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- Subject: v14i024: Device-independant graphics system, with drivers
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Joe Dellinger <joe@hanauma.STANFORD.EDU>
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 24
- Archive-name: vplot/part19
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 19 (of 24)."
- # Wrapped by rsalz@fig.bbn.com on Fri Mar 25 11:47:31 1988
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1'\" \(25049 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- Hacker's guide to the innards of the Pen programs,
- X or
- What you need to know to support a new device well
- X
- X
- Joe Dellinger and Charles R. Karish
- X
- Stanford University School of Earth Sciences
- X
- The pen software package, developed by students in the Geophysics department
- at Stanford University over many years, allows graphical data produced by
- computer programs to be displayed on a wide variety of output devices,
- including terminals and hard copy devices. Both vector and raster output
- are supported. The filters allow the user to control the size, aspect ratio,
- and position on the page independent of the program which produces the data.
- Pen programs read files written in the vplot graphics metalanguage and
- write commands appropriate to the various output devices.
- The pen programs are all filters, and can be run in pipelines without
- loss of function. Only rudimentary provisions for interaction are provided.
- X
- Terminals now supported include color Tektronix and
- emulators (4105), monochrome Tektronix and emulators (4010)
- X(GraphOn, Selanar, Retrographics), Envision, DEC Regis (Gigi, VT125, VT220),
- Imagen, PostScript (e. g., Apple LaserWriter), Printronix printer,
- suntools, X, NEWS, and Rastertek.
- X
- The source for the pen filters is located in .../vplot/filters and
- subdirectories. All include files (files ending in .h) are kept in
- X.../vplot/filters/include. Fonts are kept in
- X.../vplot/filters/include/vplotfonts. Each pen filter has an associated
- X device-dependent subroutine library, which is kept in a subdirectory of
- X.../vplot/filters. For example, the Envision pen filter ``envipen'' uses
- the directory .../vplot/filters/envilib.
- X
- The philosophy behind vplot and pen has been to have users' programs write
- output in a device-independent language, and to present the results in a
- compatible manner on all devices. All the filters share a common
- user/operating system interface routine, called frontend, and a common
- vplot command interpreter, dovplot.c. Frontend consists of 3 parts:
- main_vplot, init_vplot, and proc_vplot. The routines in utillib.a
- are mostly low-level and device independent. Genlib.a is a set of generic
- routines which is capable of providing all or almost all of the functions
- needed to support a GKS vector output package. The programmer is free
- to use these routines in a device driver, or to substitute calls to
- high-level hardware capabilities. Loclib.a contains a subset of the
- seplib library, including routines for writing/reading vplot and for
- receiving parameters from the command line and initialization
- files.
- X
- The heart of the device support system is the file <dev>conf.c
- where <dev> is the name of the device. Inspired by the file
- X/usr/sys/machine/conf.c which configures the UNIX operating system
- to accept peripheral devices, this file is composed of three parts:
- X1) Declaration of the variables necessary to do self-documentation:
- X char name[] = "Filter name";
- X char *documentation[] = {...documentation...};
- X int doclength = {sizeof documentation / sizeof documentation[0] };
- X
- X You may wish to include ``gendoc.h'' as part of your
- X documentation string.
- X
- X2) Declaration of the routines which have been chosen/written
- X to provide the various functions.
- X All the routines named in part 3 must be declared, as well as all the
- X routines which they may call.
- X
- X3) Initialization of a structure of pointers to the routines which do
- X the work. Since this structure is read directly by dovplot.c,
- X it is vital that the all entries be filled in order.
- X Each subroutine name can be one of three types:
- X
- X a) A device-specific subroutine name such as ``envipoint''.
- X (Note the first 4 characters of the name are a unique identifier
- X for the device, and the rest of the name tells which routine in the
- X table this is. The 4 letter identifier is usually tacked onto
- X ``pen'' to give the pen filter name (such as ``envipen'') and onto
- X ``lib'' to give the subdirectory name (such as ``envilib'').)
- X
- X b) A generic subroutine name such as ``genpoint''.
- X Generic subroutines simplify the device's work by handling
- X things in software. They in turn call other, simpler, device
- X routines. Generic routines are useful because by using them it
- X is very easy to rapidly support all the primitives on a device.
- X If the device can do things in hardware, however, it is usually
- X preferable to write a device-specific routine to use that capability
- X since that is much more efficient.
- X
- X c) The do-nothing subroutine ``nulldev''.
- X Nulldev is an all-purpose generic subroutine that simply
- X returns. It can either be used as a place holder for routines
- X your device doesn't use, or it can be used in cases where there
- X is simply no reasonable way to handle that particular primitive
- X on that device.
- X
- The usual procedure for creating a new driver has been to steal as
- much code as possible from a driver for a similar device,
- or from the generic library. For a Tektronix emulator, this can be as
- simple as checking that the mode changes are handled properly by dev.open
- and dev.close, and writing a devconf.c with the proper subroutine names.
- For a start, it should be possible to get a less-standard device going
- with devopen, devclose, and devplot routines, relying on generic routines
- for all other functions. Figure 1 contains the device structure for the
- Envision 220.
- X
- X---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- struct device dev =
- X{
- X /* control routines */
- X enviopen, /* open */
- X envireset, /* reset */
- X envimessage, /* message */
- X envierase, /* erase */
- X enviclose, /* close */
- X
- X /* high level output */
- X genvector, /* vector */
- X genmarker, /* marker */
- X gentext, /* text */
- X genarea, /* area */
- X genraster1, /* raster */
- X envipoint, /* point */
- X enviattributes, /* attributes */
- X
- X /* input */
- X envigetpoint, /* getpoint */
- X geninteract, /* interact */
- X
- X /* low level output */
- X enviplot, /* plot */
- X envistartpoly, /* startpoly */
- X envimidpoly, /* midpoly */
- X enviendpoly /* endpoly */
- X};
- X
- Figure 1: device structure for envipen
- X-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- The following variables are used to communicate information between
- dovplot and the device routines.
- X
- These variables must be initialized in either dev.open or dev.reset:
- X
- int dev_xmax, dev_ymax, dev_xmin, dev_ymin;
- X
- X These variables should give the device coordinates of the lower-leftmost
- X and upper-rightmost pixels on the device screen. It is assumed that
- X the device X axis is horizontal and the device Y axis is vertical,
- X and that dev_xmax > dev_xmin and dev_ymax > dev_ymin. If this is not
- X true for your device, it is up to the device routines to transform
- X the device coordinate system so it is true. (Examples of devices that
- X do this are gigipen and ipen.)
