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- Subject: v16i074: IDA Sendmail kit, Part02/08
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Lennart Lovstrand <lovstran@arisia.xerox.com>
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 74
- Archive-name: ida2/part02
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 2 (of 8)."
- # Contents: ida/INSTALL ida/doc/announcement-1.0
- # ida/doc/announcement-1.2 ida/doc/dbm.1 ida/lib/Makefile.ida
- # ida/lib/domaintable ida/lib/pathtable ida/patches/MDBM.diffs
- # ida/patches/macro.c.diff ida/patches/readcf.c.diff
- # ida/patches/savemail.c.diff ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff
- # ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff ida/patches/util.c.diff
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f ida/INSTALL -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/INSTALL\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/INSTALL\" \(3437 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/INSTALL <<'END_OF_ida/INSTALL'
- X#
- X# INSTALL -- The IDA Sendmail Enhancement Kit.
- X# Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Lennart Lovstrand
- X# CIS Dept, Univ of Linkoping, Sweden
- X#
- X# Use it, abuse it, but don't sell it.
- X#
- X
- X
- XThese instructions will tell you step-by-step how to install and bring
- Xthe Kit's sendmail system up. The source code modifications are given
- Xas context diffs, based on the BSD 4.3 release of sendmail version 5.59,
- Xready to be installed using Larry Wall's eminent patch program. You
- Xwill also need the latest version of BIND (4.8) to compile and link
- Xsendmail with MX support. The option of using Maryland's mdbm library
- Xis still open, although it has not been tested with this version of
- Xsendmail. Finally, in order to automatically produce routing tables,
- Xyou will need Peter Honeyman's pathalias program. Both of the latter
- Xare available from your nearest USENET comp.sources.unix archive.
- X
- X [1] Unpack the Kit in the sendmail directory (preferably). This should
- X give you a new ida subdirectory with all the Kit's files. (Hmm,
- X perhaps you've already done this since you are reading this file.)
- X
- X [2] Goto sendmail/ida and check that you agree with the Makefile's
- X definitions. If you change anything, do a "make configure" to
- X propagate those changes to the subdirectories' Makefiles.
- X
- X [3] Goto sendmail/ida/doc. Do "make doc" to print out the accompanying
- X paper and "make man" to print the manual pages. Do "make install"
- X to install the latter in your man directory.
- X
- X [4] Goto sendmail/ida/patches and do "make backup". This will create a
- X backup copy of sendmail/src/*.[hc] and sendmail/doc/op.me in
- X Backup.tar. You can restore them if necessary by performing "make
- X restore", still in the patches directory.
- X
- X [5] Do "make patch" to install the IDA enhancements. You will need
- X patch(1), for this or else edit the files by hand. Look out for
- X rejected patches; that will indicate that you aren't patching the
- X generic sendmail 5.59.
- X
- X [6] Goto sendmail/src and recompile sendmail. You'll need to do a
- X "make depend" before you can do "make". See that it still works.
- X Your old configuration file should still work unless you depend on
- X some obscure side effects.
- X
- X [7] Goto sendmail/ida/aux and do "make" to compile the auxiliary
- X programs. Try them out, guided with the newly printed manual
- X pages.
- X
- X [8] Do "make install" to install the programs in BINDIR (/usr/local/bin
- X by default; but another choice would be /usr/lib/mail if you only
- X intend to use them with this kit). It's also about time to
- X (manually) create a symbolic link from /usr/ucb/bsmtp to
- X /usr/lib/sendmail if you intend to receive batched SMTP mail.
- X
- X [9] Goto sendmail/ida/cf and inspect the supplied m4(1) configuration
- X definitions. Send Sendmail.mc to your line printer and study it.
- X Do "make" to see how the sample configurations look expanded.
- X
- X[10] Goto sendmail/ida/lib and inspect the supplied sample data files.
- X Try applying the xalparse program on the xaliases file if you feel
- X like it.
- X
- X[11] Determine your site's routing capabilities and create your corre-
- X sponding data files in LIBDIR. Go back to sendmail/ida/cf and
- X create your own m4(1) configuration file using the samples as
- X templates. Produce an actual, personal sendmail.cf file.
- X
- X[12] Try out your new sendmail system.
- X Good Luck!
- if test 3437 -ne `wc -c <ida/INSTALL`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/INSTALL\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/doc/announcement-1.0 -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/doc/announcement-1.0\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/doc/announcement-1.0\" \(2761 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/doc/announcement-1.0 <<'END_OF_ida/doc/announcement-1.0'
- XPath: liuida!lel
- XFrom: lel@ida.liu.se (Lennart Lovstrand)
- XNewsgroups: comp.mail.uucp,comp.mail.misc
- XSubject: The IDA Sendmail Enhancement Kit
- XMessage-ID: <579@prefix.liu.se>
- XDate: 10 Jun 87 16:55:29 GMT
- XSender: lenlo@prefix.liu.se
- XLines: 54
- XXref: liuida comp.mail.uucp:464 comp.mail.misc:268
- X
- XThe IDA Sendmail Enhancement Kit was finally sent off to Rich Salz of
- Xcomp.sources.unix today. He still has problems receiving sources for
- Xthe newsgroup after his relocation, but I'm afraid I couldn't wait any
- Xlonger. At the end of this week, I'm off for a new job in another
- Xcountry. I hope it won't take too long for the Kit to appear in the
- Xnewsgroup. For those of you who have ARPANET access and don't want to
- Xwait, thanks to Dorab Patel of UCLA there is a copy on the host
- Xulysses.cs.ucla.edu [] in the file ~ftp/pub/ida.tar.Z
- Xavailable for anonymous FTP. If anyone is really desperate, I can
- Xprobably send copy by mail too (330 Kbyte in 7 shars). But you will
- Xhave to react quickly then...
- X
- XThe Kit includes a set of source code modifications to the BSD 4.3
- Xsendmail program (version 5.11). The changes will enable sendmail to
- Xhave direct access to dbm(3) files, separate envelope/header rewriting
- Xrulesets, and multi-token class matches among other things.
- X
- XAs a separate part of the Kit is the IDA Sendmail Master Configuration
- Xfile and a sample setup used at the CIS Dept, U of Linkoping. The
- Xconfiguration file together with the supplied data files and utility
- Xprograms, implement such nice features as pathalias based systems
- Xrouting within sendmail, fully !-/@-translating rulesets, and generic
- Xlocal user addresses.
- X
- XThe new sendmail functions are breifly listed below and further
- Xdescribed in the accompanying paper, which in addition discusses
- Xelectronic mail addressing in general and hybrid addresses in
- Xparticular.
- X
- X Nameserver Default Argument
- X Direct Access to Dbm(3) Files
- X Batched SMTP Support
- X Separate Envelope/Header Rewriting Rulesets
- X Separate Local UUCP Host Name
- X Return Path for UUCP Mailers
- X UUCP Header Address Relativization
- X Support for Multi-Token Matches
- X Support for Embedded Subruleset Calls
- X Elaborate Matching Algorithm for Unknown Local Recipients
- X Support for Maryland's Mdbm Package
- X Improved Test Mode Output
- X Better To: and Cc: Headers of Returned Messages
- X Queue Bug Fixed
- X Shared Input SMTP Bug Tentatively Fixed
- X Optional BSD 2.9 and 4.2 Compatibility Code
- X & Miscellaneous Changes
- X
- XEnjoy!
- X--Lennart
- X(soon at Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, U.K.)
