home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "externs.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- extern int abs(int);
- /* defining the types of move */
- #define MOVE 1
- #define PUSH 2
- #define SAVE 3
- #define UNSAVE 4
- #define STOREMOVE 5
- #define STOREPUSH 6
- /* This value merely needs to be greater than the longest possible path length
- * making it the number of squares in the array seems a good bet.
- */
- /* some simple checking macros to make sure certain moves are legal when
- * trying to do mouse based movement.
- */
- #define ISPLAYER(x,y) ((map[x][y] == player) || (map[x][y] == playerstore))
- #define ISCLEAR(x,y) ((map[x][y] == ground) || (map[x][y] == store))
- #define ISPACKET(x,y) ((map[x][y] == packet) || (map[x][y] == save))
- static XEvent xev;
- static POS tpos1, tpos2, lastppos, lasttpos1, lasttpos2;
- static char lppc, ltp1c, ltp2c;
- static short action, lastaction;
- static Boolean shift = _false_;
- static Boolean cntrl = _false_;
- static KeySym oldmove;
- static int findmap[MAXROW+1][MAXCOL+1];
- #define MAXDELTAS 4
- /** For stack saves. **/
- struct map_delta {
- int x,y;
- char oldchar, newchar;
- };
- struct move_r {
- short px, py;
- short moves, pushes, saved, ndeltas;
- struct map_delta deltas[MAXDELTAS];
- };
- static struct move_r move_stack[STACKDEPTH];
- static int move_stack_sp; /* points to last saved move. If no saved move, -1 */
- static Map prev_map;
- static void RecordChange(void);
- static void UndoChange(void);
- static void InitMoveStack(void);
- /* play a particular level.
- * All we do here is wait for input, and dispatch to appropriate routines
- * to deal with it nicely.
- */
- short Play(void)
- {
- short ret;
- int bufs = 1;
- char buf[1];
- KeySym sym;
- XComposeStatus compose;
- ClearScreen();
- ShowScreen();
- InitMoveStack();
- ret = 0;
- while (ret == 0) {
- XNextEvent(dpy, &xev);
- switch(xev.type) {
- case Expose:
- /* Redisplaying is pretty cheap, so I don't care too much about it */
- RedisplayScreen();
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- switch(xev.xbutton.button) {
- case Button1:
- /* move the man to where the pointer is. */
- MoveMan(xev.xbutton.x, xev.xbutton.y);
- RecordChange();
- break;
- case Button2:
- /* Push a ball */
- PushMan(xev.xbutton.x, xev.xbutton.y);
- RecordChange();
- break;
- case Button3:
- /* undo last move */
- UndoChange();
- ShowScreen();
- break;
- default:
- /* I'm sorry, you win the irritating beep for your efforts. */
- HelpMessage();
- break;
- }
- RedisplayScreen();
- break;
- case KeyPress:
- buf[0] = '\0';
- (void) XLookupString(&xev.xkey, buf, bufs, &sym, &compose);
- cntrl = (xev.xkey.state & ControlMask) ? _true_ : _false_;
- shift = (xev.xkey.state & ShiftMask) ? _true_ : _false_;
- switch(sym) {
- case XK_q:
- /* q is for quit */
- if(!cntrl)
- ret = E_ENDGAME;
- break;
- case XK_s:
- /* save */
- if(!cntrl) {
- ret = SaveGame();
- if(ret == 0)
- ret = E_SAVED;
- }
- break;
- case XK_question:
- /* help */
- if(!cntrl) {
- ShowHelp();
- RedisplayScreen();
- }
- break;
- case XK_r:
- /* ^R refreshes the screen */
- if(cntrl)
- RedisplayScreen();
- break;
- case XK_U:
- /* Do a full screen reset */
- if(!cntrl) {
- moves = pushes = 0;
- ret = ReadScreen();
- InitMoveStack();
- if(ret == 0) {
- ShowScreen();
- }
- }
- break;
- case XK_u:
- if(!cntrl) {
- UndoChange();
- ShowScreen();
- }
- break;
- case XK_k:
- case XK_K:
- case XK_Up:
- case XK_j:
- case XK_J:
- case XK_Down:
- case XK_l:
- case XK_L:
- case XK_Right:
- case XK_h:
- case XK_H:
- case XK_Left:
- /* A move, A move!! we have a MOVE!! */