- X
- float pixels_per_inch, aspect_ratio;
- X
- X Pixels_per_inch gives the number of pixels per inch on the device
- X in the horizontal direction. Aspect_ratio gives the height to width
- X ratio of the pixels. (Aspect_ratio > 1 means that the pixels are tall
- X and skinny, and thus that the resolution is less in the vertical
- X direction than in the horizontal direction.)
- X
- int num_col;
- X
- X Num_col is the number of settable colors that the device has.
- X Colors that can't be reset from the host don't count.
- X Currently num_col can be at most 256, because this is all
- X the raster routines can handle (due to use of unsigned char's).
- X If mono=y is set, init_vplot will set num_col to zero.
- X
- X-------------------
- X
- These variables are set by dovplot but may be reset in
- dev.open (NOT dev.reset) if the default
- value is not appropriate. For the most part, resetting these variables
- is for the purpose of making a device-dependent default;
- the user is given a chance to override the value the device sets them to.
- X
- int mono=NO;
- X
- X If mono=NO, then the device is assumed to have color EVEN IF num_col is
- X zero. If mono=YES, then the device is monochrome. (The user cannot
- X override mono=YES, but can mono=NO.) See comments about the effects
- X of mono and num_col on color in dev.attributes below, and on raster
- X in dev.raster. Mono=YES forces num_col=0.
- X
- int invras=YES;
- X
- X This variable is only used in the utility routine ``dither.c'', which
- X dithers raster. Raster is only dithered if mono=YES and dither>0.
- X Normally such devices draw in black on a white page, which is the
- X reverse of what is normal for screen devices, and so invras=YES.
- X If the background color is BLACK then invras should be NO.
- X
- int dither=1;
- X
- X Default dithering style to use for this device. See vplotraster(9)
- X for the different values to be explained.
- X
- float greyc=1.;
- X
- X This variable is used only when dithering is being performed,
- X and really should only be used for hardcopy devices. It alters
- X the grey scale so that grey rasters come out on paper with the
- X same nonlinear appearance that is perceived on display devices.
- X See vplotraster(9) for a discussion of the parameter and how to
- X use it.
- X
- float pixc=1.;
- X
- X This variable is used only when dithering is being performed,
- X and also should only be used for hardcopy devices. It alters the
- X grey scale to correct for pixel overlap on the device, which
- X (if uncorrected) causes grey raster images to come out much darker
- X on paper than on graphics displays. See vplotraster(9) for a
- X discussion of the parameter and how to use it.
- X
- int txfont=DEFAULT_FONT, txprec=DEFAULT_PREC;
- X
- X Default text font, precision, and overlay mode. Text fonts of less
- X than NUMGENFONT are reserved for genvector fonts. If you want the
- X device to by default use some nice hardware font, you can reset
- X txfont to the appropriate device-dependent font number.
- X Alternatively, if the device is one in which plotting speed is not
- X a problem, txfont can be set to DEFAULT_HARDCOPY_FONT.
- X Txprec is pretty much ignored by genvector. Fancy output devices should
- X set txprec to DEFAULT_HARDCOPY_PREC to enable ligatures. Txprec may
- X be used by device-dependent text routines. Txprec must be in the range
- X 0 through 2.
- X
- float hshift=0., vshift=0.; int rotate=0;
- X
- X These values are in addition to whatever the user may set from the
- X command line. This provides a way for a device to rotate or translate
- X all plots.
- X
- int shade=YES;
- X
- X If shade=NO, then no attempt will be made by vplot to ask the device to
- X shade the interiors of polygons due to the vplot `a' and `A' commands.
- X Instead it will just outline them with vectors whenever it tries to
- X fill a polygon. This option is for devices that CAN fill but are
- X very slow to do so.
- X
- int wantras=YES;
- X
- X If wantras=NO, then no attempt will be made by vplot to ask the
- X device to handle raster due to the vplot `r' and `R' commands.
- X Instead it will just shade the raster area solid white using dev.area.
- X This option is for devices that CAN do raster but are very slow to
- X do it.
- X
- float fatmult=1., patternmult=1.;
- X
- X If fat lines are too slow, you can set fatmult=0. and disable line
- X fattening. The user can still turn it on again by overriding with
- X fatmult=1 from the command line. Patternmult can be used to scale up
- X or down patterns by default on a specific device.
- X
- int endpause=NO;
- X
- X If the device needs a pause at the end of the plot
- X (via dev.close(CLOSE_PAUSE) and then dev.interact(INT_F_PAUSE))
- X then endpause should be set to YES.
- X
- int allowecho=?;
- X
- X Allowecho controls whether echoing is turned off for the duration of
- X plotting. Allowecho=NO turns off echoing.
- X If the dev.open sets allowecho, dovplot assumes that it knows what it's
- X doing and leaves it alone. Otherwise,
- X dovplot tries to decide whether allowecho should be YES or NO depending
- X on where the output stream pltout goes. If after calling dev.open
- X pltout and stderr point to the same place, then it assumes that
- X allowecho should be NO. The user can force allowecho to be YES
- X from the command line if the device or dovplot set it to be NO,
- X but the user cannot force it to be NO.
- X
- int (*message)()=genmessage;
- X
- X Dovplot decides where to send messages (such as error messages, for
- X example) in the same way that it decides how to set allowecho.
- X Before dev.open has been called, the device is not open and dev.message
- X cannot be called. Instead, it is assumed that it is safe to send all
- X messages to stderr by calling genmessage instead. After dev.open has
- X been called, dovplot checks to see whether stderr and pltout point to
- X the same place. If they do, then from then on all messages are routed to
- X dev.message. However, if they do NOT point to the same place, then it is
- X assumed that it is still safe to route them to stderr and messages are
- X still handled by genmessage. If this logic is incorrect for your device
- X you will need to reset this variable to dev.message in dev.open. So
- X far the only devices for which dovplot's logic has been wrong have
- X been virtual ones. The user cannot determine where messages are to
- X be sent.
- X
- X----------------
- X
- These variables can usually be left at their default values, but may
- have to be reset for some devices. They cannot be changed by the user.
