet!mimsy!aplcen!osiris!welchvax!mjr
- if test 3153 -ne "`wc -c README`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting README '(should have been 3153 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting Makefile '(1880 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile
- XX# Makefile for btree library
- XX# Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX#
- XX#
- XX# $Header: Makefile,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:36:05 mjr Rel $: Makefile
- XX#
- XX# $Log: Makefile,v $
- XX# Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:36:05 mjr
- XX# Initial revision
- XX#
- XX#
- XX#
- XX
- XX# define SYSV or BSD (only for purposes of test code) - btree.c doesn't care.
- XX#
- XX# define BYTEORDER to store the
- XX# data files in network byte order. On systems that are already in the
- XX# right byteorder, defining this will waste a few cycles here and there,
- XX# but the slowdown is I/O anyway.
- XX
- XXLIB= libbtree.a
- XXLIBDIR= /usr/local/lib
- XXHDR= btree.h
- XXHDRDIR= /usr/include/local
- XXMAN= btree.3
- XXMANDIR= /usr/man/manl
- XX
- XXall: example loadtree treedump bench sizes
- XX
- XX$(LIB): btree.o
- XX ar rc $(LIB) btree.o
- XX ranlib $(LIB)
- XX
- XXexample: $(LIB) example.o
- XX cc $(LFLAGS) -o example example.o $(LIB)
- XX
- XXloadtree: $(LIB) loadtree.o
- XX cc $(LFLAGS) -o loadtree loadtree.o $(LIB)
- XX
- XXtreedump: $(LIB) treedump.o
- XX cc $(LFLAGS) -o treedump treedump.o $(LIB)
- XX
- XXbench: $(LIB) bench.o
- XX cc $(LFLAGS) -o bench bench.o $(LIB)
- XX
- XXsizes: sizes.o
- XX cc $(LFLAGS) -o sizes sizes.o
- XX @sizes
- XX
- XXbtree.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- XXexample.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- XXloadtree.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- XXtreedump.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- XXbench.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- XXsizes.o: $(HDR) Makefile
- XX
- XXinstall: $(LIB) $(MAN)
- XX cp $(LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- XX chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- XX cp $(HDR) $(HDRDIR)/$(HDR)
- XX chmod 644 $(HDRDIR)/$(HDR)
- XX ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- XX cp $(MAN) $(MANDIR)/$(MAN)
- XX chmod 644 $(MANDIR)/$(MAN)
- XX
- XXclean:
- XX rm -f $(LIB) *.o example bench loadtree treedump core mon.out \
- XX sizes llib-lbtree.ln btr.shar
- XX
- XXlint:
- XX lint $(LINTFLAGS) btree.c
- XX
- XXdiction:
- XX style $(MAN)
- XX diction $(MAN)
- XX
- XXlintlib:
- XX lint -Cbtree btree.c
- XX
- XXshar:
- XX shar -a README Makefile btree.c $(HDR) $(MAN) bench.c \
- XX loadtree.c treedump.c sizes.c example.c > btr.shar
- if test 1880 -ne "`wc -c Makefile`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting Makefile '(should have been 1880 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting btree.c '(17883 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > btree.c
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef lint
- XXstatic char *RCSid="$Header: btree.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:07 mjr Rel $: btree.c";
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX/*
- XX * $Log: btree.c,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:07 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX#include <stdio.h>
- XX#include "btree.h"
- XX
- XX/* if we wish to store our disk data in network byte order */
- XX#include <sys/types.h>
- XX#include <netinet/in.h>
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX#define BT_NSIZ (sizeof(struct btnode))
- XX#define BT_SSIZ (sizeof(struct btsuper))
- XX
- XX
- XX/* the errno for btree problems. we use negative # - */
- XX/* so btperror can use the real UNIX errno */
- XXint bterrno = 0;
- XXchar *bterrs[] = {
- XX "No btree error",
- XX "Bad index magic number",
- XX "History stack overflow",
- XX "Cannot delete node zero",
- XX 0
- XX};
- XX
- XX#ifdef vax
- XXextern void bcopy();
- XXextern void free();
- XXextern void exit();
- XXextern void perror();
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX
- XX/* write the btree superblock to disk */
- XXstatic int
- XXwsuper(bt)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX struct btsuper boge;
- XX#endif
- XX extern long lseek();
- XX
- XX if (lseek(bt->fd, 0L, 0) < 0)
- XX return (-1);
- XX
- XX boge.magic = htonl(bt->sblk.magic);
- XX boge.free = htonl(bt->sblk.free);
- XX boge.root = htonl(bt->sblk.root);
- XX boge.list = htonl(bt->sblk.list);
- XX
- XX if (write(bt->fd, (char *) &boge, BT_SSIZ) != BT_SSIZ)
- XX return (-1);
- XX#else
- XX if (write(bt->fd, (char *) &bt->sblk, BT_SSIZ) != BT_SSIZ)
- XX return (-1);
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* dynamically allocate a control structure for an open btree */
- XXstruct btree *
- XXbtopen(path, flags, mode)
- XXchar *path;
- XXint flags;
- XXint mode;
- XX{
- XX struct btree *bt;
- XX int r;
- XX extern char *malloc();
- XX
- XX /* lets be dynamic, shall we ? */
- XX#ifndef lint
- XX /* this to avoid the possible pointer alignment lint message */
- XX if ((bt = (struct btree *) malloc(sizeof(struct btree))) == NULL)
- XX return (NULL);
- XX#else
- XX bt = (struct btree *)0;
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX if ((bt->fd = open(path, flags, mode)) > -1) {
- XX
- XX r = read(bt->fd, (char *) &bt->sblk, BT_SSIZ);
- XX
- XX /* if read nothing, must be a new guy, right ? */
- XX if (r == 0) {
- XX bt->sblk.magic = BT_MAGIC;
- XX bt->sblk.free = 1L;
- XX bt->sblk.root = 0L;
- XX bt->sblk.list = 0L;
- XX
- XX if (wsuper(bt) == 0)
- XX r = BT_SSIZ;
- XX }
- XX else {
- XX /* read something, decode the numbers */
- XX bt->sblk.magic = ntohl(bt->sblk.magic);
- XX bt->sblk.free = ntohl(bt->sblk.free);
- XX bt->sblk.root = ntohl(bt->sblk.root);
- XX bt->sblk.list = ntohl(bt->sblk.list);
- XX }
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX /* cleverly check ret value from either read or write */
- XX if (r != BT_SSIZ) {
- XX (void) close(bt->fd);
- XX (void) free((char *) bt);
- XX return (NULL);
- XX }
- XX
- XX /* check that ole magic number */
- XX if (bt->sblk.magic != BT_MAGIC) {
- XX bterrno = BT_BAD_MAGIC;
- XX (void) close(bt->fd);
- XX (void) free((char *) bt);
- XX return (NULL);
- XX }
