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- Subject: v11i088: Little Smalltal k interpreter, Part03/03
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Tim Budd <budd@cs.orst.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 88
- Archive-name: little-st/part03
- The following is version two of the Little Smalltalk system, distributed
- in three parts. Little Smalltalk is an interpreter for the language
- Smalltalk.
- Questions or comments should be sent to Tim Budd,
- budd@oregon-state.csnet
- budd@cs.orst.edu (
- {tektronix, hp-pcd}!orstcs!budd
- -----------cut here--------------------------------------------
- : To unbundle, sh this file
- echo unbundling basicclasses 1>&2
- cat >basicclasses <<'End'
- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 2
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- *
- * basic classes common to all images
- *
- Declare Object
- Declare Block Object context argumentCounter argumentLocation bytecodeCounter creatingInterpreter
- Declare Boolean Object
- Declare True Boolean
- Declare False Boolean
- Declare Class Object name size methods superClass variables icon
- Declare Context Object method methodClass arguments temporaries
- Declare Link Object key value nextLink
- Declare Magnitude Object
- Declare Char Magnitude value
- Declare Collection Magnitude
- Declare IndexedCollection Collection
- Declare Array IndexedCollection
- Declare ByteArray Array
- Declare String ByteArray
- Declare Dictionary IndexedCollection
- Declare Interval Collection lower upper step
- Declare List Collection links
- Declare Set List
- Declare Number Magnitude
- Declare Integer Number
- Declare Float Number
- Declare Method Object text message bytecodes literals stackSize temporarySize
- Declare Process Object interpreter nextProcess state
- Declare Random Object
- Declare Smalltalk Object
- Declare Symbol Object
- Declare UndefinedObject Object
- *
- Instance Smalltalk smalltalk
- Instance True true
- Instance False false
- *
- Class Object
- == aValue
- ^ <21 self aValue>
- |
- = aValue
- ^ self == aValue
- |
- basicAt: index
- ^ <25 self index>
- |
- basicAt: index put: value
- ^ <31 self index value>
- |
- basicSize
- ^ <12 self>
- |
- class
- ^ <11 self>
- |
- hash
- ^ <13 self>
- |
- isMemberOf: aClass
- ^ self class == aClass
- |
- isNil
- ^ false
- |
- isKindOf: aClass | myClass |
- myClass <- self class.
- [ myClass notNil ] whileTrue:
- [ (myClass == aClass) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
- myClass <- myClass superClass ].
- |
- notNil
- ^ true
- |
- print
- ^ self printString print
- |
- printString
- ^ self class printString
- ]
- Class Array
- < coll
- (coll isKindOf: Array)
- ifTrue: [ self with: coll
- do: [:x :y | (x < y) ifTrue: [ ^ true ]].
- ^ self size < coll size ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ super < coll ]
- |
- = coll
- (coll isKindOf: Array)
- ifTrue: [ (self size = coll size)
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
- self with: coll
- do: [:x :y | (x = y)
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
- ^ true ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ super < coll ]
- |
- at: index put: value
- (self includesKey: index)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: index put: value ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'illegal index to at:put: for array' ]
- |
- binaryDo: aBlock
- (1 to: self size) do:
- [:i | aBlock value: i value: (self at: i) ]
- |
- do: aBlock
- (1 to: self size) do:
- [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]
- |
- exchange: a and: b | temp |
- temp <- self at: a.
- self at: a put: (self at: b).
- self at: b put: temp
- |
- includesKey: index
- ^ index between: 1 and: self size
- |
- size
- ^ self basicSize
- |
- sort
- ^ self sort: [:a :b | a < b ]
- |
- sort: sortBlock
- (self size to: 2 by: -1 ) do:
- [:high | (1 to: high - 1) do:
- [:index | (sortBlock value: (self at: index)
- value: (self at: high))
- ifFalse: [ self exchange: index and: high ] ] ]
- |
- with: coll do: aBlock
- (1 to: (self size min: coll size))
- do: [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i)
- value: (coll at: i) ]
- ]
- Class Block
- value
- ^ context executeFrom: bytecodeCounter
- |
- value: x
- context temporaries at: argumentLocation put: x.
