home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU)
- * January 1985.
- * 1st revision : Aug 1985.
- *
- * %W% %G%
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #define TOLERANCE 3
- extern int latexline_mode, latexarrow_mode;
- extern int magnet_mode;
- extern (*canvas_kbd_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_locmove_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_leftbut_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_middlebut_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_rightbut_proc)();
- extern null_proc();
- extern set_popupmenu();
- F_line *line_point_search();
- F_spline *spline_point_search();
- F_ellipse *ellipse_point_search();
- F_arc *arc_point_search();
- extern F_compound objects;
- extern F_point *moved_point, *left_point;
- extern F_pos last_position, new_position;
- extern int movedpoint_num;
- extern int last_object;
- extern int fix_x, fix_y, cur_x, cur_y;
- extern int pointmarker_shown;
- extern int foreground_color, background_color;
- extern elastic_box(), move_ebrbox(), move_ebdbox();
- extern move_cbrbox(), move_cbdbox();
- extern int init_move_point();
- extern int move_linepoint(), fix_movedlinepoint();
- extern int move_latexlinepoint(), fix_movedlatexlinepoint();
- extern int fix_box();
- extern int fix_movedsplinepoint();
- extern int move_arcpoint(), fix_movedarcpoint();
- extern int fix_movedellipsepoint();
- static F_line *line;
- static F_spline *spline;
- static F_ellipse *ellipse;
- static F_arc *arc;
- static int latex_fix_x, latex_fix_y;
- CURSOR cur_latexcursor;
- Boolean init_ellipsepointmoving();
- move_point_selected()
- {
- canvas_kbd_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = init_move_point;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = set_popupmenu;
- set_cursor(&pick9_cursor);
- reset_action_on();
- }
- init_move_point(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- Boolean Ok=True;
- if ((line = line_point_search(x, y, TOLERANCE,
- &left_point, &moved_point)) != NULL) {
- init_linepointmoving(line);
- }
- else if ((spline = spline_point_search(x, y,
- TOLERANCE, &left_point, &moved_point)) != NULL){
- init_splinepointmoving(spline);
- }
- else if ((ellipse = ellipse_point_search(x, y, TOLERANCE,
- &movedpoint_num)) != NULL) {
- if (!init_ellipsepointmoving(ellipse)) /* selected center, ignore */
- Ok=False;
- }
- else if ((arc = arc_point_search(x, y, TOLERANCE,
- &movedpoint_num)) != NULL) {
- init_arcpointmoving(arc);
- }
- else {
- return;
- }
- if (Ok) /* movepoint went ok */
- {
- canvas_leftbut_proc = canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
- erase_pointmarker();
- }
- }
- wrapup_movepoint()
- {
- show_pointmarker();
- move_point_selected();
- }
- /************************* ellipse *******************************/
- F_ellipse *
- ellipse_point_search(x, y, tol, point_num)
- int x, y, tol, *point_num;
- {
- F_ellipse *e;
- for (e = objects.ellipses; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
- if (abs(e->start.x - x) <= tol && abs(e->start.y - y) <= tol) {
- *point_num = 0;
- return(e);
- }
- if (abs(e->end.x - x) <= tol && abs(e->end.y - y) <= tol) {
- *point_num = 1;
- return(e);
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- static F_ellipse *cur_e;
- Boolean
- init_ellipsepointmoving(ellipse)
- F_ellipse *ellipse;
- {
- if (movedpoint_num == 0) { /* center point is selected - disallow */
- if (ellipse->type == T_ELLIPSE_BY_RAD ||
- ellipse->type == T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD) {
- return False; /* don't erase point_marker etc */
- }
- last_position.x = cur_x = ellipse->start.x;
- last_position.y = cur_y = ellipse->start.y;
- fix_x = ellipse->end.x; fix_y = ellipse->end.y;
- switch (ellipse->type) {
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_ebdbox;
- ellipsebydia_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_DIA :
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_cbdbox;
- circlebydia_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- last_position.x = cur_x = ellipse->end.x;
- last_position.y = cur_y = ellipse->end.y;
- fix_x = ellipse->start.x; fix_y = ellipse->start.y;
- switch (ellipse->type) {
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_ebrbox;
- ellipsebyrad_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD :
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_cbrbox;
