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- This file contains hints and tips about Oraperl, dealing with problems which
- have arisen in the past.
- The topics dealt with are the following:
- Memory Usage
- Building on a Convex machine
- Building on Dual Universe machines
- Building with Perl v3
- Using Bind Variables
- Building with Oracle v5
- Memory Usage
- ============
- With versions of Perl prior to 4.034, there is a memory leak when
- repeated calls to &ora_fetch() are made within a while() loop.
- The correct solution is to upgrade to 4.034. However, if that is
- not possible for some reason, there is a workaround.
- Create a Perl subroutine which returns a row from a database and
- call this instead. So instead of
- while (@data = &ora_fetch($csr))
- {
- ...
- }
- you should use something like this:
- sub getrow
- {
- local($csr) = @_;
- local(@data);
- @data = &ora_fetch($csr);
- }
- ...
- while (@data = &getrow($csr))
- {
- ...
- }
- Building on a Convex machine
- ============================
- Comment out the definition of STRTOUL in the Makefile.
- Building on Dual Universe machines
- ==================================
- This was reported on a Pyramid machine, but I think it applies to most (if
- not all) dual-universe systems (Sequent, Gould, etc). Although packages
- built in one universe will run correctly in the other, hybrids (packages
- built partly in one universe and partly in the other) will not work
- properly in either. On the Pyramid, the symptom was that output was being
- lost, although a debugging trace showed that the program was working
- properly.
- Since Oracle specifies that it is to be installed in the ATT universe, you
- must also compile Perl and Oraperl (and the curses usersubs, if you are
- building Coraperl) in the ATT universe to allow them to be linked together.
- Building with Perl v3
- =====================
- Ideally, get hold of v4. However, if you have to work with v3, uncomment
- the definition of STR_2MORTAL in the Makefile. Note also the section on
- memory usage above.
- Using Bind Variables
- ====================
- The support for bind variables does not reflect the full potential of Pro*C.
- Firstly, bind variables may only be numeric; named bind variables are not
- supported. They must run in sequence from 1. (This is to make it easy for
- &ora_bind() to check that it has received the correct number of parameters.)
- Secondly, they may only be used to modify values within the SQL statement,
- not field or table names. Thus
- insert into telno values (:1, :2)
- is valid, but
- select * from telno order by :1
- is not. This made the interaction between &ora_open() and &ora_bind() simpler,
- but if it's a serious restriction for you let me know, and I'll look into
- extending it. (Of course, there's nothing to stop you doing:
- $order_by = "name";
- &ora_open($lda, "select * from telno order by $order_by");
- so I don't think it should be too big a problem.)
- Building with Oracle v5
- =======================
- [ This information was originally in a separate file, Oracle-v5) ]
- [ You will have to adapt this slightly as the Makefile has changed. ]
- The Makefile includes library definitions which are suitable for Oracle v6
- on an Encore Multimax running UMAX V. I do not have access to any other
- configuration to test Oraperl.
- Oraperl just links to the Oracle Pro*C libraries in the same way as any
- other Pro*C program, so give it the same libraries as you would give one
- of your own programs. See your Pro*C manual or example programs for details.
- However, two people sent me their modified Makefiles for Oracle v5. Since
- they are different in effect, not only in presentation, I assume that the
- directory structure of Oracle varies between systems. The two setups I was
- sent are reproduced below. Maybe one of them will be suitable for your
- system if mine isn't.
- First method - this assumes that the libraries live under $ORACLE_HOME/c/libs
- and $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/libs, as well as requiring an additional .o file.
- > ORALIBS = -locic -loracle -lupi -losd -losn -loracle \
- > $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/libs/osntab.o -lutt -losd -losn -lclib0
- >
- > LDFLAGS = -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/c/libs -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/libs
- >
- > oraperl: $(SRC)/uperl.o $(OBJS)
- > $(CC) -o oraperl $(LDFLAGS) $(SRC)/uperl.o $(OBJS) $(ORALIBS) $(LIBS)
- Second method - much simpler. Only seems to require the first two libraries
- (libocic and liboracle) of the previous method, but this time they live under
- > OCILIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)/pro/libocic.a
- > ORALIBS = $(ORACLE_HOME)/pro/liboracle.a
- Thanks to Mark Adams and Norman Frech for their help.