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- /*
- * f2hp : Fig-to-HPGL translator
- *
- * Original Copyright (c) 1986 by Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU)
- *
- * Created from f2ps by B.V. Smith 5/90
- *
- * %W% %G%
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #define PAGE_WIDTH (10.250-0.250) /* 10" X plot area (7475A) */
- #define PAGE_HEIGHT (7.796-0.596) /* 7.2" Y plot area */
- #define POINT_PER_INCH 72 /* text ppi */
- #define MAX_COLORS 6 /* number of pens */
- #define DEFAULT_COLOR 0 /* black */
- #define UP 0
- #define DOWN 1
- #define TRANSF_X(x) (x)*scalex
- #define TRANSF_Y(y) (coord_system==2? (ury-(y))*scaley: (y)*scaley)
- char Usage[] = "Usage: %s [-P][-L][-debug][-e scale] [input [output]]\n";
- char *prog;
- int cur_thickness;
- int cur_color= -9;
- int cur_areafill=0;
- int debug = 0;
- int landscape = 1;
- int pen=UP;
- extern int num_object;
- char *from = NULL, *to = NULL;
- FILE *tfp = NULL;
- char Err_incomp[] = "Incomplete %s object at line %d.";
- char Err_mem[] = "Running out of memory.";
- double scale = 1.0;
- double scalex, scaley;
- int coord_system;
- int ppi;
- int llx, lly, urx, ury;
- int fill_type[NUMFILLPATS] = {4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3,
- 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1};
- int fill_spacing[NUMFILLPATS] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
- 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 0};
- int fill_angle[NUMFILLPATS] = {0, 0, 45, 45, 90, 90, 0, 0, 45, 45,
- 90, 90, 0, 0, 45, 45, 90, 90, 0, 0, 0};
- int line_thickness; /* not needed for f2ps, arrow.c needs it for fig */
- get_args(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char *a;
- int first = 1;
- prog = *argv;
- while (--argc) {
- a = *++argv;
- if (*a == '-') {
- if (*++a == 'l' || *a == 'L') { /* Landscape */
- landscape = 1;
- }
- else if (*a == 'p' || *a == 'P') { /* Portrait */
- landscape = 0;
- }
- else if (*a == 'd') /* debug printing */
- debug = 1;
- else if (*a == 'e') { /* Enlarging factor followed */
- if (--argc)
- scale = atof(*++argv);
- else
- goto error_exit;
- }
- else
- goto error_exit;
- }
- else if (first) {
- from = a; /* from file */
- first = 0;
- }
- else if (first == 0) {
- to = a; /* to file */
- first = -1;
- }
- else
- goto error_exit;
- }
- return;
- error_exit:
- fprintf(stderr, Usage, prog);
- exit(1);
- }
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- F_compound objects;
- int status;
- get_args(argc, argv);
- if (to == NULL)
- tfp = stdout;
- else if ((tfp = fopen(to, "w")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't open %s", prog, to);
- fprintf(stderr, Usage, prog);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (from)
- status = read_fig(from, &objects);
- else /* read from stdin */
- status = readfp_fig(stdin, &objects);
- if (status != 0) {
- if (from) read_fail_message(from, status);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- genhp_objects(&objects);
- if (tfp != stdout)
- (void)fclose(tfp);
- exit(0);
- }
- prolog(objects)
- F_compound *objects;
- {
- plotter_on();
- fprintf(tfp, "\033.I80;;17:"); /* set x-on/x-off */
