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- echo overview.a
- cat >overview.a <<'shar.overview.a.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue May 1 11:06:19 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA19567; Tue, 1 May 90 11:06:19 -0400
- Posted-Date: 19 Apr 90 01:27:30 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.59)
- id AA29166; Tue, 1 May 90 10:06:13 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA02222; Tue, 1 May 90 09:24:03 cdt
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <650@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com>
- Reply-To: Doug Gwyn <brl.mil!gwyn@cs.utexas.edu>
- Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD.
- Date: 19 Apr 90 01:27:30 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Doug Gwyn <uunet!smoke.brl.mil!gwyn>
- In article <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com> >From: Jeffrey S. Haemer <jsh@usenix.org>
- > Watch .1b like a hawk, though. Any new functionality, slipped into
- > supplements and appendices, carries the same risks as riders on
- > congressional bills; ...
- > I recommend resisting any effort to add functionality for which there
- > aren't existing implementations in wide use, and about which there
- > isn't already general consensus.
- It would also be nice if people didn't specify conformance to 1003.1b
- just because it's there; for example, it's not clear to me that it
- would need to be incorporated into any FIPS. There were good reasons
- for leaving out of 1003.1 many of the facilities that are likely to
- creep in as part of 1003.1b, and therefore the additions should not
- be picked up automatically. Just because something is a standard
- does not mean that it should be required, especially if it interferes
- with long-term improvements in the computing environment (which is
- what the USENIX Watchdog Committee is most concerned with).
- > Parenthetically, I'll admit to being mystified by the dim view some
- > folks take of the UPE. I actually put programmer portability above
- > program portability, since, when I go looking for new jobs I can't
- > take our software with me, but do want to be sure that I can still use
- > vi.
- It seems most unlikely to me that you have the option of specifying
- IEEE 1003.2 conformance when you interview with a prospective employer.
- I believe that the main point of these standards is to attain improved
- portability for applications.
- Besides, why should I have to support both "vi" and "emacs" on my systems
- when we're all using "sam" instead? It gains me NOTHING (because imported
- software is not going to require these interactive facilities) and costs
- me a bunch.
- > In short, we who do ports will have to keep track of how to invoke the
- > C compiler on each of our target machines; .2 will not have enhanced
- > portability in this area of our work.
- Presumably, if your code follows the C standard as well as IEEE 1003.2,
- you'd simply invoke "c89" without K&R1 flags. If you insist on K&R1 C,
- you're already outside the scope of standards. I think it's true that
- one won't know exactly what to expect when invoking "cc", but that is
- already the case. "c89" should (if 1003.2 gets the spec right) obtain
- predictable (i.e., standard!) behavior, which will be an improvement.
- > ... Dot three isn't always popular; one hears
- > complaints that they come up with interpretations that seem contrary
- > to the intention of the original standards committees.
- The most serious problem that I've heard of in this regard is that the
- NIST-supplied 1003.1 conformance test suite insists on seeing error
- returns in cases where the clear intent of 1003.1 was to permit
- extensions. 1003.1 specifies two categories of errors: those that
- are required to be reported WHEN THE CONDITION OCCURS, and those that
- are required to be reported WHEN THE CONDITION IS DETECTED. The
- distinction is that the latter case covers such things as feeding an
- invalid pointer to a function for a buffer address, a case where many
- implementations cannot guarantee reliable detection of all possible
- abuses (at least, not without an intolerable penalty in execution speed).
- In neither case is it generally required that an error occur, if the
- implementation is able to provide support for an extension. For
- example, suppose an implementation permitted cross-device hard links.
- That would be a nice extension (assuming it could be done well), and
- there is no reason to take 1003.1 as forbidding such extensions.
- > The threads subgroup (1003.4A) has attempted to kill the .4 ballot by
- > a block vote for rejection. One correspondent says they are doing
- > this because .4 is no good without threads.
- I'd like to hear an explanation of this assertion. Certainly, for
- years we've been developing real-time applications without support
- for threads. They seem like separable issues to me.
- > ... and a commitment to a direction ISO
- > intends to take for all its standards: language independence.
- Something is not right here, because clearly ISO standards for
- programming languages themselves cannot be language-independent.
- Perhaps the actual ISO position is that AVOIDABLE language dependence
- should be avoided? I'd like to take the point of view that some
- languages are unsuitable for the kind of systems programming that
- C was designed for, and it makes no sense to include such languages
- when you're talking about systems-programming interfaces. Does there
- really have to be a BASIC binding (or at least support for one) for
- 1003.4, for example? I would think not..
- > .... Adding these new
- > functions would require that the vendor's FORTRAN compiler actu-
- > ally handle REALs. Think about that.
- Using Berkeley's term, it's a "lame" argument! If one wants a full
- Fortran compiler, he specifies conformance to the Fortran standard.
- If one wants support for the POSIX system interface, he specifies
- 1003.1 (or 1003.9) conformance. And so forth. It is silly to
- expect a standard to accomplish some standardization purpose for
- which it was never intended.
- Note that there are numerous standard C language features that are
- not exercised by the 1003.1 C language binding. In fact, specifying
- 1003.1 (C binding flavor) does not guarantee that you even get a C
- compiler, much less one that conforms to the C standard. (For that,
- you need to also specify conformance to the C standard.) Nobody
- thought that that was a problem; why is it any different for Fortran?
- > At the last USENIX, in Washington D.C., Jim Isaak, the SEC chair,
- > explained to the well-attended standards BOF that there is really no
- > easy way to dissolve a committee. If volunteers show up to staff the
- > working group, follow the IEEE rules, and eventually circulate a bal-
- > lot that passes, they've created an IEEE standard.
- I think the important thing to recognize is that just because a
- standard exists (particularly an IEEE standard, many of which have
- in the past been of interest only to small special-interest groups)
- does not mean that purchasers have to specify compliance with it.
- In particular, it should by no means be automatic that ISO and NIST
- promote any and all IEEE standards at the IS and FIPS level. Only
- when there is demonstrable long-term benefit that outweighs the
- drawbacks would it be rational to do so. I think a case could be
- made for 1003.1 and 1003.1a, maybe one or two of the other
- forthcoming POSIX standards, but certainly not for all of them.
- Maybe the thing to do is to lean on Roger Martin, to get him to
- take it easy on pushing unwanted standards as FIPS.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 85
- shar.overview.a.11823
- echo overview.b
- cat >overview.b <<'shar.overview.b.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue May 1 11:06:36 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA19674; Tue, 1 May 90 11:06:36 -0400
- Posted-Date: 18 Apr 90 13:43:04 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.59)
- id AA29239; Tue, 1 May 90 10:06:30 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA02276; Tue, 1 May 90 09:33:04 cdt
- From: Hal Jespersen <posix.COM!hlj@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <651@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: POSIX Software Group, Redwood City, CA
- Date: 18 Apr 90 13:43:04 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: hlj@posix.COM (Hal Jespersen)
- In article <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com> you write:
- From: Jeffrey S. Haemer <jsh@usenix.org>
- > 1003.2:_Shell_and_Utilities
- > Even the controversial UPE is mostly codifying existing practice.
- > Arguments are over places where more than one practice is widespread,
- > for example, source-code control, where partisans of SCCS struggle
- > with partisans of RCS. (Actually, that's not true. What's really
- > happening is that the group's shying away from this area because
- > they're worried about a struggle. ``Tar wars'' seems to have spoiled
- > the industry's appetite for making difficult decisions about conten-
- > tious topics.)
