home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* loadimage.c:
- *
- * generic image loader for X11
- *
- * jim frost 09.27.89
- *
- * Copyright 1989 Jim Frost. See included file "copyright.h" for complete
- * copyright information.
- */
- #include "copyright.h"
- #include "xloadimage.h"
- /* options array and definitions
- */
- char *Options[] = {
- "onroot", /* global options */
- "border",
- "display",
- "geometry",
- "help",
- "identify",
- "list",
- "install",
- "path",
- "quiet",
- "supported",
- "verbose",
- "view",
- "at", /* image options */
- "background",
- "brighten",
- "center",
- "clip",
- "colors",
- "dither",
- "foreground",
- "name",
- "xzoom",
- "yzoom",
- "zoom",
- };
- #define ONROOT 0
- #define BORDER 1
- #define DISPLAY 2
- #define GEOMETRY 3
- #define HELP 4
- #define IDENTIFY 5
- #define LIST 6
- #define INSTALL 7
- #define PATH 8
- #define QUIET 9
- #define SUPPORTED 10
- #define VERBOSE 11
- #define VIEW 12
- #define AT 13
- #define BACKGROUND 14
- #define BRIGHT 15
- #define CENTER 16
- #define CLIP 17
- #define COLORS 18
- #define DITHER 19
- #define FOREGROUND 20
- #define NAME 21
- #define XZOOM 22
- #define YZOOM 23
- #define ZOOM 24
- /* the real thing
- */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- { unsigned int onroot= 1;
- char *border;
- char *dname;
- unsigned int identify;
- unsigned int install;
- unsigned int verbose;
- Image *dispimage; /* image that will be sent to the display */
- Image *newimage; /* new image we're loading */
- Display *disp; /* display we're sending to */
- int scrn; /* screen we're sending to */
- XColor xcolor; /* color for border option */
- ImageOptions images[MAXIMAGES]; /* list of image w/ options to load */
- unsigned int imagecount; /* number of images in ImageName array */
- unsigned int a;
- unsigned int winx, winy; /* location of window */
- unsigned int winwidth, winheight; /* geometry of window */
- if (argc < 2)
- usage(argv[0]);
- /* defaults and other initial settings. some of these depend on what
- * our name was when invoked.
- */
- loadPathsAndExts();
- onroot= 0;
- verbose= 1;
- if (!strcmp(tail(argv[0]), "xview")) {
- onroot= 0;
- verbose= 1;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(tail(argv[0]), "xsetbg")) {
- onroot= 1;
- verbose= 0;
- }
- border= NULL;
- dname= NULL;
- identify= 0;
- install= 0;
- winx= winy= winwidth= winheight= 0;
- imagecount= 0;
- for (a= 1; a < argc; a++) {
- switch (optionNumber(argv[a], Options)) {
- case OPT_BADOPT:
- printf("%s: Bad option\n", argv[a]);
- usage(argv[0]);
- case OPT_NOTOPT:
- if (imagecount == MAXIMAGES)
- printf("%s: Too many images (ignoring)\n", argv[++a]);
- else
- images[imagecount++].name= argv[a];
- break;
- printf("%s: Not enough characters to identify option\n", argv[a]);
- usage(argv[0]);
- /* process options global to everything
- */
- case ONROOT:
- onroot= 1;
- break;
- case BORDER:
- border= argv[++a];
- break;
- case DISPLAY:
- dname= argv[++a];
- break;
- case GEOMETRY:
- XParseGeometry(argv[++a], &winx, &winy, &winwidth, &winheight);
- break;
- case HELP:
- usage(argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- case IDENTIFY:
- identify= 1;
- break;
- case LIST:
- listImages();
- exit(0);
- case INSTALL:
- install= 1;
- break;
- case PATH:
- showPath();
- break;
- case QUIET:
- verbose= 0;
- break;
- supportedImageTypes();
- break;
- case VERBOSE:
- verbose= 1;
- break;
- case VIEW:
- onroot= 0;
- /* process options local to an image
- */
- case AT:
- if (sscanf(argv[++a], "%d,%d",
- &images[imagecount].atx, &images[imagecount].aty) != 2) {
- printf("Bad argument to -at\n");
- usage(argv[0]);
- }
- break;
- images[imagecount].bg= argv[++a];
