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From uucp@longway.tic.com Wed Apr 18 09:23:09 1990
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From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Message-Id: <1990Apr17.224908.7215@ico.isc.com>
Sender: ico.isc.com!std-unix@longway.tic.com (Guest Moderator, Jeffrey Haemer)
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Organization: USENIX
Date: 17 Apr 90 22:49:08 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
April 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee Update
Jeffrey S. Haemer <jsh@ico.isc.com> reports on winter-quarter
activites of the watchdog committee:
Reports are done quarterly, for the USENIX association, by volunteers
from the individual standards committees. The volunteers are fami-
liarly known as ``snitches'' and the reports as ``snitch reports''.
The band of snitches and I make up the working committee of the USENIX
Standards Watchdog Committee. The group also has both a financial
committee: Alan G. Nemeth, Ellie Young, and Kirk McKusick; and a pol-
icy committee: the financial committee plus John S. Quarterman
(chair). Our job is to let you know about things going on in the
standards arena that might affect your professional life - either now
or down the road a ways.
An official statement from John:
The basic USENIX policy regarding standards is:
to attempt to prevent standards from prohibiting innovation.
To do that, we
o Collect and publish contextual and technical information
such as the snitch reports that otherwise would be lost in
committee minutes or rationale appendices or would not be
written down at all.
o Encourage appropriate people to get involved in the stan-
dards process.
o Hold forums such as Birds of a Feather (BOF) meetings at
conferences. We sponsored one workshop on standards.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 2 -
o Write and present proposals to standards bodies in specific
o Occasionally sponsor White Papers in particularly problemat-
ical areas, such as IEEE 1003.7 (in 1989) and possibly IEEE
1201 (in 1990).
o Very occasionally lobby organizations that oversee standards
bodies regarding new committee, documents, or balloting pro-
o Starting in mid-1989, USENIX and EUUG (the European UNIX
Users Group) began sponsoring a joint representative to the
ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG15 (ISO POSIX) standards committee.
There are some things we do not do:
o Form standards committees. It's the USENIX Standards Watch-
dog Committee, not the POSIX Watchdog Committee, not part of
POSIX, and not limited to POSIX.
o Promote standards.
o Endorse standards.
Occasionally we may ask snitches to present proposals or argue
positions on behalf of USENIX. They are not required to do so
and cannot do so unless asked by the USENIX Standards Watchdog
Policy Committee.
Snitches mostly report. We also encourage them to recommend
actions for USENIX to take.
John S. Quarterman, Chair, USENIX Standards Watchdog Commit-
We don't yet have active snitches for all the committees and sometimes
have to beat the bushes for new snitches when old ones retire or can't
make a meeting, but the number of groups with active snitches contin-
ues to grow (as, unfortunately, does the number of groups). This
quarter, you've seen reports from .0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .7, .8, .11, and
.12, as well as reports from 1201 and from x3j11 (not really a New
Orleans report, but useful none the less).
If you have comments or suggestions, or are interested in snitching
for any group, please contact me (jsh@usenix.org) or John
(jsq@usenix.org). If you want to make suggestions in person, both of
us go to the POSIX meetings. The next set will be April 23-27 at
Snowbird Resort, just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. If the reports
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 3 -
make you interested -- or indignant -- enough to want to go, the
number for room reservations is (800) 453-3000.
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 77
echo overview
cat >overview <<'shar.overview.11766'
From uucp@longway.tic.com Wed Apr 18 16:50:34 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
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id AA14033; Wed, 18 Apr 90 08:27:39 cst
From: Jeffrey S. Haemer <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Message-Id: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com>
Sender: ico.isc.com!std-unix@longway.tic.com (Guest Moderator, Jeffrey Haemer)
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Organization: USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Date: 17 Apr 90 22:51:28 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: Jeffrey S. Haemer <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
April 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee Update
Jeffrey S. Haemer <jsh@ico.isc.com> reports on winter-quarter
activites of various standards groups:
Dot zero, the POSIX guide group, continues to suffer from bureaucratic
inertia. It complains that its forty or so attendees are insufficient
to allow rapid progress, yet in a year-and-a-half they've just created
a table of contents. Some people think this reflects badly on the
group. I think this is completely wrong.
Admittedly, the economics of producing the POSIX guide itself are
unfavorable. A large fraction of the attendees are highly-placed or
key employees of large corporations and influential organizations. A
back-of-the-envelope calculation puts salary expenditures alone, for
each one-week, dot zero meeting, close to six figures. Had the com-
mittee delegated the entire task to one or two full-time people, it
would be done. The fine overviews UniForum occasionally publishes are
How, then, does dot zero benefit the user community? The meetings
give influential people from the most important corporations in the
commercial UNIX arena a way to get together in the same room (or after
hours in the same city) and discuss the direction of UNIX without
risking an anti-trust suit.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 2 -
USENIX meetings serve a similar purpose for more technical segments of
the UNIX community. To some degree, UniForum meetings serve an analo-
gous purpose for other segments of the industry. But where else is
there such a concentration of high-level, UNIX-vendor management
except, perhaps, at meetings of the Hamilton or Archer groups, or of
the board of directors of X/OPEN? Attendees support POSIX, and influ-
ence their companies to become involved. Because POSIX is a good
thing, so are dot zero meetings.
Dot one is well ahead of the rest of 1003; look here to see the
future. The initial standard is done, published, and government-
approved as FIPS 151-1. The group is now working on supplements,
which come in two flavors: nit-picks and corrections (1003.1a) and
real additions (1003.1b). But to speak of ``the group'' is mislead-
ing; these two working groups have a strikingly different makeup from
the group that created dot one. Many who were passionately and inti-
mately involved in the production of the ugly green book have moved
on, either to other committees or out of the standards game. The
working groups are now small numbers of hard-core, dot-one devotees.
For .1a, this isn't a problem -- that's exactly the kind of person
needed for nit-picking.
Watch .1b like a hawk, though. Any new functionality, slipped into
supplements and appendices, carries the same risks as riders on
congressional bills; if it can be slipped in unobtrusively enough, or
with the right timing, it can be awful and still ride on the coat-
tails of the main body. Bad deeds done here will both inflict
irresistible harm, and diminish the credibility of dot 1.
I recommend resisting any effort to add functionality for which there
aren't existing implementations in wide use, and about which there
isn't already general consensus. Design-by-standards-committee
efforts should be deferred to other, more ignorable standards.
Dot 2 is still firmly in the dot one mold. Dot 2 Classic is balloting
away, and should soon be both done, government approved, FIPS-ified,
with a set of test assertions that companies like MindCraft can sell
test suites for. When this is done, a large number of systems will
advertise compliance with 1003.1, 1003.2, and X3.159 and provide, for
most users, a standard ``UNIX''.
Even the controversial UPE is mostly codifying existing practice.
Arguments are over places where more than one practice is widespread,
for example, source-code control, where partisans of SCCS struggle
with partisans of RCS. (Actually, that's not true. What's really
happening is that the group's shying away from this area because
they're worried about a struggle. ``Tar wars'' seems to have spoiled
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
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the industry's appetite for making difficult decisions about conten-
tious topics.)
Parenthetically, I'll admit to being mystified by the dim view some
folks take of the UPE. I actually put programmer portability above
program portability, since, when I go looking for new jobs I can't
take our software with me, but do want to be sure that I can still use
vi. (Of course, most members of working groups are sponsored by ven-
The equivalent of .1a already has a name: .2b. Even the bad of dot
one is mirrored here. Truly controversial proposals are being pushed
off to the as-yet unborn .2c, which should produce a deja vu feeling
in those already watching .1b. ("But," you remark, "you always say
that.") And, just as .1 sometimes shied away from real decisions, in
order to avoid upsetting anyone, .2 occasionally reacts to vendor
inconsistency by proposing solutions that avoid upsetting any vendor
by penalizing all users. As an example, the committee proposes
requiring a C compiler (good), and naming it c89 (bad, but I com-
plained about this loud and long last time). An important motivation
for the new name is that cc already invokes the K&R C compiler on many
vendors' platforms, and specifying a flag to choose one behavior or
the other would conflict with someone's existing implementation; any
given letter is already preempted by some vendor.
I'm not convinced by this argument. I have consulted the Ouija board
in my office, normally used only for project scheduling, and will now
predict the effects of this sidestep, if approved:
- In two years, everyone will have a c89 compiler, to comply with a
government FIPS. Shell scripts and makefiles will continue to
invoke cc, but be less portable than they are now.
- On a few conformant machines, there will be no cc command. This
will break an enormous number of programs, and solutions will
vary from user to user, project to project, and installation to
- On other machines, cc will produce one flavor or the other.
