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- Subject: v14i022: Device-independant graphics system, with drivers
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Joe Dellinger <joe@hanauma.STANFORD.EDU>
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 22
- Archive-name: vplot/part17
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 17 (of 24)."
- # Wrapped by rsalz@fig.bbn.com on Fri Mar 25 11:47:28 1988
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn'\" \(15800 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.TH vplot_text 9 "7 April 1987"
- vplot text \- A guide to using the new Hershey fonts in vplot
- X
- Vplot fonts are mixtures of vectors and filled areas which simulate typeset
- fonts on graphics devices. Since they are not raster, they can be arbitrarily
- scaled, stretched, skewed, and rotated, and can be plotted on any device.
- X
- There are 17 fonts. Font 0 is just the regular old PEN font we've been using all
- along. The default font is device and installation dependent, or can be set
- from the command line (see options below).
- Here is a complete list of fonts and their number:
- X
- X.br
- X0 pen
- X.br
- X1 roman simplex
- X.br
- X2 roman duplex
- X.br
- X3 roman complex
- X.br
- X4 roman triplex
- X.br
- X5 italic complex
- X.br
- X6 italic triplex
- X.br
- X7 script simplex
- X.br
- X8 script complex
- X.br
- X9 greek simplex
- X.br
- X10 greek complex
- X.br
- X11 Cyrillic complex
- X.br
- X12 German style gothic triplex
- X.br
- X13 Greek style gothic triplex
- X.br
- X14 Italian style gothic triplex
- X.br
- X15 mathematics
- X.br
- X16 miscellaneous
- X.br
- X
- Font 0 was designed by Rob Clayton at Stanford. Fonts 1 through 16 are debugged
- versions of the `Hershey' fonts available from mod.sources. In order to
- have permission to use these fonts, I must now display this message:
- X
- X.br
- X - The Hershey Fonts were originally created by Dr.
- X.br
- X A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S.
- X.br
- X National Bureau of Standards.
- X
- This section describes the control sequences which are accessible to any user
- of
- X.B vplot
- text, via whatever program.
- X
- Vplot text recognizes `\\' as a special character used to signal the start of
- an escape sequence. There are two sorts of escape sequences, those that take an
- argument and those that do not.
- X
- Here is a complete list of escape sequences that do not take an argument:
- X.br
- X\\> Advance one interletter space
- X.br
- X\\< Back up one interletter space
- X.br
- X\\^ Raise one half of a capital letter height
- X.br
- X\\_ Lower one half of a capital letter height
- X.br
- X\\g Continue processing text, but don't actually print it (`ghostify it').
- This is useful if you want to leave space to go back and add something by hand.
- X.br
- X\\G Start printing text again
- X.br
- X\\n Newline
- X.br
- X\\h Backspace (control-h also works) back up over the last character
- X.br
- X\\- Does nothing; used to prevent a group of characters from being formed
- into a ligature.
- X.br
- X\\\\ Print a backslash
- X.br
- X
- The following take an integer argument immediately after, with a
- X.B required space
- after the integer to delineate the end. This space is not printed.
- X
- X.br
- X\\s Size change. Change to this percent of the size set in the text vplot
- call. \\s100 restores the default height.
- X.br
- X\\f Add this to current fatness. Goes out of effect when text printing is
- finished.
- X.br
- X\\F Switch to this font number. (-1 restores the default font).
- X.br
- X\\k Move by this many space widths to the right.
- X.br
- X\\r Move up this many character heights (the height of a standard capital
- letter, such as `A').
- X.br
- X\\v Print this ASCII character number in the current font, stripping it
- of any special meaning.
- This and ligatures are the only way that glyphs numbered
- greater than 255 are available.
- X.br
- X\\c Switch to this color. -1 restores the current drawing color.
- Vplot's current drawing color is not changed by changing the color inside text.
- X.br
- X\\m Save current position in this number register.
- X.br
- X\\M Restore position saved in this number register.
- X.br
- X
- Since programs such as `graph' do not interpret text themselves, but
- rely on vplot to do it, the above control sequences may simply be used wherever
- any graphics text is used. For example, instead of specifying as an option to
- graph label=`beta', you can specify label=`\\F9 b' and actually get the Greek
- letter beta from the Greek Simplex font.
- X
- X Here are some more examples:
- X
- X To get an integral sign:
- X.br
- X \\F15 \\v168
- X.br
- X Translation: Switch to font 15 (math symbols), print character #168 (integral
- sign).
- X
- X To get `X squared plus Y squared':
- X.br
- X X\\^2\\_ + Y\\^2
- X.br
- X Translation: Print X, go up half, print 2, go back down half, print +,
- print Y, go up half, print 2.
- X
- X As an advanced example, to get `A sub b sup beta':
- X.br
- X A\\m1 \\_b\\M1 \\^\\F9 b
- X.br
- X Translation: Do A, save this spot, go down half, do b, restore the
- saved spot, go up half, switch to font 9 (Greek Simplex) do beta. (Notice
- the use of marks to stack characters on top of each other.)
- X
- X Warning: \\ is a special character in C. To get a backslash, you
- have to use \\\\.
- X
- X
- X.TP
- X.B txfont=font_number
- Txfont specifies the default text font.
- The default is device and installation
- dependent. Generally, screen devices will default to the `pen' font since it is
- by far the fastest to draw, and hardcopy devices will default to either
- roman simplex
- or roman complex since these are the closest to looking like standard typeset
- text. Out-of-range font
- numbers (starting at 100) may be used in a device-dependent fashion
- to access hardware fonts on devices that have them. Devices that don't have
- hardware fonts will use the font number modulo 100.
- Fonts 0-99 are guaranteed device-independent.
- X
- X.TP
- X.B txprec=0
- Txprec specifies the default text precision (a GKS term).
- Possible values are character (0), string (1), and stroke (2).
- For vector fonts, the text precision parameter is ignored except that
- ligatures are only enabled at precision 2. The precision parameter
- may be significant if device-dependent hardware fonts are used,
- however. The default precision is device and installation dependent.
- X
- X.TP
- X.B txovly=0
- Txovly sets the default text overlay mode.
- This controls whether or not to clear out an area behind the
- text before writing it, and whether or not to put a box around it.
- Overlay modes 1 and 3 draw a box, and modes 2 and 3 shade the inside of
- the box with the background color. The default text overlay mode is 0
- X(do nothing).
- All text overlay modes may not be supported on all devices.
- X(Some devices cannot shade to background color, for example.)
- X
- The default font, default precision, and default text overlay mode may all be
- reset by the appropriate vplot command.
