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- /****** F_pred.c ******************************************************/
- /** **/
- /** University of Illinois **/
- /** **/
- /** Department of Computer Science **/
- /** **/
- /** Tool: IFP Version: 0.5 **/
- /** **/
- /** Author: Arch D. Robison Date: May 1, 1985 **/
- /** **/
- /** Revised by: Arch D. Robison Date: Dec 1, 1985 **/
- /** **/
- /** Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell **/
- /** Prof. W. J. Kubitz **/
- /** **/
- /** **/
- /**------------------------------------------------------------------**/
- /** (C) Copyright 1987 University of Illinois Board of Trustees **/
- /** All Rights Reserved. **/
- /**********************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "struct.h"
- #include "node.h"
- /************************** boolean functions **************************/
- /*
- * PairTest
- *
- * Check if object is a pair of <type1,type2>
- *
- * Input
- * X = object to test
- * Mask1,Mask2 = masks representing type1 and type2 respectively.
- * E.g 1<<INT is type INT, (1<<INT)|(1<<FLOAT) is numeric.
- *
- * Output
- * result = 1 if true, 0 if false
- */
- boolean PairTest (X,Mask1,Mask2)
- ObjectPtr X;
- int Mask1,Mask2;
- {
- register ListPtr P,Q;
- if (X->Tag != LIST)
- if (X->Tag == NODE) NodeExpand (X);
- else return 0;
- if ((P=X->List) == NULL || (Q=P->Next) == NULL || Q->Next!=NULL) return 0;
- if (P->Val.Tag == NODE) NodeExpand (&P->Val);
- if (Q->Val.Tag == NODE) NodeExpand (&Q->Val);
- return Mask1 >> P->Val.Tag & Mask2 >> Q->Val.Tag & 1;
- }
- /*
- * Anytime two objects are found to be equal, we can replace one with
- * the other to save memory. Clearly the memory savings is offset by
- * a little more time, program complexity, and bringing obscure bugs
- * out of the woodwork! Therefore the replacing action is enabled if
- * MERGE=1, disabled if MERGE=0.
- *
- * P.S. Someone should check if the merging is really worth the cost.
- */
- #define MERGE 0
- /*
- * BoolOp
- *
- * Boolean operation
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = argument
- * Op = boolean op (4-bit vector representing truth table)
- *
- * Output
- * *A = first element of pair if result is true, undefined otherwise
- * *B = second ...
- */
- private BoolOp (InOut,Op)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- int Op;
- {
- extern void RepBool ();
- register ListPtr P;
- if (PairTest (InOut,1<<BOOLEAN,1<<BOOLEAN)) {
- P = InOut->List;
- RepBool (InOut, (Op >> (P->Next->Val.Bool << 1) + P->Val.Bool) & 1);
- } else
- FunError ("not a boolean pair",InOut);
- }
- /*
- * F_Not
- *
- * Boolean negation
- */
- private F_Not (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- if (InOut->Tag == BOOLEAN) InOut->Bool ^= 1;
- else FunError ("not boolean",InOut);
- }
- /*
- * F_L2
- */
- private F_L2 (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- switch (InOut->Tag) {
- case INT: RepBool (InOut,InOut->Int < 2); break;
- case FLOAT: RepBool (InOut,InOut->Float < 2); break;
- default: FunError ("not numeric",InOut); break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_False
- *
- * Check if argument is boolean false (#f).
- */
- private F_False (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- if (InOut->Tag == BOTTOM)
- FunError (ArgBottom,InOut);
- else
- if (InOut->Tag == BOOLEAN) InOut->Bool ^= 1;
- else RepBool (InOut,0);
- }
- /*
- * F_Odd
- *
- * Check if integral argument is odd.
- */
- private F_Odd (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- FPint N;
- switch (GetFPInt (InOut,&N)) {
- case 0:
- RepBool (InOut,(int)N & 1);
- return;
- case 2:
- FunError ("not enough precision",InOut);
- return;
- default:
- FunError ("not an integer",InOut);
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- * BoolSeq
- *
- * Evaluate "any" or "all" predicate.