- ^ context executeFrom: bytecodeCounter
- |
- value: x value: y | temps |
- temps <- context temporaries.
- temps at: argumentLocation put: x.
- temps at: argumentLocation + 1 put: y.
- ^ context executeFrom: bytecodeCounter
- |
- value: x value: y value: z | temps |
- temps <- context temporaries.
- temps at: argumentLocation put: x.
- temps at: argumentLocation + 1 put: y.
- temps at: argumentLocation + 2 put: z.
- ^ context executeFrom: bytecodeCounter
- |
- whileTrue: aBlock
- ( self value ) ifTrue:
- [ aBlock value.
- [ self value ] whileTrue: [ aBlock value ] ]
- ]
- Class Boolean
- ifTrue: trueBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: [ trueBlock value ] ifFalse: [ nil ]
- |
- ifFalse: falseBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: [ nil ] ifFalse: [ falseBlock value ]
- |
- ifFalse: falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: [ trueBlock value ]
- ifFalse: [ falseBlock value ]
- |
- and: aBlock
- self ifTrue: [ ^ aBlock value ].
- ^ false
- |
- or: aBlock
- self ifFalse: [ ^ aBlock value ].
- ^ true
- ]
- Class ByteArray
- asString
- <22 self String>
- |
- basicAt: index put: value
- ^ <32 self index value >
- |
- basicAt: index
- ^ <26 self index>
- |
- size: value
- ^ <22 <59 value> ByteArray>
- |
- size
- ^ self basicSize * 2
- ]
- Class Char
- < aValue
- ^ (aValue isMemberOf: Char)
- ifTrue: [ value < aValue asciiValue ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error: 'char compared to nonchar']
- |
- == aValue
- ^ (aValue isMemberOf: Char)
- ifTrue: [ value = aValue asciiValue ]
- ifFalse: [ false ]
- |
- = aValue
- ^ self == aValue
- |
- asciiValue
- ^ value
- |
- asString
- ^ ' ' copy; at: 1 put: self
- |
- digitValue
- ^ value - 48
- |
- isAlphabetic
- ^ (self isLowercase) or: [ self isUppercase ]
- |
- isAlphaNumeric
- ^ (self isAlphabetic) or: [ self isDigit ]
- |
- isBlank
- ^ value = 32
- |
- isDigit
- ^ value between: 48 and: 57
- |
- isLowercase
- ^ value between: 97 and: 122
- |
- isUppercase
- ^ value between: 65 and: 90
- |
- value: aValue " private - used for initializatin "
- value <- aValue
- |
- printString
- ^ '$', value asCharacter
- ]
- Class Class
- new | newObject |
- newObject <- self new: size.
- (self == Class)
- ifTrue: [ newObject initialize ]
- ifFalse: [(methods includesKey: #new )
- ifTrue: [ ^ newObject new ]].
- ^ newObject
- |
- new: size " hack out block the right size and class "
- ^ < 22 < 58 size > self >
- |
- initialize
- superClass <- Object.
- size <- 0.
- methods <- Dictionary new
- |
- name: aString
- name <- aString
- |
- methods
- ^ methods
- |
- objectSize
- ^ size
- |
- printString
- ^ name asString
- |
- respondsTo: message
- ^ methods includesKey: message
- |
- superClass
- ^ superClass
- |
- superClass: aClass
- superClass <- aClass
- |
- variables
- ^ variables
- |
- variables: nameArray
- variables <- nameArray.
- size <- superClass objectSize + nameArray size
- ]
- Class Collection
- < coll
- self do: [:x | (coll includes: x) ifFalse: [ ^ false ]].
- ^ true
- |
- = coll
- self do: [:x | (self occurrencesOf: x) =
- (coll occurrencesOf: x) ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
- ^ true
- |
- asArray | newArray i |
- newArray <- Array new: self size.
- i <- 0.
- self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x].
- ^ newArray
- |
- asByteArray | newArray i |
- newArray <- ByteArray new size: self size.
- i <- 0.
- self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x].
- ^ newArray
- |
- asSet
- ^ Set new addAll: self
- |
- asString
- ^ self asByteArray asString
- |
- detect: aBlock
- ^ self detect: aBlock
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'no object found matching detect']
- |
- detect: aBlock ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- self do: [:x |
- (aBlock value: x) ifTrue: [^ x ] ].
- ^ exceptionBlock value
- |
- includes: value
- self do: [:x | (x = value) ifTrue: [ ^ true ] ].
- ^ false
- |
- inject: thisValue into: binaryBlock | last |
- last <- thisValue.
- self do: [:x | last <- binaryBlock value: last value: x].
- ^ last
- |
- isEmpty
- ^ self size == 0
- |
- occurrencesOf: anObject
- ^ self inject: 0
- into: [:x :y | (y = anObject)
- ifTrue: [x + 1]
- ifFalse: [x] ]
- |
- printString
- ^ ( self inject: self class printString , ' ('
- into: [:x :y | x , ' ' , y printString]), ' )'
- |
- size
- ^ self inject: 0 into: [:x :y | x + 1]
- ]
- Class Context
- executeFrom: value
- ^ <28 self value>
- |
- method: value
- method <- value
- |
- arguments: value
- arguments <- value
- |
- temporaries
- ^ temporaries
- |
- temporaries: value
- temporaries <- value
- ]
- Class Dictionary
- new
- ^ Dictionary new: 39
- |
- hash: aKey
- ^ 3 * ((aKey hash) rem: ((self basicSize) quo: 3))
- |
- at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((self basicAt: hashPosition + 1) == aKey)
- ifTrue: [ ^ self basicAt: hashPosition + 2].
- link <- self basicAt: hashPosition + 3.
- (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ link at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ exceptionBlock value ]
- |
- at: aKey put: aValue | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((self basicAt: hashPosition + 1) isNil)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: hashPosition + 1 put: aKey ].
- ((self basicAt: hashPosition + 1) == aKey)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: hashPosition + 2 put: aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ link <- self basicAt: hashPosition + 3.
- (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ link at: aKey put: aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ self basicAt: hashPosition + 3
- put: (Link new; key: aKey; value: aValue)]]
- |
- binaryDo: aBlock
- (1 to: self basicSize by: 3) do:
- [:i | (self basicAt: i) notNil
- ifTrue: [ aBlock value: (self basicAt: i)
- value: (self basicAt: i+1) ].
- (self basicAt: i+2) notNil
- ifTrue: [ (self basicAt: i+2)
- binaryDo: aBlock ] ]
- |
- includesKey: aKey | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((self basicAt: hashPosition + 1) == aKey)
- ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
- link <- self basicAt: hashPosition + 3.
- (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ link includesKey: aKey ].
- ^ false
- |
- removeKey: aKey
- ^ self removeKey: aKey
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'remove key not found']
- |
- removeKey: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- ^ (self includesKey: aKey)
- ifTrue: [ self basicRemoveKey: aKey ]
- ifFalse [ exceptionBlock value ]
- |
- basicRemoveKey: aKey | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((self basicAt: hashPosition + 1) == aKey)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: hashPosition + 1 put: nil.
- self basicAt: hashPosition + 2 put: nil]
- ifFalse: [ link <- self basicAt: hashPosition + 3.
- (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: hashPosition + 3
- put: (link removeKey: aKey) ]]
- ]
- Class Float
- + value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Float)
- ifTrue: [ <110 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super + value ]
- |
- - value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Float)
- ifTrue: [ <111 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super - value ]
- |
- < value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Float)
- ifTrue: [ <112 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super < value ]
- |
- = value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Float)
- ifTrue: [ <116 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super = value ]
- |
- * value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Float)
- ifTrue: [ <118 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super * value ]
- |
- / value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Float)
- ifTrue: [ <119 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super / value ]
- |
- ceiling | i |
- i <- self integerPart.
- ^ ((self positive) and: [ self ~= i ])
- ifTrue: [ i + 1 ]
- ifFalse: [ i ]
- |
- coerce: value
- ^ value asFloat
- |
- exp
- ^ <103 self>
- |
- floor | i |
- i <- self integerPart.