- MakeMove(sym);
- RedisplayScreen();
- RecordChange();
- break;
- default:
- /* I ONLY want to beep if a key was pressed. Contrary to what
- * X11 believes, SHIFT and CONTROL are NOT keys
- */
- if(buf[0]) {
- HelpMessage();
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ClientMessage:
- {
- XClientMessageEvent *cm = (XClientMessageEvent *)&xev;
- if (cm->message_type == wm_protocols &&
- cm->data.l[0] == wm_delete_window)
- ret = E_ENDGAME;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* if we solved a level, set it up so we get some score! */
- if((ret == 0) && (packets == savepack)) {
- scorelevel = level;
- scoremoves = moves;
- scorepushes = pushes;
- break;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* Perform a user move based on the key in "sym". */
- void MakeMove(KeySym sym)
- {
- do {
- action = TestMove(sym);
- if(action != 0) {
- lastaction = action;
- lastppos.x = ppos.x;
- lastppos.y = ppos.y;
- lppc = map[ppos.x][ppos.y];
- lasttpos1.x = tpos1.x;
- lasttpos1.y = tpos1.y;
- ltp1c = map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y];
- lasttpos2.x = tpos2.x;
- lasttpos2.y = tpos2.y;
- ltp2c = map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y];
- DoMove(lastaction);
- /* store the current keysym so we can do the repeat. */
- oldmove = sym;
- }
- } while ((action != 0) && (packets != savepack) && (shift || cntrl));
- }
- /* make sure a move is valid and if it is, return type of move */
- short TestMove(KeySym action)
- {
- short ret;
- char tc;
- Boolean stop_at_object;
- stop_at_object = cntrl;
- if((action == XK_Up) || (action == XK_k) || (action == XK_K)) {
- tpos1.x = ppos.x-1;
- tpos2.x = ppos.x-2;
- tpos1.y = tpos2.y = ppos.y;
- }
- if((action == XK_Down) || (action == XK_j) || (action == XK_J)) {
- tpos1.x = ppos.x+1;
- tpos2.x = ppos.x+2;
- tpos1.y = tpos2.y = ppos.y;
- }
- if((action == XK_Left) || (action == XK_h) || (action == XK_H)) {
- tpos1.y = ppos.y-1;
- tpos2.y = ppos.y-2;
- tpos1.x = tpos2.x = ppos.x;
- }
- if((action == XK_Right) || (action == XK_l) || (action == XK_L)) {
- tpos1.y = ppos.y+1;
- tpos2.y = ppos.y+2;
- tpos1.x = tpos2.x = ppos.x;
- }
- tc = map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y];
- if((tc == packet) || (tc == save)) {
- if(!stop_at_object) {
- if(map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y] == ground)
- ret = (tc == save) ? UNSAVE : PUSH;
- else if(map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y] == store)
- ret = (tc == save) ? STOREPUSH : SAVE;
- else
- ret = 0;
- } else
- ret = 0;
- } else if(tc == ground)
- ret = MOVE;
- else if(tc == store)
- ret = STOREMOVE;
- else
- ret = 0;
- return ret;
- }
- /* actually update the internal map with the results of the move */
- void DoMove(short moveaction)
- {
- map[ppos.x][ppos.y] = (map[ppos.x][ppos.y] == player) ? ground : store;
- switch( moveaction) {
- case MOVE:
- map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y] = player;
- break;
- map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y] = playerstore;
- break;
- case PUSH:
- map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y] = map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y];
- map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y] = player;
- pushes++;
- break;
- case UNSAVE:
- map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y] = packet;
- map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y] = playerstore;
- pushes++;
- savepack--;
- break;
- case SAVE:
- map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y] = save;
- map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y] = player;
