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Text File | 1993-12-07 | 58.7 KB | 2,523 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- From: dbell@canb.auug.org.au (David I. Bell)
- Subject: v27i137: calc-2.9.0 - arbitrary precision C-like programmable calculator, Part10/19
- References: <1.755316719.21314@gw.home.vix.com>
- Sender: unix-sources-moderator@gw.home.vix.com
- Approved: vixie@gw.home.vix.com
- Submitted-By: dbell@canb.auug.org.au (David I. Bell)
- Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 137
- Archive-Name: calc-2.9.0/part10
- #!/bin/sh
- # this is part 10 of a multipart archive
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- # file calc2.9.0/string.c continued
- #
- CurArch=10
- if test ! -r s2_seq_.tmp
- then echo "Please unpack part 1 first!"
- exit 1; fi
- ( read Scheck
- if test "$Scheck" != $CurArch
- then echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!"
- exit 1;
- else exit 0; fi
- ) < s2_seq_.tmp || exit 1
- echo "x - Continuing file calc2.9.0/string.c"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> calc2.9.0/string.c
- X
- X testlen = strlen(test);
- X index = 1;
- X while (*format) {
- X len = strlen(format);
- X if ((len == testlen) && (*format == *test) &&
- X (strcmp(format, test) == 0))
- X return index;
- X format += (len + 1);
- X index++;
- X }
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Add a possibly new literal string to the literal string pool.
- X * Returns the new string address which is guaranteed to be always valid.
- X * Duplicate strings will repeatedly return the same address.
- X */
- Xchar *
- Xaddliteral(str)
- X char *str;
- X{
- X register char **table; /* table of strings */
- X char *newstr; /* newly allocated string */
- X long count; /* number of strings */
- X long len; /* length of string to allocate */
- X
- X len = strlen(str);
- X if (len <= 1)
- X return charstr(*str);
- X /*
- X * See if the string is already in the table.
- X */
- X table = literals.l_table;
- X count = literals.l_count;
- X while (count-- > 0) {
- X if ((str[0] == table[0][0]) && (str[1] == table[0][1]) &&
- X (strcmp(str, table[0]) == 0))
- X return table[0];
- X table++;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Make the table of string pointers larger if necessary.
- X */
- X if (literals.l_count >= literals.l_maxcount) {
- X count = literals.l_maxcount + STR_TABLECHUNK;
- X if (literals.l_maxcount)
- X table = (char **) realloc(literals.l_table, count * sizeof(char *));
- X else
- X table = (char **) malloc(count * sizeof(char *));
- X if (table == NULL)
- X math_error("Cannot allocate string literal table");
- X literals.l_table = table;
- X literals.l_maxcount = count;
- X }
- X table = literals.l_table;
- X /*
- X * If the new string is very long, allocate it manually.
- X */
- X len = (len + 2) & ~1; /* add room for null and round up to word */
- X if (len >= STR_UNIQUE) {
- X newstr = (char *)malloc(len);
- X if (newstr == NULL)
- X math_error("Cannot allocate large literal string");
- X strcpy(newstr, str);
- X table[literals.l_count++] = newstr;
- X return newstr;
- X }
- X /*
- X * If the remaining space in the allocate string is too small,
- X * then allocate a new one.
- X */
- X if (literals.l_avail < len) {
- X newstr = (char *)malloc(STR_CHUNK);
- X if (newstr == NULL)
- X math_error("Cannot allocate new literal string");
- X literals.l_alloc = newstr;
- X literals.l_avail = STR_CHUNK;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Allocate the new string from the allocate string.
- X */
- X newstr = literals.l_alloc;
- X literals.l_avail -= len;
- X literals.l_alloc += len;
- X table[literals.l_count++] = newstr;
- X strcpy(newstr, str);
- X return newstr;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Calculate a trivial hash value for a string.
- X */
- Xhashstr(cp)
- X char *cp;
- X{
- X int len;
- X HASH hash;
- X
- X len = strlen(cp);
- X hash = len * 300007;
- X while (len-- > 0)
- X hash = hash * 300017 + *cp++ + 300043;
- X return hash;
- X}
- X
- X/* END CODE */
- echo "File calc2.9.0/string.c is complete"
- chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/string.c || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/string.c fails"
- set `wc -c calc2.9.0/string.c`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "6923"
- then echo original size 6923, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/string.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/string.h &&
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
- X * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
- X * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
- X */
- X
- X
- X#include "zmath.h"
- X
- X
- Xtypedef struct {
- X char *h_list; /* list of strings separated by nulls */
- X long h_used; /* characters used so far */
- X long h_avail; /* characters available for use */
- X long h_count; /* number of strings */
- X
- X
- Xextern void initstr MATH_PROTO((STRINGHEAD *hp));
- Xextern char *addstr MATH_PROTO((STRINGHEAD *hp, char *str));
- Xextern char *namestr MATH_PROTO((STRINGHEAD *hp, long n));
- Xextern long findstr MATH_PROTO((STRINGHEAD *hp, char *str));
- Xextern char *charstr MATH_PROTO((int ch));
- Xextern char *addliteral MATH_PROTO((char *str));
- Xextern long stringindex MATH_PROTO((char *str1, char *str2));
- Xextern HASH hashstr MATH_PROTO((char *cp));
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X/* END CODE */
- chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/string.h || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/string.h fails"
- set `wc -c calc2.9.0/string.h`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "905"
- then echo original size 905, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/symbol.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/symbol.c &&
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
- X * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
- X * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
- X *
- X * Global and local symbol routines.
- X */
- X
- X#include "calc.h"
- X#include "token.h"
- X#include "symbol.h"
- X#include "string.h"
- X#include "opcodes.h"
- X#include "func.h"
- X
- X#define HASHSIZE 37 /* size of hash table */
- X
- X
- Xstatic int filescope; /* file scope level for static variables */
- Xstatic int funcscope; /* function scope level for static variables */
- Xstatic STRINGHEAD localnames; /* list of local variable names */
- Xstatic STRINGHEAD globalnames; /* list of global variable names */
- Xstatic STRINGHEAD paramnames; /* list of parameter variable names */
- Xstatic GLOBAL *globalhash[HASHSIZE]; /* hash table for globals */
- X
- Xstatic void fitprint MATH_PROTO((NUMBER *num, long digits, long width));
- Xstatic void unscope MATH_PROTO((void));
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Hash a symbol name so we can find it in the hash table.
- X * Args are the symbol name and the symbol name size.
- X */
- X#define HASHSYM(n, s) ((unsigned)((n)[0]*123 + (n)[s-1]*135 + (s)*157) % HASHSIZE)
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Initialize the global symbol table.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xinitglobals()
- X{
- X int i; /* index counter */
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++)
- X globalhash[i] = NULL;
- X initstr(&globalnames);
- X filescope = SCOPE_STATIC;
- X funcscope = 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Define a possibly new global variable which may or may not be static.
- X * If it did not already exist, it is created with a value of zero.
- X * The address of the global symbol structure is returned.