- X
- X.TP
- X.B fontN=file_name
- The binary format vplot font file for font number N is located in file_name.
- If the font number is not one normally defined on the system, file_name
- defaults to fontN, where again N is the font number. If the device does
- not have hardware fonts, the font number modulo 100 will be used
- for all internal purposes (so fonts 201 and 101 must be the same,
- for example). The N in the above option will still be the
- original font number, however. Fonts that are included
- at compile time are hardwired and cannot be changed.
- X
- Fonts may specify that certain combinations of adjacent glyphs be combined into
- a single new glyph whenever they occur. For example, `ffi' in font 3 (it's
- a ligature in troff, too). This
- takes place automatically at precision 2.
- The only fonts which currently contain
- ligatures are the Roman Complex, Italic Complex, and Cyrillic Complex fonts.
- X(Ligatures may be used in fonts for foreign languages to good effect to
- automatically de-transliterate English approximations. For example, `sh' in
- the Cyrillic font automatically comes out as a single Shah character.
- X`KHrushchev', for example, contains only 6 glyphs: KH-r-u-shch-e-v.
- The K and H here are both
- capitalized since they are both part of the first character. The `Tests'
- directory contains the example TEST_Cyrillic which shows how to generate
- every letter in the Cyrillic alphabet.)
- X
- Text justification is set by the appropriate command in vplot, and follows
- the GKS standard.
- Since this text routine allows character size and active font to
- be changed within a single text string, the GKS standard is extended so that
- X`TOP' and `BOTTOM' alignments align on the highest top and the lowest
- bottom of the characters used. (Note that this makes the alignment font and
- size dependent, but not dependent on the actual characters used.)
- The `CAP' and `HALF' alignments are determined
- by those for the default font.
- X
- All sizes of all fonts are aligned together by their baselines.
- X
- Horizontal alignment is based according to the beginning and ending horizontal
- positions. You can use marks to make the ending position be anywhere in the
- string you wish.
- X
- A `SYMBOL' justification mode has also been added to those defined by GKS.
- Each glyph has a `hot
- spot' defined, which is where the glyph is to be centered if it is used as
- a symbol. The last printable character in a string is the character centered on
- as the symbol. To center on a character in the middle
- of the string as a symbol, mark the spot with the \\m command immediately after that
- character and then restore that location at the end of the string with the
- X\\M command. That character
- is now the `last character' as far as all centering is concerned.
- Size changes and horizontal
- shifts are taken into account
- in the symbol justification mode, but shifts up and down are not.
- X
- Vplot polymarkers are drawn by setting the SYMBOL text justification mode,
- setting the correct font,
- creating a special single-character string, and
- then calling the text routine to draw the symbol.
- X
- Nonexistent glyphs are rendered as a special `error' glyph. Which glyph is
- used for this is installation dependent, and is set by defines in
- gentext.c. As distributed, it is glyph 30 in font 0, which is a `?' inside
- a diamond. (I stole this idea from the Imagen laser printer.) An error message
- will be produced the first time that a nonexistent glyph is referenced.
- X(Only the first time so that you don't get overwhelmed with error messages
- if you're trying to use a font that doesn't exist on that system.)
- Attempts to use nonexistent fonts produce
- an error message and font 0 (or whatever other font has been
- designated as the error font in gentext.c) is used instead.
- X
- Various other non-fatal errors can occur and all
- give self-explanatory error messages.
- X
- The Vplot source code is copyrighted. Please read the copyright notice you
- will find in the Vplot manual page.
- X
- Font files used by the vplot text subroutine `gentext' are kept in
- X.../vplot/filters/include/vplotfonts/*. There are two forms for each font,
- an `include' form and a `binary' form. The include form is compiled in
- as an #include file into gentext. This is more efficient, but makes the
- executable code considerably longer and slows down compilation.
- The binary form is loaded on the fly as
- needed at runtime. Which method is used for which font is system dependent
- and is determined by the file .../vplot/include/font_definitions.h.
- X
- The subroutine
- X.B gentext.c
- is the device-independent generic subroutine that vplot uses to draw
- vector fonts.
- Gentext.c is constructed in such a way that it could easily be fit into a GKS
- package. While Vplot itself thinks in terms of `text orientation' and
- X`text size', gentext thinks in terms of `character up vectors' and
- X`character path vectors'. Squashed, slanted, etc, text can be produced
- by having these two vectors not be perpendicular or not the same length.
- X(This can only happen when using vplot when xscale does not equal yscale.)
- X
- The program
- X.B makefont.c
- takes a `vplot font' and encodes it into the forms required by gentext.
- The format of a `vplot font' is designed such that it can be read into the
- program `plas'
- and then piped into a vplot filter. IE, the command
- X.br
- plas < cyrilc.vplot_font | ?pen xcenter=0 ycenter=0 scale=50 pause=1
- X.br
- will display each glyph in the cyrillic font, one per second.
- X
- The exact format of a `vplot font' file is given in comments at the beginning of
- makefont.c, and the file pen.vplot_font serves as an example.
- Since vplot_fonts are just open-format vplot files, it is very easy to create your
- own special purpose glyphs, markers, or fonts and add these to the system.
- X
- The program
- X.B hertovplot.c
- converts `Hershey' font data as distributed by mod.sources
- X(mod.sources is a UNIX network `news' group for distributing
- useful UNIX software.)
- into vplot fonts.
- Its use is described in comments at the beginning of the program.
- The program
- X.B hertogrid.c
- draws all the glyphs in a Hershey glyph file on a grid, labeling each glyph
- with its number. (The Hershey glyph files have to be organized into reasonable
- fonts by hand! The organization of my fonts mostly follows those provided by
- Mr. Hurt, but I have added in a few things he missed
- and reordered the non-English
- fonts to make more sense. I have stolen bits of Mr. Hurt's code to write
- hertovplot.c and hertogrid.c.)
- X
- To install all the fonts, you must first obtain the Hershey fonts for
- yourself
- as distributed by mod.sources (if you don't know how to get stuff
- from them, then how did you get this file that you're reading now?).
- Follow the instructions to create the
- four `.oc' files, and copy these into the .../vplot/Hershey directory.
- Do not copy the `.hmp' files.
- Follow the instructions you will find in the file .../vplot/Hershey/README
- to make all the required `vplot_font's.
- X(Note that pen.vplot_font is not part of the Hershey font distribution.
- This font was created by Rob Clayton around 1980, and slightly modified
- by Joe Dellinger in 1986.)
- Once you have done this,
- go into the .../vplot/filters/include/vplotfonts directory, and
- do `make'. This will create the required `.include' and `.bin'
- fonts.
