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- Subject: v14i023: Device-independant graphics system, with drivers
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Joe Dellinger <joe@hanauma.STANFORD.EDU>
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 23
- Archive-name: vplot/part18
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 18 (of 24)."
- # Wrapped by rsalz@fig.bbn.com on Fri Mar 25 11:47:29 1988
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn'\" \(17675 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.TH Pen 9 "April 6 1986"
- pen \- VPLOT graphics output filters for all devices
- X.PP
- pen plot_file1 [plot_file2 ...] [options]
- X.PP
- Seplib version: Pen < Plot1.h [Plot2.h ...] [options]
- X.PP
- Pen filters accept input in the
- X.B vplot(9)
- graphical metalanguage
- and translate it into code for any of about 20
- graphics output devices
- including graphics terminals, laser printers, electrostatic plotters,
- and dot-matrix line printers.
- Interactive input
- X(mouse, cursor keys, keyboard) is not yet supported.
- X.PP
- The output of a
- X.B pen
- filter can be sent to a plot device
- or saved as a file of device-language commands.
- If the output is not redirected it is understood
- that you want to plot on the standard output device.
- X.PP
- There are now many different
- X.B pen
- filters for different devices.
- These programs differ only in the device-dependent output routines.
- They share a common
- X.B vplot
- interpreter,
- and most filters make use of common intermediate-level code.
- This manual entry
- describes those options that are implemented in the device independent part
- and thus are common to all pen filters.
- X.PP
- Well supported devices: Imagen, Tektronix 410x, Envision, DEC Regis,
- Rastertech, Printronix.
- X.PP
- Partially supported devices: PostScript, Tektronix 401x,
- XXWindows, SunView, Sun NeWS, Masscomp (GPS), HPGL.
- X.PP
- Virtual devices: raspen (generic raster device), vppen (generic vplot
- device)
- X.PP
- X.PP
- Pen has many options.
- Though many of these are included mostly for backward
- compatibility with older versions of
- X.B vplot,
- they also add quite a lot of flexibility to the system.
- X.PP
- Those options for which the default is device- or host-dependent
- are marked with an `X', since the default varies from machine to machine
- or device to device.
- X.PP
- All options have the form
- X.B a=b,
- where
- X.B `a'
- is the name of the option being set and
- X.B `b'
- is the value it is being set to.
- Alternatively, commonly used sets of options may be listed in a parameter file
- and
- X.B par=parameter_file_name
- can be put as an option on the command line.
- The last occurrence of any given option on the command line
- is the one that is used (see also
- X.B man getpar.
- X)
- The form
- X.B a=
- has the effect of causing the option
- X.B a
- to be unset.
- X.TP
- X.B in=string (numvplot=0 in1=string1 in2=string2 ...)
- X.B String
- is an input file containing vplot-format plot commands.
- The
- X.B `in='
- is optional;
- any text on the command line which doesn't contain an `=' is assumed
- to be an input file.
- The standard input is also read.
- It is valid to have inputs in all three of these forms at the same time;
- they will be read in order.
- This is not quite the same as concatenating the files and then
- processing the result,
- as the clipping window, fatness, current color number,
- text justification mode, text font, text precision, text overlay
- mode, and plot style
- get reset to the default at the start of each new input file (and at
- the start of each frame within a file).
- X(Non-sep filter versions only:
- X.B numvplot=0
- controls how many extra input file specifications of the form
- X.B inX=stringX,
- where X runs from 1 to numvplot, will be searched for.)
- X.TP
- X.B wstype=
- Some pen filters may support several related, but not identical, devices.
- This variable allows you to tell the pen filter the exact device type
- that you are using. The work station type
- variable can also be set via the environment variable WSTYPE. The
- command line takes precedence. Normally the presence of any options
- on the command line inhibits self-documentation. The
- X.B wstype
- option, if alone on the command line, will not.
- X.TP
- X.B hshift=0, vshift=0
- This is an amount to translate the plot, in inches, in the horizontal and
- vertical directions, respectively.
- This is independent of all other scaling and origin setting.
- These are useful when including graphics into a paper via TeX.
- The program
- X.B vppen
- X(a special sort of pen filter) can be used to calculate
- an appropriate hshift and vshift.
- X.TP
- X.B xcenter= ycenter=
- If specified, the coordinate given (in inches)
- is forced to be in the middle of
- your screen.
- In combination with the
- X.B interact
- option, this allows you to zoom in on an interesting part of your plot
- without having it zoom off the screen.
- This is independent of everything except translation (hshift and vshift).
- X.TP
- X.B pause=0
- Number of seconds to wait in between plots. -1 means to prompt and stop and
- wait for a carriage return before continuing.
- X.TP
- X.B fat=0
- Base line thickness. Add this fatness to all vectors drawn.
- Fatnesses are measured in units of 1/200'th of an
- inch. A fatness of 1 or 2 may very well have no effect on a low resolution
- device, but it will on a high resolution one.
- X.B Fat
- scales as does fatmult.
- X.TP
- X.B fatmult=1.
- Fatness multiplication factor. This is mainly useful when you want to turn
- off fatness for speed of plotting. This option can also be set via the
- environment variable FATMULT.
- X.TP
- X.B patternmult=1.
- Pattern multplication factor. This multiplies the size of patterns inside
- polygons, both bit patterns and hatch patterns. Like FATMULT, can be set
- via an environmental variable PATTERNMULT.
- X.TP
- X.B scale=1. xscale=1. yscale=1. txscale=1. mkscale=1. dashscale=1.
- Amounts by which to stretch the plot.
- X.B Scale
- stretches both axes equally,
- X.B xscale
- XX only, and
- X.B yscale
- Y only. Again, this is vplot's X and Y, not
- necessarily the screen's if the plot has been rotated.
- Fatnesses, patterns, dashed line pattern lengths,
- and marker sizes do NOT scale geometrically along with the rest of the plot.
