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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- From: duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov (Duane Clark)
- Subject: v19i086: Jetedit - A Motif text editor, Patch02
- Message-ID: <1993Apr21.190712.13330@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: d8dbc2f3ea6615a02ee38e0de38b1722
- Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 19:07:12 GMT
- Approved: chris@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov (Duane Clark)
- Posting-number: Volume 19, Issue 86
- Archive-name: Jetedit/patch02
- Environment: X11, OSF/Motif
- Patch-To: Jetedit: Volume 19, Issue 80-84
- This patch updates jetedit1.21 to jetedit1.22. See below to determine
- the current version. To apply:
- 1) Copy this file as "je122.sh" to the directory containing the source
- for jetedit.
- 2) Delete all this stuff down to the "cut here" line.
- 3) Type "sh je122.sh". This will create the patch file je122 and a copy
- of these notes as NOTES122.
- 4) Type "patch < je122".
- 5) Recompile.
- You can determine the current version of jetedit by seeing if the file
- patchlevel.h is included in the directory with the source. If it is,
- you have at least version 1.2. If not, you will have to get version 1.2
- off the archives, or email me - duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov.
- Compare the contents of patchlevel.h to the following lines:
- #define PATCHLEVEL 0 - Indicates jetedit1.2
- #define PATCHLEVEL 1 - Indicates jetedit1.21
- Beginning in version 1.22, patchlevel.h contains the line:
- #define VERSION n.nn
- Changes in this version:
- In version 1.21, I neglected to credit a contributor, and no I don't
- know why he capitalizes the last letter of his first name.
- DaviD W. Sanderson (dws@ssec.wisc.edu)
- "The Noah Webster of smileys is David Sanderson"
- - The Wall Street Journal, 15 Sep 1992
- He suggested that perhaps I should be using <unistd.h> rather than
- <sys/unistd.h>. He also did some fixes on my man page, on which he has
- in the past done considerable work. The corrected version is available
- on request from duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov.
- Martin Wunderli <wunderli@inf.ethz.ch>
- Pointed out a bug in the use of mktemp, which caused a crash on some
- systems anytime an attempt was made to save a file. I also added a
- save failure warning dialog.
- I added the ability to remove the regular expressions code with a
- define in the makefile, since several people were getting undefined
- externals ("compile" and "step") and didn't want to figure out
- what library they needed. To disable the regular expressions, add the
- compile flag "-DNOREGEXP" to your makefile or Imakefile.
- #---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
- #
- # Wrapped by Duane Clark <duane@underdog> on Sun Apr 18 19:04:45 1993
- #
- # This archive contains:
- # je122 NOTES122
- #
- # Error checking via wc(1) will be performed.
- # Error checking via sum(1) will be performed.
- LANG=""; export LANG
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH
- if sum -r </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- sumopt='-r'
- else
- sumopt=''
- fi
- echo x - je122
- cat >je122 <<'@EOF'
- *** ../xm1.21/patchlevel.h Sat Apr 17 17:54:28 1993
- --- patchlevel.h Sat Apr 17 18:17:33 1993
- ***************
- *** 1 ****
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 1
- --- 1,2 ----
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 2
- ! #define VERSION 1.22
- *** ../xm1.21/xme.h Sat Apr 17 17:54:29 1993
- --- xme.h Sun Apr 18 17:14:52 1993
- ***************
- *** 112,117 ****
- --- 112,118 ----
- WHERE Widget new_warning; /* save changes warning dialog */
- WHERE Widget file_exists_dialog; /* save duplicate file warning dialog */
- WHERE Widget save_as_dialog; /* save as prompt dialog */
- + WHERE Widget save_warning; /* failed save warning dialog */
- WHERE Widget exists_as_dialog; /* saveas duplicate file warning dialog */
- WHERE Widget file_mode_dialog; /* no write permission dialog */
- WHERE Widget refused_dialog; /* file access denied dialog */
- *** ../xm1.21/xmedialg.c Sat Apr 17 17:54:30 1993
