home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* rite.c (c) copyright 1986 (Dan Heller) */
- #include "mush.h"
- #define LASTLINE (msg_rect.r_height - l_height(LARGE)-5)
- static char String[BUFSIZ];
- static int count, overflow, save_orig_x;
- char *
- rite(c)
- register char c;
- {
- static int literal_next;
- if (c == ltchars.t_lnextc || literal_next) {
- if (literal_next)
- Addch(c);
- else /* don't call Addch to prevent cursor from advancing */
- pw_char(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], '^');
- literal_next = !literal_next;
- return NULL;
- }
- literal_next = 0;
- if (c == _tty.sg_erase || c == CTRL(127) || c == CTRL(H)) {
- if (count)
- backspace();
- } else if (c == _tty.sg_kill) {
- if (count) {
- Clrtoeol(msg_win, txt.x = save_orig_x, txt.y,curfont);
- overflow = count = String[0] = 0;
- }
- } else if (c == ltchars.t_werasc)
- while (count) {
- char c = String[count-1];
- backspace();
- if (!count ||
- isspace(String[count-1]) && !isspace(c) ||
- !isalnum(String[count-1]) && isalnum(c))
- break;
- }
- else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == 13) {
- String[count] = 0;
- if ((txt.y += l_height(curfont)) >= LASTLINE && !getting_opts)
- scroll_win(1);
- /* else Clrtoeol(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, curfont); */
- overflow = count = 0, txt.x = 5;
- return String;
- } else if (c == 12)
- if (ison(glob_flags, IS_GETTING))
- Addch(c);
- else
- do_clear();
- else if (count == BUFSIZ-1)
- print("Text too long for String!"), count--;
- else if (c == '\t')
- do Addch(' ');
- while (count % 8 && count < BUFSIZ);
- else
- Addch(c);
- return NULL;
- }
- static
- backspace()
- {
- if (overflow) {
- pw_text(msg_win, save_orig_x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont],
- &String[--overflow]);
- Clrtoeol(msg_win, msg_rect.r_width-10-l_width(curfont), txt.y, curfont);
- String[--count] = 0;
- } else if ((txt.x -= l_width(curfont)) >= 5) {
- if (iscntrl(String[count-1])) {
- pw_char(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], ' ');
- txt.x -= l_width(curfont);
- }
- pw_char(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], ' ');
- String[--count] = 0;
- } else
- txt.x = 5;
- }
- static
- Addch(c)
- register char c;
- {
- extern char *_unctrl[];
- if (!count)
- save_orig_x = txt.x, bzero(String, BUFSIZ);
- if (c > 31 && c != 127)
- String[count++] = c;
- else {
- Addch('^'), count--;
- Addch(_unctrl[c][1]);
- String[count-1] = c;
- return;
- }
- pw_char(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], c);
- if ((txt.x += l_width(curfont)) <= msg_rect.r_width-5-l_width(curfont))
- return;
- if (getting_opts) {
- pw_text(msg_win, save_orig_x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont],
- &String[++overflow]);
- txt.x -= l_width(curfont);
- pw_char(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], ' ');
- } else {
- txt.x = 5;
- if ((txt.y += l_height(curfont)) >= LASTLINE)
- scroll_win(1);
- }
- }
- Addstr(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- register int cnt = 0, max_len;
- register char *p = buf, newline = 0;
- max_len = (msg_rect.r_width - 10) / l_width(curfont) + 1;
- while ((*p = *s++) && *p != '\n' && cnt < max_len)
- if (*p == '\t')
- do *p++ = ' ';
- while (++cnt % 8);
- else p++, cnt++;
- *p = 0;
- if (*--s)
- newline = *s, *s = 0; /* newline may or may not be a '\n' */
- else
- s = 0;
- if (*buf) {
- if (msg_pix) {
- struct pr_prpos pixr;
- pixr.pr = msg_pix;
- pixr.pos = txt;
- pf_text(pixr, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], buf);
- } else
- pw_text(msg_win, txt.x, txt.y, PIX_SRC, fonts[curfont], buf);
- txt.x += cnt * l_width(curfont);
- }
- if (newline) {
- if (newline != '\n')
- *s = newline;
- if ((txt.y += l_height(curfont)) >= LASTLINE && !msg_pix)
- scroll_win(1);
- txt.x = 5;
- if (newline == '\n' && !*++s)
- return;
- Addstr(s);
- }
- }
- tool_more(p)
- register char *p;
- {
- int percent;
- /* we are typing -- scrool the window */
- if (!msg_pix) {
- scroll_win(1);
- return;
- }
- if (p)
- print(p);
- else {
- if ((percent = (still_more * 100) / msg_pix->pr_size.y) >= 100)
- print( "--End of Message %d--", current_msg+1);
- else
- print("--Message %d--(%d%%)", current_msg+1, percent);
- if (ison(glob_flags, IS_GETTING))
- print_more(" ('q' returns to type-in mode)");
- }
- }