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- Subject: v16i085: Convert GNU Texinfo files to nroff/troff files
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Beverly Erlebacher <erlebach@turing.toronto.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 85
- Archive-name: texi2roff
- Here is texi2roff, a program to convert documents written using the
- Texinfo macro language for TeX to be printable with nroff and troff,
- using -ms, -me or -mm macros. texi2roff is of use to people who want
- to read GNU project documentation but don't have TeX available.
- All Texinfo commands are supported to some extent, even if by carefully
- discarding them.
- Beverly Erlebacher ..uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- Computer Systems Research Institute erlebach@csri.toronto.edu
- University of Toronto
- Toronto, Ontario CANADA
- # More or less normal sort of shar file
- echo unbundling file: texi2roff.1 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >texi2roff.1 <<'END_OF_texi2roff.1'
- X.DA 31 Aug 88
- Xtexi2roff \- convert Texinfo commands in documents
- Xto nroff/troff commands.
- X.B texi2roff
- X.BR \-m {
- X.B e
- X|
- X.B m
- X|
- X.B s
- X}
- X.RB [ \-It
- X] [ file ... ]
- X.I texi2roff
- Xconverts documents which use the Texinfo macro language for TeX
- Xso they can be formatted by nroff or troff instead.
- X.PP
- XThe named
- X.IR file s
- Xare read and processed in order. If no
- X.I file
- Xis given or if the
- X.I file
- Xis '\-'
- X.I texi2roff
- Xreads the standard input.
- X.PP
- XAll Texinfo commands are supported to some extent, even if by carefully
- Xdiscarding them. Since Texinfo allows the use of arbitrary TeX
- Xcommands provided the leading \e is replaced by @, some common
- XTeX commands not explicitly in Texinfo are supported as well. To
- Xsee how various commands are handled examine the
- Xtranslation tables. Any command whose type is DISCARD will
- Xdisappear with all contained text (unless the -t option is used).
- X.PP
- X.B \ef(CW
- Xand
- X.B .ft\ CW
- Xare used to change to constant-width (typewriter-like) font.
- XIf this is not the standard at your site, run your
- X.I texi2roff
- Xoutput through sed or edit the translation tables.
- X.IP "\-m
- Xindicates which macro package you intend to
- Xuse with nroff or troff. Specify one of -me, -ms, or -mm.
- XIf your site has both -ms and -msnew macros, use -msnew
- Xwith nroff/troff for better results.
- X.IP "\-I
- Xcauses Texinfo "Info file" menu and node contents and 'ifinfo' text
- Xto appear in the output. Info files are a kind of
- Xhypertext feature of Texinfo. This material would not normally appear
- Xin a printed Texinfo document, but may contain interesting information
- Xor be useful when searching a document for a topic.
- X.IP "\-t
- X(transparent) prints contents of otherwise discarded commands,
- Xfor people who are afraid of missing something. For best results
- Xwith the -t option, use -It.
- XErrors are reported giving file name and line number.
- X.PP
- XUnrecognized Texinfo commands may corrupt the program's command stack
- Xbecause it is hard to tell how to discard them when their closing
- Xtokens are unknown. The program may guess
- Xwrong about which command is at fault when giving an
- Xerror message for the closing token, but will generally
- Xrecover and translate the remainder of the document after such errors.
- XWritten in February 1988
- Xat the University of Toronto by Beverly Erlebacher
- X(erlebach@csri.toronto.edu). Current version (1.0a) released in
- XAugust 1988 by the same author.
- XAppendices will come out as unnumbered sections, instead of being
- X"numbered" with consecutive capital letters.
- XCross references are printed, but not with page numbers as Texinfo
- Xdoes. Indices and tables of contents are not generated.
- X.PP
- XSince \efP is a toggle, not a stack, nested Texinfo commands that
- Xgenerate nested font changes would not 'un-nest' correctly
- Xif it were used as a close
- Xto a font change. The program needs a font stack. In the interim,
- Xit uses \efR, which causes less trouble than \efP.
- X.PP
- XThere are a number of differences in formatting details
- Xcompared to Texinfo. The -ms macros probably give the closest emulation.
- XIndentation is occasionally imperfect.
- X.PP
- XSince literal double quotes (") cause bizarre effects
- Xin macro arguments for -me macros,
- X.I texi2roff
- Xreplaces them with \e(fm\e(fm (foot marks \(em \(fm\(fm)
- Xwhen the -me option is used.
- X.PP
- X.I texi2roff
- Xmay generate output which falls afoul of bugs
- Xor strange features in nroff/troff.
- XThe program tries to avoid generating sequences that cause trouble.
- X.PP
- X"A program designed for inputs from people is
- Xusually stressed beyond the breaking point by computer-generated
- Xinputs."
- X.PP
- X\&\(em Dennis Ritchie
- END_OF_texi2roff.1
- echo unbundling file: Readme 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >Readme <<'END_OF_Readme'
- Xtexi2roff - Texinfo to nroff/troff translator
- X
- XCopyright 1988 Beverly A. Erlebacher (see copyright file)
- X
- XRaison d'etre:
- X-------------
- XI wrote texi2roff to help out Rayan Zachariassen, the author of
- XZMailer. Rayan had prepared his documentation using Texinfo at the
- Xrequest of the GNU Project. After he sent ZMailer to his alpha
- Xtesters, he got many complaints from people who did not have TeX
- Xinstalled and wanted documentation they could read or print with
- Xnroff/troff.
- X
- XIn the expectation that there are other people in the same plight
- Xwho would like to read documentation from the GNU project, I am
- Xposting texi2roff.
- X
- XPlease Note:
- X-----------
- Xtexi2roff translates Texinfo documents, *NOT* TeX documents. Not
- Xall GNU documentation uses Texinfo, although most of the recent
- Xmaterial does. A Texinfo document can be distinguished from a TeX
- Xdocument by the preponderance of commands starting with '@'. TeX
- Xcommands start with '\'.
- X
- Xnroff vs. troff
- X---------------
- XI tested this program almost exclusively with nroff, so I expect
- Xsome bugs in the troff oriented commands. Please report bugs
- X(and fixes!).
- X
- XPortability:
- X-----------
- XI developed texi2roff on Sun 2's and 3's running Sun OS 3.n and 4.0
- Xand tested it on a Vax running 4.2BSD, a MIPS running 4.3BSD and an
- XHP-9000 running HP-UX. There is a -DBSD directive in the program which
- Xonly controls which string header to #include and which of strchr() or
- Xindex() is used. It is reported to work with Microport SVR2, Xenix
- XSystem III and several other environments. It even compiles with Turbo C
- Xand runs under MSDOS (SoftQuad (sq.com) sells nroff/troff for MSDOS).