- X
- int need_end_erase=NO;
- X
- X Some devices use the ``erase'' routine to do things such as write out
- X a rasterized plot image as well as for erasing. For such devices it
- X is convenient to have dev.erase called one last time before the device
- X is closed (via dev.erase(ERASE_END)). To get this, set need_end_erase=YES.
- X
- int buffer_output=YES;
- X
- X If for some reason buffering the output to your device is a bad thing to
- X do, set buffer_output=NO. This only applies if you use the FILE *pltout
- X that dovplot provides.
- X
- int smart_clip=NO;
- X
- X If smart_clip=NO, then dovplot should do all clipping for you. If you
- X can do your own clipping, then set smart_clip=YES. You must then
- X handle dev.attributes(SET_WINDOW)!
- X
- int smart_raster=NO;
- X
- X If you can stretch AND clip your own raster, then set smart_raster=YES.
- X It is then up to you to do all the stretching and clipping (and possibly
- X dithering) of raster in the dev.raster routine, as dovplot will not then
- X do it for you.
- X
- X-------------------
- X
- These variables may be useful to refer to in dev.open, so that one pen filter
- can support multiple devices:
- X
- char callname[]="filename";
- char wstype[]="default";
- X
- X Callname gives the name the person invoked to run this pen filter.
- X (The leading path is stripped for you if present.) If the person
- X has ``wstype=work_station_type'' as a command line option, then
- X wstype will be set to the string "work_station_type". Otherwise,
- X it will be set to "default". Note that the only routine that
- X REALLY has to be defined in dev.conf is dev.open, and the only
- X routines that REALLY have to be defined in dev.open are dev.close,
- X dev.reset and dev.message. However, by the time dev.reset returns
- X everything had better be defined. Thus you can decide inside
- X dev.open which subroutines to plug into the device table, after
- X looking at wstype and callname to tell you which device you are
- X supporting.
- X
- X------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- All sizes and locations are in device units unless stated otherwise.
- Dovplot() uses its notions of the vplot environment (resolution, origin)
- and the device resolution (pixel size and shape) to call with the appropriate
- values. Subroutines may write to the external FILE *pltout which dovplot
- initializes, which may be a terminal, a pipe, or a text file, or
- they may open their own output file if pltout is not appropriate.
- In general, if the user is redirecting stdout, then that's where the
- output should go and no plot should actually appear anywhere.
- If the user is not redirecting stdout, then the user wants a plot to appear
- on the appropriate device. Pen filters should not easily be made to
- dump binary garbage out onto your screen!
- X
- We will list each routine in the device table in order. We will also
- list all associated generic and utility routines at the same time.
- X
- Control routines
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.open()
- X
- Initialize device-dependent variables (see above)
- and emit hardware initialization strings.
- This routine is guaranteed to be the first called, and it is only
- called once.
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.reset()
- X
- Reset the terminal. It is guaranteed that this will be called once
- after the first call to dev.open before any other routine is called.
- The one exception is in case of certain errors, in which case dev.reset
- is never called and instead dev.close(NOTHING) followed by dev.close(DONE)
- are the only other calls after the initial dev.open call. (This is the
- X``No input?'' error, which you've probably seen.)
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.message(command, string)
- int command;
- char string[];
- X
- Choose a command from mesgcom.h to position the cursor, set the proper
- text mode, and print out a message. Displaying a message will
- require several calls to dev.message, one per command.
- The meanings of the various commands are given by comments inside
- mesgcom.h.
- X
- Generic routines: genmessage.c
- Genmessage prints all messages to stderr. It doesn't try to do anything
- at all fancy, although it does beep as the best available completely
- device-independent way of ``highlighting text''. It beeps twice because
- some devices silently eat single beeps.
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.erase(command)
- int command;
- X
- Choose an erase mode from erasecom.h, and erase the screen.
- The meanings of the various commands are given by comments inside
- erasecom.h.
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.close(status)
- int status;
- X
- Choose a close status from closestat.h, and close the workstation.
- The meanings of the various commands are given by comments inside
- closestat.h.
- X
- High level output routines
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.vector(x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
- int x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon;
- X{
- X/* These can be declared by including extern.h */
- extern float dashsum, dashpos;
- extern float dashes[/* dashon*2 */];
- X
- Draw a (possibly) fat (possibly) dashed line from device coordinate
- X(x1,y1) to (x2,y2). The fatness of the line is given by nfat. Nfat=0
- means the thinnest possible line. Each increase of 1 means to fatten
- the line by one device pixel WIDTH (the height could be quite different,
- depending on the value of aspect_ratio). Nfat < 0 should be checked for,
- and no vector should be drawn at all in that case.
- X
- If dashon>0 then a dashed line should be drawn. The pattern consists
- of dashon dash-gap pairs. The pattern is defined in the array
- dashes[2*dashon]. (ie, dashes[0] is the first dash length, dashes[1]
- is the first gap length, dashes[2] is the second dash length, etc.)
- Dovplot will call dev.attributes(NEW_DASH,...) whenever the values
- in this array are changed. Note that just because a dashed pattern
- has been put in effect does not mean it will always be used on all
- calls to dev.vector. Dev.vector can still be asked to draw continuous
- lines (ie, those for which dashon=0) without warning at any time.
- Dashsum gives the total length of the dash-gap pattern
- X(ie, dashsum = summation i=0;i<dashon*2;i++ of dashes[i]).
- The position in the dash pattern at the start of the vector is given
- in dashpos (it is the responsibility of dev.vector to update dashpos
- after each vector is drawn. The only time dovplot ever touches it is to
- reset it back to zero.) Dashpos, dashsum, and dashes are all measured
- in INCHES. (You should get the same size dash pattern on different
- devices even if they have different-sized screens!) If you are not
- sure whether you have supported dashed lines correctly, try using
- dashvec (described below) to do the dashing and see if the results
- are compatible.
- X
- Just as in the case of dashing, dev.attributes(NEW_FAT,...) warns
- when the "current fatness" has been changed. But dev.vector can
- still be asked to draw a line with a different fatness (such as for
- a polygon border) without warning at any time.
- X
- Utility routines associated with dev.vector:
- X These routines are meant to be called from a device-dependent
- dev.vector routine as utility functions.
- X
- fatvec(x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
- int x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon;
- X
- Fatvec should ONLY be called if nfat>0. Fatvec will apply Glenn Kroeger's
- line-fattening algorithm to the given fat vector, replacing it with several
- non-fat vectors. Fatvec will thus repeatedly call dev.vector with nfat=0.