- X--
- XDept of Computer and Information Science, University of Linkoping, Sweden
- XInternet: Lennart.Lovstrand@IDA.LiU.SE EAN/X.400: lel@ida.liu.sunet
- XUUCP: {mcvax,munnari,seismo}!enea!liuida!lel EARN/BITNET: LEL@SELIUI51
- X
- X
- END_OF_ida/doc/announcement-1.0
- if test 2761 -ne `wc -c <ida/doc/announcement-1.0`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/doc/announcement-1.0\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/doc/announcement-1.2 -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/doc/announcement-1.2\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/doc/announcement-1.2\" \(2830 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/doc/announcement-1.2 <<'END_OF_ida/doc/announcement-1.2'
- XPath: liuida!lel
- XFrom: Lennart_Lovstrand.EuroPARC@Xerox.COM
- XNewsgroups: comp.mail.sendmail
- XSubject: Re: sendmail with MX and IDA-enhancements
- XMessage-Id: <884@majestix.liu.se>
- XDate: 26 Aug 88 20:53:47 GMT
- XReferences: <298@pvab.UUCP> <450@comdesign.CDI.COM>
- XOrganization: Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, England
- XSender: lenlo@majestix.liu.se
- XLines: 59
- X
- XIn article <450@comdesign.CDI.COM> pst@comdesign.CDI.COM (Paul Traina) writes:
- X> From article <298@pvab.UUCP>, by robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson):
- X> | In article <553@laura.UUCP>, ap@laura.UUCP (Axel Pawlik) writes:
- X> |> has anybody out there already merged the MX-sendmail
- X> |> with Lennard Loevstrand's IDA-enhancements?
- X> | And added Sun's enhancements (being able to query YP for known hosts
- X> | and the like)?
- X> Ditto please, I'm torn between runing old 4.12 and hacking 5.59 to have
- X> the YP support.
- X
- XGentlemen and -women, it does indeed exist!
- X
- XPlease welcome the IDA Sendmail Enhancement Kit v1.2 for sendmail 5.59
- Xwith MX and Yellow Pages support. It has tonight been made available on
- XArisia.Xerox.COM in ~ftp/pub1/ida.tar.Z (available via anonymous ftp)
- Xand will be sent to comp.sources.unix shortly.
- X
- XThe major change is that of Yellow Pages support, but others include dbm
- Xfile update locking, setting classes from programs (eg. FU|uuname),
- Xdelayed macro evaluation (from the net), rfc822 quoted macro expansion,
- Xaddress rewriting loop detection and an extra compile-time frozen file
- Xcheck; the latter ones contributed by Guy Middleton @ Waterloo.
- X
- XThere has also been some bug fixes and slight improvements on the IDA
- Xconfiguration file and associated files.
- X
- XAll the old enhancements still apply, with the exception of BSD2.9 and
- X4.2 support, although it will compile and run under SunOS 3.x given that
- Xyou have bind 4.8 as well.
- X
- XFor those of you who haven't heard of this before, the IDA Enhancement
- XKit is a set of changes to the standard Berkeley mailer which implements
- Xthe following features:
- X
- X o Nameserver Default Argument
- X o Direct Access to Dbm(3) Files
- X o Batched SMTP Support
- X o Separate Envelope/Header Rewriting Rulesets
- X o Separate Local UUCP Host Name
- X o Return Path for UUCP Mailers
- X o UUCP Header Address Relativization
- X o Support for Multi-Token Matches
- X o Support for Embedded Subruleset Calls
- X o Elaborate Matching Algorithm for Unknown Local Recipients
- X o Support for Maryland's Mdbm Package
- X o Improved Test Mode Output
- X o Better To: and Cc: Headers of Returned Messages
- X
- XIt also comes with the IDA Configuration Kit, which has pathalias based
- Xsystems routing within sendmail, fully !-/@-translating rulesets,
- Xgeneric localuser addresses, and more.
- X
- XEnjoy!
- X
- X--Lennart Lovstrand
- X Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, England
- X
- X DARPA Internet: Lovstrand.EuroPARC@Xerox.COM
- X Xerox Internet: Lovstrand:EuroPARC:RX
- END_OF_ida/doc/announcement-1.2
- if test 2830 -ne `wc -c <ida/doc/announcement-1.2`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/doc/announcement-1.2\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/doc/dbm.1 -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/doc/dbm.1\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/doc/dbm.1\" \(4959 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/doc/dbm.1 <<'END_OF_ida/doc/dbm.1'
- X.TH DBM 1 "24 April 1987" \" -*- nroff -*-
- Xdbm \- general
- X.IR dbm (3)
- Xdatabase management tool
- X.BR dbm
- X.RB [\| \-AILNRSU \|]
- X.RB [\| \-d
- X.IR dbm_file \|]
- X.RB [\| \-m
- X.IR mode \|]
- X.RB [\| \-o
- X.IR output_file \|]
- X.I command
- X.RI [\| args\|.\|.\|. \|]
- X.I Dbm
- Xis used to manage
- X.IR dbm (3)
- Xtype databases. Its function is controlled by the dbm
- X.I command
- Xgiven on the command line, possibly with additional arguments. Its
- Xtypical usage is to load a
- X.I dbm
- Xdatabase from a input file or to dump it to a readable format. It may
- Xalso be used to probe for selected keys or add specific key/value pairs.
- XIn addition,
- X.I dbm
- Xprovides parsing routines for an extended textual format, suitable for
- Xbuilding tables or various kinds. The format is further described in
- Xthe section about the
- X.B parse
- Xcommand below.
- X.TP
- X.B \-A
- XAppend mode, don't automatically clear the database on the
- X.BR load
- Xand
- X.B make
- Xoperations.
- X.TP
- X.B \-I
- XInsert mode; will supply the \s-1DBM_INSERT\s+1 flag to all
- X.I dbm_store
- Xoperations. This means that if two entries with equal keys are given,
- Xonly the first will actually be entered to the database (default) and no
- Xwarning will be given.
- X.TP
- X.B \-L
- XLowercase mode. Change all keys to lowercase before reading from or writing
- Xto the database.
- X.TP
- X.B \-R
- XReplace mode; will supply the \s-1DBM_REPLACE\s+1 flag to all
- X.I dbm_store
- Xoperations. This means that if two entries with equal keys are given,
- Xonly the last will actually be entered to the database and no warning
- Xmessages are given.
- X.TP
- X.B \-S
- XAdd a
- X.B @@@
- Xsenteniel after the last entry has been written to the database.
- X.TP
- X.B \-U
- XUppercase mode. Turn all keys to uppercase before reading from or
- Xwriting to the database.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-d " dbm_file"
- XPerform all operations on the named database file. If no
- X.B \-d
- Xoption is given, the last argument after the
- X.I command
- Xwill be used as the
- X.IR dbm_file.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-m " mode"
- XUse the given
- X.I mode
- Xwhen creating new databases.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-o " output_file"
- XSend all output from the
- X.B dump
- Xand
- X.B parse
- Xoperations to the named output file instead of stdout.
- X.PP
- X.TP
- X.B clear
- XCreats an empty
- X.I dbm
- Xdatabase, either by clearing an old one or by creating a new.
- X.TP
- X.BR delete " key \fR[\|.\|.\|.\|]\fP"
- XRemoves entries with the specified keys from the database.
- X.TP
- X.B dump
- XDumps the
- X.I dbm
- Xdatabase to stdout (or to
- X.IR output_file ,
- Xif the
- X.B \-o
- Xoption is used). The output will consist of one entry per line with a
- Xtab between each key and value.
- X.TP
- X.BI fetch " key \fR[\|.\|.\|.\|]\fP"
- X.B Fetch
- Xwill search for the
- X.I key
- Xin the database and print both key and value in
- X.B dump
- Xformat if found on the standard output. Non-existing
- X.IR keys
- Xwill be signalled by a [\s-1NOT_FOUND\s+1] message.
- X.TP
- X.BR load " [\|\fIfile\fP\|.\|.\|.\|]"
- XLoad the database with entries from the specified
- X.IR files .
- XIf no
- X.I files
- Xare given or if a file is specified as `-', the database will be loaded
- Xfrom standard input. Each line of the file should have a key and value
- Xseparated by a tab. (Incidentally, this is the same format as
- X.B dump
- Xand
- X.IR pathalias (1)
- Xwill produce.) The database is first cleared unless the append
- X(\fB\-A\fP) switch has been given.