- X
- pen(9) vplot(9) libvplot(9)
- X
- Joe Dellinger
- X(joe@hanauma.stanford.edu, convex!convexw!hanauma!joe, decvax!hanauma!joe)
- You may ask me for advice if you wish to help do any of the things in
- the wish list below.
- X
- The letter `J' in the Roman Triplex font in the Hershey font distribution
- has mangled width information. The vplot font for this font has to be edited by
- hand to correct this mistake.
- X
- Gentext.c does not yet support all the required GKS features. However, as all
- the internal calculations are done in a way consistent with the GKS model
- modifying the code to support these is a very straightforward job which I
- leave to someone else.
- X
- Somebody should make sure that all the `hot spots' defined for characters
- are reasonable. (The `hot spot' is the point that is aligned on when
- symbol alignment mode is used.)
- X(The ones installed now are the defaults chosen by
- makefont.c.) Somebody should create a special `polymarker' font.
- Currently several of the more esoteric symbols called by the vplot
- polymarker command are not very well centered (notably triangles).
- X
- Somebody should write an interactive program to create new glyphs with.
- X
- Somebody should turn some of the better Hershey vector fonts into filled-area
- fonts. (Unfortunately, Mr. Hershey didn't see fit to order his vectors in such
- a way as to make this easy.) The only thing lacking is the font itself,
- because vplot itself already supports arbitrary mixtures of filled-areas
- and vectors in fonts. Currently there are just a few glyphs containing
- filled areas in font 0, as examples showing how to do it.
- X
- Dr. Geller (the first tenured American professor at a Japanese university,
- and a former Stanford Earth Sciences professor)
- should have his students create a katakana and a hirigana font.
- Ligatures can be used to pair the appropriate consonant-vowel pairs.
- There are also quite a few Kanji glyphs available as well, from which a Kanji
- font could be constructed.
- A ligature could be constructed to turn each English word into its Kanji
- equivalent! (The number of glyphs in a font is not limited to 256! That's
- why I did things that way.)
- X
- Somebody should extend the way ligatures are read from vplot font files,
- so that you can just give the
- ASCII character itself instead of the glyph number
- if one exists. Since I only had a few ligatures I didn't want to bother with
- this.
- if test 15800 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/vplottext.mn'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c'\" \(15037 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/genlib/polyfix.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), June 11 1987
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X * Joe Dellinger Feb 29, 1988
- X * Changed POLYS to 5000 so it will compile on RT's.
- X * Somebody should change the whole thing into linked lists!
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "../include/err.h"
- X#include "../include/extern.h"
- X#include "../include/params.h"
- X#define EMPTY -100
- X#define NOLINK -10
- X#define ENDOFLIST -1
- X#define UNCLAIMED 0
- X#define CLAIMED 1
- X#define INTERIOR 0
- X#define POLYS 5000 /* Memory alloted for polygon */
- X#define MAXPOL 500 /* Maximum number of polygons made */
- X
- X/*
- X * This routine breaks up the clipped polygon generated by "polygon" into
- X * multiple polygons as needed, using the Thorson-Dellinger method!
- X *
- X * Note 1:
- X * The output of "polygon" is a clipped polygon with different parts
- X * joined by lines around the edge of the window. (This is unsightly.)
- X * This routine seems to do a reasonably efficient job of fixing this.
- X * (It's a pretty hard problem!)
- X *
- X * Note 2:
- X * This always (I hope) works for non-crossed polygons. Crossed polygons
- X * will sometimes be turned into two overlapping polygons,
- X * which can cause interior voids to be shaded. Some terminals,
- X * like the color tektronix, can be sent multiple polygons
- X * and told that they are to be shaded as one. If this is the
- X * case, the routine should always (I think) work, even for crossed
- X * polygons. To fix this problem, you would have to laboriously
- X * look for intersections of "disjoint" polygons. A new point would
- X * then be added at the intersection, and the two polygons joined
- X * into one through that point. The required routines are pretty much
- X * already in this program, but it seems that the large amount of
- X * time to check for this obscure case is not worth it. There seems
- X * to be no obvious way around this.
- X *
- X * --- Joe Dellinger, May 7, 1984.
- X *
- X * Looking back on this I realize that I still had a lot to learn
- X * about C coding when I wrote this; some kind soul should go back
- X * and update this to use pointers and allocated linked-lists.
- X * I don't feel like doing this myself; the thing works perfectly
- X * for us even if the code itself is a mess!
- X *
- X * --- Joe Dellinger, May 3, 1987.
- X */
- X
- static int poly[POLYS][5];
- X/*
- X * Doubly linked list that will contain the vertices of our polygons. 0-X 1-Y
- X * 2-forward link 3-backward link 4-which edge? 1-bottom 2-left 4-top 8-right
- X */
- static int pols[MAXPOL]; /* Point to the start of each polygon */
- static int polsc[MAXPOL]; /* Cycle length */
- static int npols; /* How many polygons we have */
- X
- static int pedge[POLYS]; /* Edge points of the polygon */
- static int nedge, nedge2; /* number of edge points */
- X
- static int point, endlist;
- X
- int bottom, left;
- X
- X
- int Allgone;/* Communicate to polygon whether we ever got
- X * anything */
- X
- polyfix (x, y, first) /* Read in the data for polystart */
- X int x, y, *first;
- X{
- static int oldx, oldy;
- X
- X if (*first == 1)
- X {
- X *first = 0;
- X point = 1;
- X Allgone = 0; /* All the points aren't gone! */
- X oldx = x + 1;
- X oldy = y + 1; /* Won't match */
- X }
- X /*
- X * Put the point x,y into the list as number point, Unless it is *
- X * superfluous
- X */
- X if ((x == oldx) && (y == oldy))
- X return; /* ignore repeated points */
- X poly[point][0] = x; /* X of vertex */
- X poly[point][1] = y; /* Y of vertex */
- X oldx = x;
- X oldy = y;
- X point++;
- X if (point >= POLYS)
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Not enough memory for polygon!");
- X}
- X
- polystart () /* Start working on the polygons */
- X{
- int i, j, k, l, ii;
- int firstpoint, flag, double_check;
- int temp1, temp2, temp;
- extern int smart_clip;
- X
- X endlist = point; /* Last element in use */
- X /* initialize array */
- X for (i = 0; i <= point; i++)
- X {
- X poly[i][4] = INTERIOR;
- X poly[i][2] = i + 1;
- X poly[i][3] = i - 1;
- X }
- X poly[0][0] = poly[0][1] = EMPTY;
- X poly[point][0] = poly[point][1] = EMPTY;
- X
- X /* fix links of free list and last point */
- X poly[0][3] = NOLINK;
- X poly[0][2] = point;
- X poly[point][2] = ENDOFLIST;
- X poly[point][3] = 0; /* point to start of free list */
- X
- X poly[point - 1][2] = 1; /* point to start of polygon */
- X poly[1][3] = point - 1;
- X
- X /* Now we have our polygon stored as a circular double-linked list! */
- X
- X if (smart_clip)
- X goto skip_it; /* smart device can handle it from here */
- X
- X
- X /* Identify all edge points */
- X
- X /*
- X * They are identified 2 ways; each point contains the information
- X * itself, and there is an array which points to all edge points. This is
- X * to avoid searching through the entire polygon.