- X */
- Xaddglobal(name, isstatic)
- X char *name; /* name of global variable */
- X BOOL isstatic; /* TRUE if symbol is static */
- X{
- X GLOBAL *sp; /* current symbol pointer */
- X GLOBAL **hp; /* hash table head address */
- X long len; /* length of string */
- X int newfilescope; /* file scope being looked for */
- X int newfuncscope; /* function scope being looked for */
- X
- X newfilescope = SCOPE_GLOBAL;
- X newfuncscope = 0;
- X if (isstatic) {
- X newfilescope = filescope;
- X newfuncscope = funcscope;
- X }
- X len = strlen(name);
- X if (len <= 0)
- X return NULL;
- X hp = &globalhash[HASHSYM(name, len)];
- X for (sp = *hp; sp; sp = sp->g_next) {
- X if ((sp->g_len == len) && (strcmp(sp->g_name, name) == 0)
- X && (sp->g_filescope == newfilescope)
- X && (sp->g_funcscope == newfuncscope))
- X return sp;
- X }
- X sp = (GLOBAL *) malloc(sizeof(GLOBAL));
- X if (sp == NULL)
- X return sp;
- X sp->g_name = addstr(&globalnames, name);
- X sp->g_len = len;
- X sp->g_filescope = newfilescope;
- X sp->g_funcscope = newfuncscope;
- X sp->g_value.v_num = qlink(&_qzero_);
- X sp->g_value.v_type = V_NUM;
- X sp->g_next = *hp;
- X *hp = sp;
- X return sp;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Look up the name of a global variable and return its address.
- X * Since the same variable may appear in different scopes, we search
- X * for the one with the highest function scope value within the current
- X * file scope level (or which is global). Returns NULL if the symbol
- X * was not found.
- X */
- Xfindglobal(name)
- X char *name; /* name of global variable */
- X{
- X GLOBAL *sp; /* current symbol pointer */
- X GLOBAL *bestsp; /* found symbol with highest scope */
- X long len; /* length of string */
- X
- X bestsp = NULL;
- X len = strlen(name);
- X for (sp = globalhash[HASHSYM(name, len)]; sp; sp = sp->g_next) {
- X if ((sp->g_len != len) || strcmp(sp->g_name, name))
- X continue;
- X if (sp->g_filescope == SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
- X if (bestsp == NULL)
- X bestsp = sp;
- X continue;
- X }
- X if (sp->g_filescope != filescope)
- X continue;
- X if ((bestsp == NULL) || (sp->g_funcscope > bestsp->g_funcscope))
- X bestsp = sp;
- X }
- X return bestsp;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Return the name of a global variable given its address.
- X */
- Xchar *
- Xglobalname(sp)
- X GLOBAL *sp; /* address of global pointer */
- X{
- X if (sp)
- X return sp->g_name;
- X return "";
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Show the value of all global variables, typing only the head and
- X * tail of very large numbers. Only truly global symbols are shown.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xshowglobals()
- X{
- X GLOBAL **hp; /* hash table head address */
- X register GLOBAL *sp; /* current global symbol pointer */
- X long count; /* number of global variables shown */
- X NUMBER *num, *den;
- X long digits;
- X
- X count = 0;
- X for (hp = &globalhash[HASHSIZE-1]; hp >= globalhash; hp--) {
- X for (sp = *hp; sp; sp = sp->g_next) {
- X if (sp->g_value.v_type != V_NUM)
- X continue;
- X if (sp->g_filescope != SCOPE_GLOBAL)
- X continue;
- X if (count++ == 0) {
- X printf("\nName Digits Value\n");
- X printf( "---- ------ -----\n");
- X }
- X printf("%-8s ", sp->g_name);
- X num = qnum(sp->g_value.v_num);
- X digits = qdigits(num);
- X printf("%-7ld ", digits);
- X fitprint(num, digits, 60L);
- X qfree(num);
- X if (!qisint(sp->g_value.v_num)) {
- X den = qden(sp->g_value.v_num);
- X digits = qdigits(den);
- X printf("\n %-6ld /", digits);
- X fitprint(den, digits, 60L);
- X qfree(den);
- X }
- X printf("\n");
- X }
- X }
- X printf(count ? "\n" : "No global variables defined.\n");
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Print an integer which is guaranteed to fit in the specified number
- X * of columns, using imbedded '...' characters if it is too large.
- X */
- Xstatic void
- Xfitprint(num, digits, width)
- X NUMBER *num; /* number to print */
- X long digits, width;
- X{
- X long show, used;
- X NUMBER *p, *t, *div, *val;
- X
- X if (digits <= width) {
- X qprintf("%r", num);
- X return;
- X }
- X show = (width / 2) - 2;
- X t = itoq(10L);
- X p = itoq((long) (digits - show));
- X div = qpowi(t, p);
- X val = qquo(num, div);
- X qprintf("%r...", val);
- X qfree(p);
- X qfree(div);
- X qfree(val);
- X p = itoq(show);
- X div = qpowi(t, p);
- X val = qmod(num, div);
- X used = qdigits(val);
- X while (used++ < show) printf("0");
- X qprintf("%r", val);
- X qfree(p);
- X qfree(div);
- X qfree(val);
- X qfree(t);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Write all normal global variables to an output file.
- X * Note: Currently only simple types are saved.
- X * Returns nonzero on error.
- X */
- Xwriteglobals(name)
- X char *name;
- X{
- X FILE *fp;
- X GLOBAL **hp; /* hash table head address */
- X register GLOBAL *sp; /* current global symbol pointer */
- X int savemode; /* saved output mode */
- X
- X fp = f_open(name, "w");
- X if (fp == NULL)
- X return 1;
- X math_setfp(fp);
- X for (hp = &globalhash[HASHSIZE-1]; hp >= globalhash; hp--) {
- X for (sp = *hp; sp; sp = sp->g_next) {
- X switch (sp->g_value.v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X case V_COM:
- X case V_STR:
- X break;
- X default:
- X continue;
- X }
- X math_fmt("%s = ", sp->g_name);
- X savemode = math_setmode(MODE_HEX);
- X printvalue(&sp->g_value, PRINT_UNAMBIG);
- X math_setmode(savemode);
- X math_str(";\n");
- X }
- X }
- X math_setfp(stdout);
- X if (fclose(fp))
- X return 1;
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Reset the file and function scope levels back to the original values.
- X * This is called on errors to forget any static variables which were being
- X * defined.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xresetscopes()
- X{
- X filescope = SCOPE_STATIC;
- X funcscope = 0;
- X unscope();
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Enter a new file scope level so that newly defined static variables
- X * will have the appropriate scope, and so that previously defined static
- X * variables will temporarily be unaccessible. This should only be called
- X * when the function scope level is zero.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xenterfilescope()
- X{
- X filescope++;
- X funcscope = 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Exit from a file scope level. This deletes from the global symbol table
- X * all of the static variables that were defined within this file scope level.
- X * The function scope level is also reset to zero.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xexitfilescope()
- X{
- X if (filescope > SCOPE_STATIC)
- X filescope--;
- X funcscope = 0;
- X unscope();
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Enter a new function scope level within the current file scope level.