- XFor those using older C compilers, use -Dvoid=int.
- X
- XThanks to Bob Webber (*not* the Bob Webber at Rutgers, this one is a
- Xmetallurgist), Peter Lee, Wolf Paul, Eric Christensen and Bill Mitchell
- Xfor testing this or an earlier version on a variety of machines, unix
- Xvariants and compilers.
- X
- XIn order to make the program more portable, I've added support for -me
- Xand -mm macros as well as the -ms macros it was developed with.
- XUnfortunately, the -mm macros I have here are not the standard System V
- Xset. I would appreciate feedback on this - please report on any changes
- Xnecessary.
- X
- XDesign and Future Enhancements:
- X------------------------------
- XBy isolating all explicit command strings in the table header files,
- XI've made the program especially easy to modify and extend. Most
- Xcustomizations or refinements can (and should!) be made by twiddling
- Xthe strings in the tables.
- X
- XWhen modifying texi2roff, please respect the design, and keep all
- Xexplicit roff command strings in the table header files. Note
- Xthat the user's selection of macro package does not affect any code
- Xin translate.c. Please strive to keep the program table-driven.
- X
- XI use a mixture of macros and raw commands which is causing some of
- Xthe minor formatting problems. Ideally, the program should have its
- Xown macro package.
- X
- XMore of the discarded commands could be implemented and some of the
- Xitems in the 'bugs' section of the manual page addressed.
- X
- XTexinfo is a moving target. I have provided crude support for some
- Xfeatures that will not appear until release 19 of Gnuemacs, since
- XI dont have complete specs for them. Most new commands can just be
- Xadded to the tables and the program will handle them.
- X
- XI feel robustness is very important so I have made every effort to
- Xdetect, report and recover gracefully from errors in the input. As
- Xtexi2roff is more than an order of magnitude faster than nroff, there
- Xis no need to sacrifice other desirable attributes for speed.
- X
- X ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach erlebach@csri.toronto.edu
- X
- X Beverly Erlebacher
- X Computer Systems Research Institute
- X 10 King's College Road
- X University of Toronto,
- X Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4
- X
- END_OF_Readme
- echo unbundling file: copyright 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >copyright <<'END_OF_copyright'
- XCopyright notice for texi2roff - Texinfo to nroff/troff translator:
- X
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1988 by Beverly A. Erlebacher
- X * Written by Beverly A. Erlebacher. Not derived from licensed software.
- X * This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
- X * and Telegraph Company or of the Regents of the University of California.
- X *
- X * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
- X * any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
- X * to the following restrictions:
- X *
- X * 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of this
- X * software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it.
- X *
- X * 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
- X * explicit claim or by omission. Since few users ever read sources,
- X * credits must appear in the documentation.
- X *
- X * 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- X * misrepresented as being the original software. Since few users
- X * ever read sources, credits must appear in the documentation.
- X *
- X * 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
- X *
- X * 5. This release may be redistributed only in its original state: existing
- X * material (e.g. sources) may not be deleted, changes may not be made to
- X * the originals, and new materials must be added as a supplementary
- X * distribution rather than interspersed with the originals.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XBeverly Erlebacher
- XComputer Systems Research Institute
- X10 King's College Road
- XUniversity of Toronto,
- XToronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4
- X
- X ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach erlebach@csri.toronto.edu
- X
- END_OF_copyright
- echo unbundling file: Makefile 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >Makefile <<'END_OF_Makefile'
- X
- X# Makefile for Texinfo to nroff/troff translator (texi2roff)
- X
- XCC = cc
- X
- X# Flags:
- X# -DBSD controls use of string(s).h and strchr/index only (not needed for Sun)
- X# use -Dvoid=int for System III and V7
- X
- X
- XOBJECTS = texi2roff.o table.o translate.o
- X
- Xtexi2roff: $(OBJECTS)
- X $(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS)
- X
- Xtexi2roff.o : texi2roff.h
- X
- Xtranslate.o : texi2roff.h
- X
- Xtable.o : texi2roff.h tablems.h tablemm.h tableme.h
- X
- Xclean:
- X -rm -f *.o core errs
- X
- Xbundle:
- X bundle texi2roff.1 Readme copyright Makefile *.h *.c >bundled
- X ls -l bundled
- END_OF_Makefile
- echo unbundling file: tableme.h 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >tableme.h <<'END_OF_tableme.h'
- X/*
- X * tableme.h - -me macros table and other explicit troff command strings
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * string to emit before the first input. this is the place to put troff
- X * commands controlling default point size, margin size, line length, etc.