- X */
- X
- X nedge = 0;
- X i = firstpoint = 1; /* Since we are just starting, we know the
- X * polygon MUST start here */
- X do
- X {
- X if (poly[i][4] = edge (poly[i][0], poly[i][1])) /* NOT an == */
- X {
- X /* It's on an edge */
- X nedge++;
- X pedge[nedge] = i;
- X }
- X i = poly[i][2];
- X }
- X while (firstpoint != i);
- X
- X nedge2 = nedge;
- X
- X /*
- X * Look at each edge segment. See if any edge points occur inside
- X * segments joining two other edge points. (Got that?)
- X */
- X
- X for (ii = 1; ii <= nedge2; ii++)
- X {
- X i = pedge[ii];
- X if (k = (poly[i][4] & poly[poly[i][2]][4]))
- X {
- X /* We have an edge link. That is, it connects to edge vertices. */
- X /* See if any other edge points lie inbetween these two. */
- X for (j = 1; j <= nedge; j++)
- X {
- X if (k & poly[pedge[j]][4])
- X {
- X /* This point is on the correct edge */
- X
- X l = ((k & (8 + 2)) > 0);
- X
- X /* l = 0 if top or bottom, 1 if left or right */
- X
- X if (poly[i][l] > poly[poly[i][2]][l])
- X {
- X if ((poly[pedge[j]][l] > poly[poly[i][2]][l])
- X && (poly[pedge[j]][l] < poly[i][l]))
- X /* Got one! */
- X /* insert it into the list */
- X {
- X nedge2++;
- X insert (i, poly[pedge[j]][0],
- X poly[pedge[j]][1],
- X poly[pedge[j]][4]);
- X pedge[nedge2] = poly[i][2];
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if ((poly[pedge[j]][l] < poly[poly[i][2]][l])
- X && (poly[pedge[j]][l] > poly[i][l]))
- X /* Got one! */
- X /* insert it into the list */
- X {
- X nedge2++;
- X insert (i, poly[pedge[j]][0],
- X poly[pedge[j]][1],
- X poly[pedge[j]][4]);
- X pedge[nedge2] = poly[i][2];
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X /*
- X * Whether you found one or not, continue on. If we did
- X * insert one, IT is now the next point and our interval has
- X * gotten shorter. Some sort of sorting would be more
- X * effecient, but it doesn't seem worth the extra complexity
- X * at this time of night. It would involve a lot of special
- X * cases, whereas doing it this way doesn't.
- X */
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X nedge = nedge2; /* Keep track of all the new edge points we
- X * just created */
- X
- X /*
- X * We have now inserted all the required points. Look for links that
- X * connect the same two positions. (But different vertices... That is,
- X * vertices which are not consecutive but have the same location!)
- X */
- X /* Be careful that the link is not of zero length! */
- X /*
- X * Despite everything, it still seems to occasionally miss a spot. So as
- X * an easy fix make it go through the search until it doesn't find
- X * anything. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the first pass will
- X * have done the job.
- X */
- X double_check = 1;
- X while (double_check == 1)
- X {
- X double_check = 0;
- X
- X for (j = 1; j <= nedge; j++) /* Loop through all edge points */
- X {
- X flag = 1;
- X while (flag == 1)
- X {
- X flag = 0;
- X if ((poly[pedge[j]][4] & poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][4])
- X && ((poly[pedge[j]][0] != poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][0])
- X || (poly[pedge[j]][1] != poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][1])))
- X {
- X /*
- X * This edge point's succesor is a point on the same
- X * edge, And the link is not of zero length
- X */
- X for (k = j; k <= nedge; k++) /* Loop through edge
- X * points */
- X {
- X /* Look for a vertex that is at the same position */
- X if ((poly[pedge[j]][0] == poly[pedge[k]][0])
- X && (poly[pedge[j]][1] == poly[pedge[k]][1]))
- X {
- X /*
- X * OK, it is in the same position. See if either
- X * its succesor or predecessor is the same as the
- X * other end of the link.
- X */
- X if ((poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][0] ==
- X poly[poly[pedge[k]][3]][0])
- X && (poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][1] ==
- X poly[poly[pedge[k]][3]][1]))
- X {
- X /*
- X * links go in opposite directions. (The easy
- X * case) Break the links and instead link
- X * points at the same location. Delete
- X * duplicated point.
- X */
- X /*
- X * pedge[j] and pedge[k] are at the same
- X * spot, as are pedge[j]'s succesor and
- X * pedge[k]'s predecessor.
- X */
- X temp1 = poly[pedge[j]][2];
- X /* remember pedge[j]'s succesor */
- X poly[pedge[j]][2] = pedge[k];
- X /* pedge[j]'s succesor is now pedge[k] */
- X temp2 = poly[pedge[k]][3];
- X /* remember pedge[k]'s predecessor */
- X poly[pedge[k]][3] = pedge[j];
- X /*
- X * pedge[j] and pedge[k] are now linked. Link
- X * temp1 and temp2
- X */
- X poly[temp1][3] = temp2;
- X poly[temp2][2] = temp1;
- X /*
- X * Done. We have just split one polygon into
- X * two!
- X */
- X /* Clean up by removing the repeated vertices */
- X delete (pedge[k]);
- X pedge[k] = 0;
- X /*
- X * Point this to a place we know is marked as
- X * an interior point. Always fails checks to
- X * see if it is on the edge we want.
- X */
- X delete (temp2);
- X flag = 1;
- X double_check = 1;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if ((j != k) &&
- X (poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][0] ==
- X poly[poly[pedge[k]][2]][0])
- X && (poly[poly[pedge[j]][2]][1] ==
- X poly[poly[pedge[k]][2]][1]))
- X {
- X /*
- X * the hard case. Both links go the same
- X * direction. Do as before, but Reverse
- X * the direction of one of the two
- X * pieces.
