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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU)
- * January 1985.
- * 1st revision : Aug 1985.
- *
- * %W% %G%
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #define GLOBAL /* force resources and font to allocate space */
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "font.h"
- #undef GLOBAL
- #include "const.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- /********************** canvas variables ************************/
- int (*canvas_kbd_proc)();
- int (*canvas_locmove_proc)();
- int (*canvas_leftbut_proc)();
- int (*canvas_middlebut_proc)();
- int (*canvas_rightbut_proc)();
- int (*return_proc)();
- int fix_x, fix_y;
- int cur_x, cur_y;
- int action_on = 0;
- int pointmarker_shown = 0;
- int compoundbox_shown = 0;
- int num_point;
- F_point *first_point, *cur_point;
- /************************ Objects **********************/
- /*
- Object_tails (not always) point to the last objects in each linked list
- in objects. It is used to speed up an undo-read action. When a file
- is read, the lists of the objects read are stored in saved_objects
- and the pointers to tails of the lists in objects would kept in object_tails
- the "next" members of the tail objects point to the lists in saved_objects.
- To undo, one would only set all the "next" of tail object to NULL;
- Object_tails is also used for speeding up the undo of compound breaking
- action in similar fashion.
- */
- F_compound object_tails = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
- F_compound objects = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
- F_compound saved_objects = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
- F_compound *saved_compound = NULL; /* Saved the broken compound */
- /************************* Undo variables **********************/
- int last_action = F_NULL;
- int last_object;
- int last_axis;
- int last_rotateangle;
- struct {int x, y;} last_position, new_position;
- F_point *moved_point;
- F_point *deleted_point;
- F_point *added_point;
- F_point *left_point;
- F_point *right_point;
- int movedpoint_num;
- /*************************** Modes ****************************/
- int manhattan_mode = 0;
- int mountain_mode = 0;
- int autoforwardarrow_mode = 0;
- int autobackwardarrow_mode = 0;
- int latexline_mode = 0;
- int latexarrow_mode = 0;
- int magnet_mode = 0;
- int line_thickness = 1;
- int line_style = SOLID_LINE;
- int cur_radius = 7;
- int pen_size = 0;
- int pen_type = 0;
- int flip_axis = -1;
- int rotate_angle = 0;
- int fill_mode = 0;
- int print_landscape = 0; /* def. orientation for printer */
- int size_button; /* font size button value */
- int font_button = 0; /* font button value */
- int type_button = T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED; /* text type button value */
- int cur_font; /* font of current text object */
- int cur_fontsize; /* size of current text object font */
- int cur_areafill = 1;
- float cur_dashlength = 4;
- float cur_dotgap = 3;
- float cur_styleval = 0.0;
- float cur_angle = 0.0;
- int cur_color = BLACK;
- int cur_textstyle = PLAIN;
- int cur_textjust = T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED;
- /* line thicknesses for each gc */
- int gc_thickness[NUMOPS] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
- int gc_line_style[NUMOPS] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
- /************************* Flags/Resources *******************************/
- int cur_command = -1;
- /* Resources */
- appresStruct appres;
- /************************ Status ****************************/
- char directory[1024];
- char current_file[200] = "";
- int cur_printer=0;
- char *printer="";
- char *printer_list[MAXPRINTERS]={"Specify","Default","File"};
- int figure_modified = 0;
- /************************ Error messages ****************************/
- char Err_incomp[] = "Incomplete %s object at line %d.";
- char Err_mem[] = "Running out of memory.";
- /************************ Routines ****************************/
- null_proc()
- {
- }
- set_modifiedflag()
- {
- figure_modified = 1;
- }
- set_action_on()
- {
- action_on = 1;
- }
- reset_action_on()
- {
- action_on = 0;
- }
- reset_cursor()
- {
- XDefineCursor(tool_d, canvas_win, (Cursor)cur_cursor->bitmap);
- }
- set_temp_cursor(cursor)
- CURSOR cursor;
- {
- XDefineCursor(tool_d, canvas_win, (Cursor)cursor->bitmap);
- }
- set_cursor(cursor)
- CURSOR cursor;
- {
- cur_cursor = cursor;
- XDefineCursor(tool_d, canvas_win, (Cursor)cursor->bitmap);
- }
- set_lastaxis(a)
- int a;
- {
- last_axis = a;
- }
- set_lastangle(a)
- int a;
- {
- last_rotateangle = a;
- }
- set_lastposition(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- last_position.x = x;
- last_position.y = y;
- }
- set_action(action)
- int action;
- {
- last_action = action;
- }
- set_action_object(action, object)
- int action, object;
- {
- last_action = action;
- last_object = object;
- }
- /*
- Clean_up should be called before committing a user's request.
- Clean_up will attempt to free all the allocated memories which
- resulted from delete/remove action. It will set the last_action
- to F_NULL. Thus this routine should be before set_action_object().
- if they are to be called in the same routine.
- */
- clean_up()
- {
- if (last_action == F_REMOVE) {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_ARC :
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND :
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_POLYLINE :
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_TEXT :
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT :
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (last_action == F_DELETE_POINT) {
- free((char*)deleted_point);
- deleted_point = NULL;
- }
- else if (last_action == F_REMOVE_ALL || last_action == F_EDIT) {
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- }
- else if (last_action == F_BREAK) {
- free_compound(&saved_compound);
- }
- else if (last_action == F_CREATE) {
- saved_objects.arcs = NULL;
- saved_objects.compounds = NULL;
- saved_objects.ellipses = NULL;
- saved_objects.lines = NULL;
- saved_objects.splines = NULL;
- saved_objects.texts = NULL;
- }
- else if (last_action == F_TURN) {
- if (last_object == O_POLYLINE) {
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- }
- else { /* last_object == O_SPLINE */
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- }
- }
- last_action = F_NULL;
- }
- set_latestarc(arc)
- F_arc *arc;
- {
- saved_objects.arcs = arc;
- }
- set_latestcompound(compound)
- F_compound *compound;
- {
- saved_objects.compounds = compound;
- }
- set_latestellipse(ellipse)
- F_ellipse *ellipse;
- {
- saved_objects.ellipses = ellipse;
- }
- set_latestline(line)
- F_line *line;
- {
- saved_objects.lines = line;
- }
- set_latestspline(spline)
- F_spline *spline;
- {
- saved_objects.splines = spline;
- }
- set_latesttext(text)
- F_text *text;
- {
- saved_objects.texts = text;
- }