- *
- * Input
- * *InOut = argument
- * Op = identity element of operation
- *
- * Output
- * *InOut = result
- */
- private BoolSeq (InOut,Op)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- int Op;
- {
- register boolean R;
- register ListPtr P;
- if (InOut->Tag != LIST) FunError (ArgNotSeq,InOut);
- else {
- R = 0;
- for (P = InOut->List; P != NULL; P=P->Next)
- if (P->Val.Tag == BOOLEAN) R |= P->Val.Bool ^ Op;
- else {
- FunError ("non-boolean element",InOut);
- return;
- }
- RepBool (InOut, R ^ Op);
- }
- }
- #if MERGE
- /*
- * StrMerge
- *
- * Compare two strings. Merge together if they are equal.
- *
- * Output
- * result = 1 if equal, 0 otherwise
- */
- static int StrMerge (S,T)
- register StrPtr *S,*T;
- {
- if (*S == *T) return 2; /* strings are identical */
- else if (StrComp (*S,*T)) return 0; /* strings are different */
- else {
- register StrPtr *U; /* equal and not identical */
- if ((*S)->SRef < (*T)->SRef)
- U=S, S=T, T=U;
- if ((*S)->SRef + 1) { /* S has larger SRef */
- DelSPtr (*T);
- *T = *S;
- (*S)->SRef++;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * ObEqual
- *
- * Compare two objects. A comparison tolerance is used for floating point
- * comparisons.
- *
- * Output
- * result = 0 if objects are not equal
- * 1 if objects are equal within comparison tolerance
- */
- boolean ObEqual (X,Y)
- ObjectPtr X,Y;
- {
- if (X->Tag != Y->Tag) {
- switch (X->Tag) {
- case INT:
- return Y->Tag==FLOAT &&
- !FloatComp ((double) X->Int,(double) Y->Float);
- case FLOAT:
- return Y->Tag==INT &&
- !FloatComp ((double) X->Float,(double) Y->Int);
- case NODE:
- NodeExpand (X);
- break;
- case LIST:
- if (Y->Tag==NODE) NodeExpand (Y);
- break;
- default: return 0;
- }
- }
- switch (X->Tag) {
- case BOTTOM: return 1;
- case BOOLEAN: return X->Bool == Y->Bool;
- case INT: return X->Int == Y->Int;
- case FLOAT: return !FloatComp ((double) X->Float, (double) Y->Float);
- case STRING:
- #if MERGE
- return StrMerge (&X->String,&Y->String);
- #else
- return !StrComp (X->String,Y->String);
- #endif
- case LIST: {
- register ListPtr P=X->List, Q=Y->List;
- while (1) {
- if (P == NULL) return Q == NULL;
- if (Q == NULL || !ObEqual (&P->Val,&Q->Val)) return 0;
- P = P->Next; Q = Q->Next;
- }
- }
- case NODE: return X->Node == Y->Node;
- default: return 0; /* Tag error */
- }
- }
- #define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
- /*
- * FloatComp
- *
- * X ~= Y if abs(X-Y) / max(abs(X),abs(Y)) <= comparison tolerance.
- *
- * Output
- * result = -1 if X < Y
- * 0 if X ~= Y
- * 1 if X > Y
- */
- int FloatComp (X,Y)
- double X,Y;
- {
- double Xm,Ym,D;
- Xm = fabs (X);
- Ym = fabs (Y);
- D = X-Y;
- if (fabs (D) <= CompTol*max(Xm,Ym)) return 0;
- else return D>0 ? 1 : -1;
- }
- /*
- * F_Equal
- *
- * Object comparison for equality or inequality
- */
- private F_Equal (InOut,Not)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- int Not;
- {
- if (!PairTest (InOut,~0,~0))
- FunError ("argument not a pair",InOut);
- else
- RepBool (InOut, Not ^ (0 < ObEqual (&InOut->List->Val,
- &InOut->List->Next->Val)));
- }
- /*
- * F_Null
- *
- * Null sequence test
- */
- private F_Null (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- switch (InOut->Tag) {
- case LIST:
- RepBool (InOut, InOut->List == NULL);
- break;
- default:
- FunError (ArgNotSeq,InOut);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_Pair
- *
- * Check if argument is a pair.