- X(That's why it is important that your routine only call fatvec if nfat>0!)
- Fatvec ignores the dashon argument.
- X
- dashvec(x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon)
- int x1, y1, x2, y2, nfat, dashon;
- X
- Dashvec should ONLY be called if dashon>0. Dashvec will apply Joe Dellinger
- and Steve Cole's line-dashing algorithm to the given dashed vector, replacing
- it with several non-dashed vectors. Dashvec will thus repeatedly call
- dev.vector with dashon=0. (That's why it is important that your routine
- only call dashvec if dashon>0!) Dashvec ignores the nfat argument.
- X
- Note that if both dashvec and fatvec are called, dashvec must be called
- X
- int clip(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- int *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2;
- X
- Clip will clip the vector {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} to the bounds set by
- X{(xwmin,ywmin),(xwmax,ywmax)}. If the line is completely out of
- bounds and is clipped away to nothing, clip returns 1. Otherwise,
- clip returns 0. The standard way of using clip is:
- X
- X if(clip(&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2)) return;
- X
- Generic routines for dev.vector: genvector.c
- This routine will do all required clipping, fattening, and dashing.
- It will also keep track of the previous position, and breaks up strings
- of vectors for you into moves and draws. (It does this in a tricky way,
- re-ordering the incoming vectors and even discarding moves that can be done
- with draws. The idea is to make the plot come out as efficiently as possible
- on the device.) It calls dev.plot(x,y,flag). No other routine calls
- dev.plot, so if you do not use genvector then dev.plot should be nulldev.
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.marker(npts, mtype, msize, coor)
- int npts, type, size;
- int coor[/* npts*2 */];
- X
- Draw npts symbols centered at device coordinates (coor[0],coor[1]),
- X(coor[2],coor[3]),...,(coor[npts*2-2],coor[npts*2-1]).
- X
- Mtype is an integer from 0 to whatever, defining the type of symbol to
- draw. Mtype of 0 through 5 is defined as in GKS:
- X0,1: Smallest possible dot on the device.
- X2: Plus sign
- X3: Asterisk
- X4: Circle
- X5: Cross
- X6-19: Reserved by GKS, but currently undefined.
- These are as used in Vplot:
- X20: Square
- X21: Triangle (flat side on bottom)
- X22: Diamond
- X23: 5-pointed Star
- X
- For values that make sense as ASCII, something that looks like the
- corresponding ASCII character should be used.
- For ridiculous values of mtype, at least plot a point.
- X
- Msize is the vertical height of the symbol in VERTICAL device units.
- X(Ie, msize says how many pixels tall the letter `A' should be.)
- X
- Generic routines: genmarker.c
- Genmarker calls dev.point, dev.text, or gentext.c as needed to produce
- the desired symbols. For ASCII symbols the current font is used, which
- could either be a device-dependent font or a gentext font depending on the
- font number. Marker types 2 through 23 are drawn using the MATH and
- MISC gentext fonts.
- X
- X===========================
- X
- dev.text(string, pathx, pathy, upx, upy);
- char *string;
- float pathx, pathy, upx, upy;
- X{
- X/* These can be defined by including vplot.h and extern.h */
- extern int txfont, txprec, txovly;
- struct txalign {int hor; int ver;};
- extern struct txalign txalign;
- extern int fat;
- extern int xold, yold;
- X
- Print the text in string at the point (xold,yold) in device coordinates.
- Upon return, xold and yold should be reset to point to the END of the text.
- X(IE, for the normal text justification mode (TH_LEFT, TV_BASE), if the
- dev.text routine is called twice in a row the two printed strings should
- fit together nicely, as if produced by one call to dev.text with the two
- strings concatenated.)
- X
- The text should have fatness `fat', as defined in the section for
- dev.vector above.
- X
- The text should be justified according to the values of txalign.hor
- X(for horizontal alignment) and txalign.ver (for vertical alignment.)
- See vplot.h and vplottext.mn for descriptions of how text justification
- should work and to enumerate the various justification modes. (Our modes
- follow GKS, but with a couple of extensions thrown in to handle symbols
- and mid-text font and size changes.)
- X
- The text font value to use is given by txfont. Device-dependent text fonts
- start at font number NUMGENFONT. For txfont less than this, dovplot will
- NOT automatically call gentext. Device-dependent text routines, except
- for certain special cases, should begin by:
- X
- X if (txfont < NUMGENFONT)
- X {
- X gentext(...pass on all arguments here...);
- X return;
- X }
- X
- The text precision value can be used by device-dependent text routines
- to control the quality of text produced. (You should either follow the
- GKS conventions or simply produce good text and ignore this parameter.)
- The three different precisions are enumerated in vplot.h
- X
- The text overlay value controls whether or not an area is shaded out
- under the text before it is drawn, and whether or not a box should be
- drawn around it. The shading should be to the current background color,
- if test 25049 -ne `wc -c <'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/Documentation/hacker.doc.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/init_vplot.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/init_vplot.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Vplot_Kernel/filters/init_vplot.c'\" \(23118 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Vplot_Kernel/filters/init_vplot.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1987 the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior
- X * University. Official permission to use this software is included in
- X * the documentation. It authorizes you to use this file for any
- X * non-commercial purpose, provided that this copyright notice is not
- X * removed and that any modifications made to this file are commented
- X * and dated in the style of my example below.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * source file: ./filters/init_vplot.c
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger (SEP), Feb 18 1988
- X * Inserted this sample edit history entry.
- X * Please log any further modifications made to this file:
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger, Feb 20 1988
- X * #define GETPAR to be fetch if SEPlib version.
- X *
- X * Joe Dellinger Feb 24 1988
- X * Moved gen_do_dovplot to genlib, where it belongs.
- X * txfont, txprec, txovly, overlay defaults remembered.
- X * Joe Dellinger Feb 28 1988
- X * Changed fatness to scale with size of screen and scale,
- X * like any regular geometric attribute.
