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- /* @(#)print.c 2.4 (c) copyright 10/15/86 (Dan Heller) */
- #include "mush.h"
- #include <varargs.h>
- /*VARARGS1*/
- void
- error(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
- register char *fmt;
- char *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4;
- {
- print(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
- print_more(": %s\n", sys_errlist[errno]);
- }
- #if defined(SUNTOOL) || defined(CURSES)
- /*
- * print just like printf -- to a window, to curses, or to stdout. Use vprintf
- * if available. msgbuf is the buffer used to print into if necessary.
- * If you're running SUN3.2 or higher, the typecast (unsigned char *)msgbuf
- * (where indicated) otherwise, msgbuf is not typecast at all.
- * Also note same casting in wprint().
- */
- /*VARARGS1*/
- void
- print(fmt, va_alist)
- register char *fmt;
- va_dcl
- {
- static char msgbuf[BUFSIZ];
- va_list args;
- #ifndef VPRINTF
- FILE foo;
- #endif /* VPRINTF */
- static int x; /* position on line saved for continued prints */
- char *p; /* same type as struct file _ptr,_buf in stdio.h */
- va_start(args); /* have args point to the beginning of argument stack */
- #ifdef CURSES
- if (iscurses) {
- if (isoff(glob_flags, CONT_PRNT))
- move(LINES-1, x = 0), refresh();
- } else
- #endif /* CURSES */
- if (istool < 2) {
- #ifdef VPRINTF
- vprintf(fmt, args);
- #else /* VPRINTF */
- _doprnt(fmt, args, stdout);
- #endif /* VPRINTF */
- fflush(stdout);
- va_end(args);
- return;
- }
- #ifdef VPRINTF
- if (fmt)
- vsprintf(msgbuf, fmt, args); /* NULL in fmt reprints last msg */
- #else /* VPRINTF */
- foo._cnt = BUFSIZ;
- foo._base = foo._ptr = msgbuf; /* may have to be cast(unsigned char *) */
- foo._flag = _IOWRT+_IOSTRG;
- if (fmt) { /* passing NULL (not "") reprints last message */
- (void) _doprnt(fmt, args, &foo);
- *foo._ptr = '\0'; /* plant terminating null character */
- }
- #endif /* VPIRNTF */
- va_end(args);
- p = msgbuf;
- if (iscurses || istool)
- while (p = index(p, '\n'))
- *p = ' ';
- #ifdef CURSES
- if (iscurses) {
- p = msgbuf;
- for (;;) {
- int len = COLS-1-x; /* space remaining at till the eol */
- /* don't wrap the line! Just print it and refresh() */
- printw("%-.*s", len, p), clrtoeol(), refresh();
- /* if length(p) (remainder of msgbuf) doesn't wrap, break loop */
- if ((x += strlen(p)) < COLS-1)
- break;
- /* the next print will overwrite bottom line, so \n first */
- putchar('\n'), move(LINES-1, x = 0); /* reset x */
- /* move p forward the number of chars we were able to display */
- p += len;
- turnon(glob_flags, CNTD_CMD); /* display ...continue... prompt */
- }
- turnoff(glob_flags, CONT_PRNT);
- return;
- }
- #endif /* CURSES */
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- if (isoff(glob_flags, CONT_PRNT))
- x = 5;
- turnoff(glob_flags, CONT_PRNT);
- pw_text(print_win, x, l_height(LARGE), PIX_SRC, fonts[LARGE], msgbuf);
- pw_text(print_win, x+1, l_height(LARGE), PIX_SRC|PIX_DST,
- fonts[LARGE], msgbuf);
- x += strlen(msgbuf) * l_width(LARGE);
- Clrtoeol(print_win, x, l_height(LARGE), LARGE);
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- }
- #endif /* SUNTOOL || CURSES */
- #ifdef SUNTOOL
- void
- wprint(fmt, va_alist)
- register char *fmt;
- va_dcl
- {
- #ifndef VPRINTF
- FILE foo;
- #endif /* VPRINTF */
- char msgbuf[BUFSIZ]; /* we're not getting huge strings */
- va_list args;
- va_start(args);
- if (istool < 2) {
- #ifdef VPRINTF
- vprintf(fmt, args);
- #else /* VPRINTF */
- _doprnt(fmt, args, stdout);
- #endif /* VPRINTF */
- va_end(args);
- fflush(stdout);
- return;
- }
- if (!fmt)
- return;
- #ifdef VPRINTF
- vsprintf(msgbuf, fmt, args); /* NULL in fmt reprints last msg */
- #else /* VPRINTF */
- foo._cnt = BUFSIZ;
- foo._base = foo._ptr = msgbuf; /* may have to typecast (unsigned char *) */
- foo._flag = _IOWRT+_IOSTRG;
- _doprnt(fmt, args, &foo); /* format like printf into msgbuf via foo */
- *foo._ptr = '\0'; /* plant terminating null character */
- #endif /* VPRINTF */
- Addstr(msgbuf); /* addstr() will scroll if necessary */
- }
- /*
- * scroll the msg_win "lines"
- * if `lines' is negative (backwards scroll) msg_pix can't be NULL
- */
- void
- scroll_win(lines)
- register int lines;
- {
- register int y = lines * l_height(curfont);
- if (txt.y + y < msg_rect.r_height)
- y = 0; /* temporary */
- txt.x = 5;
- if (msg_pix) {
- if (txt.y + y >= msg_pix->pr_size.y - 5)
- y = msg_pix->pr_size.y - txt.y;
- still_more += y; /* let scrolling know where we are */
- txt.y += y;
- pw_rop(msg_win, 0, 5,
- msg_rect.r_width, crt * l_height(curfont),
- PIX_SRC, msg_pix, 0, txt.y - msg_rect.r_height + 3);
- tool_more(NULL);
- return;
- }
- /* y must be positive (forward scrolling) so we're scrolling typed
- * text or something like that (~p, ~?, etc...)
- */
- pw_copy(msg_win, 0, 0,
- msg_rect.r_width, msg_rect.r_height - y,
- PIX_SRC, msg_win, 0, y);
- pw_writebackground(msg_win, 0, msg_rect.r_height - y,
- msg_rect.r_width, y, PIX_CLR);
- txt.y -= y;
- }
- #endif /* SUNTOOL */
- clr_bot_line()
- {
- print("");
- }