- savepack++;
- pushes++;
- break;
- map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y] = save;
- map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y] = playerstore;
- pushes++;
- break;
- }
- moves++;
- DisplayMoves();
- DisplayPushes();
- DisplaySave();
- MapChar(map[ppos.x][ppos.y], ppos.x, ppos.y, 1);
- MapChar(map[tpos1.x][tpos1.y], tpos1.x, tpos1.y, 1);
- MapChar(map[tpos2.x][tpos2.y], tpos2.x, tpos2.y, 1);
- ppos.x = tpos1.x;
- ppos.y = tpos1.y;
- SyncScreen();
- }
- /* undo the most recently done move */
- void UndoMove(void)
- {
- map[lastppos.x][lastppos.y] = lppc;
- map[lasttpos1.x][lasttpos1.y] = ltp1c;
- map[lasttpos2.x][lasttpos2.y] = ltp2c;
- ppos.x = lastppos.x;
- ppos.y = lastppos.y;
- switch( lastaction) {
- case MOVE:
- moves--;
- break;
- moves--;
- break;
- case PUSH:
- moves--;
- pushes--;
- break;
- case UNSAVE:
- moves--;
- pushes--;
- savepack++;
- break;
- case SAVE:
- moves--;
- pushes--;
- savepack--;
- break;
- moves--;
- pushes--;
- break;
- }
- DisplayMoves();
- DisplayPushes();
- DisplaySave();
- MapChar(map[ppos.x][ppos.y], ppos.x, ppos.y, 1);
- MapChar(map[lasttpos1.x][lasttpos1.y], lasttpos1.x, lasttpos1.y, 1);
- MapChar(map[lasttpos2.x][lasttpos2.y], lasttpos2.x, lasttpos2.y, 1);
- SyncScreen();
- }
- /* Function used by the help pager. We ONLY want to flip pages if a key
- * key is pressed.. We want to exit the help pager if ENTER is pressed.
- * As above, <shift> and <control> and other such fun keys are NOT counted
- * as a keypress.
- */
- Boolean WaitForEnter(void)
- {
- KeySym keyhit;
- char buf[1];
- int bufs = 1;
- XComposeStatus compose;
- while (1) {
- XNextEvent(dpy, &xev);
- switch(xev.type) {
- case Expose:
- RedisplayScreen();
- break;
- case KeyPress:
- buf[0] = '\0';
- XLookupString(&xev.xkey, buf, bufs, &keyhit, &compose);
- if(buf[0]) {
- return (keyhit == XK_Return) ? _true_ : _false_;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* find the shortest path to the target via a fill search algorithm */
- void FindTarget(int px, int py, int pathlen)
- {
- if(!(ISCLEAR(px, py) || ISPLAYER(px, py)))
- return;
- if(findmap[px][py] <= pathlen)
- return;
- findmap[px][py] = pathlen++;
- if((px == ppos.x) && (py == ppos.y))
- return;
- FindTarget(px - 1, py, pathlen);
- FindTarget(px + 1, py, pathlen);
- FindTarget(px, py - 1, pathlen);
- FindTarget(px, py + 1, pathlen);
- }
- /* Do all the fun movement stuff with the mouse */
- void MoveMan(int mx, int my)
- {
- int x, y;
- shift = cntrl = _false_;
- /* reverse the screen coords to get the internal coords (yes, I know this
- * should be fixed) RSN */
- y = wX(mx);
- x = wY(my);
- /* make sure we are within the bounds of the array */
- if((x < 0) || (x > MAXROW) || (y < 0) || (y > MAXCOL)) {
- HelpMessage();
- return;
- }
- if(ISPACKET(x, y)) {
- HelpMessage();
- return;
- }
- /* if we clicked on the player or a wall (or an object but that was already
- * handled) the we don't want to move.
- */
- if(!ISCLEAR(x, y)) {
- HelpMessage();
- return;
- }
- if (!RunTo(x, y)) HelpMessage();
- }
- /* Return whether (x,y) is on the board */
- Boolean ValidPosn(int x, int y)
- {
- return (x >= 0) && (x <= MAXROW) && (y >= 0) && (y <= MAXCOL);
- }
- /*
- Find the object at a position orthogonal to (x, y) that is
- closest to (ppos.x, ppos.y), is separated from (x,y) only
- by empty spaces, and has the player or an empty space on the far
- side of (x,y), and is not directly opposite the destination space
- from the player; place its coordinates in (*ox, *oy) and return _true_.
- If no such object exists, return _false_.