- X * Joe Dellinger Mar 4 1988
- X * Fixed slight bug with fatness scaling and style=old.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <math.h>
- X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X#include <sgtty.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <strings.h>
- X
- X#include <vplot.h>
- X
- X#include "./include/params.h" /* for machine dependencies */
- X#include "./include/enum.h"
- X#include "./include/err.h"
- X#include "./include/attrcom.h"
- X#include "./include/intcom.h"
- X#include "./include/mesgcom.h"
- X#include "./include/erasecom.h"
- X#include "./include/closestat.h"
- X#include "./include/pat.h"
- X#include "./include/vertex.h"
- X#include "./include/round.h"
- X#include "./include/extern.h"
- X
- X#ifdef SEP
- X#define GETPAR fetch
- X#else
- X#define GETPAR getpar
- X#endif SEP
- X
- struct sgttyb tty_clean_state;
- struct sgttyb tty_plot_state;
- int tty_clean_local_mode;
- int tty_plot_local_mode;
- X
- X/*
- X * The following variables must ALWAYS
- X * be set in the device open or device reset file.
- X * All their defaults are set to absurd values so that
- X * we'll crash quickly it they're not set as required.
- X */
- X/* Screen dimensions */
- int dev_xmax = 0, dev_ymax = 0, dev_xmin = 0, dev_ymin = 0;
- X/* Number of pixels per inch in the horizontal (X) direction on the device */
- float pixels_per_inch = 0.;
- X/* vertical height (on screen) / horizontal width for a single pixel */
- float aspect_ratio = 0.;
- X/*
- X * Number of SETTABLE COLORS that the device has.
- X * Non settable colors don't count.
- X */
- int num_col = -1;
- X
- X/*
- X * Other things that may need to be reset in dev.open
- X * (Can't reset them some of them in dev.reset, because the user may
- X * override from the command line.)
- X */
- X/* Does device need erase at end? */
- int need_end_erase = NO;
- X/* should the output be buffered? */
- int buffer_output = YES;
- X/* should the input be buffered? */
- int buffer_input = YES;
- X/* should pipes be allowed for input? */
- int allow_pipe = YES;
- X/* Can the device do its own clipping? (of vectors and polygons.) */
- int smart_clip = NO;
- X/* Can the device stretch AND clip its own raster? */
- int smart_raster = NO;
- X
- X/*
- X * These may be reset to device-dependent defaults.
- X */
- float fatmult = 1.;
- float patternmult = 1.;
- X
- X/*
- X * Look in extern.h for a better-organized list of the preceding.
- X * Here I have left things which are also filter options with the
- X * other filter options, even though they also belong in the above
- X * categories.
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * flags and variables
- X */
- char wstype[25];
- char callname[25];
- int xcenterflag, ycenterflag;
- int ever_called = NO;
- int first_time = YES;
- int device_open = NO; /* used by ERR */
- int out_isatty = YES; /* If NO, output is a file or pipe */
- int nplots = 0; /* number of plots made */
- X
- X/*
- X * coordinate variables
- X */
- int xwmax, xwmin, ywmax, ywmin; /* window */
- int xnew, ynew; /* new pen location */
- int xold, yold; /* old pen location */
- int xorigin = 0, yorigin = 0; /* global "origin" */
- char *txbuffer;
- int txbuflen, vxbuflen;
- struct vertex *vxbuffer;
- int xret, yret;
- float mxx, mxy, myx, myy;
- X/*
- X * This is so the device can throw in a coordinate transformation
- X * for its convenience ON TOP OF whatever transformation the user
- X * wants.
- X */
- int default_rotate = 0, default_hshift = 0, default_vshift = 0;
- X
- X/*
- X * attribute variables
- X */
- int linestyle;
- int cur_color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
- int pat_color = DEFAULT_COLOR + 1;
- int next_color;
- struct txalign txalign;
- X
- int txfont = DEFAULT_FONT;
- int txprec = DEFAULT_PREC;
- int txovly = OVLY_NORMAL;
- int default_txfont, default_txprec, default_txovly;
- int fat = 0;
- int afat = 0;
- int ipat = 0; /* currently loaded pattern */
- struct pat pat[NPAT + 1];
- float dashsum = 0.;
- int dashon = NO; /* Dashed lines? */
- float dashes[MAXDASH * 2];
- float dashpos = 0.; /* Position in current dashing pattern */
- int color_set[MAX_COL + 1][_NUM_PRIM];
- extern int greycorr ();
- int num_col_8;
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * filter options - flags
- X */
- X/* Monochrome device? */
- int mono = NO;
- X/*
- X * Invras determines the polarity of dithered raster.
- X * invras=n means raster works the same way as vectors; what is normally
- X * WHITE on most devices is BLACK on a hardcopy black and white device.
- X * invras=y is the proper default to make dithered images not come out as negatives
- X */
- int invras = YES;
- int window = YES;
- int shade = YES;
- int brake = NO;
- int framewindows = NO;
- int endpause = NO;
- int allowecho = NEVER_SET;
- X/*
- X * setting allowecho NO (which may get done
- X * in dev.open) means that the output device
- X * is the user's terminal and echoing chars
- X * back at the user would insert nonsense
- X * into the plot stream. In this case we
- X * explicitly shut down echoing and output
- X * translation until the end of the job.
- X * Arguably, output translation should be
- X * set/unset in dev.open or dev.reset as we may
- X * be plotting on a terminal not our own or
- X * the device filter may have built in
- X * workarounds for known output translation
- X * effects. I use it here as a safety measure.
- X */
- int wantras = YES;
- X
- X/*
- X * filter options - enumerated
- X */
- int style = NO_STYLE_YET;
- int default_style = STYLE;
- int rotate;
- int size = RELATIVE;
- X
- X/*
- X * filter options - valued
- X */
- int xcenter, ycenter; /* Vplot of point to force as center */
- int fatbase = 0;
- int epause = 0; /* time to pause before erasing screen */
- int overlay = 0; /* 1=overlay 0=replace */
- int default_overlay;
- X
- X/*
- X * 0 = none
- X * 1 = random
- X * 2 = Ordered
- X * 3 = Floyd-Steinberg
- X */
- int dither = 1; /* Dithering type */
- X
- int xWmax, xWmin, yWmax, yWmin;
- float hshift, vshift; /* Allow global translation of plot */
- float scale; /* global scale */
- float xscale; /* global x-scale */
- float yscale; /* global y-scale */
- float hdevscale; /* Vplot units to device units for x */
- float vdevscale; /* Vplot units to device units for y */
- float txscale;/* global text scale */
- float mkscale;/* global marker scale */
- float dashscale; /* global dashed line scale */
- char interact[MAXFLEN + 1] = ""; /* Where to store coordinate
- X * file */
- float greyc = 1.; /* Nonlinear correction */
- float pixc = 1.; /* Pixel overlap correction */
- X
- X/* filter options - resettable between plots */
- int user_rotate;
- float user_txscale;
- float user_mkscale;
- float user_dashscale;
- float user_scale;
- float user_xscale;
- float user_yscale;
- int user_size;
- float user_hshift;
- float user_vshift;
- int user_xwmax_flag;
- float user_xwmax;
- int user_ywmax_flag;
- float user_ywmax;
- int user_xwmin_flag;
- float user_xwmin;
- int user_ywmin_flag;
- float user_ywmin;
- X
- int ifat = 0;
- float fatmult_orig;
- X
- X/*
- X * file and terminal control variables
- X */
- int pltoutfd, stderrfd, controlfd;
- extern int genmessage ();
- int (*message) () = genmessage;
- struct stat stderrstat;
- struct stat pltoutstat;
- FILE *pltout, *pltin;
- FILE *fopen ();
- FILE *fdopen ();
- FILE *controltty;
- char outbuf[BUFSIZ];
- char *getenv ();
- char *malloc ();
- char *realloc ();
- char group_name[MAXFLEN + 1];
- int group_number = 0;
- FILE *pltinarray[MAXIN];
- char pltinname[MAXIN][MAXFLEN + 1];
- char pltname[MAXFLEN + 1] = "";
- int infileno = 0;
- extern int gen_do_dovplot ();
- int (*genreader) () = gen_do_dovplot;
- X
- X/*
- X * Initialize and declare global variables.
- X * Use getpar and getenv to search for command-line options.
- X */
- X
- init_vplot ()
- X{
- char *stringptr;
- int ii;
- char string[MAXFLEN + 1];
- float ftemp;
- X
- X
- X txbuffer = malloc (TXBUFLEN);
- X txbuflen = TXBUFLEN;
- X/*
- X * Sun III lint complains about "pointer alignment problem" here,
- X * although the documentation makes it sound like that shouldn't
- X * be possible.
- X */
- X vxbuffer = (struct vertex *) malloc (sizeof (struct vertex) * VXBUFLEN);
- X vxbuflen = VXBUFLEN;
- X
- X /*
- X * If the device can't do color, it can set mono to YES If device is
- X * mono, this overrides the user's insistence that it isn't. So GETPAR
- X * before we call dev.open.
- X */
- X GETPAR ("mono", "1", &mono);
- X
- X strcpy (wstype, "default");
- X if ((stringptr = getenv ("WSTYPE")) != NULL)
- X strcpy (wstype, stringptr);
- X /*
- X * Don't want to accidentally get this from a history file. Must come for
- X * the command line, so getpar, not GETPAR
- X */
- X getpar ("wstype", "s", wstype);
- X
- X /*
- X * Initialize all patterns to be undefined. (device can create a
- X * device-dependent default set if it wishes)
- X */
- X for (ii = 0; ii <= NPAT; ii++)
- X {
- X pat[ii] .patbits = NULL;
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * The device-independent code MAY NOT actually read from
- X * the terminal itself. However, these variables are
- X * declared so that the device-dependent routines can use
- X * them if they wish as a courtesy.
- X */
- X controlfd = open ("/dev/tty", 0);
- X controltty = fdopen (controlfd, "r");
- X
- X /*
- X * Call device open before doing anything else. this finalizes pltout
- X */
- X dev.open ();
- X device_open = YES;
- X
- X/*
- X * Beware trying to print out error messages until
- X * we've figured out where to connect the "message" routine!
- X */
- X
- X if (buffer_output)
- X setbuf (pltout, outbuf);
- X else
- X setbuf (pltout, (char *) NULL);
- X
- X /*
- X * If graphics output going to control terminal, disable echoing and
- X * arrange for use of device's message routine
- X */
- X pltoutfd = fileno (pltout);
- X stderrfd = fileno (stderr);
- X out_isatty = isatty (pltoutfd);
- X
- X if (allowecho == NEVER_SET)
- X {
- X allowecho = YES;
- X if (out_isatty)
- X {
- X fstat (pltoutfd, &pltoutstat);
- X fstat (stderrfd, &stderrstat);
- X#ifdef SEP
- X if ((pltoutstat.st_dev == stderrstat.st_dev))
- X /*
- X * Something in seplib makes the next 2 tests not work, I
- X * don't know why. Unfortunately, this means the SEP versions
- X * aren't as good about detecting the case of sending the
- X * output to a different terminal than the one you're logged
- X * in at. We should probably get this fixed sometime. - Joe
- X * D.
- X */
- X#else
- X if ((pltoutstat.st_dev == stderrstat.st_dev) &&
- X (pltoutstat.st_ino == stderrstat.st_ino) &&
- X (pltoutstat.st_rdev == stderrstat.st_rdev))
- X#endif SEP
- X {
- X allowecho = NO;
- X message = dev.message;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * process YES or NO option arguments. GETPAR means it could have come
- X * from a seplib history file, getpar means it had to come from the
- X * command line. Use "getpar" when having the right value of the
- X * parameter is critical because setting the value overrides frontend's
- X * judgement.