- This isn't really true. We discussed the problems of another Tar War,
- but it didn't occur. The group was overwhelmingly in favor of using
- SCCS as the superior technical solution, but SCCS has two problems:
- 1. It has a user-unfriendly interface. This was solved by
- taking the BSD "sccs" command as the main interface.
- 2. It is a complex system and no one wanted to tackle implementing
- it from scratch. Therefore, the group decided that if SCCS could
- be put into the public domain, or close to it with easy source
- redistribution rights, it would be appropriate.
- Unfortunately, SCCS's owner chose not to "donate" its work to the working
- group and the world in this way. Therefore, the WG officially dropped
- the whole subject and went on to other matters. Lurking in the background
- was the knowledge that all this source control stuff is rather old
- technology anyway and new, perhaps CASE, systems would probably be a
- better choice on which to base future standards. The door to standardizing
- this stuff is still open: would anyone like to volunteer to start a
- working group, or directly ballot a document on this subject? (I thought so.)
- > The equivalent of .1a already has a name: .2b. Even the bad of dot
- > one is mirrored here. Truly controversial proposals are being pushed
- > off to the as-yet unborn .2c, which should produce a deja vu feeling
- > in those already watching .1b.
- I don't know of any "controversial" proposals being pushed off to .2c.
- There is some I18N work that may come in at that time, but it's premature,
- not controversial. Actually, no .2c (or .2b for that matter) PAR has been
- submitted yet. Although .2b is a given, because clarifications and
- interpretations of .2 and .2a will be needed in the production of
- IS 9945-2, there will only be a .2c if a working group decides to form
- up to do it. I'm not convinced that the UNIX command line interface
- is going to be interesting enough in the future to keep people charged
- up for new standards on it.
- > And, just as .1 sometimes shied away from real decisions, in
- > order to avoid upsetting anyone, .2 occasionally reacts to vendor
- > inconsistency by proposing solutions that avoid upsetting any vendor
- > by penalizing all users. As an example, the committee proposes
- > requiring a C compiler (good), and naming it c89 (bad, but I com-
- > plained about this loud and long last time). An important motivation
- > for the new name is that cc already invokes the K&R C compiler on many
- > vendors' platforms, and specifying a flag to choose one behavior or
- > the other would conflict with someone's existing implementation; any
- > given letter is already preempted by some vendor.
- This action only penalizes users who cannot figure out how to alias,
- link, or shell script themselves around the problem of accessing a command
- using another name (or those who don't have a system administrator or
- vendor to do it for them). The problem of vendors using up the entire
- alphabet of option letters was real. And your solution (not reproduced
- here) of simply telling everyone they had to get the ANSI C compiler
- when they said "cc" was simply unacceptable to too many WG members.
- Hal Jespersen
- POSIX Software Group
- 447 Lakeview Way
- Redwood City, CA 94062
- Phone: +1 (415) 364-3410
- FAX: +1 (415) 364-4498
- UUCP: uunet!posix!hlj
- -or- hlj@posix.COM
- ==========================================================================
- The opinions expressed in this message are my own and do not necessarily
- reflect those of the POSIX Working Groups or the IEEE. To receive an
- official interpretation concerning an approved IEEE standard, contact the
- Secretary, IEEE Standards Board, P.O. Box 1331, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway,
- NJ 08855-1331.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 86
- shar.overview.b.11823
- echo overview.c
- cat >overview.c <<'shar.overview.c.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue May 1 13:55:04 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA23338; Tue, 1 May 90 13:55:04 -0400
- Posted-Date: 18 Apr 90 15:13:14 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.59)
- id AA16661; Tue, 1 May 90 12:54:59 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA03912; Tue, 1 May 90 11:43:15 cdt
- From: Simon Patience <osf.org!sp@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <653@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: sp@osf.org (Simon Patience)
- Organization: Open Software Foundation
- Date: 18 Apr 90 15:13:14 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: sp@osf.org (Simon Patience)
- In article <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com>, jsh@usenix.org (Jeffrey S. Haemer) writes:
- > 1003.4:_Real-Time_Extensions
- > The first of these went to ballot after the New Orleans meeting.
- > Threads, controversial enough to be omitted from .4, has been pushed
- > into .4a. (Things too controversial to go into threads will be pushed
- > into the multiprocessor group, which should be a lot of fun.)
- This is not actually true. Pthreads was never in the draft of 1003.4
- proper but was an appendix. After New Orleans when .4 was ready to
- ballot, pthreads was not and so could not become a real chapter of its
- own within .4 and so got its own PAR. It had nothing to do with being
- controversial. Your parenthetical comment is pure fantasy also.
- > The threads subgroup (1003.4A) has attempted to kill the .4 ballot by
- > a block vote for rejection. One correspondent says they are doing
- > this because .4 is no good without threads. (I'm told that two
- > ``large, non-vendor organizations'' are part of the coalition against
- > the 1003.4 ballot. There is rumored to be a special, invitation-only,
- > threads-strategy meeting by these two groups immediately preceding the
- > Utah meeting. Can anyone confirm this and supply more details?)
- More misinformation here. The Common Reference Ballot was written by a
- number of people from different organisations some of whom attended the
- threads group and some didn't. The endorsements for it came from a
- significantly wider audience than the threads group, some of whom I
- believe have not been to a .4 meeting either, or at least regularly.
- The objections were not related to threads except where an interface
- was impossible to be used in a multi-threaded environment.
- The rumor of a pre-Utah meeting is completely overblown. OSF and UI
- regularly meet, with representatives of our respective member
- organizations, to discuss technical matters to try and maximize
- commonality between our two systems, especially at the interface level.
- The subjects include threads as this is an emerging technology area,
- but it is certainly not restricted to threads. As the people involved
- in this both attend POSIX meetings, it is natural to take advantage of
- the fact that we are all going to be in the same place. The meetings
- take place regularly and more frequently than POSIX meetings. We think
- this level of cooperation is the sort of thing the industry would
- expect us to do, especially the end user community, rather than indulge
- in the Unix wars that are restricted to the Trade Press.
- > University of California's Computer Science Research Group (the folks
- > who bring us Berkley UNIX) is also voting against the .4 ballot as a
- > block. This stand has nothing to do with the lack of a threads propo-
- > sal; the vote objects to the working group's addition of completely
- > new and (their words) ``lame'' features to UNIX. An amusing twist,
- > this. To a traditional standards activity, one vendor block voting
- > against another, POSIX adds one research group voting against another.
- I believe that this was just an endorsement of the Common Reference
- Ballot mentioned above, which was submitted by someone at Berkeley. I'm
- not sure why this means there is one research group voting against
- another, the only other research groups that I can think of that you
- might be alluding to also endorsed the common ballot. Would you care to
- explain?
- > Both the rush to go to ballot, and the move to tie success of the rest
- > of 1003.4 to threads, should be causes for scrutiny.
- I can't think where you get this idea from. There is no desire that I
- know of to tie threads to the rest of .4. The people involved are
- highly motivated and think that the time is right to standardize on a
- thread interface before the industry become too d ivergent. It is felt
- be many people that there is enough experience in the industry and
- academia to write a good usable standard and are trying to do so.
- > Interestingly, if threads are forced back into the base .4 standard,
- > it may end up causing another problem. The ACM's ARTEWG (the special
- > interest group on Ada's runtime environment working group) is likely
- > to vote in a block against 1003.4 if it contains a threads proposal
- > that does not support Ada in a natural way.
- This is not likely to happen as I said above. The threads group are
- talking to the Ada people (constantly it feels like :-) and it is hoped
- that when the draft is ready for balloting most of the Ada folks will
- be happy. There is a problem with scope which has never really been
- properly define with respect to Ada, especially Ada runtime.