- */
- Boolean FindOrthogonalObject(int x, int y, int *ox, int *oy)
- {
- int dir;
- int bestdist = BADMOVE;
- Boolean foundOne = _false_;
- for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) {
- int dx, dy, x1, y1, dist;
- switch(dir) {
- default: dx = 1; dy = 0; break; /* use "default" to please gcc */
- case 1: dx = -1; dy = 0; break;
- case 2: dx = 0; dy = 1; break;
- case 3: dx = 0; dy = -1; break;
- }
- if ((ppos.x == x && ((ppos.y - y)*dy) < 0)
- || (ppos.y == y && ((ppos.x - x)*dx) < 0)) continue;
- /* Eliminate case where player would push in the opposite
- direction. */
- x1 = x; y1 = y;
- while (ValidPosn(x1, y1)) {
- x1 += dx; y1 += dy;
- dist = abs(ppos.x - x1) + abs(ppos.y - y1);
- if (dist <= bestdist && ISPACKET(x1, y1) &&
- (ISPLAYER(x1 + dx, y1 + dy) || ISCLEAR(x1 + dx, y1 + dy))) {
- if (dist < bestdist) {
- bestdist = dist;
- *ox = x1;
- *oy = y1;
- foundOne = _true_;
- break;
- } else {
- foundOne = _false_; /* found one that was just as good */
- }
- }
- if (!ISCLEAR(x1, y1)) break;
- }
- }
- return foundOne ? _true_ : _false_ ;
- }
- #define DEBUGPUSH 0
- /* Push a nearby stone to the position indicated by (mx, my). */
- void PushMan(int mx, int my)
- {
- int i, x, y, ox, oy, dist;
- shift = cntrl = _false_;
- /* reverse the screen coords to get the internal coords (yes, I know this
- * should be fixed) RSN */
- y = wX(mx);
- x = wY(my);
- /* make sure we are within the bounds of the array */
- if(!ValidPosn(x,y)) {
- HelpMessage();
- printf("Outside array\n");
- #endif
- return;
- }
- /* if we are clicking on an object, and are right next to it, we want to
- * move the object.
- */
- if(ISPACKET(x, y)) {
- if(ISPLAYER(x - 1, y))
- MakeMove(XK_Down);
- else if(ISPLAYER(x + 1, y))
- MakeMove(XK_Up);
- else if(ISPLAYER(x, y - 1))
- MakeMove(XK_Right);
- else if(ISPLAYER(x, y + 1))
- MakeMove(XK_Left);
- else {
- /* we weren't right next to the object */
- HelpMessage();
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* if we clicked on the player or a wall (or an object but that was already
- * handled) the we don't want to move.
- */
- if(!ISCLEAR(x, y)) {
- HelpMessage();
- printf("Not a clear space\n"); */
- #endif
- return;
- }
- #if 0
- if (abs(x - ppos.x) < 2 && abs(ppos.y - y) < 2) {
- printf("Too close to destination (%d, %d)\n",
- abs(x - ppos.x) , abs(y - ppos.y));
- #endif
- HelpMessage();
- /* Player must be sufficiently far from the destination that there
- can be no ambiguity about which stone to push */
- return;
- }
- #endif
- if (!FindOrthogonalObject(x, y, &ox, &oy)) {
- HelpMessage();
- printf("Can't find packet\n");
- #endif
- return;
- }
- assert(x == ox || y == oy);
- dist = abs(ox - x) + abs(oy - y);
- if (x > ox) ox--;
- if (x < ox) ox++;
- if (y > oy) oy--;
- if (y < oy) oy++;
- /* (ox,oy) now denotes the place we need to run to to be able to push */
- if (ox != ppos.x || oy != ppos.y) {
- if (!ISCLEAR(ox, oy)) {
- printf("Can't move into an occupied space! (%d,%d)\n",
- ox - ppos.x, oy - ppos.y);
- #endif
- HelpMessage();
- return;
- }
- if (!RunTo(ox, oy)) {
- HelpMessage();
- printf("Can't get in position to push\n"); */
- #endif
- return;
- }
- }
- assert(ppos.x == ox && ppos.y == oy);
- for (i = 0; i < dist; i++) {
- if (ppos.x < x) MakeMove(XK_Down);
- if (ppos.x > x) MakeMove(XK_Up);
- if (ppos.y < y) MakeMove(XK_Right);
- if (ppos.y > y) MakeMove(XK_Left);
- }
- }
- /* Move the player to the position (x,y), if possible. Return _true_
- iff successful. The position (x,y) must be clear.