- fprintf(tfp, "\033.N;19:");
- /* **** rotate for portrait mode **** */
- if (!landscape) /* must reset clip window and plotter limits with rotaton */
- fprintf(tfp, "RO 90;IW;IP;\n");
- fprintf(tfp, "SC %d %d %d %d;\n", llx, urx, lly, ury);
- }
- epilog()
- {
- penup();
- fprintf(tfp,"PA %d %d; ",urx,ury);
- fprintf(tfp, "SP;\n");
- plotter_off();
- }
- plotter_on()
- {
- fprintf(tfp,"\033.(\n");
- }
- plotter_off()
- {
- fprintf(tfp,"\033.)\n");
- }
- genhp_objects(objects)
- F_compound *objects;
- {
- F_arc *a;
- F_compound *c;
- F_ellipse *e;
- F_line *l;
- F_spline *s;
- F_text *t;
- int itmp;
- int color;
- /* Compute bounding box of objects */
- compound_bound(objects, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
- if (llx > urx) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: No object",prog);
- return;
- }
- ppi = objects->nwcorner.x; /* ppi */
- coord_system = objects->nwcorner.y; /* 1=y normal, 2=y flipped */
- scalex = scaley = scale; /* user enlarging factor */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* we will just set llx lly etc to plotter area */
- /*************************************************************************/
- llx = lly = 0; /* lower left */
- urx = PAGE_WIDTH*ppi;
- ury = PAGE_HEIGHT*ppi;
- if (!landscape) /* swap x,y */
- {
- itmp = llx; llx = lly; lly = itmp;
- itmp = urx; urx = ury; ury = itmp;
- }
- prolog(objects);
- /* plot color 0 first then 1, ... */
- for (color=-1; color < MAX_COLORS; color++)
- {
- for (a = objects->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next)
- genhp_arc(a,color);
- for (c = objects->compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next)
- genhp_compound(c,color);
- for (e = objects->ellipses; e != NULL; e = e->next)
- genhp_ellipse(e,color);
- for (l = objects->lines; l != NULL; l = l->next)
- genhp_line(l,color);
- for (s = objects->splines; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- genhp_spline(s,color);
- for (t = objects->texts; t != NULL; t = t->next)
- genhp_text(t,color);
- }
- epilog();
- }
- set_style(s, v)
- int s;
- double v;
- {
- if (s == DASH_LINE) {
- if (v > 0.0) fprintf(tfp, "LT 2;\n");
- }
- else if (s == DOTTED_LINE) {
- if (v > 0.0) fprintf(tfp, "LT 1;\n");
- }
- }
- reset_style(s, v)
- int s;
- double v;
- {
- if (s == DASH_LINE) {
- if (v > 0.0) fprintf(tfp, "LT;\n");
- }
- else if (s == DOTTED_LINE) {
- if (v > 0.0) fprintf(tfp, "LT;\n");
- }
- }
- set_areafill(a)
- int a;
- {
- if (cur_areafill == a)
- return;
- cur_areafill = a;
- fprintf(tfp, "FT %d %d %d;\n",
- fill_type[a-1],fill_spacing[a-1],fill_angle[a-1]);
- }
- set_linewidth(w)
- int w;
- {
- cur_thickness = w;
- }
- set_color(c)
- int c;
- {
- if (c < 0)
- if (cur_color == c)
- return;
- cur_color = c;
- fprintf(tfp,"SP %d;\n",c+1);
- }
- moveto(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- penup();
- fprintf(tfp,"PA %.2f %.2f;\n",TRANSF_X(x),TRANSF_Y(y));
- }
- drawto(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- pendown();
- fprintf(tfp,"PA %.2f %.2f;\n",TRANSF_X(x),TRANSF_Y(y));
- }
- f_moveto(x,y)
- double x,y;
- {
- penup();