- Your overall tone was one of suspicion that there is a subversive plot
- going on and that half of POSIX is being taken over by a small number
- of people in the threads group. This is clearly ridiculous as it could
- never happen, the concensus process prohibits it.
- Simon Patience Phone: (617) 621-8736
- Open Software Foundation FAX: (617) 225-2782
- 11 Cambridge Center Email: sp@osf.org
- Cambridge MA 02142 uunet!osf.org!sp
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 88
- shar.overview.c.11823
- echo overview.d
- cat >overview.d <<'shar.overview.d.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue May 1 13:57:01 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA23730; Tue, 1 May 90 13:57:01 -0400
- Posted-Date: 1 May 90 17:41:20 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.59)
- id AA16819; Tue, 1 May 90 12:56:57 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA04069; Tue, 1 May 90 12:41:53 cdt
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <654@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com>
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Date: 1 May 90 17:41:20 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: John S. Quarterman <jsq@usenix.org>
- The recent summary report from Jeff Haemer, the USENIX Standards
- Watchdog Committee Report Editor, was in general just the kind of thing
- we try to publish. However, there were a few problems with it. In
- particular, the comments about a supposed block vote against 1003.4
- originated by a threads subgroup were inaccurate. There was in fact
- a common reference ballot that originated with UCB CSRG. It addressed
- many points throughout the 1003.4 draft document. It was referenced
- in numerous negative ballots, including several from Institutional
- Representatives. (USENIX did not reference it in a ballot, but only
- due to time pressure: USENIX supports it in principal.)
- These errors in Jeff's report were due to inadequate review before
- publication, which occured because I was out of the country as he
- finished the report. It was important to get the summary posted
- on the networks before the Utah standards committee meeting, and
- turnaround time to substitute reviewers turned out to be greater
- than anticipated. My apologies for this coordination problem.
- We will attempt to prevent this kind of situation in the future by
- more thorough review, including having each section about a specific
- committee reviewed by the corresponding Watchdog Committee volunteer
- in addition to being reviewed by me.
- John S. Quarterman
- USENIX Standards Liaison
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 89
- shar.overview.d.11823
- echo overview.e
- cat >overview.e <<'shar.overview.e.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed May 2 17:07:31 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA19914; Wed, 2 May 90 17:07:31 -0400
- Posted-Date: 1 May 90 17:53:44 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA02155; Wed, 2 May 90 16:07:27 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA00480; Wed, 2 May 90 15:29:00 cdt
- From: Michael Jones <spice.cs.cmu.edu!mbj@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Summary: No attempt by .4a to kill .4
- Message-Id: <655@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com> <650@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
- Date: 1 May 90 17:53:44 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: mbj@spice.cs.cmu.edu (Michael Jones)
- > > The threads subgroup (1003.4A) has attempted to kill the .4 ballot by
- > > a block vote for rejection. One correspondent says they are doing
- > > this because .4 is no good without threads.
- >
- > I'd like to hear an explanation of this assertion. Certainly, for
- > years we've been developing real-time applications without support
- > for threads. They seem like separable issues to me.
- Since this came up again I suppose it warrants a reply. I'd like to state as
- an active member of .4a (which makes me an active member of .4 since the two
- are one and the same working groups) that I perceive no attempt to kill .4.
- Several detailed ballot objections were submitted of which mine was certainly
- one. My objections were motivated by areas of the .4 proposal which I felt
- could be significantly improved and responsive suggestions were made. I know
- of others who felt similarly and balloted in kind. But in no way did I
- perceive any linkage between attempting to improve .4 and any alleged
- inadequacy of .4 without threads.
- Realtime support is good. Threads are good. They can be used together.
- They can be used separately. In my view those members of the working group
- with realtime expertise have improved .4 and those with threads expertise
- have improved .4a. I perceive no conflict.
- -- Mike
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 90
- shar.overview.e.11823
- echo overview.f
- cat >overview.f <<'shar.overview.f.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Thu May 3 18:18:02 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA28250; Thu, 3 May 90 18:18:02 -0400
- Posted-Date: 2 May 90 13:59:38 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA17243; Thu, 3 May 90 17:17:59 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA05775; Thu, 3 May 90 16:36:07 cdt
- From: Peter da Silva <ficc.uu.net!peter@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <664@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <1990Apr17.225128.7324@ico.isc.com> <653@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)
- Organization: Xenix Support, FICC
- Date: 2 May 90 13:59:38 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)
- I've finally got a copy of P1003.4, and I find it to be quite nice. The
- lack of threads is no big deal... threads should certainly be standardised,
- but any threads design that can't be implemented on top of P1003.4 is
- probably going to cause big problems for existing systems anyway.
- One thing to consider is that threads and real-time are not equivalent
- concepts. Threads are a nice technique for implementing real-time systems,
- and most real-time systems make an implementation of threads pretty easy,
- but there are non-real-time systems that implement lightweight processes for
- reasons of improving throughput rather than reducing response time.
- Keeping P1003.4 from prohibiting certain threaded implementations is one
- thing, but it shouldn't require threads in any real-time system. And it
- shouldn't require that you have to go to a real-time system to conform
- to the threads standard.
- Threads probably deserves a P1003 number of its own.
- As for Berkeley's sore feelings because P1003.4 doesn't look like BSD, that's
- just silly. It'd be like USG being upset because P1003.4 doesn't implement
- the System-V IPC kludges. P1003.4 looks quite familiar to me, from working
- with other real-time systems... including real-time-like UNIX. And it should
- be implementable (as far as the functionality you need for real-time can be)
- on top of sockets, without penalising real real time folks by sticking them
- with a socket interface.
- --
- _--_|\ `-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180. <peter@ficc.uu.net>
- / \ 'U` Have you hugged your wolf today? <peter@sugar.hackercorp.com>
- \_.--._/ Disclaimer: commercial solicitation by email to this address
- v is acceptable.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 99
- shar.overview.f.11823
- echo overview.g
- cat >overview.g <<'shar.overview.g.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sun May 6 15:10:39 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA12842; Sun, 6 May 90 15:10:39 -0400
- Posted-Date: 2 May 90 23:14:18 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA29047; Sun, 6 May 90 14:10:36 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA13038; Sun, 6 May 90 13:56:37 cdt
- From: Dave Decot <hpda!decot@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <671@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <650@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Hewlett Packard, Cupertino
- Date: 2 May 90 23:14:18 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: decot@hpda.uucp (Dave Decot)
- Jeff Haemer writes:
- > > Parenthetically, I'll admit to being mystified by the dim view some
- > > folks take of the UPE. I actually put programmer portability above
- > > program portability, since, when I go looking for new jobs I can't
- > > take our software with me, but do want to be sure that I can still use
- > > vi.
- Doug Gwyn responds:
- > It seems most unlikely to me that you have the option of specifying
- > IEEE 1003.2 conformance when you interview with a prospective employer.
- > I believe that the main point of these standards is to attain improved
- > portability for applications.
- >
- > Besides, why should I have to support both "vi" and "emacs" on my systems
- > when we're all using "sam" instead? It gains me NOTHING (because imported
- > software is not going to require these interactive facilities) and costs
- > me a bunch.
- I suggest that you learn the scope and purpose of the UPE (now known
- as the User Portability Utilities Option, or POSIX.2a). It has a
- different focus than the base POSIX.2 specification, and is based
- upon a refutation of what you assert above.
- One of the primary motivations for POSIX.2a is the desire to have a
- standard set of utilities that a user can learn once, and thereafter
- be a "portable user" of those utilities.
