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- From: kent@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM (Kent Landfield)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v05i069: xdir -- Directory Browser, Patch3
- Message-ID: <650@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM>
- Date: 4 Feb 90 08:50:47 GMT
- Approved: kent@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM (Kent Landfield)
- Submitted-by: Erik M. van der Poel <uunet!kddlab!sran8.sra.co.jp!erik>
- Posting-number: Volume 5, Issue 69
- Archive-name: xdir/patch3
- Patch-To: xdir: Volume 4, Issue 14-15,97
- Patch-To: xdir: Volume 5, Issue 14
- This is the third set of patches for the SelFile directory browser
- package.
- These patches are for people with patchlevel 2. People with the R4
- version (contrib/clients/selfile) should wait for the next set of
- patches, which take the patchlevel from 3 to 4.
- * Athena widget include files have moved to <X11/Xaw> in R4.
- * R4 Athena widgets use Xaw... instead of Xt...
- * The R4 Athena Text widget has a new programmer interface.
- * It is still possible to compile in a pre-R4 environment using
- * The patchlevel.h file has been updated to patch level three.
- --
- Erik M. van der Poel erik@sra.co.jp (Japan)
- SRA, 1-1-1 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku erik%sra.co.jp@uunet.uu.net (USA)
- Tokyo 102 Japan. TEL +81-3-234-2692 erik%sra.co.jp@mcvax.uucp (Europe)
- Prereq: 2
- *** ../old/patchlevel.h Mon Jan 29 13:57:04 1990
- --- patchlevel.h Mon Jan 29 13:58:20 1990
- ***************
- *** 1 ****
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 2
- --- 1 ----
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 3
- *** ../old/Draw.c Mon Jan 29 13:57:08 1990
- --- Draw.c Mon Jan 29 13:58:18 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Draw.c,v 1.11 89/09/28 16:32:19 erik Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- --- 1,5 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Draw.c,v 1.2 89/12/15 11:59:08 kit Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- ***************
- *** 34,43 ****
- --- 34,51 ----
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/ScrollBar.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Scroll.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- #define SF_DEFAULT_FONT "9x15"
- ***************
- *** 223,229 ****
- --- 231,243 ----
- XtSetValues(selFileHScrolls[n], arglist, i);
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- if ((SFdirPtr + n < SFdirEnd) && dir->nEntries && dir->nChars) {
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- (float) (((double) dir->vOrigin) /
- dir->nEntries),
- ***************
- *** 231,237 ****
- --- 245,257 ----
- ? dir->nEntries : SFlistSize)) /
- dir->nEntries)
- );
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- selFileHScrolls[n],
- (float) (((double) dir->hOrigin) / dir->nChars),
- (float) (((double) ((dir->nChars <
- ***************
- *** 239,248 ****
- --- 259,277 ----
- SFcharsPerEntry)) / dir->nChars)
- );
- } else {
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(selFileVScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(selFileVScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- + (float) 1.0);
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- + (float) 1.0);
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- }
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- ***************
- *** 310,316 ****
- --- 339,350 ----
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- (float) (((double) dir->vOrigin) / dir->nEntries),
- (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ?
- ***************
- *** 610,616 ****
- --- 644,656 ----
- XtSetValues(selFileVScrolls[n], arglist, i);
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- if (dir->nEntries) {
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- (float) (((double) dir->vOrigin) / dir->nEntries),
- (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ?
- ***************
- *** 904,910 ****
- --- 944,956 ----
- float f;
- f = ((double) new) / dir->nEntries;
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- w,
- f,
- (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ?
- ***************
- *** 1000,1006 ****
- --- 1046,1058 ----
- float f;
- f = ((double) new) / dir->nChars;
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- w,
- f,
- (float) (((double) ((dir->nChars < SFcharsPerEntry) ?
- ***************
- *** 1029,1037 ****
- --- 1081,1097 ----
- int n;
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- XwTextPosition pos;
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtTextPosition pos;
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawTextPosition pos;
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR)
- ***************
- *** 1067,1075 ****
- --- 1127,1143 ----
- }
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- XwTextSetInsertPos(selFileField, pos);
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtTextSetInsertionPoint(selFileField, pos);
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawTextSetInsertionPoint(selFileField, pos);
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- }
- ***************
- *** 1122,1128 ****
- --- 1190,1202 ----
- float f;
- f = ((double) new) / SFdirEnd;
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- w,
- f,
- (float) (((double) ((SFdirEnd < 3) ? SFdirEnd : 3)) /
- *** ../old/Imakefile Mon Jan 29 13:56:48 1990
- --- Imakefile Mon Jan 29 13:58:18 1990
- ***************
- *** 15,20 ****
- --- 15,25 ----
- #
- #
- + # By default, the program compiles correctly in the R4 environment, where Xaw
- + # header files are under <X11/Xaw/>. To compile in an earlier environment, use:
- + #
- + #
- # Normally, the program should be linked with the R3 or a later version of the
- # Xt Intrinsics, but it can be linked with the R2 Xt by defining the following:
- #
- ***************
- *** 32,37 ****
- --- 37,43 ----
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- + DEFINES = CompatibilityFlags
- SRCS = xdir.c SelFile.c Dir.c Path.c Draw.c
- OBJS = xdir.o SelFile.o Dir.o Path.o Draw.o
- *** ../old/Path.c Mon Jan 29 13:57:09 1990
- --- Path.c Mon Jan 29 13:58:19 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Path.c,v 1.10 89/09/28 16:33:57 erik Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- --- 1,5 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Path.c,v 1.2 89/12/15 11:59:24 kit Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- ***************
- *** 39,48 ****
- --- 39,56 ----
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/ScrollBar.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Scroll.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- #if defined(SYSV) || defined(USG)
- ***************
- *** 684,690 ****
- --- 692,704 ----
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNsliderOrigin, SFdirPtr); i++;
- XtSetValues(selFileHScroll, arglist, i);
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- selFileHScroll,