- X * This allows newly defined static variables to override previously defined
- X * static variables in the same file scope level.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xenterfuncscope()
- X{
- X funcscope++;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Exit from a function scope level. This deletes static symbols which were
- X * defined within the current function scope level, and makes previously
- X * defined symbols with the same name within the same file scope level
- X * accessible again.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xexitfuncscope()
- X{
- X if (funcscope > 0)
- X funcscope--;
- X unscope();
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Remove all the symbols from the global symbol table which have file or
- X * function scopes larger than the current scope levels. Their memory
- X * remains allocated since their values still actually exist.
- X */
- Xstatic void
- Xunscope()
- X{
- X GLOBAL **hp; /* hash table head address */
- X register GLOBAL *sp; /* current global symbol pointer */
- X GLOBAL *prevsp; /* previous kept symbol pointer */
- X
- X for (hp = &globalhash[HASHSIZE-1]; hp >= globalhash; hp--) {
- X prevsp = NULL;
- X for (sp = *hp; sp; sp = sp->g_next) {
- X if ((sp->g_filescope == SCOPE_GLOBAL) ||
- X (sp->g_filescope < filescope) ||
- X ((sp->g_filescope == filescope) &&
- X (sp->g_funcscope <= funcscope)))
- X {
- X prevsp = sp;
- X continue;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * This symbol needs removing.
- X */
- X if (prevsp)
- X prevsp->g_next = sp->g_next;
- X else
- X *hp = sp->g_next;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Initialize the local and parameter symbol table information.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xinitlocals()
- X{
- X initstr(&localnames);
- X initstr(¶mnames);
- X curfunc->f_localcount = 0;
- X curfunc->f_paramcount = 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Add a possibly new local variable definition.
- X * Returns the index of the variable into the local symbol table.
- X * Minus one indicates the symbol could not be added.
- X */
- Xlong
- Xaddlocal(name)
- X char *name; /* name of local variable */
- X{
- X long index; /* current symbol index */
- X
- X index = findstr(&localnames, name);
- X if (index >= 0)
- X return index;
- X index = localnames.h_count;
- X (void) addstr(&localnames, name);
- X curfunc->f_localcount++;
- X return index;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Find a local variable name and return its index.
- X * Returns minus one if the variable name is not defined.
- X */
- Xlong
- Xfindlocal(name)
- X char *name; /* name of local variable */
- X{
- X return findstr(&localnames, name);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Return the name of a local variable.
- X */
- Xchar *
- Xlocalname(n)
- X long n;
- X{
- X return namestr(&localnames, n);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Add a possibly new parameter variable definition.
- X * Returns the index of the variable into the parameter symbol table.
- X * Minus one indicates the symbol could not be added.
- X */
- Xlong
- Xaddparam(name)
- X char *name; /* name of parameter variable */
- X{
- X long index; /* current symbol index */
- X
- X index = findstr(¶mnames, name);
- X if (index >= 0)
- X return index;
- X index = paramnames.h_count;
- X (void) addstr(¶mnames, name);
- X curfunc->f_paramcount++;
- X return index;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Find a parameter variable name and return its index.
- X * Returns minus one if the variable name is not defined.
- X */
- Xlong
- Xfindparam(name)
- X char *name; /* name of parameter variable */
- X{
- X return findstr(¶mnames, name);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Return the name of a parameter variable.
- X */
- Xchar *
- Xparamname(n)
- X long n;
- X{
- X return namestr(¶mnames, n);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Return the type of a variable name.
- X * This is either local, parameter, global, static, or undefined.
- X */
- Xsymboltype(name)
- X char *name; /* variable name to find */
- X{
- X GLOBAL *sp;
- X
- X if (findlocal(name) >= 0)
- X return SYM_LOCAL;
- X if (findparam(name) >= 0)
- X return SYM_PARAM;
- X sp = findglobal(name);
- X if (sp) {
- X if (sp->g_filescope == SCOPE_GLOBAL)
- X return SYM_GLOBAL;
- X return SYM_STATIC;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* END CODE */
- chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/symbol.c || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/symbol.c fails"
- set `wc -c calc2.9.0/symbol.c`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "11019"
- then echo original size 11019, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/symbol.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/symbol.h &&
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
- X * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
- X * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef SYMBOL_H
- X#define SYMBOL_H
- X
- X#include "zmath.h"
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Symbol Declarations.
- X */
- X#define SYM_UNDEFINED 0 /* undefined symbol */
- X#define SYM_PARAM 1 /* parameter symbol */
- X#define SYM_LOCAL 2 /* local symbol */
- X#define SYM_GLOBAL 3 /* global symbol */
- X#define SYM_STATIC 4 /* static symbol */
- X
- X#define SCOPE_GLOBAL 0 /* file scope level for global variables */
- X#define SCOPE_STATIC 1 /* lowest file scope for static variables */
- X
- X
- Xtypedef struct global GLOBAL;
- Xstruct global {
- X int g_len; /* length of symbol name */
- X short g_filescope; /* file scope level of symbol (0 if global) */
- X short g_funcscope; /* function scope level of symbol */
- X char *g_name; /* global symbol name */
- X VALUE g_value; /* global symbol value */
- X GLOBAL *g_next; /* next symbol in hash chain */
- X};
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Routines to search for global symbols.
- X */
- Xextern GLOBAL *addglobal MATH_PROTO((char *name, BOOL isstatic));
- Xextern GLOBAL *findglobal MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Routines to return names of variables.
- X */
- Xextern char *localname MATH_PROTO((long n));
- Xextern char *paramname MATH_PROTO((long n));
- Xextern char *globalname MATH_PROTO((GLOBAL *sp));
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Routines to handle entering and leaving of scope levels.
- X */
- Xextern void resetscopes MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void enterfilescope MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void exitfilescope MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void enterfuncscope MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void exitfuncscope MATH_PROTO((void));
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Other routines.
- X */
- Xextern long addlocal MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- Xextern long findlocal MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- Xextern long addparam MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- Xextern long findparam MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- Xextern void initlocals MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void initglobals MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern int writeglobals MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- Xextern int symboltype MATH_PROTO((char *name));
- Xextern void showglobals MATH_PROTO((void));
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X/* END CODE */
- chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/symbol.h || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/symbol.h fails"
- set `wc -c calc2.9.0/symbol.h`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "2081"
- then echo original size 2081, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/token.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/token.c &&
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
- X * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
- X * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
- X *
- X * Read input file characters into tokens
- X */
- X
- X#include "stdarg.h"
- X#include "calc.h"
- X#include "token.h"
- X#include "string.h"
- X
- X
- X#define isletter(ch) ((((ch) >= 'a') && ((ch) <= 'z')) || \
- X (((ch) >= 'A') && ((ch) <= 'Z')))
- X#define isdigit(ch) (((ch) >= '0') && ((ch) <= '9'))
- X#define issymbol(ch) (isletter(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ((ch) == '_'))
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Current token.