- XX } else {
- XX /* couldnt even open the bloody file */
- XX (void) free((char *) bt);
- XX return (NULL);
- XX }
- XX
- XX /* zero the cache - record numbers will never be -1, */
- XX /* so the cache will load as activity takes place */
- XX for(r = 0; r < BT_CSIZ; r++)
- XX bt->cache[r].recno = -1L;
- XX
- XX return (bt);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* close and deallocate the control structure */
- XXbtclose(bt)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX int t;
- XX
- XX t = wsuper(bt);
- XX (void) close(bt->fd);
- XX (void) free((char *) bt);
- XX return (t);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* write a node to disk */
- XXstatic int
- XXwnode(nbr, npt, bt)
- XXlong nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *npt;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX extern long lseek();
- XX extern char *strncpy();
- XX struct btnode boge;
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX if (lseek(bt->fd, (long) ((nbr * BT_NSIZ) + BT_SSIZ), 0) == -1)
- XX return (-1);
- XX
- XX
- XX boge.recno = htonl(npt->recno);
- XX boge.lptr = htonl(npt->lptr);
- XX boge.rptr = htonl(npt->rptr);
- XX boge.deleted = htons(npt->deleted);
- XX boge.balance = htons(npt->balance);
- XX (void) strncpy(boge.key, npt->key, BT_KSIZ - 1);
- XX if (write(bt->fd, (char *) &boge, BT_NSIZ) != BT_NSIZ)
- XX return (-1);
- XX#else
- XX if (write(bt->fd, (char *) npt, BT_NSIZ) != BT_NSIZ)
- XX return (-1);
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX /* update cache - if the write succeeded */
- XX (void)bcopy((char *)npt,(char *)&bt->cache[(int)nbr % BT_CSIZ],BT_NSIZ);
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* read a node from disk */
- XXstatic int
- XXrnode(nbr, npt, bt)
- XXlong nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *npt;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX extern long lseek();
- XX extern char *strncpy();
- XX int hash;
- XX struct btnode boge;
- XX#endif
- XX hash = (int)nbr % BT_CSIZ;
- XX
- XX /* check for cache hit - simple hash - braindead, really */
- XX if(bt->cache[hash].recno != nbr) {
- XX
- XX /* if no cache hit, load from disk */
- XX if (lseek(bt->fd, (long) ((nbr * BT_NSIZ) + BT_SSIZ), 0) == -1)
- XX return (-1);
- XX if (read(bt->fd, (char *) &bt->cache[hash], BT_NSIZ) != BT_NSIZ)
- XX return (-1);
- XX#else
- XX if (read(bt->fd, (char *) &boge, BT_NSIZ) != BT_NSIZ)
- XX return (-1);
- XX
- XX bt->cache[hash].recno = ntohl(boge.recno);
- XX bt->cache[hash].lptr = ntohl(boge.lptr);
- XX bt->cache[hash].rptr = ntohl(boge.rptr);
- XX bt->cache[hash].deleted = ntohs(boge.deleted);
- XX bt->cache[hash].balance = ntohs(boge.balance);
- XX (void) strncpy(bt->cache[hash].key, boge.key, BT_KSIZ - 1);
- XX#endif
- XX }
- XX
- XX /* loaded OK, now copy the updated cached data to the target */
- XX (void)bcopy((char *) &bt->cache[hash],(char *)npt,BT_NSIZ);
- XX
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XXstatic int
- XXpushl(bt, nbr)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XXlong nbr;
- XX{
- XX if (++(bt->lstak.sptr) >= STACK_LENGTH) {
- XX bterrno = BT_BAD_STACK;
- XX exit(0);
- XX }
- XX bt->lstak.ele[bt->lstak.sptr] = nbr;
- XX bt->lstak.lev[bt->lstak.sptr] = ++bt->slev;
- XX return;
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XXstatic int
- XXpushr(bt, nbr)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XXlong nbr;
- XX{
- XX if (++(bt->rstak.sptr) >= STACK_LENGTH) {
- XX bterrno = BT_BAD_STACK;
- XX exit(0);
- XX }
- XX bt->rstak.ele[bt->rstak.sptr] = nbr;
- XX bt->rstak.lev[bt->rstak.sptr] = ++bt->slev;
- XX return;
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XXstatic long
- XXpopr(bt)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX
- XX bt->slev = bt->rstak.lev[bt->rstak.sptr];
- XX
- XX while (bt->lstak.lev[bt->lstak.sptr] > bt->slev)
- XX (bt->lstak.sptr)--;
- XX
- XX if (bt->rstak.sptr == 0)
- XX return (0);
- XX
- XX bt->slev--;
- XX return (bt->rstak.ele[(bt->rstak.sptr)--]);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XXstatic long
- XXpopl(bt)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX
- XX bt->slev = bt->lstak.lev[bt->lstak.sptr];
- XX
- XX while (bt->rstak.lev[bt->rstak.sptr] > bt->slev)
- XX (bt->rstak.sptr)--;
- XX
- XX if (bt->lstak.sptr == 0)
- XX return (0);
- XX
- XX bt->slev--;
- XX return (bt->lstak.ele[(bt->lstak.sptr)--]);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XXstatic void
- XXbt_link(alpha1, node1, alpha2, node2)
- XXint alpha1;
- XXint alpha2;
- XXstruct btnode *node1;
- XXstruct btnode *node2;
- XX{
- XX if (alpha1 == -1 && alpha2 == -1)
- XX node1->lptr = node2->lptr;
- XX else if (alpha1 == -1 && alpha2 == 1)
- XX node1->lptr = node2->rptr;
- XX else if (alpha1 == 1 && alpha2 == -1)
- XX node1->rptr = node2->lptr;
- XX else
- XX node1->rptr = node2->rptr;
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* number a link according to alpha */
- XXstatic void
- XXnbr_link(nbr, alpha, node1)
- XXlong *nbr;
- XXint alpha;
- XXstruct btnode *node1;
- XX{
- XX *nbr = (alpha == 1) ? node1->rptr : node1->lptr;
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* set a link according to alpha */
- XXstatic void
- XXlink_nbr(alpha, node1, nbr)
- XXint alpha;
- XXstruct btnode *node1;
- XXlong nbr;
- XX{
- XX
- XX if (alpha == 1)
- XX node1->rptr = nbr;
- XX else
- XX node1->lptr = nbr;
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XXstatic void
- XXnode_bal(alpha, node1, node2, node3)
- XXint alpha;
- XXstruct btnode *node1;
- XXstruct btnode *node2;
- XXstruct btnode *node3;
- XX{
- XX
- XX if (node1->balance == alpha) {
- XX node2->balance = -alpha;
- XX node3->balance = 0;
- XX } else if (node1->balance == 0)
- XX node2->balance = node3->balance = 0;
- XX else {
- XX node2->balance = 0;
- XX node3->balance = alpha;
- XX }
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* change the record number in a node */
- XXbtsetrec(nbr, newrec, bt)
- XXlong nbr;
- XXlong newrec;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX struct btnode tmpnode;
- XX
- XX if(rnode(nbr, &tmpnode, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX
- XX tmpnode.recno = newrec;
- XX
- XX if(wnode(nbr, &tmpnode, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX
- XX
- XX return(0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* insert the node into the tree */
- XXbtinsert(argkey, recnbr, bt)
- XXchar *argkey;
- XXlong recnbr;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX long top;
- XX long p_rec;
- XX long s_rec;
- XX long q_rec;
- XX long r_rec;
- XX struct btnode q_node;
- XX struct btnode s_node;
- XX struct btnode r_node;
- XX struct btnode p_node;
- XX int compare;
- XX extern char *strncpy();
- XX
- XX
- XX /* the very first node gets inserted specially */
- XX if (bt->sblk.root == 0) {
- XX bt->sblk.root = 1;
- XX p_node.balance = p_node.rptr = p_node.lptr = 0;
- XX p_node.deleted = BT_ACTIVE;
- XX p_node.recno = recnbr;
- XX
- XX (void) strncpy(p_node.key, argkey, BT_KSIZ - 1);
- XX p_node.key[BT_KSIZ - 1] = '\0';
- XX if(wnode(1L, &p_node, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX
- XX bt->sblk.free++;
- XX bt->sblk.list++;
- XX if(wsuper(bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX return (0);
- XX }
- XX top = -1;
- XX p_rec = bt->sblk.root;
- XX s_rec = bt->sblk.root;
- XX while (1) {
- XX if(rnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if ((compare = strcmp(argkey, p_node.key)) < 0) {
- XX
- XX /* (move left) */
- XX q_rec = p_node.lptr;
- XX
- XX if (q_rec == 0) {
- XX /* insert here */
- XX q_rec = bt->sblk.free++;
- XX p_node.lptr = q_rec;
- XX break; /* loop exit */
- XX } else {
- XX /* look again from this node */
- XX if(rnode(q_rec, &q_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if (q_node.balance != 0) {
- XX top = p_rec;
- XX s_rec = q_rec;
- XX }
- XX }
- XX p_rec = q_rec;
- XX
- XX } else {
- XX /* (move right) */
- XX q_rec = p_node.rptr;
- XX
- XX if (q_rec == 0) {
- XX /* insert here */
- XX q_rec = bt->sblk.free++;
- XX p_node.rptr = q_rec;
- XX break; /* loop exit */
- XX } else {
- XX /* look again from this node */
- XX if(rnode(q_rec, &q_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if (q_node.balance != 0) {
- XX top = p_rec;
- XX s_rec = q_rec;
- XX }
- XX p_rec = q_rec;
- XX }
- XX }
- XX }
- XX
- XX /* Step 5 (insert key at q_node) */
- XX q_node.lptr = q_node.rptr = 0;
- XX q_node.balance = 0;
- XX q_node.deleted = BT_ACTIVE;
- XX q_node.recno = recnbr;
- XX (void) strncpy(q_node.key, argkey, BT_KSIZ);
- XX q_node.key[BT_KSIZ - 1] = '\0';
- XX
- XX if (wnode(q_rec, &q_node, bt) == -1)
- XX return (-1);
- XX
- XX if(wnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(rnode(s_rec, &s_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(wsuper(bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX
- XX /* (adjust balance factors) */
- XX if (strcmp(argkey, s_node.key) < 0) {
- XX r_rec = p_rec = s_node.lptr;
- XX } else {
- XX r_rec = p_rec = s_node.rptr;
- XX }
- XX
- XX while (p_rec != q_rec) {
- XX if(rnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if (strcmp(argkey, p_node.key) < 0) {
- XX p_node.balance = -1;
- XX if(wnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX p_rec = p_node.lptr;
- XX } else {
- XX p_node.balance = 1;
- XX if(wnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX p_rec = p_node.rptr;
- XX }
- XX }
- XX
- XX compare = (strcmp(argkey, s_node.key) < 0) ? -1 : 1;
- XX if (s_node.balance == 0) {
- XX bt->sblk.list++;
- XX s_node.balance = compare;
- XX if(wnode(s_rec, &s_node, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(wsuper(bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX return (0);
- XX } else if (s_node.balance == -compare) {
- XX bt->sblk.list++;
- XX s_node.balance = 0;
- XX if(wnode(s_rec, &s_node, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(wsuper(bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX return (0);
- XX } else {
- XX /* (tree out of balance) */
- XX bt->sblk.list++;
- XX if(rnode(s_rec, &s_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(rnode(r_rec, &r_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if (r_node.balance == compare) {
- XX /* (single rotate) */
- XX p_rec = r_rec;
- XX bt_link(compare, &s_node, -compare, &r_node);
- XX link_nbr(-compare, &r_node, s_rec);
- XX s_node.balance = r_node.balance = 0;
- XX } else {
- XX /* (double rotate) */
- XX nbr_link(&p_rec, -compare, &r_node);
- XX if(rnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX bt_link(-compare, &r_node, compare, &p_node);
- XX link_nbr(compare, &p_node, r_rec);
- XX bt_link(compare, &s_node, -compare, &p_node);
- XX link_nbr(-compare, &p_node, s_rec);
- XX node_bal(compare, &p_node, &s_node, &r_node);
- XX p_node.balance = 0;
- XX if(wnode(p_rec, &p_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX if (top == -1) {
- XX bt->sblk.root = p_rec;
- XX } else {
- XX /* balanced at top of a sub-tree */
- XX if(rnode(top, &q_node, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if (s_rec == q_node.rptr)
- XX q_node.rptr = p_rec;
- XX else
- XX q_node.lptr = p_rec;
- XX if(wnode(top, &q_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX if(wnode(s_rec, &s_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(wnode(r_rec, &r_node, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX if(wsuper(bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX return (0);
- XX }
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* drop a node */
- XXbtdelete(node_nbr, bt)
- XXlong node_nbr;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX struct btnode cno;
- XX
- XX if (node_nbr == 0) {
- XX bterrno = BT_BAD_ROOT;
- XX return (-1);
- XX } else {
- XX if (rnode(node_nbr, &cno, bt) == -1)
- XX return(-1);
- XX cno.deleted = BT_DELETED;
- XX if (wnode(node_nbr, &cno, bt) == -1) {
- XX return (-1);
- XX } else {
- XX bt->sblk.list--;
- XX if(wsuper(bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* find the next node */
- XXbtnext(node_nbr, cno, bt)
- XXlong *node_nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *cno;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX long popl();
- XX long popr();
- XX long s_nod;
- XX
- XX s_nod = *node_nbr;
- XX
- XX if (*node_nbr == 0) {
- XX /* undefined current node - wind to beginning of file */
- XX return (bthead(node_nbr,cno,bt));
- XX }
- XX do {
- XX if (cno->rptr == 0) {
- XX /* can't move right */
- XX if (bt->lstak.sptr == 0) {
- XX /* none in stack */
- XX if(rnode(*node_nbr, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX return (BT_EOF);