- Patterns and dashed line lengths do not scale at all
- except by their own special scaling options given below.
- Markers, text fatnesses, and vector fatnesses scale with screen size and with the
- X.B scale
- option, but not with
- X.B xscale
- and
- X.B yscale.
- Special scaling options that control specific things are
- X.B txscale,
- which scales only text size;
- X.B mkscale,
- which scales only markers;
- X.B dashscale,
- which scales only dashed line patterns;
- X.B fatmult,
- which scales all fatnesses; and
- X.B patternmult,
- which scales only patterns.
- X.TP
- X.B shade=y overlay=y
- These options can be used to control shading of polygons.
- If shading is turned off, the interior is not filled.
- X(`A' style polygons normally do not have any outline. If
- X.B shade=n,
- one will be drawn so that you can still see where the polygon is.)
- For devices that support polygons filled with patterns, the overlay
- option sets the default overlay mode: n = replace, y = overlay. This can be
- reset during plotting by the
- X.B overlay
- command in vplot. The difference
- between these two options is whether color zero is treated as transparent
- or not. This option also applies to raster.
- X.TP
- X.B style=standard
- This option sets the default coordinate system. (It is overridden if
- the coordinate system for the frame is set by the VP_SETSTYLE command in
- the vplot file.)
- X.B style=rotated
- sets the origin in the upper left corner of
- the plot with y horizontal and x positive downwards.
- X.B style=standard
- sets the origin in the lower left corner of the plot
- with y vertical and x horizontal.
- X.B style=absolute
- is the same as
- X.B standard
- but with `size=absolute' implied as well.
- Other possibilities are `old' and `mazama', both obsolete standards.
- This option can be set using the environment variable PLOTSTYLE.
- X.TP
- X.B txfont=X txprec=X txovly=0 font?=
- Default text font, text precision, and text overlay mode.
- Alternate font file.
- These are described in more detail in vplottext(9).
- X.TP
- X.B window=y frame=n xwmin= xwmax= ywmin= ywmax=
- X.B Window=n
- turns off all clipping windows
- X(except that of the edge of the screen).
- This is useful if you have accidentally
- clipped your plot away to nothing, and can't figure out what's going wrong.
- X.B Frame=y
- shows you where your windows are, by
- outlining them in white. (The first window should always
- simply frame the screen, but often one side or another is clipped by
- the device because the device's coordinates are off by one.)
- X.B xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax
- allow you to specify a global
- clipping window in addition to any specified in the Vplot. The window's
- position is given in vplot units of inches. (The 4 corners of the
- window specified will be translated into device coordinates, and the
- smallest rectangle with sides perpendicular to the edge of the screen
- containing these 4 points will be used as a global clipping window.)
- Together with concatenation of vplot files and hshift and vshift,
- this gives a primitive sort of cut and paste capability.
- X.TP
- X.B rotate=0
- Global rotation of entire plot by this many degrees clockwise, about the
- origin.
- Vshifts and/or hshifts may be needed to keep the plot from rotating off the
- screen.
- Since clipping windows must be standard up-down left-right rectangles,
- they cannot rotate correctly except to multiples of 90 degrees.
- The smallest clipping window that is possible that contains the desired
- clipping window will be used in this case.
- X.TP
- X.B erase=y break=n
- X.B Erase=y
- forces an erase at the start of each input file, and follows the vplot
- literally thereafter.
- X.B Erase=literal
- does not force an erase at the start.
- X.B Erase=n
- ignores ALL erases.
- X.B Erase=once
- forces one erase at the start of
- plotting and thereafter ignores all erases.
- These options are especially useful when combining several vplot files.
- X``Forcing an erase at the start'' creates an erase as the very first thing
- in the input plot file, but only if the plot file didn't already start with one.
- X.B Break=n
- treats the Vplot `break' command as a chance to pause, but not to erase.
- X.B Break=y
- makes `break' and `erase' synonymous.
- X.TP
- X.B size=X
- X.B size=relative
- scales the plot workspace, a 10.240-inch square, to fit the size of the screen.
- X.B size=absolute
- scales to real inches.
- Hardcopy devices usually default to
- X.B size=absolute,
- screen devices default to
- X.B size=relative.
- X.TP
- X.B echo=X
- Echoing is typically turned off for the duration of plotting for most (but
- not all) pen filters.
- X.B echo=y
- forces echoing to be left on, and
- X.B echo=n
- forces it to be turned off in case the default picked by the pen filter
- is inappropriate.
- X.TP
- X.B endpause=X
- Some filters by default pause at the end of plotting (usually with a beep)
- and wait for a carriage return.
- This is so you can see the last
- frame of the plot before the text is turned back on, obliterating it.
- For some devices this is not necessary, and there is no default
- pause at the end.
- Should the default not be appropriate (for example when plotting from within
- a shell repeatedly),
- X.B endpause=y
- or
- X.B endpause=n
- can be used to force this `end pause' on or off.
- X.TP
- X.B mono=n
- If
- X.B mono=y,
- the plot will come out in black and white,
- possibly speeding up the plotting and allowing the use of
- such monochrome features as dithering and halftoning on color screen devices.
- X.TP
- X.B dither=X
- For
- X.B mono=y
- X(monochrome devices), dithering is a means of representing a
- continuous-tone grey image.
- See the manual page for vplot raster for a discussion of dithering
- methods. If
- X.B dither=0,
- no special treatment will be given to raster colors. (This means that
- all the points in the raster image will be shaded except those with color 0.)
- Available dithering methods are:
- X.br
- X 1 Random Dither
- X.br
- X 2 Ordered Dither
- X.br
- X 3 Minimized Average Error Method
- X.br
- X 4 Digital Halftoning Method
- X.TP
- X.B greyc=1.
