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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- From: duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov (Duane Clark)
- Subject: v19i087: Jetedit - A Motif text editor, Patch03
- Message-ID: <1993Apr24.173510.29249@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 33af9d811b46e3dab20c0f08908a40dc
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 17:35:10 GMT
- Approved: chris@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov (Duane Clark)
- Posting-number: Volume 19, Issue 87
- Archive-name: Jetedit/patch03
- Environment: X11, OSF/Motif
- Patch-To: Jetedit: Volume 19, Issue 80-84,86
- #---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
- #
- # Wrapped by Duane Clark <duane@underdog> on Tue Apr 20 09:56:54 1993
- #
- # This archive contains:
- # je123 NOTES123
- #
- # Error checking via wc(1) will be performed.
- # Error checking via sum(1) will be performed.
- LANG=""; export LANG
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH
- if sum -r </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- sumopt='-r'
- else
- sumopt=''
- fi
- echo x - je123
- cat >je123 <<'@EOF'
- *** ../xm1.22/patchlevel.h Tue Apr 20 08:32:49 1993
- --- patchlevel.h Tue Apr 20 09:29:27 1993
- ***************
- *** 1,2 ****
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 2
- ! #define VERSION 1.22
- --- 1,2 ----
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 3
- ! #define VERSION 1.23
- *** ../xm1.22/xmefile.c Tue Apr 20 08:32:51 1993
- --- xmefile.c Tue Apr 20 09:00:47 1993
- ***************
- *** 99,105 ****
- char pathname[60];
- Arg al[1];
- unsigned int theLength;
- ! char *tmpmask = "jeXXXXXX";
- sprintf (message_string, " Saved: %s", thefile);
- --- 99,105 ----
- char pathname[60];
- Arg al[1];
- unsigned int theLength;
- ! char tmpmask[10];
- sprintf (message_string, " Saved: %s", thefile);
- ***************
- *** 122,128 ****
- else tempname = (char *)((long)tempname + 1);
- strcpy(tmpmask, "jeXXXXXX");
- if (!mktemp(tmpmask)) {
- ! strcat (message_string,
- " \7Warning: unable to create temp file %s.", pathname);
- XtSetArg(al[0], XmNlabelString,
- XmStringCreateLtoR(message_string, charset));
- --- 122,128 ----
- else tempname = (char *)((long)tempname + 1);
- strcpy(tmpmask, "jeXXXXXX");
- if (!mktemp(tmpmask)) {
- ! sprintf (message_string,
- " \7Warning: unable to create temp file %s.", pathname);
- XtSetArg(al[0], XmNlabelString,
- XmStringCreateLtoR(message_string, charset));
- *** ../xm1.22/xmespec.c Tue Apr 20 08:32:56 1993
- --- xmespec.c Tue Apr 20 09:50:32 1993
- ***************
- *** 58,63 ****
- --- 58,66 ----
- image = XCreateImage ( theDisp, theVisual,
- 1, XYBitmap, 0, bits, width, height, 8, (width+7)/8 );
- + image->byte_order = LSBFirst;
- + image->bitmap_unit = 8;
- + image->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst;
- return (image);
- }
- @EOF
- set `sum $sumopt <je123`; if test $1 -ne 47361
- then
- echo ERROR: je123 checksum is $1 should be 47361
- fi
- set `wc -lwc <je123`
- if test $1$2$3 != 592061828
- then
- echo ERROR: wc results of je123 are $* should be 59 206 1828
- fi
- chmod 644 je123
- echo x - NOTES123
- cat >NOTES123 <<'@EOF'
- This patch updates jetedit1.22 to jetedit1.23 and clears up the final
- known bugs. See below to determine the current version. To apply:
- 1) Copy this file as "je123.sh" to the directory containing the source
- for jetedit.
- 2) Delete all this preliminary stuff.
- 3) Type "sh je123.sh". This will create the patch file je123 and a copy
- of these notes as NOTES123.
- 4) Type "patch < je123".
- 5) Recompile.
- You can determine the current version of jetedit by seeing if the file
- patchlevel.h is included in the directory with the source. If it is,
- you have at least version 1.2. If not, you will have to get version 1.2
- off the archives, or email me - duane@blacks.jpl.nasa.gov.
- Compare the contents of patchlevel.h to the following lines:
- #define PATCHLEVEL 0 - Indicates jetedit1.2
- #define PATCHLEVEL 1 - Indicates jetedit1.21
- Beginning in version 1.22, patchlevel.h contains the line:
- #define VERSION n.nn
- Changes in this version:
- Fixed a bonehead portability bug that caused crashes under gcc - man
- that gcc sure is picky. I had used the local variable:
- char *tmpmask = "jeXXXXXX";
- rather than
- char tmpmask[10];
- strcpy (tmpmask, "jeXXXXXX");
- Thanks to Donald Anderson, Jerry Kelly, and Martin Wunderli.
- Another bug was introduced by patch02 and reported by John Aguirre,
- creating compiler errors where I used "strcat" rather "sprintf".
- Finally, the fix for Ximages contributed in patch01 was incomplete,
- resulting in funny looking pixmaps in some warning dialogs.
- @EOF
- set `sum $sumopt <NOTES123`; if test $1 -ne 3032
- then
- echo ERROR: NOTES123 checksum is $1 should be 3032
- fi
- set `wc -lwc <NOTES123`
- if test $1$2$3 != 352341490
- then
- echo ERROR: wc results of NOTES123 are $* should be 35 234 1490
- fi
- chmod 644 NOTES123
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- // chris@IMD.Sterling.COM | Send comp.sources.x submissions to:
- \X/ Amiga - The only way to fly! |
- "It's intuitively obvious to the most | sources-x@imd.sterling.com
- casual observer..." |