- --- xmedialg.c Sun Apr 18 17:47:34 1993
- ***************
- *** 23,28 ****
- --- 23,29 ----
- #define DIALOG_F_MODE 312
- #define DIALOG_EXISTS_AS 313
- #define DIALOG_PREF 314
- + #define DIALOG_SWARNING 315
- extern char warningBits[];
- ***************
- *** 257,265 ****
- SaveFile();
- break;
- - case DIALOG_F_MODE:
- - break;
- -
- {
- XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *scb =
- --- 258,263 ----
- ***************
- *** 271,278 ****
- }
- break;
- ! /* no help at this time */
- break;
- default:
- --- 269,277 ----
- }
- break;
- + case DIALOG_F_MODE:
- break;
- default:
- ***************
- *** 521,526 ****
- --- 520,545 ----
- XtAddCallback (save_as_dialog, XmNokCallback,
- (XtCallbackProc)DialogAcceptCB, (XtPointer)DIALOG_SAVE_AS);
- button = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (save_as_dialog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON);
- + XtUnmanageChild (button);
- +
- + ac = 0;
- + XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNmessageString, XmStringCreateLtoR
- + ("Unable to Save File!", charset)); ac++;
- + XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNokLabelString,
- + XmStringCreateLtoR("Bummer!", charset)); ac++;
- + XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_APPLICATION_MODAL); ac++;
- + #ifdef HARDCODE
- + XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNtextFontList, fontlist); ac++;
- + #endif
- + XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNdialogTitle,
- + XmStringCreateLtoR("Save Warning", charset)); ac++;
- + save_warning = XmCreateWarningDialog(menu_bar,
- + "save_warning", al, ac);
- + XtAddCallback (save_warning, XmNokCallback,
- + (XtCallbackProc) DialogAcceptCB, (XtPointer) DIALOG_SWARNING);
- + button = XmMessageBoxGetChild (save_warning, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON);
- + XtUnmanageChild (button);
- + button = XmMessageBoxGetChild (save_warning, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON);
- XtUnmanageChild (button);
- ac = 0;
- *** ../xm1.21/xmefile.c Sat Apr 17 17:54:31 1993
- --- xmefile.c Sun Apr 18 17:45:16 1993
- ***************
- *** 99,104 ****
- --- 99,105 ----
- char pathname[60];
- Arg al[1];
- unsigned int theLength;
- + char *tmpmask = "jeXXXXXX";
- sprintf (message_string, " Saved: %s", thefile);
- ***************
- *** 114,125 ****
- }
- /* Create a temporary file name by changing /users/user/file_name
- ! to /users/user/xmeditXXXXXX. The result is in pathname. */
- strcpy (pathname, thefile);
- if ((tempname = strrchr (pathname, '/')) == NULL)
- tempname = pathname;
- else tempname = (char *)((long)tempname + 1);
- ! strcpy(tempname, mktemp("xmeditXXXXXX"));
- if ((tfd = open(pathname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, file_mode)) == -1) {
- strcat (message_string,
- --- 115,136 ----
- }
- /* Create a temporary file name by changing /users/user/file_name
- ! to /users/user/jeXXXXXX. The result is in pathname. */
- strcpy (pathname, thefile);
- if ((tempname = strrchr (pathname, '/')) == NULL)
- tempname = pathname;
- else tempname = (char *)((long)tempname + 1);
- ! strcpy(tmpmask, "jeXXXXXX");
- ! if (!mktemp(tmpmask)) {
- ! strcat (message_string,
- ! " \7Warning: unable to create temp file %s.", pathname);
- ! XtSetArg(al[0], XmNlabelString,
- ! XmStringCreateLtoR(message_string, charset));
- ! XtSetValues(message, al, 1);
- ! XtManageChild(save_warning);
- ! return(False);;
- ! }
- ! strcpy(tempname, tmpmask);
- if ((tfd = open(pathname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, file_mode)) == -1) {
- strcat (message_string,
- ***************
- *** 127,132 ****
- --- 138,144 ----
- XtSetArg(al[0], XmNlabelString,
- XmStringCreateLtoR(message_string, charset));
- XtSetValues(message, al, 1);
- + XtManageChild(save_warning);
- return(False);;
- }
- ***************
- *** 153,159 ****
- if (rename(pathname, thefile) == 0) {
- file_saved = True;
- } else {
- ! strcat (message_string, " \7Warning: unable to save file.");
- XtSetArg(al[0], XmNlabelString,
- XmStringCreateLtoR(message_string, charset));
- XtSetValues(message, al, 1);
- --- 165,172 ----
- if (rename(pathname, thefile) == 0) {
- file_saved = True;
- } else {
