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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU)
- * January 1985.
- * 1st revision : Aug 1985.
- * 2nd revision : Feb 1988.
- *
- * %W% %G%
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "const.h"
- #include "font.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- extern (*canvas_kbd_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_locmove_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_leftbut_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_middlebut_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_rightbut_proc)();
- extern null_proc();
- extern char *calloc();
- extern set_popupmenu();
- extern F_text *text_search();
- extern PIX_FONT lookfont();
- extern int font_button, size_button;
- extern int type_button;
- extern int cur_font, cur_fontsize;
- extern char_handler();
- extern int cur_x, cur_y;
- extern char prefix[], suffix[];
- extern int leng_prefix, leng_suffix;
- extern int cur_color;
- extern int cur_textstyle;
- extern int cur_textjust;
- extern float cur_angle;
- extern F_compound objects;
- static int char_ht, char_wid;
- static int base_x, base_y;
- static F_text *cur_text;
- static PR_SIZE tsize;
- static PR_SIZE ssize;
- F_text *create_text();
- static finish_text_input();
- static finish_n_start();
- static init_text_input();
- static wrap_up();
- static
- finish_n_start(x, y)
- {
- wrap_up();
- init_text_input(x, y);
- }
- static
- finish_text_input()
- {
- wrap_up();
- text_drawing_selected();
- }
- static
- wrap_up()
- {
- PR_SIZE size;
- int kbd_received;
- reset_action_on();
- kbd_received = terminate_char_handler();
- if ( ! kbd_received) return;
- if (cur_text == NULL) { /* a brand new text */
- if (leng_prefix == 0) return;
- cur_text = create_text();
- insert_text(&objects.texts, cur_text);
- }
- else { /* existing text modified */
- strcat(prefix, suffix);
- leng_prefix += leng_suffix;
- if (leng_prefix == 0) {
- delete_text(&objects.texts, cur_text);
- cfree(cur_text->cstring);
- free((char*)cur_text);
- return;
- }
- if (strlen(cur_text->cstring) >= leng_prefix) {
- strcpy(cur_text->cstring, prefix);
- }
- else { /* free old and allocate new */
- cfree(cur_text->cstring);
- cur_text->cstring = calloc((unsigned)(leng_prefix+1), sizeof(char));
- if (cur_text->cstring != NULL)
- strcpy(cur_text->cstring, prefix);
- }
- size = pf_textwidth(cur_text->font, cur_text->size, leng_prefix, prefix);
- cur_text->height = size.y;
- cur_text->length = size.x; /* in pixels */
- }
- draw_text(cur_text, PAINT);
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_TEXT, O_TEXT);
- set_latesttext(cur_text);
- set_modifiedflag();
- }
- static
- init_text_input(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- int basx;
- cur_x = x;
- cur_y = y;
- set_action_on();
- canvas_kbd_proc = char_handler;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = finish_text_input;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = finish_n_start;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
- /* set current font info to indicator button settings */
- cur_fontsize = size_button;
- cur_font = font_button;
- cur_textjust = type_button;
- /* load the X font and get its id for this font, size */
- canvas_font = lookfont(cur_font, cur_fontsize);
- char_ht = char_height(canvas_font);
- char_wid = char_width(canvas_font);
- if ((cur_text = text_search(cur_x, cur_y)) == NULL) { /* new text input */
- leng_prefix = leng_suffix = 0;
- *suffix = 0;
- prefix[leng_prefix] = '\0';
- base_x = cur_x;
- base_y = cur_y;
- }
- else { /* clicked on existing text */
- /* leng_prefix is # of char in the text before the cursor */
- leng_suffix = strlen(cur_text->cstring);
- basx = cur_text->base_x;
