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- A Guide to LSRHS Logo Release 3, for people who knew Release 1
- LSRHS Logo has been changed to be much faster and more robust. It also
- is different in its user interface from the previous version, so that it
- more closely resembles Apple Logo. Here are the most important changes:
- 1. The line number editor no longer exists. There are two ways to define
- a procedure. The "to" command lets you type in the procedure, somewhat as
- before, but without line numbers and with no correction facility. The
- "edit" command runs edt so you can use the power of display editing. You
- can use "edit" even if the procedure did not previously exist.
- 2. Most Logo procedures evaluate their inputs: if you want to use a
- particular word as an input you must quote it. In old LSRHS Logo there
- were several exceptions: edit, erase, show, and describe all took as inputs
- an unquoted name of a procedure. These procedures are no longer exceptional.
- You must say
- edit "foo
- to edit the procedure foo, for example. You can also give edit, erase, or
- show a list of procedures as inputs, which will apply them to all of the
- procedures you name at once. It is particularly convenient sometimes to be
- able to edit two procedures at the same time.
- Note: The "to" command is still exceptional in that it doesn't evaluate
- its inputs.
- 3. The "edit" command with no input at all will re-edit whatever you edited
- last time. It remembers the buffer file as long as you stay in Logo.
- 4. If you are editing with "edit" and change your mind, so you don't want to
- redefine any procedures, leave edt with ESC ^Z instead of just ^Z. This will
- tell Logo not to change the procedure definitions. (This is only true at
- LSRHS, or wherever the text editor cooperates by setting a nonzero exit
- status.)
- 5. You can put comments on a Logo instruction line by starting the comment
- with an exclamation point:
- print "foo ! This is a comment.
- The exclamation point must not be part of a word or list, which is why there
- is a space before it in the example.
- 6. The "if" command syntax is completely different. It, too, used to be an
- exception to the rule about quoting inputs. It now takes either two or three
- inputs. The first is a predicate, as before. The second and third are lists
- of instructions, as in the repeat command:
- if 2=3 [print "yes] [print "no]
- The second input is executed if the predicat is true, the (optional) third
- if it's false. If the things in the second and third inputs are expressions
- rather than complete instructions, "if" can be used as an operation:
- print if 2=3 ["yes] ["no]
- The third input is required in that case.
- The difference in "if" is likely to be the biggest headache to people used to
- the old way. Your Logo procedures must be changed like this:
- old: if :num=0 stop
- new: if :num=0 [stop]
- 7. Many abbreviations are removed or changed:
- sentence s -> se
- print p -> pr
- goodbye g -> bye
- gone completely: ei, gp, lp, rq, pro, q, w, eq, ep, np, wp,
- c, th, na, lo, m, sp, zp, ti, d, t, ut.
- 8. Some synonyms are added to be like Apple Logo:
- full fullscreen
- split splitscreen
- text textscreen
- atan arctan
- either or
- both and
- The old names still work also.
- 9. The procedures repeat, nth (synonym item), and memberp, which were
- library procedures written in Logo before, are now primitives, so they're
- faster. NOTE: The order of the inputs to repeat has been reversed:
- repeat 4 [fd 40; rt 90]
- 10. Lots of bugs have been fixed. In particular, several limitations on
- repeat (and run) have been removed: You can have a repeat within a repeat,
- multiple instructions within a repeat, etc.
- New in Release 3 (compared to Release 2):
- 11. There is now a pause facility, which allows you to enter interactive
- commands in the context of a running procedure, to examine or modify local
- variables. This happens, among other things, when you type the system
- interrupt character (^C at LSRHS). Typing the quit character (^G at LSRHS)
- does what it always did, namely stop all procedures.
- 12. Turtle commands like forward do an automatic turtle "display if
- you don't already have a turtle.
- 13. New primitives:
- (Already in release 2):
- readlist (abbrev rl)--
- Like request but doesn't print a "?" prompt.
- int--
- Takes one numeric input, gives integer part (truncates).
- round--
- Takes one numeric input, gives nearest integer (rounds).
- ascii--
- Takes a single-character word, gives the numeric code for that char.
- char--
- Takes a number, gives the corresponding character.
- oflush--
- Command, no inputs. Use this to make stuff you've printed actually
- get printed right away. Normally, what you print is buffered until
- you have to type in something.
- pprop, gprop, remprop, plist, pps--
- Property lists. Named properties can be associated with a word.
- Examples:
- pprop "bh "firstname "Brian
- pprop "bh "lastname "Harvey
- print gprop "bh "firstname
- -> Brian
- fprint plist "bh
- -> [firstname Brian lastname Harvey]
- pps
- -> bh's firstname is Brian
- bh's lastname is Harvey
- remprop "bh "lastname
- test, iftrue (abbrev ift), iffalse (abbrev iff)--
- An alternate form of "if":
- test 2=3
- iftrue [print "foo]
- iffalse [print "baz]
- These are most useful if you have several instructions all conditional
- on the same test. You can use any number of iftrue and iffalse
- commands, in any order. The result of "test" is remembered locally
- for each procedure.
- New in Release 3 (compared to Release 2):
- setscrunch, scrunch--
- Set and get the aspect ratio, a number by which the vertical
- component of turtle motion is multiplied. Make squares really square.
- wipeclean (clean)--
- Like clearscreen, but don't move the turtle.
- penreverse (px)--
- A pen mode in which each dot in the turtle's path is turned on if
- it was ff and vice versa.
- penmode--
- Outputs one of the words penup, pendown, penerase, or penreverse.
- shownp--
- Outputs true if the turtle is visible.
- towardsxy--
- Outputs the heading to which to turn the turtle in order for it
- to face the point specified by the two inputs.
- repcount--
- Outputs how many times through the repeat we've done. Try
- repeat 10 [print repcount]
- repeat 50 [fd 20+2*repcount; rt 90]
- pause--
- In a procedure, pause. Accept commands from the terminal, but with
- local variables available.
- continue (co)--
- Continue the procedure from which Logo paused.
- errpause--
- From now on, pause instead of stopping if an error happens inside
- a procedure.
- errquit--
- From now on, quit on errors.
- setipause--
- From now on, interrupt (^C) pauses and quit (^G) stops.
- setqpause--
- From now on, quit (^G) pauses and interrupt (^C) stops.