- X */
- Xchar meinit[] = "";
- X
- X/*
- X * miscellaneous commands, described in texi2roff.h
- X */
- Xstruct misccmds mecmds = { "\n.pp\n", "\n.ip\n", "", "", "\\(fm\\(fm"};
- X
- X/*
- X * patches for table entries for -I option
- X */
- Xstruct tablerecd menodeentry = {
- X "@node", "\n", "\n.lp\n\\s8Node:", "\\s0\n.br\n", PARAGRAPH};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd memenuentry = {
- X "@menu", "@end", "\n.(l I\n\\s8Menu: \n", "\\s0\n.)l\n", DISPLAY};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd meifinfoentry = {
- X "@ifinfo", "@end", "\n", "\n", PARAGRAPH};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd metable[] = {
- X "@*", "", "\n.br\n", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@.", "", "\\&.", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@:", "", "", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@@", "", "@", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@TeX{", "}", "TeX", "", INPARA,
- X "@appendix", "\n", "\n.bp\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsec", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsubsec", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsubsubsec","\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@asis", "\n", "", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@asis{", "}", "", "", INPARA,
- X "@br", "\n", "\n.br\n.sp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@bullet", "\n", "\\(bu", "", CHAR,
- X "@bullet{", "}", "\\(bu", "", CHAR,
- X "@bye", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@b{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@c", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@center", "\n", "\n.ce\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@chapter", "\n", "\n.bp\n.sh 1 ","\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@cindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@cite{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@code{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@comment", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@contents", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@copyright{", "}", "\\(co", "", CHAR,
- X "@ctrl{", "}", "\\f(CW^", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@dag", "}{", "\\(dg", "", CHAR,
- X "@dag{", "}", "\\(dg", "", CHAR,
- X "@ddag", "}{", "\\(dd", "", CHAR,
- X "@ddag{", "}", "\\(dd", "", CHAR,
- X "@deffn", "@end", "\n.lp\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@deffnx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@defspec", "@end", "\n.lp\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@defspecx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@defvar", "@end", "\n.lp\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@defvarx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@dfn{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@display", "@end", "\n.(l I\n", "\n.)l\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@dots{", "}", "\\&...", "", INPARA,
- X "@eject", "\n", "\n.bp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@emph{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@end", "\n", "", "\n.sp\n.in\n", END,
- X "@enumerate", "@end", "\n.(l L F\n.ba +5\n",
- X "\n.ba -5\n.)l\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@example", "@end", "\n.(l I\n.ft CW\n",
- X "\n.)l\n.ft R\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@file{", "}", "\\f(CW\\`", "\\'\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@finalout", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@findex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@footnote{", "}", "\n.(f \n", "\n.)f\n", FOOTNOTE,
- X "@group", "@end", "\n.(b\n", "\n.)b\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@heading", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@headings", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@iappendix", "\n", "\n.bp\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iappendixsec", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iappendixsubsec", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@ichapter", "\n", "\n.bp\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@ifinfo", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@iftex", "@end", "", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@ignore", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@include", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@inforef{", "}", "See Info file ","", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@isection", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@isubsection", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@isubsubsection", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@item", "\n", "\n.ip ", "\\ \n", ITEM,
- X "@itemize", "@end", "\n.(l L F\n.ba +5\n",
- X "\n.ba -5\n.)l\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@itemx", "\n", "\n.ip ", "\\ \n", ITEM,
- X "@iunnumbered", "\n", "\n.bp\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iunnumberedsec", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iunnumberedsubsec","\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@i{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@kbd{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@key{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@kindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@majorheading", "\n", "\n.sp 4\n.uh ","\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@menu", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@minus{", "}", "\\-", "", CHAR,
- X "@need", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@node", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@noindent", "\n", "\n.lp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@page", "\n", "\n.bp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@pindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@printindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@pxref{", "}", "see section ","", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@quotation", "@end", "\n.(q\n.nh\n", "\n.)q\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@r{", "}", "\\fR", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@refill", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@samp{", "}", "\\f(CW\\`", "\\'\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@section", "\n", "\n.sh 2 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@setchapternewpage","\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@setfilename", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@settitle", "\n", "\n.ds St ",
- X "\n.oh '\\\\*(St''%'\n.eh '%''\\\\*(St'\n", HEADING,
- X "@smallbook", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@smallexample", "@end", "\n.(l I\n.ft CW\n",
- X "\n.)l\n.ft R\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@sp", "\n", "\n.sp", "\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@strong{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@subheading", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsection", "\n", "\n.sh 3 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsubheading", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsubsection", "\n", "\n.sh 4 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@summarycontents", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@synindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@t", "\n", "\t", "", CHAR,
- X "@table", "@end", "\n.(l L F\n.ba +5\n",
- X "\n.ba -5\n.)l\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@tex", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@tindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@titlefont{", "}", "\n.sz +10\n.ce\n",
- X "\n.sz -10\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@titlepage", "@end", "\n.tp\n", "\n.bp\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@t{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@unnumbered", "\n", "\n.bp\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsec", "\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsubsec","\n", "\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsubsubsec","\n","\n.uh ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@var{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@vfil", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@vindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@vskip", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@w{", "}", "\n\\! ", "\n", INPARA,
- X "@xref{", "}", "See section ", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@{", "", "{", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@}", "", "}", "", ESCAPED
- X};
- X
- END_OF_tableme.h
- echo unbundling file: tablemm.h 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >tablemm.h <<'END_OF_tablemm.h'
- X/*
- X * tablemm.h - -mm macros table and other explicit troff command strings
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * string to emit before the first input. this is the place to put troff
- X * commands controlling default point size, margin size, line length, etc.
- X */
- Xchar mminit[] = ".PH '''\n.SA 1\n";
- X
- X/*
- X * miscellaneous commands, described in texi2roff.h
- X */
- Xstruct misccmds mmcmds = { "\n.P 1\n", "\n.P 0\n", "", "", "\""};
- X
- X/*
- X * patches for table entries for -I option
- X */
- Xstruct tablerecd mmnodeentry = {
- X "@node", "\n", "\n.P 0\n\\s8Node:", "\\s0\n.br\n", PARAGRAPH};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd mmmenuentry = {
- X "@menu", "@end", "\n.DS L\n\\s8Menu: \n", "\\s0\n.DE\n", DISPLAY};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd mmifinfoentry = {
- X "@ifinfo", "@end", "\n", "\n", PARAGRAPH};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd mmtable[] = {
- X "@*", "", "\n.br\n", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@.", "", "\\&.", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@:", "", "", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@@", "", "@", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@TeX{", "}", "TeX", "", INPARA,
- X "@appendix", "\n", "\n.bp\n.H ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsec", "\n", "\n.H ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsubsec", "\n", "\n.H ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsubsubsec","\n", "\n.H ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@asis", "\n", "", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@asis{", "}", "", "", INPARA,