Most, but not all, machines will link cc to c89. This will break
a variety of things, but not consistently enough to allow a port-
able solution.
- On some of these machines, flags will make c89 compile K&R C.
The flag will vary from vendor to vendor.
In short, we who do ports will have to keep track of how to invoke the
C compiler on each of our target machines; .2 will not have enhanced
portability in this area of our work.
Finally, like .1, my unease over a small number of problems stands in
stark relief to the generally high opinion I have of the work done by
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 4 -
this group.
Dot three, a tiny mirror of the overall POSIX effort, is proliferating
because it has no choice. It will now have a subcommittee to develop
test assertions for each of the other POSIX efforts, and has acquired
a steering committee to oversee the subgroups. Whether this is a
better choice than having each POSIX committee develop its own test
assertions, isn't clear -- I see plusses and minuses for each
approach. Still, all in all, the group seems to know what it's doing,
and is willing to do it. Dot three isn't always popular; one hears
complaints that they come up with interpretations that seem contrary
to the intention of the original standards committees. On the other
hand, that seems as good a reason as any for their existence. They
form a combination system-test and quality-assurance group for the
other committees, generating all the friction one expects from any
such organization.
A dot three member did take the time to divulge an unexpected answer
to a question I raised in my last report -- what motivates someone to
be in dot three? For a few folks, it's obvious: MindCraft employees
attend because their company develops and sells test suites. Others
are also there because they're really interested in testing. But
think: if you want an overview of all of POSIX, what group should you
attend? There are three candidates: dot zero, but then you'd have to
buy an expensive wardrobe; the SEC, but that group is mostly institu-
tional representatives, officers, and overworked committee chairs; or
dot three, which examines each standard in detail as it nears comple-
tion. If you're thinking of joining a working group, and want this
sort of vantage point, we're certain the group has plenty of work to
hand out.
The real-time group now has five PARs: .4, .4a,, .4b, .4c, and .14.
The first of these went to ballot after the New Orleans meeting.
Threads, controversial enough to be omitted from .4, has been pushed
into .4a. (Things too controversial to go into threads will be pushed
into the multiprocessor group, which should be a lot of fun.)
The threads subgroup (1003.4A) has attempted to kill the .4 ballot by
a block vote for rejection. One correspondent says they are doing
this because .4 is no good without threads. (I'm told that two
``large, non-vendor organizations'' are part of the coalition against
the 1003.4 ballot. There is rumored to be a special, invitation-only,
threads-strategy meeting by these two groups immediately preceding the
Utah meeting. Can anyone confirm this and supply more details?)
University of California's Computer Science Research Group (the folks
who bring us Berkley UNIX) is also voting against the .4 ballot as a
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 5 -
block. This stand has nothing to do with the lack of a threads propo-
sal; the vote objects to the working group's addition of completely
new and (their words) ``lame'' features to UNIX. An amusing twist,
this. To a traditional standards activity, one vendor block voting
against another, POSIX adds one research group voting against another.
The threads group itself is divided over whether they are doing an
interface to OS-kernel services or an applications library. They are
also divided about whether they are doing an interface to language-
independent, concurrent programming services, or just a C-language
In general, .4A seems to be a small core of activists pushing ahead
with a clear agenda, with an opposition that complains but appears
incapable of putting together a detailed, unified counter-proposal.
Both the rush to go to ballot, and the move to tie success of the rest
of 1003.4 to threads, should be causes for scrutiny.
Interestingly, if threads are forced back into the base .4 standard,
it may end up causing another problem. The ACM's ARTEWG (the special
interest group on Ada's runtime environment working group) is likely
to vote in a block against 1003.4 if it contains a threads proposal
that does not support Ada in a natural way.
The Ada folks are concerned that there be an underlying, OS-level
model of concurrency consistent with both the C-threads and Ada task-
ing models. This seems especially important to them if Ada applica-
tions want to use standard services written using C libraries which
are implemented using C-threads (e.g., windowing and database access).
Such a model would also be important for support of Ada compilation
systems, which are typically produced by independent software houses
to operate on a variety of operating systems and machine architec-
Dot 4b is a language-independence effort. What's interesting here is
that real-time was one of the groups that the SEC grandfathered out of
the requirement that POSIX standards be language-independent. (Other
exemptions included other standards well along, like .1, and standards
that were intrinsically language-dependent, like .9, FORTRAN bind-
ings). Despite that exemption, real-time may be the first group to
write a language-independent binding.
Real-time also has PARs for .4C, a place to put stuff that didn't make
it into .4 (i.e., .4 is to .4C as .1 is to .1B), and .14, the real-
time profile.
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 6 -
I want to straighten out something I was confused about in the last
summary report. (Thanks to Jeff Kimmel, of the language-independence
study group, for taking the time to explain this.) Language-
independence is a sop to ISO. Two prices we pay to gain rapid inter-
national approval of the POSIX standards are an agreement to hand ISO
standards formatted in their preferred style, to which end the IEEE is
providing editorial assistance, and a commitment to a direction ISO
intends to take for all its standards: language independence.
And, to clear up another misconception, Steve McDowell worried, in his
last .7 snitch report, that ISO requires language-independent specifi-
cation languages to themselves be standardized. This would force
POSIX to use something frightening like VDL. Fortunately, that turns
out only to be true for formal specification languages: languages
from which one can derive correctness proofs. ISO isn't interested in
proofs, only in divorcing specifications from specific programming
languages. They don't want to give an unfair advantage to languages
in which the things being standardized are likely to be initially
implemented, like C or FORTRAN, over more international languages,
like ALGOL-66. In other words, POSIX will probably produce specs in
ASN.1 or even English. (That's ``language independent.'' Get it?.)
Dot five didn't officially meet in New Orleans, partly to give .5
members more time to attend other groups. Dot five members kept say-
ing things to puzzled members of other committees like, ``We're not
really meeting,'' ``I'm not really here,'' and ``Well, I am here, but
don't tell our chair, Steve Deller.'' One member graciously
volunteers this short, but timely, update:
The Ada binding group (P1003.5) just finished an intensive work-
ing meeting at Florida State, in Tallahassee. The meeting went
very smoothly. We resolved all the issues brought up by the
recent mock ballot, and expect to have a revised draft ready for
the April POSIX meeting. That draft is supposed to be given some
finishing touches at the meeting, and then sent out for formal
As expected, what used to be dot 8 has split into several groups.
There was a meeting on the last day, in which chairs of each of the
newly-formed POSIX networking-related groups gave status reports. At
that meeting, one attendee objected that the models and APIs that come
out of these groups increase portability, but do little or nothing to
insure interoperability. Surely, networking standards should have
interoperability as a primary goal, he complained. While the current
groups don't have solving this problem as part of their charter, many
attendees agreed that the complaint is valid, and something should be
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
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done on this front. Keep your eye on this problem.
While the other subgroups have new numbers, the group standardizing
transparent file access (TFA) retains the dot 8 name.
Six months ago, TFA was torn between a faction wanting to canonize
NFS, and another insisting on something that supports full dot 1
semantics. Now, the group has achieved consensus. They'll provide
several standards: a core subset with which FTAM will comply, a set
of extensions to the core with which various versions of NFS will com-
ply to various degrees, and a full standard that will support full dot
1 semantics. This compromise recognizes the de facto international
standard without sacrificing a commitment to dot 1.
Dot 9 is in the middle of editorial cleanup in preparation for ballot-
ing. Emphasis until now has been on content, so the draft developed
with many styles and formats. Much of the last meeting was spent try-
ing to even things up.
Since things are drawing to a close, you might expect meetings to be
sedate. If you read the .9 postings in comp.std.unix, you'll know
that's not true. When I walked in on the .9 meeting the group was in
the middle of a heated discussion. Someone had proposed adding
several functions to increase portability of FORTRAN programs. One
specific example was a function that would return the maximum real for
the implementation. While there is little question of the utility of
such a function, there were two sorts of illuminating objections:
1. Some members of the group objected that the standard was not
intended to increase portability of FORTRAN programs, only to
provide FORTRAN bindings to the .1 standard. (Indeed, unlike
.5, .9 makes no attempt to be a stand-alone document. It freely
uses pointers into .1.) Others countered that the section being
discussed corresponds to section 8, Language-Specific Service
for the C Programming Language, of the ugly green book; that the
group's goal is improving application portability; and that
additions that further that goal are completely within the
group's charter.
