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- /* orafns.h
- *
- * Common declarations for the Oraperl functions
- */
- /* Copyright 1991, 1992 Kevin Stock.
- *
- * You may copy this under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * or the Artistic License, copies of which should have accompanied your
- * Perl kit.
- */
- /* public functions to be called by Perl programs */
- void ora_version();
- int ora_bind(),
- ora_fetch(),
- ora_titles();
- char *ora_login(),
- *ora_open(),
- *ora_close(),
- *ora_do(),
- *ora_logoff(),
- *ora_commit(),
- *ora_rollback(),
- *ora_autocommit();
- /* These functions are internal to the system, not for public consumption */
- int ora_dropcursor(),
- ora_droplda();
- char *convert_debug();
- struct cursor *ora_getcursor(),
- *ora_getlda();
- /* definition of the csrdef structure - taken from the oracle sample program */
- struct csrdef
- {
- short csrrc; /* return code */
- short csrft; /* function type */
- unsigned long csrrpc; /* rows processed count */
- short csrpeo; /* parse error offset */
- unsigned char csrfc; /* function code */
- unsigned char csrfil; /* filler */
- unsigned short csrarc; /* reserved, private */
- unsigned char csrwrn; /* warning flags */
- unsigned char csrflg; /* error flags */
- /* *** Operating system dependent *** */
- unsigned int csrcn; /* cursor number */
- struct { /* rowid structure */
- struct {
- unsigned long tidtrba; /* rba of first blockof table */
- unsigned short tidpid; /* partition id of table */
- unsigned char tidtbl; /* table id of table */
- } ridtid;
- unsigned long ridbrba; /* rba of datablock */
- unsigned short ridsqn; /* sequence number of row in block */
- } csrrid;
- unsigned int csrose; /* os dependent error code */
- unsigned char csrchk; /* check byte */
- unsigned char crsfill[26]; /* private, reserved fill */
- };
- /* data structure for the pool of cursors */
- struct cursor
- {
- struct csrdef *csr;
- char *hda, /* used if this cursor is an lda */
- **data; /* used to receive database contents */
- short **rcode, /* used to receive fetch error codes */
- *type, /* used to receive data types */
- *len; /* used to receive field lengths */
- int cache_size, /* how many rows to cache */
- end_of_data, /* reached end of data? */
- in_cache, /* how many rows actually cached */
- next_entry, /* next valid cache entry */
- nfields, /* number of fields to retrieve */
- varfields; /* number of modifiable variables */
- struct cursor *next; /* list pointer */
- };
- /* functions that we use */
- int count_colons();
- unsigned long strtoul();
- char *getenv(), *malloc();
- void my_setenv();
- /* variables accesible to the outside world */
- EXT int ora_errno INIT(0), /* latest error code */
- ora_long INIT(80), /* length of LONG fields */
- ora_nfields INIT(0), /* size of ora_result array */
- ora_trunc INIT(0); /* allow LONG truncation? */
- EXT char *ora_debug INIT(NULL), /* debugging state */
- **ora_result INIT(NULL); /* data return */
- /* How many rows should we cache for a SELECT statement?
- * I think that 5 is a good tradeoff between speed and memory use.
- * If you want a different figure, change it in Makefile, not here.
- */
- #ifndef CACHE_SIZE
- # define CACHE_SIZE 5
- #endif
- EXT int ora_cache INIT(CACHE_SIZE); /* default row cache */
- /* I've tried to give debugging some compatibility with Larry's -D flag,
- * but allowing the flexibility to debug the oracle functions without
- * debugging perl as well.
- *
- * Look at the file Debugging for details.
- */
- # ifndef DEBUGGING
- # endif
- extern int debug; /* -D flag from uperl.o */
- extern char *origfilename; /* script name */
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- # ifdef DBUG_OFF
- # undef DBUG_OFF
- # endif
- #else
- # define DBUG_OFF
- EXT int warn_on_debug;
- #endif
- #include "dbug.h" /* Yes, this is _outside_ the #ifdef ... #endif */
- /* error codes for ORAPERL
- *
- * These are higher than any possible ORACLE error code,
- * so that they can be distinguished
- */
- #define ORAP_ERRMIN 100000 /* lowest value allowed for an oraperl error */
- #define ORAP_ERR(n) (ORAP_ERRMIN + (n))
- #define ORAP_NOMEM ORAP_ERR(1) /* out of memory */
- #define ORAP_INVCSR ORAP_ERR(2) /* invalid cursor supplied */
- #define ORAP_INVLDA ORAP_ERR(3) /* invalid lda supplied */
- #define ORAP_NOSID ORAP_ERR(4) /* couldn't set ORACLE_SID */
- #define ORAP_BADVAR ORAP_ERR(5) /* bad colon variable sequence */
- #define ORAP_NUMVARS ORAP_ERR(6) /* wrong number of colon variables */
- #define ORAP_NODATA ORAP_ERR(7) /* statement does not return data */
- #define ORAP_ERRMAX ORAP_NODATA /* highest value actually used */