- X "@br", "\n", "\n.br\n.sp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@bullet", "\n", "\\(bu", "", CHAR,
- X "@bullet{", "}", "\\(bu", "", CHAR,
- X "@bye", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@b{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@c", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@center", "\n", "\n.ce\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@chapter", "\n", "\n.bp\n.H 1 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@cindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@cite{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@code{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@comment", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@contents", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@copyright{", "}", "\\(co", "", CHAR,
- X "@ctrl{", "}", "\\f(CW^", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@dag", "}{", "\\(dg", "", CHAR,
- X "@dag{", "}", "\\(dg", "", CHAR,
- X "@ddag", "}{", "\\(dd", "", CHAR,
- X "@ddag{", "}", "\\(dd", "", CHAR,
- X "@deffn", "@end", "\n\\&\n.br\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@deffnx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@defspec", "@end", "\n\\&\n.br\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@defspecx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@defvar", "@end", "\n\\&\n.br\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@defvarx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@dfn{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@display", "@end", "\n.DS\n", "\n.DE\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@dots{", "}", "\\&...", "", INPARA,
- X "@eject", "\n", "\n.bp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@emph{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@end", "\n", "", "\n.sp\n.in\n", END,
- X "@enumerate", "@end", "\n.VL 5 0\n", "\n.LE\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@example", "@end", "\n.DS 1\n.ft CW\n",
- X "\n.DE\n.ft R\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@file{", "}", "\\f(CW\\`", "\\'\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@finalout", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@findex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@footnote{", "}", "\n.FS \n", "\n.FE\n", FOOTNOTE,
- X "@group", "@end", "\n.DS L F\n", "\n.DE\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@heading", "\n", "\n.sp 2\n.HU ","\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@headings", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@iappendix", "\n", "\n.bp\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iappendixsec", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iappendixsubsec", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@ichapter", "\n", "\n.bp\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@ifinfo", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@iftex", "@end", "", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@ignore", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@include", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@inforef{", "}", "See Info file ","", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@isection", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@isubsection", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@isubsubsection", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@item", "\n", "\n.LI ", "\\ \n", ITEM,
- X "@itemize", "@end", "\n.VL 5 0\n", "\n.LE\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@itemx", "\n", "\n.LI ", "\\ \n", ITEM,
- X "@iunnumbered", "\n", "\n.bp\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iunnumberedsec", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iunnumberedsubsec","\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@i{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@kbd{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@key{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@kindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@majorheading", "\n", "\n.sp 4\n.HU ","\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@menu", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@minus{", "}", "\\-", "", CHAR,
- X "@need", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@node", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@noindent", "\n", "\n.P 0\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@page", "\n", "\n.bp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@pindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@printindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@pxref{", "}", "see section ", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@quotation", "@end", "\n.DS I F 5\n.nh\n", "\n.DE\n",DISPLAY,
- X "@r{", "}", "\\fR", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@refill", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@samp{", "}", "\\f(CW\\`", "\\'\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@section", "\n", "\n.H 2 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@setchapternewpage","\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@setfilename", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@settitle", "\n", "\n.ds St ",
- X "\n.OH '\\\\*(St''%'\n.EH '%''\\\\*(St'\n",HEADING,
- X "@sp", "\n", "\n.sp", "\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@smallbook", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@smallexample", "@end", "\n.DS 1\n.ft CW\n",
- X "\n.DE\n.ft R\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@strong{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@subheading", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsection", "\n", "\n.H 3 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsubheading", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsubsection", "\n", "\n.H 4 ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@summarycontents", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@synindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@t", "\n", "\t", "", CHAR,
- X "@table", "@end", "\n.VL 5 0\n", "\n.LE\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@tex", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@tindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@titlefont{", "}", "\n.ps +10\n.ce\n",
- X "\n.ps -10\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@titlepage", "@end", "", "\n.bp\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@t{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@unnumbered", "\n", "\n.bp\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsec", "\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsubsec","\n", "\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsubsubsec","\n","\n.HU ", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@var{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@vfil", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@vindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@vskip", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@w{", "}", "\n\\! ", "\n", INPARA,
- X "@xref{", "}", "See section ", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@{", "", "{", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@}", "", "}", "", ESCAPED
- X};
- END_OF_tablemm.h
- echo unbundling file: tablems.h 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >tablems.h <<'END_OF_tablems.h'
- X/*
- X * tablems.h - -ms macros table and other explicit troff command strings
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * string to emit before the first input. this is the place to put troff
- X * commands controlling default point size, margin size, line length, etc.
- X */
- Xchar msinit[] = ".ND\n"; /* .ND suppresses date in footing */
- X
- X/*
- X * miscellaneous commands, described in texi2roff.h
- X */
- Xstruct misccmds mscmds = { "\n.PP\n", "\n.IP\n", "\n.RS\n", "\n.RE\n", "\""};
- X
- X/*
- X * patches for table entries for -I option
- X */
- Xstruct tablerecd msnodeentry = {
- X "@node", "\n", "\n.LP\n\\s8Node:", "\\s0\n.br\n", PARAGRAPH};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd msmenuentry = {
- X "@menu", "@end", "\n.DS L\n\\s8Menu: \n", "\\s0\n.DE\n", DISPLAY};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd msifinfoentry = {
- X "@ifinfo", "@end", "\n", "\n", PARAGRAPH};
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd mstable[] = {
- X "@*", "", "\n.br\n", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@.", "", "\\&.", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@:", "", "", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@@", "", "@", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@TeX{", "}", "TeX", "", INPARA,
- X "@appendix", "\n", "\n.bp\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsec", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsubsec", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@appendixsubsubsec","\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@asis", "\n", "", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@asis{", "}", "", "", INPARA,
- X "@br", "\n", "\n.br\n.sp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@bullet", "\n", "\\(bu", "", CHAR,
- X "@bullet{", "}", "\\(bu", "", CHAR,
- X "@bye", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@b{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@c", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@center", "\n", "\n.ce\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@chapter", "\n", "\n.bp\n.NH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@cindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@cite{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@code{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@comment", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@contents", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@copyright{", "}", "\\(co", "", CHAR,
- X "@ctrl{", "}", "\\f(CW^", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@dag", "}{", "\\(dg", "", CHAR,
- X "@dag{", "}", "\\(dg", "", CHAR,
- X "@ddag", "}{", "\\(dd", "", CHAR,
- X "@ddag{", "}", "\\(dd", "", CHAR,
- X "@deffn", "@end", "\n.LP\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@deffnx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@defspec", "@end", "\n.LP\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@defspecx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@defvar", "@end", "\n.LP\n", "", HEADING,