- (float) (((double) SFdirPtr) / SFdirEnd),
- (float) (((double) ((SFdirEnd < 3) ? SFdirEnd : 3)) /
- ***************
- *** 738,750 ****
- --- 752,775 ----
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- {
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtTextBlock text;
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawTextBlock text;
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- text.firstPos = 0;
- text.length = strlen(path);
- text.ptr = path;
- text.format = FMT8BIT;
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtTextReplace(selFileField, 0, strlen(SFtextBuffer), &text);
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawTextReplace(selFileField, 0, strlen(SFtextBuffer), &text);
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- }
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- *** ../old/SFinternal.h Mon Jan 29 13:56:50 1990
- --- SFinternal.h Mon Jan 29 13:58:19 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,4 ****
- ! /* $Header: SFinternal.h,v 1.6 89/08/30 15:59:46 erik Exp $ */
- /*
- * Copyright 1989 Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
- --- 1,4 ----
- ! /* $Header: SFinternal.h,v 1.7 89/10/31 18:36:41 erik Exp $ */
- /*
- * Copyright 1989 Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
- ***************
- *** 30,40 ****
- --- 30,49 ----
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/TextEdit.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Text.h>
- #include <X11/AsciiText.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Text.h>
- + #include <X11/Xaw/AsciiText.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- #define SEL_FILE_CANCEL -1
- ***************
- *** 94,102 ****
- --- 103,119 ----
- extern XSegment SFsegs[], SFcompletionSegs[];
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- extern XwTextPosition SFtextPos;
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- extern XtTextPosition SFtextPos;
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + extern XawTextPosition SFtextPos;
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- extern void
- *** ../old/SelFile.c Mon Jan 29 13:57:06 1990
- --- SelFile.c Mon Jan 29 13:58:19 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: SelFile.c,v 1.13 89/10/27 15:41:26 erik Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- --- 1,5 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: SelFile.c,v 1.2 89/12/15 11:59:32 kit Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- ***************
- *** 54,84 ****
- --- 54,116 ----
- #include <X11/Shell.h>
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWFORM)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/Form.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWFORM) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Form.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWFORM) */
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWPUSHBUTTON)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/PButton.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWPUSHBUTTON) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Command.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWPUSHBUTTON) */
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/ScrollBar.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Scroll.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSCROLLBAR) */
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSTATICTEXT)
- +
- #include <Xw/Xw.h>
- #include <Xw/SText.h>
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSTATICTEXT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- #include <X11/Label.h>
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + #include <X11/Xaw/Label.h>
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWSTATICTEXT) */
- #include "SFinternal.h"
- ***************
- *** 123,131 ****
- --- 155,171 ----
- XSegment SFsegs[2], SFcompletionSegs[2];
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- XwTextPosition SFtextPos;
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtTextPosition SFtextPos;
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XawTextPosition SFtextPos;
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- int SFupperX, SFlowerY, SFupperY;
- ***************
- *** 341,347 ****
- u_char cstr[256];
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_JAPANESE */
- ! Arg arglist[20];
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- SFfieldData *data;
- --- 381,387 ----
- u_char cstr[256];
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_JAPANESE */
- ! Arg arglist[24];
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- SFfieldData *data;
- ***************
- *** 488,493 ****
- --- 528,535 ----
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNstring, SFtextBuffer); i++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNlength, MAXPATHLEN); i++;
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNeditType, XttextEdit); i++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNtextOptions, 0 |
- editable |
- ***************
- *** 494,501 ****
- --- 536,555 ----
- resizeHeight |
- wordBreak |
- 0); i++;
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); i++;
- + XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNwrap, XawtextWrapWord); i++;
- + XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNresize, XawtextResizeHeight); i++;
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- selFileField = XtCreateManagedWidget("selFileField",
- asciiStringWidgetClass, selFileForm, arglist, i);
- + #else
- + selFileField = XtCreateManagedWidget("selFileField",
- + asciiTextWidgetClass, selFileForm, arglist, i);
- + #endif
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- XtOverrideTranslations(selFileField,
- ***************
- *** 930,938 ****
- --- 984,1000 ----
- (void) strcpy(SFcurrentPath, SFtextBuffer);
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- SFtextPos = XwTextGetInsertPos(selFileField);
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- SFtextPos = XtTextGetInsertionPoint(selFileField);
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + SFtextPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(selFileField);
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- } else {
- ***************
- *** 939,949 ****
- --- 1001,1020 ----
- (void) strcat(strcpy(SFcurrentPath, SFstartDir), SFtextBuffer);
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- +
- SFtextPos = XwTextGetInsertPos(selFileField) +
- strlen(SFstartDir);
- +
- #else /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- +
- + #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- SFtextPos = XtTextGetInsertionPoint(selFileField) +
- strlen(SFstartDir);
- + #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- + SFtextPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(selFileField) +
- + strlen(SFstartDir);
- + #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- +
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- }