- This parameter applies only when using dithering (described above) to
- plot grey rasters on a monochrome device. It has been observed that grey
- scale reproduction on hardcopy devices is quite different than that on
- graphics displays. Briefly, the transition from black to white occurs more
- rapidly on a display device, leaving both ends of the grey scale clipped
- at black or white. This nonlinearity in the perceived grey scale is a useful
- feature that can be simulated on a hardcopy device by use of the
- X.B greyc
- parameter. Greyc values less than 1. alter the grey scale to simulate this
- nonlinearity. The smaller the greyc value, the more rapidly the transition
- from black to white occurs. See the vplot raster manual page for a more
- complete discussion of this parameter and how to use it.
- X.TP
- X.B pixc=1.
- This parameter also applies only when using dithering to plot grey rasters
- on monochrome devices. It has been noted that grey rasters come out
- significantly darker than expected on a hardcopy device than when they
- are displayed on a graphics screen. This parameter applies a correction
- based on the assumption that this darkening is due to the overlap of
- pixels on the hardcopy device. Pixc values less than 1. shift the grey
- color scale toward white to compensate for the darkening due to pixel
- overlap. See the vplot raster manual page for a more complete discussion
- of this parameter and how to use it.
- X.TP
- X.B invras=y
- Color 0 is the background color on all devices. For monochrome paper plotters,
- this is usually WHITE, the color of the paper. On these devices
- color 7 (WHITE) comes out as BLACK since it has to be the opposite of
- color 0. If
- X.B invras=y,
- this convention is reversed for the purposes of dithered raster,
- so that color 0 is black and color 7 is white despite the fact that
- this color scheme is the reverse of that used for vectors on the same
- plot.
- X.TP
- X.B wantras=y
- If
- X.B wantras=n,
- all raster data will be displayed as a solid white block.
- This shows where the raster data is, but on most devices will plot significantly
- faster. This allows you to get the general layout of your plot right without
- having to wait hours for the raster data to plot on your screen.
- X.TP
- X.B interact=
- If
- X.B interact=file_name
- is specified, at the end of each plot the cursor will
- be turned on and you may pick points around the screen. The Vplot coordinates
- of these points will be stored into the file
- X.B file_name.
- Picking the far upper-right hand corner of the screen will
- end the picking. (The may also be device-dependent ways to end the picking,
- such as hitting Escape or q.)
- Many of the pen options are specified in Vplot coordinates, in inches.
- This option allows you to find the coordinates of specific points of
- interest. It is a primitive sort of interaction, but useful.
- X.TP
- X.B selfdoc=n
- If all else fails,
- X.B selfdoc=y
- will force pen to self document no matter what it thinks it should do.
- X(This applies to the non-SEP version only.)
- X.TP
- X.B signal=
- If the
- X.B signal
- option is set to anything, then no signal catching will be done. Useful
- for debugging.
- Vppen, Ipen, Vplot, Libvplot, Vplottext, Vplotraster, Vplothacker
- The original filter was
- X.B pen,
- X written
- by Rob Clayton, who also invented
- X.B vplot.
- Originally it was only possible to do vectors and that on only one device.
- Vplot has since been expanded beyond recognition, and is supported on
- about 20 devices.
- Michel Debiche, Glenn Kroeger, Chuck Karish, Steve Cole, and especially
- Joe Dellinger have all worked on Vplot at one time or another.
- X
- This documentation was written by Joe Dellinger.
- Please read the official Vplot copyright notice, which is contained
- in the Vplot manual page.
- X.PP
- Text fatnesses scaling with ``scale'' is a recent addition for GKS
- compatibility (there's no provision for changing the fatness of a font
- in GKS). If you scale the entire plot up a lot, you probably would also
- want to scale up the fatnesses of all your vectors too. But this would
- doubly fatten your text! Probably there should be some way to control
- the fatness of text independent from the global fatmult. The real
- debate, in GKS lingo, is whether line fatness is a geometric attribute.
- I take the philosophy that it is not. This is why I don't have fatnesses
- automatically scaling with size, and why a special provision for
- fattening large text more than small text had to be put in. Perhaps
- I am wrong, and fat lines should be considered two dimensional.
- X
- There are a few ``magic numbers'' referred to in this documentation.
- These are defined in ``vplot.h'', and are subject to change.
- X
- Vplot was never intended to be used in an interactive way, but does OK
- for hard-copy purposes. It would be nice if someone out there took
- Vplot apart and rebuilt it again in an interactive framework, using
- a standardized meta-language. (We did not use a standard meta-language
- because none existed at the time Vplot was started, circa late 70's.
- Since then Vplot has slowly grown, for the most part staying backwards
- compatible.)
- X
- Pen has a huge number of options supporting
- backwards compatibility, and would need twice
- as many to make absolutely everyone happy. Most of the completely
- arcane ones have finally died a merciful death.
- X
- Not all devices support all the
- primitives, but at least the software capability exists.
- Several generic software routines inside `pen' should be redone when
- possible, as I was just learning C when I wrote them. They seem to work
- reliably, however. We use vplot a lot and haven't seen bugs in the
- device-independent code in a long time now. Bugs in device-dependent
- code is another story. (There is a tendency for people to only support
- a device to the extent that it does what they themselves need, which
- creates problems when someone else comes along and tries to do something
- else with it.)
- X
- Why are we still using inches? Everything should be
- changed to centimeters! (Except that, strangely enough, every device we
- have here has a screen resolution that is defined by the manufacturer
- in terms of pixels per
- INCH! So how serious is the US on standardizing with the rest of the world
- anyway?)
- X
- Bona-fide bugs that I know about but haven't bothered to fix are listed in
- the file `known_bugs'. There are also such files in device subdirectories
- where appropriate.