- fprintf(tfp,"PA %.2lf %.2lf;\n",TRANSF_X(x),TRANSF_Y(y));
- }
- f_drawto(x,y)
- double x,y;
- {
- pendown();
- fprintf(tfp,"PA %.2lf %.2lf;\n",TRANSF_X(x),TRANSF_Y(y));
- }
- penup()
- {
- if (pen != UP)
- fprintf(tfp,"PU; ");
- pen = UP;
- }
- pendown()
- {
- if (pen != DOWN)
- fprintf(tfp,"PD; ");
- pen = DOWN;
- }
- genhp_compound(com,color)
- F_compound *com;
- int color;
- {
- F_arc *a;
- F_compound *c;
- F_ellipse *e;
- F_line *l;
- F_spline *s;
- F_text *t;
- for (a = com->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next)
- genhp_arc(a,color);
- for (c = com->compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next)
- genhp_compound(c,color);
- for (e = com->ellipses; e != NULL; e = e->next)
- genhp_ellipse(e,color);
- for (l = com->lines; l != NULL; l = l->next)
- genhp_line(l,color);
- for (s = com->splines; s != NULL; s = s->next)
- genhp_spline(s,color);
- for (t = com->texts; t != NULL; t = t->next)
- genhp_text(t,color);
- }
- #define FILL_RECT(x,y) fprintf(tfp,"RA %.2f %.2f; ",TRANSF_X((x)),TRANSF_Y((y)))
- #define EDGE_RECT(x,y) fprintf(tfp,"EA %.2f %.2f; ",TRANSF_X((x)),TRANSF_Y((y)))
- #define FILL_WEDGE(r,angle,sweep) fprintf(tfp,"WG %.2f %d %d; ", \
- TRANSF_X(r),(angle),(sweep))
- #define ARC_TO(x,y,angle) fprintf(tfp,"AA %.2f %.2f %d; ", \
- TRANSF_X((x)),TRANSF_Y((y)),(angle))
- #define F_FILL_WEDGE(r,angle,sweep) fprintf(tfp,"WG %.2lf %d %d; ", \
- TRANSF_X(r),(angle),(sweep))
- #define F_ARC_TO(x,y,angle) fprintf(tfp,"AA %.2lf %.2lf %d; ", \
- TRANSF_X((x)),TRANSF_Y((y)),(angle))
- #define CIRCLE(r) fprintf(tfp,"CI %.2f;",TRANSF_X(r))
- genhp_line(l,color)
- F_line *l;
- int color;
- {
- F_point *p, *q;
- int radius,tmp;
- int xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax;
- if (color != l->color)
- return;
- set_linewidth(l->thickness);
- set_color(l->color);
- radius = l->radius; /* radius of rounded-corner boxes */
- p = l->points;
- q = p->next;
- if (q == NULL) { /* A single point line */
- if (l->thickness > 0)
- {
- moveto(p->x,p->y);
- pendown();
- penup();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (l->back_arrow)
- draw_arrow_head((double)q->x, (double)q->y, (double)p->x,
- (double)p->y, l->back_arrow->ht, l->back_arrow->wid);
- set_style(l->style, l->style_val);
- if (l->area_fill)
- set_areafill(l->area_fill);
- xmin = xmax = p->x;
- ymin = ymax = p->y;
- while ((l->type == T_BOX || l->type == T_ARC_BOX) &&
- p->next != NULL) /* find lower left and upper right corners */
- {
- p=p->next;
- if (xmin > p->x)
- xmin = p->x;
- else if (xmax < p->x)
- xmax = p->x;
- if (ymin > p->y)
- ymin = p->y;
- else if (ymax < p->y)
- ymax = p->y;
- }
- if (l->type == T_ARC_BOX) /* rounded-corner box */
- {
- if (l->area_fill)
- {
- moveto(xmin+radius,ymin);
- FILL_RECT(xmax-radius,ymin+radius);
- moveto(xmin,ymin+radius);
- FILL_RECT(xmax,ymax-radius);
- moveto(xmin+radius,ymax-radius);
- FILL_RECT(xmax-radius,ymax);
- /* now do the corner wedges */
- moveto(xmin+radius,ymin+radius);
- FILL_WEDGE(radius,90,90);
- moveto(xmin+radius,ymax-radius);
- FILL_WEDGE(radius,180,90);
- moveto(xmax-radius,ymax-radius);
- FILL_WEDGE(radius,270,90);
- moveto(xmax-radius,ymin+radius);
