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Makefile | 1992-07-06 | 4.0 KB | 146 lines |
- # Makefile for Oraperl and Coraperl
- # Change these to your ORACLE installation directory and Perl source directory
- #
- ORACLE_HOME = /usr/soft/oracle
- SRC = /usr/soft/public/perl
- # Oracle Definitions, copied from $(ORACLE_HOME)/c/demo/proc.mk
- # ALL_ORA_LIBS is the only entry that the Makefile actually uses;
- # change it to whatever you need to link Pro*C programs
- #
- OTHERLIBS = `cat $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib/sysliblist`
- OCILIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib/libocic.a
- NETLIBS = $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib/osntab.o \
- $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib/libsqlnet.a
- ORALIBS = $(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib/libora.a
- # Perl Definitions, taken from $SRC/usub/Makefile
- # Don't include the curses libraries here - they go in CURSELIB
- #
- LIBS = `. $(SRC)/config.sh; echo $$libs`
- # Oraperl Definitions
- # Set DEBUG to -DDEBUGGING, -DPERL_DEBUGGING or leave blank (see orafns.h)
- # If it is not blank, uncomment the definition of DBUG_O
- #
- DBUG_O = dbug/dbug.o
- # Curses libraries, only required if you want to build Coraperl
- # You may also need -ltermlib or -ltermcap
- #
- CURSELIB = -lcurses
- # Row cache size for SELECT statements.
- # If you want to change the default, uncomment this and set the value you want
- #
- # Bind variable padding.
- # If you want binding an empty string to provoke an error, uncomment this line.
- #
- # Some system-specific things
- #
- # If your system library does not include strtoul, uncomment the next line
- STRTOUL = strtoul.o
- #
- # If you are using Perl v3 instead of v4, uncomment the next line
- # STR_2MORTAL = -Dstr_2mortal=str_2static
- # Database, username and password to use for testing
- #
- TESTDATA = t scott tiger
- #
- # Leave these blank lines so that patches to what is below
- # won't be upset by your changes to the setups above.
- #
- # From here on, you shouldn't need to change anything. If you do, let me know.
- SRCS = oracle.mus orafns.c getcursor.c colons.c usersub.c \
- debug.c strtoul.c
- OBJS = oracle.o orafns.o getcursor.o colons.o debug.o $(STRTOUL)
- OOBJS = $(OBJS) usersub.o $(DBUG_O)
- COBJS = $(OBJS) cusersub.o $(DBUG_O)
- HDRS = patchlevel.h orafns.h
- oraperl: $(SRC)/uperl.o $(OOBJS)
- $(CC) -o oraperl $(SRC)/uperl.o $(OOBJS) \
- -lm $(ALL_ORA_LIBS) $(LIBS)
- coraperl: $(SRC)/uperl.o $(COBJS) $(SRC)/usub/curses.o
- $(CC) -o coraperl $(SRC)/uperl.o $(COBJS) $(SRC)/usub/curses.o \
- all: oraperl coraperl
- test: oraperl
- @oraperl -e '&ora_version'
- @(cd testdir ; \
- rm -f My-Results ; \
- echo "Testing oraperl, please wait ..." ; \
- for i in *.pl ; do ../oraperl $$i $(TESTDATA) ; done > My-Results ; \
- if cmp -s Standard-Results My-Results ; \
- then echo "Test successful" ; \
- else echo "Test failed - compare My-Results with Standard-Results" ;\
- fi; echo)
- # We use oraperl although perl would suffice, because we know where it is!
- install: oraperl install.pl
- @./oraperl ./install.pl ${SRC}
- cusersub.c: usersub.c
- @rm -f cusersub.c
- ln usersub.c cusersub.c
- cusersub.o: cusersub.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DCURSES cusersub.c
- oracle.c: $(SRC)/usub/mus oracle.mus
- $(SRC)/usub/mus oracle.mus >oracle.c
- $(OOBJS) $(COBJS): $(HDRS)
- dbug/dbug.o:
- (cd dbug ; $(MAKE) dbug.o)
- @echo " (back to main directory)"
- clean:
- (cd dbug ; $(MAKE) clean)
- @echo " (back to main directory)"
- rm -f nohup.out *.o oracle.c cusersub.c
- rm -f testdir/My-Results listing tags core
- realclean clobber: clean
- (cd dbug ; $(MAKE) clobber)
- (cd doc ; $(MAKE) clobber)
- @echo " (back to main directory)"
- rm -f oraperl coraperl
- listing:
- pr -fn Makefile $(HDRS) $(SRCS) >listing
- docs:
- (cd doc ; $(MAKE) docs)
- @echo " (back to main directory)"
- shar: clean
- shar -n oraperl-v2 -a -s kstock@encore.com -F -o :Part -l 64 \
- Readme [C-Q]* Row* [S-z]*