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- #include "logo.h"
- extern int multnum,endflag,rendflag,topf;
- extern char ibuf[];
- extern char *ibufptr, *getbpt, charib;
- extern int letflag,pflag;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- extern int pauselev;
- #endif
- extern FILE *pbuf;
- extern struct lexstruct keywords[];
- extern struct alist *locptr;
- extern struct runblock *thisrun;
- struct object *makeword(c)
- int c;
- {
- register struct object* obj;
- register char *s;
- char str[100];
- s=str;
- do {
- if (c == '\\') c = getchar()|0200;
- else if (c == '%') c = ' '|0200;
- *s++ = c;
- } while((c=getchar())>0 && !index(" \t\n[]",c));
- if (c<=0) {
- printf("Unmatched [ in procedure.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- charib = c;
- *s = '\0';
- obj = objcpstr(str);
- if (nump(obj)) {
- obj = numconv(localize(obj),"!makeword");
- mfree(globcopy(obj)); /* unlocalize */
- return(obj);
- }
- return(globcopy(obj));
- }
- struct object *makel1()
- {
- register struct object *head,*tail;
- register c,cnt;
- while ((c=getchar())==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') ;
- if(c==']') {
- charib = c;
- return ((struct object *)0);
- }
- if (c<=0) {
- printf("Unmatched [ in procedure.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- head = (struct object*)ckmalloc(sizeof(struct object));
- tail = head;
- cnt = 0;
- head->obtype = CONS;
- head->refcnt = 0;
- head->obcdr = 0;
- loop:
- if (c=='[') {
- tail->obcar = globcopy(makel1());
- getchar(); /* gobble the peeked close bracket */
- } else {
- tail->obcar = makeword(c);
- /* This used to use charib instead of passing the char as
- * an argument, but that loses if the first char of a word
- * is backslash, in which case something is already in
- * charib from getchr1. */
- }
- while ((c=getchar())==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') ;
- if (c==']') {
- charib = c;
- return (head);
- }
- if (c<=0) {
- printf("Unmatched [ in procedure.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- tail->obcdr = (struct object*)ckmalloc(sizeof(struct object));
- tail = tail->obcdr;
- tail->obtype = CONS;
- tail->refcnt = 1;
- tail->obcdr = 0;
- goto loop;
- }
- struct object *makelist()
- {
- return(localize(makel1()));
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- getchr1()
- #else
- getchar()
- #endif
- {
- FAST c;
- if (charib) {
- c=charib;
- charib=0;
- return(c);
- }
- else if (pflag==1) {
- while ((c=getc(pbuf))=='\r')
- ;
- if (c=='\\' && letflag!=1) { /* continuation line feature */
- c=getc(pbuf);
- if (c=='\n') c=getc(pbuf);
- else {
- charib = c;
- c = '\\';
- }
- }
- if (!letflag && c>='A' && c<='Z') c+= 32;
- return(c);
- }
- else if (getbpt) { /* BH 5/19/81 moved down below pflag test */
- c = *getbpt++;
- if (c) return (c);
- if (!thisrun) {
- getbpt = 0;
- return('\n');
- } /* startup file feature */
- --getbpt;
- if (--(thisrun->rcount) <= 0) {
- if (!rendflag) rendflag = 1; /* BH 3/17/83 */
- return(0);
- } else {
- rerun();
- return('\n');
- }
- }
- else if (ibufptr==NULL) {
- rebuff:
- if ((c=read(0,ibuf,IBUFSIZ))==IBUFSIZ)
- if (ibuf[IBUFSIZ-1]!='\n') {
- while (read(0,ibuf,IBUFSIZ)==IBUFSIZ)
- if (ibuf[IBUFSIZ-1]=='\n') break;
- puts("Your line is too long.");
- errhand();
- }
- if (c<0) {
- /* Error return from read. Probably signal. */
- return ('\n');
- }
- if (c==0) {
- /* Not clear what's right for EOF. I'd just ignore it
- only what if stdin is a file, we'll loop forever.
- Compromise: if we're paused, don't lose the valuable
- context with a keystroke, otherwise, exit. */
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (pauselev) return('\n');
- #endif
- leave(3);
- }
- ibufptr=ibuf;
- }
- c= *ibufptr++;
- if (c=='\\' && letflag!=1) { /* continuation line feature */
- c = *ibufptr++;
- if (c=='\n') {
- ibufptr=NULL;
- goto rebuff; /* sorry, Jay */
- } else {
- charib = c;
- c = '\\';
- }
- }
- if (!letflag && c>='A' && c<='Z') c+=32;
- if (c=='\n') ibufptr=NULL;
- return(c);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- getchar()
- { /* BH 3/23/80 debugging echo output */
- register c;
- c = getchr1();
- if (memtrace) putchar(c);
- return(c);
- }
- #endif
- struct object *multiop(op,args)
- register op;
- register struct object *args;
- {
- extern struct object *list();
- if (keywords[op].lexval==list) return (localize(args));
- else if (multnum<2) {
- nputs(keywords[op].word);
- puts(" needs at least two inputs.");
- errhand();
- } else if (multnum==2)
- return ((*keywords[op].lexval)(localize(args->obcar),
- localize(args->obcdr->obcar)));
- else {
- multnum--;
- return ((*keywords[op].lexval)(localize(args->obcar),
- multiop(op,args->obcdr)));
- }
- }
- struct object *pots()
- {
- register f;
- if (f=fork()) while (wait(0)!=f) ;
- else {
- execl ("/bin/sh","sh","-c",POTSCMD,0);
- exit();
- }
- return((struct object *)-1);
- }
- lbreak() {
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (!pflag && thisrun && thisrun->str==(struct object *)(-1))
- unpause();
- #endif
- if (!pflag && thisrun) {
- rendflag = 1; /* BH 3/17/83 */
- if (thisrun->rprev && !(thisrun->svpflag)) rendflag++;
- }
- }
- lstop() {
- endflag = 1;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (!pflag && thisrun && thisrun->str==(struct object *)(-1))
- unpause();
- #endif
- if (!pflag && thisrun) rendflag = 3; /* BH 3/17/83 */
- }
- ltopl() {
- topf=1;
- errwhere();
- errzap();
- leave(1);
- }
- lbyecom() {
- leave(3);
- }