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- /* xbitmap.c:
- *
- * at one time this was XRdBitF.c. it bears very little resemblence to it
- * now. that was ugly code. this is cleaner, faster, and more reliable
- * in most cases.
- *
- * jim frost 10.06.89
- *
- * Copyright, 1987, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- *
- * Copyright 1989 Jim Frost. See included file "copyright.h" for complete
- * copyright information.
- */
- #include "mit.cpyrght"
- #include "copyright.h"
- #include "xloadimage.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- char *rindex();
- #define MAX_SIZE 255
- static short HexTable[256]; /* conversion value */
- static unsigned int Initialized= 0; /* easier to fill in at run time */
- #define b0000 0 /* things make more sense if you see them by bit */
- #define b0001 1
- #define b0010 2
- #define b0011 3
- #define b0100 4
- #define b0101 5
- #define b0110 6
- #define b0111 7
- #define b1000 8
- #define b1001 9
- #define b1010 10
- #define b1011 11
- #define b1100 12
- #define b1101 13
- #define b1110 14
- #define b1111 15
- #define HEXSTART -1
- #define HEXDELIM -2
- #define HEXBAD -3
- /* build a hex digit value table with the bits inverted
- */
- static void initHexTable()
- { int a;
- for (a= 0; a < 256; a++)
- HexTable[a]= HEXBAD;
- HexTable['0']= b0000;
- HexTable['1']= b1000;
- HexTable['2']= b0100;
- HexTable['3']= b1100;
- HexTable['4']= b0010;
- HexTable['5']= b1010;
- HexTable['6']= b0110;
- HexTable['7']= b1110;
- HexTable['8']= b0001;
- HexTable['9']= b1001;
- HexTable['A']= b0101; HexTable['a']= HexTable['A'];
- HexTable['B']= b1101; HexTable['b']= HexTable['B'];
- HexTable['C']= b0011; HexTable['c']= HexTable['C'];
- HexTable['D']= b1011; HexTable['d']= HexTable['D'];
- HexTable['E']= b0111; HexTable['e']= HexTable['E'];
- HexTable['F']= b1111; HexTable['f']= HexTable['F'];
- HexTable['x']= HEXSTART;
- HexTable['\r']= HEXDELIM;
- HexTable['\n']= HEXDELIM;
- HexTable['\t']= HEXDELIM;
- HexTable[' ']= HEXDELIM;
- HexTable[',']= HEXDELIM;
- HexTable['}']= HEXDELIM;
- Initialized = 1;
- }
- /* read a hex value and return its value
- */
- static int nextInt(zf)
- ZFILE *zf;
- { int c;
- int value= 0;
- int shift= 0;
- for (;;) {
- c= zgetc(zf);
- if (c == EOF)
- return(-1);
- else {
- c= HexTable[c & 0xff];
- switch(c) {
- case HEXSTART:
- shift= 0; /* reset shift counter */
- break;
- case HEXDELIM:
- if (shift)
- return(value);
- break;
- case HEXBAD:
- return(-1);
- default:
- value += (c << shift);
- shift += 4;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void badFile(name)
- char *name;
- {
- printf("%s: bad X bitmap file\n", name);
- exit(1);
- }
- Image *xbitmapLoad(fullname, name, verbose)
- char *fullname, *name;
- unsigned int verbose;
- { ZFILE *zf;
- Image *image;
- char line[MAX_SIZE];
- char name_and_type[MAX_SIZE];
- char *type;
- int value;
- int v10p;
- unsigned int linelen, dlinelen;
- unsigned int x, y;
- unsigned int w, h;
- byte *dataptr;
- if (!Initialized)
- initHexTable();
- if (! (zf= zopen(fullname)))
- return(NULL);
- /* get width/height values */
- while (zgets(line, MAX_SIZE, zf)) {
- if (strlen(line) == MAX_SIZE-1) {
- fclose(zf);
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* width/height/hot_x/hot_y scanning
- */
- if (sscanf(line,"#define %s %d", name_and_type, &value) == 2) {
- if (!(type = rindex(name_and_type, '_')))
- type = name_and_type;
- else
- type++;
- if (!strcmp("width", type))
- w= (unsigned int)value;
- if (!strcmp("height", type))
- h= (unsigned int)value;
- }
- /* if start of data, determine if it's X10 or X11 data and break
- */
- if (sscanf(line, "static short %s = {", name_and_type) == 1) {
- v10p = 1;
- break;
- }
- if ((sscanf(line,"static unsigned char %s = {", name_and_type) == 1) ||
- (sscanf(line, "static char %s = {", name_and_type) == 1)) {
- v10p = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!w || !h)
- return(NULL);
- image= newBitImage(w, h);
- /* get title of bitmap if any
- */
- if ((type = rindex(name_and_type, '_')) && !strcmp("bits[]", type + 1)) {
- *type= '\0';
- image->title= dupString(name_and_type);
- }
- /* read bitmap data
- */
- linelen= (w / 8) + (w % 8 ? 1 : 0); /* internal line length */
- if (v10p) {
- dlinelen= (w / 8) + (w % 16 ? 2 : 0);
- dataptr= image->data;
- for (y= 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (x= 0; x < dlinelen; x++) {
- if ((value= nextInt(zf)) < 0) {
- freeImage(image);
- return(NULL);
- }
- *(dataptr++)= value >> 8;
- if (++x < linelen)
- *(dataptr++)= value & 0xff;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- dataptr= image->data;
- for (y= 0; y < h; y++)
- for (x= 0; x < linelen; x++) {
- if ((value= nextInt(zf)) < 0)
- badFile(name);
- *(dataptr++)= value;
- }
- }
- if (verbose) {
- printf("%s is a %dx%d X", name, image->width, image->height);
- if (v10p)
- printf("10");
- else
- printf("11");
- if (image->title)
- printf(" bitmap file titled '%s'", image->title);
- printf("\n");
- }
- return(image);
- }
- /* this is the easiest way to do this. it's not likely we'll have mondo
- * x bitmaps anyway given their size
- */
- int xbitmapIdent(fullname, name)
- char *fullname, *name;
- { Image *image;
- if (image= xbitmapLoad(fullname, name, 1)) {
- freeImage(image);
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }