home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "config_local.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #ifdef NEED_ENDIAN
- #include <machine/endian.h> /* for ntohs */
- #endif
- #include "externs.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- extern FILE *fopen();
- extern char *username;
- static short scoreentries;
- static struct st_entry {
- char user[MAXUSERNAME];
- unsigned short lv, pad1, mv, pad2, ps, pad3;
- } scoretable[MAXSCOREENTRIES];
- static FILE *scorefile;
- static long sfdbn;
- short LockScore(void)
- {
- int i, fd;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- fd = creat(LOCKFILE, 0666);
- if (fd < 0)
- sleep(1);
- else
- break;
- }
- if (fd < 0) {
- /* assume that the last process to muck with the score file */
- /* is dead */
- /* XXX Should really be checking the datestamps on the score*/
- /* file to make sure some other process hasn't mucked with */
- /* in the last 10 seconds! */
- unlink(LOCKFILE);
- fd = creat(LOCKFILE, 0666);
- }
- if (fd < 0)
- return E_WRITESCORE;
- else {
- close(fd);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- void UnlockScore(void)
- {
- unlink(LOCKFILE);
- }
- /* print out the score list */
- short OutputScore(void)
- {
- short ret;
- if ((ret = LockScore()))
- return ret;
- if ((ret = ReadScore()) == 0)
- ShowScore();
- UnlockScore();
- return ((ret == 0) ? E_ENDGAME : ret);
- }
- /* create a new score file */
- short MakeNewScore(void)
- {
- short ret = 0;
- if ((ret = LockScore()))
- return ret;
- scoreentries = 0;
- if ((scorefile = fopen(SCOREFILE, "w")) == NULL)
- else {
- sfdbn = fileno(scorefile);
- if (write(sfdbn, &scoreentries, 2) != 2)
- fclose(scorefile);
- }
- UnlockScore();
- return ((ret == 0) ? E_ENDGAME : ret);
- }
- /* get the players current level based on the level they last scored on */
- short GetUserLevel(short *lv)
- {
- short ret = 0, pos;
- if ((ret = LockScore()))
- return ret;
- if ((scorefile = fopen(SCOREFILE, "r")) == NULL)
- else {
- if ((ret = ReadScore()) == 0)
- *lv = ((pos = FindUser()) > -1) ? scoretable[pos].lv + 1 : 1;
- }
- UnlockScore();
- return (ret);
- }
- /* Add a new score to the score file. Show the current scores if "show". */
- short Score(Boolean show)
- {
- short ret;
- if ((ret = LockScore()))
- return ret;
- if ((ret = ReadScore()) == 0)
- if ((ret = MakeScore()) == 0)
- if ((ret = WriteScore()) == 0)
- if (show) ShowScore();
- UnlockScore();
- return ((ret == 0) ? E_ENDGAME : ret);
- }
- void ntohs_entry(struct st_entry *entry)
- {
- entry->lv = ntohs(entry->lv);
- entry->mv = ntohs(entry->mv);
- entry->ps = ntohs(entry->ps);
- }
- /* read in an existing score file. Uses the ntoh() and hton() functions
- * so that the score files transfer across systems.
- */
- short ReadScore(void)
- {
- short ret = 0;
- long tmp;
- if ((scorefile = fopen(SCOREFILE, "r")) == NULL)
- else {
- sfdbn = fileno(scorefile);
- if (read(sfdbn, &scoreentries, 2) != 2)
- ret = E_READSCORE;
- else {
- scoreentries = ntohs(scoreentries);
- tmp = scoreentries * sizeof(scoretable[0]);
- if (read(sfdbn, &(scoretable[0]), tmp) != tmp)
- ret = E_READSCORE;
- /* swap up for little-endian machines */
- for (tmp = 0; tmp < scoreentries; tmp++) ntohs_entry(&scoretable[tmp]);
- }
- fclose(scorefile);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* Return the solution rank for table index "j". The solution rank for
- an entry is one greater than the number of entries that are better
- than it, unless there is a better or equal solution that is by the
- same person, in which case the solution rank is at least "BADSOLN".
- If two solutions are equal, the one that was arrived at first, and
- thus has a lower table index, is considered to be better.
- One solution is at least as good as another solution if it is at
- least as good in numbers of moves and pushes. Note that
- non-comparable solutions may exist.
- The array "ignore" indicates that some scoretable entries should
- be ignored for the purpose of computing rank.
- */
- #define BADSOLN 100
- int SolnRank(int j, Boolean *ignore)
- {
- int i, rank = 1;
- unsigned short level = scoretable[j].lv;
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- if ((!ignore || !ignore[i]) && scoretable[i].lv == level) {
- if (scoretable[i].mv <= scoretable[j].mv &&
- scoretable[i].ps <= scoretable[j].ps)
- {
- if (0 == strcmp(scoretable[i].user,
- scoretable[j].user))
- rank = BADSOLN;
- else
- rank++;
- }
- }
- }
- return rank;
- }
- /* Removes all score entries for a user who has multiple entries,
- * that are for a level below the user's top level, and that are not "best
- * solutions" as defined by "SolnRank". Also removes duplicate entries
- * for a level that is equal to the user's top level, but which are not
- * the user's best solution as defined by table position.
