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- /*
- * Routines for the dialing directory menu.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "dial_dir.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "param.h"
- /*
- * Display the dialing directory and prompt for options. A non-zero return
- * code means we're ready to dial.
- */
- int
- dial_menu()
- {
- extern int xmc;
- WINDOW *dm_win, *newwin();
- char buf[5], ld_code;
- int ans, start, current, needs_repair, count, x, y, i, ret_code;
- void dir_scroll(), active_ld(), disp_ld(), print_dir(), st_line();
- touchwin(stdscr);
- refresh();
- st_line("");
- dm_win = newwin(22, 78, 1, 1);
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 1, 20, A_BOLD, "D I A L I N G D I R E C T O R Y");
- horizontal(dm_win, 2, 0, 78);
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 3, 0, A_STANDOUT, " Name Number Baud P D S Dpx Index/TTY ");
- /* show the first 10 entries */
- dir_scroll(dm_win, 1);
- mvwaddstr(dm_win, 15, 4, "==>");
- mvwattrch(dm_win, 15, 14, A_BOLD, 'R');
- waddstr(dm_win, " Revise");
- mvwattrch(dm_win, 15, 34, A_BOLD, 'M');
- waddstr(dm_win, " Manual Dialing");
- mvwaddstr(dm_win, 15, 55, "Entry to Dial");
- mvwattrch(dm_win, 16, 14, A_BOLD, 'P');
- waddstr(dm_win, " LD Codes");
- mvwattrch(dm_win, 16, 34, A_BOLD, 'D');
- waddstr(dm_win, " Delete Entry");
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 16, 55, A_BOLD, "<CR>");
- waddstr(dm_win, " Scroll Down");
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 17, 14, A_BOLD, "<up>/<down>");
- waddstr(dm_win, " Page");
- mvwattrch(dm_win, 17, 34, A_BOLD, 'L');
- waddstr(dm_win, " Print Entries");
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 17, 55, A_BOLD, "<ESC>");
- waddstr(dm_win, " Exit");
- mvwaddstr(dm_win, 19, 4, "LD Codes Active:");
- /* show which LD codes are active */
- active_ld(dm_win);
- box(dm_win, VERT, HORZ);
- y = 15;
- x = 8;
- wmove(dm_win, 15, 8);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- #ifndef OLDCURSES
- keypad(dm_win, TRUE);
- #endif /* OLDCURSES */
- /* prompt for options */
- current = 1;
- count = 0;
- ld_code = NULL;
- ret_code = 0;
- do {
- needs_repair = 0;
- ans = wgetch(dm_win);
- /* get an entry number */
- if (ans >= '0' && ans <= '9') {
- if (count > 2) {
- beep();
- continue;
- }
- buf[count] = ans;
- waddch(dm_win, (chtype) ans);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- count++;
- continue;
- }
- switch (ans) {
- case BS: /* do our own backspace */
- if (!count) {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- count--;
- if (!count)
- ld_code = NULL;
- buf[count] = NULL;
- getyx(dm_win, y, x);
- x--;
- wmove(dm_win, y, x);
- waddch(dm_win, (chtype) ' ');
- wmove(dm_win, y, x);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- break;
- #ifndef OLDCURSES
- case KEY_UP:
- #endif /* OLDCURSES */
- case 'u':
- case 'U': /* up arrow key */
- if (current == 1) {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- start = current - 10;
- if (start < 1)
- start = 1;
- current = start;
- dir_scroll(dm_win, start);
- break;
- #ifndef OLDCURSES
- case KEY_DOWN:
- case '\n':
- #endif /* OLDCURSES */
- case 'n':
- case 'N': /* down arrow key */
- if (current == NUM_DIR-9) {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- start = current + 10;
- if (start > NUM_DIR-9)
- start = NUM_DIR-9;
- current = start;
- dir_scroll(dm_win, start);
- break;
- case '\r': /* <CR> key */
- if (!count) {
- if (current == NUM_DIR-9) {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- current++;
- if (current > NUM_DIR-9)
- current = NUM_DIR-9;
- dir_scroll(dm_win, current);
- }
- /*
- * The <CR> is used for the scroll-down-one-line
- * function, and to terminate numeric input.
