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- /*
- * A morse code practice utility. (Contains those characters that can appear
- * on the FCC ham license exam.)
- *
- * Running "morse" without arguments or input gives self-doc.
- *
- * It doesn't keep PERFECT time, but it seems reasonably close
- * for reasonable word speeds on my slow SUN IPC!
- *
- * Joe Dellinger
- * Tue Aug 11 14:01:02 HST 1992
- * University of Hawaii at Manoa
- *
- * Revised by Joe:
- * Thu Nov 26 03:24:19 HST 1992
- *
- * Legal stuff:
- * This code is (ridiculously) heavily modified from morse.c from the Reno UNIX
- * distribution. I (Joe) also used slightly modified versions of a subroutine
- * from Richard Ottolini at Unocal for Sun workstation tone generation.
- * Scott Seligman at Stanford added support for other sorts of devices and
- * made several other changes. John Shalamskas helped test and made comments.
- *
- * I don't think anybody cares if you redistribute this, modify it, etc...
- * But don't claim you wrote it, try to sell it, or take anyone's name out
- * of the code! If you modify it, PLEASE INDICATE WHEN, WHERE, AND HOW
- */
- /*
- * Joe Dellinger, UH Manoa, joe@montebello.soest.hawaii.edu, June 1992:
- * inserted this sample modification log entry.
- *
- * Marc Unangst, N8VRH, mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us, Dec 1992:
- * added System V support.
- *
- */
- /*
- * The following stuff is here because this started life as a routine from
- * the Reno UNIX distribution. (It's also a good boilerplate bit of legalese
- * to have in there anyway.)
- */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
- #ifndef lint
- char copyright[] =
- "@(#) Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.\n\
- All rights reserved.\n";
- char copyleftjoe[] =
- "@(#) Copyright (c) 1992 Joe Dellinger, University of Hawaii at Manoa.\n";
- #endif /* not lint */
- /*
- *============================================================================
- * Here starts the code!
- *============================================================================
- */
- /*
- * Useful for seeing what the interleaved reading and writing loops are
- * really up to.
- *
- * #define DEBUG
- *
- * If you want to be overwhelmed with information about the probabilities
- * of each letter being chosen.
- *
- * #define DEBUGG
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include "beep.h"
- /* Define USG for termio a la System V. */
- #ifdef __hpux
- #define USG
- #endif
- /*
- * Define the return type of a signal handler. Defaults to void, which is
- * what most modern systems are using these days.
- */
- #ifndef SIGRET
- #define SIGRET void
- #endif
- #define FREQUENCY 800.
- #define FREQUENCY2 602.
- #define VOLUME .5
- #define WORDS_PER_MINUTE 20.
- #define MAX_BEHINDNESS 0
- static int whichfrequ = 0;
- static float frequency1 = FREQUENCY;
- static float frequency2 = FREQUENCY2;
- static float frequency;
- static float volume = VOLUME;
- static float dot_time;
- static float dash_time;
- static float intra_char_time;
- static float inter_char_time;
- static float inter_word_time;
- static float catchup_time;
- static int showletters = 0;
- static int showmorse = 0;
- static int wordsbefore = 0;
- static int wordsafter = 0;
- static int fancyending = 1;
- static int noticebad = 0;
- static int testing = 0;
- static int showtesting = 0;
- static int dynamicspeed = 0;
- static int charbychar = 0;
- static int tryagaincount = 1;
- static float words_per_minute;
- static float fwords_per_minute;
- static int randomletters = 0;
- #define LETMESEE 2
- static int typeaway = 0;
- static int totalhitcount = 0;
- static int totalmisscount = 0;
- static int helpmeflag = 0;
- #define MAXWORDLEN 20
- static int testpointer = -1;
- static int testlength = 0;
- static int behindness = 0;
- static int max_behindness = MAX_BEHINDNESS;
- static char teststring[TESTBUFSZ];
- static int yourpointer = -1;
- static int yourlength = 0;
- static char yourstring[TESTBUFSZ];
- /*
- * How many times can a given character not be asked before
- * kicking up the probability of asking that one by one randomfactor unit.
- */
- #define RIPECOUNT 64
- #define TWOFIFTYSIX 256
- static char *(code[TWOFIFTYSIX]);
- static int errorlog[TWOFIFTYSIX];
- static int randomfactor[TWOFIFTYSIX];
- static int randomripe[TWOFIFTYSIX];
- extern int testterminal ();
- extern int randomletter ();
- /*
- * Value of (Wrong - Right), which, if exceeded, will cause the program
- * to start prompting you. Above MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD it will never prompt.
- * Don't let the user bank too much credit for past correct answers;
- * limit it by min(ERROR_FLOOR, error_threshold).
- */
- #define MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD 1000
- #define ERROR_FLOOR -3
- static int error_threshold = MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD;
- static int error_floor = ERROR_FLOOR;
- /*
- * How many characters behind before it decides you're having
- * trouble keeping up.
- */
- #define BEHIND 1
- #define WAYBEHIND 3
- #define TOOFARBEHIND 6
- /*
- * If SLOWPOKE or more wpm ticks go by, then it decides you are having lots
- * of trouble remembering this character, and need to be asked it more
- * often.
- */
- #define SLOWPOKE 10
- /* You aren't slow -- you left and came back! */
- /*
- * If FASTPOKE or less wpm ticks go by, then it decides you are good at this
- * character, and need to be asked it less often.
- */
- #define FASTPOKE 4
- /*
- * These control how quickly the dynamicspeed option acts when you are
- * fast or slow. Easier to slow down than speed up!