- X */
- Xstatic struct {
- X short t_type; /* type of token */
- X char *t_str; /* string value or symbol name */
- X long t_numindex; /* index of numeric value */
- X} curtoken;
- X
- X
- Xstatic BOOL rescan; /* TRUE to reread current token */
- Xstatic BOOL newlines; /* TRUE to return newlines as tokens */
- Xstatic BOOL allsyms; /* TRUE if always want a symbol token */
- Xstatic STRINGHEAD strings; /* list of constant strings */
- Xstatic char *numbuf; /* buffer for numeric tokens */
- Xstatic long numbufsize; /* current size of numeric buffer */
- X
- Xlong errorcount; /* number of compilation errors */
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Table of keywords
- X */
- Xstruct keyword {
- X char *k_name; /* keyword name */
- X int k_token; /* token number */
- X};
- X
- Xstatic struct keyword keywords[] = {
- X "if", T_IF,
- X "else", T_ELSE,
- X "for", T_FOR,
- X "while", T_WHILE,
- X "do", T_DO,
- X "continue", T_CONTINUE,
- X "break", T_BREAK,
- X "goto", T_GOTO,
- X "return", T_RETURN,
- X "local", T_LOCAL,
- X "global", T_GLOBAL,
- X "static", T_STATIC,
- X "switch", T_SWITCH,
- X "case", T_CASE,
- X "default", T_DEFAULT,
- X "quit", T_QUIT,
- X "exit", T_QUIT,
- X "define", T_DEFINE,
- X "read", T_READ,
- X "show", T_SHOW,
- X "help", T_HELP,
- X "write", T_WRITE,
- X "mat", T_MAT,
- X "obj", T_OBJ,
- X "print", T_PRINT,
- X NULL, 0
- X};
- X
- X
- Xstatic void eatcomment MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xstatic void eatstring MATH_PROTO((int quotechar));
- Xstatic int eatsymbol MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xstatic int eatnumber MATH_PROTO((void));
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Initialize all token information.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xinittokens()
- X{
- X initstr(&strings);
- X newlines = FALSE;
- X allsyms = FALSE;
- X rescan = FALSE;
- X setprompt(PROMPT1);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Set the new token mode according to the specified flag, and return the
- X * previous value of the flag.
- X */
- Xint
- Xtokenmode(flag)
- X{
- X int oldflag;
- X
- X oldflag = TM_DEFAULT;
- X if (newlines)
- X oldflag |= TM_NEWLINES;
- X if (allsyms)
- X oldflag |= TM_ALLSYMS;
- X newlines = FALSE;
- X allsyms = FALSE;
- X if (flag & TM_NEWLINES)
- X newlines = TRUE;
- X if (flag & TM_ALLSYMS)
- X allsyms = TRUE;
- X setprompt(newlines ? PROMPT1 : PROMPT2);
- X return oldflag;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Routine to read in the next token from the input stream.
- X * The type of token is returned as a value. If the token is a string or
- X * symbol name, information is saved so that the value can be retrieved.
- X */
- Xint
- Xgettoken()
- X{
- X int ch; /* current input character */
- X int type; /* token type */
- X
- X if (rescan) { /* rescanning */
- X rescan = FALSE;
- X return curtoken.t_type;
- X }
- X curtoken.t_str = NULL;
- X curtoken.t_numindex = 0;
- X type = T_NULL;
- X while (type == T_NULL) {
- X ch = nextchar();
- X if (allsyms && ((ch!=' ') && (ch!=';') && (ch!='"') && (ch!='\n'))) {
- X reread();
- X type = eatsymbol();
- X break;
- X }
- X switch (ch) {
- X case ' ':
- X case '\t':
- X case '\0':
- X break;
- X case '\n':
- X if (newlines)
- X type = T_NEWLINE;
- X break;
- X case EOF: type = T_EOF; break;
- X case '{': type = T_LEFTBRACE; break;
- X case '}': type = T_RIGHTBRACE; break;
- X case '(': type = T_LEFTPAREN; break;
- X case ')': type = T_RIGHTPAREN; break;
- X case '[': type = T_LEFTBRACKET; break;
- X case ']': type = T_RIGHTBRACKET; break;
- X case ';': type = T_SEMICOLON; break;
- X case ':': type = T_COLON; break;
- X case ',': type = T_COMMA; break;
- X case '?': type = T_QUESTIONMARK; break;
- X case '"':
- X case '\'':
- X type = T_STRING;
- X eatstring(ch);
- X break;
- X case '^':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_POWEREQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_POWER; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '=':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_EQ; break;
- X default: type = T_ASSIGN; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '+':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '+': type = T_PLUSPLUS; break;
- X case '=': type = T_PLUSEQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_PLUS; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '-':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '-': type = T_MINUSMINUS; break;
- X case '=': type = T_MINUSEQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_MINUS; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '*':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_MULTEQUALS; break;
- X case '*':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_POWEREQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_POWER; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X default: type = T_MULT; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '/':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '/':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_SLASHSLASHEQUALS; break;
- X default: reread(); type = T_SLASHSLASH; break;
- X }
- X break;
- X case '=': type = T_DIVEQUALS; break;
- X case '*': eatcomment(); break;
- X default: type = T_DIV; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '%':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_MODEQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_MOD; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '<':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_LE; break;
- X case '<':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_LSHIFTEQUALS; break;
- X default: reread(); type = T_LEFTSHIFT; break;
- X }
- X break;
- X default: type = T_LT; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '>':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_GE; break;
- X case '>':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_RSHIFTEQUALS; break;
- X default: reread(); type = T_RIGHTSHIFT; break;
- X }
- X break;
- X default: type = T_GT; reread();
- X }
- X break;
- X case '&':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '&': type = T_ANDAND; break;
- X case '=': type = T_ANDEQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_AND; reread(); break;
- X }
- X break;
- X case '|':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '|': type = T_OROR; break;
- X case '=': type = T_OREQUALS; break;
- X default: type = T_OR; reread(); break;
- X }
- X break;
- X case '!':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '=': type = T_NE; break;
- X default: type = T_NOT; reread(); break;
- X }
- X break;
- X case '\\':
- X switch (nextchar()) {
- X case '\n': setprompt(PROMPT2); break;
- X default: scanerror(T_NULL, "Unknown token character '%c'", ch);
- X }
- X break;
- X default:
- X if (isletter(ch)) {
- X reread();
- X type = eatsymbol();
- X break;
- X }
- X if (isdigit(ch) || (ch == '.')) {
- X reread();
- X type = eatnumber();
- X break;
- X }
- X scanerror(T_NULL, "Unknown token character '%c'", ch);
- X }
- X }
- X curtoken.t_type = (short)type;
- X return type;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Continue to eat up a comment string.
- X * The leading slash-asterisk has just been scanned at this point.
- X */
- Xstatic void
- Xeatcomment()
- X{
- X int ch;
- X
- X for (;;) {
- X ch = nextchar();
- X if (ch == '*') {
- X ch = nextchar();
- X if (ch == '/')
- X return;
- X reread();
- X }
- X if ((ch == EOF) || (ch == '\0') ||
- X (newlines && (ch == '\n') && inputisterminal())) {
- X reread();
- X scanerror(T_NULL, "Unterminated comment");
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Read in a string and add it to the literal string pool.
- X * The leading single or double quote has been read in at this point.