- if test 17675 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/pen.mn'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics'\" \(16062 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#plas: Vplot units used in this file
- e
- S o
- C 21 0 127 220
- C 22 78 189 249
- C 23 149 232 253
- C 24 206 253 232
- C 25 242 249 189
- C 26 254 220 127
- C 27 242 170 53
- C 28 206 103 26
- C 29 149 26 103
- C 30 78 53 170
- C 41 255 127 127
- C 42 242 189 53
- C 43 206 232 26
- C 44 149 253 103
- C 45 78 249 170
- C 46 0 220 220
- C 47 78 170 249
- C 48 149 103 253
- C 49 206 26 232
- C 50 242 53 189
- C 94 230 230 230
- C 92 200 200 200
- C 93 180 180 180
- C 91 150 150 150
- C 10 255 255 255
- C 11 0 100 0
- C 14 150 200 175
- l 0 -1 1 11
- X1 11 0 20
- X1 11 0 20
- c 10
- f 4
- m 250 20
- T 15 0
- X 0
- m 700 20
- F 3 2 0
- T 15 0
- m 2240 20
- T 15 0
- X 1
- f 0
- w 200 188 2562 1968
- c 14
- a 7
- X0 3 4
- X-74 26
- X19 2131
- X1327 1956
- X2582 921
- X2602 6
- X92 10
- X-74 26
- c 36
- c 35
- c 34
- c 33
- c 32
- c 56
- c 36
- c 56
- c 36
- c 55
- c 35
- c 54
- c 34
- c 53
- c 33
- c 52
- c 32
- c 51
- c 31
- c 50
- a 5
- X0 15 16
- X2648 1615
- X2492 1852
- X2698 1935
- X2854 1687
- X2648 1615
- c 30
- a 5
- X0 10 10
- X330 1974
- X335 1855
- X114 1853
- X113 1977
- X330 1974
- a 5
- X0 10 10
- X382 1855
- X380 1784
- X159 1781
- X162 1854
- X382 1855
- a 5
- X0 10 10
- X370 1779
- X368 1644
- X146 1641
- X148 1776
- X370 1779
- a 5
- X0 10 10
- X303 1372
- X375 1022
- X154 1010
- X83 1363
- X303 1372
- a 5
- X0 10 10
- X283 1013
- X340 630
- X132 610
- X65 995
- X283 1013
- c 69
- c 49
- a 5
- X0 16 15
- X2508 1528
- X2364 1765
- X2492 1852
- X2648 1615
- X2508 1528
- c 29
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X501 1981
- X508 1861
- X335 1855
- X330 1974
- X501 1981
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X555 1862
- X553 1789
- X380 1784
- X382 1855
- X555 1862
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X543 1788
- X543 1652
- X368 1644
- X370 1779
- X543 1788
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X272 1642
- X277 1369
- X105 1361
- X96 1638
- X272 1642
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X479 1383
- X548 1037
- X375 1022
- X307 1371
- X479 1383
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X456 1029
- X504 649
- X340 630
- X283 1013
- X456 1029
- a 5
- X0 8 9
- X201 613
- X352 20
- X212 -8
- X39 586
- X201 613
- c 68
- c 48
- a 5
- X0 16 16
- X2463 1496
- X2345 1746
- X2364 1765
- X2508 1528
- X2463 1496
- a 5
- X0 16 16
- X2526 1862
- X2448 1979
- X2504 2014
- X2589 1896
- X2526 1862
- a 5
- X0 16 16
- X2014 1966
- X1930 2067
- X1989 2105
- X2069 1997
- X2014 1966
- c 28
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X569 1970
- X572 1863
- X508 1861
- X501 1981
- X569 1970
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X631 1867
- X624 1792
- X553 1789
- X555 1862
- X631 1867
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X617 1789
- X614 1659
- X543 1652
- X543 1788
- X617 1789
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X391 1639
- X365 1372
- X277 1369
- X272 1642
- X391 1639
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X591 1381
- X647 1048
- X548 1037
- X479 1383
- X591 1381
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X531 1035
- X612 657
- X504 649
- X456 1029
- X531 1035
- a 5
- X0 9 8
- X329 627
- X486 36
- X352 20
- X201 613
- X329 627
- c 67
- c 47
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X2735 1241
- X2561 1540
- X2656 1602
- X2847 1303
- X2735 1241
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X2355 1439
- X2285 1549
- X2408 1617
- X2463 1496
- X2355 1439
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X2301 1559
- X2227 1683
- X2345 1746
- X2408 1617
- X2301 1559
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X2422 1797
- X2345 1910
- X2448 1979
- X2526 1862
- X2422 1797
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X2358 1914
- X2312 1981
- X2407 2052
- X2452 1984
- X2358 1914
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X2263 1959
- X2219 2027
- X2290 2107
- X2364 2021
- X2263 1959
- a 5
- X0 14 15
- X1909 1898
- X1824 2004
- X1930 2067
- X2014 1966
- X1909 1898
- c 27
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X679 1945
- X671 1867
- X572 1863
- X569 1970
- X679 1945
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X727 1865
- X725 1787
- X624 1792
- X631 1867
- X727 1865
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X711 1789
- X711 1659
- X614 1659
- X617 1789
- X711 1789
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X476 1649
- X478 1508
- X376 1500
- X391 1639
- X476 1649
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X459 1508
- X469 1381
- X365 1372
- X376 1500
- X459 1508
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X704 1382
- X743 1053
- X647 1048
- X591 1381
- X704 1382
