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- /*
- * The manual dial option of the dialing directory. A return code of
- * 1 means we're ready to dial. Dialing directory entry 0 is reserved
- * for the manual dial option. No sanity checking is done on the input.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "dial_dir.h"
- int
- manual()
- {
- extern int xmc;
- extern char *null_ptr;
- WINDOW *m_win, *newwin();
- char *number, *strdup(), *get_str(), ld_code, *strchr();
- void fix_xmc(), free_ptr();
- m_win = newwin(5, 50, 0, 20);
- box(m_win, VERT, HORZ);
- mvwaddstr(m_win, 2, 3, "Phone Number: ");
- wrefresh(m_win);
- /* get a phone number */
- if ((number = get_str(m_win, 30, "", "")) == NULL) {
- werase(m_win);
- wrefresh(m_win);
- delwin(m_win);
- if (xmc > 0)
- fix_xmc();
- return(0);
- }
- /* is first char an LD code? */
- ld_code = NULL;
- if (strchr("+-@#", *number)) {
- ld_code = *number;
- number++;
- }
- /* put it in the queue */
- dir->q_ld[0] = ld_code;
- dir->q_num[0] = 0;
- /* end of queue marker */
- dir->q_num[1] = -1;
- dir->d_cur = 0;
- /* build the entry zero */
- free_ptr(dir->name[0]);
- free_ptr(dir->number[0]);
- dir->name[0] = strdup(number);
- /* if space, change to null */
- if (!strcmp(number, " "))
- dir->number[0] = null_ptr;
- else
- dir->number[0] = strdup(number);
- /* it overlaps dm_win, so erase it */
- werase(m_win);
- wrefresh(m_win);
- delwin(m_win);
- if (xmc > 0)
- fix_xmc();
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- * Clear the end of the physical screen where the magic cookie got shifted
- * Geez, I hate magic cookie terminals... Wyse, are you listening?
- */
- static void
- fix_xmc()
- {
- WINDOW *cl_win, *newwin();
- /*
- * Since the cookie got shifted off the window, we have to
- * create a new window to cover where the cookie ended up.
- */
- cl_win = newwin(1, 2, 4, 78);
- /* have to touch, otherwise nothing! */
- touchwin(cl_win);
- wrefresh(cl_win);
- delwin(cl_win);
- return;
- }