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- /*
- * This file is for just setting up the structs, etc
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <Xfuncs.h>
- #include <Xlib.h>
- #include <Xatom.h>
- #include <Xutil.h>
- #include <Intrinsic.h>
- #include <StringDefs.h>
- #include <Xos.h>
- #include "defs.h"
- #include "externs.h"
- /* translations[] keeps track of which kanji it is okay to test the
- * user on. Likewise with numberofkanji, highest, and lowest.
- * YES, it is best to keep in a large array, otherwise
- * it would be difficult to switch between grade levels.
- */
- struct translationstruct *translations[0x8000];
- int numberofkanji,highest,lowest;
- /* random debugging util? */
- void printline(s)
- unsigned char *s;
- {
- while(*s){
- putchar(*s++);
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- /* Since there is no standard util to convert hex ascii to int,...
- * have to supply our own..
- * It isn't incredibly efficient.. let's hope the compiler is smart.
- * arrg..
- */
- int xtoi(s)
- char * s;
- {
- int out=0;
- sscanf(s,"%x",&out);
- return out;
- }
- /* getline:
- * reads a line (from dictionary).
- * returns true (1) if read aline, otherwise,
- * returns false (0);
- *
- * used in "readstructs", below.
- */
- unsigned char instring[2][512];
- unsigned char *inptr=NULL;
- int whichstring;
- int getline(fp,s)
- FILE *fp;
- unsigned char *s;
- {
- if(inptr==NULL){
- inptr= &instring[0][100];
- whichstring=0;
- }
- for(;;){
- int i;
- if(inptr == &instring[whichstring][100]){
- whichstring = 1-whichstring;
- inptr=instring[whichstring];
- i=fread(instring[whichstring],1,100,fp);
- if(i<100){
- instring[whichstring][i]='\0';
- /* okay, we put the termination signal in.
- * But if there is a complete line in there,
- * it should be read with our buffering
- */
- }
- }
- switch(*inptr){
- case 0:
- *s = '\0';
- return 0;
- case 10:
- case 13:
- *inptr='\0';
- *s++ = *inptr++;
- return 1;
- default:
- *s++ = *inptr++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* nextword:
- * Goes to first whitespace, then sets pointer to
- * beginning of non-white-space.
- *
- * Returns 1 on success, 0 on fail
- */
- int nextword(stringp)
- char ** stringp;
- {
- while(!isspace(**stringp)){
- if(stringp == '\0')
- return 0;
- *stringp +=1;
- }
- /* now on space */
- while(isspace(**stringp)){
- if(stringp == '\0')
- return 0;
- *stringp +=1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* nextchar:
- * returns pointer to next non-whitespace char
- */
- unsigned char *nextchar(c)
- unsigned char *c;
- {
- while(isspace(*c)){
- if(*c == '\0') break;
- c++;
- }
- return c;
- }
- /* StripBrackets:
- * Gets rid of those annoying {enlish}{english2} brackets.
- * PRESUMES first char of source is '{'!!
- * Well, actually, it nicely sets a null string if otherwise.
- */
- void StripBrackets(dest,source)
- char *dest,*source;
- {
- char *parse = &source[1];
- if(source[0] != '{'){
- dest[0] = '\0';
- return;
- }
- /* (*dest) is always assumed to be needing a write */
- do {
- switch(*parse){
- case '{':
- *dest++ = ':';
- *dest++ = ' ';
- break;
- case '}':
- break;
- default:
- *dest++ = *parse;
- }
- parse++;
- } while((*parse != '\n') && (*parse != '\0'));
- *dest = '\0';
- return;
- }
- /* Okay, it's not actually pronunciation we're reading.
- * We are reading the "no-yoni" and "kun-yoni" interpretation
- * in kanjidic
- */
- void ReadPronunciation(Pstring,kanjinum)
- int kanjinum;
- char **Pstring;
- {
- XChar2b kanabuffer[256];
- XChar2b *pronunciation;
- int pronun_len;
- unsigned char *parse = (unsigned char *) *Pstring;
- pronunciation = kanabuffer;
- /* "bad" job here.. this is just to get things working..