- X "@defvarx", "\n", "\n.br\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@dfn{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@display", "@end", "\n.DS\n", "\n.DE\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@dots{", "}", "\\&...", "", INPARA,
- X "@eject", "\n", "\n.bp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@emph{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@end", "\n", "", "\n.sp\n.in\n", END,
- X "@enumerate", "@end", "\n", "\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@example", "@end", "\n.DS\n.ft CW\n",
- X "\n.DE\n.ft R\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@file{", "}", "\\f(CW\\`", "\\'\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@finalout", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@findex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@footnote{", "}", "\n.FS \n", "\n.FE\n", FOOTNOTE,
- X "@group", "@end", "\n.KS\n", "\n.KE\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@heading", "\n", "\n.sp 2\n.SH\n","\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@headings", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@iappendix", "\n", "\n.bp\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iappendixsec", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iappendixsubsec", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@ichapter", "\n", "\n.bp\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@ifinfo", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@iftex", "@end", "", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@ignore", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@include", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@inforef{", "}", "See Info file ","", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@isection", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@isubsection", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@isubsubsection", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@item", "\n", "\n.IP ", "\\ \n", ITEM,
- X "@itemize", "@end", "\n", "\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@itemx", "\n", "\n.IP ", "\\ \n", ITEM,
- X "@iunnumbered", "\n", "\n.bp\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iunnumberedsec", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@iunnumberedsubsec","\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@i{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@kbd{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@key{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@kindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@majorheading", "\n", "\n.sp 4\n.SH\n","\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@menu", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@minus{", "}", "\\-", "", CHAR,
- X "@need", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@node", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@noindent", "\n", "\n.LP\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@page", "\n", "\n.bp\n", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@pindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@printindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@pxref{", "}", "see section ", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@quotation", "@end", "\n.QP\n.nh\n", "\n.PP\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@r{", "}", "\\fR", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@refill", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@samp{", "}", "\\f(CW\\`", "\\'\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@section", "\n", "\n.NH 2\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@setchapternewpage","\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@setfilename", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@settitle", "\n", "\n.ds St ",
- X "\n.OH '\\\\*(St''%'\n.EH '%''\\\\*(St'\n",HEADING,
- X "@smallbook", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@smallexample", "@end", "\n.DS\n.ft CW\n",
- X "\n.DE\n.ft R\n", DISPLAY,
- X "@sp", "\n", "\n.sp", "\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@strong{", "}", "\\fB", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@subheading", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsection", "\n", "\n.NH 3\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsubheading", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@subsubsection", "\n", "\n.NH 4\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@summarycontents", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@synindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@t", "\n", "\t", "", CHAR,
- X "@table", "@end", "\n", "\n", ITEMIZING,
- X "@tex", "@end", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@tindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@titlefont{", "}", "\n.ps +10\n.ce\n",
- X "\n.ps -10\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@titlepage", "@end", "", "\n.bp\n", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@t{", "}", "\\f(CW", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@unnumbered", "\n", "\n.bp\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsec", "\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsubsec","\n", "\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@unnumberedsubsubsec","\n","\n.SH\n", "\n.br\n", HEADING,
- X "@var{", "}", "\\fI", "\\fR", INPARA,
- X "@vfil", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@vindex", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@vskip", "\n", "", "", DISCARD,
- X "@w{", "}", "\n\\! ", "\n", INPARA,
- X "@xref{", "}", "See section ", "", PARAGRAPH,
- X "@{", "", "{", "", ESCAPED,
- X "@}", "", "}", "", ESCAPED
- X};
- END_OF_tablems.h
- echo unbundling file: texi2roff.h 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >texi2roff.h <<'END_OF_texi2roff.h'
- X/*
- X * texi2roff.h - header for Texinfo to nroff/troff translator texi2roff
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/* miscellaneous troff command strings in macro header files. */
- Xstruct misccmds {
- X char * dfltpara; /* emit when 2 consecutive newlines are detected */
- X /* in the input and the indentation level is <= 1. */
- X char * dfltipara; /* same but for indentation level > 1. */
- X char * indentstart; /* emit to increase indent level for itemized list */
- X char * indentend; /* emit to decrease indent level for itemized list */
- X char * dblquote /* emit to get double quote in macro argument.
- X * although a literal " seems to work for -mm and
- X * -ms, -me chokes on it. if you have trouble with
- X * -ms or -mm and ", use the -me string. if you
- X * have SoftQuad's nroff/troff, you can use "\(dq"
- X */
- X};
- X
- Xextern struct misccmds * cmds;
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd {
- X char * texstart; /* starting token for a Texinfo command */
- X char * texend; /* ending token for a Texinfo command */
- X char * trfstart; /* troff commands to emit when texstart is found */
- X char * trfend; /* troff commands to emit when texend is found */
- X int type; /* kind of Texinfo command, as #defined below */
- X};
- X
- Xextern struct tablerecd * table;
- Xextern int tablesize;
- X
- X/* Texinfo command types */
- X
- X#define ESCAPED 0 /* special character (special to Texinfo) */
- X#define INPARA 1 /* in-paragraph command */
- X#define HEADING 2 /* chapter structuring command */
- X#define DISCARD 3 /* not supported - discard following text */
- X#define PARAGRAPH 4 /* applies to following paragraph */
- X#define ITEMIZING 5 /* starts itemized list */
- X#define ITEM 6 /* item in list */
- X#define END 7 /* end construct */
- X#define CHAR 8 /* really special char: dagger, bullet - scary, eh? */
- X#define FOOTNOTE 9 /* footnote */
- X#define DISPLAY 10 /* text block of the kind called a 'display' */
- X
- X/* nroff/troff macro packages supported */
- X#define NONE 0 /* dummy value for error detection */
- X#define MS 1
- X#define ME 2
- X#define MM 3
- X
- X/* useful confusion-reducing things */
- X#define STREQ(s,t) (*(s)==*(t) && strcmp(s, t)==0)
- X#define NO 0
- X#define YES 1
- END_OF_texi2roff.h
- echo unbundling file: table.c 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >table.c <<'END_OF_table.c'
- X/*
- X * table.c - set up translation tables for texi2roff
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X * When adding more commands:
- X *
- X * - be sure that gettoken() can recognize not just the ending token
- X * (texend) but also the end of the starting token (texstart) for
- X * the command, if it doesnt already occur in a table.
- X *
- X * - keep the tables sorted
- X *
- X * - keep all troff output strings in the table macro header files
- X *
- X * - strive diligently to keep the program table-driven
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h> /* just to get NULL */
- X#include "texi2roff.h"
- X#include "tablems.h"
- X#include "tableme.h"
- X#include "tablemm.h"
- X
- Xstruct misccmds * cmds;
- Xstruct tablerecd * table;
- Xint tablesize;
- X
- Xvoid
- Xinitialize(macropkg, showInfo)
- Xint macropkg;
- Xint showInfo;
- X{
- X extern void patchtable();
- X
- X switch (macropkg) {
- X case MS:
- X table = mstable;
- X tablesize = sizeof mstable;
- X cmds = &mscmds;
- X if (showInfo == YES)
- X (void) patchtable( &msnodeentry, &msmenuentry, &msifinfoentry);
- X puts(msinit);
- X break;
- X case MM:
- X table = mmtable;
- X tablesize = sizeof mmtable;
- X cmds = &mmcmds;
- X if (showInfo == YES)
- X (void) patchtable( &mmnodeentry, &mmmenuentry, &mmifinfoentry);
- X puts(mminit);
- X break;
- X case ME:
- X table = metable;
- X tablesize = sizeof metable;
- X cmds = &mecmds;
- X if (showInfo == YES)
- X (void) patchtable( &menodeentry, &memenuentry, &meifinfoentry);
- X puts( meinit);
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * real Texinfo has a sort of hypertext feature called Info files,
- X * using menus, nodes and 'ifinfo' sections. Although i can't simulate
- X * this here, and the material would not normally be printed by Texinfo,
- X * it could be useful to the user searching through a machine-readable
- X * manual. Specifying the -I option patches the table with alternative
- X * troff commands to display rather than discard this material.