- XX } else {
- XX /* can't go right & stack full (pop stack) */
- XX s_nod = popl(bt);
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) < 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX } else {
- XX /* move right */
- XX pushr(bt, s_nod);
- XX s_nod = cno->rptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0 )
- XX return(-1);
- XX
- XX while (cno->lptr != 0) {
- XX /* bottom left */
- XX pushl(bt, s_nod);
- XX /* of this sub-tree */
- XX s_nod = cno->lptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX } while (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED);
- XX
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* go to the tail of the file */
- XXbttail(node_nbr, cno, bt)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XXlong *node_nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *cno;
- XX{
- XX long s_nod;
- XX
- XX bt->rstak.sptr = 0;
- XX bt->lstak.sptr = 0;
- XX bt->rstak.ele[0] = 0;
- XX bt->lstak.ele[0] = 0;
- XX
- XX /* begin at list head */
- XX s_nod = bt->sblk.root;
- XX
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX while (1) {
- XX /* search to right */
- XX if (cno->rptr != 0) {
- XX pushr(bt, s_nod);
- XX s_nod = cno->rptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX } else {
- XX if (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX /* skip all deleted nodes */
- XX while (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX if (btnext(&s_nod, cno, bt) == BT_EOF) {
- XX if(btprevious(&s_nod, cno, bt)<0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX } else {
- XX /* at end of a branch */
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX }
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX/* go to the head of the file */
- XXbthead(node_nbr, cno, bt)
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XXlong *node_nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *cno;
- XX{
- XX long s_nod;
- XX
- XX bt->rstak.sptr = 0;
- XX bt->lstak.sptr = 0;
- XX bt->rstak.ele[0] = 0;
- XX bt->lstak.ele[0] = 0;
- XX
- XX /* begin at list head */
- XX s_nod = bt->sblk.root;
- XX
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX while (1) {
- XX /* search to left */
- XX if (cno->lptr != 0) {
- XX pushl(bt, s_nod);
- XX s_nod = cno->lptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX } else {
- XX if (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX /* skip all deleted nodes */
- XX while (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX if (btprevious(&s_nod, cno, bt) == BT_EOF) {
- XX if(btnext(&s_nod, cno, bt)<0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX } else {
- XX /* at end of a branch */
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX }
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* find a key */
- XXbtfind(key1, node_nbr, cno, bt)
- XXchar *key1;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XXlong *node_nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *cno;
- XX{
- XX int direction;
- XX long s_nod;
- XX
- XX bt->rstak.sptr = 0;
- XX bt->lstak.sptr = 0;
- XX bt->rstak.ele[0] = 0;
- XX bt->lstak.ele[0] = 0;
- XX
- XX bt->slev = 0; /* tree level at start of search */
- XX
- XX /* begin at list head */
- XX s_nod = bt->sblk.root;
- XX
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX while ((direction = strcmp(key1, cno->key)) != 0 ||
- XX cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX
- XX if (direction > 0) {
- XX /* search to right */
- XX if (cno->rptr != 0) {
- XX pushr(bt, s_nod);
- XX s_nod = cno->rptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX } else if (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX /* skip all deleted nodes */
- XX while (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX if (btnext(&s_nod, cno, bt) == BT_EOF) {
- XX if(btprevious(&s_nod, cno, bt)<0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (BT_NREC);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (BT_NREC);
- XX } else {
- XX /* at end of a branch */
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (BT_NREC);
- XX }
- XX } else {
- XX /* search to left */
- XX if (cno->lptr != 0) {
- XX pushl(bt, s_nod);
- XX s_nod = cno->lptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX } else if (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX while (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED) {
- XX if (btnext(&s_nod, cno, bt) == BT_EOF) {
- XX if(btprevious(&s_nod, cno, bt)< 0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (BT_NREC);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (BT_NREC);
- XX } else {
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (BT_NREC);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX }
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* get the previous node */
- XXbtprevious(node_nbr, cno, bt)
- XXlong *node_nbr;
- XXstruct btnode *cno;
- XXstruct btree *bt;
- XX{
- XX long popr();
- XX long popl();
- XX long s_nod;
- XX
- XX s_nod = *node_nbr;
- XX
- XX /* if we are called without a node, wind to the end of file */
- XX if (*node_nbr == 0) {
- XX return (bttail(node_nbr,cno,bt));
- XX }
- XX
- XX
- XX do {
- XX if (cno->lptr == 0) {
- XX /* can't move left */
- XX if (bt->rstak.sptr == 0) {
- XX /* none in stack */
- XX if(rnode(*node_nbr, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX return (BT_EOF);
- XX /* don't reset node_nbr */
- XX } else {
- XX /* can't go left & stack full (pop stack) */
- XX s_nod = popr(bt);
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX } else {
- XX /* left then to bottom right - is previous */
- XX pushl(bt, s_nod);
- XX s_nod = cno->lptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX while (cno->rptr != 0) {
- XX /* bottom right */
- XX pushr(bt, s_nod);
- XX /* of this sub-tree */
- XX s_nod = cno->rptr;
- XX if(rnode(s_nod, cno, bt) <0)
- XX return(-1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX } while (cno->deleted == BT_DELETED);
- XX
- XX *node_nbr = s_nod;
- XX return (0);
- XX}
- XX
- XX
- XX
- XX/* print the btree error message */
- XXvoid
- XXbtperror(str)
- XXchar *str;
- XX{
- XX extern int errno;
- XX
- XX /* is it ours ?? */
- XX if (errno == 0) {
- XX if (str[strlen(str) - 1] != ':')