- X */
- X temp1 = poly[pedge[j]][2];
- X temp2 = poly[pedge[k]][2];
- X i = temp1;
- X do
- X { /* Reverse one piece first */
- X temp = poly[i][2];
- X poly[i][2] = poly[i][3];
- X poly[i][3] = temp;
- X i = temp;
- X }
- X while ((temp2 != i) && (temp1 != i));
- X poly[temp1][2] = temp2;
- X poly[temp2][3] = temp1;
- X if (i == temp2)
- X {
- X poly[pedge[j]][2] = pedge[k];
- X poly[pedge[k]][3] = pedge[j];
- X /*
- X * We have not created a new polygon,
- X * merely re-ordered one!
- X */
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X poly[pedge[j]][3] = pedge[k];
- X poly[pedge[k]][2] = pedge[j];
- X /*
- X * We have merged two polygons back
- X * into one!
- X */
- X }
- X /* clean up */
- X delete (pedge[k]);
- X pedge[k] = 0;
- X delete (temp2);
- X flag = 1;
- X double_check = 1;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X if (flag == 1)
- X break;
- X /*
- X * We've just altered the point we're at! So better
- X * stop this loop.
- X */
- X } /* End of search loop */
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Our polygon has been fragmented into multiple smaller polygons as
- X * necessary! Output the resulting polygons
- X */
- X
- skip_it:
- X scan ();
- X
- X for (i = 1; i <= npols; i++)
- X {
- X dev.startpoly (polsc[i]);
- X j = pols[i];
- X do
- X {
- X dev.midpoly (poly[j][0], poly[j][1]);
- X j = poly[j][2];
- X }
- X while (j != pols[i]);
- X dev.endpoly (i == npols);
- X }
- X}
- X
- insert (where, x, y, z)
- X int where, x, y, z;
- X{
- int temp;
- X
- X /* insert the given vertex between the element where and its forward link */
- X
- X /* remove an element from the free list */
- X temp = poly[0][2]; /* free element */
- X if (temp == endlist)
- X {
- X /* Need to make our list one longer. */
- X endlist++;
- X if (endlist >= POLYS)
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Ran out of memory on the polygon!");
- X poly[endlist][3] = temp;
- X poly[endlist][2] = ENDOFLIST;
- X poly[temp][2] = endlist;
- X }
- X /* OK, Now you can remove it, it isn't at the end anymore. */
- X poly[0][2] = poly[temp][2];
- X poly[poly[temp][2]][3] = 0;
- X
- X poly[temp][0] = x; /* Put vertex in for element */
- X poly[temp][1] = y;
- X poly[temp][4] = z;
- X
- X /* update links */
- X
- X poly[temp][2] = poly[where][2];
- X poly[where][2] = temp;
- X
- X poly[temp][3] = poly[poly[temp][2]][3];
- X poly[poly[temp][2]][3] = temp;
- X}
- X
- delete (where)
- X int where;
- X{
- int temp;
- X
- X /* Get rid of element number where; put it on the free list */
- X /* This must work even if element where points to itself! */
- X poly[where][0] = poly[where][1] = EMPTY;
- X poly[where][4] = INTERIOR;
- X temp = poly[where][3];
- X poly[where][3] = 0;
- X poly[temp][2] = poly[where][2];
- X poly[where][2] = poly[0][2];
- X poly[0][2] = where;
- X poly[poly[where][2]][3] = where;
- X poly[poly[temp][2]][3] = temp;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * See how many polygons we have, and where they start.
- X * Put this information in pols.
- X */
- scan ()
- X{
- int polyon[POLYS]; /* Array to remember whom this point belongs
- X * to */
- int joe;
- int cycle;
- int firstpoint;
- int where;
- X
- X for (joe = 1; joe < endlist; joe++)
- X {
- X if (poly[joe][0] == EMPTY)
- X {
- X polyon[joe] = EMPTY;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X polyon[joe] = UNCLAIMED;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X npols = 0;
- X for (joe = 1; joe < endlist; joe++)
- X {
- X if (polyon[joe] == UNCLAIMED)
- X {
- X /* Found the start of a polygon */
- X firstpoint = joe;
- X polyon[firstpoint] = CLAIMED;
- X cycle = 1;
- X where = poly[firstpoint][2];
- X while (firstpoint != where)
- X {
- X cycle++;
- X polyon[where] = CLAIMED;
- X where = poly[where][2];
- X if (where == NOLINK)
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Oh, No! Polygon list damaged! (This shouldn't be able to happen.)");
- X }
- X if (cycle < 3)
- X { /* Not really a polygon, remove it */
- X where = poly[firstpoint][2];
- X while (firstpoint != where)
- X {
- X delete (where);
- X where = poly[firstpoint][2];
- X }
- X delete (firstpoint);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* We found another polygon */
- X npols++;
- X if (npols > MAXPOL)
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Too many polygons!");
- X pols[npols] = firstpoint;
- X polsc[npols] = cycle;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X /*
- X * Now pols is a list of indexes to the beginnings of each of the Polygons.
- X * npols gives how many there are.
- X */
- X
- int
- edge (x, y) /* Find out which edges this point is on */
- X int x, y;
- X{
- X bottom = left = 0;
- X if (x == xwmin)
- X left = 2;
- X if (y == ywmin)
- X bottom = 1;
- X if (x == xwmax)
- X left = 8;
- X if (y == ywmax)
- X bottom = 4;
- X return (bottom + left);
- X}
- if test 15037 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/genlib/polyfix.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c'\" \(15559 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Ta2vplot - reads in a Taplot/Movie format file and outputs a vplot raster
- X * file.
- X *
- X * <moviefile.h Ta2vplot xll=1. yll=1. xur=5. yur=5. nreserve=8 orient=1 invert=y
- X * title=, label1=, label2=, titlefat=, titlesz= labelfat= labelsz= d1num=0.
- X * o1num= d2num=0. o2num= grid=y frame=y polarity=1 coltab=y labelrot=0
- X * axiscol=7 color=I backcol=red,green,blue hurry=y > vplotfile.H
- X *
- X * esize:
- X *
- X * If esize=1, then the input file is in "Taplot" format. Default is color=I.
- X *
- X * If esize=3, then the input file is assumed to contain RGB 3-byte triples.
- X * The color number that corresponds to the "closest available color"
- X * to that defined by the triple is used. Default is color=332.
- X * Using Movie color schemes is slow. (BEWARE "color" set to the wrong
- X * value by your history file!!!)