- X */
- X
- Xvoid
- Xpatchtable(nodeentry, menuentry, ifinfoentry)
- Xstruct tablerecd * nodeentry;
- Xstruct tablerecd * menuentry;
- Xstruct tablerecd * ifinfoentry;
- X{
- X struct tablerecd * tp;
- X extern struct tablerecd * lookup();
- X
- X /* not everybody has structure assignment */
- X if ((tp = lookup("@menu")) != NULL) {
- X tp->trfstart = menuentry->trfstart;
- X tp->trfend = menuentry->trfend;
- X tp->type = menuentry->type;
- X }
- X if ((tp = lookup("@node")) != NULL) {
- X tp->trfstart = nodeentry->trfstart;
- X tp->trfend = nodeentry->trfend;
- X tp->type = nodeentry->type;
- X }
- X if ((tp = lookup("@ifinfo")) != NULL) {
- X tp->trfstart = ifinfoentry->trfstart;
- X tp->trfend = ifinfoentry->trfend;
- X tp->type = ifinfoentry->type;
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_table.c
- echo unbundling file: texi2roff.c 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >texi2roff.c <<'END_OF_texi2roff.c'
- X/*
- X * texi2roff.c - mainline for Texinfo to nroff/troff translator texi2roff
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#ifndef __TURBOC__
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#endif
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X#include "texi2roff.h"
- X
- Xchar *progname;
- Xint transparent = NO; /* for -t flag */
- X
- X/*
- X * main - parse arguments, handle options
- X * - initialize tables and other strings
- X * - open files and pass them to process().
- X */
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X int c, errflg = 0;
- X FILE *in;
- X char *inname;
- X int macropkg = NONE; /* user's choice of MS, ME or MM */
- X int showInfo = NO; /* for -I flag: whether to display Info file material*/
- X
- X extern int optind;
- X extern char *optarg;
- X extern int process();
- X extern void initialize();
- X
- X progname = argv[0];
- X
- X while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "tIm:--")) != EOF)
- X switch (c) {
- X case 't':
- X transparent = YES;
- X break;
- X case 'I':
- X showInfo = YES;
- X break;
- X case 'm':
- X if (macropkg != NONE) {
- X errflg++;
- X } else {
- X switch ( (char) *optarg) {
- X case 's':
- X macropkg = MS;
- X break;
- X case 'm':
- X macropkg = MM;
- X break;
- X case 'e':
- X macropkg = ME;
- X break;
- X default:
- X errflg++;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X break;
- X case '?':
- X errflg++;
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X if (macropkg == NONE) {
- X errflg++;
- X }
- X if (errflg) {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-It] -m{e|m|s} [file ... ]\n",
- X progname);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X (void) initialize(macropkg, showInfo);
- X
- X if (optind >= argc) {
- X errflg += process(stdin, "stdin");
- X }
- X else
- X for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
- X if (STREQ(argv[optind], "-")) {
- X inname = "stdin";
- X in = stdin;
- X }
- X else {
- X if (( in = fopen(argv[optind], "r")) == NULL) {
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s : can't open file %s\n",
- X progname, argv[optind]);
- X continue;
- X }
- X inname = argv[optind];
- X }
- X errflg += process(in, inname);
- X if (in != stdin)
- X (void) fclose(in);
- X }
- X exit(errflg);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * process - check opened files and pass them to translate().
- X * - report on disastrous translation failures
- X */
- Xint
- Xprocess(fp, filename)
- X FILE *fp;
- X char *filename;
- X{
- X struct stat statbuf;
- X extern int translate(/* FILE *, char * */);
- X
- X if (fstat(fileno(fp), &statbuf) != 0){
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s : can't fstat file %s\n", progname, filename);
- X return 1;
- X }
- X if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT)==S_IFDIR) {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s : %s is a directory\n", progname, filename);
- X return 1;
- X }
- X /* translate returns 0 (ok) or -1 (disaster). to recover from a
- X * disaster and continue with next file would require fixing up the
- X * state in translate.c, and the document would likely be useless anyway,
- X * since it would have to be incredibly corrupted to blow stacks.
- X */
- X if (translate(fp, filename) < 0) {
- X (void) fprintf(stderr,
- X "%s: error while processing file %s, translation aborted\n",
- X progname, filename);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X return 0;
- X}
- END_OF_texi2roff.c
- echo unbundling file: translate.c 1>&2
- sed -e 's/^X//' >translate.c <<'END_OF_translate.c'
- X/*
- X * translate.c - main guts of Texinfo to nroff/troff translator texi2roff
- X * Release 1.0a August 1988
- X *
- X * Copyright 1988 Beverly A.Erlebacher
- X * erlebach@csri.toronto.edu ...uunet!utai!utcsri!erlebach
- X *
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#ifdef BSD
- X#include <strings.h>
- X#define strchr index
- X#else
- X#include <string.h>
- X#endif
- X#include "texi2roff.h"
- X
- X#define MAXLINELEN 256
- X#define ERROR (-1)
- X
- Xextern int transparent; /* -t flag: dont discard things */
- Xint linecount;
- Xint displaylevel = 0; /* nesting level of 'display' text */
- Xint ilevel = 0; /* nesting level of itemized lists */
- Xint inmacroarg = NO; /* protect roff macro args flag */
- Xchar *filename;
- Xchar *p; /* pointer into input buffer */
- X
- X/* forward references */
- Xextern char * gettoken();
- Xextern char * eatwhitespace();
- Xextern struct tablerecd * lookup();
- Xextern char * itemize();
- Xextern char * doitem();
- Xextern char * interpret();
- X
- X/*
- X * errormsg - print error messages to stderr
- X */
- X
- Xvoid
- Xerrormsg( message, other)
- X char *message;
- X char *other;
- X{
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s line %d : %s%s\n",
- X filename, linecount, message, other);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * translate - translate one Texinfo file
- X */
- X
- Xint
- Xtranslate(in, inname)
- X FILE *in;
- X char *inname;
- X{
- X char input[MAXLINELEN];
- X char output[MAXLINELEN];
- X char token[MAXLINELEN];
- X char *c,*d,lastchar;
- X
- X filename = inname;
- X linecount = 0;
- X lastchar = '\n';
- X
- X while (fgets(input, MAXLINELEN, in) != NULL) {
- X ++linecount;
- X p = input;
- X *output = 0;
- X if (*p == '.') /* protect leading '.' in input */
- X (void) strcpy(output, "\\&");
- X else if (*p == '\n') {
- X if (displaylevel > 0)
- X (void) strcat(output,"\\&\n"); /* protect newline */
- X else if (ilevel > 0) /* indented paragraph */
- X (void) strcat(output, cmds->dfltipara);
- X else /* default paragraph */
- X (void) strcat(output,cmds->dfltpara);
- X }
- X while (*p != '\0') {
- X p = gettoken(p, token);
- X p = interpret(token, output);
- X if (p == NULL)
- X return ERROR;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * output, stripping surplus newlines when possible.
