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- This is an instant-mix package (just add Perl) to create Oraperl,
- a version of Perl which is capable of accessing Oracle databases,
- and Coraperl, a version of Oraperl which also includes Curses.
- To use it, you must have the Oracle Pro*C product and a version of
- Perl which supports Usersubs (v3.0.27 or later).
- Unshar it somewhere convenient, and edit Makefile. You may need
- to change the definitions below:
- ORACLE_HOME your Oracle installation directory
- SRC your Perl source directory (with the usub directory)
- OCILIB +- copy these from $ORACLE_HOME/c/demo/proc.mk
- NETLIBS | (or whatever you use to link OCI programs)
- ALL_ORA_LIBS summary of Oracle libraries.
- This is the one that the Makefile actually uses
- LOCINCS +- copy these from $SRC/usub/Makefile
- LIBS /
- CURSELIB your curses library, if you're building Coraperl
- see the file Debugging for an explanation
- DBUG_O the debugging library, if debugging is required
- CACHE default fetch cache size, if you want to change it
- BIND if defined, do not pad empty bind values
- STRTOUL \_ system dependent - see Makefile for details
- TESTDATA database, username and password for testing Oraperl
- As well as oraperl, you can also type "make coraperl" to create a version
- of Oraperl which incorporates curses. You must first compile curseperl (in
- $(SRC)/usub), and leave the curses.o file there. You may need Perl v4.0.19
- or later for this to work, as that was the first version to support System V
- curses. Typing "make all" will make both oraperl and coraperl.
- After building oraperl, type "make test" to run some rudimentary tests.
- These are anything but exhaustive, but if anything goes wrong, you need
- to check it. At present, the tests are just hacked from a couple of the
- example scripts; if you have some better tests, please send them to me.
- After testing oraperl (and optionally building coraperl) type "make install"
- to install the binaries and the manual pages. They will be put in the same
- directories as you specified for Perl, so the config.sh script must still
- exist in your Perl source directory. The sample script example/sql will
- also be installed, as it is a useful program in its own right.
- I've only tested this on an Encore Multimax 520 running UMAX V (Sys Vr3.2),
- using whichever version of Perl was current at the time that I completed
- each release (covers the range 3.0.34 to 4.0.35, excluding 4.0.33) with
- Oracle version 6, as I don't have access to any other system with Pro*C.
- However, other people have compiled and used it on a range of different
- systems including Convex, Cray, NeXT, Pyramid, Sun and Ultrix, using Oracle
- versions 5 and 6. I'd appreciate any comments, bug-reports, improvements, etc.
- In addition to this README, the package contains the following files:
- Source Code:
- Makefile building instructions
- colons.c counts substitution variables in a statement
- debug.c translates numeric debugging codes to string
- getcursor.c functions to deal with the cursor pool
- oracle.mus function interface description
- orafns.c oracle interface functions
- orafns.h common declarations
- patchlevel.h Oraperl version number and patch level
- strtoul.c for systems which don't have strtoul(3)
- usersub.c initialisation routine
- Fred Fish' Debugging library (in the dbug/ directory):
- Makefile makefile for the debugging library
- Readme readme for the debugging library
- dbug.c library code
- dbug.h debugging header
- dbug.p documentation for the debugging library
- dbug.qr quick reference list
- fact.c sample program (taken from the manual)
- Examples (in the examples/ directory):
- Readme introduction to the examples
- bind.pl use of ora_bind and ora_fetch for table lookup
- ckdebug.pl tests to see if debugging is available
- commit.pl using commit and rollback
- ex.pl simple example of Oraperl functions
- mkdb.pl more extensive example, using curses if available
- you can run this with either Oraperl or Coraperl
- oradump.pl dump an Oracle table into a set of insert statements
- sql execute an SQL statement from the command line
- (this one is worth installing)
- tabinfo.pl display the structure of a database table
- Documentation (in the doc/ directory):
- oraperl.ref quick reference - glue it into the perl reference guide
- oraperl.1 manual page
- Testing information (in the testdir/ directory)
- Readme test information
- Standard-Results correct results for a test run
- commit.pl test script
- mkdb.pl test script
- Miscellaneous:
- Changes Summary of changes to Oraperl
- Debugging Details of the built-in debugging routines
- Hints notes concerning problems which have arisen in the past
- Long information about LONG and LONGRAW support
- Makefile builds (c)oraperl and documentation, cleans up
- Row_cache describes the speed improvements due to caching
- install.pl Perl script to install Oraperl
- oraperl.ph definitions of Oraperl error and debugging codes
- Many thanks to Larry for Perl.
- Kevin Stock
- kstock@encore.com
- IMPORTANT NOTICE - Warranty and Copyright
- Oraperl is not a product of either Encore Computer Corporation or Oracle
- Corporation or any of their subsidiaries. There is no warranty, and no
- official support is available.
- It is Copyright 1991, 1992 Kevin Stock, but may be freely distributed
- under the same terms as Perl itself, that is, under the terms of either
- the GNU Public License or the Artistic License.