2. One member objected strenuously that many of these additions
required REAL support. I was utterly mystified by this objec-
tion, until the group patiently explained that, though .9 is an
F77 binding, it won't require F77 compliance, and won't use all
the features of F77. For example, these new functions were .9's
first use of REALs. What the member was objecting to was that
without the added functions, a vendor could advertise .9 compli-
ance with an integer-only FORTRAN compiler. Adding these new
functions would require that the vendor's FORTRAN compiler actu-
ally handle REALs. Think about that.
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- 8 -
The ultimate (and, in my opinion, correct) decision was to add the
functions, but you can see that there are interesting philosophical
divisions in this group. Similar divisions actually exist in all the
groups, but the discussions in .9 seem to be more direct and get
resolved more quickly. Chalk it up to more programmers, fewer politi-
Dot ten has two subgroups, Profile and Batch, each working on a docu-
The Supercomputing Application Environment Profile specifies a set of
standards, along with options and parameters needed for supercomputing
application environments. The current draft, 1.0, is still rough, but
specifies most of the required standards. At the April meeting, the
Profile subgroup will hold a joint session with dot 0 and the other
profile working groups (.11, .14, and the multiprocessing study group)
to discuss profiles.
Batch Extensions for Portable Operating Systems describes a standard
batch management system based on NQS (the Network Queuing System,
available from NASA Ames). The batch subgroup began its work within
/usr/group's supercomputing working group, has been meeting eight
times a year, and is now on draft 1.2. When complete, the document
will specify required extensions to POSIX, including interfaces for
checkpoint/restart and resource control, utilities for job
submission/management and batch system administration, and a network,
application-level protocol. The subgroup has submitted a PAR for the
batch work, which the SEC will consider at their April meeting.
Good news in transaction processing. Dot 11 has been trying to work
out what model of transaction processing to adopt. Because many com-
mittee members are also active in other committees specifying other TP
models, the committee had a running start, but progress has been
slowed somewhat because there are at least three camps: those who
favor the ISO model, those who favor the X/OPEN model, and those who
believe that discussion of concrete models is premature.
Part way through the New Orleans meeting the committee took a break
from modeling to explore what an API to a transaction processing sys-
tem might look like. This, finally, provided a fairly uncontentious
topic on which all members could collaborate, and the committee seems
to have been able to generate real agreement rather quickly. Success
breeds success, and this may smooth the way to find other areas that
the committee can make progress.
One warning: Working out a sample API may serve only to clarify the
committee's thinking about the requirements of their application
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
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profile, but I wouldn't be shocked to see the committee eventually
submit a PAR for the work. If that happens, ask yourself whether the
committee should be designing APIs for an area where there isn't yet
industry consensus.
Dot 12, process to process communication, is one of the groups derived
from the division of the old dot 8 group. The big news from this
group is that they've made a real decision in the struggle between XTI
and sockets. The group has decided to invent a new interface, which
they hope will combine the best of both and avoid the mistakes of
each. This is important. It is the first time since the beginning of
the committee (several years ago, counting its origins in /usr/group)
that it has actually taken a stand on the question. The issue has
come up often in past meetings, but until now been deferred by the
On other fronts, the group is still trying to produce two API's: a
detailed network interface and a simple network interface. I worry a
bit about having two, disjoint interface standards in the same area.
Are two standards better than none? (On the other hand, having two
raises the possibility of splitting the group into two separate, num-
bered groups at some later date, a popular POSIX pastime.) Recogniz-
ing the danger in this split approach, some members of the group are
considering whether it might be possible to specify a single, expand-
able interface.
This new dot 8 spin-off, chaired by Kester Fong, is looking at
protocol-dependent networking interfaces. They'll begin by concen-
trating on FTAM. We predict this group will make rapid progress,
because its composition is dominated by users.
To help prevent its work from being an Aristotelian exercise in
abstract design, the group has begun to collect all the examples it
can find of applications based on FTAM. If you have, or know of, any
such examples, please pass them on. Kester's e-mail address is
1201 is growing to four groups: .1 (Applications Programming Inter-
face), .2 (Graphical User Interface), .3 (Human-Computer Interaction),
and .4 (XLib). This serves as a focus for an interesting philosophi-
cal issue.
As many readers realize, there is widespread sentiment outside of
these groups that 1201 should, instead, shrink to zero groups -- that
standards in this area are premature. Even more interesting is that
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
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the same sentiment is widespread inside the groups. The level of dis-
satisfaction does vary from group to group. Out of curiosity, I
requested a vote for dissolution at the first New Orleans meeting of
1201.3. Fewer than one-third of the attendees voted to dissolve.
This contrasts with a similar vote in Brussels in 1201.2, where nearly
half of the attendees voted to dissolve. With this much anti-1201
sentiment, isn't there a way to get the IEEE to reconsider the
activity? Apparently not.
At the last USENIX, in Washington D.C., Jim Isaak, the SEC chair,
explained to the well-attended standards BOF that there is really no
easy way to dissolve a committee. If volunteers show up to staff the
working group, follow the IEEE rules, and eventually circulate a bal-
lot that passes, they've created an IEEE standard. This means, if you
don't like the idea, you currently have only three options.
1. Join the balloting group and vote any proposal down. Not easy;
you have to have a good reason for voting no. Of course, "This
standard is premature; the direction of industry is too unclear"
may be good enough.
2. Join the working group and filibuster until the direction the
standard should take does become clear. (Of course, that would
be expensive, and lose you popularity points.)
3. Let the group declare a standard and hope everyone ignores it.
This one's dangerous because NIST won't. which means the ven-
dors can't, which means users probably won't be permitted to,
and will, at least, have to carry the code around as excess bag-
So, I'm curious. If you don't like what's going on here, which do you
intend to do? (Okay, we're not that picky. If you like what 1201's
doing but object to some other portion of what Doug Gwyn calls ``the
standards juggernaut,'' what are you doing about it?)
Closing on an upbeat note, we have a C standard. What more newsworthy
item could you ask for?
April 1990 Standards Update USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 78
echo 1003.0
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From jsq@longway.tic.com Fri Apr 13 00:29:03 1990
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From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
Message-Id: <626@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
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Date: 13 Apr 90 04:28:25 GMT
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From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide Update
Charles Severance <crs@convex.cl.msu.edu> reports on the January 8-12,
1990 meeting in New Orleans, LA:
Dot zero is producing a guide to the POSIX Open System Environment
(OSE). The guide will bring existing and evolving standards together
to provide specifications for all aspects of an OSE -- everything
from application programming interfaces to user interfaces and system
management. It will give users an overview of the 1003, and other,
related standards, describe their interrelationships, and help them
select the subset of available standards necessary for any particular
Draft Six Review
This meeting, the group reviewed draft six. Points of special
interest were:
+ the formal definition of ``open system''
+ internationalization
+ an editorial review of the entire document to insure a consistent
+ a review of some high-level architecture diagrams, proposed to
make Chapter 3 (``Overall Architecture'') easier to understand,
The only one of these discussed by the entire group was the definition
of ``Open System.'' To simplify the definition we created a definition
for ``Open Standard'' which was used in the Open System definition.
Here is the definition we finally agreed on:
Open System: A system that implements sufficient Open
Specifications for interfaces, services, and supporting formats
which enable properly engineered applications software: a) to be
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- 2 -
ported across a wide range of systems with minimal changes, b) to
interoperate with other applications on local and remote systems,
and c) to interact with users in a style which facilitates user
Open Specification: A public specification which is maintained by
an open, public, consensus process to accommodate new
technologies over time and consistent with international
The group won't define ``user portability'' until next meeting, but
the idea is that users should see a consistent interface from
application to application, both within and across systems. Public
user-interface standards should simplify both user training and vendor
The other issues were handled in small working groups.
1. Internationalization
The internationalization group identified parts of the document
affected by internationalization and other ``cross-component''
issues, such as system management and security. They promise to
present new, draft text for the internationalization sections by
the next meeting.
2. Editorial review
The editorial review group tackled the no-fun jobs of reviewing
the entire draft for style and identifying areas that had too
much, or too little detail. Along the way, they proposed a
style guide and template for sections of Chapter 4.
3. Architectural overview
The architecture group continued work on Chapter 3 to complete
the text of the chapter. Also the group worked to simplify the
chapter to make it easier to understand. The CCTA (UK)
presented a high-level classification scheme called ``MUSIC''
(Management, User Interface, System Interface, Information
Interchange, and Communication) as a potential contribution to
chapter 3. The chapter will have extensive modifications and
additions for the next meeting.