- X * ?roff may vanish lines w/leading '. also, empirically,
- X * often lines with leading \ . so emit zero-width char \& .
- X */
- X d = &lastchar; /* character at end of previous output buffer */
- X for( c = output; *c != '\0'; d = c, ++c) {
- X if (*c != '\n' || *d != '\n') {
- X if ( *d == '\n' && (*c == '\\' || *c == '\''))
- X (void) fputs("\\&", stdout);
- X (void) putc(*c, stdout);
- X }
- X }
- X lastchar = *d;
- X }
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * PUSH - macro to push pointer to table entry onto command stack
- X */
- X
- X#define MAXDEPTH 20
- X
- X#define PUSH(tptr) \
- X if (++stackptr == MAXDEPTH) { \
- X errormsg("stack overflow - commands nested too deeply", ""); \
- X return NULL; \
- X } \
- X stack[stackptr] = tptr;
- X
- X/*
- X * interpret - interprets and concatenates interpreted token onto outstring
- X */
- X
- Xchar *
- Xinterpret(token, outstring)
- Xchar *token;
- Xchar *outstring;
- X{
- X static struct tablerecd *stack[MAXDEPTH];
- X static int stackptr = 0; /* zeroth element is not used */
- X static int discarding = NO;
- X static int discardlevel = MAXDEPTH;
- X struct tablerecd *tptr;
- X char *s, *cp, tempstr[MAXLINELEN];
- X
- X s = p;
- X if (stackptr > 0 && STREQ(token, stack[stackptr]->texend)) {
- X /* have fetched closing token of current Texinfo command */
- X if (STREQ(token, "@end")) {/* WARNING! only works from translate() */
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s),tempstr);
- X if (! STREQ(&(stack[stackptr]->texstart[1]), tempstr)) {
- X errormsg("probably @end for unrecognized Texinfo cmd @",
- X tempstr);
- X return s;
- X }
- X }
- X if (!discarding)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, stack[stackptr]->trfend);
- X
- X if (stack[stackptr]->type == DISPLAY)
- X --displaylevel;
- X else if (stack[stackptr]->type == ITEMIZING) {
- X --ilevel;
- X if (!discarding && ilevel > 0)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, cmds->indentend);
- X }
- X
- X if (--stackptr < 0) {
- X errormsg("stack underflow", "");
- X return NULL;
- X }
- X if (discarding && stackptr < discardlevel) {
- X discarding = NO;
- X discardlevel = MAXDEPTH;
- X }
- X if (*token == '\n' || STREQ(token, "@end")) {
- X inmacroarg = NO;
- X return ""; /* flush rest of line if any */
- X }
- X } else if (*token != '@') { /* ordinary piece of text */
- X if (!discarding)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, token);
- X if (*token == '\n') {
- X inmacroarg = NO;
- X return "";
- X }
- X } else { /* start of Texinfo command */
- X if ((tptr = lookup(token)) == NULL)
- X errormsg("unrecognized Texinfo command ", token);
- X else {
- X switch (tptr->type) {
- X case ESCAPED:
- X if (!discarding)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tptr->trfstart);
- X break;
- X case DISPLAY:
- X ++displaylevel;
- X PUSH(tptr);
- X if (!discarding)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tptr->trfstart);
- X break;
- X case HEADING:
- X /*
- X * not presently supporting appendices (lettered
- X * rather than numbered sections) they will come
- X * out as unnumbered for now
- X */
- X inmacroarg = YES; /* protect ' and space in hdr macro args */
- X s = eatwhitespace(s);
- X /* fall through */
- X case CHAR: /* may be some need to distinguish these 3 in future */
- X case INPARA:
- X PUSH(tptr);
- X if (!discarding)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tptr->trfstart);
- X break;
- X case DISCARD:
- X PUSH(tptr);
- X if (!discarding && !transparent) {
- X discarding = YES;
- X discardlevel = stackptr;
- X }
- X break;
- X if (!discarding) {
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tptr->trfstart);
- X if (ilevel > 0)
- X (void) strcat(outstring, cmds->indentstart);
- X }
- X PUSH(tptr);
- X ++ilevel;
- X s = itemize(s, token);
- X break;
- X case ITEM:
- X PUSH(tptr);
- X if (!discarding) {
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tptr->trfstart);
- X inmacroarg = YES;
- X s = doitem(s,tempstr);
- X inmacroarg = NO;
- X (void) strcat(outstring,tempstr);
- X }
- X break;
- X case END:
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s),tempstr);
- X errormsg("probably @end for unrecognized Texinfo cmd @",
- X tempstr);
- X break;
- X case FOOTNOTE:
- X PUSH(tptr);
- X if (!discarding) {
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s),tempstr);
- X cp = outstring + strlen(outstring);
- X (void) interpret(tempstr, outstring);
- X (void) strcpy(tempstr, cp);
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tptr->trfstart);
- X /* replicate footnote mark */
- X (void) strcat(outstring, tempstr);
- X }
- X break;
- X default:
- X /* can't happen */
- X errormsg("ack ptui, what was that thing? ", token);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X return s;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * eatwhitespace - move input pointer to first char that isnt a blank or tab
- X * (note that newlines are *not* whitespace)
- X */
- X
- Xchar *
- Xeatwhitespace(s)
- X register char *s;
- X{
- X while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
- X ++s ;
- X return s;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * strpbrk_like - returns pointer to the leftmost occurrence in str of any
- X * character in set. this function provided by rayan zachariassen.
- X * this isnt a full strpbrk(), it's just as much of one as is necessary
- X * here. not everyone has a strpbrk() in their C library.