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X688 1047
- X760 682
- X612 657
- X531 1035
- X688 1047
- a 5
- X0 9 9
- X476 644
- X603 53
- X486 36
- X329 627
- X476 644
- c 66
- c 46
- a 5
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- X2415 52
- X2588 94
- X2669 -324
- X2474 -368
- a 5
- X0 15 14
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- X2483 710
- X2613 746
- X2797 181
- X2631 142
- a 5
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- X2534 1141
- X2688 1216
- X2865 879
- X2679 801
- a 5
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- X2561 1540
- X2735 1241
- X2586 1166
- a 5
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- X2285 1549
- X2355 1439
- X2226 1378
- a 5
- X0 15 14
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- X2107 1638
- X2227 1683
- X2301 1559
- X2174 1509
- a 5
- X0 15 14
- X2291 1705
- X2241 1814
- X2345 1910
- X2422 1797
- X2291 1705
- a 5
- X0 15 14
- X2241 1814
- X2200 1898
- X2312 1981
- X2358 1914
- X2241 1814
- a 5
- X0 15 14
- X2162 1883
- X2137 1941
- X2219 2027
- X2263 1959
- X2162 1883
- a 5
- X0 15 14
- X1775 1859
- X1749 1986
- X1824 2004
- X1909 1898
- X1775 1859
- c 26
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X805 1922
- X795 1863
- X671 1867
- X679 1945
- X805 1922
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X840 1861
- X833 1773
- X725 1787
- X727 1865
- X840 1861
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X833 1773
- X825 1656
- X711 1659
- X711 1789
- X833 1773
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X624 1661
- X630 1518
- X478 1508
- X476 1649
- X624 1661
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X615 1520
- X629 1380
- X469 1381
- X459 1508
- X615 1520
- a 5
- X0 7 8
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- X906 1069
- X743 1053
- X704 1382
- X859 1392
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X845 1063
- X909 709
- X760 682
- X688 1047
- X845 1063
- a 5
- X0 7 8
- X693 672
- X798 93
- X603 53
- X476 644
- X693 672
- c 65
- c 45
- c 25
- c 45
- a 5
- X0 15 15
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- X1967 48
- X2415 52
- X2474 -368
- X1961 -400
- a 5
- X0 15 15
- X2150 92
- X2051 671
- X2483 710
- X2631 142
- X2150 92
- a 5
- X0 15 15
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- X2170 1072
- X2534 1141
- X2679 801
- X2281 738
- a 5
- X0 15 15
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- X2100 1383
- X2432 1464
- X2586 1166
- X2209 1083
- a 5
- X0 15 15
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- X2049 1511
- X2160 1504
- X2226 1378
- X2078 1381
- a 5
- X0 15 15
- X2049 1511
- X2014 1643
- X2107 1638
- X2174 1509
- X2049 1511
- a 5
- X0 15 15
- X2078 1659
- X2052 1785
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- X2291 1705
- X2078 1659
- a 5
- X0 15 15
- X2041 1784
- X2020 1842
- X2200 1898
- X2241 1814
- X2041 1784
- a 5
- X0 15 15
- X1929 1826
- X1913 1881
- X2137 1941
- X2162 1883
- X1929 1826
- a 5
- X0 15 15
- X1562 1845
- X1553 1973
- X1749 1986
- X1775 1859
- X1562 1845
- c 25
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X691 2077
- X658 1949
- X441 1987
- X491 2113
- X691 2077
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1005 1910
- X1003 1854
- X795 1863
- X805 1922
- X1005 1910
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1099 1851
- X1102 1791
- X833 1773
- X840 1861
- X1099 1851
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1113 1790
- X1103 1665
- X825 1656
- X833 1773
- X1113 1790
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1034 1662
- X1033 1528
- X630 1518
- X624 1661
- X1034 1662
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1033 1528
- X1032 1397
- X629 1380
- X615 1520
- X1033 1528
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1055 1395
- X1107 1088
- X906 1069
- X859 1392
- X1055 1395
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X1066 1082
- X1138 742
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- X845 1063
- X1066 1082
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X902 706
- X992 121
- X798 93
- X693 672
- X902 706
- a 5
- X0 8 7
- X809 92
- X852 -357
- X689 -380
- X579 48
- X809 92
- c 44
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1440 1977
- X1441 1835
- X1562 1845
- X1553 1973
- X1440 1977
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1794 1847
- X1804 1798
- X1929 1826
- X1913 1881
- X1794 1847
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1863 1787
- X1826 1695
- X2041 1784
- X2020 1842
- X1863 1787
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1862 1677
- X1858 1612
- X2078 1659
- X2052 1785
- X1862 1677
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1827 1620
- X1863 1349
- X2078 1381
- X2014 1643
- X1827 1620
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1922 1365
- X1975 1057
- X2209 1083
- X2100 1383
- X1922 1365
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1909 1041