Application profiles
Next meeting we'll discuss exactly what must be in a POSIX Application
Environment Profile (AEP). Profiles will affect and generate
procurement issues, so this will be a key discussion.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
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Profiles specify a set of standards for specific computing areas, such
as supercomputing. Not all standards will be required for all areas;
a profile lists the subset of the standards necessary for a particular
The biggest point of contention in this discussion will probably be
whether 1003.1 [Editor: the system interfaces set out in the Ugly
Green Book] will be required for all profiles. Should vendors be
allowed to advertise compliance to, say, 1003.11 (transaction
processing), if they've implemented that standard on an underlying
system that doesn't support lower-level POSIX calls like fopen()?
(There isn't a standard for 1003.11 yet, but you get the idea.)
One argument advanced for requiring 1003.1 is that it will force
vendors to adopt it more quickly. I don't think that 1003.1 needs any
help in that area. Another is that requiring compliance will insure
that vendors who want to advertise POSIX-compliant systems are
following the general POSIX direction and not just implementing the
simplest standard so they can claim that their system implements
``some POSIX.''
An argument made against the requirement is that it may damage
implementations. For example, real-time systems may lack even a file
system, and may want a very limited subset of the POSIX interface to
keep the implementation as small as possible. If all of 1003.1 is
required, vendors may have to add costly and unnecessary features just
to claim POSIX compatibility.
When the dust settles, I think 1003.1 will be strongly suggested but
not required, because 1003.1 is a pretty arbitrary subset of any list
of ``required system interfaces.''
[Editor: We disagree. 1003.1 is a set of applications programming
interfaces carefully chosen to be necessary and sufficient to make an
operating system UNIX-like for the C programmer. Providing standards
for a UNIX-like operating system should be the goal of the POSIX
standards, and attempts by vendors uncomfortable with UNIX to dilute
the effort should be cut off at the pass.]
[Author: POSIX must evolve a set of independent standards that have
UNIX as their heritage. POSIX standards are all evolving as UNIX-like
standards. Why discourage a vendor from implementing some subset of
UNIX-like standards just because the vendor is not ready to provide a
complete 1003.1 implementation? ]
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
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Want to go to a POSIX meeting?
This was my first POSIX meeting. In case you haven't been and are
thinking of going, here are a couple of things you'll want to know.
New people and their new ideas, are welcomed. As a practical matter,
it helps to stick with a group for the entire week. It's tough to
understand much if you come into an advanced discussion, cold, It
would help if each group summarized its purpose and listed the big
issues at the beginning of each meeting, to get everyone in the proper
frame of mind, but that doesn't always happen. Still, you'll be
granted a sort of first-time armor to protect you when you ask naive
questions or need clarification. For extra insurance, use the phrase
``I will take an action item...'' often.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 56
echo 1003.1
cat >1003.1 <<'shar.1003.1.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed Apr 4 02:03:57 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA12365; Wed, 4 Apr 90 02:03:57 -0400
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id AA20584; Wed, 4 Apr 90 01:03:49 -0500
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id AA27362; Wed, 4 Apr 90 00:53:39 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
Message-Id: <619@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 4 Apr 90 06:52:48 GMT
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From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.1: System services interface Update
Mark Doran <md@inset.co.uk> reports on the January 8-12, 1990 meeting
in New Orleans, LA:
Most published standards inevitably require updating through
corrective supplements. P1003.1 has now reached that stage. The
first supplement, P1003.1a, is at an advanced stage and was the
central issue at the New Orleans meeting.
Also on the agenda were
- further talks with the group working on transparent file access;
- more language-independent-specification work; and
- a run-through of the material in the embryonic second corrective
supplement, P1003.1b.
P1003.1a Ballot Resolution
The first corrective supplement to IEEE 1003.1-1988 (POSIX.1) is
intended to correct errors and oversights in the first publication
with a view to clarifying the intent. It is definitely not meant to
introduce new functionality or behavior into the standard.
This work received its second recirculation ballot during the week
preceding the New Orleans meeting. Donn Terry, chair of P1003.1,
hopes that one, or at most two, more recirculations will bring the
document to a publishable state. Accomplishing this will send it off
to ISO, who will ballot it for six months. (That's right, six months;
an IEEE recirculation ballot lasts ten days -- does this seem a little
lop-sided to you?)
The details of the content of P1003.1a and its ballot resolution are
long and complex, so I won't repeat them here. However, there is one
issue worth raising which the ballot brought to light. On the subject
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
- 2 -
of changes relating to the support of split baud rates, one balloter
While we do not agree with the direction this issue is obviously
taking, we will abide with the decision of POSIX insofar as split
baud rates are concerned.
But we would be remiss in our responsibilities if we did not
express our complete outrage with the provincial attitudes
expressed by a number of the ballot comments we have had the
pleasure to review during this recirculation period.
Split baud rates ARE NOT uncommon with a great number of the
community of users of these standards. Obviously, many of those
submitting ballots have not had the opportunity to consider the
needs or requirements of users outside their own immediate view.
We abhor such a limited, irresponsible scope, especially
considering the nature of the tasks we are charged with
resolving. It is our hope that we shall do better in the future.
Only rarely are standards meetings graced with such florid language,
and the balloter clearly has at least the tip of his tongue in his
cheek; however there is, underneath this bonhomie, a serious point
being made...
The IEEE is an ANSI-accredited standards-developing body, responsible
enough to make standards pronouncements for use in the USA. All POSIX
standards are being passed to ISO for potential adoption as
international standards. The POSIX steering committee (SEC) has
declared that POSIX would like to think of itself as an
internationally accessible organization. If POSIX is indeed to be
internationally accessible then the attitudes of some of those who
attend will have to change. Take for instance, the split-baud-rate
issue mentioned above.
Working group discussions revealed that split-baud-rate support,
though a non-issue in the USA, is important in Europe. (The reasons
for this stem from the way the PTTs in Europe structure their charges
for communications lines -- PTTs are Europe's little AT&T
equivalents.) To cut a long story short (and I do mean long; this
particular debate has been going on for over a year...), the P1003.1
working group decided that split baud rates are not important enough
to require explicit support for them in the standard.
And of course this may be quite reasonable. What is unacceptable is
the apparent scorn with which these proposals were regarded by a
minority of the participants in the discussions. If POSIX proceedings
are to lead toward internationally useful standards then all
participants should be mindful of the fact that there is a flourishing
community of users who do not live in the USA.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
- 3 -
Split baud rates are, when all is said and done, not of earth-
shattering importance, nor even terribly interesting; were this an
isolated incident, it would not even be worth mentioning.
Unfortunately, I have encountered this type of attitude on many
occasions. Let's hope that ballot comments like that presented above
reduce this frequency. (``What are split baud rates?'' the American
reader is asking. Serial lines like those plugged into the back of
``dumb'' terminals can be set to transmit at high-speed while
receiving at a lower speed, e.g., 9600 and 75 baud; this can be useful
if you regularly send screenfuls of data to a terminal but only expect
the odd character or two back in the other direction. POSIX supports
this by supplying cf{set,get}{i,o}speed() and tc{get,set}attr() --
that's six interfaces, see? :-)
Transparent File Access (TFA)
The TFA group (now P1003.8) presented several detailed questions about
and the behavior that P1003.1 would like to see from a TFA
implementation in several ``corner cases.'' Dot one's response is that
a few compromises can be made where there are serious performance
issues, but the spirit of the original POSIX.1 should be retained
wherever possible.
On a more interesting note, at a TFA BOFF (Birds OF a Feather
session -- that's a cozy chat after hours), it was suggested that a
subset TFA specification might be produced before the full TFA
specification. Such a specification would not provide full POSIX.1
behavior but would probably be enough to allow POSIX implementations
to connect with existing FTAM and NFS file server machines, which
should suffice for many applications.
Language-Independent Specifications
Last report, I said I hadn't heard a worthwhile justification for this
work or the approach being taken. I still haven't.
This supplement, still being formed, will be the first to introduce
new functionality into POSIX.1. Highlights so far include symbolic
links, and file-tree walking (more ways to find files and directories
in file systems). If you have a favorite interface which has not yet
made it into a POSIX standard, you might be able to get it in by
proposing it for inclusion in P1003.1b. The cut-off date is likely to
be the April POSIX meeting, so hurry.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 49
echo 1003.2
cat >1003.2 <<'shar.1003.2.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed Apr 4 02:04:21 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA12539; Wed, 4 Apr 90 02:04:21 -0400
Posted-Date: 4 Apr 90 06:59:32 GMT
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id AA20658; Wed, 4 Apr 90 01:04:12 -0500
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id AA27444; Wed, 4 Apr 90 01:00:50 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.2: Shell and tools
Message-Id: <620@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 4 Apr 90 06:59:32 GMT
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From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.2: Shell and tools Update
Randall Howard <rand@mks.com> reports on the January 8-12, 1990
meeting in New Orleans, LA:
Background on POSIX.2
The POSIX.2 standard deals with the shell programming language and
utilities. Currently, it is divided into two pieces:
+ POSIX.2, the base standard, deals with the basic shell
programming language and a set of utilities required for
application portability. ``Application portability'' essentially
means portability of shell scripts and excludes most interactive
features. In an analogy to the ANSI C standard, the POSIX.2
shell command language is the counterpart of the C programming
language, while the utilities play, roughly, the role of the C
library. POSIX.2 also standardizes command-line and function
interfaces of some POSIX.2 utilities (e.g., popen(), regular
expressions, etc.) This document is also known as ``Dot 2
+ POSIX.2a, the User Portability Extension or UPE, supplements the
base POSIX.2 standard; it will become a non-normative (optional)
chapter of some future draft of the base document. The UPE
standardizes commands, such as screen editors, that might not
appear in shell scripts but that users must learn on any real
system. An interactive standard, it attempts to reduce
retraining costs incurred by system-to-system variation.
