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- Subject: v11i087: Little Smalltalk interpreter, Part002/03
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Tim Budd <budd@cs.orst.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 87
- Archive-name: little-st/part02
- The following is version two of the Little Smalltalk system, distributed
- in three parts. Little Smalltalk is an interpreter for the language
- Smalltalk.
- Questions or comments should be sent to Tim Budd,
- budd@oregon-state.csnet
- budd@cs.orst.edu (
- {tektronix, hp-pcd}!orstcs!budd
- -----------cut here--------------------------------------------
- : To unbundle, sh this file
- echo unbundling memory.c 1>&2
- cat >memory.c <<'End'
- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- memory management module
- This is a rather simple, straightforward, reference counting scheme.
- There are no provisions for detecting cycles, nor any attempt made
- at compaction. Free lists of various sizes are maintained.
- At present only objects up to 255 bytes can be allocated,
- which mostly only limits the size of method (in text) you can create.
- About the only tricky feature to this code is the fact that
- reference counts are not stored as part of an object image, but
- are instead recreated when the object is read back in.
- (This will, in fact, eliminate cycles, as well as other unreachable
- objects).
- This can, and should, be replaced by a better memory management
- algorithm.
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # define ObjectTableMax 5000
- # define MemoryBlockSize 1000
- boolean debugging = false;
- object sysobj; /* temporary used to avoid rereference in macros */
- object intobj;
- object symbols; /* table of all symbols created */
- object globalNames; /* table of all accessible global names */
- /*
- in theory the objectTable should only be accessible to the memory
- manager. Indeed, given the right macro definitions, this can be
- made so. Never the less, for efficiency sake some of the macros
- can also be defined to access the object table directly
- */
- struct objectStruct objectTable[ObjectTableMax];
- /*
- The following global variables are strictly local to the memory
- manager module
- */
- static object objectFreeList[256]; /* free list of objects */
- static short objectTop; /* last object allocated */
- static object *memoryBlock; /* malloc'ed chunck of memory */
- static int currentMemoryPosition; /* last used position in above */
- /* initialize the memory management module */
- initMemoryManager() {
- int i;
- /* set all the free list pointers to zero */
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- objectFreeList[i] = nilobj;
- /* set all the reference counts to zero */
- for (i = 0; i < ObjectTableMax; i++)
- objectTable[i].referenceCount = 0;
- objectTop = 0;
- /* force an allocation on first object assignment */
- currentMemoryPosition = MemoryBlockSize + 1;
- /* object at location 0 is the nil object, so give it nonzero ref */
- objectTable[0].referenceCount = 1;
- objectTable[0].size = 0;
- objectTable[0].type = objectMemory;
- }
- /* report a (generally fatal) memory manager error */
- sysError(s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- { int i;
- fprintf(stderr,"%s\n%s\n", s1, s2);
- i = 0;
- i = 32 / i;
- }
- /*
- mBlockAlloc - rip out a block (array) of object of the given size from
- the current malloc block
- */
- static object *mBlockAlloc(memorySize)
- int memorySize;
- { object *objptr;
- if (currentMemoryPosition + memorySize >= MemoryBlockSize) {
- memoryBlock = (object *) calloc(MemoryBlockSize, sizeof(object));
- if (! memoryBlock)
- sysError("out of memory","malloc failed");
- currentMemoryPosition = 0;
- }
- objptr = (object *) &memoryBlock[currentMemoryPosition];
- currentMemoryPosition += memorySize;
- return(objptr);
- }
- /* allocate a new memory object */
- object alcObject(memorySize, memoryType)
- int memorySize;
- int memoryType;
- { int position, trip;
- if (memorySize >= 256) {
- sysError("allocation bigger than 256","");
- }
- if (objectFreeList[memorySize] != 0) {
- objectFreeList[memorySize] =
- objectTable[ position = objectFreeList[memorySize]].class;
- }
- else { /* not found, must allocate a new object */
- position = trip = 0;
- do {
- objectTop = objectTop + 1;
- if (objectTop >= ObjectTableMax)
- if (trip) {
- sysError("out of objects "," ");
- position = 1;
- }
- else {
- trip = objectTop =1;
- }
- else if (objectTable[objectTop].referenceCount <= 0)
- position = objectTop;
- } while (position == 0);
- /* allocate memory pointer */
- objectTable[position].size = memorySize;
- objectTable[position].memory = mBlockAlloc(memorySize);
- }
- /* set class and type */
- objectTable[position].referenceCount = 0;
- objectTable[position].class = nilobj;
- objectTable[position].type = memoryType;
- return(position << 1);
- }
- object allocSymbol(str)
- char *str;
- { object newSym;
- newSym = alcObject((2 + strlen(str))/2, charMemory);
- ignore strcpy(charPtr(newSym), str);
- return(newSym);
- }
- # ifdef incr
- object incrobj; /* buffer for increment macro */
- # endif
- # ifndef incr
- void incr(z)
- object z;
- {
- if (z && ! isInteger(z)) {
- objectTable[z>>1].referenceCount++;
- globalinccount++;
- }
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef decr
- void decr(z)
- object z;
- {
- if (z && ! isInteger(z)) {
- if (--objectTable[z>>1].referenceCount <= 0) {
- sysDecr(z);
- }
- globaldeccount++;
- }
- }
- # endif
- /* do the real work in the decr procedure */
- sysDecr(z)
- object z;
- { register struct objectStruct *p;
- register int i;
- p = &objectTable[z>>1];
- if (p->referenceCount < 0) {
- sysError("negative reference count","");
- }
- decr(p->class);
- p->class = objectFreeList[p->size];
- objectFreeList[p->size] = z>>1;
- if (((int) p->size) > 0) {
- if (p->type == objectMemory)
- for (i = p->size; i > 0 ; )
- decr(p->memory[--i]);
- for (i = p->size; i > 0; )
- p->memory[--i] = nilobj;
- }
- }
- # ifndef basicAt
- object basicAt(z, i)
- object z;
- register int i;
- {
- if (isInteger(z))
- sysError("attempt to index","into integer");
- else if ((i <= 0) || (i > objectSize(z))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"index %d size %d\n", i, (int) objectSize(z));
- sysError("index out of range","in basicAt");
- }
- else
- return(sysMemPtr(z)[i-1]);
- return(0);
- }
- # endif
- void basicAtPut(z, i, v)
- object z, v;
- register int i;
- {
- if (isInteger(z))
- sysError("assigning index to","integer value");
- else if ((i <= 0) || (i > objectSize(z))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"index %d size %d\n", i, (int) objectSize(z));
- sysError("index out of range","in basicAtPut");
- }
- else {
- incr(v);
- decr(sysMemPtr(z)[i-1]);
- sysMemPtr(z)[i-1] = v;
- }
- }
- /*
- imageWrite - write out an object image
- */
- static iwerr() { sysError("imageWrite count error",""); }
- imageWrite(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- { short i;
- if (fwrite(&symbols, sizeof(object), 1, fp) != 1) iwerr();
- if (fwrite(&globalNames, sizeof(object), 1, fp) != 1) iwerr();
- for (i = 0; i < ObjectTableMax; i++) {
- if (objectTable[i].referenceCount > 0) {