- if (cur_text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED)
- basx -= cur_text->length/2;
- else if (cur_text->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED)
- basx -= cur_text->length;
- leng_prefix = prefix_length(cur_text->cstring, cur_x - basx);
- leng_suffix -= leng_prefix;
- cpy_n_char(prefix, cur_text->cstring, leng_prefix);
- strcpy(suffix, &cur_text->cstring[leng_prefix]);
- tsize = pf_textwidth(cur_text->font, cur_text->size, leng_prefix, prefix);
- ssize = pf_textwidth(cur_text->font, cur_text->size, leng_suffix, suffix);
- cur_x = base_x = basx;
- cur_y = base_y = cur_text->base_y;
- cur_x += tsize.x;
- cur_font = cur_text->font;
- cur_fontsize = cur_text->size;
- cur_textjust = cur_text->type;
- }
- initialize_char_handler(canvas_win, finish_text_input,
- base_x, base_y);
- }
- /* This procedure is called before any other text stuff here */
- text_drawing_selected()
- {
- canvas_kbd_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = init_text_input;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = set_popupmenu;
- set_cursor(&pencil_cursor);
- }
- F_text *
- create_text()
- {
- F_text *text;
- PR_SIZE size;
- if ((Text_malloc(text)) == NULL) {
- put_msg(Err_mem);
- return(NULL);
- }
- text->cstring = calloc((unsigned)(leng_prefix+1), sizeof(char));
- if (text->cstring == NULL) {
- put_msg(Err_mem);
- free((char *)text);
- return(NULL);
- }
- text->type = cur_textjust;;
- text->font = cur_font; /* put in current font number */
- text->size = cur_fontsize; /* added 9/25/89 B.V.Smith */
- text->angle = cur_angle;
- text->style = cur_textstyle;
- text->color = cur_color;
- text->depth = 0;
- text->pen = 0;
- size = pf_textwidth(text->font, text->size, leng_prefix, prefix);
- text->length = size.x; /* in pixels */
- text->height = size.y; /* in pixels */
- text->base_x = base_x;
- text->base_y = base_y;
- strcpy(text->cstring, prefix);
- text->next = NULL;
- return(text);
- }
- cpy_n_char(dst, src, n)
- char *dst, *src;
- int n;
- {
- /* src must be longer than n chars */
- while (n--) *dst++ = *src++;
- *dst = '\0';
- }
- int
- prefix_length(string, where_p)
- char *string;
- int where_p;
- {
- /* c stands for character unit and p for pixel unit */
- int l, len_c, len_p;
- int char_wid, where_c;
- PR_SIZE size;
- if (canvas_font == NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"Error, in prefix_length, canvas_font = NULL\n");
- len_c = strlen(string);
- size = pf_textwidth(cur_text->font, cur_text->size, len_c, string);
- len_p = size.x;
- if (where_p >= len_p) return(len_c); /* entire string is the preffix */
- char_wid = char_width(canvas_font);
- where_c = where_p / char_wid; /* estimated char position */
- size = pf_textwidth(cur_text->font, cur_text->size, where_c, string);
- l = size.x; /* actual lenght (pixels) of string of where_c chars */
- if (l < where_p) {
- do { /* add the width of next char to l */
- l += (char_wid = char_advance(canvas_font,string[where_c++]));
- } while (l < where_p);
- if (l-(char_wid>>1) >= where_p) where_c--;
- }
- else if (l > where_p) {
- do { /* subtract the width of last char from l */
- l -= (char_wid = char_advance(canvas_font,string[--where_c]));
- } while (l > where_p);
- if (l+(char_wid>>1) >= where_p) where_c++;
- }
- return(where_c);
- }
- draw_text(text, op)
- F_text *text;
- int op;
- {
- PR_SIZE size;
- int x;
- x = text->base_x;
- if (text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED || text->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED)
- {
- size = pf_textwidth(text->font,text->size,strlen(text->cstring),text->cstring);
- if (text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED)
- x -= size.x/2;
- else
- x -= size.x;
- }
- pw_text(canvas_win, x, text->base_y,
- op, text->font, text->size, text->cstring);
- }