For utilities that have interactive as well as non-interactive
features, the UPE defines extensions from the base POSIX.2
utility. One example is the shell, for which the UPE defines job
control, history, and aliases.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.2: Shell and tools
- 2 -
In my previous report, I noted two serious strategic problems with the UPE:
- lack of coherence, and
- lack of support.
The problems haven't disappeared. (See the previous report for
further information.)
Features used both interactively and in scripts tend to be defined in
the base standard.
Status of POSIX.2 Balloting
``Dot 2 Classic'' remains in its second round of balloting on Draft 9.
Hal Jespersen, the POSIX.2 Technical Editor, thinks the forthcoming
Draft 10 will go to ballot in June or July, Some early subsets of
Draft 10 were in evidence at the working group meeting, but
circulation is still restricted to those feeding changes into the
Technical Review Process (so, no, you won't be able to get one
yet...). Draft 10 involves fewer people than the ten or so technical
reviewers that produced Draft 9. On one hand, fewer people means
fewer ulcers for Hal Jespersen, who must co-ordinate myriad changes
from as many quarters. On the other, too few people produces a closed
process, which extends the number of rounds of balloting required for
final resolution.
Because the first round of balloting (Draft 8) produced many
objections that were only partially resolved by Draft 9, and because
issues often have several sides to consider, the Draft 10 balloting,
starting this summer, has only a slim chance of creating the final
standard. That said, Dot 2 Classic's contentious areas appear to be
narrowing to a small set of new inventions (create, hexdump, locale,
localedef, etc). I expect the objections to Draft 10 to be far fewer,
and that the process is likely to converge to a full-use standard by
Draft 11, late in 1990 or early in 1991.
On the UPE front, Draft 4 is scheduled to appear in February or March,
so that a mock ballot may be held for the April meeting. A mock
ballot is a rehearsal for the real ballot -- real comments and
objections are both prepared and resolved by the working group. A
real ballot shifts the focus from the working group to the balloting
group. The mock ballot is an excellent exercise, but communications
within the working group tend to be excellent. The process becomes
more obscured once formal balloting begins, as shown by the extended
balloting on Dot 2 Classic. None the less, having distinct balloting
and working groups ensures that the process has comments from all
Formal (real) balloting for the future Draft 5 of the UPE should
commence this fall. A much smaller standard, the UPE is approaching
the level of review that Dot 2 Classic had before it entered formal
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.2: Shell and tools
- 3 -
Status of the New Orleans Meeting
Apart from a status report on the balloting of Dot 2 Classic, the New
Orleans meeting focused on readying all UPE utility descriptions for
mock balloting. The working group reviewed existing utility
descriptions in small groups of between three and six persons. One
group spent much of the week fleshing out arcane details of vi, only
occasionally relieved by work on simpler utilities.
A group I worked in made the surprising discovery that uuencode, a
utility traditionally used to convert binary files to a printable form
to pass through mailers, is a utility to ``encode a binary file into a
different binary file.'' This complexity arises from
internationalization, where there are always several ways of looking
at any problem. Delve deeply into POSIX and ANSI C
internationalization issues, and you'll always discover topics that
the committees have not yet dealt with. This is not a criticism of
the internationalization standardization groups; much work is still
needed and solutions to many problems remain elusive. In the uuencode
example, we felt the output of uuencode should be code-set invariant.
I.e., uuencode on an EBCDIC system should produce the same results as
uuencode on an ASCII or ISO 646 character system. To achieve this,
' ' through '_' must be expressed as 0x20 through 0x5F and begin must be
expressed as 0x62 0x65 0x67 0x69 0x6E (the hex equivalents of `b' `e'
`g' `i' `n' in ASCII). POSIX appears to offer no standard way to
convert a file from one code set to another.
Attendance at the UPE working group was, again, relatively small --
around a dozen people. One reason is PAR proliferation. Most
companies cannot afford to send one committee member to each working
group. (I, for example, also had to cover TFA, POSIX.1b, and the
internationalization efforts.) [Editor: Readers should note that that
being spread thin didn't stop Randall from turning out a clear,
thoughtful report. Thanks, Randall.] Another reason is that there is
less enthusiasm for the UPE than for Dot 2 Classic. Even Hal
Jespersen has said that ``...basically the NIST put our feet to the
fire to do the UPE.''
Some people want the UPE to include an EMACS editor description as
well as one for vi. Unfortunately, although there was talk of an EMIN
proposal, none was submitted to the working group. If you EMACS fans
want it included in the ever-expanding UPE, then submit a proposal.
[Editor: Listen up, folks. He's serious.] (Of course, some devotees
feel that standardization would be inappropriate for an extensible
environment like EMACS.)
``Revision/Source Code Control Software'' is a much-shuffled area of
future standardization within the overall POSIX.2 PAR. Fearing
another Tar Wars-like clash between fanatic supporters of of SCCS and
RCS, the topic was removed from Dot 2 Classic and deferred to the UPE.
The Source Code Control System (SCCS) is the original UNIX source code
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.2: Shell and tools
- 4 -
control system which was implemented in the mid-1970's, modeled after
mainframe systems of the time. The more modern (no bias here...)
Revision Control System, (RCS), by Walter Tichy of Purdue University,
claims to have improved on SCCS. Each has its proponents; SCCS
appears to have a stronger following, because of commercial support by
vendors, but RCS appears to have a more devoted underground following.
The working group is divided between those who want either SCCS or RCS
and those who want neither, arguing that source control is a vendor-
specific application. Unfortunately, the UPE working group has had
problems resolving the controversy and Hal Jespersen has proposed that
POSIX.2c (yes, you heard it right, .2c) be assigned as a PAR for
working on this topic. (What happened to .2b? POSIX.2b is the
working group that will prepare revisions and clarifications of Dot 2
Classic -- which isn't even finished balloting.)
The next meeting will be in Snowbird, Utah (oops, we're supposed to
say ``Salt Lake City''), the week of 23-27 April, 1990.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.2: Shell and tools
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 50
echo 1003.3
cat >1003.3 <<'shar.1003.3.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Fri Apr 13 00:30:07 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA23128; Fri, 13 Apr 90 00:30:07 -0400
Posted-Date: 13 Apr 90 04:35:22 GMT
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id AA05056; Thu, 12 Apr 90 23:30:03 -0500
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id AA01201; Thu, 12 Apr 90 22:36:35 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods
Message-Id: <627@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 13 Apr 90 04:35:22 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods Update
Doris Lebovits <lebovits@attunix.att.com> reports on the January 8-12,
1990 meeting in New Orleans, LA:
Dot three's job is to do test methods for all of the other 1003
standards. This was the working group's fifteenth meeting. We
reviewed the ballot status of P1003.1 test methods, worked on P1003.2
test methods, and created a steering committee.
Review of ballot status and Dot two verification
The P1003.3 standard will consist of several parts: Part I is generic
test methods, and part II is test methods for measuring P1003.1
conformance, including test assertions. Part III of P1003.3 will
contain test methods and assertions for measuring P1003.2 conformance.
As other P1003 standards evolve, they will be covered as separate
parts in the P1003.3 standard.
Each day was divided into two sessions: mornings, we did technical
review of parts I and II, afternoons were spent writing assertions for
part III. AT&T, NIST, OSF, Mindcraft, IBM, DEC, HP, Data General,
Cray Research, Unisys, Perennial and Unisoft Ltd. were represented.
[Editor's complaint: I see no user representation at all.]
It took twelve meetings of the previous P1003.3 working group to
prepare the draft that is now balloting. The technical review for the
Draft 10 ballot was completed. Draft 11 was re-circulated late
February 1990 and closed March 23, 1990. The balloting group is
approximately ninety members. X/OPEN submitted a list of assertions
for P1003.1a. This list was included as an appendix to Draft 11.