- X *
- X * Positioning the plot:
- X *
- X * xll,yll are the coordinates of the lower left corner of the plot. xur,yur are
- X * the coordinates of the upper right corner. orient=0,1,2,3 to start plot in
- X * upper left, upper right, lower right, or lower left. invert=y 'flips' output
- X * image to agree with movie display.
- X *
- X * Annotation:
- X *
- X * title,label1, and label2 are strings for axis labelling. titlefat and titlesz
- X * are the fatness and size of the title. labelfat and labelsz are the fatness
- X * and size of the axis labels. labelrot = 1 rotates label1 180 degrees o1num
- X * and d1num are the starting value and increment for labelling the n1 axis.
- X * o2num and d2num are the starting value and increment for labelling the n2
- X * axis. grid=y places a grid line for each label. frame=y draws a frame around
- X * the plot. axiscol determines the frame, label and title colors d1num = 0
- X * turns off the labelling. d1num and d2num MUST be specified. negative fatness
- X * turns off the title or labels. NOTE: labelling works properly only for
- X * invert=y orient=1 at this time!
- X *
- X * polarity=-1 flips the raster values black to white and white to black
- X *
- X * If coltab=n, no color table definition is prepended to the vplot file. nreserve
- X * is the number of colors for the plotting device that you want to be left
- X * "free", ie not used in the raster color table. This prevents Ta2vplot from
- X * overwriting vplot type colors with the grey scale used to display movie
- X * files.
- X *
- X * color= one of {I,i,F,R,W,G} just like in Movie, and also RGB, where
- X * each of R,G, and B is the number of bits to allot to that primary.
- X *
- X * backcol=red,green,blue sets the background color. Each of {red,green,blue} are
- X * between 0. and 1.
- X *
- X * movish=n (if y, halves the color table like movie does)
- X *
- X * The resulting vplot file can be displayed using any vplot pen filter.
- X * Various device-dependent corrections are automatically made by vplot
- X * to compensate for the peculiarities of each display device. Some of
- X * these corrections can be controlled by the user. See "man pen" for
- X * more details.
- X *
- X * Keywords: vplot plot movie raster hardcopy rgb color
- X */
- X/*
- X * Author Steve Cole, March 1987
- X * Joe Dellinger, Dec 1987 fixed "color value too large" bug.
- X * Steve Cole, Dec 1987, changed putch call for movish to avoid problem
- X * on suns.
- X * Joe Dellinger, Jan 1988, fixed some bugs involving color mapping,
- X * and added capability for RGB triples.
- X * Joe Dellinger Feb 25 1988, vp_style after vp_erase
- X */
- X#ifndef SOURCE
- X#define SOURCE "/usr/src/sepsrc/Ta2vplot.c"
- X#endif
- X#include <sep.main>
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <strings.h>
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X
- X#define SQUARE(A) ((A)*(A))
- X
- int cintensityp[9] =
- X{
- X 0, 128, 255, 0, 128, 255, 0, 128, 255
- X};
- int cintensityn[9] =
- X{
- X 255, 128, 0, 255, 128, 0, 255, 128, 0
- X};
- int cflag[9] =
- X{
- X 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255
- X};
- int cbi[9] =
- X{
- X 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255
- X};
- int csurf[9] =
- X{
- X 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 200, 255
- X};
- int cgsi[9] =
- X{
- X 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0
- X};
- int *cola;
- X
- MAIN ()
- X{
- int n1, n2, n3, i3, i4, incr, ii, jj, kk, esize;
- int labelsz, titlesz, labelfat, titlefat;
- int labelrot, axiscol, sign;
- float d1, o1, d2, o2, d3, o3;
- float pos1, pos2;
- float xx, yy;
- char string[80];
- float d1num, d2num;
- float o1num, o2num;
- int grid, frame;
- char label1[80], label2[80], title[160];
- int offset, xpix, ypix, bit, blast, orient, invert;
- float xll, yll, xur, yur, ppi;
- int nreserve;
- int polarity, coltab;
- unsigned char *data;
- char color[10];
- extern float rd_color (), gr_color (), bl_color ();
- float backcol[3];
- float back = 0;
- int movish;
- int map[256];
- int smap[256];
- float red[256], green[256], blue[256];
- float red_lev, green_lev, blue_lev, error, error_win;
- int ired_lev, igreen_lev, iblue_lev;
- int win, redbit, greenbit, bluebit;
- int redbit2, greenbit2, bluebit2;
- int redoff, greenoff, blueoff;
- X
- X if (!fetch ("n1", "d", &n1))
- X err ("n1 not given\n");
- X if (!fetch ("n2", "d", &n2))
- X err ("n2 not given\n");
- X if (!fetch ("n3", "d", &n3))
- X n3 = 1;
- X if (!fetch ("esize", "d", &esize))
- X err ("esize not given\n");
- X
- X if (esize != 1 && esize != 3)
- X err ("esize must be 1 or 3\n");
- X
- X coltab = 1;
- X fetch ("coltab", "1", &coltab);
- X if (!coltab && esize == 3)
- X err ("esize must be 1 if coltab=no\n");
- X
- X if (esize == 1)
- X strcpy (color, "I");
- X else
- X strcpy (color, "332");
- X fetch ("color", "s", color);
- X
- X if (!getch ("xll", "f", &xll))
- X xll = 1.;
- X if (!getch ("yll", "f", &yll))
- X yll = 1.;
- X if (!getch ("xur", "f", &xur))
- X xur = 5.;
- X if (!getch ("yur", "f", &yur))
- X yur = 5.;
- X if (!getch ("orient", "d", &orient))
- X orient = 1;
- X if (!getch ("nreserve", "d", &nreserve))
- X nreserve = 8;
- X if (!getch ("invert", "1", &invert))
- X invert = 1;
- X if (!getch ("movish", "1", &movish))
- X movish = 0;
- X
- X putch_ ("movish", "d", &movish);
- X
- X puthead ("\tn1=-1\n");
- X
- X /* Polarity stuff */
- X polarity = 1;
- X fetch ("polarity", "d", &polarity);
- X putch ("polarity", "d", &polarity);
- X
- X /* Axis and labelling parameters */
- X strcpy (label1, "");