- ! strcat (message_string, " \7Warning: unable to rename file.");
- ! fprintf(stderr, "\n Warning: File saved as %s\n", pathname);
- XtSetArg(al[0], XmNlabelString,
- XmStringCreateLtoR(message_string, charset));
- XtSetValues(message, al, 1);
- *** ../xm1.21/xmespec.c Sat Apr 17 17:54:34 1993
- --- xmespec.c Sat Apr 17 18:17:25 1993
- ***************
- *** 21,26 ****
- --- 21,27 ----
- char *seg_string;
- char *find_string;
- #define EXPSIZE 4096
- + #ifndef NOREGEXP
- #define INIT register char *sp = find_string;
- #define GETC() (*sp++)
- #define PEEKC() (*sp)
- ***************
- *** 28,33 ****
- --- 29,35 ----
- #define RETURN(c) return;
- #define ERROR(c) fprintf (stderr, "\7")
- #include <regexp.h>
- + #endif
- /* bits for exclamation point in dialog */
- char warningBits[] = {
- ***************
- *** 249,254 ****
- --- 251,260 ----
- XtSetArg (al[0], XmNset, ®_exp);
- XtGetValues (regular_exp, al, 1);
- + #ifdef NOREGEXP
- + if (0) {
- + }
- + #else
- if (reg_exp) {
- compile (find_string, expbuf, &expbuf[EXPSIZE], '\0');
- if (step (seg_string, expbuf)) {
- ***************
- *** 268,273 ****
- --- 274,280 ----
- return (False);
- }
- }
- + #endif
- else {
- if ((found = strstr (seg_string, find_string)) != NULL) {
- cursorPos = (XmTextPosition)((long)found + (long)cursorPos - (long)seg_string);
- @EOF
- set `sum $sumopt <je122`; if test $1 -ne 45395
- then
- echo ERROR: je122 checksum is $1 should be 45395
- fi
- set `wc -lwc <je122`
- if test $1$2$3 != 2157456748
- then
- echo ERROR: wc results of je122 are $* should be 215 745 6748
- fi
- chmod 644 je122
- echo x - NOTES122
- cat >NOTES122 <<'@EOF'
- This patch updates jetedit1.21 to jetedit1.22. See below to determine
- the current version. To apply:
- 1) Copy this file as "je122.sh" to the directory containing the source
- for jetedit.
- 2) Delete all this stuff down to the "cut here" line.
- 3) Type "sh je122.sh". This will create the patch file je122 and a copy
- of these notes as NOTES122.
- 4) Type "patch < je122".
- 5) Recompile.
- You can determine the current version of jetedit by seeing if the file
- patchlevel.h is included in the directory with the source. If it is,
- you have at least version 1.2. If not, you will have to get version 1.2
- off the archives, or email me - duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov.
- Compare the contents of patchlevel.h to the following lines:
- #define PATCHLEVEL 0 - Indicates jetedit1.2
- #define PATCHLEVEL 1 - Indicates jetedit1.21
- Beginning in version 1.22, patchlevel.h contains the line:
- #define VERSION n.nn
- Changes in this version:
- In version 1.21, I neglected to credit a contributor, and no I don't
- know why he capitalizes the last letter of his first name.
- DaviD W. Sanderson (dws@ssec.wisc.edu)
- "The Noah Webster of smileys is David Sanderson"
- - The Wall Street Journal, 15 Sep 1992
- He suggested that perhaps I should be using <unistd.h> rather than
- <sys/unistd.h>. He also did some fixes on my man page, on which he has
- in the past done considerable work. The corrected version is available
- on request from duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov.
- Martin Wunderli <wunderli@inf.ethz.ch>
- Pointed out a bug in the use of mktemp, which caused a crash on some
- systems anytime an attempt was made to save a file. I also added a
- save failure warning dialog.
- I added the ability to remove the regular expressions code with a
- define in the makefile, since several people were getting undefined
- externals ("compile" and "step") and didn't want to figure out
- what library they needed. To disable the regular expressions, add the
- compile flag "-DNOREGEXP" to your makefile or Imakefile.
- @EOF
- set `sum $sumopt <NOTES122`; if test $1 -ne 27763
- then
- echo ERROR: NOTES122 checksum is $1 should be 27763
- fi
- set `wc -lwc <NOTES122`
- if test $1$2$3 != 453211988
- then
- echo ERROR: wc results of NOTES122 are $* should be 45 321 1988
- fi
- chmod 644 NOTES122
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- // chris@IMD.Sterling.COM | Send comp.sources.x submissions to:
- \X/ Amiga - The only way to fly! |
- "It's intuitively obvious to the most | sources-x@imd.sterling.com
- casual observer..." |