- ^ ((self negative) and: [ self ~= i ])
- ifTrue: [ i - 1 ]
- ifFalse: [ i ]
- |
- fractionalPart
- ^ self - self integerPart
- |
- logGamma
- ^ <105 self>
- |
- generality
- ^ 7
- |
- integerPart
- ^ <106 self>
- |
- ln
- ^ <102 self>
- |
- printString
- ^ <101 self>
- |
- rounded
- ^ (self + 0.5 ) floor
- |
- sqrt
- ^ <104 self>
- |
- truncated
- ^ (self < 0.0 )
- ifTrue: [ self ceiling ]
- ifFalse: [ self floor ]
- ]
- Class IndexedCollection
- addAll: aCollection
- aCollection binaryDo: [:i :x | self at: i put: x ]
- |
- asArray
- ^ Array new: self size ; addAll: self
- |
- asDictionary
- ^ Dictionary new ; addAll: self
- |
- at: aKey
- ^ self at: aKey
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'index to at: illegal' ]
- |
- at: index ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- ^ (self includesKey: index)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: index ]
- ifFalse: [ exceptionBlock value ]
- |
- binaryInject: thisValue into: aBlock | last |
- last <- thisValue.
- self binaryDo: [:i :x | last <- aBlock value: last
- value: i value: x].
- ^ last
- |
- collect: aBlock
- ^ self binaryInject: Dictionary new
- into: [:s :i :x | s at: i put: (aBlock value: x). s]
- |
- do: aBlock
- self binaryDo: [:i :x | aBlock value: x ]
- |
- keys
- ^ self binaryInject: Set new
- into: [:s :i :x | s add: i ]
- |
- indexOf: value
- ^ self indexOf: value
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'index not found']
- |
- indexOf: value ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- self binaryDo: [:i :x | (x == value)
- ifTrue: [ ^ i ] ].
- ^ exceptionBlock value
- |
- select: aBlock
- ^ self binaryInject: Dictionary new
- into: [:s :i :x | (aBlock value: x)
- ifTrue: [ s at: i put: x ]. s ]
- |
- values
- ^ self binaryInject: List new
- into: [:s :i :x | s add: x ]
- ]
- Class Integer
- + value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <60 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super + value ]
- |
- - value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <61 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super - value ]
- |
- < value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <62 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super < value ]
- |
- = value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <66 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super = value ]
- |
- * value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <68 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ super * value ]
- |
- / value " do it as float "
- ^ self asFloat / value
- |
- // value | i |
- i <- self quo: value.
- ( (i < 0) and: [ (self rem: value) ~= 0] )
- ifTrue: [ i <- i - 1 ].
- ^ i
- |
- \\ value
- ^ self * self sign rem: value
- |
- allMask: value
- ^ value = (self bitAnd: value)
- |
- anyMask: value
- ^ 0 ~= (self bitAnd: value)
- |
- asCharacter
- ^ <56 self>
- |
- asFloat
- ^ <51 self>
- |
- bitAnd: value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <71 self value > ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'argument to bit operation must be integer']
- |
- bitAt: value
- ^ (self bitShift: 1 - value) bitAnd: 1
- |
- bitInvert
- ^ self bitXor: -1
- |
- bitOr: value
- ^ (self bitXor: value) bitXor: (self bitAnd: value)
- |
- bitXor: value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <72 self value > ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'argument to bit operation must be integer']
- |
- bitShift: value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <79 self value > ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'argument to bit operation must be integer']
- |
- even
- ^ (self rem: 2) = 0
- |
- factorial | i |
- ^ (self < 8)
- ifTrue: [ i <- 1.
- (2 to: self) do: [:x | i <- i * x].
- i ]
- ifFalse: [ (self + 1) asFloat logGamma exp ]
- |
- gcd: value
- (value = 0) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
- (self negative) ifTrue: [ ^ self negated gcd: value ].
- (value negative) ifTrue: [ ^ self gcd: value negated ].
- (value > self) ifTrue: [ ^ value gcd: self ].
- ^ value gcd: (self rem: value)
- |
- generality
- ^ 2
- |
- lcm: value
- ^ (self quo: (self gcd: value)) * value
- |
- odd
- ^ (self rem: 2) ~= 0
- |
- quo: value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <69 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'argument to quo: must be integer']
- |
- rem: aValue
- ^ (value isMemberOf: Integer)
- ifTrue: [ <70 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'argument to rem: must be integer']
- |
- printString
- ^ <57 self>
- |
- timesRepeat: aBlock | i |
- " use while, which is optimized, not to:, which is not"
- i <- 0.