Balloters were expected to review this appendix as part of their
ballot. We anticipate an approved P1003.3 standard in the third
quarter of 1990.
This is the third meeting for developing a verification standard
against the P1003.2 standard. The P1003.2 assertion writing and
review were done in small groups. Some of the assertions were based
upon P1003.2 Draft 9.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods
- 2 -
A steering committee and some new officers
The chair, Roger Martin, instigated the creation of a test-methods
steering committee to help alleviate the increasing dot-three work
load all the other, proliferating groups are creating. The committee
will coordinate the activities of all test-methods groups, monitor the
groups' conformance to test methods, and write and approve Project
Authorization Requests (PARs). Membership will be dynamic, limited to
four to six, and new members will be chosen based on long term
commitment, new ideas, and technical/managerial skills. Roger
suggested an initial makeup -- Roger Martin (NIST, Steering Committee
Chair), Anita Mundkur (HP), Andrew Twigger (Unisoft), Bruce Weiner
(Mindcraft), and Lowell Johnson (Unisys) -- and the working group
approved. It's a non-controversial mix of established P1003.3
The Standards Executive Committee (SEC) has approved both the
committee and its membership. Their first assignment is to document
In addition, new officers were chosen for the P1003.2 Test Methods
activities. Ray Wilkes, of Unisys, is Chair, Jim Moe, of Cray
Research, is Co-chair, Lowell Johnson of Unisys is Secretary, and
Andrew Twigger of Unisoft Ltd is Technical Editor.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 57
echo 1003.4
cat >1003.4 <<'shar.1003.4.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Fri Jan 19 19:01:06 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.UU.NET (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA22523; Fri, 19 Jan 90 19:01:06 -0500
Posted-Date: 19 Jan 90 23:44:55 GMT
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id AA10122; Fri, 19 Jan 90 18:00:45 CST
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id AA01984; Fri, 19 Jan 90 17:45:46 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.4: Real-time Extensions
Message-Id: <511@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 19 Jan 90 23:44:55 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.4: Real-time Extensions Update
Rick Greer <rick@ism.isc.com> reports on the January 8-12, 1990
meeting in New Orleans, LA:
1003.4 goes to ballot
The big news in 1003.4 is that some of it is ready for balloting. My
copy of the dot-4 ballot was waiting for me when I got back from New
Orleans. The current draft is a 330-page, eclectic collection of
real-time features. Some (e.g., asynchronous event notification)
address significant deficiencies in the dot-1 base, but others (e.g.,
IPC message passing) seem to be of limited value. It remains to be
seen whether the limited applicability of some of the proposed
features is enough to shoot down the entire ballot.
One area that may cause trouble is the shared-memory model in the
Language-Specific Requirements section. While this language-
independent model addresses a real need--serialization of reads and
writes in the presence of simultaneous updates to a common store--it
does so rather formally; people uncomfortable with formal,
mathematical models may be put off by it. The fact remains, however,
that both dot 1 and the ANSI C standard failed to address this
problem, which is critically important in shared-memory multiprocessor
The threads proposal is only an appendix in the current draft, and
won't be subject to formal ballot. Though there were too many loose
ends in the threads proposal to send it to ballot in this round, most
of them were tied up in New Orleans. We should have a ballotable
draft ready after the April meeting.
Meanwhile, the active membership in the threads "small group" is
changing. Representation from the Ada community has grown from two to
six; almost a quarter of the active membership is now familiar with
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.4: Real-time Extensions
- 2 -
Ada and its multitasking model. Most threads people, including me,
are also becoming active in the new multiprocessor study group.
Discussion within the multiprocessor group promises to be quite
lively, since the threads group's more contentious issues (e.g.,
signals) were skirted by defining high-level interfaces, leaving
details of low-level behavior unspecified. The multiprocessor group,
on the other hand, must deal with the low-level behavior of
multiprocessor configurations, and many of the old arguments have
already re-surfaced (e.g., should signal state be maintained per-
process or per-thread?). Using high-level interface specifications to
dodge low-level implementation issues does have its problems, though.
People unaware of more subtle implementation issues tend to view new,
high-level interfaces as unnecessary complications. It's difficult to
convince them that, even if consensus could be reached regarding the
behavior of primitive functions, we would still need high-level
interfaces (or rigid coding disciplines) to guarantee that
independently developed routines use primitives consistently when
addressing common problems. The real sticker here has been how to
asynchronously terminate a thread and cause it to execute cleanup
code. Everyone agrees that this is necessary. Some members,
particularly those from AT&T/USO, feel that the best way to provide
this facility is by minor enhancements to traditional UNIX signals,
but most of the group feels that the best way to deal with notorious
signal races in a uniform, language-independent manner, is to adopt a
high-level interface, modeled after one used by DEC/SRC.
1003.4 turns into .4, .4A, .4B, .4C, and .14
There are three other major, on-going efforts in dot 4: language-
independent specification of the real-time extensions, identification
and specification of other, important, non-threads, real-time
extensions that didn't make it into the current ballot, and
specification of a real-time application profile. The first is
farthest along, but none is anywhere near completion. Recognizing
that these efforts were separate from the current proposal, and from
one another, the working group submitted four new Program Action
Requests (PARs). The Sponsor Executive Committee (SEC) approved all
four, and decided that the application-profile effort was so distinct
that it needed a new number. The working group's five PARs are now
the current ballot 1003.4
threads 1003.4A
language independence 1003.4B
further real-time extensions 1003.4C
real-time application profile 1003.14
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.4: Real-time Extensions
Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 24
echo 1003.8
cat >1003.8 <<'shar.1003.8.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Sun Feb 11 22:18:41 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA16039; Sun, 11 Feb 90 22:18:41 -0500
Posted-Date: 11 Feb 90 20:33:51 GMT
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id AA03534; Sun, 11 Feb 90 14:34:31 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.8: Transparent File Access
Message-Id: <539@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 11 Feb 90 20:33:51 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.8: Transparent File Access Update
Jason Zions <jason@cnd.hp.COM> reports on the January 8-12, 1990
meeting in New Orleans, LA:
1003.8 breaks up
The networking work has been reorganized; what was one committee is
now five. At this meeting, the Sponsors' Executive Committee (SEC)
approved all the networking Project Authorization Requests (PARs) and
forwarded them to the IEEE Standards Board for final approval. In the
past, 1003.8 was responsible for half-a-dozen types of networking
issues. From now on, 1003.8 will restrict itself to transparent file
access (TFA); the other work will be distributed to four new groups.
The new structure is
Project Name Description
1003.8 TFA Transparent File Access
1003.12 PII or P2P
Protocol Independent
Interfaces, or Process to
1003.13 RPC Remote Procedure Call
12xx PDI
Protocol Dependent Interfaces,
a.k.a. OSI FTAM and ACSE
12yy NS/DS
Name Spaces and Directory
Services, maybe X.500
The SEC tentatively assigned 1200-series numbers to NS/DS and PDI,
because they intend these standards to apply to any operating system,
not just one that's UNIX-like. (There's one exception: NS/DS must
identify the name spaces required by the 1003 standards and determine
some means of managing them.)
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
- 2 -
TFA decides what to do about NFS
The meeting was a landmark for TFA. Until now, no consensus on
overall direction had been achieved. We spent a great deal of time
discussing the philosophy and goals for a Full TFA and Subset TFA, but
no common understanding had been reached in the minds of all members;
we wandered between extremes of, "Full means 1003.1!" and, "But NFS
sure seems to be good enough for users; after all, they're still
buying it."
It became clear that some agreement had to be reached for progress to
be made. Many TFA attendees had never worked on a POSIX committee
before and didn't quite understand the POSIX consensus process, but
after a joint meeting of 1003.1 and TFA, the exact scope and structure
of work were finally hashed out. The group's work items are described
1. Full TFA
This piece will contain minor additions and changes to 1003.1-
1988 to specify its behavior when operating on remote files.
Work will include extending already-defined interfaces (e.g.,
new stat() information), defining new errors, defining failure
and recovery semantics, and so on.
Semantically, a remote file accessed under Full TFA will be
indistinguishable from a local file. A strictly conforming
POSIX application will run completely unaltered in a Full TFA
2. Subset TFA
This piece will define both a core subset of 1003.1-1988 that
can work correctly over a variety of remote-file-access
protocols ("the Core") and a number of additional, optional
feature sets. The specification will form additional text for
IS 9945-1 (ISO's version of 1003.1).