- Prospective employers can already ask employees whether they "know MSWord,
- Lotus, and MacPaint", because those are industry-standard utilities.
- The same treatment should be available for traditional UNIX tools, but
- since there are different vendors of these, a common specification
- is necessary.
- Having attended the POSIX.2 committee meetings for quite a long time,
- I quite concur with Hal Jespersen's representation of the SCCS/RCS issues
- and the contents of POSIX.2b and .2c.
- Dave Decot, HP
- DISCLAIMER: This message represents only my views.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 106
- shar.overview.g.11823
- echo overview.h
- cat >overview.h <<'shar.overview.h.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue May 8 19:00:25 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA15314; Tue, 8 May 90 19:00:25 -0400
- Posted-Date: 7 May 90 16:47:14 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA18426; Tue, 8 May 90 17:13:41 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA01349; Tue, 8 May 90 15:01:13 cdt
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Re: Standards Update, USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- Message-Id: <674@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <650@longway.TIC.COM> <671@longway.TIC.COM>
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
- Date: 7 May 90 16:47:14 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Doug Gwyn <uunet!smoke.brl.mil!gwyn>
- In article <671@longway.TIC.COM> From: decot@hpda.uucp (Dave Decot)
- >One of the primary motivations for POSIX.2a is the desire to have a
- >standard set of utilities that a user can learn once, and thereafter
- >be a "portable user" of those utilities.
- Utilities designed for END USERS, as opposed to those designed for
- programmers, should be such that they are very easy to learn.
- >Prospective employers can already ask employees whether they "know MSWord,
- >Lotus, and MacPaint", because those are industry-standard utilities.
- Apart from MacPaint, they don't have well-designed user interfaces either.
- Most Mac software can be immediately used with NO TRAINING by almost
- anyone at all familiar with general characteristics of that environment.
- Trying to standardize details of specific applications within an easy-to-use
- environment would seem pretty much a waste of time. Conversely, trying to
- standardize details of a hard-to-use interface would also seem to be a waste
- of time, since people who would most benefit from that would benefit even
- more from having a decent user interface instead!
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 109
- shar.overview.h.11823
- echo 1003.0.a
- cat >1003.0.a <<'shar.1003.0.a.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sat Apr 14 14:11:39 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA20892; Sat, 14 Apr 90 14:11:39 -0400
- Posted-Date: 13 Apr 90 17:30:08 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA28543; Sat, 14 Apr 90 12:16:18 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA05044; Sat, 14 Apr 90 11:41:18 cst
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- Message-Id: <635@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <626@longway.TIC.COM>
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Hewlett Packard, Information Networks Group
- Date: 13 Apr 90 17:30:08 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Jason Zions <uunet!cnd.hp.com!jason>
- <Regarding the possible requirement of 1003.1 in all POSIX profiles,
- the Update author predicts 1003.1 will not be required.>
- >[Editor: We disagree. 1003.1 is a set of applications programming
- >interfaces carefully chosen to be necessary and sufficient to make an
- >operating system UNIX-like for the C programmer. Providing standards
- >for a UNIX-like operating system should be the goal of the POSIX
- >standards, and attempts by vendors uncomfortable with UNIX to dilute
- >the effort should be cut off at the pass.]
- This is the basic question "Must all 1003 standards assume the
- presence of 1003.1?" This has already been answered with a resounding
- "NO"; take a look at 1003.2, which is expressly intended to work in
- environments in which 1003.1 does not exist.
- Other 1003 standards explicitly build upon 1003.1 (and perhaps on
- others as well); clearly, profiles including 1003.4 will have to
- include 1003.1, as the 1003.4 spec clearly states that 1003.1 is a
- prerequisite.
- >[Author: POSIX must evolve a set of independent standards that have
- >UNIX as their heritage. POSIX standards are all evolving as UNIX-like
- >standards. Why discourage a vendor from implementing some subset of
- >UNIX-like standards just because the vendor is not ready to provide a
- >complete 1003.1 implementation? ]
- Encourage those subset-producing vendors all you like; just don't let
- them call their subset "1003.1-compliant". I think we ought to adopt
- more the solution of the Ada folks; no subsets permitted under the
- POSIX banner. No one can sell an Ada subset and use the word "Ada" in
- the product name. (Oh, well - the IEEE already gave up its trademark
- on POSIX. But you see the point.)
- But if the purpose for which the profile is being written really
- requires the full power of 1003.1, do not hesitate to require it in
- the profile. If only a subset of 1003.1 is needed, then be sure to
- specify exactly what subset is needed. Don't be fuzzy about it.
- Jason Zions
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 65
- shar.1003.0.a.11823
- echo 1003.0.b
- cat >1003.0.b <<'shar.1003.0.b.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sat Apr 14 14:24:12 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA22106; Sat, 14 Apr 90 14:24:12 -0400
- Posted-Date: 13 Apr 90 15:38:47 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA28563; Sat, 14 Apr 90 12:16:28 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA05105; Sat, 14 Apr 90 11:45:36 cst
- From: Hal Jespersen <posix.COM!hlj@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- Message-Id: <636@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <626@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: POSIX Software Group, Redwood City, CA
- Date: 13 Apr 90 15:38:47 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: hlj@posix.COM (Hal Jespersen)
- In article <626@longway.TIC.COM> From: <jsh@usenix.org>
- > An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
- > January 1990
- > USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- > Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
- >IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide Update
- > ...
- >An argument made against the requirement is that it may damage
- >implementations. For example, real-time systems may lack even a file
- >system, and may want a very limited subset of the POSIX interface to
- >keep the implementation as small as possible. If all of 1003.1 is
- >required, vendors may have to add costly and unnecessary features just
- >to claim POSIX compatibility.
- >
- >When the dust settles, I think 1003.1 will be strongly suggested but
- >not required, because 1003.1 is a pretty arbitrary subset of any list
- >of ``required system interfaces.''
- >
- >[Editor: We disagree. 1003.1 is a set of applications programming
- >interfaces carefully chosen to be necessary and sufficient to make an
- >operating system UNIX-like for the C programmer. Providing standards
- >for a UNIX-like operating system should be the goal of the POSIX
- >standards, and attempts by vendors uncomfortable with UNIX to dilute
- >the effort should be cut off at the pass.]
- >
- >[Author: POSIX must evolve a set of independent standards that have
- >UNIX as their heritage. POSIX standards are all evolving as UNIX-like
- >standards. Why discourage a vendor from implementing some subset of
- >UNIX-like standards just because the vendor is not ready to provide a
- >complete 1003.1 implementation? ]
- As an aside to this discussion, the less-than-full-POSIX.1 approach
- was the one we adopted for POSIX.2 [shell and utilities] back in 1986.
- Although this decision has certainly made our job much more difficult
- in terms of specifying exactly how the underlying system must work,
- we felt that it was important to offer POSIX.2 comformance opportunities
- to anyone with "enough" of UNIX to qualify. For example, there should
- be no reason a V7 system could not support POSIX.2 with a few mods;
- these mods would definitely be less expensive than a fully-conforming
- POSIX.1 system, with all the attendant documentation and conformance
- testing required.
- Now if you ask me whether I believe many non-POSIX.1 systems will be
- supporting POSIX.2, I would have to say No. The timing's wrong, as
- most of the industry will support POSIX.1 anyway, and the ones that
- don't probably aren't interested in the POSIX shell anyway. But we
- didn't know that when we started and we are reluctant to completely
- shut the door on any enterprising vendors who may have other ideas.