- X strcpy (label2, "");
- X strcpy (title, "");
- X fetch ("label1", "s", label1);
- X fetch ("label2", "s", label2);
- X fetch ("title", "s", title);
- X o1 = 0.;
- X o2 = 0.;
- X d1 = 1.;
- X d2 = 1.;
- X fetch ("o1", "f", &o1);
- X fetch ("o2", "f", &o2);
- X fetch ("d1", "f", &d1);
- X fetch ("d2", "f", &d2);
- X d1num = 0.;
- X d2num = 0.;
- X o1num = o1;
- X o2num = o2;
- X fetch ("d1num", "f", &d1num);
- X fetch ("d2num", "f", &d2num);
- X fetch ("o1num", "f", &o1num);
- X fetch ("o2num", "f", &o2num);
- X labelsz = 5;
- X titlesz = 5;
- X labelfat = 1;
- X titlefat = 1;
- X fetch ("labelsz", "d", &labelsz);
- X fetch ("titlesz", "d", &titlesz);
- X fetch ("labelfat", "d", &labelfat);
- X fetch ("titlefat", "d", &titlefat);
- X labelrot = 0;
- X axiscol = 7;
- X fetch ("labelrot", "1", &labelrot);
- X fetch ("axiscol", "d", &axiscol);
- X sign = -1;
- X if (labelrot)
- X sign = 1;
- X
- X frame = 1;
- X grid = 1;
- X fetch ("frame", "1", &frame);
- X fetch ("grid", "1", &grid);
- X
- X if (fetch ("backcol", "f", backcol))
- X {
- X back = 1;
- X }
- X blast = 1;
- X fetch ("hurry", "1", &blast);
- X
- X hclose ();
- X
- X data = (unsigned char *) alloc (n1 * n2 * esize);
- X
- X vp_erase ();
- X vp_style (STANDARD);
- X vp_color (axiscol);
- X
- X if (coltab)
- X {
- X
- X if (color[0] >= '0' && color[0] <= '9')
- X {
- X redbit = color[0] - '0';
- X greenbit = color[1] - '0';
- X bluebit = color[2] - '0';
- X if (redbit + greenbit + bluebit != 8)
- X err ("You must use exactly 8 bits!\n");
- X
- X redoff = 0;
- X greenoff = redbit;
- X blueoff = redbit + greenbit;
- X
- X for (i3 = 0; i3 < 256; i3++)
- X {
- X ii = ~(~0 << redbit);
- X if (ii > 0)
- X red[i3] = (float) ((i3 >> redoff) & ii) / (float) (ii);
- X else
- X red[i3] = 0.;
- X
- X ii = ~(~0 << greenbit);
- X if (ii > 0)
- X green[i3] = (float) ((i3 >> greenoff) & ii) / (float) (ii);
- X else
- X green[i3] = 0.;
- X
- X ii = ~(~0 << bluebit);
- X if (ii > 0)
- X blue[i3] = (float) ((i3 >> blueoff) & ii) / (float) (ii);
- X else
- X blue[i3] = 0.;
- X }
- X
- X for (i3 = 256; i3 < 512; i3++)
- X {
- X jj = i3 - 256;
- X
- X if (movish)
- X jj = 2 * (int) (jj / 2);
- X vp_coltab (i3, red[jj], green[jj], blue[jj]);
- X }
- X
- X for (jj = 0; jj < 256; jj++)
- X {
- X ii = 0;
- X greenbit2 = greenbit;
- X bluebit2 = bluebit;
- X redbit2 = redbit;
- X kk = 0;
- X while (kk < 8)
- X {
- X greenbit2--;
- X if (greenbit2 >= 0)
- X {
- X if (jj & (1 << (greenbit2 + greenoff)))
- X ii |= 1 << kk;
- X kk++;
- X }
- X
- X redbit2--;
- X if (redbit2 >= 0)
- X {
- X if (jj & (1 << (redbit2 + redoff)))
- X ii |= 1 << kk;
- X kk++;
- X }
- X
- X bluebit2--;
- X if (bluebit2 >= 0)
- X {
- X if (jj & (1 << (bluebit2 + blueoff)))
- X ii |= 1 << kk;
- X kk++;
- X }
- X }
- X map[ii] = jj;
- X }
- X
- X for (i3 = nreserve; i3 < 256; i3++)
- X {
- X jj = i3 - nreserve;
- X
- X vp_coltab (i3, red[map[jj]],
- X green[map[jj]],
- X blue[map[jj]]);
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X switch (*color)
- X {
- X case 'i':
- X cola = cintensityn;
- X break;
- X case 'F':
- X cola = cflag;
- X break;
- X case 'R':
- X cola = cbi;
- X break;
- X case 'W':
- X cola = csurf;
- X break;
- X case 'G':
- X cola = cgsi;
- X break;
- X case 'I':
- X default:
- X cola = cintensityp;
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * set up a perfect grey scale in colors 256-511. the offset in
- X * vp_raster maps the pixels into that range. no device actually
- X * has such colors, so vplot looks at those colors the device
- X * does have (0 through some n) and picks out the one closest to
- X * the desired grey. thus by setting up black, white, 50% grey,
- X * 75% grey, 25% grey, ... in 0-255, we'll get the best grey
- X * scale for the device.
- X *
- X * note: we leave colors 0 through nreserve-1 alone, since they are
- X * already defined for the device.
- X *
- X */
- X for (i3 = 0; i3 < 256; i3++)
- X {
- X red[i3] = rd_color ((float) i3);
- X green[i3] = gr_color ((float) i3);
- X blue[i3] = bl_color ((float) i3);
- X }
- X
- X for (i3 = 256; i3 < 512; i3++)
- X {
- X jj = i3 - 256;
- X
- X if (movish)
- X jj = 2 * (int) (jj / 2);
- X vp_coltab (i3, red[jj], green[jj], blue[jj]);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * set the lower grey scale, which will give us the best grey
- X * scale possible for the device.
- X *
- X * we assume that the device already has colors white and black set.
- X */
- X
- X i3 = 0;
- X smap[i3] = 0;
- X i3++;
- X if (nreserve == 0)
- X {
- X smap[i3] = 255;
- X i3++;
- X }
- X for (incr = 2; incr < 512; incr *= 2)
- X {
- X for (i4 = 1; i4 < incr; i4 += 2)
- X {
- X jj = i4 * 256 / incr;
- X smap[i3] = jj;
- X i3++;
- X if (i3 == 256)
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X for (i3 = nreserve; i3 < 256; i3++)
- X {
- X jj = i3 - nreserve;
- X
- X vp_coltab (i3, red[smap[jj]],
- X green[smap[jj]],
- X blue[smap[jj]]);
- X }
- X
- X }
- X if (back)
- X vp_coltab (0, backcol[0], backcol[1], backcol[2]);
- X }
- X /* Set the coordinate transformation */
- X vp_orig (xll, yur);
- X vp_uorig (o2, o1);
- X vp_scale ((xur - xll) / (d2 * n2), (yll - yur) / (d1 * n1));
- X
- X
- X /*
- X * Do the plots
- X */
- X
- X for (i3 = 0; i3 < n3; i3++)
- X {
- X if (i3 != 0)
- X {
- X vp_erase ();
- X vp_style (STANDARD);
- X vp_color (axiscol);
- X }
- X reed (infd, data, n1 * n2 * esize);
- X if (polarity < 0)
- X for (ii = 0; ii < n1 * n2 * esize; ii++)
- X {
- X data[ii] = (unsigned char) 255 - data[ii];
- X }
- X/*
- X * If esize=3, then map the RGB triples onto the closest available
- X * color.