- XX (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", str, bterrs[bterrno]);
- XX else
- XX (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", str, bterrs[bterrno]);
- XX bterrno = 0;
- XX } else {
- XX perror(str);
- XX }
- XX}
- if test 17883 -ne "`wc -c btree.c`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting btree.c '(should have been 17883 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting btree.h '(2161 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > btree.h
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX *
- XX * $Header: btree.h,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:55 mjr Rel $: btree.h
- XX *
- XX * $Log: btree.h,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:55 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef _INCL_BTREE_H
- XX
- XX#define BT_NREC 1 /* no such record */
- XX#define BT_EOF 2 /* end of the tree (either end) */
- XX#define BT_ERR -1 /* something went wrong */
- XX
- XX#define BT_KSIZ 40 /* size of keys to store (or trunc) */
- XX#define BT_CSIZ 30 /* # of nodes to cache readonly */
- XX /* current cache alg gives ~59% hits */
- XX
- XX/* this indicates a node deleted */
- XX#define BT_DELETED 1
- XX#define BT_ACTIVE 0
- XX
- XX#define BT_MAGIC 0x72251
- XX
- XX/* btree stack */
- XX#define STACK_LENGTH 30 /* length of history stacks */
- XX
- XXstruct btstack {
- XX long ele[STACK_LENGTH]; /* stack elements */
- XX int lev[STACK_LENGTH]; /* stack levels */
- XX int sptr; /* stack pointer */
- XX};
- XX
- XX/* a disk resident btree super block */
- XXstruct btsuper {
- XX long magic; /* generic magic number */
- XX long free; /* pointer to next free (basically, EOF) */
- XX long root; /* pointer to root node */
- XX long list; /* number of active records */
- XX};
- XX
- XXstruct btnode {
- XX long recno; /* index to external file, or whatever */
- XX long lptr; /* left-pointer */
- XX long rptr; /* right-pointer */
- XX char key[BT_KSIZ]; /* datum */
- XX short deleted; /* deleted flag */
- XX short balance; /* balance flag */
- XX};
- XX#define BTNODE struct btnode
- XX
- XX/* a memory resident btree super block */
- XX/* including room to hold a disk super block */
- XXstruct btree {
- XX int fd; /* file descriptor */
- XX int slev; /* history stack level */
- XX struct btsuper sblk; /* copy of superblock */
- XX struct btstack rstak; /* history stack */
- XX struct btstack lstak; /* history stack */
- XX struct btnode cache[BT_CSIZ]; /* read-only cache */
- XX};
- XX#define BTREE struct btree
- XX
- XXBTREE *btopen();
- XXvoid btperror();
- XX
- XXextern int bterrno; /* btree error number/flag */
- XXextern char *bterrs[]; /* error message list */
- XX/* error codes - match bterrs */
- XX#define BT_BAD_MAGIC 1 /* bad index file magic number */
- XX#define BT_BAD_STACK 2 /* history stack overflow */
- XX#define BT_BAD_ROOT 3 /* failed attempt to delete node 0 */
- XX
- XX#define _INCL_BTREE_H
- XX#endif
- if test 2161 -ne "`wc -c btree.h`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting btree.h '(should have been 2161 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting btree.3 '(7582 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > btree.3
- XX.\" btree.3l (C)1988 Marcus J. Ranum, Welch Medical Library
- XX.\" $Header: btree.3,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:36:01 mjr Rel $
- XXbtopen, btclose, btfind, btinsert, btdelete, bthead, bttail,
- XXbtnext, btprevious, btsetrec, btperror
- XX.br
- XX\- the poor man's b-tree index library
- XX.B #include <local/btree.h>
- XX.B BTREE *btopen(path,flags,mode)
- XX.br
- XX.B char *path;
- XX.br
- XX.B int flags, mode;
- XX.B int btclose(btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE *btree;
- XX.B int btfind(key,node_num,nodebuf,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B char *key;
- XX.br
- XX.B long *node_num;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTNODE *nodebuf;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE btree;
- XX.B int btinsert(key,recno,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B char *key;
- XX.br
- XX.B long recno;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE btree;
- XX.B int btdelete(number,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B long number;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE btree;
- XX.B int bthead(node_num,nodebuf,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B long *node_num;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTNODE *nodebuf;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE *btree;
- XX.B int bttail(node_num,nodebuf,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B long *node_num;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTNODE *nodebuf;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE *btree;
- XX.B int btnext(node_num,nodebuf,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B long *node_num;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTNODE *nodebuf;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE *btree;
- XX.B int btprevious(node_num,nodebuf,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B long *node_num;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTNODE *nodebuf;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE *btree;
- XX.B int btsetrec(number,newrec,btree)
- XX.br
- XX.B long number, newrec;
- XX.br
- XX.B BTREE *btree;
- XX.B void btperror(message)
- XX.br
- XX.B char *message;
- XXThe poor man's btree library is a set of routines to manage a balanced
- XXbtree index file. No provisions are made for storing any data other
- XXthan the key in the btree nodes, except for a single long int that
- XXcan be used as a pointer to storage elsewhere. No provisions are made
- XXfor multi-user access. Currently, deleted keys are not handled
- XXelegantly. They are marked as deleted, but are not re-used, which will
- XXcause an index file to grow constantly, which can waste
- XXdisk space if the data is frequently modified. A read cache is
- XXmaintained, but write requests are not cached. Multiple entries for
- XXthe same key are permitted, so it is the user's responsibility to specify
- XXthe node number to delete. Keys are fixed-length, defined
- XXin
- XX.B btree.h
- XXand overlong keys are silently truncated during inserts.