- circlebyrad_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_ebdbox;
- ellipsebydia_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_DIA :
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_cbdbox;
- circlebydia_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- }
- }
- cur_e = ellipse;
- set_temp_cursor(&crosshair_cursor);
- win_setmouseposition(canvas_win, cur_x, cur_y);
- canvas_middlebut_proc = fix_movedellipsepoint;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = null_proc;
- return True; /* all is Ok */
- }
- fix_movedellipsepoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- switch (cur_e->type) {
- ellipsebyrad_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD :
- circlebyrad_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- ellipsebydia_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_DIA :
- circlebydia_box(INV_PAINT);
- break;
- }
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_MOVE_POINT, O_ELLIPSE);
- set_latestellipse(cur_e);
- relocate_ellipsepoint(cur_e, x, y, movedpoint_num);
- wrapup_movepoint();
- }
- relocate_ellipsepoint(ellipse, x, y, point_num)
- F_ellipse *ellipse;
- int x, y, point_num;
- {
- int dx, dy;
- set_temp_cursor(&wait_cursor);
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_ellipsepointmarker(ellipse);
- draw_ellipse(ellipse, background_color);
- if (point_num == 0) { /* starting point is selected */
- fix_x = ellipse->end.x; fix_y = ellipse->end.y;
- ellipse->start.x = x; ellipse->start.y = y;
- }
- else {
- fix_x = ellipse->start.x; fix_y = ellipse->start.y;
- ellipse->end.x = x; ellipse->end.y = y;
- }
- switch (ellipse->type) {
- ellipse->radiuses.x = abs(x - fix_x) + 1;
- ellipse->radiuses.y = abs(y - fix_y) + 1;
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD :
- dx = fix_x - x; dy = fix_y - y;
- ellipse->radiuses.x = sqrt((double)(dx*dx + dy*dy)) + .5;
- ellipse->radiuses.y = ellipse->radiuses.x;
- break;
- ellipse->center.x = (fix_x + x) / 2;
- ellipse->center.y = (fix_y + y) / 2;
- ellipse->radiuses.x = abs(ellipse->center.x - fix_x);
- ellipse->radiuses.y = abs(ellipse->center.y - fix_y);
- break;
- case T_CIRCLE_BY_DIA :
- dx = ellipse->center.x = (fix_x + x) / 2 +.5;
- dy = ellipse->center.y = (fix_y + y) / 2 +.5;
- dx -= x; dy -= y;
- ellipse->radiuses.x = sqrt((double)(dx*dx + dy*dy)) + .5;
- ellipse->radiuses.y = ellipse->radiuses.x;
- break;
- }
- draw_ellipse(ellipse, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_ellipsepointmarker(ellipse);
- reset_cursor();
- set_modifiedflag();
- }
- /*************************** arc *********************************/
- static F_arc *cur_a;
- F_arc *
- arc_point_search(x, y, tol, point_num)
- int x, y, tol, *point_num;
- {
- F_arc *a;
- int i;
- for(a = objects.arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- if (abs(a->point[i].x - x) <= tol &&
- abs(a->point[i].y - y) <= tol) {
- *point_num = i;
- return(a);
- }
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- init_arcpointmoving(arc)
- F_arc *arc;
- {
- cur_a = arc;
- last_position.x = cur_x = arc->point[movedpoint_num].x;
- last_position.y = cur_y = arc->point[movedpoint_num].y;
- set_temp_cursor(&crosshair_cursor);
- win_setmouseposition(canvas_win, cur_x, cur_y);
- draw_arclink(INV_PAINT);
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_arcpoint;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = fix_movedarcpoint;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = null_proc;
- }
- move_arcpoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_arclink(INV_PAINT);
- cur_x = x; cur_y = y;
- draw_arclink(INV_PAINT);
- }
- draw_arclink(op)
- int op;
- {
- switch (movedpoint_num) {
- case 0 :
- pw_vector(canvas_win, cur_x, cur_y,
- arc->point[1].x, arc->point[1].y, op, 1, SOLID_LINE, 0.0);
- break;
- case 1 :
- pw_vector(canvas_win, arc->point[0].x, arc->point[0].y,
- cur_x, cur_y, op, 1, SOLID_LINE, 0.0);
- pw_vector(canvas_win, arc->point[2].x, arc->point[2].y,
- cur_x, cur_y, op, 1, SOLID_LINE, 0.0);
- break;
- default :
- pw_vector(canvas_win, arc->point[2].x, arc->point[2].y,
- cur_x, cur_y, op, 1, SOLID_LINE, 0.0);
- }
- }
- fix_movedarcpoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_arclink(INV_PAINT);
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_MOVE_POINT, O_ARC);
- set_latestarc(cur_a);
- relocate_arcpoint(cur_a, x, y, movedpoint_num);
- wrapup_movepoint();
- }
- relocate_arcpoint(arc, x, y, movedpoint_num)
- F_arc *arc;