- FILL_WEDGE(radius,0,90);
- }
- /* draw the outline of the box */
- moveto(xmin+radius,ymin);
- pendown();
- ARC_TO(xmin+radius,ymin+radius,90);
- drawto(xmin,ymax-radius);
- ARC_TO(xmin+radius,ymax-radius,90);
- drawto(xmax-radius,ymax);
- ARC_TO(xmax-radius,ymax-radius,90);
- drawto(xmax,ymin+radius);
- ARC_TO(xmax-radius,ymin+radius,90);
- drawto(xmin+radius,ymin);
- } /* T_ARC_BOX */
- else if (l->type == T_BOX)
- {
- moveto(xmin,ymin);
- if (l->area_fill)
- FILL_RECT(xmax,ymax);
- EDGE_RECT(xmax,ymax);
- }
- else /* POLYGON or POLYLINE */
- {
- moveto(p->x, p->y);
- while (q->next != NULL)
- {
- p = q;
- q = q->next;
- drawto(p->x, p->y);
- }
- drawto(q->x, q->y);
- }
- penup();
- reset_style(l->style, l->style_val);
- if (l->for_arrow && l->thickness > 0)
- draw_arrow_head((double)p->x, (double)p->y, (double)q->x,
- (double)q->y, l->for_arrow->ht, l->for_arrow->wid);
- }
- genhp_spline(s,color)
- F_spline *s;
- int color;
- {
- if (color != s->color)
- return;
- set_color(s->color);
- #ifndef notdef
- fprintf(stderr,"No spline yet\n");
- #else
- if (int_spline(s))
- genhp_itp_spline(s);
- else
- genhp_ctl_spline(s);
- #endif
- }
- genhp_itp_spline(s)
- F_spline *s;
- {
- F_point *p, *q;
- F_control *a, *b;
- set_linewidth(s->thickness);
- a = s->controls;
- b = a->next;
- p = s->points;
- if (s->back_arrow && s->thickness > 0)
- draw_arrow_head(b->lx, b->ly, (double)p->x,
- (double)p->y, s->back_arrow->ht, s->back_arrow->wid);
- set_style(s->style, s->style_val);
- fprintf(tfp, "%% Interpolated spline\n");
- fprintf(tfp, "newpath %d %d moveto\n", p->x, p->y);
- for (q = p->next; q != NULL; p = q, q = q->next) {
- b = a->next;
- fprintf(tfp, "\t%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %d %d curveto\n",
- a->rx, a->ry, b->lx, b->ly, q->x, q->y);
- a = b;
- }
- if (closed_spline(s))
- {
- fprintf(tfp, " closepath ");
- if (s->area_fill)
- {
- set_areafill(s->area_fill);
- fprintf(tfp, " gsave fill grestore ");
- set_areafill(NUMFILLPATS); /* back to black for line */
- }
- }
- if (s->thickness > 0)
- fprintf(tfp, " stroke\n");
- reset_style(s->style, s->style_val);
- if (s->for_arrow && s->thickness > 0)
- draw_arrow_head(a->lx, a->ly, (double)p->x,
- (double)p->y, s->for_arrow->ht, s->for_arrow->wid);
- }
- genhp_ctl_spline(s)
- F_spline *s;
- {
- double a, b, c, d, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
- F_point *p, *q;
- p = s->points;
- x1 = p->x; y1 = p->y;
- p = p->next;
- c = p->x; d = p->y;
- set_linewidth(s->thickness);
- x3 = a = (x1 + c) / 2;
- y3 = b = (y1 + d) / 2;
- if (s->back_arrow && s->thickness > 0) {
- draw_arrow_head(c, d, x1, y1, s->back_arrow->ht, s->back_arrow->wid);
- }
- set_style(s->style, s->style_val);
- if (! closed_spline(s)) {
- fprintf(tfp, "%% Open spline\n");
- fprintf(tfp, "newpath %.3f %.3f moveto %.3f %.3f lineto\n",
- x1, y1, x3, y3);
- }
- else {
- fprintf(tfp, "%% Closed spline\n");
- fprintf(tfp, "newpath %.3f %.3f moveto\n", a, b);
- }
- for (q = p->next; q != NULL; q = q->next) {
- x1 = x3; y1 = y3;
- x2 = c; y2 = d;
- c = q->x; d = q->y;
- x3 = (x2 + c) / 2;
- y3 = (y2 + d) / 2;