- X.TP
- X.BR make " [\|\fIfile\fP\|.\|.\|.\|]"
- X.B Make
- Xcombines the operations of
- X.B parse
- Xand
- X.BR load
- X(q.v.), by storing each record after it has been parsed.
- X.TP
- X.BR parse " [\|\fIfile\fP\|.\|.\|.\|]"
- XThis command will parse the contents of the specified
- X.IR files
- X(or stdin if no
- X.I files
- Xare given or when a file is `-'), according to the following syntax:
- X.in +\n()Iu
- Xvalue key key .\|.\|.
- X.in -\n()Iu
- XWhitespace delimit tokens and sharp signs (\fB#\fP) anywhere on a line
- Xbegins comments unless any of them are quoted by a backslash (\fB\\\fP)
- Xor put inside double quotes (\fB"\fP\|.\|.\|.\|\fB"\fP) or angle
- Xbrackets (\fB<\fP\|.\|.\|.\|\fB>\fP). Lines beginning with whitespace
- Xare considered to be continuations of the previous line.
- X.TP
- X.BI store " key value \fR[\|\fI key value \fR\|.\|.\|.\|]\fI"
- XStore one or more key/value pairs explicitly mentioned on the command
- Xline.
- X.nf
- X.ta \w'dbm parse xfile | dbm -AI load foo'u+6n
- Xdbm -d foo clear \fIcreate the database foo\fP
- Xcat infile | dbm load foo \fIload it from the infile\fP
- Xdbm parse xfile | dbm -AI load foo \fIadd keys from the xfile...\fP
- X.I "(or, shorter) \fI...not already present...\fP"
- Xdbm -I make xfile foo \fI...in the database\fP
- Xdbm fetch keya keyb foo \fIfetch values for the keys\fP
- Xdbm -R store keyc valuec foo \fIoverwrite previous value for keyc\fP
- X.fi
- X.nf
- XLennart Lovstrand <lel@ida.liu.se>
- XCIS Dept, Univ of Linkoping, Sweden
- X.fi
- X.IR pathalias (1),
- X.IR dbm (3),
- X.IR ndbm (3)
- XShould probably remove the senteniel when opening the database for write
- Xaccess (provided that the
- X.B \-S
- Xflag has been given).
- X.br
- XRequires
- X.IR ndbm (3)
- Xor
- X.IR mdbm (3)
- Xsupport for no real reason.
- END_OF_ida/doc/dbm.1
- if test 4959 -ne `wc -c <ida/doc/dbm.1`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/doc/dbm.1\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/lib/Makefile.ida -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/lib/Makefile.ida\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/lib/Makefile.ida\" \(2514 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/lib/Makefile.ida <<'END_OF_ida/lib/Makefile.ida'
- X#
- X# MAKEFILE -- Library Files.
- X# Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Lennart Lovstrand
- X# CIS Dept, Univ of Linkoping, Sweden
- X#
- X# Use it, abuse it, but don't sell it.
- X#
- X# Special IDA version with DECnet.
- X
- X
- XLOCALDOMAINS= liu.se ida.liu.se sunet.se UUCP # only if domaintable is used
- XSENDMAIL= /usr/lib/sendmail
- XSKILL= /usr/local/bin/skill # not required
- XTABLES= $(YP)domaintable$(DBMDIREXT) $(YP)generics$(DBMDIREXT) \
- X $(YP)pathtable$(DBMDIREXT) $(YP)aliases$(DBMDIREXT) \
- X mailertable$(DBMDIREXT) uucp/xtable$(DBMDIREXT) \
- X decnet/nodes decnet/xtable$(DBMDIREXT) uucp/xtable$(DBMDIREXT)
- XUUCPNODES= /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys
- X# Prefix for YP dbm files; remove this if you won't be using YP databases
- XYP= #/etc/yp/ida/mail.
- X
- X# Where to find a fresh list of DECnet nodes {in TOPS-20 NCP format}
- XNODE_DATA= /usr/lisbet/ps/system/node-data.cmd
- X
- X
- X# The following definitions are inserted by ../Makefile
- X# Change them there--not here!
- X
- X
- X# Update all dbm tables
- Xall: $(TABLES)
- X
- Xaliases generics: xaliases
- X xalparse xaliases aliases generics
- X
- X$(YP)aliases$(DBMDIREXT): aliases newaliases.cf $(YP)domaintable$(DBMDIREXT)
- X $(SENDMAIL) -Cnewaliases.cf -bi
- X if [ -n "$(YP)" ]; then \
- X mv aliases.dir $(YP)aliases.dir; \
- X mv aliases.pag $(YP)aliases.pag; \
- X fi
- X
- X$(YP)generics$(DBMDIREXT): generics
- X dbm -L make generics $(YP)generics
- X
- X# Note: Local fix here to make all DECnet nodes belong in .SUNET.SE
- X$(YP)domaintable$(DBMDIREXT): domaintable decnet/nodes
- X (dbm parse domaintable; \
- X awk '{printf "%s.sunet.se\t%s.sunet.se\n", $$1, $$1}' decnet/nodes) |\
- X mkdomext $(LOCALDOMAINS) | dbm -IL load $(YP)domaintable
- X
- X$(YP)pathtable$(DBMDIREXT): pathtable
- X pathalias $(PATHFLAGS) pathtable | dbm load $(YP)pathtable
- X
- Xmailertable$(DBMDIREXT): mailertable
- X dbm -L make mailertable mailertable
- X
- Xuucp/xtable$(DBMDIREXT): uucp/xtable $(UUCPNODES)
- X (dbm parse uucp/xtable; \
- X awk '{printf "%s.UUCP\t%s\n", $$1, $$1}' $(UUCPNODES)) | \
- X dbm -IL load uucp/xtable
- X
- X# Note: Local fix here for making all DECnet nodes belong in .SUNET.SE
- Xdecnet/xtable$(DBMDIREXT): decnet/xtable decnet/nodes
- X (dbm parse decnet/xtable; \
- X awk '{printf "%s.sunet.se\t%s\n", $$1, $$1}' decnet/nodes) | \
- X dbm -IL load decnet/xtable
- X
- Xdecnet/nodes: $(NODE_DATA)
- X cp decnet/nodes decnet/nodes.old
- X scanf -i " set node %*s name %s" $(NODE_DATA) >$@
- X
- Xstop:
- X -$(SKILL) sendmail
- X
- Xrestart: stop
- X $(SENDMAIL) -bd -q30m
- X
- Xclean:
- X -rm -f \#* *~ *.dir *.pag *.map *.dat */*.dir */*.pag */*.map */*.dat
- END_OF_ida/lib/Makefile.ida
- if test 2514 -ne `wc -c <ida/lib/Makefile.ida`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/lib/Makefile.ida\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/lib/domaintable -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/lib/domaintable\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/lib/domaintable\" \(4149 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/lib/domaintable <<'END_OF_ida/lib/domaintable'
- X#
- X# Primitive name server table -- version 3.0 of 20-Apr-87
- X#
- X# Format is <official-name> <nickname-1> .. <nickname-n>,
- X# where the <nicnames> are optional. Comments start with
- X# a sharp sign (#). A line beginning with whitespace is
- X# assumed to be a continuation of the previous line.
- X#
- X# The order in which the names are givin is significant;
- X# early entries will hide later entries with coinciding
- X# nicknames.
- X#
- X
- X# Misc known nodes
- X#
- X # Direct UUCP nodes
- Xenea.se enea enea.UUCP
- Xerilin.UUCP erilin
- Xerix.ericsson.se erix erix.UUCP
- Xliutde.UUCP liutde
- Xrainier.UUCP rainier
- X # UUCP Major Relays & Backbones
- Xcbosgd.UUCP cbosgd
- Xcernvax.UUCP cernvax
- Xdecvax.UUCP decvax
- Xdiku.UUCP diku
- Xenea.se enea enea.UUCP
- Xi2unix.UUCP i2unix
- Xinria.UUCP inria
- Xmcvax.cwi.nl mcvax mcvax.UUCP
- Xpenet.UUCP penet
- Xprlb2.UUCP prlb2
- Xukc.UUCP ukc
- Xunido.UUCP unido
- Xvmars.UUCP vmars
- X
- X#
- X# These are just here to help people through the ARPAnet name change
- X#
- X
- XXerox.COM Xerox.ARPA
- X
- X#
- X# Nodes within LiU.SE -- The University of Linkoping, Sweden
- X#
- X # The IDA domain -- Dept of Comp and Info Science
- XIDA.LiU.SE liuida.UUCP liuida.liu.se liuida.ida.liu.se
- X # DECsystems
- XP13L00.LiU.SE P13L00.SUNET.SE
- X # Unix systems
- Xasterix.liu.se asterix.liu.uucp asterix.ida.liu.se
- Xcrabbofix.liu.se crabbofix.ida.liu.se
- Xlillefix.liu.se lillefix.ida.liu.se
- Xmajestix.liu.se majestix.ida.liu.se
- Xmiraculix.liu.se miraculix.ida.liu.se
- Xobelix.liu.se obelix.UUCP obelix.liu.uucp obelix.ida.liu.se
- Xportofix.liu.se portofix.ida.liu.se
- Xprefix.liu.se prefix.ida.liu.se
- Xsenilix.liu.se senilix.ida.liu.se
- Xsmidefix.liu.se smidefix.ida.liu.se
- Xtragicomix.liu.se tragicomix.ida.liu.se
- X
- X# Nodes within QZ.SE -- The Stockholm University Computing Center
- X#
- X
- X# Nodes within UU.SE -- University of Uppsala, Sweden
- X#
- Xemil.uu.se
- Xkuling.uu.se kuling.UUCP kuling.uppsala.se
- Xnumax.uu.se
- X
- X# Nodes within LU.SE -- Universtiy of Lund, Sweden
- X#
- X
- X# Nodes within SUNET.SE -- The Swedish University Network (DECnet)
- X# are automatically inserted here.
- X
- XATHENA.SUNET.SE # This one is not in the DECnet tables
- END_OF_ida/lib/domaintable
- if test 4149 -ne `wc -c <ida/lib/domaintable`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/lib/domaintable\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/lib/pathtable -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/lib/pathtable\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/lib/pathtable\" \(3889 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/lib/pathtable <<'END_OF_ida/lib/pathtable'
- X#########################################################################
- X### Pathalias Route Database ############################## v3.0 ###
- X#########################################################################
- X# Edited by Lennart.Lovstrand@IDA.LiU.SE Fri Apr 17 19:37:39 MET DST 1987
- X
- X### #########################################
- X# Special Links #
- X### #########################################
- X
- Xasterix.liu.se obelix.liu.se(DIRECT) # UUCP/TTY
- Xmajestix.liu.se alp.UUCP(DAILY), # UUCP/modem-1200
- X enea.se(DEMAND), # UUCP/modem-2400
- X erilin.UUCP(DIRECT), # UUCP/modem-2400
- X erix.UUCP(DEMAND), # UUCP/modem-2400
- X kuling.uu.se(HOURLY), # UUCP/modem-2400?
- X liutde.UUCP(DAILY), # UUCP/modem-1200
- X prosys.UUCP(HOURLY), # UUCP/modem-2400
- X rainier.UUCP(HOURLY), # UUCP/modem-2400?
- X ida.liu.se(0), # via aliases dbm
- Xrainier.UUCP carola.UUCP, adams.UUCP # SMTP/TCP-IP
- Xaida.uu.se carmen.uu.se # Cafard/TTY
- Xathena.sunet.se aida.uu.se # Cafard/UPNET
- X
- X
- X### #########################################
- X# Physical Networks #
- X### #########################################
- X
- X asterix.liu.se, # Gould
- X crabbofix.liu.se, # Sun-3/75M
- X lillefix.liu.se, # Sun-3/52
- X lisbet.liu.se, # DEC-2060
- X majestix.liu.se, # Sun-3/160 FS
- X miraculix.liu.se, # Sun-3/75C
- X portofix.liu.se, # Sun-3/75M
- X prefix.liu.se, # Sun-3/75M
- X senilix.liu.se, # Sun-3/75M
- X smidefix.liu.se, # Sun-3/75M
- X tragicomix.liu.se} # Sun-3/75M
- X
- X## The SUNET-xx definitions includes only nodes that know about DECnet
- X## area addressing.
- X
- XSUNET = {
- X .sunet.se, SUNET-08, SUNET-13, SUNET-18, SUNET-46}
- X
- XSUNET-08 = {
- X freja.qz.se, vera.sunet.se}
- X
- XSUNET-13 = {
- X aladin.liu.se, clover.liu.se, daisy.liu.se, elinor.liu.se,
- X hazel.liu.se, jinjin.liu.se, lina.liu.se, linus.liu.se,
- X linnea.liu.se, lisbet.liu.se, liuida.sunet.se, ludvig.liu.se,
- X minmin.liu.se, p13l00.liu.se, turtle.liu.se, viktor.liu.se,
- X weiwei.liu.se}
- X
- XSUNET-18 = {
- X malin.uu.se, tekla.uu.se, cartus.uu.se, pelle.uu.se, pictor.uu.se,
- X tlu.uu.se, max.uu.se, kvax1.uu.se, kvax2.uu.se, sigurd.uu.se,
- X escil.uu.se, gwax1.uu.se, gwax2.uu.se, kemist.uu.se, cell.uu.se,
- X minc.uu.se, silver.uu.se, lapse.uu.se, maja.uu.se, rtr18a.uu.se,
- X imunis.uu.se, xray.uu.se, graph.uu.se, immuna.uu.se, bmc1.uu.se,
- X farfar.uu.se, eva.uu.se, nimbus.uu.se, laban.uu.se, pax.uu.se}
- X
- XSUNET-46 = {
- X agaton.lu.se, pandor.lu.se}
- X
- X## DECNET-xx defintions include both area-addressing nodes (which
- X## may serve as gateways) and non-area-addressing nodes.