- X */
- X getpar ("echo", "1", &allowecho);
- X if (!allowecho)
- X {
- X ioctl (pltoutfd, TIOCGETP, (char *) (&tty_clean_state));
- X bcopy ((char *) (&tty_clean_state), (char *) (&tty_plot_state),
- X sizeof (struct sgttyb));
- X ioctl (pltoutfd, TIOCLGET, (char *) (&tty_clean_local_mode));
- X tty_plot_local_mode = tty_clean_local_mode | LLITOUT;
- X ioctl (pltoutfd, TIOCLSET, (char *) (&tty_plot_local_mode));
- X tty_plot_state.sg_flags &= (~ECHO);
- X tty_plot_state.sg_flags &= (~LCASE);
- X tty_plot_state.sg_flags |= (CBREAK);
- X ioctl (pltoutfd, TIOCSETN, (char *) (&tty_plot_state));
- X }
- X getpar ("endpause", "1", &endpause);
- X GETPAR ("break", "1", &brake);
- X GETPAR ("shade", "1", &shade);
- X GETPAR ("wantras", "1", &wantras);
- X GETPAR ("window", "1", &window);
- X GETPAR ("frame", "1", &framewindows);
- X GETPAR ("overlay", "1", &overlay);
- X default_overlay = overlay;
- X GETPAR ("invras", "1", &invras);
- X
- X/*
- X * Valued arguments
- X */
- X
- X getpar ("dither", "d", &dither);
- X getpar ("greyc", "f", &greyc);
- X getpar ("pixc", "f", &pixc);
- X
- X GETPAR ("txfont", "d", &txfont);
- X GETPAR ("txprec", "d", &txprec);
- X GETPAR ("txovly", "d", &txovly);
- X default_txfont = txfont;
- X default_txprec = txprec;
- X default_txovly = txovly;
- X
- X if (GETPAR ("erase", "s", string))
- X {
- X if ((string[0] == 'n') || (string[0] == 'N'))
- X erase = NO;
- X else
- X if ((string[0] == 'o') || (string[0] == 'O'))
- X erase = FORCE_INITIAL;
- X else
- X if ((string[0] == 'l') || (string[0] == 'L'))
- X erase = DO_LITERALS;
- X else
- X }
- X
- X xcenter = 0;
- X ycenter = 0;
- X xcenterflag = NO;
- X ycenterflag = NO;
- X if (GETPAR ("xcenter", "f", &ftemp))
- X {
- X xcenterflag = YES;
- X xcenter = ROUND (ftemp * RPERIN);
- X }
- X if (GETPAR ("ycenter", "f", &ftemp))
- X {
- X ycenterflag = YES;
- X ycenter = ROUND (ftemp * RPERIN);
- X }
- X
- X if ((stringptr = getenv ("PATTERNMULT")) != NULL)
- X {
- X sscanf (stringptr, "%f", &patternmult);
- X }
- X GETPAR ("patternmult", "f", &patternmult);
- X
- X GETPAR ("interact", "s", interact);
- X GETPAR ("pause", "d", &epause);
- X
- X if (interact[0] != '\0')
- X {
- X epause = 0; /* interact makes it own sort of pausing */
- X endpause = NO;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Find the default style
- X */
- X stringptr = NULL;
- X if (GETPAR ("style", "s", string))
- X stringptr = string;
- X else
- X stringptr = getenv ("PLOTSTYLE");
- X if (stringptr != NULL)
- X {
- X if ((stringptr[0] == 'r') || (stringptr[0] == 'R') ||
- X (stringptr[0] == 'm') || (stringptr[0] == 'M'))
- X default_style = ROTATED;
- X else
- X if ((stringptr[0] == 'o') || (stringptr[0] == 'O'))
- X default_style = OLD;
- X else
- X if ((stringptr[0] == 'a') || (stringptr[0] == 'A'))
- X default_style = ABSOLUTE;
- X else
- X default_style = STANDARD;
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * Options changeable between calls to dovplot
- X * (By calling reset_parameters or reset())
- X * Dovplot calls reset every time it starts. It only calls
- X * reset_parameters the first time.
- X *
- X * Things in this category:
- X * user_*
- X * fatmult_orig, fatbase
- X */
- X
- X if ((stringptr = getenv ("FATMULT")) != NULL)
- X {
- X sscanf (stringptr, "%f", &fatmult);
- X }
- X GETPAR ("fatmult", "f", &fatmult);
- X fatmult_orig = fatmult;
- X
- X user_rotate = 0;
- X GETPAR ("rotate", "d", &user_rotate);
- X
- X user_txscale = 1.0;
- X user_mkscale = 1.0;
- X user_dashscale = 1.0;
- X GETPAR ("txscale", "f", &user_txscale);
- X GETPAR ("mkscale", "f", &user_mkscale);
- X GETPAR ("dashscale", "f", &user_dashscale);
- X
- X user_scale = 1.0;
- X user_xscale = 1.0;
- X user_yscale = 1.0;
- X GETPAR ("scale", "f", &user_scale);
- X GETPAR ("xscale", "f", &user_xscale);
- X GETPAR ("yscale", "f", &user_yscale);
- X
- X user_size = size;
- X if (GETPAR ("size", "s", string))
- X {
- X if ((string[0] == 'a') || (string[0] == 'A'))
- X user_size = ABSOLUTE;
- X else
- X user_size = RELATIVE;
- X }
- X
- X user_hshift = 0.;
- X GETPAR ("hshift xshift", "f", &user_hshift);
- X user_vshift = 0.;
- X GETPAR ("vshift yshift", "f", &user_vshift);
- X
- X user_xwmax_flag = GETPAR ("xwmax", "f", &user_xwmax);
- X user_ywmax_flag = GETPAR ("ywmax", "f", &user_ywmax);
- X user_xwmin_flag = GETPAR ("xwmin", "f", &user_xwmin);
- X user_ywmin_flag = GETPAR ("ywmin", "f", &user_ywmin);
- X
- X GETPAR ("fat", "d", &fatbase);
- X
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * These parameters can simply be changed at any time with no
- X * need for re-initialization of anything else:
- X *
- X * shade, wantras
- X *
- X */
- X
- X}
- X
- init_colors ()
- X{
- int ii;
- X
- X /*
- X * Set up the default color table
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * First 7 colors are assumed to map to the standard 7 pen colors
- X * on ALL devices, even those with no settable colors!
- X */
- X for (ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)
- X {
- X color_set[ii][STATUS] = SET;
- X color_set[ii][_RED] = MAX_GUN * ((ii & 2) / 2);
- X color_set[ii][_GREEN] = MAX_GUN * ((ii & 4) / 4);
- X color_set[ii][_BLUE] = MAX_GUN * ((ii & 1) / 1);
- X color_set[ii][_GREY] = greycorr ((int) ((MAX_GUN * ii) / 7));
- X }
- X
- X if (mono)
- X {
- X /* Monochrome devices are assumed to have no settable colors */
- X num_col = 0;
- X }
- X
- X num_col_8 = (num_col > 8) ? num_col : 8;
- X
- X if (mono)
- X {
- X color_set[0][MAP] = 0;
- X for (ii = 1; ii <= MAX_COL; ii++)
- X {
- X color_set[ii][MAP] = 7;
- X }
- X for (ii = num_col_8; ii < 256; ii++)
- X {
- X color_set[ii][_GREY] = color_set[((ii - 8) % 7) + 1][_GREY];
- X }
- X /* Put a grey scale in the upper half of the color table */
- X for (ii = 256; ii <= MAX_COL; ii++)
- X {
- X color_set[ii][_GREY] = greycorr (ii - 256);
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /*
- X * Unmapped colors shouldn't be mapped; ie, they map to themselves
- X */
- X for (ii = 0; ii < num_col_8; ii++)
- X {
- X color_set[ii][MAP] = ii;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Colors outside the range of this terminal map cyclically back into
- X * colors 1 through 7
- X */
- X for (ii = num_col_8; ii <= MAX_COL; ii++)
- X {
- X color_set[ii][MAP] = ((ii - 8) % 7) + 1;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- setstyle (new_style)
- X int new_style;
- X{
- X /*
- X * Check to see if the style has changed
- X */
- X if (new_style == style)
- X return;
- X
- X style = new_style;
- X reset_parameters ();
- X}
- X
- reset_parameters ()
- X{
- float inches; /* scaling base for y axis */
- float screenheight, screenwidth; /* true size of the screen */
- int ix, iy;
- X
- X xorigin = 0;
- X yorigin = 0;
- X
- X rotate = default_rotate;
- X rotate += user_rotate;
- X
- X txscale = user_txscale;
- X mkscale = user_mkscale;
- X dashscale = user_dashscale;
- X
- X scale = user_scale;
- X xscale = user_xscale;
- X yscale = user_yscale;
- X
- X fatmult = fatmult_orig;
- X
- X size = user_size;
- X
- X switch (style)
- X {
- X/*
- X * The old standard on the machine erebus.