- if (fwrite(&i, sizeof(short), 1, fp) != 1) iwerr();
- if (fwrite(&objectTable[i].class, sizeof(object), 1, fp)
- != 1) iwerr();
- if (fwrite(&objectTable[i].size, sizeof(byte), 1, fp)
- != 1) iwerr();
- if (fwrite(&objectTable[i].type, sizeof(byte), 1, fp)
- != 1) iwerr();
- if (objectTable[i].size != 0)
- if (fwrite(objectTable[i].memory, sizeof(object),
- objectTable[i].size, fp) != objectTable[i].size)
- iwerr();
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- imageRead - read in an object image
- */
- static irerr() { sysError("imageWrite count error",""); }
- /*
- the following two routines, addmittedly a bit complicated,
- assure that objects read in are really referenced, eliminating junk
- that may be in the object file but not referenced */
- static membump(i, j)
- int i, j;
- { int k;
- object *p;
- k = objectTable[j].class;
- if (k) memincr(i, k>>1);
- if (objectTable[j].type == objectMemory) {
- p = objectTable[j].memory;
- for (k = byteToInt(objectTable[j].size) - 1; k >= 0; k--)
- if (p[k] && ! isInteger(p[k]))
- memincr(i, p[k]>>1);
- }
- }
- static memincr(i, j)
- int i, j;
- {
- objectTable[j].referenceCount++;
- if ((j <= i) && (objectTable[j].referenceCount == 1))
- membump(i, j);
- }
- imageRead(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- { short i;
- object *p;
- if (fread( &symbols, sizeof(object), 1, fp) != 1) irerr();
- if (fread( &globalNames, sizeof(object), 1, fp) != 1) irerr();
- objectTable[symbols>>1].referenceCount++;
- objectTable[globalNames>>1].referenceCount++;
- while(fread( &i, sizeof(short), 1, fp) == 1) {
- if (fread( &objectTable[i].class, sizeof(object), 1, fp)
- != 1) irerr();
- if (fread( &objectTable[i].size, sizeof(byte), 1, fp)
- != 1) irerr();
- if (fread( &objectTable[i].type, sizeof(byte), 1, fp)
- != 1) irerr();
- if (objectTable[i].size != 0) {
- p = objectTable[i].memory = mBlockAlloc((int) objectTable[i].size);
- if (fread( p, sizeof(object),
- byteToInt(objectTable[i].size), fp) != byteToInt(objectTable[i].size))
- irerr();
- if (objectTable[i].referenceCount > 0)
- membump(i, i);
- }
- else
- objectTable[i].memory = (object *) 0;
- }
- }
- static ncopy(p, q, n)
- char *p, *q;
- int n;
- {
- while (n>0) {
- *p++ = *q++;
- n--;
- }
- }
- object allocFloat(d)
- double d;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = alcObject((int) sizeof (double), floatMemory);
- ncopy(charPtr(newObj), (char *) &d, (int) sizeof (double));
- return(newObj);
- }
- double floatValue(obj)
- object obj;
- { double d;
- ncopy((char *) &d, charPtr(obj), (int) sizeof (double));
- return(d);
- }
- int objcount()
- { int i, count;
- for (count = i = 0; i < ObjectTableMax; i++)
- if (objectTable[i].referenceCount > 0)
- count++;
- return(count);
- }
- End
- echo unbundling names.c 1>&2
- cat >names.c <<'End'
- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- Name Table module
- A name table is the term used for a Dictionary indexed by symbols.
- There are two name tables used internally by the bytecode interpreter.
- The first is the table, contained in the variable globalNames,
- that contains the names and values of all globally accessible
- identifiers. The second is the table of methods associated with
- every class. Notice that in neither of these cases does the
- system ever put anything INTO the tables, thus there are only
- routines here for reading FROM tables.
- (putting things INTO the table is all done in Smalltalk code,
- using the methods from class Dictionary)
- One complication of instances of class Symbol is that all
- symbols must be unique, not only so that == will work as expected,
- but so that memory does not get overly clogged up with symbols.
- Thus all symbols are kept in a hash table, and when new symbols
- are created (via newSymbol(), below) they are inserted into this
- table, if not already there.
- This module also manages the definition of various symbols that are
- given fixed values for efficiency sake. These include the objects
- nil, true, false, and various classes.
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- /* global variables used to avoid repeated examinations of the global symbol table */
- object trueobj = nilobj; /* the pseudo variable true */
- object falseobj = nilobj; /* the pseudo variable false */
- object smallobj = nilobj; /* the pseudo variable smalltalk */
- object arrayclass = nilobj; /* the class ``Array'' */
- object blockclass = nilobj; /* the class ``Block'' */
- object contextclass = nilobj; /* the class ``Context'' */
- object intclass = nilobj; /* the class ``Integer'' */
- object intrclass = nilobj; /* the class ``Interpreter'' */
- object symbolclass = nilobj; /* the class ``Symbol'' */
- object stringclass = nilobj; /* the class ``String'' */
- /*
- some messages are encoded in concise bytecode format -
- to reduce the size of the compiled methods
- (also, in some cases, to more efficiently detect special cases
- handled in the interpreter, rather than by methods)
- */
- char *binStrs[] = {"+", "-", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "=", "~=", "*",
- "quo:", "rem:", "bitAnd:", "bitXor:",
- "==", ",", "at:", "basicAt:", "do:", "coerce:", "error:", "includesKey:",
- "isMemberOf:", "new:", "to:", "value:", "whileTrue:", "addFirst:", "addLast:",
- 0};
- object binSyms[28];
- char *unStrs[] = {"isNil", "notNil", "new", "value", "class", "size",
- "basicSize", "print", "printString", 0};
- object unSyms[9];
- char *keyStrs[] = {"at:ifAbsent:", "at:put:", "basicAt:put:", "between:and:",
- 0};
- object keySyms[4];
- object nameTableLookup(table, symbol)
- object table, symbol;
- { int hash, tablesize;
- object link;
- if ((tablesize = objectSize(table)) == 0)
- sysError("system error","lookup on null table");
- else {
- hash = 3 * ( symbol % (tablesize / 3));
- if (basicAt(table, hash+1) == symbol)
- return(basicAt(table, hash+2));
- /* otherwise look along the chain of links */
- for (link=basicAt(table, hash+3); link != nilobj;
- link=basicAt(link, 3))
- if (basicAt(link, 1) == symbol)
- return(basicAt(link, 2));
- }
- return (nilobj);
- }
- getClass(obj)
- object obj;
- {
- if (isInteger(obj))
- return(intclass);
- return (classField(obj));
- }
- static object globalGet(name)
- char *name;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = globalSymbol(name);
- if (newobj == nilobj)
- sysError("symbol not found in image", name);
- return(newobj);
- }
- initCommonSymbols()
- { int i;
- trueobj = globalGet("true");
- falseobj = globalGet("false");
- smallobj = globalGet("smalltalk");
- arrayclass = globalGet("Array");
- blockclass = globalGet("Block");
- contextclass = globalGet("Context");
- intclass = globalGet("Integer");
- symbolclass = globalGet("Symbol");
- stringclass = globalGet("String");
- /* interpreter may or may not be there */
- intrclass = globalSymbol("Interpreter");
- for (i = 0; i < 28; i++)
- binSyms[i] = newSymbol(binStrs[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
- unSyms[i] = newSymbol(unStrs[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- keySyms[i] = newSymbol(keyStrs[i]);
- }
- object newArray(size)
- int size;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocObject(size);
- setClass(newobj, arrayclass);
- return(newobj);