- X1983 706
- X2281 738
- X2170 1072
- X1909 1041
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1742 665
- X1812 77
- X2150 92
- X2051 671
- X1742 665
- a 5
- X0 13 14
- X1645 52
- X1677 -395
- X1961 -400
- X1967 48
- X1645 52
- c 43
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1366 2090
- X1365 1966
- X1429 1977
- X1430 2090
- X1366 2090
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1365 1966
- X1361 1831
- X1441 1835
- X1440 1977
- X1365 1966
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1706 1843
- X1717 1795
- X1804 1798
- X1794 1847
- X1706 1843
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1777 1782
- X1779 1616
- X1826 1695
- X1863 1787
- X1777 1782
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1779 1616
- X1779 1616
- X1858 1612
- X1862 1677
- X1779 1616
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1730 1616
- X1781 1361
- X1863 1349
- X1827 1620
- X1730 1616
- a 5
- X0 14 13
- X1856 1388
- X1887 1064
- X1975 1057
- X1922 1365
- X1856 1388
- c 42
- a 5
- X0 14 14
- X1335 2087
- X1336 1832
- X1361 1831
- X1366 2090
- X1335 2087
- a 5
- X0 14 14
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- X1781 1361
- X1730 1616
- X1697 1614
- a 5
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- X1870 1199
- X1877 1153
- X1856 1388
- X1826 1399
- a 5
- X0 14 14
- X1946 1263
- X1964 1070
- X1887 1064
- X1877 1153
- X1946 1263
- a 5
- X0 14 14
- X1250 1996
- X1242 1837
- X1336 1832
- X1336 2028
- X1250 1996
- a 5
- X0 14 14
- X1612 1610
- X1678 1408
- X1761 1374
- X1697 1614
- X1612 1610
- a 5
- X0 14 14
- X1733 1439
- X1814 1274
- X1870 1199
- X1826 1399
- X1733 1439
- a 5
- X0 14 14
- X1852 1327
- X1870 1063
- X1964 1070
- X1946 1263
- X1852 1327
- c 41
- a 5
- X0 12 13
- X1175 1982
- X1149 1869
- X1242 1837
- X1250 1996
- X1175 1982
- a 5
- X0 12 13
- X1151 1990
- X1113 1906
- X1149 1869
- X1175 1982
- X1151 1990
- c 4
- f 3
- m 1141 1968
- d 1113 1906
- c 5
- f 1
- f 0
- c 41
- c 24
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X854 2061
- X829 1919
- X658 1949
- X691 2077
- X854 2061
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1182 1902
- X1187 1853
- X1003 1854
- X1005 1910
- X1182 1902
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1242 1837
- X1194 1748
- X1102 1791
- X1099 1851
- X1242 1837
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1226 1729
- X1214 1667
- X1103 1665
- X1113 1790
- X1226 1729
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1184 1675
- X1189 1404
- X1032 1397
- X1034 1662
- X1184 1675
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1250 1416
- X1280 1108
- X1107 1088
- X1055 1395
- X1250 1416
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1212 1099
- X1276 761
- X1138 742
- X1066 1082
- X1212 1099
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X1032 728
- X1120 139
- X992 121
- X902 706
- X1032 728
- a 5
- X0 8 8
- X957 115
- X1038 -334
- X852 -357
- X809 92
- X957 115
- c 23
- a 5
- X0 6 7
- X938 2046
- X920 1912
- X829 1919
- X854 2061
- X938 2046
- a 5
- X0 6 7
- X1265 1902
- X1271 1854
- X1187 1853
- X1182 1902
- X1265 1902
- a 5
- X0 6 7
- X1327 1839
- X1313 1675
- X1194 1748
- X1242 1837
- X1327 1839
- a 5
- X0 6 7
- X1313 1675
- X1313 1675
- X1214 1667
- X1226 1729
- X1313 1675
- a 5
- X0 6 7
- X1265 1676
- X1292 1423
- X1189 1404
- X1184 1675
- X1265 1676
- a 5
- X0 6 7
- X1372 1443
- X1381 1121
- X1280 1108
- X1250 1416
- X1372 1443
- c 22
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X987 2166
- X958 1911
- X920 1912
- X958 2170
- X987 2166
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1268 1902
- X1268 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1268 1902
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1316 1675
- X1316 1675
- X1313 1675
- X1313 1675
- X1316 1675
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1301 1675
- X1346 1436
- X1292 1423
- X1265 1676
- X1301 1675
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1413 1457
- X1444 1256
- X1378 1210
- X1372 1443
- X1413 1457
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1527 1318
- X1536 1127
- X1381 1121
- X1378 1210
- X1527 1318
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1039 2067
- X1022 1909
- X958 1911
- X981 2108
- X1039 2067
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1268 1902
- X1268 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1268 1902
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1316 1675
- X1316 1675
- X1313 1675
- X1313 1675
- X1316 1675
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1384 1675
- X1444 1475
- X1346 1436
- X1301 1675
- X1384 1675
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1500 1504
- X1576 1337
- X1444 1256
- X1413 1457
- X1500 1504
- a 5
- X0 7 6
- X1615 1391
- X1630 1129
- X1536 1127
- X1527 1318
- X1615 1391
- c 21
- a 5
- X0 7 7
- X1104 2021
- X1080 1908
- X1022 1909
