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- Path: rsalz
- From: rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Subject: v16i060: Tell if a password is "obvious"
- Message-ID: <1175@fig.bbn.com>
- Date: 10 Nov 88 14:47:09 GMT
- Lines: 386
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: "John B. Nagle" <jbn@glacier.stanford.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 60
- Archive-name: obvious-pw
- [ This program does NOT try brute-force methods to guess passwords,
- but instead tells if a password is an "obvious" one likely to be
- guessed by such a program. Given the, ahh, recent heightened
- interest in security right now, I'm posting this right away.
- Folks with source might want to merge this into their passwd
- program; folks without should consider trying to merge it in
- as a front end, at the cost of making people type their password
- three times, and they could change it for times two and three, but
- it's better than nothing. --r$ ]
- #! /bin/sh
- : This is a shar archive. Extract with sh, not csh.
- echo x - obvious.doc
- cat > obvious.doc << '1206!Funky!Stuff!'
- An Obvious Password Detector
- John Nagle
- Given a free choice, altogether too many users choose passwords
- that can be easily guessed. Dennis Richie, in his "Notes on the
- Security of UNIX", comments .....
- XXXX, in "The Hacker Papers", has harsher comments. With
- passwords the only line of defense in many systems, it's often
- desirable to prevent users from choosing ones that leave the system
- wide open to any cracker.
- This small subroutine uses a little-known property of the English
- language to detect candidate passwords that might be easy to guess.
- The subroutine should be built into the password-changing utility
- function of the system, so that all new passwords must be considered
- "non-obvious" to be accepted.
- The algorithm depends upon a subtle property of English. Less
- than one-third of the possible "triples", sequences of three letters,
- are used in English words. This property makes it possible to
- distinguish random letter strings from strings that look like English
- words. The word "password", for example, contains the five triples
- "pas"
- "ass"
- "ssw"
- "wor"
- "ord"
- All five of these triples, therefore, are used in English. The triple
- "xqy", on the other hand, appears in no common English word. In
- general, a triple chosen at random has only one chance in three of
- appearing in any English word. Starting with a suitable large list of
- words, such as a dictionary, we can make a table of all the triples
- that appear in the list of words. We can then test words against the
- table by extracting all triples from the word and looking up the
- triples in the table. If the word contains several triples that
- are not in the table, it is almost certaintly not an English word, and
- definitely non-obvious.
- The table of triples seems at first unwieldy, but a compact
- representation is possible. The table in the subroutine is essentially a
- 3-dimensional Boolean array, 27 x 27 x 27. There are thus 19,683
- slots in the table, each containing one bit. C does not provide a
- built-in representation for packed Boolean arrays, so the third
- dimension of the array is handled by using a "long" value for each
- group of 27 bits. Letters are mapped to the range 1..27, so that "a"
- or "A" is represented by 1, "b" or "B" by 2, and so forth.
- Non-letters are mapped to zero. For every possible sequence of three
- letters, then, there is a unique bit in the table. That bit is a 1 if
- the three letter sequence is used in English. So we can take any
- sequence of three letters, look it up in the table, and find out if it
- is a triple known to be used in the English language.
- The triple "pas", for example, maps to triple number (16,1,19).
- Array element [16,1] in the table is hex 07fffabc, and bit 19 of that
- value is a 1. So, the triple "pas" is known to be used in some
- existing word, and the odds are that the word from which the triple
- was drawn is an English word or looks like one.
- The table was built with a program that extracted all the triples
- in the UNIX spelling dictionary and set the appropriate bit for each
- triple. Along with the UNIX list of words, a few other obvious
- patterns were thrown in; the sequences "aaa", "bbb", and so forth, the
- alphabet, and the rows of the "qwerty" typewriter keyboard. Building
- the table is a straightforward process, and, with a machine-readable
- dictionary or just a large body of text to use as raw data, you can
- write your own table-builder and build a table of your own. Any
- table, though, based upon a list of English words, will be very
- similar to the one given here. The triple statistics are a real
- property of English, not an artifact of the word list used.
- This is definitely a detector for obvious ENGLISH words. Words
- in other languages, particularly ones distant from English, often
- pass. "Bejing" and "Timbuktu" are considered non-obvious.
- The test considers any word with at least two triples not found
- in the table to be non-obvious. This makes the odds quite good that a
- randomly chosen string of letters will pass and be considered
- non-obvious, and thus a suitable password. More than 95% of all
- eight-letter sequences chosen at random will pass. Even for a
- five-letter sequence, the minimum considered a good defense against
- trying all possibilities, most randomly chosen sequences will pass.