- X
- XDECNET-08 = {
- X athena.sunet.se, freja.qz.se, vera.sunet.se}
- X
- X
- X### #########################################
- X# Domain Gateways #
- X### #########################################
- X
- X .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .net, .org,
- X .au, .ca, .de, .fi, .fr, .gb, .il, .jp, .kr, .nl, .no, .nz,
- X .se, .uk, .us,
- X .cdn, .oz
- Xerix.UUCP .ericsson, .ericsson.se
- Xlisbet.liu.se .sunet.se
- Xliuida.sunet.se .psi
- Xmajestix.liu.se .liu, .liu.se, .ida, .ida.liu, .ida.liu.se,
- X .qz, .qz.se, .uu, .uu.se, .uppsala, .uppsala.se
- Xnta-vax.ARPA .Uninett
- X
- X
- X### #########################################
- X# Implicit links #
- X### #########################################
- X
- Xenea.se calgary.UUCP, relay.cs.net, nta-vax.ARPA,
- X uoregon.UUCP, ohio-state.arpa
- Xlisbet.liu.se freja.qz.se
- X
- X### #########################################
- X# Other explict links #
- X### #########################################
- X
- Xkuling.uu.se emil.uu.se
- Xrelay.cs.net csri.toronto.edu, isc.intel.com
- Xuoregon.UUCP drizzle.UUCP
- Xcalgary.UUCP vuw90x.UUCP
- Xohio-state.arpa OSU-20.OHIO-STATE.EDU
- X
- X### #########################################
- X# Useful synonyms #
- X### #########################################
- X
- Xida.liu.se = liuida.UUCP
- Xobelix.liu.se = obelix.UUCP
- X.ericsson = .erix
- X.ericsson.se = .erix.se
- END_OF_ida/lib/pathtable
- if test 3889 -ne `wc -c <ida/lib/pathtable`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/lib/pathtable\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/MDBM.diffs -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/MDBM.diffs\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/MDBM.diffs\" \(2627 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/MDBM.diffs <<'END_OF_ida/patches/MDBM.diffs'
- X*** alias.c.old Fri Aug 26 18:30:22 1988
- X--- alias.c Fri Aug 26 19:14:16 1988
- X***************
- X*** 578,583 ****
- X--- 578,586 ----
- X (void) fclose(af);
- X CurEnv->e_to = NULL;
- X FileName = NULL;
- X+ #ifdef MDBM
- X+ (void) mdbm_sync(AliasDbm);
- X+ #endif MDBM
- X message(Arpa_Info, "%d aliases, longest %d bytes, %d bytes total",
- X naliases, longest, bytes);
- X # ifdef LOG
- X*** conf.h.old Fri Aug 26 18:30:27 1988
- X--- conf.h Fri Aug 26 19:07:48 1988
- X***************
- X*** 48,53 ****
- X--- 48,54 ----
- X
- X # define DBM 1 /* use DBM library (requires -ldbm) */
- X # define NDBM 1 /* new DBM library available (requires DBM) */
- X+ # define MDBM 1 /* subst Maryland's mdbm package for ndbm */
- X # define YP 1 /* enable Yellow Pages code */
- X # define DEBUG 1 /* enable debugging */
- X # define LOG 1 /* enable logging */
- X*** sendmail.h.old Fri Aug 26 18:30:56 1988
- X--- sendmail.h Fri Aug 26 19:06:19 1988
- X***************
- X*** 493,499 ****
- X */
- X #define MAX_ERRNO 100
- X /*
- X! ** Database ([n]dbm) definitions.
- X */
- X
- X #ifdef DBM
- X--- 493,499 ----
- X */
- X #define MAX_ERRNO 100
- X /*
- X! ** Database ([mn]dbm) definitions.
- X */
- X
- X #ifdef DBM
- X***************
- X*** 503,517 ****
- X int dsize;
- X } DATUM;
- X
- X! # define DB_DIREXT ".dir"
- X! # define DB_PAGEXT ".pag"
- X
- X! # ifdef NDBM
- X
- X! # undef DBM /* while including ndbm.h */
- X! # include <ndbm.h> /* DBM is typedef'ed here */
- X typedef DBM DBMFILE; /* move typedef to DBMFILE */
- X! # define DBM /* and restore DBM definition */
- X # include <fcntl.h> /* needed for dbm_open */
- X
- X # define DATUM datum /* use the definition in ndbm.h */
- X--- 503,526 ----
- X int dsize;
- X } DATUM;
- X
- X! # ifdef MDBM
- X! # define DB_DIREXT ".map"
- X! # define DB_PAGEXT ".dat"
- X! # else MDBM
- X! # define DB_DIREXT ".dir"
- X! # define DB_PAGEXT ".pag"
- X! # endif MDBM
- X
- X! # if defined(NDBM) || defined(MDBM)
- X
- X! # ifdef MDBM
- X! # include "mdbm_compat.h" /* mdbm compatibility file */
- X! # else MDBM
- X! # undef DBM /* while including ndbm.h */
- X! # include <ndbm.h> /* DBM is typedef'ed here */
- X typedef DBM DBMFILE; /* move typedef to DBMFILE */
- X! # define DBM /* and restore DBM definition */
- X! # endif MDBM
- X # include <fcntl.h> /* needed for dbm_open */
- X
- X # define DATUM datum /* use the definition in ndbm.h */
- X***************
- X*** 529,535 ****
- X # define AliasFile DbmTab[DB_ALIAS].db_name
- X # define AliasDbm DbmTab[DB_ALIAS].db_dbm
- X
- X! # endif NDBM
- X #endif DBM
- X /*
- X ** Global variables.
- X--- 538,544 ----
- X # define AliasFile DbmTab[DB_ALIAS].db_name
- X # define AliasDbm DbmTab[DB_ALIAS].db_dbm
- X
- X! # endif NDBM || MDBM
- X #endif DBM
- X /*
- X ** Global variables.
- END_OF_ida/patches/MDBM.diffs
- if test 2627 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/MDBM.diffs`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/MDBM.diffs\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/macro.c.diff -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/macro.c.diff\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/macro.c.diff\" \(2896 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/macro.c.diff <<'END_OF_ida/patches/macro.c.diff'
- X*** macro.c.orig Mon Mar 14 03:53:58 1988
- X--- macro.c Fri Aug 26 03:59:36 1988
- X***************
- X*** 47,52 ****
- X--- 47,53 ----
- X register char *q;
- X bool skipping; /* set if conditionally skipping output */
- X bool recurse = FALSE; /* set if recursion required */
- X+ bool quote, inquote, inescape;
- X int i;
- X char xbuf[BUFSIZ];
- X extern char *macvalue();
- X***************
- X*** 73,78 ****
- X--- 74,80 ----
- X */
- X
- X q = NULL;
- X+ quote = FALSE;
- X c = *s;
- X switch (c)
- X {
- X***************
- X*** 89,99 ****
- X--- 91,106 ----
- X skipping = FALSE;
- X continue;
- X
- X+ case QUOTE822:
- X+ quote = TRUE;
- X case '\001': /* macro interpolation */
- X c = *++s;
- X q = macvalue(c & 0177, e);
- X if (q == NULL)
- X continue;
- X+ if (quote && !mustquote(q))
- X+ quote = FALSE;
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X***************
- X*** 103,108 ****
- X--- 110,117 ----
- X
- X if (skipping || xp >= &xbuf[sizeof xbuf])
- X continue;
- X+ inquote = FALSE;
- X+ inescape = FALSE;
- X if (q == NULL)
- X *xp++ = c;
- X else
- X***************
- X*** 112,119 ****
- X--- 121,144 ----
- X {
- X if (iscntrl(c) && !isspace(c))
- X recurse = TRUE;
- X+ if (quote) {
- X+ if (!inquote) {
- X+ *xp++ = '"';
- X+ inquote = TRUE;
- X+ }
- X+ if (c == '"' && !inescape)
- X+ *xp++ = '\\';
- X+ if (c == '\\')
- X+ inescape = !inescape;
- X+ else
- X+ inescape = FALSE;
- X+ }
- X *xp++ = c;
- X }
- X+ if (inescape && xp < &xbuf[sizeof xbuf - 1])
- X+ *xp++ = '\\';
- X+ if (quote && xp < &xbuf[sizeof xbuf - 1])
- X+ *xp++ = '"';
- X }
- X }
- X *xp = '\0';
- X***************
- X*** 174,179 ****
- X--- 199,205 ----
- X ** $h to host
- X ** $i queue id
- X ** $j official SMTP hostname, used in messages+
- X+ ** $k our UUCP host name, if different from $w
- X ** $l UNIX-style from line+
- X ** $n name of sendmail ("MAILER-DAEMON" on local
- X ** net typically)+
- X***************
- X*** 239,247 ****
- X--- 265,307 ----
- X {
- X register char *p = e->e_macro[n];
- X
- X+ if (p == MACNULL)
- X+ /* shadowing null */
- X+ return (NULL);
- X if (p != NULL)
- X return (p);
- X e = e->e_parent;
- X }
- X return (NULL);
- X+ }
- X+ /*
- X+ ** MUSTQUOTE -- Check if string contains special RFC-822 chars.
- X+ **
- X+ ** Parameters:
- X+ ** s -- the string to be checked.
- X+ **
- X+ ** Returns:
- X+ ** TRUE if string is in need to be quoted, FALSE otherwise.
- X+ **
- X+ ** Side Effects:
- X+ ** none.
