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- From: kent@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM (Kent Landfield)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v05i070: xdir -- Directory Browser, Patch4
- Message-ID: <651@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM>
- Date: 4 Feb 90 08:57:05 GMT
- Approved: kent@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM (Kent Landfield)
- Submitted-by: Erik M. van der Poel <uunet!kddlab!sran8.sra.co.jp!erik>
- Posting-number: Volume 5, Issue 70
- Archive-name: xdir/patch4
- Patch-To: xdir: Volume 4, Issue 14-15,97
- Patch-To: xdir: Volume 5, Issue 14,69
- This is the fourth set of patches for the SelFile directory browser
- package.
- These patches are for people with patchlevel 3, which is the version
- that appears in R4 (contrib/clients/selfile).
- * The R4 Athena Text widget now uses XtNuseStringInPlace.
- * In R4, the Athena Text widget does not set the insertion point
- after replacing text.
- * XawScrollBarSetThumb -> XawScrollbarSetThumb
- * The name of the sample program has been changed from xdir to
- selfile, to avoid conflict with Win Treese's xdir.
- * The patchlevel.h file has been updated to patch level four.
- --
- Erik M. van der Poel erik@sra.co.jp (Japan)
- SRA, 1-1-1 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku erik%sra.co.jp@uunet.uu.net (USA)
- Tokyo 102 Japan. TEL +81-3-234-2692 erik%sra.co.jp@mcvax.uucp (Europe)
- Prereq: 3
- *** ../old/patchlevel.h Mon Jan 29 13:58:20 1990
- --- patchlevel.h Mon Jan 29 14:08:12 1990
- ***************
- *** 1 ****
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 3
- --- 1 ----
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 4
- *** ../old/Draw.c Mon Jan 29 13:58:18 1990
- --- Draw.c Mon Jan 29 14:08:10 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Draw.c,v 1.2 89/12/15 11:59:08 kit Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- --- 1,5 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Draw.c,v 1.13 90/01/29 13:36:45 erik Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- ***************
- *** 235,241 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- --- 235,241 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- ***************
- *** 249,255 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileHScrolls[n],
- --- 249,255 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileHScrolls[n],
- ***************
- *** 266,274 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(selFileVScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- --- 266,274 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(selFileVScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0,
- (float) 1.0);
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ***************
- *** 342,348 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- --- 342,348 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- ***************
- *** 648,654 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- --- 648,654 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileVScrolls[n],
- ***************
- *** 948,954 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- w,
- --- 948,954 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- w,
- ***************
- *** 1050,1056 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- w,
- --- 1050,1056 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- w,
- ***************
- *** 1194,1200 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- w,
- --- 1194,1200 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- w,
- *** ../old/Imakefile Mon Jan 29 13:58:18 1990
- --- Imakefile Mon Jan 29 14:08:11 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #
- ! # This file describes how to build xdir, a simple application that uses the
- # XsraSelFile file selection dialog package.
- #
- # The program is linked with Athena widgets (Xaw) by default. It can be linked
- --- 1,5 ----
- #
- ! # This file describes how to build selfile, a simple application that uses the
- # XsraSelFile file selection dialog package.