- XXAll functions return -1 on error, 0 for success, but occasionally
- XXother codes defined in
- XX.B btree.h
- XXfor special conditions (no record found, end of tree, etc).
- XXThe
- XX.B btopen
- XXsubroutine allocates a btree control structure, using the path name
- XXprovided in
- XX.B path.
- XXThe
- XX.B flags
- XXand
- XX.B mode
- XXarguments are passed to open(2) to control creation and permissions.
- XXIf the data file is successfully opened with 0 size (either through
- XXopen(2) flags O_TRUNC or O_CREAT on a nonexistent file) a new btree
- XXis initialized automatically.
- XX.B Btopen
- XXchecks a magic number stored in the index superblock, and will fail
- XXunless the magic number is correct, to prevent accidentally using a
- XXdamaged file, or a non-index file. If
- XX.B btopen
- XXcannot open the requested file, or encounters other problems,
- XXit returns NULL.
- XXThe
- XX.B btclose
- XXsubroutine closes an opened btree, and deallocates the memory that
- XXwas allocated in btopen.
- XXThe
- XX.B btfind
- XXsubroutine searches for a key within the index. The argument
- XX.B key
- XXis
- XXsearched for, and the results of the search are placed in
- XX.B nodebuf.
- XXThe number of the "found" node is placed in
- XX.B node_num.
- XX.B Btree
- XXis expected to be an open, valid, btree index.
- XX.B Btfind
- XXreturns 0 if the requested key is located, -1 for error, or BT_NREC if
- XXthe requested key was not found. If the requested key is not found,
- XXthe contents of
- XX.B nodebuf
- XXand
- XX.b node_num
- XXwill be loaded with the node that held the place in the tree directly
- XXbefore where the requested node would have been. This gives
- XX.B btfind
- XXa limited ability for finding the nearest "like" node (though it is a
- XXtoss-up whether the preceding node is "closer" than the
- XXfollowing one).
- XXThe
- XX.B btinsert
- XXsubroutine creates a new node for the given
- XX.B key
- XXand numbers it with the requested
- XX.B recno,
- XXwhich can be used to link the index to additional data elsewhere.
- XXIf
- XX.B btinsert
- XXfails, it returns -1, otherwise it returns 0.
- XXThe
- XX.B btdelete
- XXsubroutine marks node number
- XX.B number
- XXas deleted, which causes it to become "invisible" during future searches.
- XXThe disk space is not reclaimed.
- XX.B Btdelete
- XXreturns 0 on success, -1 on failure. Since the node to delete is
- XXreferenced only by node number,
- XX.B btdelete
- XXis typically used with something like
- XX.B btfind
- XXthat provides the node number.
- XXThe
- XX.B bthead
- XXsubroutine searches to the first entry in the btree, returning the entry's
- XXnode number in
- XX.B node_num
- XXand its data in
- XX.B nodebuf.
- XX.B Bthead
- XXreturns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
- XXThe
- XX.B bttail
- XXsubroutine searches to the last entry in the btree, but is otherwise
- XXexactly the same as
- XX.B bthead.
- XXThe
- XX.B btnext
- XXsubroutine finds the next node in the tree after
- XX.B node_nbr
- XXand places its data in
- XX.B nodebuf.
- XX.B Btnext
- XXreturns 0 on success, -1 on failure, ande
- XXif it cannot search any further because it has hit the end of the tree.
- XXNote that
- XXis a positive value, so tests like:
- XX.sp
- XX.ti 1i
- XXwhile(btnext(&node_nbr,&nodebuf,bt) >= 0);
- XX.sp
- XXwill loop forever. Something like:
- XX.sp
- XX.ti 1i
- XXwhile(btnext(&node_nbr,&nodebuf,bt) == 0);
- XX.sp
- XXshould be used instead. If
- XX.B node_nbr
- XXis 0L (undefined)
- XX.B btnext
- XXwill automatically search to the beginning of the index file, rather
- XXthan starting at a random location.
- XXThe
- XX.B btprevious
- XXsubroutine finds the next node in the tree before
- XX.B node_nbr
- XXbut is otherwise exactly the same as
- XX.B bthead. If invoked with
- XX.B node_nbr
- XX0,
- XX.B btprevious
- XXautomatically searches to to the end of the index file.
- XXThe
- XX.B btsetrec
- XXsubroutine allows the user to modify node number
- XX.B node_nbr
- XXrecord number, for whatever reason. Typically
- XX.B recno
- XXis used for linking the index to additional data elsewhere.
- XXThe
- XX.B btperror
- XXsubroutine will print any applicable btree error messages, similarly to
- XX.B perror.
- XXIf the btree error number
- XX.B bterrno
- XXis 0, and the UNIX
- XX.B errno
- XXis set, perror is called instead, to print the UNIX error. The btree
- XXerror messages are accessible to the user, as an array of strings
- XX.B bterrs.
- XXA call to
- XX.B btperror
- XXresets
- XX.B bterrno
- XXautomatically.
- XXThe following routine inputs strings into an index:
- XX.nf
- XX.na
- XX.ft C
- XX#include <local/btree.h>
- XX
- XXmain(ac,av)
- XXint ac;
- XXchar *av[];
- XX{
- XX BTREE *bt;
- XX char buf[BUFSIZ];
- XX long recno =0L;
- XX
- XX if((bt = btopen(av[1],O_CREAT,0600)) ==NULL) {
- XX btperror(av[1]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX while(gets(buf)) {
- XX if(btinsert(buf,++recno,bt)< 0) {
- XX btperror("insert");
- XX (void)btclose(bt);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX exit(btclose(bt));
- XX}
- XX.ft P
- XX.sp
- XXThe following example dumps an index:
- XX.ft C
- XX#include <local/btree.h>
- XX
- XXmain(ac,av)
- XXint ac;
- XXchar *av[];
- XX{
- XX
- XX BTREE *bt;
- XX BTNODE cnode;
- XX long nbr =0L;
- XX
- XX if((bt = btopen(av[1],O_RDWR,0600)) == NULL) {
- XX btperror(av[1]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX while((btnext(&nbr, &cnode, bt) == 0) {
- XX (void)printf("%s\\n",cnode.key);
- XX }
- XX exit(btclose(bt));
- XX}
- XX.ft P
- XX.ad
- XXFiles can get large unless copied out occasionally.
