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- /*
- * The print option of the dialing directory. A carriage return will
- * send the dialing directory to the print spool program, otherwise the
- * selected file will be used.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "dial_dir.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- void
- print_dir()
- {
- FILE *fp, *popen();
- WINDOW *p_win, *newwin();
- char *file, *e_get_str(), buf[80];
- int is_printer, i, can;
- void error_win();
- unsigned int sleep();
- p_win = newwin(5, 54, 0, 26);
- mvwaddstr(p_win, 2, 3, "Print to: (printer)");
- box(p_win, VERT, HORZ);
- wmove(p_win, 2, 13);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- /*
- * This is a special version of get_str() that looks at the
- * first character to see if it should erase the default answer
- * already on the screen.
- */
- if ((file = e_get_str(p_win, 40)) == NULL) {
- /* erase because it overlaps dm_win */
- werase(p_win);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- delwin(p_win);
- return;
- }
- is_printer = 0;
- /* the default (printer) */
- if (*file == NULL) {
- if (!(fp = popen(LPRINT, "w"))) {
- sprintf(buf, "'%s'", LPRINT);
- error_win(0, "Can't open printer program", buf);
- werase(p_win);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- delwin(p_win);
- return;
- }
- is_printer++;
- }
- /* the requested file */
- else {
- /*
- * Check to see if the file already exists (and if we
- * have write permission too). Currently only allows
- * you to bail out or overwrite the file.
- */
- if (!(can = can_write(file))) {
- sprintf(buf, "'%s'", file);
- error_win(0, "No write permission on file", buf);
- werase(p_win);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- delwin(p_win);
- return;
- }
- if (can == 2) {
- werase(p_win);
- mvwprintw(p_win, 2, 3, "File '%s' already exists!", file);
- beep();
- box(p_win, VERT, HORZ);
- if (!yes_prompt(p_win, 3, 3, A_BOLD, "Overwrite")) {
- werase(p_win);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- delwin(p_win);
- return;
- }
- }
- fp = fopen(file, "w");
- }
- werase(p_win);
- mvwaddstr(p_win, 2, 13, "Printing Pcomm directory");
- box(p_win, VERT, HORZ);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- /*
- * Only prints up to the end of the physical file, not the entire
- * structure. I gave some thought about not printing empty entries,
- * but...
- */
- for (i=1; i<=dir->d_entries; i++)
- fprintf(fp, "%4d- %-20.20s %18.18s %5d-%c-%d-%d %c %-14.14s\n",
- i, dir->name[i], dir->number[i], dir->baud[i], dir->parity[i],
- dir->dbits[i], dir->sbits[i], dir->duplex[i], dir->index[i]);
- if (is_printer)
- pclose(fp);
- else {
- /* a dramatic delay... */
- sleep(1);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- werase(p_win);
- wrefresh(p_win);
- delwin(p_win);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Get a string from a window but erase the line first.
- */
- static char *
- e_get_str(win, num)
- WINDOW *win;
- int num;
- {
- int count, x, y, done_it;
- char ans;
- static char buf[80];
- done_it = 0;
- count = 0;
- while ((ans = wgetch(win)) != '\r') {
- /* do our own backspace */
- if (ans == BS) {
- if (!count) {
- beep();
- continue;
- }
- count--;
- buf[count] = NULL;
- getyx(win, y, x);
- x--;
- wmove(win, y, x);
- waddch(win, (chtype) ' ');
- wmove(win, y, x);
- wrefresh(win);
- continue;
- }
- /* exceeded the max? */
- if (count == num) {
- beep();
- continue;
- }
- /* an <ESC> anywhere in the string */
- if (ans == ESC)
- return(NULL);
- /* erase the default answer */
- if (!done_it) {
- waddstr(win, " ");
- wmove(win, 2, 13);
- wrefresh(win);
- done_it++;
- }
- buf[count] = ans;
- waddch(win, (chtype) ans);
- wrefresh(win);
- count++;
- }
- buf[count] = NULL;
- return(buf);
- }