- X */
- Xstatic void
- Xeatstring(quotechar)
- X{
- X register char *cp; /* current character address */
- X int ch; /* current character */
- X char buf[MAXSTRING+1]; /* buffer for string */
- X
- X cp = buf;
- X for (;;) {
- X ch = nextchar();
- X switch (ch) {
- X case '\0':
- X case EOF:
- X case '\n':
- X reread();
- X scanerror(T_NULL, "Unterminated string constant");
- X *cp = '\0';
- X curtoken.t_str = addliteral(buf);
- X return;
- X
- X case '\\':
- X ch = nextchar();
- X switch (ch) {
- X case 'n': ch = '\n'; break;
- X case 'r': ch = '\r'; break;
- X case 't': ch = '\t'; break;
- X case 'b': ch = '\b'; break;
- X case 'f': ch = '\f'; break;
- X case '\n':
- X setprompt(PROMPT2);
- X continue;
- X case EOF:
- X reread();
- X continue;
- X }
- X *cp++ = (char)ch;
- X break;
- X
- X case '"':
- X case '\'':
- X if (ch == quotechar) {
- X *cp = '\0';
- X curtoken.t_str = addliteral(buf);
- X return;
- X }
- X /* fall into default case */
- X
- X default:
- X *cp++ = (char)ch;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Read in a symbol name which may or may not be a keyword.
- X * If allsyms is set, keywords are not looked up and almost all chars
- X * will be accepted for the symbol. Returns the type of symbol found.
- X */
- Xstatic int
- Xeatsymbol()
- X{
- X register struct keyword *kp; /* pointer to current keyword */
- X register char *cp; /* current character pointer */
- X int ch; /* current character */
- X int cc; /* character count */
- X static char buf[SYMBOLSIZE+1]; /* temporary buffer */
- X
- X cp = buf;
- X if (allsyms) {
- X for (;;) {
- X ch = nextchar();
- X if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == ';') || (ch == '\n'))
- X break;
- X if (cc-- > 0)
- X *cp++ = (char)ch;
- X }
- X reread();
- X *cp = '\0';
- X if (cc < 0)
- X scanerror(T_NULL, "Symbol too long");
- X curtoken.t_str = buf;
- X return T_SYMBOL;
- X }
- X for (;;) {
- X ch = nextchar();
- X if (!issymbol(ch))
- X break;
- X if (cc-- > 0)
- X *cp++ = (char)ch;
- X }
- X reread();
- X *cp = '\0';
- X if (cc < 0)
- X scanerror(T_NULL, "Symbol too long");
- X for (kp = keywords; kp->k_name; kp++)
- X if (strcmp(kp->k_name, buf) == 0)
- X return kp->k_token;
- X curtoken.t_str = buf;
- X return T_SYMBOL;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Read in and remember a possibly numeric constant value.
- X * The constant is inserted into a constant table so further uses
- X * of the same constant will not take more memory. This can also
- X * return just a period, which is used for element accesses and for
- X * the old numeric value.
- X */
- Xstatic int
- Xeatnumber()
- X{
- X register char *cp; /* current character pointer */
- X long len; /* parsed size of number */
- X long res; /* result of parsing number */
- X
- X if (numbufsize == 0) {
- X numbuf = (char *)malloc(128+1);
- X if (numbuf == NULL)
- X math_error("Cannot allocate number buffer");
- X numbufsize = 128;
- X }
- X cp = numbuf;
- X len = 0;
- X for (;;) {
- X if (len >= numbufsize) {
- X cp = (char *)realloc(numbuf, numbufsize + 1001);
- X if (cp == NULL)
- X math_error("Cannot reallocate number buffer");
- X numbuf = cp;
- X numbufsize += 1000;
- X cp = &numbuf[len];
- X }
- X *cp = nextchar();
- X *(++cp) = '\0';
- X if ((numbuf[0] == '.') && isletter(numbuf[1])) {
- X reread();
- X return T_PERIOD;
- X }
- X res = qparse(numbuf, QPF_IMAG);
- X if (res < 0) {
- X reread();
- X scanerror(T_NULL, "Badly formatted number");
- X curtoken.t_numindex = addnumber("0");
- X return T_NUMBER;
- X }
- X if (res != ++len)
- X break;
- X }
- X cp[-1] = '\0';
- X reread();
- X if ((numbuf[0] == '.') && (numbuf[1] == '\0')) {
- X curtoken.t_numindex = 0;
- X return T_OLDVALUE;
- X }
- X cp -= 2;
- X res = T_NUMBER;
- X if ((*cp == 'i') || (*cp == 'I')) {
- X *cp = '\0';
- X res = T_IMAGINARY;
- X }
- X curtoken.t_numindex = addnumber(numbuf);
- X return res;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Return the string value of the current token.
- X */
- Xchar *
- Xtokenstring()
- X{
- X return curtoken.t_str;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Return the constant index of a numeric token.
- X */
- Xlong
- Xtokennumber()
- X{
- X return curtoken.t_numindex;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Push back the token just read so that it will be seen again.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xrescantoken()
- X{
- X rescan = TRUE;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Describe an error message.
- X * Then skip to the next specified token (or one more powerful).
- X */
- X#ifdef VARARGS
- X# define VA_ALIST skip, fmt, va_alist
- X# define VA_DCL int skip; char *fmt; va_dcl
- X#else
- X# ifdef __STDC__
- X# define VA_ALIST int skip, char *fmt, ...