- * this method will probably skip a few kana
- */
- if(*parse == '{'){
- /* only english exists, so set to null */
- translations[kanjinum] == NULL;
- return;
- }
- while((*parse > 127) && (*parse != '\0')){
- /* kanjidic seems to have high bit set on
- * Kana.. which we need to strip both of!!
- */
- pronunciation->byte1= (*parse++ & 0x7f);
- pronunciation->byte2= (*parse++ & 0x7f);
- pronunciation++;
- /* skip space, and put in divider if
- * second reading is there
- */
- while(*parse == ' ') {
- parse++;
- if(*parse == '\0')
- break;
- if(*parse >127){
- pronunciation->byte1 = 0x21;
- pronunciation->byte2 = 0x27;
- pronunciation++;
- }
- }
- }
- pronunciation->byte1=pronunciation->byte2 = 0;
- pronun_len = strlen((char *) kanabuffer);
- translations[kanjinum]->pronunciation =
- (XChar2b *) malloc(pronun_len+4);
- if(translations[kanjinum]->pronunciation == NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory to read in dictionary\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- strncpy(translations[kanjinum]->pronunciation, kanabuffer, pronun_len+1);
- /* now position parse pointer for next step:
- * reading english
- */
- while(*parse != '{'){
- if(*parse == '\0'){
- return;
- }
- parse++;
- }
- *Pstring = (char *)parse;
- }
- /* readstructs:
- * the main dictionary reading routine.
- * Fills in the global translationstruct with
- * all that is available for each selected kanji, in
- * Grade, "pronunciation", english translation, and
- * frequency of use (by native speakers)
- */
- void readstructs(){
- unsigned char instring[256];
- FILE *fp;
- lowest = highest = 0x3000;
- fp = fopen(dictname,"r");
- if(fp == NULL){
- perror("cannot open kanji translation file");
- fprintf(stderr,"Looking for %s\n",dictname);
- exit(0);
- }
- while (getline(fp,instring) != 0) {
- int Kanji;
- int freq,grade;
- unsigned char *parse;
- int instrlen; /* length of pronunciation */
- if(strlen(instring) <10) continue;
- /*try to get kanji Index right away */
- Kanji = xtoi(&instring[2]);
- /* skip comments, and kanji not specified in
- * the usefile
- */
- if( (Kanji < 0x3000) || (translations[Kanji] != NULL) ){
- continue;
- }
- parse = &instring[2];
- if(parse == NULL){
- continue;
- }
- /* now parse for grade level, frequency, and english */
- freq = grade = 0;
- nextword(&parse);
- /* check for high bit set, which means
- * start of kana definition of kana
- */
- /* used to have (*parse != '{') */
- while ( (*parse < 127) && (*parse != '{') ) {
- switch(*parse){
- case 'G':
- grade = atoi(++parse);
- break;
- case 'F':
- freq = atoi(++parse);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- nextword(&parse);
- }
- /**********************************************
- * Now we know that we have a useable/wanted *
- * dictionary definition *
- *********************************************/
- if(Kanji<lowest) lowest = Kanji;
- if (Kanji >highest) highest = Kanji;
- translations[Kanji] = (struct translationstruct *)
- malloc(sizeof(struct translationstruct));
- if (translations[Kanji] == NULL){
- perror("Cannot allocate memory for translation table\n");
- exit(errno);
- }
- translations[Kanji]->frequency = freq;
- translations[Kanji]->grade_level = grade;
- ReadPronunciation(&parse,Kanji);
- /*
- * translations[Kanji]->pronunciation[0].byte1=0;
- * translations[Kanji]->pronunciation[0].byte2=0;
- */
- instrlen = strlen(parse)+1;
- translations[Kanji]->english = (char *) malloc(instrlen);
- if(translations[Kanji]->english == NULL){
- perror("Cannot allocate memory for translation table\n");
- exit(errno);
- }
- StripBrackets(translations[Kanji]->english,parse);
- } /* and repeat until end of file */
- }