- */
- #define ERRORSLOWER 1.04
- #define ALOTSLOWER 1.15
- #define ALITTLESLOWER 1.02
- #define ALITTLEFASTER 1.02
- /*
- * How many inter_char_time's to give you to answer after the end of
- * a word before considering that you are not keeping up.
- * Maximum of 2.3, minimum of 0.
- * The bigger the value, the easier it is to kick in the "automatic
- * speedup" when using the "-d" option. The maximum means you have (almost)
- * right up to the beginning of the next word to answer and still have it
- * count as keeping up.
- */
- #define SPORTING_RATIO 1.5
- /*
- * The bigger, the more evenly things start out.
- * (Must be at least 2)
- */
- /*
- * RANDOMINCWORSE scales how badly you are punished for being wrong
- * or taking too long. RANDOMINCBETTER scales how you are rewarded for
- * answering quickly or being right.
- */
- /*
- * The average length of a random word (chosen using exponential distribution).
- * After implementing this I'm not so sure an exponential distribution
- * actually models the distribution of real word lengths in English very well.
- * It's not too bad, though, and the words themselves are all garbage anyway,
- * so what the heck.
- */
- #define RANDWORDLEN 3.5
- /* Put in a newline instead of a space when past this column */
- #define RANLINELENGTH 50
- /* An EOF without the EOF (@) sound */
- #define SILENTEOF -2
- /* Toggle tone frequency on control-G within input file */
- #define FREQU_TOGGLE ((int)'\007')
- /*
- * If you want the morse code to come out synchronized with the printing
- * of dots and dashes with the -m option, then define this. The problem
- * is that then the morse code then sounds ratty on slower CPU's.
- * John Shalamskas (KJ9U) suggested turning the precise morse-code printing
- * synching off because he didn't like the resulting code quality!
- */
- #undef FLUSHCODE
- /*
- * Choose your favorite random number generator!
- */
- #ifndef USERANDOM
- #ifndef USELRAND
- #ifndef USERAND
- #define USERANDOM /* USELRAND or USERAND are the other choices */
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef USERANDOM
- #define RANDOM() random()
- #define SEEDRANDOM(s) srandom((int)s)
- long random ();
- #endif
- #ifdef USELRAND
- #define RANDOM() lrand48()
- #define SEEDRANDOM(s) srand48((long)(s))
- long lrand48 ();
- #endif
- #ifdef USERAND
- /*
- * UGH, are you really sure you want to use this one?
- * This one really stinks!
- */
- #define RANDOM() rand()
- #define SEEDRANDOM(s) srand((int)(s))
- int rand ();
- #endif
- SIGRET die (), suspend ();
- void cleanup ();
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- extern char *optarg;
- extern int optind;
- int ch;
- char *p;
- int ii, jj;
- int firsttime, notdoneyet;
- int yourchar;
- float randexp, randnum;
- extern time_t time ();
- int linepos;
- if (argc == 1 && isatty (fileno (stdin)))
- {
- /*
- */
- printf ("Usage:\n");
- printf ("morse [options] < text_file\n");
- printf ("morse [options] words words words\n");
- printf ("morse [options] -r\n");
- printf ("morse [options] -i\n");
- printf ("Options:\n");
- printf ("-i Play what you type.\n");
- printf ("-I Like -i but don't turn off keyboard echoing.\n");
- printf ("-r Generate random text. Starts out slanted towards easy\n");
- printf (" letters, then slants towards ones you get wrong.\n");
- printf ("-w words_per_minute (default %g)\n-f frequency_in_hertz (default %g)\n-v volume (zero to one, rather nonlinear, default %g)\n",
- printf ("-g alternate_frequency (default %g)\n (toggles via control-G in input FILE at a word break)\n", FREQUENCY2);
- printf ("-F Farnsworth_character_words_per_minute\n");
- printf ("-e leave off the EOT sound at the end\n");
- printf ("-c complain about illegal characters instead of just ignoring them\n");
- printf ("-b print each word before doing it\n");
- printf ("-a print each word after doing it\n");
- printf ("-l print each letter just before doing it\n");
- printf ("-m print morse dots and dashes as they sound\n");
- #ifdef FLUSHCODE
- printf (" (this printing-intensive option slows the wpm down!)\n");
- #endif
- printf ("-t Type along with the morse, but don't see what\n");
- printf (" you're typing (unless you make a mistake).\n");
- printf (" You are allowed to get ahead as much as you want.\n");
- printf (" If you get too far behind it will stop and resync with you.\n");
- printf (" You can force it to resync at the next word end by hitting control-H.\n");
- printf (" Hit ESC to see how you are doing, control-D to end.\n");
- printf ("-T Like -t but see your characters (after they are played).\n");
- printf ("-s Stop after each character and make sure you get it right. (implies -t)\n");
- printf ("-p NUM (default 0)\n");
- printf (" Make you get it right NUM times, for penance. (implies -s)\n");
- printf (" (Yes, NUM = 0 means you can sin all you want.)\n");
- printf ("-E NUM (default %d)\n", MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD);