- int x, y, movedpoint_num;
- {
- float xx, yy;
- F_pos p[3];
- p[0] = arc->point[0];
- p[1] = arc->point[1];
- p[2] = arc->point[2];
- p[movedpoint_num].x = x;
- p[movedpoint_num].y = y;
- if (compute_arccenter(p[0], p[1], p[2], &xx, &yy)) {
- set_temp_cursor(&wait_cursor);
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_arcpointmarker(arc);
- draw_arc(arc, background_color); /* erase old arc */
- arc->point[movedpoint_num].x = x;
- arc->point[movedpoint_num].y = y;
- arc->center.x = xx;
- arc->center.y = yy;
- arc->direction = compute_direction(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
- draw_arc(arc, foreground_color); /* draw new arc */
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_arcpointmarker(arc);
- reset_cursor();
- set_modifiedflag();
- }
- }
- /************************** spline *******************************/
- static F_spline *cur_s;
- init_splinepointmoving(s)
- F_spline *s;
- {
- F_point *p;
- cur_s = s;
- last_position.x = cur_x = moved_point->x;
- last_position.y = cur_y = moved_point->y;
- set_temp_cursor(&crosshair_cursor);
- win_setmouseposition(canvas_win, cur_x, cur_y);
- if (closed_spline(s) && left_point == NULL) {
- for (left_point = moved_point->next,
- p = left_point->next;
- p->next != NULL;
- left_point = p, p = p->next);
- }
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_linepoint;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = fix_movedsplinepoint;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = null_proc;
- }
- F_spline *
- spline_point_search(x, y, tol, p, q)
- int x, y, tol;
- F_point **p, **q;
- {
- F_spline *s;
- for (s = objects.splines; s != NULL; s= s->next) {
- *p = NULL;
- for (*q = s->points; *q != NULL; *p = *q, *q = (*q)->next) {
- if (abs((*q)->x - x) <= tol && abs((*q)->y - y) <= tol)
- return(s);
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- fix_movedsplinepoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_MOVE_POINT, O_SPLINE);
- set_latestspline(cur_s);
- relocate_splinepoint(cur_s, x, y, moved_point);
- wrapup_movepoint();
- }
- relocate_splinepoint(s, x, y, moved_point)
- F_spline *s;
- int x, y;
- F_point *moved_point;
- {
- set_temp_cursor(&wait_cursor);
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_splinepointmarker(s);
- draw_spline(s, ERASE); /* erase old spline */
- moved_point->x = x;
- moved_point->y = y;
- if (closed_spline(s)) {
- left_point->next->x = x;
- left_point->next->y = y;
- }
- if (int_spline(s)) remake_control_points(s);
- draw_spline(s, PAINT); /* draw spline with moved point */
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_splinepointmarker(s);
- reset_cursor();
- set_modifiedflag();
- }
- /*************************** line ********************************/
- static F_line *cur_l;
- init_linepointmoving(line)
- F_line *line;
- {
- int box_case;
- int latex_case;
- F_point *p;
- cur_l = line;
- box_case = 0;
- latex_case = 0;
- last_position.x = cur_x = moved_point->x;
- last_position.y = cur_y = moved_point->y;
- set_temp_cursor(&crosshair_cursor);
- win_setmouseposition(canvas_win, cur_x, cur_y);
- switch (line->type) {
- case T_POLYGON :
- if (left_point == NULL)
- for (left_point = moved_point->next,
- p = left_point->next;
- p->next != NULL;
- left_point = p, p = p->next);
- break;
- case T_BOX :
- case T_ARC_BOX :
- if (moved_point->next->next == NULL) { /* point 4 */
- fix_x = line->points->next->x;
- fix_y = line->points->next->y;
- }
- else {
- fix_x = moved_point->next->next->x;
- fix_y = moved_point->next->next->y;
- }
- if (line->type == T_ARC_BOX)
- draw_arc_box(line, ERASE);
- else
- draw_line(line, ERASE);
- box_case = 1;
- break;
- case T_POLYLINE :
- if (left_point != NULL) {
- if (left_point == line->points) {
- if (line->back_arrow) /* backward arrow */
- draw_arrow(cur_x, cur_y,
- left_point->x, left_point->y,
- line->back_arrow, ERASE);
- }
- }
- else if (line->back_arrow) /* backward arrow */
- draw_arrow(moved_point->next->x, moved_point->next->y,
- cur_x, cur_y, line->back_arrow, ERASE);
- p = moved_point->next;
- if (p != NULL) {
- if (line->for_arrow && p->next == NULL)
- draw_arrow(cur_x, cur_y, p->x, p->y,
- line->for_arrow, ERASE);
- }
- else if (line->for_arrow)/* f arrow */
- draw_arrow(left_point->x, left_point->y,
- cur_x, cur_y, line->for_arrow, ERASE);
- if (latexline_mode || latexarrow_mode) {
- if (left_point != NULL) {
- latex_fix_x = left_point->x;