- }
- object newSymbol(str)
- char *str;
- { int hash;
- object newSym, link;
- char *p;
- /* first compute hash value of string text */
- /* this is duplicated in image.c - make sure any changes match there */
- hash = 0;
- for (p = str; *p; p++)
- hash += *p;
- if (hash < 0) hash = - hash;
- hash = 2 * ( hash % (objectSize(symbols) / 2));
- /* next look to see if it is in symbols - note that this
- text duplicates that found in nameTableLookup, only using
- string comparison instead of symbol comparison */
- newSym = basicAt(symbols, hash+1);
- if (streq(str, charPtr(newSym)))
- return(newSym);
- /* not in table, look along links */
- for (link=basicAt(symbols, hash+2); link != nilobj; link=basicAt(link,2)) {
- newSym = basicAt(link, 1);
- if (streq(str, charPtr(newSym)))
- return(newSym);
- }
- /* not found, make a new symbol */
- newSym = allocSymbol(str);
- setClass(newSym, symbolclass);
- /* now insert new symbol in table, so next time we will find it */
- if (basicAt(symbols, hash+1) == nilobj)
- basicAtPut(symbols, hash+1, newSym);
- else { /* insert along links */
- link = allocObject(2);
- basicAtPut(link, 1, newSym);
- basicAtPut(link, 2, basicAt(symbols, hash+2));
- basicAtPut(symbols, hash+2, link);
- }
- return(newSym);
- }
- object newStString(value)
- char *value;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocSymbol(value);
- setClass(newobj, stringclass);
- return(newobj);
- }
- object newFloat(d)
- double d;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocFloat(d);
- setClass(newobj, globalSymbol("Float"));
- return(newobj);
- }
- End
- echo unbundling lex.c 1>&2
- cat >lex.c <<'End'
- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- lexical analysis routines for method parser
- should be called only by parser
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <ctype.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "lex.h"
- extern double atof();
- /* global variables returned by lexical analyser */
- tokentype token; /* token variety */
- char tokenString[80]; /* text of current token */
- int tokenInteger; /* integer (or character) value of token */
- double tokenFloat; /* floating point value of token */
- /* local variables used only by lexical analyser */
- static char *cp; /* character pointer */
- static char pushBuffer[10]; /* pushed back buffer */
- static int pushindex; /* index of last pushed back char */
- static char cc; /* current character */
- /* lexinit - initialize the lexical analysis routines */
- lexinit(str)
- char *str;
- {
- pushindex = 0;
- cp = str;
- /* get first token */
- nextToken();
- }
- /* pushBack - push one character back into the input */
- static pushBack(c)
- char c;
- {
- pushBuffer[pushindex++] = c;
- }
- /* nextChar - retrieve the next char, from buffer or input */
- static char nextChar()
- {
- if (pushindex > 0) cc = pushBuffer[--pushindex];
- else cc = *cp++;
- return(cc);
- }
- /* isClosing - characters which can close an expression */
- static boolean isClosing(c)
- char c;
- {
- switch(c) {
- case '.': case ']': case ')': case ';':
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }
- /* singleBinary - binary characters that cannot be continued */
- static boolean singleBinary(c)
- char c;
- {
- switch(c) {
- case '[': case '(': case ')': case ']':
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }
- /* binarySecond - return true if char can be second char in binary symbol */
- static boolean binarySecond(c)
- char c;
- {
- if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || isspace(c) || isClosing(c) ||
- singleBinary(c))
- return(false);
- return(true);
- }
- tokentype nextToken()
- { char *tp;
- boolean sign;
- /* skip over blanks and comments */
- while(nextChar() && (isspace(cc) || (cc == '"')))
- if (cc == '"') {
- /* read comment */
- while (nextChar() && (cc != '"')) ;
- if (! cc) break; /* break if we run into eof */
- }
- tp = tokenString;
- *tp++ = cc;
- if (! cc) /* end of input */
- token = inputend;
- else if (isalpha(cc)) { /* identifier */
- while (nextChar() && isalnum(cc))
- *tp++ = cc;
- if (cc == ':') {
- *tp++ = cc;
- token = namecolon;
- }
- else {
- pushBack(cc);
- token = name;
- }
- }
- else if (isdigit(cc)) { /* number */
- tokenInteger = cc - '0';
- while (nextChar() && isdigit(cc)) {
- *tp++ = cc;
- tokenInteger = (tokenInteger * 10) + (cc - '0');
- }
- token = intconst;
- if (cc == '.') { /* possible float */
- if (nextChar() && isdigit(cc)) {
- *tp++ = '.';
- do
- *tp++ = cc;
- while (nextChar() && isdigit(cc));
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- token = floatconst;
- *tp = '\0';
- tokenFloat = atof(tokenString);
- }
- else {
- /* nope, just an ordinary period */
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- pushBack('.');
- }
- }
- else
- pushBack(cc);
- if (nextChar() && cc == 'e') { /* possible float */
- if (nextChar() && cc == '-') {
- sign = true;
- nextChar();
- }
- else
- sign = false;
- if (cc && isdigit(cc)) { /* yep, its a float */
- *tp++ = 'e';
- if (sign) *tp++ = '-';
- while (cc && isdigit(cc)) {
- *tp++ = cc;
- nextChar();
- }
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- *tp = '\0';
- token = floatconst;
- tokenFloat = atof(tokenString);
- }
- else { /* nope, wrong again */
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- if (sign) pushBack('-');
- pushBack('e');
- }
- }
- else
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- }
- else if (cc == '$') { /* character constant */
- tokenInteger = (int) nextChar();
- token = charconst;
- }
- else if (cc == '#') { /* symbol */
- tp--; /* erase pound sign */
- if (nextChar() == '(')
- token = arraybegin;
- else {
- pushBack(cc);
- while (nextChar() && (isalnum(cc) || (cc == ':')))
- *tp++ = cc;
- pushBack(cc);
- token = symconst;
- }
- }
- else if (cc == '\'') { /* string constant */
- tp--; /* erase pound sign */
- while (nextChar() && (cc != '\''))
- *tp++ = cc;
- if (!cc) pushBack(cc); /* push back an eof */
- token = strconst;
- }
- else if (isClosing(cc)) /* closing expressions */
- token = closing;
- else if (singleBinary(cc)) /* single binary expressions */
- token = binary;
- else { /* anything else is binary */
- if (nextChar() && binarySecond(cc))
- *tp++ = cc;
- else
- pushBack(cc);
- token = binary;
- }
- *tp = '\0';
- return(token);
- }
- End
- echo unbundling parser.c 1>&2
- cat >parser.c <<'End'
- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- Method parser - parses the textual description of a method,
- generating bytecodes and literals.
- This parser is based around a simple minded recursive descent
- parser.
- It is used both by the module that builds the initial virtual image,
- and by a primitive when invoked from a running Smalltalk system.
- The latter case could, if the bytecode interpreter were fast enough,
- be replaced by a parser written in Smalltalk. This would be preferable,
- but not if it slowed down the system too terribly.
- To use the parser the routine setInstanceVariables must first be
- called with a class object. This places the appropriate instance
- variables into the memory buffers, so that references to them
- can be correctly encoded.
- As this is recursive descent, you should read it SDRAWKCAB !