- printf (" If your count of wrong answers minus right answers for a given character\n");
- printf (" exceeds this, the program will start prompting you.\n");
- printf (" If %d or above, it will never prompt. (imples -t)\n", MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD);
- printf ("-M NUM (default %d)\n", MAX_BEHINDNESS);
- printf (" If you get more than this number of characters behind, pause until you\n");
- printf (" do your next letter. (1 behind is normal, 0 behind means never pause.)\n");
- printf (" (implies -t)\n");
- printf ("-d Dynamically speed up or slow down depending on how you are doing.\n");
- printf (" (if also -s, then -d _only speeds up_!)\n");
- printf ("\n");
- printf ("\n");
- printf ("\n");
- printf ("For the raw beginner trying to learn morse code I recommend\n");
- printf ("the following sequence:\n");
- printf ("\n");
- printf ("Start learning the alphabet:\n");
- printf (" morse -r -s -T -d -w 5 -F 15 -p 5 -E -10\n");
- printf ("Then drill drill drill:\n");
- printf (" morse -r -s -T -d -w 5 -F 15 -p 5 -E 0\n");
- printf ("Real-time drill, with hints if you really need it:\n");
- printf (" morse -r -T -d -w 5 -F 15 -M 2 -E 4\n");
- printf ("Simulated test:\n");
- printf (" QSO | morse -e -T -d -w 5 -F 15\n");
- printf ("and the dreaded random-letter test:\n");
- printf (" morse -r -T -d -w 5 -F 15\n");
- printf ("\n");
- printf ("Written by (mostly) joe@montebello.soest.hawaii.edu\n");
- exit (0);
- }
- for (ii = 0; ii < TWOFIFTYSIX; ii++)
- code[ii] = NULL;
- /* Load in the morse code code */
- code[(int) '0'] = "-----";
- code[(int) '1'] = ".----";
- code[(int) '2'] = "..---";
- code[(int) '3'] = "...--";
- code[(int) '4'] = "....-";
- code[(int) '5'] = ".....";
- code[(int) '6'] = "-....";
- code[(int) '7'] = "--...";
- code[(int) '8'] = "---..";
- code[(int) '9'] = "----.";
- code[(int) 'a'] = ".-";
- code[(int) 'b'] = "-...";
- code[(int) 'c'] = "-.-.";
- code[(int) 'd'] = "-..";
- code[(int) 'e'] = ".";
- code[(int) 'f'] = "..-.";
- code[(int) 'g'] = "--.";
- code[(int) 'h'] = "....";
- code[(int) 'i'] = "..";
- code[(int) 'j'] = ".---";
- code[(int) 'k'] = "-.-";
- code[(int) 'l'] = ".-..";
- code[(int) 'm'] = "--";
- code[(int) 'n'] = "-.";
- code[(int) 'o'] = "---";
- code[(int) 'p'] = ".--.";
- code[(int) 'q'] = "--.-";
- code[(int) 'r'] = ".-.";
- code[(int) 's'] = "...";
- code[(int) 't'] = "-";
- code[(int) 'u'] = "..-";
- code[(int) 'v'] = "...-";
- code[(int) 'w'] = ".--";
- code[(int) 'x'] = "-..-";
- code[(int) 'y'] = "-.--";
- code[(int) 'z'] = "--..";
- /* Punctuation */
- code[(int) '='] = "-...-";
- code[(int) '?'] = "..--..";
- code[(int) '/'] = "-..-.";
- code[(int) ','] = "--..--";
- code[(int) '.'] = ".-.-.-";
- /* Procedural signs */
- code[(int) '+'] = ".-.-.";
- code[(int) '@'] = "...-.-";
- for (ii = 0; ii < TWOFIFTYSIX; ii++)
- {
- /* Everything starts equally fresh */
- randomripe[ii] = 0;
- /* Start out assuming you know how everything sounds */
- errorlog[ii] = 0;
- if (code[ii] == NULL)
- {
- /* Ensures these will never be chosen */
- randomfactor[ii] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Start out favoring easy ones */
- randomfactor[ii] = RANDOMBASELEVEL - strlen (code[ii]);
- if (randomfactor[ii] < 1)
- randomfactor[ii] == 1;
- }
- }
- words_per_minute = WORDS_PER_MINUTE;
- fwords_per_minute = -1.;
- while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "F:w:lbamf:g:v:tTdesp:riIcM:E:")) != EOF)
- switch ((char) ch)
- {
- case 'i':
- typeaway = 1;
- break;
- case 'I':
- typeaway = LETMESEE;
- break;
- case 'r':
- randomletters = 1;
- break;
- case 'c':
- noticebad = 1;
- break;
- case 'e':
- fancyending = 0;
- break;
- case 'T':
- testing = 1;
- showtesting = 1;
- break;
- case 't':
- testing = 1;
- break;
- case 's':
- charbychar = 1;
- testing = 1;
- break;
- case 'p':
- charbychar = 1;
- testing = 1;
- sscanf (optarg, "%d", &tryagaincount);
- break;
- case 'M':
- testing = 1;
- sscanf (optarg, "%d", &max_behindness);
- if (max_behindness < 1)
- max_behindness = 0;
- break;
- case 'E':
- testing = 1;
- sscanf (optarg, "%d", &error_threshold);
- if (error_threshold < error_floor)
- error_floor = error_threshold;
- break;
- case 'd':
- dynamicspeed = 1;
- break;
- case 'w':
- sscanf (optarg, "%f", &words_per_minute);
- break;
- case 'F':
- sscanf (optarg, "%f", &fwords_per_minute);
- break;
- case 'l':
- showletters = 1;
- break;
- case 'b':
- wordsbefore = 1;
- break;
- case 'a':
- wordsafter = 1;
- break;
- case 'm':
- showmorse = 1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- sscanf (optarg, "%f", &frequency1);
- break;
- case 'g':
- sscanf (optarg, "%f", &frequency2);
- break;
- case 'v':
- sscanf (optarg, "%f", &volume);
- if (volume < 0.)
- volume = 0.;
- if (volume > 1.)
- volume = 1.;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Type \"morse\" without arguments to get self-doc!\n");
- exit (1);
- break;
- }
- argc -= optind;
- argv += optind;
- if (fwords_per_minute <= 0.)