- X+ **
- X+ ** Does this string contain any characters that RFC 822 says
- X+ ** must be quoted?
- X+ ** This is not strictly correct, since we consider ' ' non-special.
- X+ ** Otherwise we'd quote "My Name", which is just too ugly.
- X+ */
- X+ mustquote(s)
- X+ register char *s;
- X+ {
- X+ register int c;
- X+ extern char *index();
- X+
- X+ while (c = *s++) {
- X+ c &= 0177;
- X+ if (c <= 037 || c == 0177 || /* CTLs */
- X+ index(".()<>@,;:\\\"[]", c) != NULL)/* 822 specials */
- X+ return TRUE;
- X+ }
- X+ return FALSE;
- X }
- END_OF_ida/patches/macro.c.diff
- if test 2896 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/macro.c.diff`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/macro.c.diff\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/readcf.c.diff -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/readcf.c.diff\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/readcf.c.diff\" \(2959 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/readcf.c.diff <<'END_OF_ida/patches/readcf.c.diff'
- X*** readcf.c.orig Sat Apr 2 01:51:11 1988
- X--- readcf.c Fri Sep 16 19:23:34 1988
- X***************
- X*** 309,315 ****
- X FILE *f;
- X char buf[MAXLINE];
- X
- X! f = fopen(filename, "r");
- X if (f == NULL)
- X {
- X syserr("cannot open %s", filename);
- X--- 309,318 ----
- X FILE *f;
- X char buf[MAXLINE];
- X
- X! if (filename[0] == '|')
- X! f = popen(&filename[1], "r");
- X! else
- X! f = fopen(filename, "r");
- X if (f == NULL)
- X {
- X syserr("cannot open %s", filename);
- X***************
- X*** 357,363 ****
- X }
- X }
- X
- X! (void) fclose(f);
- X }
- X /*
- X ** MAKEMAILER -- define a new mailer.
- X--- 360,369 ----
- X }
- X }
- X
- X! if (filename[0] == '|')
- X! (void) pclose(f);
- X! else
- X! (void) fclose(f);
- X }
- X /*
- X ** MAKEMAILER -- define a new mailer.
- X***************
- X*** 440,447 ****
- X setbitn(*p, m->m_flags);
- X break;
- X
- X! case 'S': /* sender rewriting ruleset */
- X! case 'R': /* recipient rewriting ruleset */
- X i = atoi(p);
- X if (i < 0 || i >= MAXRWSETS)
- X {
- X--- 446,453 ----
- X setbitn(*p, m->m_flags);
- X break;
- X
- X! case 'S': /* sender rewriting ruleset(s) */
- X! case 'R': /* recipient rewriting ruleset(s) */
- X i = atoi(p);
- X if (i < 0 || i >= MAXRWSETS)
- X {
- X***************
- X*** 448,457 ****
- X syserr("invalid rewrite set, %d max", MAXRWSETS);
- X return;
- X }
- X! if (fcode == 'S')
- X! m->m_s_rwset = i;
- X! else
- X! m->m_r_rwset = i;
- X break;
- X
- X case 'E': /* end of line string */
- X--- 454,482 ----
- X syserr("invalid rewrite set, %d max", MAXRWSETS);
- X return;
- X }
- X! /* default envelope ruleset for header ruleset */
- X! if (fcode == 'S') {
- X! m->m_se_rwset = i;
- X! m->m_sh_rwset = i;
- X! } else {
- X! m->m_re_rwset = i;
- X! m->m_rh_rwset = i;
- X! }
- X! /* look for specific header rewriting ruleset */
- X! while (*p != '\0' && *p != ',' && *p != '/') p++;
- X! if (*p++ == '/') {
- X! i = atoi(p);
- X! if (i < 0 || i >= MAXRWSETS)
- X! {
- X! syserr("invalid rewrite set, %d max",
- X! return;
- X! }
- X! if (fcode == 'S')
- X! m->m_sh_rwset = i;
- X! else
- X! m->m_rh_rwset = i;
- X! }
- X break;
- X
- X case 'E': /* end of line string */
- X***************
- X*** 803,809 ****
- X case 'i': /* ignore dot lines in message */
- X IgnrDot = atobool(val);
- X break;
- X!
- X case 'L': /* log level */
- X LogLevel = atoi(val);
- X break;
- X--- 828,839 ----
- X case 'i': /* ignore dot lines in message */
- X IgnrDot = atobool(val);
- X break;
- X! # ifdef NDBM
- X! case 'K': /* keyed database file */
- X! if (*val != '\0')
- X! DbmTab[*val & 0177].db_name = newstr(&val[1]);
- X! break;
- X! # endif NDBM
- X case 'L': /* log level */
- X LogLevel = atoi(val);
- X break;
- X***************
- X*** 909,914 ****
- X--- 939,948 ----
- X
- X case 'Z': /* work time factor */
- X WkTimeFact = atoi(val);
- X+ break;
- X+
- X+ case '/': /* use split envelope/header rewriting */
- X+ SplitRewriting = TRUE;
- X break;
- X
- X default:
- END_OF_ida/patches/readcf.c.diff
- if test 2959 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/readcf.c.diff`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/readcf.c.diff\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/savemail.c.diff -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/savemail.c.diff\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/savemail.c.diff\" \(2370 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/savemail.c.diff <<'END_OF_ida/patches/savemail.c.diff'
- X*** savemail.c.orig Mon Mar 14 03:54:08 1988
- X--- savemail.c Thu Sep 1 20:32:33 1988
- X***************
- X*** 371,377 ****
- X extern ENVELOPE *newenvelope();
- X ENVELOPE errenvelope;
- X static int returndepth;
- X! register ADDRESS *q;
- X
- X # ifdef DEBUG
- X if (tTd(6, 1))
- X--- 371,379 ----
- X extern ENVELOPE *newenvelope();
- X ENVELOPE errenvelope;
- X static int returndepth;
- X! register ADDRESS *p, *q;
- X! char *to, *cc;
- X! int len;
- X
- X # ifdef DEBUG
- X if (tTd(6, 1))
- X***************
- X*** 396,411 ****
- X define('g', "\001f", CurEnv);
- X ee = newenvelope(&errenvelope);
- X define('a', "\001b", ee);
- X ee->e_puthdr = putheader;
- X ee->e_putbody = errbody;
- X ee->e_flags |= EF_RESPONSE;
- X ee->e_sendqueue = returnq;
- X openxscript(ee);
- X! for (q = returnq; q != NULL; q = q->q_next)
- X! {
- X! if (q->q_alias == NULL)
- X! addheader("to", q->q_paddr, ee);
- X }
- X
- X (void) sprintf(buf, "Returned mail: %s", msg);
- X addheader("subject", buf, ee);
- X--- 398,447 ----
- X define('g', "\001f", CurEnv);
- X ee = newenvelope(&errenvelope);
- X define('a', "\001b", ee);
- X+ /* undefine sending host & proto for error msg */
- X+ define('s', MACNULL, ee);
- X+ define('r', MACNULL, ee);
- X ee->e_puthdr = putheader;
- X ee->e_putbody = errbody;
- X ee->e_flags |= EF_RESPONSE;
- X ee->e_sendqueue = returnq;
- X openxscript(ee);
- X!
- X! /* put the recipients in the to: header (cc: for PostMasterCopy) */
- X! cc = NULL;
- X! to = buf;
- X! for (q = returnq; q != NULL; q = q->q_next) {
- X! if (q->q_alias == NULL)
- X! if (strcmp(q->q_paddr, PostMasterCopy) == 0)
- X! cc = q->q_paddr;
- X! else {
- X! /* Not Postmaster; already on the To: line? */
- X! for (p = returnq; p != q; p = p->q_next)
- X! if (strcasecmp(p->q_paddr, q->q_paddr) == 0)
- X! break;
- X! if (p == q) {
- X! /* No, add it */
- X! *to++ = ',';
- X! *to++ = ' ';
- X!