The intent is to have Subset TFA work on the widest variety of
protocols consistent with a useful Core; if a remote-file-access
protocol is so constraining that any Core based on it would be
too small to support useful applications, it will be excluded.
FTAM, the International Standard File Transfer and Access Method
(IS 8571), will shape decisions about what will go into the
Core, for a variety of reasons.
+ It is the weakest common mechanism for remote file access.
- 3 -
+ The standard has little chance of success at the ISO level
unless it is clearly cognizant of FTAM.
+ Nothing weaker than FTAM is likely to prove useful to
application writers.
+ People are clamoring for a simple interface to FTAM; the
open/read/write/close style of Subset TFA meets that need.
The difference in functionality between the Core and Full
interfaces will be divided into blocks of capabilities (the
"feature sets" mentioned above), which might be provided by
other commonly used file-sharing mechanisms. A Core-conforming
application will be able to inquire (via pathconf()) what
functionality, over and above the Core, is available on a per-
file basis, and alter its behavior accordingly.
The Core will meet an expressed need to know "what doesn't work
right" over common file sharing protocols. For example, Sun
might define NFS's functionality in terms like, "NFS provides
Core Subset functionality, plus the _PC_LOCKING,
_PC_DIRECTORIES, and _PC_TIMES capability sets." An application
programmer could use such a specification to determine exactly
what features of 1003.1-1988 were safe to use in an NFS
This scheme also permits continued development of remote-file-
access protocols. Any mechanism that supports at least the Core
will conform to the standard. This encourages vendors and
researchers to develop mechanisms that combine the Core and its
options with other advantages (very high performance, very high
robustness, good behavior over WANs, etc.), while giving users a
well-defined interface for applications that will work in all
such environments.
3. A Data-Stream Encoding (DSE) supporting the Full TFA Interface
This will provide the mechanism necessary for interoperation of
client and server systems. 1003.8 will only develop the
encoding; no binding to any particular protocol stack or suite
is planned. (Such bindings will be done by working groups
chartered to develop profiles to satisfy particular needs.)
Work on the DSE will probably not begin for at least another six
months. There are now two existing, proprietary mechanisms that
provide the appropriate functionality: SVR4 RFS and the Andrew
File System (AFS v.3 from Transarc). The committee hopes at
least one (if not both) of these products' DSEs will be released
to POSIX for standardization. If both are, there will probably
be a gun-battle over which to base the standard on.
- 4 -
There was good progress on the first two work items. The group hopes
to have a meaningful draft available by April, and would like to go to
ballot by the end of the year. This quick ballot will help compensate
for the small working group by bringing major ballot objections to the
surface early. (Much coordination with other 1003 working groups,
especially 1003.1, will also help.) The balloting process will
probably be quite lengthy: on the order of 12-15 months.
Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 52
echo 1003.11
cat >1003.11 <<'shar.1003.11.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Mon Mar 19 16:59:12 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA09085; Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:59:12 -0500
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id AA17753; Mon, 19 Mar 90 15:53:01 CST
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id AA10469; Mon, 19 Mar 90 15:53:26 cst
From: Jeffrey S. Haemer <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.11: Transaction Processing
Message-Id: <578@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 19 Mar 90 21:51:53 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: Jeffrey S. Haemer <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.11: Transaction Processing Update
Bob Snead <bobs@ico.isc.com> reports on the January 8-12, 1990 meeting
in New Orleans, LA:
Our charter is to develop an application profile for POSIX Transaction
Processing (TP). We're wrestling with both the content of our profile
and the idea of a profile, since the profiles are new to POSIX.
[Editor: Jim Isaak reviews application profiles in the February IEEE
The content is influenced by two other TP efforts: OSI's DTP and
X/OPEN's XTP. We must handle OSI DTP, just to gain ISO acceptance--a
goal of all the 1003 efforts. In theory, XTP is just another
proprietary concern. In fact, XTP's ongoing deliberations are
currently confidential. Moreover, X/OPEN isn't an official standards
body so we can't officially reference XTP in our profile.
Nevertheless, XTP will carry considerable weight, since it will be a
multi-vendor consensus on how to do UNIX TP.
As at previous meetings, we spent much time discussing TP models. For
the most part these discussions were based on a snapshot of XTP's
model released to non-X/OPEN members some time ago. Each model we
discussed consisted of three or four of the following elements:
Application Programs (APs), Resource Managers (RMs, like database
managers), Communications Managers (CMs, like TCP/IP), and Transaction
Managers (TMs, which enforce the transaction protocol among APs, CMs
and RMs). Here, in chronological order, were the major topics of
We discussed whether a CM might just be an instance of an RM (viewing
an instance of a communications protocol or link as a resource), but
concluded that attributes of CMs make them fundamentally different
beasts (though, to be honest, it's still not clear to me why).
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.11: Transaction Processing
- 2 -
We considered several models based on XTP, but differing from one
another in the roles of the CM and the interfaces between the AP and
CM. We concluded that each communications protocol would have to have
its own CM, and that our model must support multiple concurrently
active CMs. A CM, though, is more than just its protocol support. It
has to include support for additional functionality required for DTP.
We never concluded whether or not an AP should talk directly to a CM,
or to a CM via the TM.
In the course of the model discussions, it became clear that many of
us had different requirements in mind, so we shifted our focus to
requirements to try to reach some consensus. Ultimately, we decided
that POSIX TP must:
- be mappable onto OSI DTP,
- support global (distributed) transactions,
- support chained and unchained transactions,
- support a conversational mode,
- provide data conversion (e.g., ASN.1),
- ensure that POSIX RPC supports DTP semantics,
- ensure that DTP can be accomplished through RPC,
- provide for location independence via directory services, and
- provide for security of data.
We decided to break the modeling deadlock by focusing on the AP/TM
interface and ignoring communication. We worked several examples,
following ISO DTP services but using an RPC paradigm, and concluded
that an API based in RPCs would need at least four services:
- one for a caller to start a transaction,
- one for a callee to find out if it is participating in a
- one for a callee to abort a transaction,
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.11: Transaction Processing
- 3 -
- one for a caller to commit or abort a transaction.
We also identified the following assumptions for TP via RPC:
- A thread of control (TOC) can be in at most one transaction at
any given time.
- If one TOC communicates with another, the latter joins the
former's transaction by default.
- No nested transactions are permitted.
- A GTRID (Global TRansaction ID) can be associated with multiple
TOCs and multiple RMs.
- A transaction has only one initiator and only the initiator can
issue commit. Any TOC may abort.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1003.11: Transaction Processing
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 9
echo 1003.12
cat >1003.12 <<'shar.1003.12.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue Mar 20 02:33:39 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA08572; Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:55:51 -0500
Posted-Date: 19 Mar 90 21:43:24 GMT
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id AA17731; Mon, 19 Mar 90 15:52:48 CST
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id AA10285; Mon, 19 Mar 90 15:43:54 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.12: Inter-Process Communication
Message-Id: <577@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 19 Mar 90 21:43:24 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1003.12: Inter-Process Communication Update
Steve Head <smh@hpda.HP.COM> reports on the January 8-12, 1990 meeting
in New Orleans, LA:
P1003.12 is the IEEE POSIX Network Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
committee (formerly P1003.8/2). The committee is currently working on
two potential interfaces, a detailed interface (DNI) and a simple
interface (SNI).
At this meeting, the group arrived at a high-level description of a
name-to-address translation facility, and decided the question of XTI
versus sockets versus ``something else'' in favor of ``something
else.'' The group began discussing connection setup, and continued
discussing SNI. Finally, the POSIX steering committee (SEC) changed
the group's name to P1003.12.
There were about twelve attendees.
1. SNI reviewed
A UC Berkeley SNI proposal is gradually taking shape. The
proposal describes both objects and functions that act on them.
Some of these objects and functions have analogues in the socket
world, while most of the others are composites.
The most recent additions are sni_save() and sni_restore().
sni_save() takes a snapshot of an endpoint and saves it in a
string, suitable for passing to a child process through an
argument or the environment. sni_restore() restores the library
state of an endpoint from that string.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards UpdateIEEE 1003.12: Inter-Process Communication
- 2 -
The committee has had two goals for SNI. For naive users, it
should simplify the networking interface. For vendors, it
should allow implementation of interfaces over complex protocol
stacks (such as ACSE--or something above ACSE--over OSI-7).
One issue that came up was what the application programmer would
target for. If DNI and SNI retain distinct differences, SNI-
based applications risk outgrowing SNI's capabilities. One
alternative would be to combine DNI and (the current) SNI to
allow seamless expansion into protocol-specific hooks, without
recoding of applications.