- (from bottom to top)
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- # include "interp.h"
- # include "lex.h"
- /* all of the following limits could be increased (up to
- 256) without any trouble. They are kept low
- to keep memory utilization down */
- # define codeLimit 256 /* maximum number of bytecodes permitted */
- # define literalLimit 32 /* maximum number of literals permitted */
- # define temporaryLimit 16 /* maximum number of temporaries permitted */
- # define argumentLimit 16 /* maximum number of arguments permitted */
- # define instanceLimit 16 /* maximum number of instance vars permitted */
- # define methodLimit 32 /* maximum number of methods permitted */
- extern object binSyms[];
- extern object keySyms[];
- extern char *unStrs[], *binStrs[], *keyStrs[];
- static boolean parseok; /* parse still ok? */
- static int codeTop; /* top position filled in code array */
- static byte codeArray[codeLimit]; /* bytecode array */
- static int literalTop; /* ... etc. */
- static object literalArray[literalLimit];
- static int temporaryTop;
- static char *temporaryName[temporaryLimit];
- static int argumentTop;
- static char *argumentName[argumentLimit];
- static int instanceTop;
- static char *instanceName[instanceLimit];
- static int maxTemporary; /* highest temporary see so far */
- static char selector[80]; /* message selector */
- static boolean inBlock; /* true if compiling a block */
- static boolean optimizedBlock; /* true if compiling optimized block */
- setInstanceVariables(aClass)
- object aClass;
- { int i, limit;
- object vars;
- if (aClass == nilobj)
- instanceTop = 0;
- else {
- setInstanceVariables(basicAt(aClass, superClassInClass));
- vars = basicAt(aClass, variablesInClass);
- if (vars != nilobj) {
- limit = objectSize(vars);
- for (i = 1; i <= limit; i++)
- instanceName[++instanceTop] = charPtr(basicAt(vars, i));
- }
- }
- }
- compilError(str1, str2)
- char *str1, *str2;
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"compiler error: %s %s\n", str1, str2);
- parseok = false;
- }
- static object newChar(value)
- int value;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocObject(1);
- basicAtPut(newobj, 1, newInteger(value));
- setClass(newobj, globalSymbol("Char"));
- return(newobj);
- }
- static object newByteArray(size)
- int size;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocByte(size);
- setClass(newobj, globalSymbol("ByteArray"));
- return(newobj);
- }
- static genCode(value)
- int value;
- {
- if (codeTop >= codeLimit)
- compilError("too many bytecode instructions in method","");
- else
- codeArray[codeTop++] = value;
- }
- static genInstruction(high, low)
- int high, low;
- {
- if (low >= 16) {
- genInstruction(0, high);
- genCode(low);
- }
- else
- genCode(high * 16 + low);
- }
- static int genLiteral(aLiteral)
- object aLiteral;
- {
- if (literalTop >= literalLimit)
- compilError("too many literals in method","");
- else
- literalArray[++literalTop] = aLiteral;
- return(literalTop - 1);
- }
- static char *glbsyms[] = {"nil", "true", "false", "smalltalk", 0 };
- static boolean nameTerm(name)
- char *name;
- { int i;
- boolean done = false;
- boolean isSuper = false;
- /* it might be self or super */
- if (streq(name, "self") || streq(name, "super")) {
- genInstruction(PushArgument, 0);
- done = true;
- if (streq(name,"super")) isSuper = true;
- }
- /* or it might be a temporary */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 1; (! done) && ( i <= temporaryTop ) ; i++)
- if (streq(name, temporaryName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushTemporary, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- /* or it might be an argument */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= argumentTop ) ; i++)
- if (streq(name, argumentName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushArgument, i);
- done = true;
- }
- /* or it might be an instance variable */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= instanceTop); i++) {
- if (streq(name, instanceName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushInstance, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- /* or it might be a global constant */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 0; (! done) && glbsyms[i]; i++)
- if (streq(name, glbsyms[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushConstant, i+4);
- done = true;
- }
- /* not anything else, it must be a global */
- if (! done) {
- genInstruction(PushGlobal, genLiteral(newSymbol(name)));
- }
- return(isSuper);
- }
- static int parseArray()
- { int i, size, base;
- object newLit, obj;
- base = literalTop;
- ignore nextToken();
- while (parseok && (token != closing)) {
- switch(token) {
- case arraybegin:
- ignore parseArray();
- break;
- case intconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newInteger(tokenInteger));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case floatconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newFloat(tokenFloat));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case name: case namecolon: case symconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newSymbol(tokenString));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case binary:
- if (streq(tokenString, "(")) {
- ignore parseArray();
- }
- else {
- ignore genLiteral(newSymbol(tokenString));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- break;
- case charconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newChar(
- newInteger(tokenInteger)));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case strconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newStString(tokenString));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- default:
- compilError("illegal text in literal array",
- tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (parseok)
- if (! streq(tokenString, ")"))
- compilError("array not terminated by right parenthesis",
- tokenString);
- else
- ignore nextToken();
- size = literalTop - base;
- newLit = newArray(size);
- for (i = size; i >= 1; i--) {
- obj = literalArray[literalTop];
- basicAtPut(newLit, i, obj);
- decr(obj);
- literalArray[literalTop] = nilobj;
- literalTop = literalTop - 1;
- }
- return(genLiteral(newLit));
- }
- static boolean term()
- { boolean superTerm = false; /* true if term is pseudo var super */
- if (token == name) {
- superTerm = nameTerm(tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == intconst) {
- if ((tokenInteger >= 0) && (tokenInteger <= 2))
- genInstruction(PushConstant, tokenInteger);
- else
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newInteger(tokenInteger)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == floatconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, genLiteral(newFloat(tokenFloat)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "-")) {
- if (nextToken() != intconst)
- compilError("negation not followed",
- "by integer");
- if (tokenInteger == 1)
- genInstruction(PushConstant, 3);
- else
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newInteger( - tokenInteger)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == charconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newChar(tokenInteger)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == symconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newSymbol(tokenString)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == strconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newStString(tokenString)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == arraybegin) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, parseArray());
- }
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "(")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- expression();
- if (parseok)
- if ((token != closing) || ! streq(tokenString, ")"))
- compilError("Missing Right Parenthesis","");
- else