- fwords_per_minute = words_per_minute;
- new_words_per_minute ();
- frequency = frequency1;
- if (BeepInit () != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Can't access speaker.\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- signal (SIGINT, die);
- signal (SIGTERM, die);
- signal (SIGQUIT, die);
- signal (SIGTSTP, suspend);
- if (testing || typeaway)
- {
- openterminal ();
- }
- /*
- * Do .25 seconds of silence initially to give the workstation time to
- * get settled after the stress of starting this program and opening
- * up everything.
- */
- tone (frequency, .25, 0.);
- toneflush ();
- if (typeaway)
- {
- testing = 0;
- showtesting = 0;
- charbychar = 0;
- wordsbefore = 0;
- wordsafter = 0;
- randomletters = 0;
- notdoneyet = 1;
- while (notdoneyet)
- {
- pollyou ();
- for (jj = 0; jj < yourlength; jj++)
- {
- yourchar = yourstring[(yourpointer - yourlength + 1 + jj + TESTBUFSZ) % TESTBUFSZ];
- /* Control-D: finished */
- if (yourchar == (int) '\004')
- {
- toneflush ();
- notdoneyet = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (isspace (yourchar))
- {
- if (showletters)
- {
- toneflush ();
- printf ("%c", yourchar);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- tone (frequency, inter_word_time, 0.);
- continue;
- }
- morse (yourchar);
- }
- yourlength -= jj;
- }
- }
- else if (randomletters)
- {
- randexp = 1. / (1. - 1. / (float) (RANDWORDLEN));
- linepos = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- dowords (randomletter ());
- linepos++;
- /* Knock a few bits off the top so we're sure it won't overflow */
- /* Shift a few bits because the lower bits stink */
- /* Add in the time so it doesn't repeat from run to run */
- randnum = (float) (
- ((RANDOM () >> 9) + (long) (time (NULL)) >> 4)
- & 0x00FFFFFF);
- randnum = randnum - randexp * (int) (randnum / randexp);
- if (randnum >= 1.)
- if (linepos >= RANLINELENGTH)
- {
- dowords ((int) '\n');
- linepos = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- dowords ((int) ' ');
- linepos++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (*argv)
- {
- firsttime = 1;
- do
- {
- if (!firsttime)
- {
- dowords ((int) ' ');
- }
- else
- firsttime = 0;
- for (p = *argv; *p; ++p)
- dowords ((int) *p);
- } while (*++argv);
- }
- else
- {
- while ((ch = getchar ()) != EOF)
- dowords (ch);
- }
- }
- if (fancyending)
- dowords (EOF);
- else
- dowords (SILENTEOF);
- fflush (stdout);
- if (testing)
- {
- /*
- * WE'RE completely done, and YOU aren't! Force catch up. (Note if
- * charbychar = YES we won't get here, since we're always caught up
- * after each character as it comes out.)
- */
- while (testlength > 0)
- {
- tone (frequency, catchup_time, 0.);
- toneflush ();
- testterminal ();
- }
- }
- /* Just to be sure! */
- toneflush ();
- if (showmorse || wordsbefore || wordsafter || showletters || showtesting)
- printf ("\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- if (testing)
- report ();
- /* If you make any mistakes exit with a return code! */
- cleanup ();
- return (totalmisscount > 0);
- }
- new_words_per_minute ()
- {
- float wtick, ftick, tick;
- tick = 60. / (words_per_minute * 50);
- /*
- * In the limit as wpm goes past fwpm, Farnsworth becomes kosher PARIS
- */
- if (fwords_per_minute <= words_per_minute)
- ftick = 60. / (words_per_minute * 50);
- else
- ftick = 60. / (fwords_per_minute * 50);
- wtick = (50. * tick - 31. * ftick) / 19.;
- /*
- * This time is used when the computer is waiting on you to hit a key; it
- * is useful to scale the granularity with the real overrall words per
- * minute. This also serves as a measuring rod to see if you are
- * responding "fast enough". If you are too slow, then obviously you are
- * having trouble with that character, and should be given it more OFTEN.
- * Heh heh heh...
- */
- catchup_time = tick;
- /*
- * Things between characters and words go at the "remainder" speed,
- * whatever space you need to make the sped-up Farnsworth characters come
- * out with the correct overall words per minute.
- */
- inter_char_time = wtick * 3.;
- inter_word_time = wtick * 7.;
- /* Things within the character go at the Farnsworth speed */
- intra_char_time = ftick;
- dot_time = ftick;
- dash_time = ftick * 3.;
- }
- static int tryingagain = 0, slowpoke = 0;
- dowords (c)
- int c;
- {
- static int wordc = 0;
- static char word[MAXWORDLEN];
- char *wordp;
- int ii;
- int againcount;
- int are_we_repeating;
- /*
- * If a word gets too long, just cut it off by inserting a space.
- * Just call ourselves with the character we wish we'd gotten...
- */
- if (wordc == MAXWORDLEN - 1 && !(isspace (c) || c == EOF || c == SILENTEOF || c == FREQU_TOGGLE))
- dowords ((int) ' ');
- if (isspace (c) || c == EOF || c == SILENTEOF || c == FREQU_TOGGLE)
- {
- if (wordc > 0)
- {
- word[wordc] = '\0';
- /*
- * We have just read in a new complete word from the input, (hopefully)
- * during the time of an inter-word space minus an inter-char space.
- * Now let's go back and see what happened with the PREVIOUS word,
- * the one that we had just finished playing. Did the user keep
- * up with us?
- */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, " [%d] ", behindness);
- #endif
- if (testing && dynamicspeed && !charbychar)
- {
- /*
- * (If charbychar then behindness is ALWAYS 0 at this
- * point...)