- */
- else {
- buf[count] = NULL;
- i = atoi(buf);
- if (!i || i > NUM_DIR) {
- beep();
- mvwaddstr(dm_win, 15, 8, " ");
- x = 8;
- count = 0;
- break;
- }
- dir->q_ld[0] = ld_code;
- dir->q_num[0] = i;
- dir->d_cur = i;
- /* end of queue marker */
- dir->q_num[1] = -1;
- ret_code++;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'r':
- case 'R': /* revise */
- if (revise()) {
- active_ld(dm_win);
- dir_scroll(dm_win, current);
- }
- touchwin(dm_win);
- break;
- case 'p': /* display LD codes */
- case 'P':
- disp_ld();
- touchwin(dm_win);
- needs_repair++;
- break;
- case 'd':
- case 'D': /* delete a range of entries */
- if (delete())
- dir_scroll(dm_win, current);
- touchwin(dm_win);
- break;
- case 'm':
- case 'M': /* manual dial */
- if (manual()) {
- ret_code++;
- break;
- }
- touchwin(dm_win);
- needs_repair++;
- break;
- case 'l':
- case 'L': /* print the entries */
- print_dir();
- touchwin(dm_win);
- needs_repair++;
- break;
- case '+': /* LD codes */
- case '-':
- case '@':
- case '#':
- waddch(dm_win, (chtype) ans);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- ld_code = ans;
- continue;
- case ESC: /* <ESC> key (exit) */
- break;
- default:
- beep();
- }
- if (ret_code)
- break;
- /* magic cookie terminal? */
- if (xmc > 0 && needs_repair) {
- clear_line(dm_win, 1, 0, 0);
- clear_line(dm_win, 3, 0, 0);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 1, 20, A_BOLD, "D I A L I N G D I R E C T O R Y");
- mvwattrstr(dm_win, 3, 0, A_STANDOUT, " Name Number Baud P D S Dpx Index/TTY ");
- box(dm_win, VERT, HORZ);
- }
- wmove(dm_win, y, x);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- } while (ans != ESC);
- werase(dm_win);
- wrefresh(dm_win);
- delwin(dm_win);
- return(ret_code);
- }
- /*
- * Scroll the dialing directory. Actually, we're not doing a real scroll
- * function on the screen, we're just repainting 10 lines.
- */
- static void
- dir_scroll(win, start)
- WINDOW *win;
- int start;
- {
- int i;
- wmove(win, 4, 0);
- for (i=start; i<start+10; i++)
- wprintw(win,
- "%4d- %-20.20s %18.18s %5d-%c-%d-%d %c %-14.14s\n", i,
- dir->name[i], dir->number[i], dir->baud[i], dir->parity[i],
- dir->dbits[i], dir->sbits[i], dir->duplex[i], dir->index[i]);
- box(win, VERT, HORZ);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Display the Long Distance codes. Press any key to continue.
- */
- static void
- disp_ld()
- {
- WINDOW *ld_win, *newwin();
- ld_win = newwin(12, 30, 0, 0);
- mvwaddstr(ld_win, 1, 5, "Long Distance Codes\n");
- horizontal(ld_win, 2, 0, 30);
- mvwprintw(ld_win, 3, 2, "+ %-20.20s", param->ld_plus);
- mvwprintw(ld_win, 5, 2, "- %-20.20s", param->ld_minus);
- mvwprintw(ld_win, 7, 2, "@ %-20.20s", param->ld_at);
- mvwprintw(ld_win, 9, 2, "# %-20.20s", param->ld_pound);
- box(ld_win, VERT, HORZ);
- mvwaddstr(ld_win, 11, 8, " Press any key ");
- wmove(ld_win, 11, 29);
- wrefresh(ld_win);
- wgetch(ld_win);
- /* it overlaps, so erase it */
- werase(ld_win);
- wrefresh(ld_win);
- delwin(ld_win);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Display which of the Long Distance codes are active.
- */
- static void
- active_ld(win)
- WINDOW *win;
- {
- mvwaddstr(win, 19, 21, " ");
- wmove(win, 19, 21);
- /* a NULL pointer means not active */
- if (*param->ld_plus != NULL)
- waddstr(win, "+ ");
- if (*param->ld_minus != NULL)
- waddstr(win, "- ");
- if (*param->ld_at != NULL)
- waddstr(win, "@ ");
- if (*param->ld_pound != NULL)
- waddstr(win, "# ");
- return;
- }