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "<"))
- parsePrimitive();
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "["))
- block();
- else
- compilError("invalid expression start", tokenString);
- return(superTerm);
- }
- static parsePrimitive()
- { int primitiveNumber, argumentCount;
- if (nextToken() != intconst)
- compilError("primitive number missing","");
- primitiveNumber = tokenInteger;
- ignore nextToken();
- argumentCount = 0;
- while (parseok && ! ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, ">"))) {
- (void) term();
- argumentCount++;
- }
- genInstruction(DoPrimitive, argumentCount);
- genCode(primitiveNumber);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- static genMessage(toSuper, argumentCount, messagesym)
- boolean toSuper;
- int argumentCount;
- object messagesym;
- {
- if (toSuper) {
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, SendToSuper);
- genCode(argumentCount);
- }
- else
- genInstruction(SendMessage, argumentCount);
- genCode(genLiteral(messagesym));
- }
- static boolean unaryContinuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- { int i;
- boolean sent;
- object messagesym;
- while (parseok && (token == name)) {
- sent = false;
- messagesym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- /* check for built in messages */
- if (! superReceiver)
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
- if (streq(tokenString, unStrs[i])) {
- genInstruction(SendUnary, i);
- sent = true;
- }
- if (! sent) {
- genMessage(superReceiver, 0, messagesym);
- }
- /* once a message is sent to super, reciever is not super */
- superReceiver = false;
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- return(superReceiver);
- }
- static boolean binaryContinuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- { int i;
- boolean sent, superTerm;
- object messagesym;
- superReceiver = unaryContinuation(superReceiver);
- while (parseok && (token == binary)) {
- messagesym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- superTerm = term();
- ignore unaryContinuation(superTerm);
- sent = false;
- /* check for built in messages */
- if (! superReceiver) {
- for (i = 0; (! sent) && binStrs[i]; i++)
- if (messagesym == binSyms[i]) {
- genInstruction(SendBinary, i);
- sent = true;
- }
- }
- if (! sent) {
- genMessage(superReceiver, 1, messagesym);
- }
- superReceiver = false;
- }
- return(superReceiver);
- }
- static int optimizeBlock(instruction, dopop)
- int instruction;
- boolean dopop;
- { int location;
- boolean saveOB;
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, instruction);
- location = codeTop;
- genCode(0);
- if (dopop)
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- ignore nextToken();
- if (! streq(tokenString, "["))
- compilError("block needed","following optimized message");
- ignore nextToken();
- saveOB = optimizedBlock;
- optimizedBlock = true;
- body();
- optimizedBlock = saveOB;
- if (! streq(tokenString, "]"))
- compilError("missing close","after block");
- ignore nextToken();
- codeArray[location] = codeTop;
- return(location);
- }
- static boolean keyContinuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- { int i, j, argumentCount, savetop;
- boolean sent, superTerm;
- object messagesym;
- char pattern[80];
- savetop = codeTop;
- superReceiver = binaryContinuation(superReceiver);
- if (token == namecolon) {
- if (streq(tokenString, "ifTrue:")) {
- i = optimizeBlock(BranchIfFalse, false);
- if (streq(tokenString, "ifFalse:")) {
- codeArray[i] = codeTop + 3;
- ignore optimizeBlock(Branch, true);
- }
- }
- else if (streq(tokenString, "ifFalse:")) {
- i = optimizeBlock(BranchIfTrue, false);
- if (streq(tokenString, "ifTrue:")) {
- codeArray[i] = codeTop + 3;
- ignore optimizeBlock(Branch, true);
- }
- }
- else if (streq(tokenString, "whileTrue:")) {
- genInstruction(SendUnary, 3 /* value command */);
- i = optimizeBlock(BranchIfFalse, false);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Branch);
- for (j = codeTop - 1; j > 0; j--)
- if ((codeArray[j] == savetop) &&
- (codeArray[j-1] == CreateBlock*16)) {
- genCode(j-1);
- break;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- compilError("block needed before","whileTrue:");
- codeArray[i] = codeTop;
- }
- else if (streq(tokenString, "and:"))
- ignore optimizeBlock(AndBranch, false);
- else if (streq(tokenString, "or:"))
- ignore optimizeBlock(OrBranch, false);
- else {
- pattern[0] = '\0';
- argumentCount = 0;
- while (parseok && (token == namecolon)) {
- ignore strcat(pattern, tokenString);
- argumentCount++;
- ignore nextToken();
- superTerm = term();
- ignore binaryContinuation(superTerm);
- }
- sent = false;
- /* check for predefined messages */
- messagesym = newSymbol(pattern);
- if (! superReceiver) {
- for (i = 0; (! sent) && binStrs[i]; i++)
- if (messagesym == binSyms[i]) {
- sent = true;
- genInstruction(SendBinary, i);
- }
- for (i = 0; (! sent) && keyStrs[i]; i++)
- if (messagesym == keySyms[i]) {
- genInstruction(SendKeyword, i);
- sent = true;
- }
- }
- if (! sent) {
- genMessage(superReceiver, argumentCount, messagesym);
- }
- }
- superReceiver = false;
- }
- return(superReceiver);
- }
- static continuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- {
- superReceiver = keyContinuation(superReceiver);
- while (parseok && (token == closing) && streq(tokenString, ";")) {
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Duplicate);
- ignore nextToken();
- ignore keyContinuation(superReceiver);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- }
- static expression()
- { boolean superTerm;
- superTerm = term();
- if (parseok)
- continuation(superTerm);
- }
- static assignment(name)
- char *name;
- { int i;
- boolean done;
- done = false;
- /* it might be a temporary */
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= temporaryTop); i++)
- if (streq(name, temporaryName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PopTemporary, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- /* or it might be an instance variable */
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= instanceTop); i++)
- if (streq(name, instanceName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PopInstance, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- if (! done)
- compilError("assignment to unknown name", name);
- }
- static statement()
- { char assignname[80];
- boolean superReceiver = false;
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "^")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- expression();
- if (inBlock)
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, BlockReturn);
- else
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, StackReturn);
- }
- else if (token == name) { /* possible assignment */
- ignore strcpy(assignname, tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "<-")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- expression();
- if (inBlock || optimizedBlock)
- if ((token == closing) && streq(tokenString,"]"))
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Duplicate);
- assignment(assignname);
- if (inBlock && (token == closing) &&
- streq(tokenString, "]"))
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, StackReturn);
- }
- else { /* not an assignment after all */
- superReceiver = nameTerm(assignname);
- continuation(superReceiver);
- if (! optimizedBlock)
- if (inBlock && (token == closing) &&
- streq(tokenString, "]"))
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, StackReturn);
- else
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- }
- else {
- expression();
- if (! optimizedBlock)
- if (inBlock && (token == closing) &&
- streq(tokenString, "]"))
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, StackReturn);
- else
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- }
- static body()
- {
- do {
- statement();
- if ((token == closing) && streq(tokenString, "."))