- Hal Jespersen, Chair P1003.2
- POSIX Software Group
- 447 Lakeview Way
- Redwood City, CA 94062
- Phone: +1 (415) 364-3410
- FAX: +1 (415) 364-4498
- UUCP: uunet!posix!hlj
- -or- hlj@posix.COM
- ==========================================================================
- The opinions expressed in this message are my own and do not necessarily
- reflect those of the POSIX Working Groups or the IEEE. To receive an
- official interpretation concerning an approved IEEE standard, contact the
- Secretary, IEEE Standards Board, P.O. Box 1331, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway,
- NJ 08855-1331.
- ==========================================================================
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 66
- shar.1003.0.b.11823
- echo 1003.0.c
- cat >1003.0.c <<'shar.1003.0.c.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue May 1 12:17:19 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA02838; Tue, 1 May 90 12:17:19 -0400
- Posted-Date: 19 Apr 90 17:16:45 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.59)
- id AA06761; Tue, 1 May 90 11:17:15 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA02977; Tue, 1 May 90 10:40:24 cdt
- From: Guido van Rossum <cwi.nl!guido@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- Message-Id: <652@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <626@longway.TIC.COM> <636@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Date: 19 Apr 90 17:16:45 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: guido@cwi.nl (Guido van Rossum)
- Regarding the choice to make Posix 1003.2 dependent on only a Posix
- 1003.1 subset: Amoeba (a distributed OS developed here at CWI and VU in
- Amsterdam) currently has problems supporting all of 1003.1 (its file
- sharing semantics are essentially different, for one thing) but should
- nevertheless be able to support 1003.2.
- Also, even though we cannot guarantee 1003.1 conformance in all areas,
- we (the Amoeba group) do conform whereever we can. All library
- functions, headers and constants required by 1003.1 will be there,
- although some functions will always return an error and others will not
- obey the exact prescribed semantics under certain conditions. We
- believe we have done the best we could given the possibilities of our
- file system.
- Should we be punished for non-conformance or given some points for not
- deviating unnecessary?
- --
- Guido van Rossum, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam
- guido@cwi.nl or ..!hp4nl!cwi.nl!guido or guido%cwi.nl@uunet.uu.net
- "A thing of beauty is a joy till sunrise"
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 87
- shar.1003.0.c.11823
- echo 1003.0.d
- cat >1003.0.d <<'shar.1003.0.d.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed May 2 21:22:45 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA14748; Wed, 2 May 90 21:22:45 -0400
- Posted-Date: 2 May 90 04:43:45 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA08772; Wed, 2 May 90 20:22:41 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA01644; Wed, 2 May 90 17:14:48 cdt
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- Message-Id: <658@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <626@longway.TIC.COM> <636@longway.TIC.COM> <652@longway.TIC.COM>
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
- Date: 2 May 90 04:43:45 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Doug Gwyn <uunet!smoke.brl.mil!gwyn>
- >From: guido@cwi.nl (Guido van Rossum)
- >Also, even though we cannot guarantee 1003.1 conformance in all areas,
- >we (the Amoeba group) do conform whereever we can. All library
- >functions, headers and constants required by 1003.1 will be there,
- >although some functions will always return an error and others will not
- >obey the exact prescribed semantics under certain conditions. We
- >believe we have done the best we could given the possibilities of our
- >file system.
- That's a reasonable approach, that should be pursued by other C
- implementations in non-UNIX environments. I'm doing something similar
- for the C environment on my Apple running GS/OS, which cannot support
- a resaonble emulation of fork() but can nicely support readdir() etc.
- Such a "near-POSIX" environment reduces the problems of porting UNIX-
- based applications into the environment, although there will be some
- that are hopeless.
- >Should we be punished for non-conformance or given some points for not
- >deviating unnecessary?
- Neither. If someone truly requires 1003.1 conformance then you won't
- be able to give it to them, but if all they want is 1003.2 then you're
- in a good position.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 93
- shar.1003.0.d.11823
- echo 1003.0.e
- cat >1003.0.e <<'shar.1003.0.e.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Thu May 3 00:00:40 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA08915; Thu, 3 May 90 00:00:40 -0400
- Posted-Date: 2 May 90 15:00:46 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA16836; Wed, 2 May 90 23:00:36 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA02645; Wed, 2 May 90 20:24:44 cdt
- From: Cazier <mbunix.mitre.org!cazier@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- Message-Id: <661@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <652@longway.TIC.COM> <626@longway.TIC.COM> <636@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
- Date: 2 May 90 15:00:46 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: cazier@mbunix.mitre.org (Cazier)
- Why would any vendor feel "punished" because they can't meet some
- standard? I imagine there will be lots of OS's that can't meet the
- standards fully....but why should they feel punished?
- POSIX is not likely to impact your sales much, would it?
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 96
- shar.1003.0.e.11823
- echo 1003.0.f
- cat >1003.0.f <<'shar.1003.0.f.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Fri May 4 14:41:16 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA15018; Fri, 4 May 90 14:41:16 -0400
- Posted-Date: 3 May 90 17:27:30 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA14051; Fri, 4 May 90 13:41:13 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA07968; Fri, 4 May 90 12:35:12 cdt
- From: Terry Laskodi <tekcrl.labs.tek.com!terryl@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.0: POSIX Guide
- Message-Id: <665@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <661@longway.TIC.COM> <652@longway.TIC.COM> <626@longway.TIC.COM> <636@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR.
- Date: 3 May 90 17:27:30 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Terry Laskodi <terryl@tekcrl.labs.tek.com>
- In article <661@longway.TIC.COM>, cazier@mbunix.mitre.org (Cazier) writes:
- >
- >Why would any vendor feel "punished" because they can't meet some
- >standard? I imagine there will be lots of OS's that can't meet the
- >standards fully....but why should they feel punished?
- >
- >POSIX is not likely to impact your sales much, would it?
- If you sell to the federal government, then yes, sales probably would be
- impacted a GREAT deal. Have you ever read the requirements for a fed bid on a
- software project? Not a pretty sight. The specifications are just vague enough
- such that (in UN*X, anyways), one scratches one's head and says "well,this spec
- could probably be met by <insert-appropriate-un*x-command-here>".
- Hopefully, POSIX will reduce the amount of paperwork required for specs
- quite a bit (hey, we can dream, can't we???).
- Terry Laskodi
- of
- Tektronix
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 100
- shar.1003.0.f.11823
- echo 1003.1.a
- cat >1003.1.a <<'shar.1003.1.a.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed Apr 4 15:50:07 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA23054; Wed, 4 Apr 90 15:50:07 -0400
- Posted-Date: 4 Apr 90 17:31:00 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.54)
- id AA27400; Wed, 4 Apr 90 14:50:04 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA29263; Wed, 4 Apr 90 14:44:14 cst
- From: Peter da Silva <ficc!peter@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
- Message-Id: <621@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <619@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: ficc!peter@cs.utexas.edu (Peter da Silva)
- Organization: Xenix Support, FICC
- Date: 4 Apr 90 17:31:00 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: peter@ficc.uucp (Peter da Silva)
- What about Eric Allman's "parseargs" (or my modified version), which have
- finally fulfilled the promise of "getopt" to make argument parsing easy?
- Where would one send stuff like this for consideration?
- ---
- _--_|\ `-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180. <peter@ficc.uu.net>.