- X1039 2067
- X1104 2021
- a 5
- X0 7 7
- X1268 1902
- X1268 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1268 1902
- a 5
- X0 7 7
- X1151 1990
- X1113 1906
- X1080 1908
- X1104 2021
- X1151 1990
- a 5
- X0 7 7
- X1268 1902
- X1268 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1265 1902
- X1268 1902
- c 4
- f 3
- m 1141 1968
- d 1113 1906
- m 1268 1902
- d 1268 1902
- c 5
- f 1
- m 1113 1906
- d 1268 1902
- f 0
- c 21
- f 0
- c 12
- a 12
- X0 4 4
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- X1819 1399
- X1831 1407
- X1848 1433
- X1861 1459
- X1873 1489
- X1879 1518
- X1888 1547
- X1890 1576
- X1889 1612
- X1888 1640
- X1533 1607
- a 21
- X0 4 4
- X1819 1399
- X1931 1319
- X1950 1324
- X1971 1362
- X1989 1396
- X2006 1437
- X2019 1479
- X2026 1519
- X2031 1563
- X2033 1606
- X2032 1649
- X1888 1640
- X1889 1612
- X1890 1576
- X1888 1547
- X1879 1518
- X1873 1489
- X1861 1459
- X1848 1433
- X1831 1407
- X1819 1399
- a 21
- X0 4 4
- X1931 1319
- X1950 1324
- X1971 1362
- X1989 1396
- X2006 1437
- X2019 1479
- X2026 1519
- X2031 1563
- X2033 1606
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- X2175 1601
- X2171 1545
- X2165 1493
- X2155 1438
- X2139 1384
- X2117 1334
- X2094 1288
- X2064 1242
- X2063 1223
- X1931 1319
- a 21
- X0 4 4
- X2063 1223
- X2156 1161
- X2177 1153
- X2213 1212
- X2244 1271
- X2269 1333
- X2291 1395
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- X2171 1545
- X2165 1493
- X2155 1438
- X2139 1384
- X2117 1334
- X2094 1288
- X2064 1242
- X2063 1223
- c 14
- a 14
- X0 3 4
- X2382 1113
- X2515 1157
- X2640 1195
- X2676 801
- X2775 817
- X2731 855
- X2627 815
- X2597 841
- X2591 840
- X2583 854
- X2460 925
- X2316 1001
- X2268 1010
- X2382 1113
- a 17
- X0 3 4
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- X2797 1337
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- X2680 1318
- X2567 1362
- X2581 1358
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- X2485 1354
- X2450 1333
- X2441 1346
- X2578 1426
- X2566 1446
- X2569 1462
- X2673 1401
- X2673 1401
- a 27
- X0 3 4
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- X2559 1452
- X2482 1429
- X2376 1558
- X2337 1566
- X2328 1579
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- X2403 1235
- X2393 1174
- X2400 1175
- X2382 1113
- X2515 1157
- X2640 1195
- X2673 1401
- X2607 1678
- c 11
- A 19
- X1488 1595
- X1563 1478
- X1557 1470
- X1646 1353
- X1662 1297
- X1630 1289
- X1623 1303
- X1570 1322
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- X1456 1489
- X1462 1503
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- X1232 1806
- X1237 1792
- X1210 1869
- X1486 1665
- X1488 1595
- X1488 1595
- A 22
- X2382 1113
- X2515 1157
- X2640 1195
- X2653 1159
- X2636 1141
- X2627 1154
- X2617 1054
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- X2597 841
- X2591 840
- X2583 854
- X2460 925
- X2316 1001
- X2268 1010
- X2382 1113
- A 26
- X2055 1335
- X2139 1192
- X2232 1240
- X2215 1310
- X2282 1372
- X2364 1414
- X2414 1319
- X2392 1226
- X2403 1235
- X2393 1174
- X2400 1175
- X2382 1113
- X2268 1010
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- X1712 1328
- X1699 1328
- X1650 1389
- X1563 1478
- X1488 1595
- X2055 1335
- X2055 1335
- A 7
- X2491 1220
- X2531 1250
- X2514 1239
- X2512 1246
- X2500 1244
- X2491 1220
- X2491 1220
- A 5
- X2560 1270
- X2594 1262
- X2598 1278
- X2560 1270
- X2560 1270
- A 17
- X2673 1401
- X2798 1361
- X2797 1337
- X2675 1309
- X2680 1318
- X2567 1362
- X2581 1358
- X2500 1342
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- X2450 1333
- X2441 1346
- X2578 1426
- X2566 1446
- X2569 1462
- X2673 1401
- X2673 1401
- A 24
- X2718 2215
- X2662 2092
- X2614 2075
- X2584 1953
- X2594 1822
- X2587 1704
- X2607 1678
- X2589 1597
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- X2328 1579
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- X2084 1490
- X2055 1335
- X1488 1595
- X1232 1806
- X1187 1898
- X1199 1904
- X1199 2049
- X2718 2215
- f 1
- c 8
- m 1488 1595
- d 1479 1595
- d 1551 1463
- d 1620 1345
- d 1627 1346
- d 1662 1304
- d 1635 1310
- d 1534 1427
- d 1476 1461
- d 1507 1469
- d 1455 1538
- d 1369 1678
- d 1265 1770
- d 1272 1784
- d 1488 1595
- m 2286 1027
- d 2151 1091
- d 2065 1075
- d 1918 1135
- d 1800 1198
- d 1805 1220
- d 1798 1226
- d 1802 1255
- d 1696 1377
- d 1656 1403
- d 1569 1499
- d 1516 1589
- d 1488 1595
- m 1369 1678
- d 1265 1770
- d 1272 1784
- d 1255 1798
- d 1256 1819
- d 1244 1820
- d 1214 1968
- f 1
- c 94
- a 74
- X1 31 30
- X1299 1822
- X1293 1822
- X1284 1822
- X1279 1819
- X1273 1819
- X1267 1815
- X1261 1812
- X1255 1809
- X1249 1805
- X1244 1802
- X1240 1795
- X1234 1792
- X1231 1785
- X1228 1782
- X1225 1775
- X1225 1768
- X1221 1761
- X1221 1758
- X1221 1751
- X1220 1744
- X1223 1737
- X1223 1730
- X1225 1726
- X1228 1719
- X1231 1712
- X1233 1708
- X1236 1701
- X1242 1698
- X1248 1694
- X1250 1690