- */
- if (behindness == 0)
- {
- /* You're a speed demon! Speed up a bit, then! */
- words_per_minute *= ALITTLEFASTER;
- new_words_per_minute ();
- }
- else if (behindness > WAYBEHIND)
- {
- /* You're way behind! Slow way down. */
- words_per_minute /= ALOTSLOWER;
- new_words_per_minute ();
- }
- else if (behindness > BEHIND)
- {
- /* You're behind! Slow down a bit. */
- words_per_minute /= ALITTLESLOWER;
- new_words_per_minute ();
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the user was WAY too far behind stop and catch up with
- * the "new" word as the first one.
- */
- if (testing && (behindness > TOOFARBEHIND || helpmeflag))
- {
- if (helpmeflag)
- printf ("\nOK, let's restart.\n");
- else
- printf ("\nYou are too far behind! Let's restart.\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- toneflush ();
- /* Flush the keyboard buffer */
- pollyou ();
- /* Forget the past */
- helpmeflag = 0;
- behindness = 0;
- testlength = 0;
- yourlength = 0;
- /* Give the user a little rest. */
- sleep (2);
- printf ("\nWPM now %d\n", (int) (words_per_minute + .5));
- fflush (stdout);
- sleep (2);
- printf ("\nREADY?\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- sleep (1);
- printf ("\nSET\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- sleep (1);
- printf ("\nGO!\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- /*
- * Start treating the new word.
- */
- if (wordsbefore)
- {
- /* Try to keep your out-of-sync text from getting swirled in */
- if (showtesting)
- printf ("\n");
- printf ("%s", word);
- if (showmorse || showletters || wordsafter || showtesting)
- {
- printf (" ");
- for (ii = 0; ii < 16 - (wordc + 2); ii++)
- {
- printf (" ");
- }
- }
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (testing && charbychar)
- {
- againcount = 0;
- }
- for (wordp = word; *wordp != '\0'; wordp++)
- {
- tryingagain = 0;
- tryagain:
- if (testing && !tryingagain && !showletters &&
- error_threshold < MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD &&
- errorlog[(int) *wordp] > error_threshold)
- {
- toneflush ();
- /* Give them a quick hint */
- printf ("[%c]", *wordp);
- fflush (stdout);
- morse (*wordp);
- toneflush ();
- if (!showmorse)
- {
- /* Erase the hint */
- printf ("\b\b\b \b\b\b", *wordp);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- morse (*wordp);
- }
- if (testing)
- {
- if (charbychar)
- {
- toneflush ();
- /* Force catchup */
- slowpoke = 0;
- while (behindness > 0)
- {
- if (testterminal () && tryagaincount > 0)
- {
- /*
- * OOPS! They got it WRONG! MAKE THEM TRY
- * AGAIN!
- */
- printf ("Try again.\n");
- /*
- * Yeah I know gotos are inelegant but I
- * don't feel like figuring out the "elegant"
- * way to do this right now.
- */
- againcount = tryagaincount - 1;
- tryingagain = 1;
- goto tryagain;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * They got it right, or they didn't answer
- * yet.
- */
- if (behindness > 0)
- {
- /*
- * They are STILL thinking, the
- * slowpokes. Wait a bit before trying
- * again.
- */
- tone (frequency, catchup_time, 0.);
- /*
- * Keep track of how long they're taking
- * to answer!
- */
- if (slowpoke < SLOWPOKEMAX)
- slowpoke++;
- toneflush ();
- }
- else if (dynamicspeed && !slowpoke && !tryingagain)
- {
- /*
- * They got it right without errors the
- * first time and we didn't have to wait
- * for them! A speed demon! Speed up a
- * bit, then!
- */
- words_per_minute *= ALITTLEFASTER;
- new_words_per_minute ();
- }
- }
- }
- /* Insufficient penance? */
- if (againcount > 0)
- {
- againcount--;
- goto tryagain;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- testterminal ();
- /*
- * Stop if we get more than max_behindness ahead.
- * max_behindness == 0 means don't worry about them,
- * they can be as far behind as they want and we
- * won't stop!
- */
- if (max_behindness > 0)
- {
- are_we_repeating = 0;
- while (behindness >= max_behindness)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, " (%d) ", behindness);
- #endif
- if (are_we_repeating)
- {
- /*
- * Pause for a bit so we don't loop too
- * fast
- */
- tone (frequency, catchup_time, 0.);
- }
- else
- {
- are_we_repeating = 1;
- }
- /* Finish playing whatever we're playing */
- toneflush ();
- /* And give them another chance */
- testterminal ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- toneflush ();
- if (testing)
- testterminal ();
- if (wordsafter)
- {
- printf (" (%s)", word);
- }
- if (wordsbefore || wordsafter || showmorse)
- printf ("\n");
- else if (showletters || showtesting)
- {
- if (c != EOF && c != SILENTEOF && c != FREQU_TOGGLE)
- {
- if (showletters)
- printf ("%c", c);
- if (showtesting)
- testaddchar (c);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now finish up all the other sundry details...
- */
- /* Flush the output printing queue... */
- fflush (stdout);
- /*
- * Pause for a bit; this gives the user a sporting chance at
- * catching up with us.