- / \ 'U`
- \_.--._/
- v
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 51
- shar.1003.1.a.11823
- echo 1003.1.b
- cat >1003.1.b <<'shar.1003.1.b.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Tue Apr 10 20:45:48 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA03473; Tue, 10 Apr 90 20:45:48 -0400
- Posted-Date: 5 Apr 90 17:58:11 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA18240; Tue, 10 Apr 90 19:45:45 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA07457; Tue, 10 Apr 90 19:33:38 cst
- From: Guy Harris <auspex!guy@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
- Message-Id: <624@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <619@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Auspex Systems, Santa Clara
- Date: 5 Apr 90 17:58:11 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: guy@auspex.uucp (Guy Harris)
- >(``What are split baud rates?'' the American reader is asking.
- Which is kind of amusing; they were put into one of the "termios"
- section drafts at the suggestion of a Canadian, and the person who
- initially put them in there was a US citizen who was quite aware that
- UNIX (a system most if not all of whose original creators were also US
- citizens) used to support them....
- UNIXes with a V7-flavored tty driver (V7 itself, BSD) supported them;
- the people who did the S3 tty driver decided not to include support for
- them.
- It seems that much newer hardware doesn't support them - serial port
- chips don't seem to allow the input and output baud rate to be set
- separately - but older hardware did. Do systems sold in Europe have
- serial port chips that support split baud rates?
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 54
- shar.1003.1.b.11823
- echo 1003.1.c
- cat >1003.1.c <<'shar.1003.1.c.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sat Apr 14 17:48:30 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA00018; Sat, 14 Apr 90 17:48:30 -0400
- Posted-Date: 6 Apr 90 17:42:01 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA08194; Sat, 14 Apr 90 16:48:27 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA07159; Sat, 14 Apr 90 16:06:04 cst
- From: <zoo.toronto.edu!henry@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
- Message-Id: <640@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <621@longway.TIC.COM> <619@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Date: 6 Apr 90 17:42:01 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu
- >From: peter@ficc.uucp (Peter da Silva)
- >What about Eric Allman's "parseargs" (or my modified version), which have
- >finally fulfilled the promise of "getopt" to make argument parsing easy?
- What about it? I fear it's a bit late and not sufficiently widely used
- to make it into POSIX, which is (mostly) supposed to be standardizing
- existing practice. [I'm among those who takes a dim view of the explosive
- growth of POSIX committees working on standards for subjects we don't
- even understand yet.] I suspect it would also be controversial, since
- some of us think getopt() does most of what's really needed.
- Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
- uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 70
- shar.1003.1.c.11823
- echo 1003.1.d
- cat >1003.1.d <<'shar.1003.1.d.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sun Apr 15 01:32:12 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA05643; Sun, 15 Apr 90 01:32:12 -0400
- Posted-Date: 4 Apr 90 21:50:03 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA16006; Sun, 15 Apr 90 00:32:07 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA08051; Sat, 14 Apr 90 17:54:36 cst
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.1: System services interface
- Message-Id: <642@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <619@longway.TIC.COM>
- Reply-To: Doug Gwyn <brl.mil!gwyn@cs.utexas.edu>
- Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD.
- Date: 4 Apr 90 21:50:03 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Doug Gwyn <uunet!smoke.brl.mil!gwyn>
- >... the P1003.1 working group decided that split baud rates are not
- >important enough to require explicit support for them in the standard.
- In the original 1003.1 discussions, I recall that we did not want to
- MANDATE that different split baud rates be supported, since many
- existing systems could not do so, but that we did want to ALLOW them
- to be supported in environments that could do so. Thus a request to
- set differing split baud rates may fail (as many almost any I/O
- system call), if the hardware or port handler code is not up to it.
- If this decision has been changed I'd like to know why.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 72
- shar.1003.1.d.11823
- echo 1003.3.a
- cat >1003.3.a <<'shar.1003.3.a.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sat Apr 14 13:41:39 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA11454; Sat, 14 Apr 90 13:41:39 -0400
- Posted-Date: 13 Apr 90 17:20:30 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA28530; Sat, 14 Apr 90 12:16:09 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA04984; Sat, 14 Apr 90 11:35:41 cst
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods
- Message-Id: <634@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <627@longway.TIC.COM>
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Hewlett Packard, Information Networks Group
- Date: 13 Apr 90 17:20:30 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Jason Zions <uunet!cnd.hp.com!jason>
- [...]
- > AT&T, NIST, OSF, Mindcraft, IBM, DEC, HP, Data General,
- >Cray Research, Unisys, Perennial and Unisoft Ltd. were represented.
- >[Editor's complaint: I see no user representation at all.]
- I always thought of NIST as representing a (too?) large body of
- users, i.e. all those agencies bound by FIPS.
- Jason Zions
- Hewlett-Packard Co.
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 64
- shar.1003.3.a.11823
- echo 1003.3.b
- cat >1003.3.b <<'shar.1003.3.b.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Sat Apr 14 14:10:24 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA20387; Sat, 14 Apr 90 14:10:24 -0400
- Posted-Date: 13 Apr 90 15:49:26 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.56)
- id AA28590; Sat, 14 Apr 90 12:16:49 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA05168; Sat, 14 Apr 90 11:48:17 cst
- From: Hal Jespersen <posix.COM!hlj@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods
- Message-Id: <637@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <627@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: POSIX Software Group, Redwood City, CA
- Date: 13 Apr 90 15:49:26 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: hlj@posix.COM (Hal Jespersen)
- In article <627@longway.TIC.COM> From: <jsh@usenix.org>
- > An Update on UNIX* and C Standards Activities
- > January 1990
- > USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
- > Jeffrey S. Haemer, Report Editor
- >IEEE 1003.3: Test Methods Update
- > ...
- >Each day was divided into two sessions: mornings, we did technical
- >review of parts I and II, afternoons were spent writing assertions for
- >part III. AT&T, NIST, OSF, Mindcraft, IBM, DEC, HP, Data General,
- >Cray Research, Unisys, Perennial and Unisoft Ltd. were represented.
- >[Editor's complaint: I see no user representation at all.]
- On the contrary, most of these organizations _are_ users--of the test
- suites to be produced. How do you define "user", anyway? If you mean
- application developers who work in small companies, maybe you should
- say "ISV". If you mean people who don't develop software, but use
- POSIX systems purely for services such as timesharing, office automation,
- or vertical applications, I can easily imagine why their management
- doesn't send them to POSIX.3 meetings or why they don't take vacation
- time to go on their own. But they can still be in the balloting group
- if they are interested.
- Hal Jespersen
- POSIX Software Group
- 447 Lakeview Way
- Redwood City, CA 94062
- Phone: +1 (415) 364-3410
- FAX: +1 (415) 364-4498
- UUCP: uunet!posix!hlj
- -or- hlj@posix.COM
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 67
- shar.1003.3.b.11823
- echo 1201.a
- cat >1201.a <<'shar.1201.a.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Fri Mar 30 15:40:12 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA09514; Fri, 30 Mar 90 15:40:12 -0500
- Posted-Date: 29 Mar 90 23:33:59 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.54)
- id AA24167; Fri, 30 Mar 90 14:37:55 -0600
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA08439; Fri, 30 Mar 90 11:07:40 cst
- From: std-unix@longway.tic.com (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1201: User Interface
- Message-Id: <606@longway.TIC.COM>
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: Hewlett Packard, Information Networks Group
- Date: 29 Mar 90 23:33:59 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Jason Zions <uunet!cnd.hp.com!jason>
- I couldn't let Peter Salus' report go without comments.
- > ... 1201 has recommended that XLib go to
- >ballot directly, a proposal which seems to have so shocked the SEC
- >that they put off deciding on balloting till April. Steve Jobs told
- >the USENIX audience in Phoenix, in June 1987, that X was ``brain-
- >damaged''. Whether that's true or not, X has won, and just putting
- >XLib to a vote makes good sense.