- XXIt is not permitted to delete node number 0.
- XXThese functions return -1 on error, 0 on success, and occasionally other
- XXvalues that can signal end of file or failure to find a record.
- XXThe original code was from a PD library for IBM PCs written by Ray Swartz.
- XX90% of the code was totally re-written and restructured to make it into
- XXa usable library.
- XXMarcus J. Ranum, Welch Medical Library.
- XX.br
- XX.ti 1i
- XXuunet!aplcen!osiris!welchvax!mjr
- XX.br
- XX.ti 1i
- XXmjr@jhuigf.BITNET
- if test 7582 -ne "`wc -c btree.3`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting btree.3 '(should have been 7582 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting bench.c '(2003 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > bench.c
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef lint
- XXstatic char *RCSid="$Header: bench.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:34:55 mjr Rel $: bench.c";
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX/*
- XX * $Log: bench.c,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:34:55 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX
- XX/* grosso hack to load a database and perform a bunch of */
- XX/* operations on it - a sort of benchmark, but not in any */
- XX/* real sense of the word */
- XX
- XX#ifdef BSD
- XX#include <sys/file.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#ifdef SYSV
- XX#include <sys/fcntl.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#include <stdio.h>
- XX#include "btree.h"
- XX
- XXmain(ac,av)
- XXint ac;
- XXchar *av[];
- XX{
- XX BTREE *bt;
- XX BTNODE cnod;
- XX int fo;
- XX int xo;
- XX long nbr;
- XX long time();
- XX long random();
- XX long start;
- XX long end;
- XX char buf[120];
- XX
- XX if(ac < 2) {
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <file>\n",av[0]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)srandom(getpid());
- XX if((bt = btopen(av[1],O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0600)) == NULL) {
- XX btperror(av[1]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)time(&start);
- XX
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"insert 5000\n");
- XX /* insert 5000 random records */
- XX for(fo = 0; fo < 5000; fo++) {
- XX for(xo = 0; xo < ((int)random()%15)+1; xo++)
- XX buf[xo] = (int)((random()%25)+97);
- XX buf[xo] = '\0';
- XX if(btinsert(buf, bt->sblk.free, bt)<0) {
- XX btperror("insert");
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"find 5000\n");
- XX /* find 5000 random records */
- XX for(fo = 0; fo < 5000; fo++) {
- XX for(xo = 0; xo < ((int)random()%15)+1; xo++)
- XX buf[xo] = (int)((random()%25)+97);
- XX buf[xo] = '\0';
- XX if(btfind(buf, &nbr, &cnod, bt)<0) {
- XX btperror("find");
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"delete 500\n");
- XX for(fo = 0; fo < 500; fo++) {
- XX for(xo = 0; xo < ((int)random()%15)+1; xo++)
- XX buf[xo] = (int)(random()%25)+97;
- XX buf[xo] = '\0';
- XX if(btfind(buf, &nbr, &cnod, bt)<0) {
- XX btperror("find");
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX if(nbr != 0L && btdelete(nbr, bt)<0) {
- XX btperror("delete");
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"node=%d\n",nbr);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)btclose(bt);
- XX (void)time(&end);
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"total secs:%ld\n",end-start);
- XX exit(0);
- XX}
- if test 2003 -ne "`wc -c bench.c`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting bench.c '(should have been 2003 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting loadtree.c '(1264 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > loadtree.c
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef lint
- XXstatic char *RCSid="$Header: loadtree.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:24 mjr Rel $: loadtree.c";
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX/*
- XX * $Log: loadtree.c,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:24 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX
- XX/* used to load a tree with data from the standard input - */
- XX/* primarily for testing purposes - to load a file with some */
- XX/* "known" data, which can then be dumped and checked, etc */
- XX
- XX#ifdef BSD
- XX#include <sys/file.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#ifdef SYSV
- XX#include <sys/fcntl.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#include <stdio.h>
- XX#include "btree.h"
- XX
- XXmain(ac,av)
- XXint ac;
- XXchar *av[];
- XX{
- XX BTREE *bt;
- XX long time();
- XX long start;
- XX long end;
- XX long lded = 0L;
- XX char buf[BUFSIZ];
- XX
- XX if(ac < 2) {
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <file>\n",av[0]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)srandom(getpid());
- XX
- XX if((bt = btopen(av[1],O_CREAT,0600)) ==NULL) {
- XX btperror(av[1]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX (void)time(&start);
- XX
- XX while(gets(buf)) {
- XX /* note - btinsert() truncates overlong keys */
- XX if(btinsert(buf, bt->sblk.free, bt)< 0) {
- XX btperror("insert");
- XX (void)btclose(bt);
- XX exit(1);
- XX } else
- XX lded++;
- XX }
- XX (void)btclose(bt);
- XX (void)time(&end);
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"total secs:%ld - %ld records\n",end-start,lded);
- XX exit(0);
- XX}
- if test 1264 -ne "`wc -c loadtree.c`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting loadtree.c '(should have been 1264 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting treedump.c '(1064 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > treedump.c
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef lint
- XXstatic char *RCSid="$Header: treedump.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:46 mjr Rel $: treedump.c";
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX/*
- XX * $Log: treedump.c,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:46 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX
- XX/* dump a tree to the standard output */
- XX
- XX#ifdef BSD
- XX#include <sys/file.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#ifdef SYSV
- XX#include <sys/fcntl.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#include <stdio.h>
- XX#include "btree.h"
- XX
- XXmain(ac,av)