- X! len = strlen(q->q_paddr);
- X! if (q->q_paddr[0] == '<' && q->q_paddr[len-1] == '>' &&
- X! q->q_paddr[1] != '@') {
- X! /* Remove angle brackets; they aren't needed */
- X! strncpy(to, q->q_paddr+1, len-2);
- X! to += len-2;
- X! } else {
- X! strcpy(to, q->q_paddr, len);
- X! to += len;
- X! }
- X! }
- X! }
- X }
- X+ *to = '\0';
- X+ if (to != buf)
- X+ addheader("to", buf+2, ee);
- X+ if (cc)
- X+ addheader("cc", cc, ee);
- X
- X (void) sprintf(buf, "Returned mail: %s", msg);
- X addheader("subject", buf, ee);
- END_OF_ida/patches/savemail.c.diff
- if test 2370 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/savemail.c.diff`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/savemail.c.diff\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff\" \(4658 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff <<'END_OF_ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff'
- X*** srvrsmtp.c.orig Mon Mar 14 05:31:55 1988
- X--- srvrsmtp.c Thu Aug 25 13:57:07 1988
- X***************
- X*** 101,107 ****
- X
- X #define EX_QUIT 22 /* special code for QUIT command */
- X
- X! smtp()
- X {
- X register char *p;
- X register struct cmd *c;
- X--- 101,108 ----
- X
- X #define EX_QUIT 22 /* special code for QUIT command */
- X
- X! smtp(batched)
- X! bool batched; /* running non-interactively? */
- X {
- X register char *p;
- X register struct cmd *c;
- X***************
- X*** 114,119 ****
- X--- 115,121 ----
- X char inp[MAXLINE];
- X char cmdbuf[100];
- X extern char Version[];
- X+ char hostbuf[MAXNAME]; /* for host name transformations */
- X extern tick();
- X extern bool iswiz();
- X extern char *arpadate();
- X***************
- X*** 201,207 ****
- X case CMDHELO: /* hello -- introduce yourself */
- X SmtpPhase = "HELO";
- X setproctitle("%s: %s", CurHostName, inp);
- X! if (!strcasecmp(p, MyHostName))
- X {
- X /* connected to an echo server */
- X message("553", "%s I refuse to talk to myself",
- X--- 203,212 ----
- X case CMDHELO: /* hello -- introduce yourself */
- X SmtpPhase = "HELO";
- X setproctitle("%s: %s", CurHostName, inp);
- X! /* find canonical name */
- X! strcpy(hostbuf, p);
- X! maphostname(hostbuf, sizeof(hostbuf));
- X! if (!strcasecmp(hostbuf, MyHostName))
- X {
- X /* connected to an echo server */
- X message("553", "%s I refuse to talk to myself",
- X***************
- X*** 208,224 ****
- X MyHostName);
- X break;
- X }
- X! if (RealHostName != NULL && strcasecmp(p, RealHostName))
- X {
- X- char hostbuf[MAXNAME];
- X-
- X (void) sprintf(hostbuf, "%s (%s)", p, RealHostName);
- X sendinghost = newstr(hostbuf);
- X! }
- X! else
- X sendinghost = newstr(p);
- X! message("250", "%s Hello %s, pleased to meet you",
- X! MyHostName, p);
- X break;
- X
- X case CMDMAIL: /* mail -- designate sender */
- X--- 213,228 ----
- X MyHostName);
- X break;
- X }
- X! if (RealHostName != NULL && strcasecmp(hostbuf, RealHostName))
- X {
- X (void) sprintf(hostbuf, "%s (%s)", p, RealHostName);
- X sendinghost = newstr(hostbuf);
- X! message("250", "Hello %s, why do you call yourself %s?",
- X! RealHostName, p);
- X! } else {
- X sendinghost = newstr(p);
- X! message("250", "Hello %s, pleased to meet you", p);
- X! }
- X break;
- X
- X case CMDMAIL: /* mail -- designate sender */
- X***************
- X*** 243,248 ****
- X--- 247,253 ----
- X /* fork a subprocess to process this command */
- X if (runinchild("SMTP-MAIL") > 0)
- X break;
- X+ define('r', "SMTP", CurEnv);
- X define('s', sendinghost, CurEnv);
- X initsys();
- X setproctitle("%s %s: %s", CurEnv->e_id,
- X***************
- X*** 268,274 ****
- X CurHostName, inp);
- X if (setjmp(TopFrame) > 0)
- X {
- X! CurEnv->e_flags &= ~EF_FATALERRS;
- X break;
- X }
- X QuickAbort = TRUE;
- X--- 273,280 ----
- X CurHostName, inp);
- X if (setjmp(TopFrame) > 0)
- X {
- X! if (!batched)
- X! CurEnv->e_flags &= ~EF_FATALERRS;
- X break;
- X }
- X QuickAbort = TRUE;
- X***************
- X*** 299,311 ****
- X SmtpPhase = "DATA";
- X if (!hasmail)
- X {
- X! message("503", "Need MAIL command");
- X! break;
- X }
- X else if (CurEnv->e_nrcpts <= 0)
- X {
- X! message("503", "Need RCPT (recipient)");
- X! break;
- X }
- X
- X /* collect the text of the message */
- X--- 305,323 ----
- X SmtpPhase = "DATA";
- X if (!hasmail)
- X {
- X! message("503", "Need valid MAIL command");
- X! if (batched)
- X! Errors++;
- X! else
- X! break;
- X }
- X else if (CurEnv->e_nrcpts <= 0)
- X {
- X! message("503", "Need valid RCPT (recipient)");
- X! if (batched)
- X! Errors++;
- X! else
- X! break;
- X }
- X
- X /* collect the text of the message */
- X***************
- X*** 335,347 ****
- X */
- X
- X SmtpPhase = "delivery";
- X! if (CurEnv->e_nrcpts != 1)
- X {
- X HoldErrs = TRUE;
- X ErrorMode = EM_MAIL;
- X }
- X! CurEnv->e_flags &= ~EF_FATALERRS;
- X! CurEnv->e_xfp = freopen(queuename(CurEnv, 'x'), "w", CurEnv->e_xfp);
- X
- X /* send to all recipients */
- X sendall(CurEnv, SM_DEFAULT);
- X--- 347,362 ----
- X */
- X
- X SmtpPhase = "delivery";
- X! if (CurEnv->e_nrcpts != 1 || batched)
- X {
- X HoldErrs = TRUE;
- X ErrorMode = EM_MAIL;
- X }
- X! if (!batched) {
- X! CurEnv->e_flags &= ~EF_FATALERRS;
- X! CurEnv->e_xfp = freopen(queuename(CurEnv, 'x'),
- X! "w", CurEnv->e_xfp);
- X! }
- X
- X /* send to all recipients */
- X sendall(CurEnv, SM_DEFAULT);
- X***************
- X*** 681,687 ****
- X }
- X
- X /* open alias database */
- X! initaliases(AliasFile, FALSE);
- X
- X return (0);
- X }
- X--- 696,702 ----
- X }
- X
- X /* open alias database */
- X! initaliases(FALSE);
- X
- X return (0);
- X }
- END_OF_ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff
- if test 4658 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/srvrsmtp.c.diff\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff\" \(3370 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff <<'END_OF_ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff'
- X*** usersmtp.c.orig Mon Mar 14 03:54:14 1988
- X--- usersmtp.c Thu Sep 15 22:03:01 1988
- X***************
- X*** 37,42 ****
- X--- 37,43 ----
- X
- X #define REPLYTYPE(r) ((r) / 100) /* first digit of reply code */
- X #define REPLYCLASS(r) (((r) / 10) % 10) /* second digit of reply code */
- X+ #define SMTPGOODREPLY 250 /* positive SMTP response */
- X #define SMTPCLOSING 421 /* "Service Shutting Down" */
- X
- X char SmtpMsgBuffer[MAXLINE]; /* buffer for commands */
- X***************
- X*** 112,124 ****
- X {
- X p = statstring(ExitStat);
- X fprintf(CurEnv->e_xfp,
- X! "%.3s %s.%s... %s\n",
- X p, pvp[1], m->m_name, p);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(CurEnv->e_xfp,
- X! "421 %s.%s... Deferred: %s\n",
- X pvp[1], m->m_name, errstring(errno));
- X }
- X }
- X--- 113,125 ----
- X {
- X p = statstring(ExitStat);
- X fprintf(CurEnv->e_xfp,
- X! "%.3s %s (%s)... %s\n",
- X p, pvp[1], m->m_name, p);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(CurEnv->e_xfp,
- X! "421 %s (%s)... Deferred: %s\n",
- X pvp[1], m->m_name, errstring(errno));
- X }
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 244,250 ****
- X register int r;
- X extern char *remotename();
- X
- X! smtpmessage("RCPT To:<%s>", m, remotename(to->q_user, m, FALSE, TRUE));
- X
- X SmtpPhase = "RCPT wait";
- X r = reply(m);
- X--- 245,260 ----
- X register int r;
- X extern char *remotename();
- X
- X! /* DISABLED since I didn't understand why further rewriting
- X! should be necessary. Since it doesn't go through ruleset 0
- X! on this second rewriting (which it should since it's a
- X! envelope recipient address) there is even the risk that it
- X! gets screwed up.