- X */
- X if (esize == 3)
- X {
- X if (color[0] >= '0' && color[0] <= '9')
- X {
- X for (ii = 0; ii < n1 * n2; ii++)
- X {
- X ired_lev = data[esize * ii];
- X igreen_lev = data[esize * ii + 1];
- X iblue_lev = data[esize * ii + 2];
- X
- X win = 0;
- X win |= ((ired_lev >> (8 - redbit)) & ~(~0 << redbit)) << redoff;
- X win |= ((igreen_lev >> (8 - greenbit)) & ~(~0 << greenbit)) << greenoff;
- X win |= ((iblue_lev >> (8 - bluebit)) & ~(~0 << bluebit)) << blueoff;
- X data[ii] = win;
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X for (ii = 0; ii < n1 * n2; ii++)
- X {
- X red_lev = data[esize * ii] / 255.;
- X green_lev = data[esize * ii + 1] / 255.;
- X blue_lev = data[esize * ii + 2] / 255.;
- X error_win = 8.;
- X for (jj = 0; jj < 256; jj++)
- X {
- X error = 2. * SQUARE (red_lev - red[jj]) + 4. * SQUARE (green_lev - green[jj]) + SQUARE (blue_lev - blue[jj]);
- X if (error < error_win)
- X {
- X error_win = error;
- X win = jj;
- X if (error == 0.)
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X data[ii] = win;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Only offset the colors if we have defined a color table.
- X * Otherwise, leave them alone.
- X */
- X if (coltab)
- X offset = 256;
- X else
- X offset = 0;
- X
- X xpix = n1;
- X ypix = n2;
- X bit = 0;
- X ppi = 0;
- X vp_raster (data, blast, bit, offset, xpix, ypix, xll, yll, ppi, &xur, &yur, orient, invert);
- X
- X vp_fat (1);
- X if (frame)
- X {
- X vp_move (xll, yll);
- X vp_draw (xll, yur);
- X vp_draw (xur, yur);
- X vp_draw (xur, yll);
- X vp_draw (xll, yll);
- X }
- X if (grid)
- X {
- X if (d2num > 0)
- X {
- X for (pos2 = o2num; pos2 <= o2 + n2 * d2; pos2 += d2num)
- X {
- X vp_umove (pos2, o1);
- X vp_udraw (pos2, o1 + n1 * d1);
- X }
- X }
- X if (d1num > 0)
- X {
- X for (pos1 = o1num; pos1 <= o1 + n1 * d1; pos1 += d1num)
- X {
- X vp_umove (o2, pos1);
- X vp_udraw (o2 + n2 * d2, pos1);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X if (d2num > 0)
- X {
- X vp_fat (labelfat);
- X vp_tjust (TH_CENTER, TV_BASE);
- X for (pos2 = o2num; pos2 <= o2 + n2 * d2; pos2 += d2num)
- X {
- X vp_umove (pos2, o1);
- X vp_where (&xx, &yy);
- X yy += .07;
- X vp_draw (xx, yy);
- X yy += .03;
- X sprintf (string, "%g", pos2);
- X vp_text (xx, yy, labelsz, 0, string);
- X }
- X }
- X if (d1num > 0)
- X {
- X vp_fat (labelfat);
- X vp_tjust (TH_CENTER, TV_TOP);
- X for (pos1 = o1num; pos1 <= o1 + n1 * d1; pos1 += d1num)
- X {
- X vp_umove (o2, pos1);
- X vp_where (&xx, &yy);
- X xx -= .07;
- X vp_draw (xx, yy);
- X xx -= .03;
- X sprintf (string, "%g", pos1);
- X vp_text (xx, yy, labelsz, -90, string);
- X }
- X }
- X vp_move ((xll + xur) / 2., yur);
- X vp_where (&xx, &yy);
- X yy += .07;
- X yy += .03;
- X yy += labelsz / TXPERIN;
- X yy += .15;
- X vp_fat (labelfat);
- X vp_tjust (TH_CENTER, TV_BASE);
- X vp_text (xx, yy, labelsz, 0, label2);
- X
- X yy += labelsz / TXPERIN;
- X yy += .15;
- X vp_fat (titlefat);
- X vp_tjust (TH_CENTER, TV_BOTTOM);
- X vp_text (xx, yy, titlesz, 0, title);
- X
- X vp_move (xll, (yll + yur) / 2.);
- X vp_where (&xx, &yy);
- X xx -= .07;
- X xx -= .03;
- X xx -= labelsz / TXPERIN;
- X xx -= .15;
- X vp_fat (labelfat);
- X if (labelrot)
- X vp_tjust (TH_CENTER, TV_BOTTOM);
- X else
- X vp_tjust (TH_CENTER, TV_TOP);
- X vp_text (xx, yy, labelsz, sign * 90, label1);
- X }
- X}
- X
- float
- rd_color (x)
- X float x;
- X{
- X if (x < 128)
- X return (((128. - x) * (float) cola[0] / 128.) + (x * (float) cola[1] / 128.)) / 255.;
- X else
- X return (((255. - x) * (float) cola[1] / 127.) + ((x - 128.) * (float) cola[2] / 127.)) / 255.;
- X}
- X
- float
- gr_color (x)
- X float x;
- X{
- X if (x < 128)
- X return (((128. - x) * (float) cola[3] / 128.) + (x * (float) cola[4] / 128.)) / 255.;
- X else
- X return (((255. - x) * (float) cola[4] / 127.) + ((x - 128.) * (float) cola[5] / 127.)) / 255.;
- X}
- X
- float
- bl_color (x)
- X float x;
- X{
- X if (x < 128)
- X return (((128. - x) * (float) cola[6] / 128.) + (x * (float) cola[7] / 128.)) / 255.;
- X else
- X return (((255. - x) * (float) cola[7] / 127.) + ((x - 128.) * (float) cola[8] / 127.)) / 255.;
- X}
- if test 15559 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/util/Ta2vplot.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 17 \(of 24\).
- cp /dev/null ark17isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 24 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0