- XXint ac;
- XXchar *av[];
- XX{
- XX
- XX BTREE *bt;
- XX BTNODE cnode;
- XX long nbr =0L;
- XX
- XX if(ac < 2) {
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <file>\n",av[0]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX if((bt = btopen(av[1],O_RDWR,0600)) == NULL) {
- XX btperror(av[1]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX /* if btnext is called with nbr = 0, it automatically winds to the */
- XX /* front of the file - as in this example */
- XX while (1) {
- XX switch (btnext(&nbr, &cnode, bt)) {
- XX case (-1):
- XX btperror("btnext");
- XX (void)btclose(bt);
- XX exit(1);
- XX
- XX case (0):
- XX (void)printf("%s\n",cnode.key);
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case (BT_EOF):
- XX (void)btclose(bt);
- XX exit(0);
- XX }
- XX }
- XX}
- if test 1064 -ne "`wc -c treedump.c`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting treedump.c '(should have been 1064 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting sizes.c '(592 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > sizes.c
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef lint
- XXstatic char *RCSid="$Header: sizes.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:34 mjr Rel $: sizes.c";
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX/*
- XX * $Log: sizes.c,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:34 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX
- XX/* provides some minimally useful info about how big your */
- XX/* data structures are */
- XX
- XX#include "btree.h"
- XX
- XXmain()
- XX{
- XX (void)printf("a btree control structure is %d bytes",sizeof(BTREE));
- XX (void)printf(" (cache of %d nodes)\n",BT_CSIZ);
- XX (void)printf("a btree node is %d bytes\n",sizeof(BTNODE));
- XX}
- if test 592 -ne "`wc -c sizes.c`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting sizes.c '(should have been 592 characters)'
- fi
- echo shar: extracting example.c '(3261 characters)'
- sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > example.c
- XX/*
- XX * Copyright (C) 1988, Marcus J. Ranum, William Welch Medical Library
- XX * $Author: mjr $
- XX */
- XX
- XX#ifndef lint
- XXstatic char *RCSid="$Header: example.c,v 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:15 mjr Rel $: example.c";
- XX#endif
- XX
- XX/*
- XX * $Log: example.c,v $
- XX * Revision 1.1 88/06/01 21:35:15 mjr
- XX * Initial revision
- XX *
- XX */
- XX
- XX
- XX/* nobody ever writes nice test programs. in fact, this one is pretty gross */
- XX/* basically, this allows exercising all the various functions of the btree */
- XX/* library */
- XX
- XX#ifdef BSD
- XX#include <sys/file.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#ifdef SYSV
- XX#include <sys/fcntl.h>
- XX#endif
- XX#include <stdio.h>
- XX#include "btree.h"
- XX
- XXextern char *strncpy();
- XXextern char *strcpy();
- XX
- XXmain(ac,av)
- XXint ac;
- XXchar *av[];
- XX{
- XX BTREE *h1;
- XX BTNODE cnode;
- XX char instr[BUFSIZ];
- XX long node_nbr;
- XX
- XX if(ac < 2) {
- XX (void)fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <file>\n",av[0]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX if((h1 = btopen(av[1],O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0600)) ==NULL) {
- XX btperror(av[1]);
- XX exit(1);
- XX }
- XX
- XX
- XX while (1) {
- XX (void)printf("Find Next Tail Head Prev Insrt Del Quit:");
- XX if(gets(instr) == NULL)
- XX exit(btclose(h1));
- XX
- XX switch (*instr) {
- XX
- XX case 'f':
- XX case 'F':
- XX (void)printf("\nKey to Find: ");
- XX (void)gets(instr);
- XX (void)strncpy(instr, instr, BT_KSIZ - 1);
- XX instr[BT_KSIZ - 1] = '\0';
- XX switch(btfind(instr, &node_nbr, &cnode, h1)) {
- XX case BT_NREC:
- XX (void)printf("not found: closest before=%s\n",cnode.key);
- XX break;
- XX case -1:
- XX btperror("find");
- XX break;
- XX default:
- XX (void)printf("current=%s\n", cnode.key);
- XX break;
- XX }
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 'h':
- XX case 'H':
- XX switch(bthead(&node_nbr, &cnode, h1)) {
- XX case (-1):
- XX btperror("bthead() returns -1");
- XX continue;
- XX break;
- XX default:
- XX (void)printf("current=%s\n", cnode.key);
- XX }
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 't':
- XX case 'T':
- XX switch(bttail(&node_nbr, &cnode, h1)) {
- XX case (-1):
- XX btperror("bttail() returns -1");
- XX continue;
- XX break;
- XX default:
- XX (void)printf("current=%s\n", cnode.key);
- XX }
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 'd':
- XX case 'D':
- XX if(btdelete(node_nbr, h1) < 0) {
- XX btperror("delete failed");
- XX } else {
- XX (void)printf("...deleted\n");
- XX }
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 'n':
- XX case 'N':
- XX switch (btnext(&node_nbr, &cnode, h1)) {
- XX case (-1):
- XX btperror("btnext() returns -1");
- XX continue;
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case (0):
- XX (void)printf("current=%s\n", cnode.key);
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case (BT_EOF):
- XX (void)printf("end of file: current=%s\n",cnode.key);
- XX break;
- XX }
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 'p':
- XX case 'P':
- XX switch (btprevious(&node_nbr, &cnode, h1)) {
- XX case (-1):
- XX btperror("btprevious() returns -1");
- XX continue;
- XX break;
- XX case (0):
- XX (void)printf("current=%s\n", cnode.key);
- XX break;
- XX case (BT_EOF):
- XX (void)printf("start of file: current=%s\n",cnode.key);
- XX }
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 'i':
- XX case 'I':
- XX (void)printf("Enter a key: ");
- XX (void)gets(instr);
- XX (void)strncpy(cnode.key, instr, BT_KSIZ);
- XX cnode.key[BT_KSIZ - 1] = '\0';
- XX
- XX /* h1->sblk.free is used here as arbitrary record # */
- XX /* typical use would be to set this to the recno */
- XX /* for whatever it is that is being indexed into */
- XX if(btinsert(cnode.key, h1->sblk.free, h1) < 0)
- XX btperror("insert failed");
- XX else
- XX (void)printf("...inserted\n");
- XX break;
- XX
- XX case 'q':
- XX case 'Q':
- XX exit(btclose(h1));
- XX
- XX default:
- XX (void)printf("huh?\n");
- XX }
- XX }
- XX}
- if test 3261 -ne "`wc -c example.c`"
- then
- echo shar: error transmitting example.c '(should have been 3261 characters)'
- fi
- # End of shell archive
- exit 0