- But every word in the UNIX dictionary, and almost all English words
- generally, will be rejected as obvious.
- This technique isn't idiot-proof. It is possible, with effort,
- to come up with an easily-guessed password that will pass the test.
- But it's more work than coming up with a good password.
- 1206!Funky!Stuff!
- echo x - obvious.c
- cat > obvious.c << '1206!Funky!Stuff!'
- /*
- Obvious password detection subroutine.
- Call:
- char word[];
- char *obvious(word);
- Returns 0 if password is acceptable.
- Returns a pointer to a static message if the password is unacceptable.
- The algorithm used requires that the length of the password be
- within configurable length limits, and that the password not
- have triplet statistics similar to those associated with words
- in the English language. This is an inversion of a technique
- used to find spelling errors without a full dictionary. No
- word in the UNIX spelling dictionary will pass this algorithm.
- Users should be advised to pick a password composed of random
- letters and numbers. Eight randomly chosen letters will
- pass the algorithm over 95% of the time. A word prefaced
- by a digit will not pass the algorithm, although a word
- with a digit in the middle usually will. Two words run
- together will often pass.
- In the interest of greater network security, this algorithm
- is offered to the ARPANET community as a proposed standard technique
- for eliminating obvious passwords.
- John Nagle
- Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation
- Western Development Laboratories
- 3939 Fabian Way
- Palo Alto, CA 94303
- 1/16/84
- [ John is now at Stanford:
- jbn@glacier.stanford.edu ]
- */
- /*
- Table of triple usage in text
- 24511 words were used to make this table.
- The words came from the files:
- /usr/dict/words
- obvpats.lp
- The table is 30 percent populated.
- */
- long obvtab[27][27] =
- {
- { 0X00100001, 0X00040000, 0X00040000, 0X00009000, 0X00808020, 0X00140000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00080000, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00001020, 0X00000000, 0X00000010, 0X00000020, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000030, 0X00300100, 0X00000100, 0X00000000, 0X00000020, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00090000, 0X000c708a, 0X022cd73e, 0X023ffbbe, 0X02fffffe, 0X002cd0da,
- 0X023cdae2, 0X02adf3b6, 0X0024f222, 0X00dd7efa, 0X00008022, 0X02b5937a,
- 0X06fdfbfe, 0X02bdf37e, 0X07ffdfff, 0X003c3248, 0X023dfb76, 0X00200000,
- 0X07fffffe, 0X02bbfbbe, 0X06bcfb6f, 0X055f7dfc, 0X02609232, 0X021cfbf6,
- 0X02999222, 0X00bdf3ff, 0X06308232 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X07fdfbfc, 0X022c9226, 0X00008012, 0X00248222, 0X07dffbfe,
- 0X00200000, 0X00000000, 0X00208020, 0X047ffdfe, 0X00000020, 0X00000000,
- 0X02208222, 0X00800220, 0X0000a022, 0X03fdfffe, 0X00048000, 0X00000000,
- 0X02208222, 0X00308228, 0X00049062, 0X071efefc, 0X00000220, 0X00000020,
- 0X00000000, 0X049d11a2, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00080080, 0X02fffffe, 0X000c0020, 0X0024932a, 0X0000802a, 0X06bdf3fe,
- 0X00000002, 0X00248220, 0X02bdf3fe, 0X007df0fe, 0X00000000, 0X02bdfffe,
- 0X02208222, 0X00200222, 0X00008222, 0X07fffffe, 0X00000102, 0X00200000,
- 0X02308222, 0X00188200, 0X02aca262, 0X003df27e, 0X00000004, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000000, 0X001dd08e, 0X00000022 },
- { 0X00088022, 0X06fd7bfc, 0X02249222, 0X00209102, 0X02249332, 0X07fff7fe,
- 0X00249282, 0X02a43a22, 0X00008222, 0X05fdf3fe, 0X00208022, 0X00000220,
- 0X02208222, 0X00208222, 0X00008223, 0X07fdf3fe, 0X00049322, 0X00200000,
- 0X02208222, 0X0091bb2a, 0X00008302, 0X043dfafe, 0X00008222, 0X02048222,