- X# define VA_DCL
- X# else
- X# define VA_ALIST skip, fmt
- X# define VA_DCL int skip; char *fmt;
- X# endif
- X#endif
- Xvoid
- Xscanerror(VA_ALIST)
- X{
- X va_list ap;
- X char *name; /* name of file with error */
- X char buf[MAXERROR+1];
- X
- X errorcount++;
- X name = inputname();
- X if (name)
- X fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %ld: ", name, linenumber());
- X#ifdef VARARGS
- X va_start(ap);
- X#else
- X va_start(ap, fmt);
- X#endif
- X vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
- X va_end(ap);
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
- X switch (skip) {
- X case T_NULL:
- X return;
- X case T_COMMA:
- X rescan = TRUE;
- X for (;;) {
- X switch (gettoken()) {
- X case T_NEWLINE:
- X case T_EOF:
- X case T_COMMA:
- X rescan = TRUE;
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X default:
- X fprintf(stderr, "Unknown skip token for scanerror\n");
- X /* fall into semicolon case */
- X rescan = TRUE;
- X for (;;) switch (gettoken()) {
- X case T_NEWLINE:
- X case T_EOF:
- X rescan = TRUE;
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* END CODE */
- chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/token.c || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/token.c fails"
- set `wc -c calc2.9.0/token.c`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "12451"
- then echo original size 12451, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/token.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/token.h &&
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
- X * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
- X * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef TOKEN_H
- X#define TOKEN_H
- X
- X#include "zmath.h"
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Token types
- X */
- X#define T_NULL 0 /* null token */
- X#define T_LEFTPAREN 1 /* left parenthesis "(" */
- X#define T_RIGHTPAREN 2 /* right parenthesis ")" */
- X#define T_LEFTBRACE 3 /* left brace "{" */
- X#define T_RIGHTBRACE 4 /* right brace "}" */
- X#define T_SEMICOLON 5 /* end of statement ";" */
- X#define T_EOF 6 /* end of file */
- X#define T_COLON 7 /* label character ":" */
- X#define T_ASSIGN 8 /* assignment "=" */
- X#define T_PLUS 9 /* plus sign "+" */
- X#define T_MINUS 10 /* minus sign "-" */
- X#define T_MULT 11 /* multiply sign "*" */
- X#define T_DIV 12 /* divide sign "/" */
- X#define T_MOD 13 /* modulo sign "%" */
- X#define T_POWER 14 /* power sign "^" or "**" */
- X#define T_EQ 15 /* equality "==" */
- X#define T_NE 16 /* notequal "!=" */
- X#define T_LT 17 /* less than "<" */
- X#define T_GT 18 /* greater than ">" */
- X#define T_LE 19 /* less than or equals "<=" */
- X#define T_GE 20 /* greater than or equals ">=" */
- X#define T_LEFTBRACKET 21 /* left bracket "[" */
- X#define T_RIGHTBRACKET 22 /* right bracket "]" */
- X#define T_SYMBOL 23 /* symbol name */
- X#define T_STRING 24 /* string value (double quotes) */
- X#define T_NUMBER 25 /* numeric real constant */
- X#define T_PLUSEQUALS 26 /* plus equals "+=" */
- X#define T_MINUSEQUALS 27 /* minus equals "-=" */
- X#define T_MULTEQUALS 28 /* multiply equals "*=" */
- X#define T_DIVEQUALS 29 /* divide equals "/=" */
- X#define T_MODEQUALS 30 /* modulo equals "%=" */
- X#define T_PLUSPLUS 31 /* plusplus "++" */
- X#define T_MINUSMINUS 32 /* minusminus "--" */
- X#define T_COMMA 33 /* comma "," */
- X#define T_ANDAND 34 /* logical and "&&" */
- X#define T_OROR 35 /* logical or "||" */
- X#define T_OLDVALUE 36 /* old value from previous calculation */
- X#define T_SLASHSLASH 37 /* integer divide "//" */
- X#define T_NEWLINE 38 /* newline character */
- X#define T_SLASHSLASHEQUALS 39 /* integer divide equals "//=" */
- X#define T_AND 40 /* arithmetic and "&" */
- X#define T_OR 41 /* arithmetic or "|" */
- X#define T_NOT 42 /* logical not "!" */
- X#define T_LEFTSHIFT 43 /* left shift "<<" */
- X#define T_RIGHTSHIFT 44 /* right shift ">>" */
- X#define T_ANDEQUALS 45 /* and equals "&=" */
- X#define T_OREQUALS 46 /* or equals "|= */
- X#define T_LSHIFTEQUALS 47 /* left shift equals "<<=" */
- X#define T_RSHIFTEQUALS 48 /* right shift equals ">>= */
- X#define T_POWEREQUALS 49 /* power equals "^=" or "**=" */
- X#define T_PERIOD 50 /* period "." */
- X#define T_IMAGINARY 51 /* numeric imaginary constant */
- X#define T_AMPERSAND 52 /* ampersand "&" */
- X#define T_QUESTIONMARK 53 /* question mark "?" */
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Keyword tokens
- X */
- X#define T_IF 101 /* if keyword */
- X#define T_ELSE 102 /* else keyword */
- X#define T_WHILE 103 /* while keyword */
- X#define T_CONTINUE 104 /* continue keyword */
- X#define T_BREAK 105 /* break keyword */
- X#define T_GOTO 106 /* goto keyword */
- X#define T_RETURN 107 /* return keyword */
- X#define T_LOCAL 108 /* local keyword */
- X#define T_GLOBAL 109 /* global keyword */
- X#define T_STATIC 110 /* static keyword */
- X#define T_DO 111 /* do keyword */
- X#define T_FOR 112 /* for keyword */
- X#define T_SWITCH 113 /* switch keyword */
- X#define T_CASE 114 /* case keyword */
- X#define T_DEFAULT 115 /* default keyword */
- X#define T_QUIT 116 /* quit keyword */
- X#define T_DEFINE 117 /* define keyword */
- X#define T_READ 118 /* read keyword */
- X#define T_SHOW 119 /* show keyword */
- X#define T_HELP 120 /* help keyword */
- X#define T_WRITE 121 /* write keyword */
- X#define T_MAT 122 /* mat keyword */
- X#define T_OBJ 123 /* obj keyword */
- X#define T_PRINT 124 /* print keyword */
- X
- X
- X#define iskeyword(n) ((n) > 100) /* TRUE if token is a keyword */
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Flags returned describing results of expression parsing.
- X */
- X#define EXPR_RVALUE 0x0001 /* result is an rvalue */
- X#define EXPR_CONST 0x0002 /* result is constant */
- X#define EXPR_ASSIGN 0x0004 /* result is an assignment */
- X
- X#define isrvalue(n) ((n) & EXPR_RVALUE) /* TRUE if expression is rvalue */
- X#define islvalue(n) (((n) & EXPR_RVALUE) == 0) /* TRUE if expr is lvalue */
- X#define isconst(n) ((n) & EXPR_CONST) /* TRUE if expr is constant */
- X#define isassign(n) ((n) & EXPR_ASSIGN) /* TRUE if expr is an assignment */
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Flags for modes for tokenizing.
- X */
- X#define TM_DEFAULT 0x0 /* normal mode */
- X#define TM_NEWLINES 0x1 /* treat any newline as a token */
- X#define TM_ALLSYMS 0x2 /* treat almost everything as a symbol */
- X
- X
- Xextern long errorcount; /* number of errors found */
- X
- Xextern char *tokenstring MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern long tokennumber MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void inittokens MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern int tokenmode MATH_PROTO((int flag));
- Xextern int gettoken MATH_PROTO((void));
- Xextern void rescantoken MATH_PROTO((void));
- X
- X#ifdef VARARGS
- Xextern void scanerror();
- X#else
- Xextern void scanerror MATH_PROTO((int, char *, ...));
- X#endif
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X/* END CODE */
- chmod 0644 calc2.9.0/token.h || echo "restore of calc2.9.0/token.h fails"
- set `wc -c calc2.9.0/token.h`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "5031"
- then echo original size 5031, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calc2.9.0/value.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calc2.9.0/value.c &&
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
- X * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
- X * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
- X *
- X * Generic value manipulation routines.
- X */
- X
- X#include "value.h"
- X#include "opcodes.h"
- X#include "func.h"
- X#include "symbol.h"
- X#include "string.h"
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Free a value and set its type to undefined.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xfreevalue(vp)
- X register VALUE *vp; /* value to be freed */
- X{
- X int type; /* type of value being freed */
- X
- X type = vp->v_type;
- X vp->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (type) {
- X case V_NULL:
- X case V_ADDR:
- X case V_FILE:
- X break;
- X case V_STR:
- X if (vp->v_subtype == V_STRALLOC)
- X free(vp->v_str);
- X break;
- X case V_NUM:
- X qfree(vp->v_num);
- X break;
- X case V_COM:
- X comfree(vp->v_com);
- X break;
- X case V_MAT:
- X matfree(vp->v_mat);
- X break;
- X case V_LIST:
- X listfree(vp->v_list);
- X break;
- X case V_ASSOC:
- X assocfree(vp->v_assoc);
- X break;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X objfree(vp->v_obj);
- X break;
- X default:
- X math_error("Freeing unknown value type");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Copy a value from one location to another.