- fprintf(tfp, "\t%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f DrawSplineSection\n",
- x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
- }
- /*
- * At this point, (x2,y2) and (c,d) are the position of the
- * next-to-last and last point respectively, in the point list
- */
- if (closed_spline(s)) {
- fprintf(tfp, "\t%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f DrawSplineSection closepath ",
- x3, y3, c, d, a, b);
- if (s->area_fill)
- {
- set_areafill(s->area_fill);
- fprintf(tfp, " gsave fill grestore\n");
- set_areafill(NUMFILLPATS); /* back to black for line */
- }
- if (s->thickness > 0)
- fprintf(tfp, " stroke\n");
- }
- else {
- if (s->thickness > 0)
- fprintf(tfp, "\t%.3f %.3f lineto stroke\n", c, d);
- else
- fprintf(tfp, "\t%.3f %.3f lineto\n", c, d);
- }
- reset_style(s->style, s->style_val);
- if (s->for_arrow && s->thickness > 0)
- {
- draw_arrow_head(x2, y2, c, d, s->for_arrow->ht,
- s->for_arrow->wid);
- }
- }
- genhp_ellipse(e,color)
- F_ellipse *e;
- int color;
- {
- int rx,ry,cx,cy;
- double x,y;
- int npts;
- double theta,inc;
- if (color != e->color)
- return;
- set_linewidth(e->thickness);
- set_color(e->color);
- set_style(e->style, e->style_val);
- if (e->area_fill)
- set_areafill(e->area_fill);
- rx = e->radiuses.x;
- ry = e->radiuses.y;
- cx = e->center.x;
- cy = e->center.y;
- if (rx == ry)
- { /* CIRCLE */
- moveto(cx, cy);
- if (e->area_fill)
- FILL_WEDGE(rx, 0, 360);
- /* outline the circle */
- CIRCLE(rx);
- }
- else /* ellipse */
- {
- npts = (rx+ry)*2; /* pick some number of points proportional
- to the size of the ellipse to plot */
- inc = 2.0*M_PI/npts;
- moveto(cx+rx,cy);
- for (theta = 0.0; theta <= 2*M_PI; theta += inc)
- {
- x = cx + rx*cos(theta);
- y = cy + ry*sin(theta);
- f_drawto(x,y);
- }
- drawto(cx+rx, cy);
- }
- penup();
- reset_style(e->style, e->style_val);
- }
- #define IS_ITALICS(f) ((f)&1)
- genhp_text(t,color)
- F_text *t;
- int color;
- {
- double height;
- int len;
- if (color != t->color)
- return;
- set_color(t->color);
- height = (double) t->size/POINT_PER_INCH*2.54; /* height in cm */
- height = height*scale;
- height = height/1.5; /* kludge for now */
- fprintf(tfp,"SI %.2lf %.2lf;",height/2.54,height);
- len = strlen(t->cstring);
- if (IS_ITALICS(t->font)) /* slant for Italics font */
- fprintf(tfp,"SL %.2f;",tan((double)30.0*M_PI/180.0)); /* 30 degrees */
- moveto(t->base_x,t->base_y);
- if (t->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED)
- fprintf(tfp,"CP %d 0; ",-len);
- else if (t->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED)
- fprintf(tfp,"CP %.1f 0; ",-len/2.0);
- fprintf(tfp,"LB%s\003;\n",t->cstring);
- if (IS_ITALICS(t->font))
- fprintf(tfp,"SL;");
- }
- genhp_arc(a,color)
- F_arc *a;
- int color;
- {
- double angle1, angle2, dx, dy, radius, x, y;
- double cx, cy, sx, sy, ex, ey;
- int sweep;
- int direction;
- if (color != a->color)
- return;
- cx = a->center.x; cy = a->center.y;
- sx = a->point[0].x; sy = a->point[0].y;
- ex = a->point[2].x; ey = a->point[2].y;
- if (coord_system == 2)
- direction = !a->direction;
- else
- direction = a->direction;
- set_linewidth(a->thickness);
- set_color(a->color);