- 0X00000000, 0X00987aef, 0X00200000 },
- { 0X004c1030, 0X04ff79dc, 0X023c9226, 0X023c9b3a, 0X02bdf3fe, 0X04ddfbfe,
- 0X023c92fa, 0X0224f3e6, 0X0224a222, 0X045d7afa, 0X00208022, 0X0218ca36,
- 0X02fdfbfe, 0X02a9f22e, 0X06ffffff, 0X05fd73d8, 0X02bdb32e, 0X00200000,
- 0X07fffffe, 0X02fbfbbe, 0X06bdfb6e, 0X005d78bc, 0X066c8222, 0X029df37e,
- 0X0333832a, 0X008df97f, 0X06648222 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X07bc7bfe, 0X00000222, 0X0000000a, 0X00008002, 0X02fc7abe,
- 0X022cb366, 0X00000102, 0X00000022, 0X055c70fe, 0X00008000, 0X00000002,
- 0X02208222, 0X0000000a, 0X00000200, 0X03edf2be, 0X00000008, 0X00000000,
- 0X02208222, 0X00118922, 0X028ca32e, 0X041c74b8, 0X00000000, 0X00000002,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X06fdf3fc, 0X00008222, 0X00000000, 0X00008022, 0X02fdf3fe,
- 0X00240220, 0X020d93a2, 0X02bddffe, 0X047df0fe, 0X00000002, 0X00008200,
- 0X02208222, 0X02300222, 0X00318226, 0X02fdf3fe, 0X00009220, 0X00000000,
- 0X02208222, 0X00919b06, 0X00048302, 0X061cf2ee, 0X00000000, 0X02048022,
- 0X00000000, 0X00056002, 0X00000002 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X06fdfbfe, 0X02249222, 0X00048102, 0X00048202, 0X07fff2ff,
- 0X00208202, 0X00008022, 0X00008122, 0X047dfcfe, 0X00000800, 0X00008220,
- 0X02248222, 0X0008a222, 0X0028c222, 0X06fdfeff, 0X00209202, 0X00200000,
- 0X02249232, 0X00108302, 0X02bdf3fa, 0X071d71fe, 0X00000200, 0X00008322,
- 0X00000000, 0X011d32be, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00483010, 0X05dd7bbc, 0X022cf226, 0X023cdb2a, 0X02bdf6b6, 0X04fd79fc,
- 0X0234d262, 0X063df3a2, 0X00000222, 0X00000202, 0X00208002, 0X02208a22,
- 0X02fdbbfe, 0X022df36e, 0X07ffffff, 0X05fd70be, 0X02bdb766, 0X00200000,
- 0X02fdfafe, 0X02ffffff, 0X06bdfb6f, 0X000c7008, 0X02248222, 0X00008202,
- 0X023082e2, 0X00000002, 0X04608022 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X07ed7bbc, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X009cd57a,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X005070c4, 0X00000400, 0X00001000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X02fc5bae, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X015d7e96, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X07fdfff4, 0X00248222, 0X00040302, 0X00048022, 0X02fdf3f6,
- 0X00208222, 0X00048000, 0X0014a022, 0X00ddf8fe, 0X00000002, 0X0000ca22,
- 0X0220a222, 0X00000022, 0X00208222, 0X01fdfb7a, 0X00009202, 0X00000000,
- 0X02208222, 0X02b1abae, 0X00048302, 0X029d7110, 0X00000000, 0X00008322,
- 0X00000000, 0X00ac9522, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00088000, 0X07fffbfe, 0X02249222, 0X0234b322, 0X02bdf36e, 0X07fdfffe,
- 0X00bc93e6, 0X00048222, 0X00008222, 0X05fffdfe, 0X00008000, 0X0288d322,
- 0X02bdb7fe, 0X0228e332, 0X00208020, 0X07fffffe, 0X021ca362, 0X00000000,
- 0X02208022, 0X0299ab26, 0X06eca326, 0X055dfefe, 0X00008222, 0X02008322,
- 0X00000000, 0X00bdfbfe, 0X00000022 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X07fdffbc, 0X002dd236, 0X0021fbfe, 0X00008020, 0X07ddfbfe,
- 0X00209220, 0X00000000, 0X00208020, 0X053efcfa, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00008222, 0X0220a222, 0X02208222, 0X07fdfbfe, 0X023c9be6, 0X00200000,
- 0X00088002, 0X0239a37c, 0X00048120, 0X041dfaf8, 0X00000020, 0X00008222,
- 0X00000000, 0X001cd0a8, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00180000, 0X06fdfbfe, 0X002c922a, 0X02349b22, 0X02bffffe, 0X07fff3ff,
- 0X00249222, 0X02bdbb76, 0X02208222, 0X057ffbfe, 0X00208022, 0X021d33ea,
- 0X02008222, 0X00008222, 0X0228c222, 0X07fdf2fe, 0X00209220, 0X00200000,
- 0X0220822a, 0X02fdfbfe, 0X06adf3ee, 0X043dfafe, 0X02208222, 0X00048322,
- 0X00100200, 0X01ffb11e, 0X02808222 },