- latex_fix_y = left_point->y;
- latex_case = 1;
- }
- else if (p != NULL) {
- latex_fix_x = p->x;
- latex_fix_y = p->y;
- latex_case = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (box_case) {
- draw_rectbox(fix_x, fix_y, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT);
- canvas_locmove_proc = elastic_box;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = fix_box;
- }
- else if (latex_case) {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_latexlinepoint;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = fix_movedlatexlinepoint;
- cur_latexcursor = &crosshair_cursor;
- }
- else {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- canvas_locmove_proc = move_linepoint;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = fix_movedlinepoint;
- }
- canvas_leftbut_proc = null_proc;
- }
- move_linepoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- cur_x = x;
- cur_y = y;
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- }
- move_latexlinepoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- latex_endpoint(latex_fix_x, latex_fix_y, x, y, &cur_x, &cur_y,
- latexarrow_mode, (magnet_mode)? 5: 1);
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- c = (x == cur_x && y == cur_y)? &null_cursor: &crosshair_cursor;
- if (c != cur_latexcursor) {
- set_temp_cursor(c);
- cur_latexcursor = c;
- }
- }
- fix_box(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_rectbox(fix_x, fix_y, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT);
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_MOVE_POINT, O_POLYLINE);
- set_latestline(line);
- relocate_linepoint(line, x, y, fix_x, fix_y, moved_point,
- left_point);
- wrapup_movepoint();
- }
- assign_newboxpoint(b, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- F_line *b;
- int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- {
- F_point *p;
- register int tmp;
- p = b->points;
- if (x1 > x2) /* sort them so that lower left is first */
- {
- tmp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tmp;
- }
- if (y1 > y2)
- {
- tmp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = tmp;
- }
- p->x = x1; p->y = y1; p = p->next;
- p->x = x1; p->y = y2; p = p->next;
- p->x = x2; p->y = y2; p = p->next;
- p->x = x2; p->y = y1; p = p->next;
- p->x = x1; p->y = y1; p = p->next;
- }
- fix_movedlinepoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_MOVE_POINT, O_POLYLINE);
- set_latestline(cur_l);
- relocate_linepoint(cur_l, x, y, fix_x, fix_y, moved_point, left_point);
- wrapup_movepoint();
- }
- fix_movedlatexlinepoint(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- draw_pointlink(INV_PAINT);
- latex_endpoint(latex_fix_x, latex_fix_y, x, y, &x, &y,
- latexarrow_mode, (magnet_mode)? 5: 1);
- if (cur_latexcursor != &crosshair_cursor)
- set_temp_cursor(&crosshair_cursor);
- win_setmouseposition(canvas_win, x, y);
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- clean_up();
- set_action_object(F_MOVE_POINT, O_POLYLINE);
- set_latestline(cur_l);
- relocate_linepoint(cur_l, x, y, fix_x, fix_y, moved_point, left_point);
- wrapup_movepoint();
- }
- relocate_linepoint(line, x, y, fix_x, fix_y, moved_point, left_point)
- F_line *line;
- int x, y;
- F_point *moved_point, *left_point;
- {
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_linepointmarker(line);
- draw_line(line, ERASE);
- switch (line->type) {
- case T_BOX :
- case T_ARC_BOX:
- assign_newboxpoint(line, fix_x, fix_y, x, y);
- break;
- case T_POLYGON :
- if (line->points == moved_point) {
- left_point->next->x = x;
- left_point->next->y = y;
- }
- default :
- moved_point->x = x;
- moved_point->y = y;
- }
- draw_line(line, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_linepointmarker(line);
- set_modifiedflag();
- }
- draw_pointlink(op)
- int op;
- {
- F_point *p;
- if (left_point != NULL) {
- pw_vector(canvas_win, left_point->x, left_point->y,
- cur_x, cur_y, op, 1, SOLID_LINE, 0.0);
- }
- if ((p = moved_point->next) != NULL) {
- pw_vector(canvas_win, p->x, p->y, cur_x, cur_y, op, 1, SOLID_LINE, 0.0);
- }
- }
- F_line *
- line_point_search(x, y, tol, p, q)
- int x, y, tol;
- F_point **p, **q;
- {
- F_line *l;
- F_point *a, *b;
- for (l = objects.lines; l != NULL; l= l->next) {
- for (a = NULL, b = l->points; b != NULL; a = b, b = b->next) {
- if (abs(b->x - x) <= tol && abs(b->y - y) <= tol) {
- *p = a;
- *q = b;
- return(l);
- }
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- }