- ignore nextToken();
- } while (parseok && (token != closing) && (token != inputend));
- }
- static block()
- { int saveTemporary, argumentCount, fixLocation;
- boolean saveInBlock, saveOB;
- object tempsym;
- saveTemporary = temporaryTop;
- argumentCount = 0;
- ignore nextToken();
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, ":")) {
- while (parseok && (token == binary) && streq(tokenString,":")) {
- if (nextToken() != name)
- compilError("name must follow colon",
- "in block argument list");
- if (++temporaryTop > maxTemporary)
- maxTemporary = temporaryTop;
- argumentCount++;
- if (temporaryTop > temporaryLimit)
- compilError("too many temporaries in method","");
- else {
- tempsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- temporaryName[temporaryTop] = charPtr(tempsym);
- }
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- if ((token != binary) || ! streq(tokenString, "|"))
- compilError("block argument list must be terminated",
- "by |");
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- genInstruction(CreateBlock, argumentCount);
- if (argumentCount != 0){
- genCode(saveTemporary + 1);
- }
- fixLocation = codeTop;
- genCode(0);
- saveInBlock = inBlock;
- saveOB = optimizedBlock;
- inBlock = true;
- optimizedBlock = false;
- body();
- if ((token == closing) && streq(tokenString, "]"))
- ignore nextToken();
- else
- compilError("block not terminated by ]","");
- codeArray[fixLocation] = codeTop;
- inBlock = saveInBlock;
- optimizedBlock = saveOB;
- temporaryTop = saveTemporary;
- }
- static temporaries()
- { object tempsym;
- temporaryTop = 0;
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "|")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- while (token == name) {
- if (++temporaryTop > maxTemporary)
- maxTemporary = temporaryTop;
- if (temporaryTop > temporaryLimit)
- compilError("too many temporaries in method","");
- else {
- tempsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- temporaryName[temporaryTop] = charPtr(tempsym);
- }
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- if ((token != binary) || ! streq(tokenString, "|"))
- compilError("temporary list not terminated by bar","");
- else
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- }
- static messagePattern()
- { object argsym;
- argumentTop = 0;
- ignore strcpy(selector, tokenString);
- if (token == name) /* unary message pattern */
- ignore nextToken();
- else if (token == binary) { /* binary message pattern */
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token != name)
- compilError("binary message pattern not followed by name",selector);
- argsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- argumentName[++argumentTop] = charPtr(argsym);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == namecolon) { /* keyword message pattern */
- selector[0] = '\0';
- while (parseok && (token == namecolon)) {
- ignore strcat(selector, tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token != name)
- compilError("keyword message pattern",
- "not followed by a name");
- if (++argumentTop > argumentLimit)
- compilError("too many arguments in method","");
- argsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- argumentName[argumentTop] = charPtr(argsym);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- }
- else
- compilError("illegal message selector", tokenString);
- }
- boolean parse(method, text)
- object method;
- char *text;
- { int i;
- object bytecodes, theLiterals;
- byte *bp;
- lexinit(text);
- parseok = true;
- codeTop = 0;
- literalTop = temporaryTop = argumentTop =0;
- maxTemporary = 0;
- inBlock = optimizedBlock = false;
- messagePattern();
- if (parseok)
- temporaries();
- if (parseok)
- body();
- if (parseok)
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, SelfReturn);
- if (! parseok)
- basicAtPut(method, bytecodesInMethod, nilobj);
- else {
- bytecodes = newByteArray(codeTop);
- bp = bytePtr(bytecodes);
- for (i = 0; i < codeTop; i++) {
- bp[i] = codeArray[i];
- }
- basicAtPut(method, messageInMethod, newSymbol(selector));
- basicAtPut(method, bytecodesInMethod, bytecodes);
- if (literalTop > 0) {
- theLiterals = newArray(literalTop);
- for (i = 1; i <= literalTop; i++) {
- basicAtPut(theLiterals, i, literalArray[i]);
- }
- basicAtPut(method, literalsInMethod, theLiterals);
- }
- else
- basicAtPut(method, literalsInMethod, nilobj);
- basicAtPut(method, stackSizeInMethod, newInteger(6));
- basicAtPut(method, temporarySizeInMethod,
- newInteger(1 + maxTemporary));
- basicAtPut(method, textInMethod, newStString(text));
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }
- End
- echo unbundling primitive.c 1>&2
- cat >primitive.c <<'End'
- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- Primitive processor
- primitives are how actions are ultimately executed in the Smalltalk
- system.
- unlike ST-80, Little Smalltalk primitives cannot fail (although
- they can return nil, and methods can take this as an indication
- of failure). In this respect primitives in Little Smalltalk are
- much more like traditional system calls.
- Primitives are combined into groups of 10 according to
- argument count and type, and in some cases type checking is performed.
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <math.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- # include "process.h"
- # define normalresult 1
- # define counterror 2
- # define typeerror 3
- # define quitinterp 4
- extern object doInterp();
- extern double modf();
- extern char *getenv();
- char tempfilename[100]; /* temp file for editing */
- static int zeroaryPrims(number)
- int number;
- { char buffer[100];
- short i;
- returnedObject = nilobj;
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* read from user */
- if (gets(buffer) != NULL)
- returnedObject = newStString(buffer);
- break;
- case 2:
- flushMessageCache();
- break;
- case 3: /* return a random number */
- /* this is hacked because of the representation */
- /* of integers as shorts */
- i = rand() >> 8; /* strip off lower bits */
- if (i < 0) i = - i;
- returnedObject = newInteger(i>>1);
- break;
- default: /* unknown primitive */
- sysError("unknown primitive","zeroargPrims");
- break;
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- static int unaryPrims(number, firstarg)
- int number;
- object firstarg;
- {
- returnedObject = firstarg;
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* class of object */
- returnedObject = getClass(firstarg);
- break;
- case 2: /* basic size of object */
- if (isInteger(firstarg))
- returnedObject = newInteger(0);
- else
- returnedObject = newInteger(objectSize(firstarg));
- break;
- case 3: /* hash value of object */
- if (isInteger(firstarg))
- returnedObject = firstarg;
- else
- returnedObject = newInteger((int) firstarg);
- break;
- case 9: /* interpreter bytecodes */
- returnedObject = doInterp(firstarg);
- break;
- default: /* unknown primitive */
- sysError("unknown primitive","unaryPrims");
- break;
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- static int binaryPrims(number, firstarg, secondarg)
- int number;
- object firstarg, secondarg;
- { char buffer[120];
- char *bp;
- returnedObject = firstarg;
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* object identity test */
- if (firstarg == secondarg)
- returnedObject = trueobj;
- else
- returnedObject = falseobj;
- break;
- case 2: /* set class of object */
- decr(classField(firstarg));
- setClass(firstarg, secondarg);
- returnedObject = firstarg;
- break;
- case 4: /* string cat */
- ignore strcpy(buffer, charPtr(firstarg));
- ignore strcat(buffer, charPtr(secondarg));
- returnedObject = newStString(buffer);
- break;
- case 5: /* basicAt: */
- returnedObject = basicAt(firstarg, intValue(secondarg));
- break;
- case 6: /* byteAt: */
- bp = charPtr(firstarg);
- returnedObject = newInteger(bp[intValue(secondarg)-1]);
- break;
- case 8: /* execute a context */
- messageToSend = firstarg;
- argumentsOnStack = intValue(secondarg);
- finalTask = ContextExecuteTask;
- return(quitinterp);
- default: /* unknown primitive */
- sysError("unknown primitive","binaryPrims");
- break;
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- static int trinaryPrims(number, firstarg, secondarg, thirdarg)
- int number;
- object firstarg, secondarg, thirdarg;
- { char *bp;
- returnedObject = firstarg;
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* basicAt:Put: */
- basicAtPut(firstarg, intValue(secondarg), thirdarg);
- break;