- #
- # The program is linked with Athena widgets (Xaw) by default. It can be linked
- ***************
- *** 37,43 ****
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- - DEFINES = CompatibilityFlags
- SRCS = xdir.c SelFile.c Dir.c Path.c Draw.c
- OBJS = xdir.o SelFile.o Dir.o Path.o Draw.o
- --- 37,42 ----
- ***************
- *** 46,51 ****
- ! ComplexProgramTarget(xdir)
- NormalLintTarget($(SRCS))
- --- 45,50 ----
- ! ComplexProgramTarget(selfile)
- NormalLintTarget($(SRCS))
- *** ../old/Makefile Mon Jan 29 13:58:18 1990
- --- Makefile Mon Jan 29 14:08:11 1990
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- SRCS = SelFile.c Dir.c Path.c Draw.c
- OBJS = SelFile.o Dir.o Path.o Draw.o
- ! xdir: xdir.o $(OBJS)
- # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) xdir.o $(OBJS) -lXw -lXt -lX11 -o $@
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) xdir.o $(OBJS) -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -o $@
- --- 7,13 ----
- SRCS = SelFile.c Dir.c Path.c Draw.c
- OBJS = SelFile.o Dir.o Path.o Draw.o
- ! selfile: xdir.o $(OBJS)
- # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) xdir.o $(OBJS) -lXw -lXt -lX11 -o $@
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) xdir.o $(OBJS) -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -o $@
- ***************
- *** 15,18 ****
- lint -auxz $(CFLAGS) xdir.c $(SRCS)
- clean:
- ! rm -f xdir *.o core a.out
- --- 15,18 ----
- lint -auxz $(CFLAGS) xdir.c $(SRCS)
- clean:
- ! rm -f selfile *.o core a.out
- *** ../old/Path.c Mon Jan 29 13:58:19 1990
- --- Path.c Mon Jan 29 14:08:11 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Path.c,v 1.2 89/12/15 11:59:24 kit Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- --- 1,5 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: Path.c,v 1.12 90/01/29 13:46:27 erik Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- ***************
- *** 696,702 ****
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollBarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileHScroll,
- --- 696,702 ----
- XtScrollBarSetThumb(
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- ! XawScrollbarSetThumb(
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- selFileHScroll,
- ***************
- *** 768,773 ****
- --- 768,774 ----
- XtTextReplace(selFileField, 0, strlen(SFtextBuffer), &text);
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- XawTextReplace(selFileField, 0, strlen(SFtextBuffer), &text);
- + XawTextSetInsertionPoint(selFileField, strlen(SFtextBuffer));
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- }
- *** ../old/SelFile.c Mon Jan 29 13:58:19 1990
- --- SelFile.c Mon Jan 29 14:08:11 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,5 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: SelFile.c,v 1.2 89/12/15 11:59:32 kit Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- --- 1,5 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: SelFile.c,v 1.15 90/01/29 13:48:28 erik Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- ***************
- *** 381,387 ****
- u_char cstr[256];
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_JAPANESE */
- ! Arg arglist[24];
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- SFfieldData *data;
- --- 381,387 ----
- u_char cstr[256];
- #endif /* def SEL_FILE_JAPANESE */
- ! Arg arglist[20];
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)
- SFfieldData *data;
- ***************
- *** 536,554 ****
- resizeHeight |
- wordBreak |
- 0); i++;
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); i++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNwrap, XawtextWrapWord); i++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNresize, XawtextResizeHeight); i++;
- ! #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- !
- ! #ifdef SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU
- selFileField = XtCreateManagedWidget("selFileField",
- - asciiStringWidgetClass, selFileForm, arglist, i);
- - #else
- - selFileField = XtCreateManagedWidget("selFileField",
- asciiTextWidgetClass, selFileForm, arglist, i);
- ! #endif
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- --- 536,551 ----
- resizeHeight |
- wordBreak |
- 0); i++;
- + selFileField = XtCreateManagedWidget("selFileField",
- + asciiStringWidgetClass, selFileForm, arglist, i);
- #else /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); i++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNwrap, XawtextWrapWord); i++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNresize, XawtextResizeHeight); i++;
- ! XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNuseStringInPlace, True); i++;
- selFileField = XtCreateManagedWidget("selFileField",
- asciiTextWidgetClass, selFileForm, arglist, i);
- ! #endif /* def SEL_FILE_PRE_R4_XAW_XMU */
- #endif /* defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT) */
- *** ../old/SFinternal.h Mon Jan 29 13:58:19 1990
- --- SFinternal.h Mon Jan 29 14:08:11 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,4 ****
- ! /* $Header: SFinternal.h,v 1.7 89/10/31 18:36:41 erik Exp $ */
- /*
- * Copyright 1989 Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
- --- 1,4 ----
- ! /* $Header: SFinternal.h,v 1.8 89/12/02 13:12:03 erik Exp $ */
- /*
- * Copyright 1989 Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
- ***************
- *** 27,32 ****
- --- 27,33 ----
- */
- #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- + #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #if defined(SEL_FILE_XW) || defined(SEL_FILE_XWTEXTEDIT)