- X * Pretty much dead now. Still useful for some old programs nobody's
- X * wanted to update.
- X */
- X case OLD:
- X txscale /= 3.;
- X fatmult /= 3.;
- X scale *= 3.;
- X break;
- X/*
- X * The old standard on the machine mazama. A useful coordinate system
- X * for geological sorts of plots.
- X * The Y axis goes the long way, across the screen, which is the device's
- X * horizontal axis.
- X */
- X case ROTATED:
- X rotate += 90;
- X inches = ROTATED_HEIGHT;
- X break;
- X case ABSOLUTE:
- X size = ABSOLUTE;
- X case STANDARD:
- X default:
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X if (rotate >= 0)
- X rotate = rotate % 360;
- X else
- X rotate = ((rotate % 360) + 360) % 360;
- X
- X mxx = cos (2. * 3.14159 * rotate / 360.);
- X myy = cos (2. * 3.14159 * rotate / 360.);
- X mxy = sin (2. * 3.14159 * rotate / 360.);
- X myx = -sin (2. * 3.14159 * rotate / 360.);
- X
- X if (size == ABSOLUTE)
- X {
- X vdevscale = pixels_per_inch / (float) (RPERIN * aspect_ratio);
- X hdevscale = pixels_per_inch / (float) RPERIN;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /*
- X * Fit the inches x inches unit square into a displayable box with
- X * aspect ratio SCREEN_RATIO
- X */
- X screenwidth = (dev_xmax - dev_xmin) * pixels_per_inch;
- X screenheight =
- X (dev_ymax - dev_ymin) * pixels_per_inch * aspect_ratio;
- X if ((screenheight / screenwidth) > SCREEN_RATIO)
- X {
- X vdevscale = (SCREEN_RATIO * ((dev_xmax - dev_xmin) / aspect_ratio)) /
- X (inches * RPERIN);
- X hdevscale = vdevscale * aspect_ratio;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X vdevscale = (dev_ymax - dev_ymin) / (inches * RPERIN);
- X hdevscale = vdevscale * aspect_ratio;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X hshift = default_hshift;
- X vshift = default_vshift;
- X
- X if (style == ROTATED)
- X {
- X vshift += dev_ymax - dev_ymin;
- X }
- X
- X yscale *= scale;
- X xscale *= scale;
- X mkscale *= scale;
- X
- X/*
- X * Set up fatness multiplication factor
- X */
- X fatmult *= scale * hdevscale * RPERIN / FATPERIN;
- X
- X /*
- X * The point (xcenter,ycenter) in vplot coordinates is to be centered in
- X * the screen.
- X */
- X if (xcenterflag || ycenterflag)
- X {
- X vptodevxy (xcenter, ycenter, &ix, &iy);
- X if (xcenterflag)
- X {
- X hshift += (dev_xmax + dev_xmin) / 2 - ix;
- X }
- X if (ycenterflag)
- X {
- X vshift += (dev_ymax + dev_ymin) / 2 - iy;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X hshift += user_hshift * pixels_per_inch;
- X vshift += user_vshift * pixels_per_inch / aspect_ratio;
- X
- X/* plot window parameters defaulted */
- X/* to maximum size */
- X
- X devtovpw (dev_xmin, dev_ymin, dev_xmax, dev_ymax,
- X &xWmin, &yWmin, &xWmax, &yWmax);
- X
- X if (user_xwmax_flag)
- X xWmax = ROUND (user_xwmax * RPERIN);
- X if (user_ywmax_flag)
- X yWmax = ROUND (user_ywmax * RPERIN);
- X if (user_xwmin_flag)
- X xWmin = ROUND (user_xwmin * RPERIN);
- X if (user_ywmin_flag)
- X yWmin = ROUND (user_ywmin * RPERIN);
- X
- X vptodevw (xWmin, yWmin, xWmax, yWmax, &xWmin, &yWmin, &xWmax, &yWmax);
- X
- X wlimit (dev_xmin, dev_xmax, &xWmin, &xWmax);
- X wlimit (dev_ymin, dev_ymax, &yWmin, &yWmax);
- X
- X xwmax = xWmax; /* plot window parameters defaulted */
- X xwmin = xWmin; /* to maximum size */
- X ywmax = yWmax;
- X ywmin = yWmin;
- X reset_windows ();
- X}
- X
- add_a_cor (filename, xcor, ycor)
- X char *filename;
- X int xcor, ycor;
- X{
- static int first_time = YES;
- static FILE *outfp;
- X
- X if (first_time == YES)
- X {
- X outfp = fopen (filename, "w");
- X if (outfp == NULL)
- X {
- X ERR (FATAL, name, "Can't open interact output file %s!", filename);
- X }
- X first_time = NO;
- X }
- X fprintf (outfp, "%f\t%f\n", (float) xcor / RPERIN, (float) ycor / RPERIN);
- X}
- X
- wlimit (min, max, xmin, xmax)
- X int min, max;
- X int *xmin, *xmax;
- X{
- X if (*xmin < min)
- X *xmin = min;
- X
- X if (*xmax > max)
- X *xmax = max;
- X}
- X
- # end of 'Vplot_Kernel/filters/init_vplot.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 19 \(of 24\).
- cp /dev/null ark19isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 24 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0