- case 2: /* basicAt:Put: for bytes */
- bp = charPtr(firstarg);
- bp[intValue(secondarg)-1] = intValue(thirdarg);
- break;
- case 9: /* compile method */
- setInstanceVariables(firstarg);
- if (parse(thirdarg, charPtr(secondarg)))
- returnedObject = trueobj;
- else
- returnedObject = falseobj;
- break;
- default: /* unknown primitive */
- sysError("unknown primitive","trinaryPrims");
- break;
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- static int intUnary(number, firstarg)
- int number, firstarg;
- { char buffer[20];
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* float equiv of integer */
- returnedObject = newFloat((double) firstarg);
- break;
- case 5: /* set random number */
- srand(firstarg);
- returnedObject = nilobj;
- break;
- case 6: /* string equiv of number */
- buffer[0] = firstarg;
- buffer[1] = '\0';
- returnedObject = newStString(buffer);
- break;
- case 7:
- ignore sprintf(buffer,"%d",firstarg);
- returnedObject = newStString(buffer);
- break;
- case 8:
- returnedObject = allocObject(firstarg);
- break;
- case 9:
- returnedObject = allocByte(firstarg);
- break;
- default:
- sysError("intUnary primitive","not implemented yet");
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- int intBinary(number, firstarg, secondarg)
- register int firstarg, secondarg;
- int number;
- { boolean binresult;
- switch(number) {
- case 0:
- firstarg += secondarg; break;
- case 1:
- firstarg -= secondarg; break;
- case 2:
- binresult = firstarg < secondarg; break;
- case 3:
- binresult = firstarg > secondarg; break;
- case 4:
- binresult = firstarg <= secondarg; break;
- case 5:
- binresult = firstarg >= secondarg; break;
- case 6:
- binresult = firstarg == secondarg; break;
- case 7:
- binresult = firstarg != secondarg; break;
- case 8:
- firstarg *= secondarg; break;
- case 9:
- firstarg /= secondarg; break;
- case 10:
- firstarg %= secondarg; break;
- case 11:
- firstarg &= secondarg; break;
- case 12:
- firstarg ^= secondarg; break;
- case 19:
- if (secondarg < 0)
- firstarg >>= (- secondarg);
- else
- firstarg <<= secondarg;
- break;
- }
- if ((number >= 2) && (number <= 7))
- if (binresult)
- returnedObject = trueobj;
- else
- returnedObject = falseobj;
- else
- returnedObject = newInteger(firstarg);
- return(normalresult);
- }
- static int strUnary(number, firstargument)
- int number;
- char *firstargument;
- { FILE *fp;
- char *p, buffer[1000];
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* length of string */
- returnedObject = newInteger(strlen(firstargument));
- break;
- case 2: /* copy of string */
- returnedObject = newStString(firstargument);
- break;
- case 3: /* string as symbol */
- returnedObject = newSymbol(firstargument);
- break;
- case 6: /* print, no newline */
- fputs(firstargument, stdout);
- ignore fflush(stdout);
- returnedObject = nilobj;
- break;
- case 7: /* make an object image */
- returnedObject = falseobj;
- fp = fopen(firstargument, "w");
- if (fp == NULL) break;
- imageWrite(fp);
- ignore fclose(fp);
- returnedObject = trueobj;
- break;
- case 8: /* print a string */
- puts(firstargument);
- ignore fflush(stdout);
- returnedObject = nilobj;
- break;
- case 9: /* edit a string */
- fp = fopen(tempfilename, "w");
- fputs(firstargument, fp);
- ignore fclose(fp);
- p = getenv("EDITOR");
- if (! p) p = "ed";
- sprintf(buffer,"%s %s", p, tempfilename);
- ignore system(buffer);
- fp = fopen(tempfilename, "r");
- for (p = buffer; (*p = getc(fp)) != EOF; p++);
- *p = '\0';
- ignore fclose(fp);
- returnedObject = newStString(buffer);
- sprintf(buffer,"rm %s", tempfilename);
- ignore system(buffer);
- break;
- default:
- sysError("unknown primitive", "strUnary");
- break;
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- static int floatUnary(number, firstarg)
- int number;
- double firstarg;
- { char buffer[20];
- double temp;
- switch(number) {
- case 1: /* asString */
- ignore sprintf(buffer,"%g", firstarg);
- returnedObject = newStString(buffer);
- break;
- case 2: /* log */
- returnedObject = newFloat(log(firstarg));
- break;
- case 3: /* exp */
- returnedObject = newFloat(exp(firstarg));
- break;
- case 4: /* sqrt */
- returnedObject = newFloat(sqrt(firstarg));
- break;
- case 5: /* gamma */
- returnedObject = newFloat(gamma(firstarg));
- break;
- case 6: /* integer part */
- modf(firstarg, &temp);
- returnedObject = newInteger((int) temp);
- break;
- default:
- sysError("unknown primitive","floatUnary");
- break;
- }
- return(normalresult);
- }
- int floatBinary(number, first, second)
- int number;
- double first, second;
- { boolean binResult;
- switch(number) {
- case 0: first += second; break;
- case 1: first -= second; break;
- case 2: binResult = (first < second); break;
- case 3: binResult = (first > second); break;
- case 4: binResult = (first <= second); break;
- case 5: binResult = (first >= second); break;
- case 6: binResult = (first == second); break;
- case 7: binResult = (first != second); break;
- case 8: first *= second; break;
- case 9: first /= second; break;
- default:
- sysError("unknown primitive", "floatBinary");
- break;
- }
- if ((number >= 2) && (number <= 7))
- if (binResult)
- returnedObject = trueobj;
- else
- returnedObject = falseobj;
- else
- returnedObject = newFloat(first);
- return(normalresult);
- }
- boolean primitive(primitiveNumber, arguments, size)
- int primitiveNumber, size;
- object *arguments;
- { int primitiveGroup;
- boolean done = false;
- int response;
- primitiveGroup = primitiveNumber / 10;
- response = normalresult;
- switch(primitiveGroup) {
- case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3:
- if (size != primitiveGroup)
- response = counterror;
- else {
- switch(primitiveGroup) {
- case 0:
- response = zeroaryPrims(primitiveNumber);
- break;
- case 1:
- response = unaryPrims(primitiveNumber - 10, arguments[0]);
- break;
- case 2:
- response = binaryPrims(primitiveNumber-20, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
- break;
- case 3:
- response = trinaryPrims(primitiveNumber-30, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 5: /* integer unary operations */
- if (size != 1)
- response = counterror;
- else if (! isInteger(arguments[0]))
- response = typeerror;
- else
- response = intUnary(primitiveNumber-50,
- intValue(arguments[0]));
- break;
- case 6: case 7: /* integer binary operations */
- if (size != 2)
- response = counterror;
- else if ((! isInteger(arguments[0])) ||
- ! isInteger(arguments[1]))
- response = typeerror;
- else
- response = intBinary(primitiveNumber-60,
- intValue(arguments[0]),
- intValue(arguments[1]));
- break;
- case 8: /* string unary */
- if (size != 1)
- response = counterror;
- else if (! isString(arguments[0]))
- response = typeerror;
- else
- response = strUnary(primitiveNumber-80,
- charPtr(arguments[0]));
- break;
- case 10: /* float unary */
- if (size != 1)
- response = counterror;
- else if (! isFloat(arguments[0]))
- response = typeerror;
- else
- response = floatUnary(primitiveNumber-100,
- floatValue(arguments[0]));
- break;
- case 11: /* float binary */
- if (size != 2)
- response = counterror;
- else if ((! isFloat(arguments[0])) ||
- (! isFloat(arguments[1])))
- response = typeerror;
- else
- response = floatBinary(primitiveNumber-110,
- floatValue(arguments[0]),
- floatValue(arguments[1]));
- break;
- }
- /* now check return code */
- switch(response) {
- case normalresult:
- break;
- case quitinterp:
- done = true;
- break;
- case counterror:
- sysError("count error","in primitive");
- break;
- case typeerror:
- fprintf(stderr,"primitive number %d\n", primitiveNumber);
- sysError("type error","in primitive");
- returnedObject = nilobj;
- break;
- default:
- sysError("unknown return code","in primitive");
- returnedObject = nilobj;
- break;
- }
- return (done);
- }
- End
- echo unbundling interp.c 1>&2
- cat >interp.c <<'End'
- /*
- Little Smalltalk version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- bytecode interpreter module
- execute bytecodes for a given method until one of six events occur
- 1. A message must be sent to another object
- 2. A message must be sent to super
- 3. A return from a method occurs
- 4. An explicit return from a block occurs (backs up the process chain)
- 5. A block must be created
- 6. A block must begin execution
- the global variable finalTask indicates which of the six events is to
- be performed. Various other global variables (described in process.h)
- give other information to be used in performing the called for task.