- *
- * The current implementation is O(n^2) in the number of actual score entries.
- * A hash table would fix this.
- */
- void CleanupScoreTable()
- {
- int i;
- Boolean deletable[MAXSCOREENTRIES];
- for (i = 0; i < scoreentries; i++) {
- deletable[i] = _false_;
- if (SolnRank(i, deletable) > MAXSOLNRANK) {
- char *user = scoretable[i].user;
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- if (0 == strcmp(scoretable[j].user, user))
- deletable[i] = _true_;
- }
- }
- }
- FlushDeletedScores(deletable);
- }
- /* Deletes entries from the score table for which the boolean array
- contains true.
- */
- void FlushDeletedScores(Boolean delete[])
- {
- int i, k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < scoreentries; i++) {
- if (i != k) CopyEntry(k, i);
- if (!delete[i]) k++;
- }
- scoreentries = k;
- }
- /* Adds a new user score to the score table, if appropriate. Users' top
- * level scores, and the best scores for a particular level (in moves and
- * pushes, separately considered), are always preserved.
- */
- short MakeScore(void)
- {
- short pos, i;
- pos = FindPos(); /* find the new score position */
- if (pos > -1) { /* score table not empty */
- for (i = scoreentries; i > pos; i--)
- CopyEntry(i, i - 1);
- } else {
- pos = scoreentries;
- }
- strcpy(scoretable[pos].user, username);
- scoretable[pos].lv = scorelevel;
- scoretable[pos].mv = scoremoves;
- scoretable[pos].ps = scorepushes;
- scoreentries++;
- CleanupScoreTable();
- if (scoreentries == MAXSCOREENTRIES)
- return E_TOMUCHSE;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* searches the score table to find a specific player. */
- short FindUser(void)
- {
- short i;
- Boolean found = _false_;
- for (i = 0; (i < scoreentries) && (!found); i++)
- found = (strcmp(scoretable[i].user, username) == 0);
- return ((found) ? i - 1 : -1);
- }
- /* finds the position for a new score in the score table */
- short FindPos(void)
- {
- short i;
- Boolean found = _false_;
- for (i = 0; (i < scoreentries) && (!found); i++)
- found = ((scorelevel > scoretable[i].lv) ||
- ((scorelevel == scoretable[i].lv) &&
- (scoremoves < scoretable[i].mv)) ||
- ((scorelevel == scoretable[i].lv) &&
- (scoremoves == scoretable[i].mv) &&
- (scorepushes < scoretable[i].ps)));
- return ((found) ? i - 1 : -1);
- }
- /* writes out the score table. It uses ntoh() and hton() functions to make
- * the scorefile transfer across systems.
- */
- short WriteScore(void)
- {
- short ret = 0;
- long tmp;
- if ((scorefile = fopen(SCOREFILE, "w")) == NULL)
- else {
- sfdbn = fileno(scorefile);
- scoreentries = htons(scoreentries);
- if (write(sfdbn, &scoreentries, 2) != 2)
- else {
- scoreentries = ntohs(scoreentries);
- /* swap around for little-endian machines */
- for (tmp = 0; tmp < scoreentries; tmp++) {
- scoretable[tmp].lv = htons(scoretable[tmp].lv);
- scoretable[tmp].mv = htons(scoretable[tmp].mv);
- scoretable[tmp].ps = htons(scoretable[tmp].ps);
- }
- tmp = scoreentries * sizeof(scoretable[0]);
- if (write(sfdbn, &(scoretable[0]), tmp) != tmp)
- /* and swap back for the rest of the run ... */
- for (tmp = 0; tmp < scoreentries; tmp++) {
- scoretable[tmp].lv = ntohs(scoretable[tmp].lv);
- scoretable[tmp].mv = ntohs(scoretable[tmp].mv);
- scoretable[tmp].ps = ntohs(scoretable[tmp].ps);
- }
- }
- fclose(scorefile);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* displays the score table to the user */
- void ShowScore(void)
- {
- register i;
- fprintf(stdout, "Rank User Level Moves Pushes\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "============================================\n");
- for (i = 0; i < scoreentries; i++) {
- int rank = SolnRank(i, 0);
- if (rank <= MAXSOLNRANK) fprintf(stdout, "%4d", rank);
- else fprintf(stdout, " ");
- fprintf(stdout, "%10s %8d %8d %8d\n", scoretable[i].user,
- scoretable[i].lv, scoretable[i].mv, scoretable[i].ps);
- }
- }
- /* duplicates a score entry */
- void CopyEntry(short i1, short i2)
- {
- strcpy(scoretable[i1].user, scoretable[i2].user);
- scoretable[i1].lv = scoretable[i2].lv;
- scoretable[i1].mv = scoretable[i2].mv;
- scoretable[i1].ps = scoretable[i2].ps;
- }