- X! -- lel@ida.liu.se
- X! smtpmessage("RCPT To:<%s>", m, remotename(to->q_user, m, FALSE, TRUE,
- X! FALSE));
- X! */
- X! smtpmessage("RCPT To:<%s>", m, to->q_user);
- X
- X SmtpPhase = "RCPT wait";
- X r = reply(m);
- X***************
- X*** 294,300 ****
- X return (EX_TEMPFAIL);
- X else if (r == 554)
- X return (EX_UNAVAILABLE);
- X! else if (r != 354)
- X return (EX_PROTOCOL);
- X
- X /* now output the actual message */
- X--- 304,310 ----
- X return (EX_TEMPFAIL);
- X else if (r == 554)
- X return (EX_UNAVAILABLE);
- X! else if (r != 354 && r != 250)
- X return (EX_PROTOCOL);
- X
- X /* now output the actual message */
- X***************
- X*** 381,386 ****
- X--- 391,399 ----
- X if (tTd(18, 1))
- X printf("reply\n");
- X
- X+ if (bitnset(M_BSMTP, m->m_flags))
- X+ return (SMTPGOODREPLY);
- X+
- X /*
- X ** Read the input line, being careful not to hang.
- X */
- X***************
- X*** 413,419 ****
- X errno = EPIPE;
- X # endif ECONNRESET
- X
- X! message(Arpa_TSyserr, "reply: read error");
- X # ifdef DEBUG
- X /* if debugging, pause so we can see state */
- X if (tTd(18, 100))
- X--- 426,432 ----
- X errno = EPIPE;
- X # endif ECONNRESET
- X
- X! message(Arpa_TSyserr, "Connection ended prematurely");
- X # ifdef DEBUG
- X /* if debugging, pause so we can see state */
- X if (tTd(18, 100))
- X***************
- X*** 431,436 ****
- X--- 444,453 ----
- X if (CurEnv->e_xfp != NULL && index("45", SmtpReplyBuffer[0]) != NULL)
- X {
- X /* serious error -- log the previous command */
- X+ /* also record who we were talking before first error */
- X+ if (SmtpError[0] == '\0')
- X+ fprintf(CurEnv->e_xfp, "While talking to %s:\n",
- X+ CurHostName);
- X if (SmtpMsgBuffer[0] != '\0')
- X fprintf(CurEnv->e_xfp, ">>> %s\n", SmtpMsgBuffer);
- X SmtpMsgBuffer[0] = '\0';
- END_OF_ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff
- if test 3370 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/usersmtp.c.diff\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f ida/patches/util.c.diff -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"ida/patches/util.c.diff\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"ida/patches/util.c.diff\" \(2377 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >ida/patches/util.c.diff <<'END_OF_ida/patches/util.c.diff'
- X*** util.c.orig Mon Mar 14 05:23:49 1988
- X--- util.c Fri Aug 26 03:56:07 1988
- X***************
- X*** 19,24 ****
- X--- 19,26 ----
- X # include <errno.h>
- X # include "sendmail.h"
- X
- X+ bool catPrint = FALSE; /* xputs: print strings for catenation */
- X+
- X /*
- X ** STRIPQUOTES -- Strip quotes & quote bits from a string.
- X **
- X***************
- X*** 260,272 ****
- X register char *s;
- X {
- X register char c;
- X
- X if (s == NULL)
- X {
- X printf("<null>");
- X return;
- X }
- X! (void) putchar('"');
- X while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
- X {
- X if (!isascii(c))
- X--- 262,292 ----
- X register char *s;
- X {
- X register char c;
- X+ register struct metamac *m;
- X
- X+ if (s == MACNULL)
- X+ {
- X+ printf("<macnull>");
- X+ return;
- X+ }
- X if (s == NULL)
- X {
- X printf("<null>");
- X return;
- X }
- X!
- X! if (s[0] == MATCHREPL && isdigit(s[1]) && s[2] == '\0') {
- X! printf("$%c", s[1]);
- X! return;
- X! } else
- X! for (m = MetaMacros; m->metaname != '\0'; m++)
- X! if (m->metaval == *s) {
- X! printf("$%c%s", m->metaname, &s[1]);
- X! return;
- X! }
- X!
- X! if (!catPrint)
- X! (void) putchar('"');
- X while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
- X {
- X if (!isascii(c))
- X***************
- X*** 281,287 ****
- X }
- X (void) putchar(c);
- X }
- X! (void) putchar('"');
- X (void) fflush(stdout);
- X }
- X /*
- X--- 301,308 ----
- X }
- X (void) putchar(c);
- X }
- X! if (!catPrint)
- X! (void) putchar('"');
- X (void) fflush(stdout);
- X }
- X /*
- X***************
- X*** 305,315 ****
- X register char *p;
- X {
- X register char c;
- X
- X if (p == NULL)
- X return;
- X for (; (c = *p) != '\0'; p++)
- X! if (isascii(c) && isupper(c))
- X *p = c - 'A' + 'a';
- X }
- X /*
- X--- 326,339 ----
- X register char *p;
- X {
- X register char c;
- X+ register bool quoted_string = FALSE;
- X
- X if (p == NULL)
- X return;
- X for (; (c = *p) != '\0'; p++)
- X! if (c == '"')
- X! quoted_string = !quoted_string;
- X! else if (!quoted_string && isascii(c) && isupper(c))
- X *p = c - 'A' + 'a';
- X }
- X /*
- X***************
- X*** 861,864 ****
- X--- 885,911 ----
- X if (map[i] != 0)
- X return (FALSE);
- X return (TRUE);
- X+ }
- X+
- X+ /*
- X+ ** PRINTCAV -- Print concatenated argument vector
- X+ **
- X+ ** Parameters:
- X+ ** av -- argument vector.
- X+ **
- X+ ** Returns:
- X+ ** none.
- X+ **
- X+ ** Side Effects:
- X+ ** prints av.
- X+ */
- X+
- X+ printcav(av)
- X+ register char **av;
- X+ {
- X+ bool oldCatPrint = catPrint;
- X+
- X+ catPrint = TRUE;
- X+ printav(av);
- X+ catPrint = oldCatPrint;
- X }
- END_OF_ida/patches/util.c.diff
- if test 2377 -ne `wc -c <ida/patches/util.c.diff`; then
- echo shar: \"ida/patches/util.c.diff\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 8\).
- cp /dev/null ark2isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 8 archives.
- echo "See ida/README and ida/INSTALL for further directions."
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0