- break;
- case BRIGHT:
- images[imagecount].bright= atoi(argv[++a]);
- break;
- case CENTER:
- images[imagecount].center= 1;
- break;
- case CLIP:
- if (sscanf(argv[++a], "%d,%d,%d,%d",
- &images[imagecount].clipx, &images[imagecount].clipy,
- &images[imagecount].clipw, &images[imagecount].cliph) != 4) {
- printf("Bad argument to -clip\n");
- usage(argv[0]);
- }
- break;
- case COLORS:
- images[imagecount].colors= atoi(argv[++a]);
- if (images[imagecount].colors < 2) {
- printf("Argument to -colors is too low (ignored)\n");
- images[imagecount].colors= 0;
- }
- else if (images[imagecount].colors > 65536) {
- printf("Argument to -colors is too high (ignored)\n");
- images[imagecount].colors= 0;
- }
- break;
- case DITHER:
- images[imagecount].dither= 1;
- break;
- images[imagecount].fg= argv[++a];
- break;
- case NAME:
- if (imagecount == MAXIMAGES)
- printf("%s: Too many images (ignoring)\n", argv[++a]);
- else
- images[imagecount++].name= argv[++a];
- break;
- case XZOOM:
- images[imagecount].xzoom= atoi(argv[++a]);
- break;
- case YZOOM:
- images[imagecount].yzoom= atoi(argv[++a]);
- break;
- case ZOOM:
- images[imagecount].xzoom= images[imagecount].yzoom= atoi(argv[++a]);
- break;
- default:
- /* this should not happen!
- */
- printf("%s: Internal error parsing arguments\n", argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (!imagecount) /* NO-OP from here on */
- exit(0);
- if (identify) { /* identify the named image(s) */
- for (a= 0; a < imagecount; a++)
- identifyImage(images[a].name);
- exit(0);
- }
- /* start talking to the display
- */
- if (! (disp= XOpenDisplay(dname))) {
- printf("%s: Cannot open display\n", XDisplayName(dname));
- exit(1);
- }
- scrn= DefaultScreen(disp);
- XSetIOErrorHandler(ioErrorHandler);
- dispimage= NULL;
- if (onroot && (winwidth || winheight || images[0].center ||
- images[a].atx || images[a].aty)) {
- if (!winwidth)
- winwidth= DisplayWidth(disp, scrn);
- if (!winheight)
- winheight= DisplayHeight(disp, scrn);
- if (DefaultDepth(disp, scrn) == 1)
- dispimage= newBitImage(winwidth, winheight);
- else {
- dispimage= newRGBImage(winwidth, winheight, DefaultDepth(disp, scrn));
- dispimage->rgb.used= 1;
- }
- *(dispimage->rgb.red)= 65535; /* default border value is white */
- *(dispimage->rgb.green)= 65535;
- *(dispimage->rgb.blue)= 65535;
- if (border) {
- XParseColor(disp, DefaultColormap(disp, scrn), border, &xcolor);
- *dispimage->rgb.red= xcolor.red;
- *dispimage->rgb.green= xcolor.green;
- *dispimage->rgb.blue= xcolor.blue;
- }
- fill(dispimage, 0, 0, winwidth, winheight, 0, verbose);
- }
- /* load in each named image
- */
- for (a= 0; a < imagecount; a++) {
- if (! (newimage= loadImage(images[a].name, verbose)))
- continue;
- if ((dispimage && BITMAPP(dispimage)) || (DefaultDepth(disp, scrn) == 1))
- images[a].dither= 1;
- newimage= processImage(disp, scrn, newimage, &images[a], verbose);
- if (!images[a].clipw && !images[a].cliph) {
- images[a].clipw= newimage->width;
- images[a].cliph= newimage->height;
- }
- if (images[a].center) {
- images[a].atx= (dispimage->width - images[a].clipw) / 2;
- images[a].aty= (dispimage->height - images[a].cliph) / 2;
- }
- if (dispimage) {
- if (! dispimage->title)
- dispimage->title= dupString(newimage->title);
- merge(dispimage, newimage, images[a].atx, images[a].aty, verbose);
- freeImage(newimage);
- }
- else
- dispimage= newimage;
- }
- if (! dispimage) {
- printf("No images to display\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (onroot)
- imageOnRoot(disp, scrn, dispimage, install, verbose);
- else
- imageInWindow(disp, scrn, dispimage, winx, winy, winwidth, winheight,
- install, verbose);
- XCloseDisplay(disp);
- }