- if (a->for_arrow && a->thickness > 0) {
- arc_tangent(cx, cy, ex, ey, direction, &x, &y);
- draw_arrow_head(x, y, ex, ey, a->for_arrow->ht, a->for_arrow->wid);
- }
- if (a->back_arrow && a->thickness > 0) {
- arc_tangent(cx, cy, sx, sy, !direction, &x, &y);
- draw_arrow_head(x, y, sx, sy, a->back_arrow->ht, a->back_arrow->wid);
- }
- dx = cx - sx;
- dy = cy - sy;
- radius = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
- angle1 = atan2(sy-cy, sx-cx) * 180 / M_PI;
- angle2 = atan2(ey-cy, ex-cx) * 180 / M_PI;
- /* make the angles go from 0 to 2PI */
- if (angle1 < 0.0)
- angle1 += 360.0;
- if (angle2 < 0.0)
- angle2 += 360.0;
- /* direction 1 -> Counter-Clockwise */
- if (direction == 1) /* ccw */
- {
- if (angle1 > angle2)
- sweep = 360.0 - angle1 + angle2;
- else
- sweep = angle2 - angle1;
- }
- else /* cw */
- {
- if (angle1 > angle2)
- sweep = - (angle1 - angle2);
- else
- sweep = - (360.0 - angle2 + angle1);
- }
- if (debug)
- fprintf(stderr,"#%d: dir=%s, a1 = %.1f, a2 = %.1f, sweep = %d\n",
- a->thickness,direction==0?"cw ":"ccw",cx,cy,angle1,angle2,sweep);
- set_style(a->style, a->style_val);
- if (a->area_fill)
- {
- set_areafill(a->area_fill);
- f_moveto(cx,cy);
- F_FILL_WEDGE(radius,(int)angle1,sweep);
- }
- f_moveto(ex,ey);
- pendown();
- F_ARC_TO(cx,cy,sweep);
- penup();
- reset_style(a->style, a->style_val);
- }
- arc_tangent(x1, y1, x2, y2, direction, x, y)
- double x1, y1, x2, y2, *x, *y;
- int direction;
- {
- if (direction) { /* counter clockwise */
- *x = x2 + (y2 - y1);
- *y = y2 - (x2 - x1);
- }
- else {
- *x = x2 - (y2 - y1);
- *y = y2 + (x2 - x1);
- }
- }
- /* draw arrow heading from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) */
- draw_arrow_head(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrowht, arrowwid)
- double x1, y1, x2, y2, arrowht, arrowwid;
- {
- double x, y, xb, yb, dx, dy, l, sina, cosa;
- double xc, yc, xd, yd;
- dx = x2 - x1; dy = y1 - y2;
- l = sqrt((double)(dx*dx + dy*dy)); /* length of line */
- sina = dy / l; cosa = dx / l;
- xb = x2*cosa - y2*sina;
- yb = x2*sina + y2*cosa;
- x = xb - arrowht;
- y = yb - arrowwid / 2;
- xc = x*cosa + y*sina; /* one tail of arrow */
- yc = -x*sina + y*cosa;
- y = yb + arrowwid / 2;
- xd = x*cosa + y*sina; /* other tail of arrow */
- yd = -x*sina + y*cosa;
- f_moveto(xc,yc);
- f_drawto(x2,y2);
- f_drawto(xd,yd);
- penup();
- }
- ellipse_exist(ob)
- F_compound *ob;
- {
- F_compound *c;
- if (NULL != ob->ellipses) return(1);
- for (c = ob->compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
- if (ellipse_exist(c)) return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- normal_spline_exist(ob)
- F_compound *ob;
- {
- F_spline *s;
- F_compound *c;
- for (s = ob->splines; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
- if (normal_spline(s)) return(1);
- }
- for (c = ob->compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
- if (normal_spline_exist(c)) return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*VARARGS1*/
- put_msg(format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- char *format;
- int arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
- }