- Note that the interpreter is called as part of the
- main instruction sequence (single process) and (via a primitive call)
- as part of the multi-process scheduler loop (class Scheduler, Process,
- et al)
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- # include "process.h"
- # include "interp.h"
- extern object unSyms[], binSyms[], keySyms[];
- extern boolean primitive();
- # define nextByte byteToInt(bytecodes[byteCounter++])
- # define ipush(x) incr(stack[stacktop++] = x)
- /* note that ipop leaves a ref count on the popped object */
- # define ipop(x) x=stack[--stacktop]; stack[stacktop]=nilobj
- execute(method, byteCounter, stack, stacktop, arguments, temporaries)
- object method, *stack, *arguments, *temporaries;
- register int byteCounter;
- register int stacktop;
- {
- int i, low, high;
- object receiver, *instance, *literals;
- object newobj;
- byte *bytecodes;
- boolean done;
- double f;
- /* do initialization */
- receiver = arguments[0];
- if (isInteger(receiver))
- instance = (object *) 0;
- else
- instance = memoryPtr(receiver);
- bytecodes = bytePtr(basicAt(method, bytecodesInMethod));
- literals = memoryPtr(basicAt(method, literalsInMethod));
- done = false;
- while( ! done ) {
- low = (high = nextByte) & 0x0F;
- high >>= 4;
- if (high == 0) {
- high = low;
- low = nextByte;
- }
- /*fprintf(stderr,"executing %d %d\n", high, low);*/
- switch(high) {
- case PushInstance:
- ipush(instance[low]);
- break;
- case PushArgument:
- ipush(arguments[low]);
- break;
- case PushTemporary:
- ipush(temporaries[low]);
- break;
- case PushLiteral:
- ipush(literals[low]);
- break;
- case PushConstant:
- if (low == 3)
- low = -1;
- if (low < 3) {
- ipush(newInteger(low));
- }
- else
- switch(low) {
- case 4:
- ipush(nilobj);
- break;
- case 5:
- ipush(trueobj);
- break;
- case 6:
- ipush(falseobj);
- break;
- case 7:
- ipush(smallobj);
- break;
- default:
- sysError("not done yet","pushConstant");
- }
- break;
- case PushGlobal:
- newobj = nameTableLookup(globalNames,
- literals[low]);
- if (newobj == nilobj) {
- /* send message instead */
- ipush(smallobj);
- ipush(literals[low]);
- argumentsOnStack = stacktop - 2;
- messageToSend =
- newSymbol("cantFindGlobal:");
- finalTask = sendMessageTask;
- done = true;
- }
- else
- ipush(newobj);
- break;
- case PopInstance:
- decr(instance[low]);
- /* we transfer reference count to instance */
- ipop(instance[low]);
- break;
- case PopTemporary:
- decr(temporaries[low]);
- /* we transfer reference count to temporaries */
- ipop(temporaries[low]);
- break;
- case SendMessage:
- argumentsOnStack = stacktop - (low + 1);
- messageToSend = literals[nextByte];
- finalTask = sendMessageTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case SendUnary:
- /* we optimize a couple common messages */
- if (low == 0) { /* isNil */
- ipop(newobj);
- if (newobj == nilobj) {
- ipush(trueobj);
- }
- else {
- decr(newobj);
- ipush(falseobj);
- }
- }
- else if (low == 1) { /* notNil */
- ipop(newobj);
- if (newobj == nilobj) {
- ipush(falseobj);
- }
- else {
- decr(newobj);
- ipush(trueobj);
- }
- }
- else {
- argumentsOnStack = stacktop - 1;
- messageToSend = unSyms[low];
- finalTask = sendMessageTask;
- done = true;
- }
- break;
- case SendBinary:
- /* optimize arithmetic as long as no */
- /* conversions are necessary */
- if (low <= 12) {
- if (isInteger(stack[stacktop-1]) &&
- isInteger(stack[stacktop-2])) {
- ipop(newobj);
- i = intValue(newobj);
- ipop(newobj);
- ignore intBinary(low, intValue(newobj), i);
- ipush(returnedObject);
- break;
- }
- if (isFloat(stack[stacktop-1]) &&
- isFloat(stack[stacktop-2])) {
- ipop(newobj);
- f = floatValue(newobj);
- decr(newobj);
- ipop(newobj);
- ignore floatBinary(low, floatValue(newobj), f);
- decr(newobj);
- ipush(returnedObject);
- break;
- }
- }
- argumentsOnStack = stacktop - 2;
- messageToSend = binSyms[low];
- finalTask = sendMessageTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case SendKeyword:
- argumentsOnStack = stacktop - 3;
- messageToSend = keySyms[low];
- finalTask = sendMessageTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case DoPrimitive:
- i = nextByte;
- done = primitive(i, &stack[stacktop - low], low);
- incr(returnedObject);
- /* pop off arguments */
- for (i = low; i > 0; i--) {
- ipop(newobj);
- decr(newobj);
- }
- if (! done) {
- ipush(returnedObject);
- decr(returnedObject);
- }
- break;
- case CreateBlock:
- /* we do most of the work in making the block */
- /* leaving it to the caller to fill in */
- /* the context information */
- newobj = allocObject(blockSize);
- setClass(newobj, blockclass);
- basicAtPut(newobj, argumentCountInBlock, newInteger(low));
- i = (low > 0) ? nextByte : 0;
- basicAtPut(newobj, argumentLocationInBlock,
- newInteger(i));
- basicAtPut(newobj, bytecountPositionInBlock,
- newInteger(byteCounter + 1));
- incr(returnedObject = newobj);
- /* avoid a subtle side effect here */
- i = nextByte;
- byteCounter = i;
- finalTask = BlockCreateTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case DoSpecial:
- switch(low) {
- case SelfReturn:
- incr(returnedObject = receiver);
- finalTask = ReturnTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case StackReturn:
- ipop(returnedObject);
- finalTask = ReturnTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case BlockReturn:
- ipop(returnedObject);
- finalTask = BlockReturnTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- case Duplicate:
- ipop(newobj);
- ipush(newobj);
- ipush(newobj);
- decr(newobj);
- break;
- case PopTop:
- ipop(newobj);
- decr(newobj);
- break;
- case Branch:
- /* avoid a subtle bug here */
- i = nextByte;
- byteCounter = i;
- break;
- case BranchIfTrue:
- ipop(newobj);
- i = nextByte;
- if (newobj == trueobj) {
- ++stacktop;
- byteCounter = i;
- }
- decr(newobj);
- break;
- case BranchIfFalse:
- ipop(newobj);
- i = nextByte;
- if (newobj == falseobj) {
- ++stacktop;
- byteCounter = i;
- }
- decr(newobj);
- break;
- case AndBranch:
- ipop(newobj);
- i = nextByte;
- if (newobj == falseobj) {
- ipush(newobj);
- byteCounter = i;
- }
- decr(newobj);
- break;
- case OrBranch:
- ipop(newobj);
- i = nextByte;
- if (newobj == trueobj) {
- ipush(newobj);
- byteCounter = i;
- }
- decr(newobj);
- break;
- case SendToSuper:
- argumentsOnStack = stacktop -
- (nextByte + 1);
- messageToSend =
- literals[nextByte];
- finalTask = sendSuperTask;
- done = true;
- break;
- default:
- sysError("invalid doSpecial","");
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- sysError("invalid bytecode","");
- break;
- }
- }
- /* when done, save stack top and bytecode counter */
- /* before we exit */
- finalStackTop = stacktop;
- finalByteCounter = byteCounter;
- }
- End