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- #!./oraperl
- #
- # install.pl
- #
- # Perl script to install Oraperl, Coraperl (if present) and sql.
- # Hacked from Larry's installperl script in the Perl distribution.
- ($nonono = 1, shift) if $ARGV[0] eq '-n';
- $SRC = shift || die "Usage: $0 [-n] perl_source_directory";
- umask 022;
- @scripts = ('examples/sql');
- # Read in the config file.
- open(CONFIG, "${SRC}/config.sh") || die "Can't find Perl's config.sh\n";
- while (<CONFIG>) {
- if (s/^(\w+=)/\$$1/) {
- $accum =~ s/'undef'/undef/g;
- eval $accum;
- $accum = '';
- }
- $accum .= $_;
- }
- # Do some quick sanity checks.
- $installbin || die "No installbin directory in config.sh\n";
- -d $installbin || die "$installbin is not a directory\n";
- -w $installbin || die "$installbin is not writable by you\n"
- unless $installbin =~ m#^/afs/#;
- -x 'oraperl' || die "oraperl isn't executable!\n";
- -f 'coraperl' && ! -x 'coraperl' && die "coraperl isn't executable!\n";
- # Install oraperl (and coraperl if it exists)
- &unlink("$installbin/oraperl");
- &cmd("cp oraperl $installbin/oraperl");
- if (-f 'coraperl')
- {
- &unlink("$installbin/coraperl");
- &cmd("cp coraperl $installbin/coraperl");
- }
- # Install scripts.
- &makedir($installscr);
- for (@scripts) {
- &cmd("cp $_ $installscr");
- s#.*/##; &chmod(0755, "$installscr/$_");
- }
- # Install man pages.
- if ($mansrc ne '') {
- &makedir($mansrc);
- ($mdev,$mino) = stat($mansrc);
- if ($mdev != $ddev || $mino != $dino) {
- &cmd("cp doc/oraperl.1 $mansrc/oraperl.$manext");
- if (-f 'coraperl')
- {
- &unlink("$mansrc/coraperl.$manext") if (-f 'coraperl');
- &link("$mansrc/oraperl.$manext", "$mansrc/coraperl.$manext");
- }
- &cmd("cp examples/sql $mansrc/sql.$manext");
- }
- }
- # Install library files.
- &makedir($installprivlib);
- &cmd("cp oraperl.ph $installprivlib");
- print STDERR " Installation complete\n";
- exit 0;
- ###############################################################################
- sub unlink {
- local(@names) = @_;
- foreach $name (@names) {
- next unless -e $name;
- print STDERR " unlink $name\n";
- unlink($name) || warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" unless $nonono;
- }
- }
- sub cmd {
- local($cmd) = @_;
- print STDERR " $cmd\n";
- unless ($nonono) {
- system $cmd;
- warn "Command failed!!!\n" if $?;
- }
- }
- sub link {
- local($from,$to) = @_;
- print STDERR " ln $from $to\n";
- link($from,$to) || warn "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n" unless $nonono;
- }
- sub chmod {
- local($mode,$name) = @_;
- printf STDERR " chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name;
- chmod($mode,$name) || warn "Couldn't chmod $mode $name: $!\n"
- unless $nonono;
- }
- sub makedir {
- local($dir) = @_;
- unless (-d $dir) {
- local($shortdir) = $dir;
- $shortdir =~ s#(.*)/.*#$1#;
- &makedir($shortdir);
- print STDERR " mkdir $dir\n";
- mkdir($dir, 0777) || warn "Couldn't create $dir: $!\n" unless $nonono;
- }
- }