- X * This overwrites the specified new value without checking it.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xcopyvalue(oldvp, newvp)
- X register VALUE *oldvp; /* value to be copied from */
- X register VALUE *newvp; /* value to be copied into */
- X{
- X newvp->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (oldvp->v_type) {
- X case V_NULL:
- X break;
- X case V_FILE:
- X newvp->v_file = oldvp->v_file;
- X break;
- X case V_NUM:
- X newvp->v_num = qlink(oldvp->v_num);
- X break;
- X case V_COM:
- X newvp->v_com = clink(oldvp->v_com);
- X break;
- X case V_STR:
- X newvp->v_str = oldvp->v_str;
- X if (oldvp->v_subtype == V_STRALLOC) {
- X newvp->v_str = (char *)malloc(strlen(oldvp->v_str) + 1);
- X if (newvp->v_str == NULL)
- X math_error("Cannot get memory for string copy");
- X strcpy(newvp->v_str, oldvp->v_str);
- X }
- X break;
- X case V_MAT:
- X newvp->v_mat = matcopy(oldvp->v_mat);
- X break;
- X case V_LIST:
- X newvp->v_list = listcopy(oldvp->v_list);
- X break;
- X case V_ASSOC:
- X newvp->v_assoc = assoccopy(oldvp->v_assoc);
- X break;
- X case V_ADDR:
- X newvp->v_addr = oldvp->v_addr;
- X break;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X newvp->v_obj = objcopy(oldvp->v_obj);
- X break;
- X default:
- X math_error("Copying unknown value type");
- X }
- X newvp->v_subtype = oldvp->v_subtype;
- X newvp->v_type = oldvp->v_type;
- X
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Negate an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xnegvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qneg(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = cneg(vp->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matneg(vp->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_NEG, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for negation");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Add two arbitrary values together.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xaddvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (TWOVAL(v1->v_type, v2->v_type)) {
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_NUM):
- X vres->v_num = qadd(v1->v_num, v2->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_NUM):
- X vres->v_com = caddq(v1->v_com, v2->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_COM):
- X vres->v_com = caddq(v2->v_com, v1->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_COM):
- X vres->v_com = cadd(v1->v_com, v2->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (!cisreal(c))
- X return;
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_MAT, V_MAT):
- X vres->v_mat = matadd(v1->v_mat, v2->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X default:
- X if ((v1->v_type != V_OBJ) && (v2->v_type != V_OBJ))
- X math_error("Non-compatible values for add");
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_ADD, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Subtract one arbitrary value from another one.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xsubvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (TWOVAL(v1->v_type, v2->v_type)) {
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_NUM):
- X vres->v_num = qsub(v1->v_num, v2->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_NUM):
- X vres->v_com = csubq(v1->v_com, v2->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_COM):
- X c = csubq(v2->v_com, v1->v_num);
- X vres->v_com = cneg(c);
- X comfree(c);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_COM):
- X vres->v_com = csub(v1->v_com, v2->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (!cisreal(c))
- X return;
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_MAT, V_MAT):
- X vres->v_mat = matsub(v1->v_mat, v2->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X default:
- X if ((v1->v_type != V_OBJ) && (v2->v_type != V_OBJ))
- X math_error("Non-compatible values for subtract");
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_SUB, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Multiply two arbitrary values together.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xmulvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (TWOVAL(v1->v_type, v2->v_type)) {
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_NUM):
- X vres->v_num = qmul(v1->v_num, v2->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_NUM):
- X vres->v_com = cmulq(v1->v_com, v2->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X break;
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_COM):
- X vres->v_com = cmulq(v2->v_com, v1->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X break;
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_COM):
- X vres->v_com = cmul(v1->v_com, v2->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X break;
- X case TWOVAL(V_MAT, V_MAT):
- X vres->v_mat = matmul(v1->v_mat, v2->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_MAT, V_NUM):
- X case TWOVAL(V_MAT, V_COM):
- X vres->v_mat = matmulval(v1->v_mat, v2);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case TWOVAL(V_NUM, V_MAT):
- X case TWOVAL(V_COM, V_MAT):
- X vres->v_mat = matmulval(v2->v_mat, v1);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X default:
- X if ((v1->v_type != V_OBJ) && (v2->v_type != V_OBJ))
- X math_error("Non-compatible values for multiply");
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_MUL, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X }
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (cisreal(c)) {
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Square an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xsquarevalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qsquare(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = csquare(vp->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (!cisreal(c))
- X return;
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matsquare(vp->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_SQUARE, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for squaring");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Invert an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xinvertvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qinv(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = cinv(vp->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matinv(vp->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_INV, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for inverting");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Round an arbitrary value to the specified number of decimal places.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xroundvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X long places;
- X NUMBER *q;
- X
- X switch (v2->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X q = v2->v_num;
- X if (qisfrac(q) || zisbig(q->num))
- X math_error("Bad number of places for round");
- X places = qtoi(q);
- X break;
- X case V_INT:
- X places = v2->v_int;
- X break;
- X default:
- X math_error("Bad value type for places in round");
- X }
- X if (places < 0)
- X math_error("Negative number of places in round");
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (qisint(v1->v_num))
- X vres->v_num = qlink(v1->v_num);
- X else
- X vres->v_num = qround(v1->v_num, places);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X if (cisint(v1->v_com)) {
- X vres->v_com = clink(v1->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X }
- X vres->v_com = cround(v1->v_com, places);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (cisreal(c)) {
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X }
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matround(v1->v_mat, places);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_ROUND, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for round");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Round an arbitrary value to the specified number of binary places.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xbroundvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X long places;
- X NUMBER *q;
- X
- X switch (v2->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X q = v2->v_num;
- X if (qisfrac(q) || zisbig(q->num))
- X math_error("Bad number of places for bround");
- X places = qtoi(q);
- X break;
- X case V_INT:
- X places = v2->v_int;
- X break;
- X default:
- X math_error("Bad value type for places in bround");
- X }
- X if (places < 0)
- X math_error("Negative number of places in bround");
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (qisint(v1->v_num))
- X vres->v_num = qlink(v1->v_num);
- X else
- X vres->v_num = qbround(v1->v_num, places);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X if (cisint(v1->v_com)) {
- X vres->v_com = clink(v1->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X }
- X vres->v_com = cbround(v1->v_com, places);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (cisreal(c)) {
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X }
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matbround(v1->v_mat, places);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_BROUND, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for bround");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Take the integer part of an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xintvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (qisint(vp->v_num))
- X vres->v_num = qlink(vp->v_num);
- X else
- X vres->v_num = qint(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X if (cisint(vp->v_com)) {
- X vres->v_com = clink(vp->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X }
- X vres->v_com = cint(vp->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (cisreal(c)) {
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X }
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matint(vp->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_INT, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for int");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Take the fractional part of an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xfracvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (qisint(vp->v_num))
- X vres->v_num = qlink(&_qzero_);
- X else
- X vres->v_num = qfrac(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X if (cisint(vp->v_com)) {
- X vres->v_num = clink(&_qzero_);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X }
- X vres->v_com = cfrac(vp->v_com);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matfrac(vp->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_FRAC, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for frac function");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Increment an arbitrary value by one.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xincvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qinc(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = caddq(vp->v_com, &_qone_);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_INC, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for incrementing");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Decrement an arbitrary value by one.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xdecvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qdec(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = caddq(vp->v_com, &_qnegone_);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_DEC, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for decrementing");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Produce the 'conjugate' of an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X * (Example: complex conjugate.)