Next meeting, UNISYS is expected to present an alternative SNI
2. Naming
The group discussed name-to-address translation for DNI in
detail, specified an interface at a high level, and intends to
pass it to the naming group. The specification is:
protocol or protocol family
set of {
any input parameters that were
completely or partially wild-carded
SNI might need something similar, but without the
protocol/protocol-family/address-family parameter. (SNI is
The interface lets applications defer deciding which protocol-
or address-family to use until after the query. It will also
permit load-balancing, a technique to optimize data-transfer
performance over slower interfaces (such as multiple, serial,
point-to-point links).
The group deferred discussing both performance (time and
memory), and which input parameters could be wild-carded.
3. XTI versus sockets
The XTI-versus-sockets issue came up briefly while discussing
passive-endpoint functions. The group resolved to incorporate
January 1990 Standards UpdateIEEE 1003.12: Inter-Process Communication
- 3 -
the best of XTI, sockets, and possibly other extensions, into
The group decided not to require full XTI-type functionality,
and accepts the risk that porting XTI-based applications to DNI
may require source-code changes. A potential advantage of this
decision is that the standard can leave out the mistakes of XTI
and sockets. Also, vendors remain free to supply the older
interfaces on the side.
A UCB representative will prepare a new DNI proposal between now
and the next meeting.
4. P1003.8/2 -> P1003.12
The SEC gave network IPC its own separate number: P1003.12.
This change will be formally approved at the IEEE standards
board meeting, a couple of months from now.
5. Potential overlaps with P1003.4
For several meetings, both P1003.12 and P1003.4 have been aware
of their potentially overlapping coverage of process-to-process
communication on a single, local system. Since there should be
only one interface for common functions, and any characteristics
peculiar to local IPC can be supported by protocol-specific
options under DNI, P1003.12's position is that it should handle
all IPC. The group has asked the networking steering committee
chair, Tim Baker, to relay this position to the SEC.
The Spring 1990 meeting will address SNI/DNI connection setup/tear-
down and SNI/DNI data transfer.
January 1990 Standards UpdateIEEE 1003.12: Inter-Process Communication
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 8
echo 1201
cat >1201 <<'shar.1201.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Thu Mar 29 14:53:17 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA26594; Thu, 29 Mar 90 14:53:17 -0500
Posted-Date: 29 Mar 90 17:56:18 GMT
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id AA06711; Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:49:50 -0600
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id AA05547; Thu, 29 Mar 90 11:57:28 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, IEEE 1201: User Interface
Message-Id: <604@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 29 Mar 90 17:56:18 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
January 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
IEEE 1201: User Interface Update
Peter H. Salus <peter@uunet.uu.net> reports on the January 8-12, 1990
meeting in New Orleans, LA:
What's happening?
P1201 purports to concern itself with the user interface. As of the
New Orleans meeting, P1201 comprised .1 (Applications Programming
Interface), .2 (Graphical User Interface), .3 (Human-Computer
Interaction), and .4 (XLib) subgroups.
Working backwards through these, 1201 has recommended that XLib go to
ballot directly, a proposal which seems to have so shocked the SEC
that they put off deciding on balloting till April. Steve Jobs told
the USENIX audience in Phoenix, in June 1987, that X was ``brain-
damaged''. Whether that's true or not, X has won, and just putting
XLib to a vote makes good sense.
1201.3, under the chairmanship of Richard Seacord, has had a number of
interesting discussions and presentations (of which I attended
several, though not all). The major problem here is that we are
nowhere near knowing what the ``standard'' for an interface might
really require. However, the explorations are valuable, and a forum
like this can be informative.
This leaves me with the GUI and the API. Both in Brussels and in New
Orleans were skirmishes in the GUI wars: battalions of employees of
OSF its member companies arrayed in opposition to those of UI or USO
and theirs, with a pair of observers from NeXT and Apple taking and
placing bets on the sidelines.
I assure readers that have never attended these meetings, acrimonious
backbiting and vituperation are the order of the day in both camps.
Though a former employee of OSF, I wouldn't hesitate to condemn the
behavior of both sides, but the blame rests elsewhere. Where? In the
tourists. See below, but for my money, too many folks like to travel
and too many people have caught the ``open systems/open standards'' bug.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1201: User Interface
- 2 -
So long as the market remains unsettled about Motif, NeXTStep, OPEN
LOOK, and Presentation Manager (to say nothing of Apple's MacIntosh
interface and IBM's CUA) [Editor: That's ``Common User Application'',
a part of SAA.], the meetings of 1201.1 and 1201.2 will serve as
tilting grounds, not occasions for useful discussion.
>From my point of view, until the market (which means the big boys and
the users) has a shake-out, .1 and .2 can only serve as debate
platforms or end up recommending standards that are either the
intersection of OPEN LOOK and Motif or their union. It might be that
.2 can come to some sort of conclusion on the various style guides
without .1, but I see the products being waved, not the function
Why is it turning out this way?
All of this is prologue (``The past is prologue,'' writes Shakespeare
in The Tempest) to a commentary on the TCOS-standards industry.
[Editor: TCOS, the Technical Committee on Operating Systems, is the
IEEE organization under which both 1201 and 1003 fall.]
Over the past 40 years, ISO has approved or accepted over 20,000
standards, which concern almost everything imaginable from hockey
masks to medical prostheses to the hinging of radar masts on inland-
waterway vessels. The standards have arisen in a variety of ways,
most emanating from one of the regional or 70-odd national standards
bodies. Typically, it has taken from four to ten years to progress
from raising a committee to approving a standard. The result of this
has been general agreement within the concerned industry prior to the
issuance of an international standard. Wall plugs are an excellent
example of what happens when the engineers and bureaucrats issue a
standard without industry consensus.
I am far from convinced that the ever-increasing number of 1003 and
1201 (sub)committees is productive or useful, and embarrassed and
appalled at their continuing proliferation. There are currently at
least six or seven standards for diskettes. Do we really need that
many for graphical user interfaces? I think not. Might we get what
happened in the record industry (i.e., 45s for short cuts; 33s for
long works and anthologies) if we wait? I think so.
Moreover, does the standards process really require more than two or
three folks per company? There were 38 in attendance at the ISO/IEC
Joint Technical Committee on Application Portability meeting in
September (including the secretariat); there were nearly 300 in New
Orleans. My perception is that going to a POSIX meeting is a perk.
Holding the meetings in Hawaii, New Orleans, and Snowbird does little
to dissuade me. The New Orleans host was OSF; the Snowbird host is
Unisys. Though the new Unisys is a big entity, I didn't realize they
had a site in Snowbird; nor OSF one in New Orleans.
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1201: User Interface
- 3 -
C'mon, lets get back to work, not meetings for the holiday or for the
sake of meetings. 1003.1 did good, solid work. Some of the other
groups are doing work, too. Partying ain't part of it. Bah!
January 1990 Standards Update IEEE 1201: User Interface
Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 34
echo X3J11
cat >X3J11 <<'shar.X3J11.11766'
From jsq@longway.tic.com Mon Mar 12 08:56:07 1990
Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
id AA01596; Mon, 12 Mar 90 08:56:07 -0500
Posted-Date: 12 Mar 90 13:32:09 GMT
Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.59/1.52)
id AA28277; Mon, 12 Mar 90 07:56:01 CST
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id AA07840; Mon, 12 Mar 90 07:32:55 cst
From: <usenix.org!jsh@longway.tic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update, ANSI X3J11: C Programming Language
Message-Id: <554@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
Date: 12 Mar 90 13:32:09 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
From: <jsh@usenix.org>
An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
March 1990
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
ANSI X3J11: C Programming Language Update
Doug Gwyn <gwyn@brl.MIL> reports on the state of ANSI C:
There is now a C standard
After the one appeal of CBEMA X3's approval of the proposed ANSI C
standard was eventually voluntarily withdrawn by the appellant, the
ANSI Board of Standards Review approved the proposed standard on
December 14, 1989. (CBEMA is the Computer and Business Equipment
Manufacturers' Association, the organization that sponsors X3.)
No appeals were received by ANSI within the time allotted, so there is
now an official American National Standard for Programming Language C:
ANS X3.159-1989. The technical content of the ANS is identical to
that of the December 1988 X3J11 draft.
The X3J11 technical committee will enter an "interpretations" mode at
the March 1990 meeting in New York City. During this phase, the
committee will be considering requests for clarification and
interpretation of the standard. It is anticipated that Technical
Information Bulletins will be issued from time to time when it is felt
that clarification of the intent of the standard needs to be
published. Such bulletins would not technically be considered part of
the official standard; however, they should provide valuable guidance
to both C implementors and C programmers.
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the U.S. and other
January 1990 Standards Update ANSI X3J11: C Programming Language
Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 66