- */
- Boolean RunTo(int x, int y)
- {
- int i,j,cx,cy;
- /* Fill the trace map */
- for(i = 0; i <= MAXROW; i++)
- for (j = 0; j <= MAXCOL; j++)
- findmap[i][j] = BADMOVE;
- /* flood fill search to find a shortest path to the push point. */
- FindTarget(x, y, 0);
- /* if we didn't make it back to the players position, there is no valid path
- * to that place.
- */
- if(findmap[ppos.x][ppos.y] == BADMOVE) {
- return _false_;
- } else {
- /* we made it back, so let's walk the path we just built up */
- cx = ppos.x;
- cy = ppos.y;
- while(findmap[cx][cy]) {
- if(findmap[cx - 1][cy] == (findmap[cx][cy] - 1)) {
- MakeMove(XK_Up);
- cx--;
- } else if(findmap[cx + 1][cy] == (findmap[cx][cy] - 1)) {
- MakeMove(XK_Down);
- cx++;
- } else if(findmap[cx][cy - 1] == (findmap[cx][cy] - 1)) {
- MakeMove(XK_Left);
- cy--;
- } else if(findmap[cx][cy + 1] == (findmap[cx][cy] - 1)) {
- MakeMove(XK_Right);
- cy++;
- } else {
- /* if we get here, something is SERIOUSLY wrong, so we should abort */
- abort();
- }
- }
- }
- return _true_;
- }
- static void InitMoveStack()
- {
- move_stack_sp = -1;
- move_stack[0].moves = moves;
- move_stack[0].pushes = moves;
- move_stack[0].saved = savepack;
- memcpy(prev_map, map, sizeof(map));
- }
- /* Add a record to the move stack that records the changes since the
- last map state (which is stored in "prev_map"). Update "prev_map"
- to contain the current map so the next call to "RecordChange()"
- will perform correctly.
- If the stack runs out of space, dump the oldest half of the
- saved moves and continue. Undoing past that point will jump
- back to the beginning of the level. If the user is using the
- mouse or any skill, should never happen.
- */
- static void RecordChange()
- {
- struct move_r *r = &move_stack[++move_stack_sp];
- int x,y, ndeltas = 0;
- assert(move_stack_sp < STACKDEPTH);
- if (move_stack_sp == STACKDEPTH - 1) {
- int shift = STACKDEPTH/2;
- memcpy(&move_stack[0], &move_stack[shift],
- sizeof(struct move_r) * (STACKDEPTH - shift));
- move_stack_sp -= shift;
- r -= shift;
- }
- r[1].moves = moves;
- r[1].pushes = pushes;
- r[1].saved = savepack;
- r[1].px = ppos.x;
- r[1].py = ppos.y;
- for (x = 0; x <= MAXROW; x++) {
- for (y = 0; y <= MAXROW; y++) {
- if (map[x][y] != prev_map[x][y]) {
- assert(ndeltas < MAXDELTAS);
- r->deltas[ndeltas].x = x;
- r->deltas[ndeltas].y = y;
- r->deltas[ndeltas].newchar = map[x][y];
- r->deltas[ndeltas].oldchar = prev_map[x][y];
- ndeltas++;
- #if 0
- printf("Change (%d,%d) %c->%c\n", x, y, prev_map[x][y],
- map[x][y]);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- r->ndeltas = ndeltas;
- if (ndeltas == 0) {
- move_stack_sp--; /* Why push an identical entry? */
- }
- memcpy(prev_map, map, sizeof(map));
- }
- static void UndoChange()
- {
- if (move_stack_sp <= 0) {
- int ret;
- InitMoveStack();
- ret = ReadScreen();
- moves = pushes = 0;
- if (ret) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't read screen file\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- } else {
- struct move_r *r = &move_stack[move_stack_sp];
- int i;
- moves = r->moves;
- pushes = r->pushes;
- savepack = r->saved;
- ppos.x = r->px;
- ppos.y = r->py;
- for (i = 0; i<r->ndeltas; i++) {
- #if 0
- printf("Applying reverse change: (%d,%d) %c->%c\n",
- r->deltas[i].x, r->deltas[i].y,
- map[r->deltas[i].x][r->deltas[i].y], r->deltas[i].oldchar);
- #endif
- map[r->deltas[i].x][r->deltas[i].y] = r->deltas[i].oldchar;
- }
- move_stack_sp--;
- memcpy(prev_map, map, sizeof(map));
- }
- }