- X*/
- X
- Xchar *
- Xstrpbrk_like(str, set)
- X register char *str;
- X char *set;
- X{
- X static int inited_set = 0;
- X static char set_vec[256] = { 0 };
- X
- X if (!inited_set) { /* we *know* it'll be the same every time... */
- X while (*set)
- X set_vec[(unsigned char)*set++] = 1;
- X inited_set = 1;
- X }
- X while (set_vec[*str] == 0)
- X if (!*str++)
- X return 0;
- X return str;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * gettoken - fetch next token from input buffer. leave the input pointer
- X * pointing to char after token. may need to be modified when
- X * new Texinfo commands are added which use different token boundaries.
- X */
- X
- Xchar *
- Xgettoken(s, token)
- X char *s;
- X char *token;
- X{
- X static char endchars[] = " \n\t@{}:.*";
- X char *q, *t;
- X
- X q = s;
- X s = strpbrk_like(q, endchars);
- X if (s != q) {
- X switch (*s) {
- X case ' ':
- X case '\n':
- X case '\t':
- X case '@':
- X case '}':
- X case ':':
- X case '.':
- X case '*':
- X --s;
- X break;
- X case '{':
- X break;
- X }
- X } else { /* *s == *q */
- X switch (*s) {
- X case ' ':
- X case '\n':
- X case '\t':
- X case '{':
- X case ':':
- X case '.':
- X case '*':
- X break;
- X case '}':
- X if (*(s+1) == '{') /* footnotes with daggers and dbl daggers!! */
- X ++s;
- X break;
- X case '@':
- X s = strpbrk_like(q + 1, endchars );
- X /* handles 2 char @ tokens: @{ @} @@ @: @. @* */
- X if ( strchr("{}@:.*", *s) == NULL
- X || (s > q+1 && (*s =='}' || *s == '@')))
- X --s;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X for (t = token; q <= s; ++q, ++t) {
- X switch (*q) {
- X case '\\' : /* replace literal \ with \e */
- X *t = *q;
- X *++t = 'e';
- X break;
- X case ' ' : /* protect spaces and ' in macro args */
- X case '\'' :
- X if (inmacroarg == YES) {
- X *t = '\\';
- X *++t = *q;
- X } else
- X *t = *q;
- X break;
- X case '\"' : /* try to avoid " trouble in macro args */
- X if (inmacroarg == YES) {
- X *t = 0;
- X (void) strcat(t,cmds->dblquote);
- X t += strlen(cmds->dblquote) - 1;
- X } else
- X *t = *q;
- X break;
- X default :
- X *t = *q;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X *t = 0;
- X return ++s;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * lookup - find a Texinfo command starting token in the table
- X */
- X
- Xstruct tablerecd *
- Xlookup(token)
- X char *token;
- X{
- X register struct tablerecd *tptr;
- X struct tablerecd *endoftable = table + tablesize/sizeof table[0];
- X
- X /* this could be a binary search, but even in a large document,
- X * commands are infrequent compared to non-command tokens.
- X * the program is fast enough and this works.
- X */
- X
- X for (tptr = table; tptr < endoftable; ++tptr) {
- X if (STREQ(tptr->texstart, token))
- X return tptr;
- X }
- X return NULL;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * all the global data and code for handling itemized stuff is down here
- X */
- X
- X#define MAXILEVEL 10
- Xint icount[MAXILEVEL];
- Xint what[MAXILEVEL];
- X
- X#define ITEMIZE 0
- X#define ENUMERATE 1
- X#define TABLE 2
- X#define APPLY 3
- X
- X/*
- X * itemize - handle the itemizing start commands @enumerate, @itemize
- X * and @table
- X */
- X
- Xchar * itemize(s, token)
- Xchar * s;
- Xchar * token;
- X{
- Xstruct tablerecd *i;
- X
- X if (STREQ(token,"@itemize")) {
- X what[ilevel] = ITEMIZE;
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s),item[ilevel]);
- X if (item[ilevel][0] == '\n') { /* this is an error in the input */
- X --s;
- X (void) strcpy(item[ilevel],"-");
- X errormsg("missing itemizing argument ","");
- X } else {
- X if (item[ilevel][0] == '@') {
- X if ((i = lookup(item[ilevel])) != NULL)
- X (void) strcpy(item[ilevel], i->trfstart);
- X else
- X errormsg("unrecognized itemizing argument ", item[ilevel]);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if (STREQ(token,"@enumerate")) {
- X what[ilevel] = ENUMERATE;
- X icount[ilevel] = 1;
- X } else if (STREQ(token,"@table")) {
- X what[ilevel] = TABLE;
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s),item[ilevel]);
- X if (item[ilevel][0] == '\n') {
- X item[ilevel][0] = '\0'; /* do nothing special */
- X --s;
- X } else {
- X if (item[ilevel][0] =='@'
- X && (((i = lookup(item[ilevel])) != NULL)
- X || ((i = lookup(strcat(item[ilevel],"{"))) != NULL)))
- X what[ilevel] = APPLY;
- X else
- X errormsg("unrecognized table itemizing argument ",item[ilevel]);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X while (*s != '\n' && *s != '\0')
- X ++s; /* flush rest of line */
- X return s;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * doitem - handle @item and @itemx
- X */
- X
- Xchar *
- Xdoitem(s,tag)
- Xchar * s;
- Xchar * tag;
- X{
- X char temp[MAXLINELEN], temp2[MAXLINELEN];
- X struct tablerecd *tp;
- X
- X switch (what[ilevel]) {
- X case ITEMIZE:
- X (void) strcpy(tag, item[ilevel]);
- X break;
- X (void) sprintf(tag, "%d.", icount[ilevel]++);
- X break;
- X case TABLE:
- X *tag = '\0';
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s), temp);
- X if (*temp == '\n') {
- X *tag++ = '-';
- X errormsg("missing table item tag","");
- X }else {
- X while (temp[0] != '\n') {
- X (void) strcat(tag, temp);
- X s = gettoken(s, temp);
- X }
- X }
- X --s;
- X break;
- X case APPLY:
- X *tag = '\0';
- X temp2[0] = '\0';
- X s = gettoken(eatwhitespace(s), temp);
- X while (temp[0] != '\n') {
- X (void) interpret(temp, temp2);
- X s = gettoken(s, temp);
- X }
- X --s;
- X if ( (tp = lookup(item[ilevel])) != NULL ||
- X (tp = lookup(strcat(item[ilevel],"{"))) != NULL) {
- X (void) strcat(tag, tp->trfstart);
- X (void) strcat(tag, temp2);
- X (void) strcat(tag, tp->trfend);
- X } else { /* this is an error in the input */
- X (void) strcpy(tag,temp);
- X errormsg("error applying Texinfo command to table item tag ",temp);
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X return s;
- X}
- END_OF_translate.c