- { 0X0008113c, 0X017f79da, 0X02fcd77e, 0X02349b2a, 0X02adfbfe, 0X037ef35c,
- 0X0234b262, 0X02bcf7f6, 0X0204f222, 0X011c58fe, 0X00008222, 0X02a99b2e,
- 0X06fdfbfe, 0X02aff36e, 0X07ffffff, 0X045df9dc, 0X02bffbae, 0X00200000,
- 0X06fffbfe, 0X02fbbbae, 0X02bdf3ee, 0X055f73ff, 0X02008a22, 0X06bdfb7e,
- 0X02d043ea, 0X001dd37e, 0X06008222 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X07fffabc, 0X002c9022, 0X00008100, 0X00040002, 0X07fdfefe,
- 0X00241220, 0X00040002, 0X023cd232, 0X057ff8fa, 0X00000002, 0X00000220,
- 0X02208222, 0X00208022, 0X00008020, 0X03fdfafa, 0X022db322, 0X00040000,
- 0X02208222, 0X02b0bb2a, 0X0224832a, 0X041d7afe, 0X00000008, 0X00048202,
- 0X00000000, 0X00949b86, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X00100000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000010,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00020000,
- 0X00080000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X02008222, 0X00000000, 0X00000020,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X00080010, 0X07fffffc, 0X022c9222, 0X023c9b2a, 0X02bdd366, 0X07ffffff,
- 0X00249222, 0X022cb322, 0X02208222, 0X07fbfdfe, 0X00208020, 0X029df336,
- 0X02b98236, 0X0239936e, 0X02b9ab66, 0X07fffffe, 0X023cb322, 0X00200000,
- 0X02248322, 0X02f3fb7e, 0X06bcf3ee, 0X01ddf2fe, 0X02208222, 0X00008222,
- 0X00000020, 0X0099f0be, 0X00008222 },
- { 0X00081000, 0X03fdfffe, 0X02248222, 0X0224b323, 0X00248242, 0X07fffbfe,
- 0X02208222, 0X002c8220, 0X02f5fa6e, 0X057ff8fe, 0X00200000, 0X0224a222,
- 0X02208222, 0X02208222, 0X02208223, 0X06f5f7fe, 0X022c9326, 0X00200000,
- 0X00288222, 0X02bdf36e, 0X02edf7ff, 0X041df2fe, 0X00010220, 0X00248222,
- 0X00000000, 0X001d78bc, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X001c1010, 0X03fdfbfc, 0X00248222, 0X02249102, 0X00048000, 0X03fdfbfe,
- 0X00249222, 0X00248022, 0X02bffbfe, 0X047ff8fe, 0X00000000, 0X02000222,
- 0X02208222, 0X00208222, 0X00308223, 0X07fdfafe, 0X00049222, 0X00000000,
- 0X02a08222, 0X02f1ab7e, 0X027c9be2, 0X031df2fe, 0X00000202, 0X01208322,
- 0X00000000, 0X01ad328e, 0X000db2a2 },
- { 0X004c1010, 0X02dd7bdc, 0X027db736, 0X023c9b2a, 0X06ac92b6, 0X063df5f6,
- 0X0030b042, 0X002cf3a2, 0X00004002, 0X057dd0be, 0X00208202, 0X00048a30,
- 0X06fdfafe, 0X007bf36e, 0X02bdfbfe, 0X023d5210, 0X02bdbbfe, 0X00200000,
- 0X06fffbfe, 0X023bdbbe, 0X06bcf3be, 0X00202000, 0X00840220, 0X00000002,
- 0X00309220, 0X00601022, 0X04208022 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X003d7fbc, 0X00004000, 0X00000000, 0X00000002, 0X039dfbfe,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X057cdafe, 0X00000000, 0X00000100,
- 0X00008002, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X02bcfa88, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00008020, 0X00000800, 0X00000000, 0X000c1000, 0X02400220, 0X01000000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00800200, 0X00008000 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X077d7bde, 0X00248222, 0X00208102, 0X02248220, 0X025d53bf,
- 0X00209202, 0X00000200, 0X02208222, 0X055d70f8, 0X00000000, 0X02804200,
- 0X02180222, 0X00000222, 0X02bd03fc, 0X00fdf864, 0X00209222, 0X00000000,
- 0X02008222, 0X02bdbb2c, 0X00208322, 0X00057100, 0X00000000, 0X00808002,
- 0X02000000, 0X0000f022, 0X02000000 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X005870d8, 0X00000000, 0X00649322, 0X00000000, 0X021c7298,
- 0X00008000, 0X00201000, 0X00208202, 0X0058f0fe, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X00000020, 0X00000000, 0X00000002, 0X001d6090, 0X00249222, 0X00200000,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000020, 0X02248326, 0X00051016, 0X00000200, 0X00008020,
- 0X01008000, 0X04041080, 0X00000000 },