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xconjvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qlink(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = comalloc();
- X vres->v_com->real = qlink(vp->v_com->real);
- X vres->v_com->imag = qneg(vp->v_com->imag);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matconj(vp->v_mat);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_CONJ, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for conjugation");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Take the square root of an arbitrary value within the specified error.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xsqrtvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X NUMBER *q, *tmp;
- X
- X if (v2->v_type != V_NUM)
- X math_error("Non-real epsilon for sqrt");
- X q = v2->v_num;
- X if (qisneg(q) || qiszero(q))
- X math_error("Illegal epsilon value for sqrt");
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (!qisneg(v1->v_num)) {
- X vres->v_num = qsqrt(v1->v_num, q);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X }
- X tmp = qneg(v1->v_num);
- X c = comalloc();
- X c->imag = qsqrt(tmp, q);
- X qfree(tmp);
- X vres->v_com = c;
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X break;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = csqrt(v1->v_com, q);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X break;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_SQRT, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Bad value for taking square root");
- X }
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (cisreal(c)) {
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Take the Nth root of an arbitrary value within the specified error.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xrootvalue(v1, v2, v3, vres)
- X VALUE *v1; /* value to take root of */
- X VALUE *v2; /* value specifying root to take */
- X VALUE *v3; /* value specifying error */
- X VALUE *vres;
- X{
- X NUMBER *q1, *q2;
- X COMPLEX ctmp;
- X
- X if ((v2->v_type != V_NUM) || (v3->v_type != V_NUM))
- X math_error("Non-real arguments for root");
- X q1 = v2->v_num;
- X q2 = v3->v_num;
- X if (qisneg(q1) || qiszero(q1) || qisfrac(q1))
- X math_error("Non-positive or non-integral root");
- X if (qisneg(q2) || qiszero(q2))
- X math_error("Non-positive epsilon for root");
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (!qisneg(v1->v_num) || zisodd(q1->num)) {
- X vres->v_num = qroot(v1->v_num, q1, q2);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X }
- X ctmp.real = v1->v_num;
- X ctmp.imag = &_qzero_;
- X ctmp.links = 1;
- X vres->v_com = croot(&ctmp, q1, q2);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = croot(v1->v_com, q1, q2);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_ROOT, v1, v2, v3);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Taking root of bad value");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Take the absolute value of an arbitrary value within the specified error.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xabsvalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X NUMBER *q, *epsilon;
- X
- X if (v2->v_type != V_NUM)
- X math_error("Bad epsilon type for abs");
- X epsilon = v2->v_num;
- X if (qiszero(epsilon) || qisneg(epsilon))
- X math_error("Non-positive epsilon for abs");
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X if (qisneg(v1->v_num))
- X q = qneg(v1->v_num);
- X else
- X q = qlink(v1->v_num);
- X break;
- X case V_COM:
- X q = qhypot(v1->v_com->real, v1->v_com->imag, epsilon);
- X break;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_ABS, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for absolute value");
- X }
- X vres->v_num = q;
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Calculate the norm of an arbitrary value.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X * The norm is the square of the absolute value.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xnormvalue(vp, vres)
- X VALUE *vp, *vres;
- X{
- X NUMBER *q1, *q2;
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X switch (vp->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qsquare(vp->v_num);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X q1 = qsquare(vp->v_com->real);
- X q2 = qsquare(vp->v_com->imag);
- X vres->v_num = qadd(q1, q2);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X qfree(q1);
- X qfree(q2);
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_NORM, vp, NULL_VALUE, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for norm");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Shift a value left or right by the specified number of bits.
- X * Negative shift value means shift the direction opposite the selected dir.
- X * Right shifts are defined to lose bits off the low end of the number.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xshiftvalue(v1, v2, rightshift, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X BOOL rightshift; /* TRUE if shift right instead of left */
- X{
- X long n;
- X VALUE tmp;
- X
- X if (v2->v_type != V_NUM)
- X math_error("Non-real shift value");
- X if (qisfrac(v2->v_num))
- X math_error("Non-integral shift value");
- X if (v1->v_type != V_OBJ) {
- X if (zisbig(v2->v_num->num))
- X math_error("Very large shift value");
- X n = qtoi(v2->v_num);
- X }
- X if (rightshift)
- X n = -n;
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qshift(v1->v_num, n);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X c = cshift(v1->v_com, n);
- X if (!cisreal(c)) {
- X vres->v_com = c;
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X return;
- X }
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matshift(v1->v_mat, n);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X if (!rightshift) {
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_SHIFT, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X }
- X tmp.v_num = qneg(v2->v_num);
- X tmp.v_type = V_NUM;
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_SHIFT, v1, &tmp, NULL_VALUE);
- X qfree(tmp.v_num);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Bad value for shifting");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Scale a value by a power of two.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xscalevalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X long n;
- X
- X if (v2->v_type != V_NUM)
- X math_error("Non-real scaling factor");
- X if (qisfrac(v2->v_num))
- X math_error("Non-integral scaling factor");
- X if (v1->v_type != V_OBJ) {
- X if (zisbig(v2->v_num->num))
- X math_error("Very large scaling factor");
- X n = qtoi(v2->v_num);
- X }
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qscale(v1->v_num, n);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = cscale(v1->v_com, n);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matscale(v1->v_mat, n);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_SCALE, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Bad value for scaling");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Raise a value to an integral power.
- X * Result is placed in the indicated location.
- X */
- Xvoid
- Xpowivalue(v1, v2, vres)
- X VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
- X{
- X NUMBER *q;
- X
- X vres->v_type = V_NULL;
- X if (v2->v_type != V_NUM)
- X math_error("Raising value to non-real power");
- X q = v2->v_num;
- X if (qisfrac(q))
- X math_error("Raising value to non-integral power");
- X switch (v1->v_type) {
- X case V_NUM:
- X vres->v_num = qpowi(v1->v_num, q);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X return;
- X case V_COM:
- X vres->v_com = cpowi(v1->v_com, q);
- X vres->v_type = V_COM;
- X c = vres->v_com;
- X if (!cisreal(c))
- X return;
- X vres->v_num = qlink(c->real);
- X vres->v_type = V_NUM;
- X comfree(c);
- X return;
- X case V_MAT:
- X vres->v_mat = matpowi(v1->v_mat, q);
- X vres->v_type = V_MAT;
- X return;
- X case V_OBJ:
- X *vres = objcall(OBJ_POW, v1, v2, NULL_VALUE);
- X return;
- X default:
- X math_error("Illegal value for raising to integer power");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- echo "End of part 10"
- echo "File calc2.9.0/value.c is continued in part 11"
- echo "11" > s2_seq_.tmp
- exit 0