- */
- tone (frequency, SPORTING_RATIO * inter_char_time, 0.);
- toneflush ();
- /* Start sounding an inter-word space */
- tone (frequency, inter_word_time - SPORTING_RATIO * inter_char_time, 0.);
- /* While that silence is playing check if the user has caught up. */
- if (testing)
- testterminal ();
- /* We finished this word; reset the word character count */
- wordc = 0;
- }
- else if (!(wordsbefore || wordsafter || showmorse)
- &&
- (showletters || showtesting))
- {
- if (c != EOF && c != SILENTEOF && c != FREQU_TOGGLE)
- {
- if (showletters)
- printf ("%c", c);
- if (showtesting)
- testaddchar (c);
- }
- }
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- morse (EOF);
- toneflush ();
- }
- else if (c == SILENTEOF)
- {
- toneflush ();
- }
- else if (c == FREQU_TOGGLE)
- {
- /* Switch to the other frequency */
- /* (Won't work from keyboard, only from a file.) */
- whichfrequ = 1 - whichfrequ;
- switch (whichfrequ)
- {
- case 1:
- frequency = frequency2;
- break;
- case 0:
- default:
- frequency = frequency1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- word[wordc++] = c;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Don't try to test the person DURING the call into morse!
- */
- morse (c)
- int c;
- {
- if (showletters)
- {
- if (c == EOF)
- printf ("EOT");
- else if (c == '.' && showmorse)
- printf ("PERIOD");
- else if (c == '=' && showmorse)
- printf ("BREAK");
- else
- printf ("%c", c);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (isalpha (c))
- {
- if (testing)
- testaddchar (c - (isupper (c) ? 'A' : 'a') + 'a');
- show (code[c - (isupper (c) ? 'A' : 'a') + 'a']);
- }
- else if (c == EOF)
- {
- show (code[(int) '@']);
- }
- else if (code[c] != NULL)
- {
- if (testing)
- testaddchar (c);
- show (code[c]);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Oops! This letter is junk! */
- if (noticebad)
- {
- if (showletters)
- {
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- /* Simulate a stumble */
- tone (frequency, 2. * inter_word_time, 0.);
- toneflush ();
- }
- if (showletters)
- {
- /* Wipe out what we just printed */
- fflush (stdout);
- printf ("\b");
- printf (" ");
- printf ("\b");
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (noticebad)
- {
- if (showletters)
- {
- /* And replace it with an error message */
- printf ("*UNKNOWN_CHARACTER*");
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- /* Give the error call */
- show ("........");
- /* Regroup */
- tone (frequency, inter_word_time, 0.);
- }
- }
- if (showmorse)
- printf (" ");
- fflush (stdout);
- toneflush ();
- tone (frequency, inter_char_time - intra_char_time, 0.);
- }
- /*
- * Don't try to test the person WHILE doing dots and dashes!
- */
- show (s)
- char *s;
- {
- char c;
- while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
- {
- tone (frequency, intra_char_time, 0.);
- #ifdef FLUSHCODE
- if (showmorse)
- toneflush ();
- #endif
- switch (c)
- {
- case '.':
- tone (frequency, dot_time, volume);
- break;
- case '-':
- tone (frequency, dash_time, volume);
- break;
- }
- if (showmorse)
- {
- printf ("%c", c);
- fflush (stdout);
- #ifdef FLUSHCODE
- toneflush ();
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * This only gets passed valid characters: ones
- * that have a morse code associated with them
- * or ones for which isspace(c) is true.
- */
- testaddchar (c)
- char c;
- {
- testpointer = (testpointer + 1) % TESTBUFSZ;
- teststring[testpointer] = c;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, " (%c,%d,%d) ", c, testlength, behindness);
- #endif
- testlength++;
- if (testlength > TESTBUFSZ)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "\n\nInput buffer queue overflow! Make TESTBUFSZ bigger!\n");
- fprintf (stderr, "(Or don't fall so far behind)\n");
- die ();
- }
- /*
- * Since you are never asked to type spaces (you can type them if
- * you want, but they are ignored) spaces in the input file don't
- * count against your "behindness".
- */
- if (!isspace (c))
- behindness++;
- }
- youraddchar (c)
- char c;
- {
- yourpointer = (yourpointer + 1) % TESTBUFSZ;
- yourstring[yourpointer] = c;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, " <%c,%d> ", c, yourlength);
- #endif
- yourlength++;
- if (yourlength > TESTBUFSZ)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "\n\nKeyboard typeahead buffer queue overflow! Make TESTBUFSZ bigger!\n");
- fprintf (stderr, "(Or don't type so far ahead... how did you expect to get them right anyway?)\n");
- die ();
- }
- }
- pollyou ()
- {
- int ii, num;
- char *string;
- num = readterminal (&string);
- for (ii = 0; ii < num; ii++)
- youraddchar (string[ii]);
- }
- int
- testterminal ()
- {
- int testinc, yourinc;
- int correctchar, yourchar, yourcharnocase;
- int errorcount;
- errorcount = 0;
- /*
- * There is nothing in the input file queue right now,
- * so we can't process any of your keystrokes.
- * Defer processing until we can catch up with YOU!
- */
- if (testlength == 0)
- return errorcount;
- /* We're ready for you; but are you ready for us? */
- pollyou ();
- /*
- * Process your entries and the input queue entries in parallel
- */
- if (yourlength > 0 && testlength > 0)
- {
- for (testinc = 0, yourinc = 0;
- testinc < testlength && yourinc < yourlength;
- testinc++, yourinc++)
- {
- correctchar = teststring[(testpointer - testlength + 1 + testinc + TESTBUFSZ) % TESTBUFSZ];
- /*
- * The latter half of this if shouldn't be necessary, but just in
- * case...
