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- /****** F_misc.c ******************************************************/
- /** **/
- /** University of Illinois **/
- /** **/
- /** Department of Computer Science **/
- /** **/
- /** Tool: IFP Version: 0.5 **/
- /** **/
- /** Author: Arch D. Robison Date: May 1, 1985 **/
- /** **/
- /** Revised by: Arch D. Robison Date: Nov 24, 1985 **/
- /** **/
- /** Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell **/
- /** Prof. W. J. Kubitz **/
- /** **/
- /** **/
- /**------------------------------------------------------------------**/
- /** (C) Copyright 1987 University of Illinois Board of Trustees **/
- /** All Rights Reserved. **/
- /**********************************************************************/
- #include "struct.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "node.h"
- #include "string.h"
- /************************** miscellaneous functions *********************/
- /*
- * NodeExpand
- *
- * Replace object with equivalent object not containing nodes or bottoms.
- *
- * Nodes are converted to equivalent path lists.
- * Bottoms are converted to "?".
- */
- void NodeExpand (InOut)
- register ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register ListPtr P;
- register NodePtr N;
- switch (InOut->Tag) {
- case LIST:
- CopyTop (&InOut->List);
- for (P=InOut->List; P!=NULL; P=P->Next) NodeExpand (&P->Val);
- break;
- case NODE:
- N = InOut->Node;
- RepTag (InOut,LIST);
- InOut->List = MakePath (N);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_Def
- *
- * Return the object representation of a function definition.
- *
- * Input
- * *InOut = pathname list
- *
- * Output
- * *InOut = function definition representation
- */
- int F_Def (InOut) /* imported by Compile in C_comp.c */
- register ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- extern void ReadDef (), RepBool ();
- register DefPtr D;
- if (InOut->Tag != LIST) FunError (ArgNotSeq,InOut);
- else {
- LinkPath (InOut,DEF);
- if (InOut->Tag==NODE && InOut->Node->NodeType==DEF) {
- D = &InOut->Node->NodeData.NodeDef;
- if (D->DefCode.Tag != CODE) {
- if (D->DefCode.Tag == BOTTOM) ReadDef ((NodePtr) NULL,InOut);
- if (D->DefCode.Tag != BOTTOM) {
- RepObject (InOut,&D->DefCode);
- NodeExpand (InOut);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RepBool (InOut,0); /* function not defined */
- }
- /*
- * F_Apply
- *
- * Apply a function to an object.
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = <X F> where F is a function
- *
- * Output
- * InOut = X : F
- */
- private int F_Apply (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register ListPtr P;
- /*
- * We don't want to use PairTest test here, since it would expand
- * the function if its a node. This would not affect the behavior
- * at all, but would slow things down since the function must be
- * converted to its node representation anyway.
- */
- if (InOut->Tag != LIST || 2 != ListLength (InOut->List))
- FunError ("not a pair",InOut);
- else {
- CopyTop (&InOut->List);
- P = InOut->List;
- if (ApplyCheck (&P->Next->Val)) {
- Apply (&P->Val,&P->Next->Val);
- RepObject (InOut,&P->Val);
- } else
- FunError ("invalid function",InOut);
- }
- }
- void D_misc ()
- {
- (void) PrimDef (F_Apply,"apply",SysNode);
- (void) PrimDef (F_Def,"def",SysNode);
- }
- /**************************** end of F_misc ****************************/