- Peter leaves out some important details which make the SEC action
- appear somewhat more intelligent. The primary issue raised related to
- exactly which specification of XLib was to become the standard. In
- other words, whose document would get the IEEE document number? The MIT
- Xlib spec? Which one - X11R3 or R4? Are there changes for R5? Is the
- document technically correct? What about X/Open's version of the Xlib
- spec - is it cleaner? Tighter? Easier to understand? More accurate? Is
- there a specification of Xlib detailed enough to permit implementation
- of a new interoperable version?
- The SEC didn't delay specifically to April; they delayed action until
- the PAR sponsors could develop adequate answers to these questions.
- >Over the past 40 years, ISO has approved or accepted over 20,000
- >standards, which concern almost everything imaginable from hockey
- >masks to medical prostheses to the hinging of radar masts on inland-
- >waterway vessels. The standards have arisen in a variety of ways,
- >most emanating from one of the regional or 70-odd national standards
- >bodies. Typically, it has taken from four to ten years to progress
- >from raising a committee to approving a standard. The result of this
- >has been general agreement within the concerned industry prior to the
- >issuance of an international standard. Wall plugs are an excellent
- >example of what happens when the engineers and bureaucrats issue a
- >standard without industry consensus.
- I think you'll find there is no ISO standard for wall plugs. Every
- country for itself, and some take several. (We all know that, when one
- buys an appliance in the U.K., one must also buy a plug for the end of
- the power cord and install it oneself or with the help of one's
- electrician...)
- >Moreover, does the standards process really require more than two or
- >three folks per company? There were 38 in attendance at the ISO/IEC
- >Joint Technical Committee on Application Portability meeting in
- >September (including the secretariat); there were nearly 300 in New
- >Orleans. My perception is that going to a POSIX meeting is a perk.
- >Holding the meetings in Hawaii, New Orleans, and Snowbird does little
- >to dissuade me. The New Orleans host was OSF; the Snowbird host is
- >Unisys. Though the new Unisys is a big entity, I didn't realize they
- >had a site in Snowbird; nor OSF one in New Orleans.
- The opening sentence of this paragraph seems to be a non-sequitor with
- respect to POSIX, not to mention the rest of the paragraph. Membership
- in a POSIX working group or ballot group is independent of one's
- employment affiliation; each person is accredited as a bona fide
- technical expert.
- More than that, many companies do indeed send only one or two people to
- the meetings. Larger companies may send one person to each committee.
- If all the standards in development may affect the course of business
- for a vendor, why should that vendor *not* actively participate in the
- development of those standards?
- It may indeed be going overboard for a company to pay for more than one
- employee to attend a single committee, but even that's not true in all
- cases; in the case of 1003.1, an HP employee chairs the group and hence
- cannot really pursue any particular corporate agenda; for HP's views to
- be represented, an additional person needs to be there.
- I fail to understand your objection to active participation in
- voluntary standards making. Why should only three or five people meet
- in a room and develop a particular standard? If it takes 30-50 people
- an extra year to develop a better standard, or at least one with wider
- concensus and greater industry buy-in, what's the problem?
- Finally, regarding the matter of meeting venue. Unisys is headquartered
- in Salt Lake City. You tell me - where are the largest meeting
- facilities likely to be? Where can one obtain low-cost meeting
- facilities at the end of April in Utah? Were you unhappy with the New
- Orleans venue? Was the hotel price exhorbitant (given the number of
- meeting rooms required)? Where would you have preferred we had met,
- given the constraints of price, air-travel connectivity, number of
- hotel rooms needed, and number of meeting rooms needed?
- >C'mon, lets get back to work, not meetings for the holiday or for the
- >sake of meetings. 1003.1 did good, solid work. Some of the other
- >groups are doing work, too. Partying ain't part of it. Bah!
- You're quite right. Partying is not relevant to the Monday-Friday 9-6
- work of the meeting. If you see working groups goofing off during the
- week, feel free to name names and point fingers. Tarring all 1003
- groups save 1003.1 (past-tense, as well!) with the same brush of
- laziness is unfair (not to mention terrible reportorial practice).
- And yes, having the Sunday before and the Saturday after a meeting in a
- pleasant locale *is* a perq for many of us. Most attendees work damn
- hard during the course of the week. The meetings have to be help
- *someplace*; if the cost can be maintained at a reasonable level, why
- object to a nice location?
- Jason Zions
- Chairman of, but not speaking for, 1003.8 POSIX TFA
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 36
- shar.1201.a.11823
- echo 1201.b
- cat >1201.b <<'shar.1201.b.11823'
- From jsq@cs.utexas.edu Tue Apr 3 04:55:56 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA08499; Tue, 3 Apr 90 04:55:56 -0400
- Posted-Date: 30 Mar 90 17:15:43 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.54)
- id AA23325; Tue, 3 Apr 90 02:17:05 -0500
- Path: cs.utexas.edu!longway!std-unix
- From: Jacques Cazier <cazier@mbunix.mitre.org>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1201: User Interface
- Message-Id: <609@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <604@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: MITRE Corp., Houston, TX
- Posted-From: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
- X-Alternate-Route: user%node@mbunix.mitre.org
- Date: 30 Mar 90 17:15:43 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: cazier@mbunix.mitre.org (Jacques Cazier)
- I'm in complete agreement that the sapwning of more and more spin-off
- groups is getting a bit much to follow. Hopefully as these groups get some
- things agreed to, the work will merge back into the parent graoup.
- As far as New Orleans or Snowbird - these are resorts???? All of Utah
- sucks as well as tiny Snowbird up Little Cottonwood canyon. It can't
- be called one of your more interesting visits....but does provide Unisys
- with a place to party ... what it does best!
- --
- Jacques Cazier (713)-333-0966
- {decvax,philabs}!linus!mbunix!jak or jak@mbunix.mitre.org
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 39
- shar.1201.b.11823
- echo 1201.c
- cat >1201.c <<'shar.1201.c.11823'
- From jsq@cs.utexas.edu Tue Apr 3 04:58:09 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA09693; Tue, 3 Apr 90 04:58:09 -0400
- Posted-Date: 30 Mar 90 12:42:51 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.54)
- id AA23332; Tue, 3 Apr 90 02:17:12 -0500
- Path: cs.utexas.edu!longway!std-unix
- From: Randall Atkinson <rja7m@helga1.acc.Virginia.EDU>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: P1202 Standards Update Report
- Message-Id: <610@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Date: 30 Mar 90 12:42:51 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: rja7m@helga1.acc.Virginia.EDU (Randall Atkinson)
- Is the Xlib that might be voted on from X11 Release 3 or Release 4?
- Why are we standardising on a version of X when even the X developers
- haven't finished developing X windows? This seems absurd.
- In any event, it appears that mine may be the only NO vote on such
- a proposal. The IEEE is NOT in the business of "rubber-stamping"
- de facto industry standards or shouldn't be. I am against the entire
- P1201 effort because it is moving too fast and is trying to standardise
- something too early in the technology cycle. A lot of work and progress
- is still being made in the graphical interface field and creating
- a formal standard at this point will stifle worthwhile development
- rather than help the industry.
- Peter's comments are well-taken about the attitude of a lot
- of the firms and individuals who are treating standards efforts as
- some kind of perk rather than making a serious commitment to creating
- standards that are appropriate in scope and timing.