- */
- if (isspace (correctchar) || code[correctchar] == NULL)
- {
- if (showtesting)
- {
- printf ("%c", correctchar);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- /* White space doesn't count for "behindness" */
- behindness++;
- /* The _other_ pointer wasn't used; don't increment it. */
- yourinc--;
- /* Short circuit the loop */
- continue;
- }
- yourchar = yourstring[(yourpointer - yourlength + 1 + yourinc + TESTBUFSZ) % TESTBUFSZ];
- if (isalpha (yourchar))
- yourcharnocase = yourchar - (isupper (yourchar) ? 'A' : 'a') + 'a';
- else
- yourcharnocase = yourchar;
- /* Did you type something rude? If so, just ignore it. */
- if (isspace (yourchar) || code[yourcharnocase] == NULL)
- {
- /* ESCAPE: dump status info */
- /* Control-D: dump status info and then bye bye */
- /* Control-H: force restart */
- if (yourchar == '\033' || yourchar == (int) '\004')
- {
- report ();
- if (yourchar == (int) '\004')
- die ();
- }
- else if (yourchar == '\b')
- {
- helpmeflag = 1;
- }
- /* The _other_ pointer wasn't used; don't increment it. */
- testinc--;
- /* Short circuit the loop */
- continue;
- }
- if (yourcharnocase != correctchar)
- {
- errorcount++;
- totalmisscount++;
- /*
- * Record that you are having trouble with these.
- */
- errorlog[correctchar]++;
- if (code[yourcharnocase] != NULL &&
- errorlog[yourcharnocase] < MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD)
- errorlog[yourcharnocase]++;
- printf ("\n\007%c (%s) for %c (%s)\n",
- yourchar, code[yourcharnocase],
- correctchar, code[correctchar]);
- fflush (stdout);
- if (charbychar)
- {
- /* Give them a bit of time to think about their error */
- tone (frequency, inter_word_time, 0.);
- toneflush ();
- }
- if (dynamicspeed && !charbychar)
- {
- /*
- * Slow down. Doesn't make sense to slow down for errors,
- * though, if you've got all the time you want to think
- * about each one.
- */
- words_per_minute /= ERRORSLOWER;
- new_words_per_minute ();
- }
- if (randomletters && !tryingagain)
- {
- /*
- * Ask ones that confused you more often!
- */
- if (code[yourcharnocase] != NULL)
- {
- randomfactor[yourcharnocase] += (3 * RANDOMINCWORSE / 2);
- if (randomfactor[yourcharnocase] > RANDOMMAX)
- randomfactor[yourcharnocase] = RANDOMMAX;
- }
- randomfactor[correctchar] += RANDOMINCWORSE * 2;
- if (randomfactor[correctchar] > RANDOMMAX)
- randomfactor[correctchar] = RANDOMMAX;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Record that you got this right.
- */
- if (!tryingagain)
- {
- totalhitcount++;
- if (errorlog[correctchar] > error_floor)
- errorlog[correctchar]--;
- }
- if (showtesting)
- {
- printf ("%c", yourchar);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (randomletters && !tryingagain)
- {
- if (slowpoke == SLOWPOKEMAX)
- {
- printf ("\nNice to have you back again, I was getting bored!\n");
- }
- else if (slowpoke >= SLOWPOKE * 3)
- {
- /*
- * Did you take too long thinking about it? If so,
- * you probably need to be asked this one more
- * often...
- */
- randomfactor[correctchar] += (3 * RANDOMINCWORSE / 2);
- if (randomfactor[correctchar] > RANDOMMAX)
- randomfactor[correctchar] = RANDOMMAX;
- /*
- * Hits this slow shouldn't count! You were obviously
- * just guessing! (But it doesn't count as an error
- * either.)
- */
- totalhitcount--;
- }
- else if (slowpoke > FASTPOKE)
- {
- randomfactor[correctchar] +=
- (slowpoke * RANDOMINCWORSE) / (2 * SLOWPOKE);
- if (randomfactor[correctchar] > RANDOMMAX)
- randomfactor[correctchar] = RANDOMMAX;
- }
- else if (slowpoke <= (FASTPOKE / 2))
- {
- /*
- * Ask ones that you quickly answer correctly less
- * often!
- */
- randomfactor[correctchar] -= (3 * RANDOMINCBETTER / 2);
- /*
- * Don't let randomfactor hit 0, or you'll NEVER be
- * asked this one AGAIN!
- */
- if (randomfactor[correctchar] < 1)
- randomfactor[correctchar] = 1;
- }
- else if (slowpoke <= FASTPOKE)
- {
- randomfactor[correctchar] -= (RANDOMINCBETTER / 2);
- if (randomfactor[correctchar] < 1)
- randomfactor[correctchar] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- testlength -= testinc;
- behindness -= testinc;
- yourlength -= yourinc;
- }
- /*
- * If there are some extra white space characters in the input queue
- * it's OK, we'll get to them next time or we'll clean them out at the
- * end.