- { 0X004c1010, 0X0097f998, 0X00248232, 0X00009322, 0X0004c226, 0X00ddf0f6,
- 0X00201222, 0X0224f230, 0X02048020, 0X00094030, 0X00000002, 0X00004420,
- 0X00699a22, 0X0221e22e, 0X0310c3ba, 0X04fd78d8, 0X023dd322, 0X00200000,
- 0X0234c272, 0X0039b32e, 0X02108322, 0X00095b88, 0X00000022, 0X0004832a,
- 0X00000200, 0X02000000, 0X00000002 },
- { 0X00080000, 0X00557b8e, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000002, 0X00bc5a3e,
- 0X00000000, 0X00000020, 0X00000000, 0X003df0ae, 0X00000000, 0X00000000,
- 0X02008020, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X0065e2b2, 0X00000002, 0X00000000,
- 0X00008002, 0X00000008, 0X00000020, 0X00040820, 0X00008020, 0X00008020,
- 0X00000008, 0X00002084, 0X06809222 } };
- /*
- Configuration parameters
- */
- #define MINLENGTH 5 /* minimum password length */
- #define MAXLENGTH 8 /* maximum password length */
- #define MINNOFIND 2 /* minimum unusual triples */
- static short unusual; /* count of unusual triples */
- /*
- dotriple -- called by obvword
- If this triple is not used by any word used to build the table,
- we tally that fact.
- */
- static void dotriple(m1,m2,m3)
- short m1,m2,m3; /* all in 0..26 */
- {
- if (!(obvtab[m1][m2] & (1L << m3))) unusual++; /* check for triple */
- }
- /*
- obvword -- do one word
- dotriple is called on each 3-character triple in the word,
- using a mapped value of the character into the range 0..26,
- where letters map into 1..26 regardless of case and everything
- else maps to zero.
- */
- static void obvword(word)
- char word[]; /* word to do, max 20 chars */
- { register int i; /* for loops */
- register int patcnt = 0; /* count in word */
- register char ch; /* working char */
- short pat[21]; /* pattern of mapped values */
- for (i=0; word[i] && (i < sizeof(pat)); i++) /* scan until null */
- { patcnt = i; /* max value */
- ch = word[i]; /* get character */
- if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) pat[i] = ch + 1 - 'a';
- else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) pat[i] = ch + 1 - 'A';
- else pat[i] = 0; /* map into 0..26 */
- }
- for (i=0; i < patcnt - 1; i++) /* for all triples */
- { dotriple(pat[i],pat[i+1],pat[i+2]); /* do the triple */
- }
- }
- /*
- obvious -- test word for obviousness as password
- Words are rejected for being too short, too long,
- or looking too much like English words.
- */
- char *obvious(word) /* returns msg or zero if OK */
- char word[]; /* word to try */
- {
- register int i = 0; /* for length */
- while (word[i]) i++; /* compute length */
- if (i < MINLENGTH) return("too short");
- if (i > MAXLENGTH) return("too long");
- unusual = 0; /* no unusual triples yet */
- obvword(word); /* try the word */
- if (unusual<MINNOFIND) return("too obvious"); /* too obvious */
- return((char *)0); /* success */
- }
- 1206!Funky!Stuff!
- echo x - obvdemo.c
- cat > obvdemo.c << '1206!Funky!Stuff!'
- /*
- Obvious password detector demonstration program
- John Nagle
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *obvious(char *); /* external */
- main()
- { char pword[200]; /* potentially huge line */
- char *s; /* status from obvious test */
- printf("Password obviousness tester - try your candidates.\n");
- for (;;)
- { printf("Candidate password: ");
- if (gets(pword) == NULL) break; /* read next try */
- if (pword[0] == '\0') break; /* empty reply, quit */
- s = obvious(pword); /* check for obviousness */
- if (s) /* if nonnull, bad choice */
- { printf("NO GOOD: %s.\n",s); /* no good, print error msg */
- } else {printf("OK.\n"); /* OK, so state */
- }
- }
- }
- 1206!Funky!Stuff!
- --
- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.