- X1256 1687
- X1262 1683
- X1268 1679
- X1274 1679
- X1283 1676
- X1289 1675
- X1295 1675
- X1301 1675
- X1307 1675
- X1316 1679
- X1322 1678
- X1328 1682
- X1334 1685
- X1340 1689
- X1343 1692
- X1349 1696
- X1354 1699
- X1357 1706
- X1360 1710
- X1363 1717
- X1366 1724
- X1369 1727
- X1369 1734
- X1372 1741
- X1372 1748
- X1372 1755
- X1372 1758
- X1369 1765
- X1370 1772
- X1367 1779
- X1364 1783
- X1361 1790
- X1355 1793
- X1352 1800
- X1347 1804
- X1341 1807
- X1335 1811
- X1330 1814
- X1324 1818
- X1318 1818
- X1313 1821
- X1304 1822
- X1299 1822
- X1299 1822
- c 92
- a 74
- X1 29 30
- X1230 1872
- X1227 1872
- X1225 1872
- X1222 1872
- X1219 1869
- X1216 1869
- X1213 1869
- X1210 1866
- X1207 1866
- X1204 1863
- X1201 1859
- X1198 1859
- X1198 1856
- X1195 1853
- X1195 1849
- X1195 1849
- X1192 1846
- X1192 1842
- X1191 1839
- X1191 1835
- X1191 1832
- X1194 1828
- X1194 1828
- X1193 1825
- X1196 1821
- X1199 1818
- X1199 1818
- X1201 1814
- X1204 1810
- X1207 1810
- X1209 1807
- X1212 1807
- X1215 1807
- X1218 1803
- X1221 1803
- X1224 1803
- X1226 1803
- X1229 1803
- X1232 1803
- X1235 1802
- X1238 1806
- X1241 1806
- X1244 1806
- X1247 1809
- X1250 1809
- X1253 1812
- X1256 1816
- X1256 1816
- X1259 1819
- X1262 1823
- X1262 1826
- X1262 1826
- X1265 1829
- X1265 1833
- X1265 1836
- X1265 1840
- X1265 1843
- X1263 1847
- X1263 1847
- X1263 1850
- X1260 1854
- X1260 1857
- X1257 1857
- X1255 1861
- X1252 1864
- X1249 1865
- X1247 1868
- X1244 1868
- X1241 1868
- X1238 1872
- X1236 1872
- X1233 1872
- X1230 1872
- X1230 1872
- f 8
- c 7
- m 1232 1855
- d 1206 1932
- m 1222 1920
- d 1206 1932
- d 1200 1912
- m 1505 1539
- d 1463 1605
- m 1481 1598
- d 1463 1605
- d 1462 1586
- f 3
- c 93
- a 13
- X3 31 31
- X1252 1805
- X1257 1791
- X1263 1784
- X1269 1784
- X1271 1777
- X1268 1770
- X1297 1749
- X1305 1724
- X1334 1703
- X1352 1706
- X1340 1710
- X1274 1784
- X1252 1805
- c 91
- a 5
- X3 30 29
- X1221 1855
- X1216 1820
- X1227 1820
- X1237 1834
- X1221 1855
- f 0
- f 0
- c 3
- c 2
- m 200 188
- d 200 1968
- d 2562 1968
- d 2562 188
- d 200 188
- m 2562 183
- d 2441 172
- d 2268 159
- d 2092 148
- d 1916 140
- d 1738 134
- d 1560 130
- d 1381 129
- d 1202 130
- d 1024 134
- d 846 140
- d 670 148
- d 495 159
- d 321 172
- d 200 183
- m 200 547
- d 322 533
- d 495 516
- d 670 502
- d 847 492
- d 1024 484
- d 1202 479
- d 1381 478
- d 1560 479
- d 1738 484
- d 1916 492
- d 2092 502
- d 2267 516
- d 2440 533
- d 2562 547
- m 2562 918
- d 2415 897
- d 2246 876
- d 2076 860
- d 1903 847
- d 1730 838
- d 1556 833
- d 1381 831
- d 1206 833
- d 1032 838
- d 859 847
- d 687 860
- d 516 876
- d 347 897
- d 200 918
- m 200 1294
- d 238 1286
- d 396 1259
- d 556 1236
- d 719 1218
- d 883 1203
- d 1048 1193
- d 1214 1187
- d 1381 1185
- d 1548 1187
- d 1714 1193
- d 1879 1203
- d 2043 1218
- d 2206 1236
- d 2366 1259
- d 2524 1286
- d 2562 1294
- m 2562 1675
- d 2440 1646
- d 2294 1617
- d 2146 1593
- d 1996 1573
- d 1843 1558
- d 1690 1547
- d 1536 1540
- d 1381 1538
- d 1226 1540
- d 1072 1547
- d 919 1558
- d 767 1573
- d 616 1593
- d 468 1617
- d 322 1646
- d 200 1675
- m 560 1968
- d 563 1967
- d 695 1943
- d 830 1922
- d 966 1907
- d 1104 1896
- d 1242 1889
- d 1381 1887
- d 1520 1889
- d 1659 1896
- d 1796 1907
- d 1932 1922
- d 2067 1943
- d 2199 1967
- d 2202 1968
- m 508 1968
- d 457 1804
- d 409 1628
- d 368 1450
- d 332 1269
- d 303 1088
- d 280 906
- d 263 723
- d 253 541
- d 249 359
- d 252 178
- d 259 48
- m 604 48
- d 600 152
- d 597 329
- d 600 508
- d 607 687
- d 618 866
- d 634 1046
- d 654 1225
- d 678 1403
- d 706 1580
- d 739 1756
- d 776 1930
- d 785 1968
- m 1057 1968
- d 1048 1900
- d 1028 1726
- d 1011 1550
- d 995 1374
- d 982 1197
- d 971 1019
- d 963 841
- d 957 664
- d 953 487
- d 952 311
- d 953 136
- d 955 48
- m 1310 48
- d 1310 129
- d 1309 303
- d 1310 478
- d 1310 654
- d 1311 831
- d 1313 1008
- d 1314 1185
- d 1317 1362
- d 1319 1538
- d 1322 1713
- d 1325 1887
- d 1327 1968
- m 1597 1968
- d 1603 1892
- d 1617 1719
- d 1628 1544
- d 1639 1367
- d 1647 1190
- d 1655 1013
- d 1660 835
- d 1664 658
- d 1667 482
- d 1668 306
- d 1667 132
- d 1666 48
- m 2019 48
- d 2022 144
- d 2024 320
- d 2022 498
- d 2016 676
- d 2007 854
- d 1994 1033
- d 1978 1212
- d 1958 1389
- d 1935 1566
- d 1908 1742
- d 1878 1916
- d 1868 1968
- m 2143 1968
- d 2147 1957
- d 2194 1783
- d 2235 1607
- d 2272 1429
- d 2302 1249
- d 2328 1069
- d 2348 888
- d 2362 707
- d 2371 526
- d 2375 346
- d 2372 166
- d 2366 48
- m 2562 1534
- d 2526 1666
- d 2469 1843
- d 2423 1968
- z
- A frame from Michel Debiche's plate tectonic movie.
- if test 16062 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/Tests/DEMO_Tectonics'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 18 \(of 24\).
- cp /dev/null ark18isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 24 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0