- */
- return errorcount;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------*/
- tone (hertz, duration, amplitude)
- float hertz, duration, amplitude;
- {
- Beep ((int) (duration * 1000), (int) (amplitude * 100), (int) hertz);
- }
- toneflush ()
- {
- BeepWait ();
- }
- /*----------------------------------------*/
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #ifdef USG
- #include <sys/termio.h>
- struct termio oldtermgtty;
- struct termio termgtty;
- #else
- #include <sys/file.h>
- struct sgttyb oldtermgtty;
- struct sgttyb termgtty;
- #endif
- static char *terminal = "/dev/tty";
- static int termfd;
- static int oldflgs, newflgs;
- static int termopen = 0;
- openterminal ()
- {
- /* get parameters and open terminal */
- #ifdef USG
- termfd = open (terminal, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY, 0);
- ioctl (termfd, TCGETA, &termgtty);
- oldtermgtty = termgtty;
- if (typeaway != LETMESEE)
- termgtty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL);
- termgtty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
- termgtty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
- termgtty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
- ioctl (0, TCSETAW, &termgtty);
- #else
- termfd = open (terminal, O_RDWR, 0);
- ioctl (termfd, TIOCGETP, &termgtty);
- oldtermgtty = termgtty;
- if (typeaway != LETMESEE)
- termgtty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
- termgtty.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
- ioctl (termfd, TIOCSETP, &termgtty);
- oldflgs = fcntl (termfd, F_GETFL);
- newflgs = oldflgs | FNDELAY;
- #endif
- termopen = 1;
- }
- int
- readterminal (string)
- char **string;
- {
- /* This must be declared static! */
- static char line[TESTBUFSZ];
- int n;
- #ifndef USG
- fcntl (termfd, F_SETFL, newflgs);
- #endif
- n = read (termfd, line, sizeof (line) - 1);
- #ifndef USG
- fcntl (termfd, F_SETFL, oldflgs);
- #endif
- if (n > 0)
- {
- line[n] = '\0';
- *string = line;
- }
- else
- *string = NULL;
- return n;
- }
- closeterminal ()
- {
- #ifdef USG
- ioctl (termfd, TCSETAW, &oldtermgtty);
- #else
- ioctl (termfd, TIOCSETP, &oldtermgtty);
- #endif
- close (termfd);
- }
- die ()
- {
- cleanup ();
- exit (1);
- }
- void
- cleanup ()
- {
- if (termopen)
- closeterminal ();
- BeepCleanup ();
- }
- suspend ()
- {
- signal (SIGTSTP, suspend);
- cleanup ();
- kill (getpid (), SIGSTOP);
- if (termopen)
- openterminal ();
- BeepResume ();
- }
- /*----------------------------------------*/
- int
- randomletter ()
- {
- int ii;
- int sum, sum2;
- long ranspot;
- extern time_t time ();
- static int lasttime = -1;
- static long norepeat;
- /*
- * This keeps the not-so-random random number generator from ignoring
- * certain characters forever!
- */
- norepeat = ((long) time (NULL) / 31) % 17291;
- /*
- * All the usable letters get one unit riper.
- */
- for (ii = 0; ii < TWOFIFTYSIX; ii++)
- {
- if (randomfactor[ii] > 0)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUGG
- fprintf (stderr, "%c: %d %d\n",
- (char) ii, randomfactor[ii], randomripe[ii]);
- #endif
- randomripe[ii]++;
- }
- }
- sum = 0;
- for (ii = 0; ii < TWOFIFTYSIX; ii++)
- sum += (randomfactor[ii] + (int) (randomripe[ii] / RIPECOUNT));
- /*
- * The low bits of random aren't very random, I don't care WHAT
- * the manual claims.
- */
- do
- {
- ranspot = ((RANDOM () >> 4) % sum + norepeat) % sum;
- sum2 = 0;
- for (ii = 0; ii < TWOFIFTYSIX - 1; ii++)
- {
- sum2 += (randomfactor[ii] + (int) (randomripe[ii] / RIPECOUNT));
- if (sum2 > ranspot)
- break;
- }
- /* Do it again if you got the same as last time! */
- } while (ii == lasttime);
- /* This one is FRESH again. */
- randomripe[ii] = 0;
- /* Remember for next time. */
- lasttime = ii;
- return ii;
- }
- report ()
- {
- int ii, jj, count;
- float sum;
- int randomstr[TWOFIFTYSIX];
- extern int rancomp ();
- printf ("\nCurrent words per minute: %.1f\n", words_per_minute);
- printf ("Total hits %d, misses %d", totalhitcount, totalmisscount);
- if (totalmisscount > 0)
- printf (", hit per miss ratio %.1f\n", (float) totalhitcount / (float) totalmisscount);
- else
- printf ("\n");
- if (randomletters)
- {
- printf ("Most to least frequent choices:\n");
- count = 0;
- sum = 0.;
- for (ii = 0; ii < TWOFIFTYSIX; ii++)
- {
- if (randomfactor[ii] > 0)
- {
- sum += (randomfactor[ii] + (randomripe[ii] / (float) RIPECOUNT));
- randomstr[count] = ii;
- count++;
- }
- }
- qsort ((char *) randomstr, count, sizeof (randomstr[0]), rancomp);
- for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
- {
- /*
- * Insert a space for each jump across an integer.
- * The normalization (count/sum) ensures that if all
- * letters were equally probable, they would all have value 1.
- * Since they are not generally equally probable, then 1 is just the average.
- * Thus the rightmost space in the printout marks where the average is.
- * Further left spaces separate off blocks of letters that are approximately
- * twice as probable as the average, three times, etc.
- */
- if (ii > 0)
- {
- for (jj = 0; jj <
- (int) (
- (randomfactor[randomstr[ii - 1]] + (randomripe[randomstr[ii - 1]] / (float) RIPECOUNT))
- * count / sum) -
- (int) (
- (randomfactor[randomstr[ii]] + (randomripe[randomstr[ii]] / (float) RIPECOUNT))
- * count / sum);
- jj++)
- printf (" ");
- }
- printf ("%c", (char) randomstr[ii]);
- }
- printf ("\n");
- }
- /*
- * So you don't get penalized for being "slow" after this.
- */
- if (charbychar)
- slowpoke = SLOWPOKEMAX + 1;
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- int
- rancomp (elem1, elem2)
- int *elem1, *elem2;
- {
- float a, b;
- a = (randomfactor[(*elem1)] + (randomripe[(*elem1)] / (float) RIPECOUNT));
- b = (randomfactor[(*elem2)] + (randomripe[(*elem2)] / (float) RIPECOUNT));
- if (a == b)
- return 0;
- else if (a > b)
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- }