- [ i < self ] whileTrue:
- [ aBlock value. i <- i + 1]
- ]
- Class Interval
- do: aBlock | current |
- current <- lower.
- (step > 0)
- ifTrue: [ [ current <= upper ] whileTrue:
- [ aBlock value: current.
- current <- current + step ] ]
- ifFalse: [ [ current >= upper ] whileTrue:
- [ aBlock value: current.
- current <- current + step ] ]
- |
- lower: aValue
- lower <- aValue
- |
- upper: aValue
- upper <- aValue
- |
- step: aValue
- step <- aValue
- ]
- Class Link
- addLast: aValue
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink addLast: aValue]
- ifFalse: [ nextLink <- Link new; value: aValue]
- |
- at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- (aKey == key)
- ifTrue: [ ^value ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink at: aKey
- ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ exceptionBlock value ] ]
- |
- at: aKey put: aValue
- (aKey == key)
- ifTrue: [ value <- aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink at: aKey put: aValue]
- ifFalse: [ nextLink <- Link new;
- key: aKey; value: aValue] ]
- |
- binaryDo: aBlock
- aBlock value: key value: value.
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink binaryDo: aBlock ]
- |
- do: aBlock
- aBlock value: value.
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink do: aBlock ]
- |
- key: aKey
- key <- aKey
- |
- includesKey: aKey
- (key == aKey)
- ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink includesKey: aKey ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- link: aLink
- nextLink <- aLink
- |
- removeKey: aKey
- (aKey == key)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink removeKey: aKey]]
- |
- removeValue: aValue
- (aValue == value)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink removeValue: aValue]]
- |
- size
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ 1 + nextLink size]
- ifFalse: [ ^ 1 ]
- |
- value: aValue
- value <- aValue
- |
- value
- ^ value
- ]
- Class List
- add: aValue
- ^ self addFirst: aValue
- |
- addAll: aValue
- aValue do: [:x | self add: x ]
- |
- addFirst: aValue
- links <- Link new; value: aValue; link: links
- |
- addLast: aValue
- (links isNil)
- ifTrue: [ self addFirst: aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ links addLast: aValue ]
- |
- collect: aBlock
- ^ self inject: self class new
- into: [:x :y | x add: (aBlock value: y). x ]
- |
- reject: aBlock
- ^ self select: [:x | (aBlock value: x) not ]
- |
- select: aBlock
- ^ self inject: self class new
- into: [:x :y | (aBlock value: y)
- ifTrue: [x add: y]. x]
- |
- do: aBlock
- (links notNil)
- ifTrue: [ links do: aBlock ]
- |
- first
- (links notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ links value ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ smalltalk error: 'first on empty list']
- |
- removeFirst
- self remove: self first
- |
- remove: value
- (links notNil)
- ifTrue: [ links <- links removeValue: value ]
- |
- size
- (links isNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ links size ]
- ]
- Class Magnitude
- <= value
- ^ (self < value) or: [ self = value ]
- |
- < value
- ^ (value > self)
- |
- >= value
- ^ (self > value) or: [ self = value ]
- |
- > value
- ^ (value < self)
- |
- = value
- ^ (self == value)
- |
- ~= value
- ^ (self = value) not
- |
- between: low and: high
- ^ (low <= self) and: [ self <= high ]
- |
- max: value
- ^ (self < value)
- ifTrue: [ value ]
- ifFalse: [ self ]
- |
- min: value
- ^ (self < value)
- ifTrue: [ self ]
- ifFalse: [ value ]
- ]
- Class Method
- compileWithClass: aClass
- ^ <39 aClass text self>
- |
- name
- ^ message
- |
- message: aSymbol
- message <- aSymbol
- |
- text
- ^ text
- |
- text: aString
- text <- aString
- ]
- Class Number
- maxgen: value
- ^ (self generality > value generality)
- ifTrue: [ self ]
- ifFalse: [ value coerce: self ]
- |
- + value