- */
- private F_Pair (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- RepBool (InOut, PairTest (InOut,~0,~0));
- }
- /*
- * F_Tag
- *
- * Check for specified tag
- */
- private F_Tag (InOut,TagSet)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- if (InOut->Tag)
- RepBool (InOut,TagSet >> InOut->Tag & 1);
- else
- FunError (ArgBottom,InOut);
- }
- /*
- * CompAtom
- *
- * Compare two atoms for <,<=,=>, or >
- *
- * Strings are ordered lexigraphically.
- * Numbers are ordered in increasing value.
- *
- * Input
- * *InOut = <X,Y>
- * Op = comparison bit vector [>,=,<]
- *
- * Output
- * *InOut = sign (X - Y) or BOTTOM
- */
- private CompAtom (InOut,Op)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- int Op;
- {
- register ObjectPtr X,Y;
- int D,E;
- static char *ErrMessage [3] = {
- "not an atomic pair",
- "booleans not comparable",
- "strings and numbers not comparable"
- };
- E = 0;
- if (!PairTest (InOut,ATOMIC,ATOMIC)) E = 1;
- else {
- X = &InOut->List->Val;
- Y = &InOut->List->Next->Val;
- if (X->Tag == BOOLEAN || Y->Tag == BOOLEAN) E = 2;
- else if (X->Tag == STRING || Y->Tag == STRING) {
- if (X->Tag != Y->Tag) E = 3;
- else {
- D = StrComp (X->String,Y->String);
- if (D) D = (D>0) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- } else
- if (X->Tag == INT)
- if (Y->Tag == INT)
- D = (X->Int > Y->Int) - (X->Int < Y->Int);
- else
- D = FloatComp ((double) X->Int,(double) Y->Float);
- else
- if (Y->Tag == INT)
- D = FloatComp ((double) X->Float,(double) Y->Int);
- else
- D = FloatComp ((double) X->Float,(double) Y->Float);
- }
- if (E) FunError (ErrMessage [E-1],InOut);
- else RepBool (InOut, (Op >> (D+1)) & 1);
- }
- /*
- * CompLength
- *
- * Compare the length of two sequences.
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = argument
- * Shorter = if 0 then "longer" comparison, "shorter" otherwise.
- */
- private CompLength (InOut,Shorter)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- int Shorter;
- {
- register ListPtr P,Q;
- if (!PairTest (InOut,1<<LIST,1<<LIST))
- FunError ("not a pair of sequences",InOut);
- else {
- P = InOut->List;
- Q = P->Next->Val.List;
- P = P->Val.List;
- while (P != NULL && Q != NULL) {
- P = P->Next;
- Q = Q->Next;
- }
- RepBool (InOut, (Shorter ? Q : P) != NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_Member
- */
- private F_Member (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register ListPtr P;
- register ObjectPtr X;
- if (! PairTest (InOut,1 << LIST,~0))
- FunError (ArgSeqOb,InOut);
- else {
- P = InOut->List;
- X = & P->Next->Val;
- for (P = P->Val.List; P!=NULL; P=P->Next)
- if (ObEqual (& P->Val,X)) break;
- RepBool (InOut, P != NULL);
- }
- }
- private OpDef LogicOps [] = {
- {"all", 1, BoolSeq},
- {"and", 0x8, BoolOp},
- {"any", 0, BoolSeq},
- {"atom", ATOMIC, F_Tag},
- {"boolean", 1<<BOOLEAN, F_Tag},
- {"false", -1, F_False},
- {"imply", 0xD, BoolOp},
- {"longer", 0, CompLength},
- {"member", -1, F_Member},
- {"null", -1, F_Null},
- {"numeric", NUMERIC,F_Tag},
- {"odd", -1, F_Odd},
- {"or", 0xE, BoolOp},
- {"pair", -1, F_Pair},
- {"shorter", 1, CompLength},
- {"xor", 0x6, BoolOp},
- {"=", 0, F_Equal},
- {"~=", 1, F_Equal},
- {"~", -1, F_Not},
- {">", 0x4, CompAtom},
- {"<", 0x1, CompAtom},
- {">=", 0x6, CompAtom},
- {"<=", 0x3, CompAtom},
- {"l2", 0, F_L2}
- };
- void D_pred ()
- {
- GroupDef (LogicOps, OpCount (LogicOps), LogicNode);
- }
- /******************************* end of F_pred *******************************/