- Randall Atkinson
- randall@virginia.edu
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 40
- shar.1201.c.11823
- echo 1201.d
- cat >1201.d <<'shar.1201.d.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Fri May 4 14:42:43 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA15381; Fri, 4 May 90 14:42:43 -0400
- Posted-Date: 4 May 90 03:32:24 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.61/1.60)
- id AA14250; Fri, 4 May 90 13:42:39 -0500
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA08365; Fri, 4 May 90 13:04:27 cdt
- From: Stan Hanks <meyerhof.bcm.tmc.edu!stanh@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, IEEE 1201: User Interface
- Message-Id: <666@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Date: 4 May 90 03:32:24 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Stan Hanks <stanh@meyerhof.bcm.tmc.edu>
- "Committees are, by nature, timid. They are based on the premise of saftey in
- numbers; content to survive inconspicuously, rather than take risks and move
- independently ahead. Without independence, without the freedom for new ideas
- to be tried, to fail, and ultimately succeed, the world will not move ahead
- but live in fear of its own potential."
- -- Dr. Ing. h.c. F. A. Porsche, a long time ago
- For years I have contended that the only standard worth a damn was one which
- was a codification of existing practice rather than one which was formulated
- by a room full of people who have a vested financial interest in the way the
- standard comes out.
- Peter Salus is absolutely right. It's time to stop this shilly-shallying about
- with standard this and standard that, and let us get back to doing useful work.
- We'll talk about standards (particularly in the user interface area) later --
- when we actually have something to talk about (what a novel idea!).
- Stanley P. Hanks Director, Information Technology Planning and Development
- Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston TX 77030, Mail Stop: IR-3
- e-mail: stanh@bcm.tmc.edu voice: (713) 798-4649 fax: (713) 798-3729
- Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 101
- shar.1201.d.11823
- echo X3J11.a
- cat >X3J11.a <<'shar.X3J11.a.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed Mar 14 11:33:45 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA09349; Wed, 14 Mar 90 11:33:45 -0500
- Posted-Date: 13 Mar 90 14:04:34 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.59/1.52)
- id AA07465; Wed, 14 Mar 90 10:33:40 CST
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA12078; Wed, 14 Mar 90 10:05:01 cst
- From: Stephen C. Arnold <temvax!stephen@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, ANSI X3J11: C Programming Language
- Message-Id: <557@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <554@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: temvax!stephen@cs.utexas.edu (Stephen C. Arnold)
- Organization: Temple University, Institute for Survey Research
- Date: 13 Mar 90 14:04:34 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: stephen@temvax.uucp (Stephen C. Arnold)
- In article <554@longway.TIC.COM> std-unix@uunet.uu.net writes:
- >From: <jsh@usenix.org>
- ...
- >There is now a C standard
- ...
- Where can I get a copy of this standard and how much does it cost? If
- possible (and legal) could someone post the standard as a series of articles
- on the net.
- [ Doubtless someone else will provide the detailed legalities,
- but as moderator I feel compelled to note that posting ANSI
- standards would not be legal unless approved by ANSI, so if
- anyone was thinking of scanning it in and mailing it to me,
- forget it: I won't post it; I don't want to get sued by ANSI.
- -mod ]
- Thanks
- Stephen C. Arnold
- Senior Programmer
- Institute for Survey Reseach
- Temple University
- Philadelphia, PA
- Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 69
- shar.X3J11.a.11823
- echo X3J11.b
- cat >X3J11.b <<'shar.X3J11.b.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Wed Mar 14 13:28:12 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA04406; Wed, 14 Mar 90 13:28:12 -0500
- Posted-Date: 13 Mar 90 22:01:16 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.59/1.52)
- id AA02764; Wed, 14 Mar 90 12:28:04 CST
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA12520; Wed, 14 Mar 90 10:50:32 cst
- From: djc@mbunix.mitre.org (Jacques Cazier)
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, ANSI X3J11: C Programming Language
- Message-Id: <558@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <554@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- Organization: MITRE Corp., Houston, TX
- Posted-From: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
- X-Alternate-Route: user%node@mbunix.mitre.org
- Date: 13 Mar 90 22:01:16 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: djc@mbunix.mitre.org (Jacques Cazier)
- Keep up the updates. It's hard to keep up on this stuff w/o someone
- watching out for the troups out here. Thanks.
- --
- Jacques Cazier (713)-333-0966
- {decvax,philabs}!linus!mbunix!jak or jak@mbunix.mitre.org
- Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 70
- shar.X3J11.b.11823
- echo X3J11.c
- cat >X3J11.c <<'shar.X3J11.c.11823'
- From jsq@longway.tic.com Thu Mar 15 13:05:34 1990
- Received: from cs.utexas.edu by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA08818; Thu, 15 Mar 90 13:05:34 -0500
- Posted-Date: 14 Mar 90 23:48:08 GMT
- Received: by cs.utexas.edu (5.59/1.52)
- id AA12110; Thu, 15 Mar 90 12:01:33 CST
- Received: by longway.tic.com (4.22/4.16)
- id AA14611; Thu, 15 Mar 90 10:41:34 cst
- From: Doug Gwyn <smoke.brl.mil!gwyn@longway.tic.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
- Subject: Re: Standards Update, ANSI X3J11: C Programming Language
- Message-Id: <560@longway.TIC.COM>
- References: <554@longway.TIC.COM> <557@longway.TIC.COM>
- Sender: std-unix@longway.tic.com
- Reply-To: Doug Gwyn <gwyn@brl.mil>
- Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD.
- Date: 14 Mar 90 23:48:08 GMT
- Apparently-To: std-unix-archive@uunet.uu.net
- From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn@smoke.brl.mil>
- In article <557@longway.TIC.COM> stephen@temvax.uucp (Stephen C. Arnold) writes:
- >Where can I get a copy of this standard and how much does it cost? If
- >possible (and legal) could someone post the standard as a series of articles
- >on the net.
- >[ Doubtless someone else will provide the detailed legalities,
- >but as moderator I feel compelled to note that posting ANSI
- >standards would not be legal unless approved by ANSI, so if
- >anyone was thinking of scanning it in and mailing it to me,
- >forget it: I won't post it; I don't want to get sued by ANSI.
- >-mod ]
- Actually, one of the interesting things we heard at the NYC X3J11
- meeting last week was that CBEMA lawyers looked into this issue and
- discovered that X3 has no copyright interest in the standard, and
- neither does ANSI (although probably ANSI's lawyers haven't yet
- figured this out). That's because these organizations failed to
- obtain assignment of rights from the authors, and it also doesn't
- qualify as a "work for hire". So as near as I can tell, once you
- get your hands on the document you may freely make copies of it.
- As of last week, ANSI had not yet printed the official C standard,
- although it's imminent. There are xerographic copies in circulation,
- however; practically all attendees of the NYC X3J11 meeting have them.
- I'm not sure what channels you can use to obtain the ANSI standard,
- although presumably asking ANSI would be the first step. (I seem to
- recall hearing that Global Engineering Documents is probably *not*
- going to be distributing the real ANSI standard.)
- I don't think machine-readable postings would be worthwhile; not only
- is that a vast amount of information (230 typeset pages, not including
- the Rationale document), but also the standard relies heavily on font
- variations so you really need the troff input, which is hard to read.
- Since you'd probably end up printing hardcopy anyway, you might as well
- get that from ANSI to be sure that your page breaks etc. precisely
- match the real standard.
- If you have the December 1988 X3J11 draft proposed ANS, that is quite
- close to the final ANSI standard, differing only in a few "editorial"
- ways. (Actually, a couple of the tweaks clarified the committee's
- intent where the standard could legitimately have been read as having
- an unintended meaning, as I recall both involving details of fscanf.)
- Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 72
- shar.X3J11.c.11823
- exit