- ^ (self maxgen: value) + (value maxgen: self)
- |
- - value
- ^ (self maxgen: value) - (value maxgen: self)
- |
- < value
- ^ (self maxgen: value) < (value maxgen: self)
- |
- = value
- ^ (self maxgen: value) = (value maxgen: self)
- |
- * value
- ^ (self maxgen: value) * (value maxgen: self)
- |
- / value
- ^ (self maxgen: value) / (value maxgen: self)
- |
- abs
- ^ (self < 0)
- ifTrue: [ 0 - self ]
- ifFalse: [ self ]
- |
- exp
- ^ self asFloat exp
- |
- gamma
- ^ self asFloat gamma
- |
- ln
- ^ self asFloat ln
- |
- log: value
- ^ self ln / value ln
- |
- negated
- ^ 0 - self
- |
- negative
- ^ self < 0
- |
- positive
- ^ self >= 0
- |
- raisedTo: value
- ^ ( value * self ln ) exp
- |
- reciprocal
- ^ 1.00 / self
- |
- roundTo: value
- ^ (self / value ) rounded * value
- |
- sign
- ^ self negative ifTrue: [ -1 ]
- ifFalse: [ self strictlyPositive
- ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ] ]
- |
- squared
- ^ self * self
- |
- strictlyPositive
- ^ self > 0
- |
- to: value
- ^ Interval new; lower: self; upper: value; step: 1
- |
- to: value by: step
- ^ Interval new; lower: self; upper: value; step: step
- |
- trucateTo: value
- ^ (self / value) trucated * value
- ]
- Class Random
- between: low and: high
- ^ (self next * (high - low)) + low
- |
- next
- ^ (<3> rem: 1000) / 1000
- |
- next: value | list |
- list <- List new.
- value timesRepeat: [ list add: self next ].
- ^ list
- |
- randInteger: value
- ^ 1 + (<3> rem: value)
- |
- set: value
- <55 value>
- ]
- Class Set
- add: value
- (self includes: value)
- ifFalse: [ self addFirst: value ]
- ]
- Class String
- , value
- ^ (value isMemberOf: String)
- ifTrue: [ <24 self value> ]
- ifFalse: [ self , value printString ]
- |
- = value
- (value isKindOf: String)
- ifTrue: [ ^ super = value ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- < value
- (value isKindOf: String)
- ifTrue: [ ^ super < value ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- asInteger | value |
- value <- 0.
- self do: [:x | value <- value * 10 + x digitValue ].
- ^ value
- |
- basicAt: index
- ^ Char new ; value: (super basicAt: index).
- |
- basicAt: index put: aValue
- (aValue isMemberOf: Char)
- ifTrue: [ super basicAt: index put: aValue asciiValue ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'cannot put non Char into string' ]
- |
- asSymbol
- ^ <83 self>
- |
- size
- ^ <81 self>
- |
- copy
- ^ <82 self>
- ]
- Class Smalltalk
- class: aClass doesNotRespond: aMessage
- ^ self error: aClass printString ,
- ' does not respond to ' , aMessage
- |
- cantFindGlobal: name
- ^ self error: 'cant find global symbol ' , name
- |
- flushMessageCache
- <2>
- |
- saveImage: file
- ^ <87 file>
- ]
- Class Symbol
- asString
- ^ <82 self>
- |
- printString
- ^ '#' , self asString
- ]
- Class False
- ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
- ^ falseBlock value
- |
- not
- ^ true
- ]
- Class True
- ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
- ^ trueBlock value
- |
- not
- ^ false
- ]
- Class UndefinedObject
- isNil
- ^ true
- |
- notNil
- ^ false
- |
- printString
- ^ 'nil'
- ]
- End
- echo unbundling unixclasses 1>&2
- cat >unixclasses <<'End'
- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 2
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- *
- * methods for the unix front end - single process version
- *
- * (override previous declaration, adding new instance variable)
- Declare Smalltalk Object errorRecoveryBlock
- * (better override instance as well )
- Instance Smalltalk smalltalk
- *
- Class Method
- executeWith: arguments
- ^ ( Context new ; method: self ;
- temporaries: ( Array new: temporarySize) ;
- arguments: arguments )
- executeFrom: 0
- ]
- Class Class
- addMethod
- self doEdit: ''
- |
- editMethod: name | theMethod |
- theMethod <- methods at: name
- ifAbsent: [ 'no such method ' print. ^ nil ].
