The Amiga Game Guide
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Text File
185 lines
// Default for keyboard players
bind Escape "togglemenu"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind s "messagemode"
bind Pause "pause"
bind Backspace "score"
bind + "sizeup"
bind = "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind 1 "use Sword-staff"
bind 2 "use Flying-fist"
bind 3 "use Hell-staff"
bind 4 "use Magic-missile"
bind 5 "use Red-Rain-Bow"
bind 6 "use Firewall"
bind 7 "use Phoenix-Bow"
bind 8 "use Sphere-of-annihilation"
bind 9 "use Mace-Balls"
bind j "weapprev"
bind k "weapnext"
bind / "+moveup"
bind a "+moveup"
bind m "+movedown"
bind z "+movedown"
bind , "+moveleft"
bind . "+moveright"
bind q "use Tome-of-Power"
bind w "use Ring-of-Repulsion"
bind e "use Meteor-barrier"
bind r "use Polymorph"
bind t "use Teleport"
bind y "use shield"
bind [ "defprev"
bind ] "defnext"
bind Enter "+defend"
bind Space "+action"
bind l "+mlook"
bind ' "+creep"
bind Del "+lookup"
bind PgDn "+lookdown"
bind Tab "+lookaround"
bind End "centerview"
bind Kp_Ins "+klook"
bind UpArrow "+forward"
bind DownArrow "+back"
bind LeftArrow "+left"
bind RightArrow "+right"
bind Alt "+strafe"
bind Ctrl "+attack"
bind Shift "+speed"
bind Mouse1 "+attack"
bind Mouse2 "+forward"
bind Mouse3 "+back"
bind BACKSPACE "score"
bind f "score"
bind p "m_banner_worldmap"
bind u "m_banner_citymap"
bind o "m_banner_objectives"
bind_double DownArrow +quickturn
bind ; +quickturn
bind F9 "set cl_camera_dampfactor 0.2 ; set cl_camera_viewmax 200 ; echo Camera Normal"
bind F10 "set cl_camera_dampfactor 0.0 ; set cl_camera_viewmax 1000 ; echo Camera Locked"
bind F12 "map outro.smk;quit"
set cl_doautoaim "1"
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_gamma "1"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_picmip "0"
set gl_shadows "0"
set gl_modulate "1"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_size "40"
set gl_particle_max_size "40"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set file_levelmsg "levelmsg.txt"
set file_gamemsg "gamemsg.txt"
set in_joystick "0"
set in_mouse "1"
set sc_framerate "20.0"
set fov "75.0"
set msg "1"
set rate "3500"
set skindir "skins"
set skin "Corvus"
set name "Corvus"
set cl_camera_combat "1"
set cl_camera_dampfactor "0.2"
set cl_show_player_names "0"
set m_pitch "0.022"
set doubletap_speed "100"
set mouse_sensitivity_y "4"
set mouse_sensitivity_x "4"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "0"
set freelook "0"
set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"
set adr8 ""
set adr7 ""
set adr6 ""
set adr5 ""
set adr4 ""
set adr3 ""
set adr2 ""
set adr1 ""
set adr0 ""
set cd_nocd "0"
set crosshair "0"
set s_primary "0"
set s_mixahead "0.2"
set s_loadas8bit "1"
set s_khz "11"
set s_sounddir "sound"
set s_volume "0.7"
set viewsize "100"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"
set vid_mode "3"
set gl_driver "3DfxGL_Ht2"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_contrast "0.500000"
set vid_brightness "0.500000"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set vid_ypos "22"
set vid_xpos "3"
set vid_ref "soft"
set sv_reconnect_limit "3"
set sv_jumpcinematic "0"
set hostname "Parthoris"
set gl_driver3 ""
set gl_driver2 "Veritegl"
set gl_driver1 "D3DGL"
set gl_driver0 "3DfxGL_Ht2"
set cl_run "0"
set vid_gamma "1"
set gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
set snd_dll "SndDll.dll"
set developer 0
set speed 1
set flushmap 1
cl_showcaptions 1
// Setup the cpu info
// Default start when booting up the game
// alias demo_loop "map intro.smk;menu_main"
alias demo_loop "menu_main"
// Describes how to run the tutorial
alias tutorial "map tutorial"
// Default startup when booting up dedicated server
alias dedicated_start "map demodmandoria"
// How to start a new game
alias newgame "map intro.smk+demodocks"
// how to end a game
alias endgame "map outro.smk"