- self doEdit: theMethod text
- |
- doEdit: startingText | theMethod |
- theMethod <- Method new;
- text: startingText edit.
- (theMethod compileWithClass: self)
- ifTrue: [ methods at: theMethod name put: theMethod .
- smalltalk flushMessageCache ]
- |
- viewMethod: name
- " edit, but don't do anything with result "
- (methods at: name
- ifAbsent: [ 'no such method ' print. ^ nil ]) text edit
- ]
- Class Smalltalk
- error: aString
- ('Error: ' , aString) print.
- errorRecoveryBlock value
- |
- getString
- ^ <1>
- |
- init | string |
- [ '> ' printNoReturn.
- string <- smalltalk getString. string notNil ]
- whileTrue: [ (string size > 0)
- ifTrue: [ smalltalk doIt: string ] ]
- |
- doIt: aString | method |
- errorRecoveryBlock <- [ ^ nil ].
- method <- Method new.
- method text: ( 'proceed ', aString ).
- (method compileWithClass: Smalltalk)
- ifTrue: [ method executeWith: #( 1 ) ]
- |
- saveImage | name |
- 'type image name: ' printNoReturn.
- name <- self getString.
- (self saveImage: name)
- ifTrue: [ ('image ', name, ' created') print ]
- ifFalse: [ 'image not created' print ]
- ]
- Class String
- edit
- ^ <89 self>
- |
- print
- ^ <88 self>
- |
- printNoReturn
- ^ <86 self>
- ]
- End
- echo unbundling multclasses 1>&2
- cat >multclasses <<'End'
- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 2
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- *
- * multiprocess scheduler - this is optional
- *
- Declare Scheduler Object processList
- Declare Process Object interpreter
- Declare Interpreter Object context prev creating stack stackTop byteCodePointer
- Instance Scheduler scheduler
- Class Block
- newProcess
- ^ (context newInterpreter: bytecodeCounter) newProcess
- |
- fork
- self newProcess resume
- ]
- Class Method
- executeWith: arguments
- ( ( Context new ; method: self ;
- temporaries: ( Array new: temporarySize) ;
- arguments: arguments ) newInterpreter: 0 )
- newProcess resume
- ]
- Class Scheduler
- new
- processList <- Set new
- |
- addProcess: aProcess
- processList add: aProcess
- |
- removeProcess: aProcess
- processList remove: aProcess
- |
- run
- [ processList size ~= 0 ] whileTrue:
- [ processList do: [ :x | x execute ] ]
- ]
- Class Process
- execute | i |
- i <- 0.
- [(i < 200) and: [ interpreter notNil ]]
- whileTrue: [ interpreter <- interpreter execute.
- i <- i + 1 ].
- (interpreter isNil)
- ifTrue: [ self terminate ]
- |
- interpreter: value
- interpreter <- value
- |
- resume
- scheduler addProcess: self
- |
- terminate
- scheduler removeProcess: self
- ]
- Class Interpreter
- new
- stackTop <- 0.
- byteCodePointer <- 0
- |
- execute
- ^ <19 self>
- |
- byteCounter: start
- byteCodePointer <- start
- |
- context: value
- context <- value
- |
- stack: value
- stack <- value.
- |
- newProcess
- ^ Process new; interpreter: self
- ]
- Class Context
- newInterpreter: start
- ^ Interpreter new;
- context: self;
- byteCounter: start;
- stack: (Array new: 20)
- ]
- End
- echo unbundling unix2classes 1>&2
- cat >unix2classes <<'End'
- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 2
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- *
- * unix specific routines for the multiprocess front end
- *
- * (override previous declaration, adding new instance variable)
- Declare Smalltalk Object errorRecoveryBlock
- * (better override instance as well )
- Instance Smalltalk smalltalk
- *
- Class Class
- addMethod
- self doEdit: ''
- |
- editMethod: name | theMethod |
- theMethod <- methods at: name
- ifAbsent: [ 'no such method ' print. ^ nil ].
- self doEdit: theMethod text
- |
- doEdit: startingText | theMethod |
- theMethod <- Method new;
- text: startingText edit.
- (theMethod compileWithClass: self)
- ifTrue: [ methods at: theMethod name put: theMethod .
- smalltalk flushMessageCache ]
- ]
- Class Smalltalk
- error: aString
- ('Error: ' , aString) print.
- errorRecoveryBlock value
- |
- getString
- ^ <1>
- |
- init | string |
- scheduler new.
- [ '> ' printNoReturn.
- string <- smalltalk getString. string notNil ]
- whileTrue: [ (string size > 0)
- ifTrue: [ smalltalk doIt: string ] ]
- |
- doIt: aString | method |
- errorRecoveryBlock <- [ ^ nil ].
- method <- Method new.
- method text: ( 'proceed ', aString ).
- (method compileWithClass: Smalltalk)
- ifTrue: [ method executeWith: #( 1 ).
- scheduler run ]
- |
- saveImage | name |
- 'type image name: ' printNoReturn.
- name <- self getString.
- self saveImage: name.
- ('image ', name, ' created') print
- ]
- Class String
- edit
- ^ <89 self>
- |
- print
- ^ <88 self>
- |
- printNoReturn
- ^ <86 self>
- ]
- End
- echo unbundling testclasses 1>&2
- cat >testclasses <<'End'
- *
- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 2
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- *
- * a few test cases.
- * invoke by messages to global variable ``test'', i.e.
- * test queen
- *
- * all test cases can be run by sending the message all to test
- * test all
- *
- Declare Test Object
- Declare Queen Object row column neighbor
- Declare One Object
- Declare Two One
- Declare Three Two
- Declare Four Three
- Instance Test test
- Class Queen
- setColumn: aNumber neighbor: aQueen
- column <- aNumber.
- neighbor <- aQueen
- |
- first
- (neighbor notNil)
- ifTrue: [ neighbor first ].
- row <- 1.
- ^ self testPosition
- |
- next
- (row = 8)
- ifTrue: [ ((neighbor isNil) or: [neighbor next isNil])
- ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
- row <- 0 ].
- row <- row + 1.
- ^ self testPosition
- |
- testPosition
- (neighbor isNil) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
- (neighbor checkRow: row column: column)
- ifTrue: [ ^ self next ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ self ]
- |
- checkRow: testRow column: testColumn | columnDifference |
- columnDifference <- testColumn - column.
- (((row = testRow) or:
- [ row + columnDifference = testRow]) or:
- [ row - columnDifference = testRow])
- ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
- (neighbor notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ neighbor checkRow: testRow
- column: testColumn ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- printBoard
- (neighbor notNil)
- ifTrue: [ neighbor printBoard ].
- ('column ', column , ' row ', row ) print.
- ]
- Class One
- test
- ^ 1
- |
- result1
- ^ self test
- ]
- Class Two
- test
- ^ 2
- ]
- Class Three
- result2
- ^ self result1
- |
- result3
- ^ super test
- ]
- Class Four
- test
- ^ 4
- ]
- Class Test
- all
- self fork.
- self queen.
- self super.
- |
- fork
- (Block respondsTo: #fork)
- ifTrue: [ [ (1 to: 10) do: [:x | x print] ] fork.
- [ (30 to: 40) do: [:y | y print] ] fork ]
- |
- queen | lastQueen |
- lastQueen <- nil.
- (1 to: 8) do: [:i | lastQueen <- Queen new;
- setColumn: i neighbor: lastQueen ].
- lastQueen first.
- lastQueen printBoard
- |
- super | x1 x2 x3 x4 |
- x1 <- One new.
- x2 <- Two new.
- x3 <- Three new.
- x4 <- Four new.
- x1 test print.
- x1 result1 print.
- x2 test print.
- x2 result1 print.
- x3 test print.
- x4 result1 print.
- x3 result2 print.
- x4 result2 print.
- x3 result3 print.
- x4 result3 print
- ]
- End
- echo unbundling stest.out 1>&2
- cat >stest.out <<'End'
- initially 1778 objects
- > column 1 row 1
- column 2 row 5
- column 3 row 8
- column 4 row 6
- column 5 row 3
- column 6 row 7
- column 7 row 2
- column 8 row 4
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 4
- 2
- 4
- 2
- 2
- > finally 1789 objects
- End