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- From: faigin@aero.org (Daniel P. Faigin)
- Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish,news.answers,soc.answers
- Subject: Judaism Reading List: Antisemitism and Christian Relations (Pt. IX)
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- Date: 18 Sep 1994 22:25:17 GMT
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- Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/antisemitism
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- Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism
- Part IX: Antisemitism and Christian Relations
- [Last Change: $Date: 1994/09/18 18:07:06 $ $Revision: 2.10 $]
- [Last Post: Sun Sep 18 11:07:06 1994]
- This message is intended to provide readers of soc.culture.jewish with a list
- of references to allow them to learn more about the history and the reasons
- behind antisemitism. This collections of readings also address the holocaust.
- Note the distinction in the terms. "Anti-Semitism" refers to any semite --
- Arab or Jew. "Antisemitism" refers to the specific targeting of Jews.
- Information on where to obtain these books, including an explanation of the
- <INP> and <JPS> notations, may be found in Part I of the Reading List
- (judaism/reading-lists/general).
- This list is organized as a digest; it may be successfully undigestified by
- programs such as "gnus".
- Reproduction of this posting for commercial use is subject to restriction. See
- Part 1 (general) for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: Archival and Credits
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- WWW/Mosaic:
- The FAQ and reading lists are available by following the following pointer:
- http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/bngusenet/soc/culture/jewish/top.htm
- Credits:
- This reading list is based on an original antisemitism list developed by Rob
- Levine as part of the general Judaism reading list. It has been augmented by
- material from my library that I obtained from a course on antisemitism that
- was once taught by Dr. Deborah Lipstadt at UCLA and from suggestions in _The
- Jewish Catalog_. Other contributers include A. Engler Anderson, David A
- Guberman, Shaul Wallach, Dan Yurman and Len Moskowitz. Suggestions for
- additions or deletions for this list are welcome, as are *brief* annotations
- for the various list entries.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [Are68] Arendt, Hannah. _Antisemitism_. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,
- 1968.
- [Are78] Arendt, Hannah. _Towards the Final Solution: A History of European
- Racism_. Harper/Colophon Books, 1978.
- [Are58] Arendt, Hannah. _Origins of Totalitarianism_ Meridian, New York.
- 1958.
- [Ber86] Berger, David (ed.) _History and Hate: The Dimensions of
- Anti-Semitism_. JPS: Philadelphia PA. 1986. ISBN 0-8276-0267-7. <JPS>
- [Dun91] Dundes, Alan (ed.) _The Blood Libel Legend: A Casebook in Anti-Semitic
- Folklore_. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI. 1991.
- [Lan90a] Langmuir, Gavin. _History, Religion, and Antisemitism_. University
- of California. 1990. ["the most erudite historian of antisemitism" --
- Leon Poliakov]
- [Lan90b] Langmuir, Gavin. _Toward a Definition of Antisemitism_. University
- of California. 1990. ["the most erudite historian of antisemitism" --
- Leon Poliakov; a collection of Langmuir's more important papers]
- [Pol75] Poliakov, Leon. _A History of Antisemitism_. Vanguard Press. 1975.
- [3 volumes; "a major work" -- Michael Berenbaum (director of the
- research component of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)]
- [Pra83] Prager, Dennis and Joseph Telushkin. _Why the Jews?: The Reason for
- Antisemitism_. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
- [Reu74] Reuether, Rosemary. _Faith and Fratricide: The Theological Roots of
- Antisemitism_ Seabury Press. 1974.
- [Sam66] Samuel, Maurice. _Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss
- Case_. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 1966.
- [Ste76] Steinsaltz, Adin. "The Persecution and Banning of the Talmud." Part
- one, chapter eleven of _The Essential Talmud_. Trans. Chaya
- Galai. New York: Basic Books, 1976.
- [Str09] Strackz, Hermann L. _The Jew and Human Sacrifice_. Block Publishing
- Co., New York. 1909.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [Ber93] Berenbaum, Michael. _The World Must Know_. Little, Brown. 1993. [the
- history of the Shoah (Holocaust) as told in the U.S. Holocaust
- Memorial Museum by the head of its research component]
- [Daw75] Dawidowicz, Lucy S. _The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945_. JPS,
- Philadelphia. 1975.
- [Fei70] Feingold, Henry. _The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt
- Administration and the Holocaust_. Rutgers Press. 1970.
- [Fla65] Flannery, Edward. _The Anguish of the Jews_. Macmillan, New York.
- 1965.
- [Gil85] Gilbert, Martin. _The Holocaust_. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1985.
- [narrative history based on the words of those who were there]
- [Hil85] Hilberg, Raul. _The Destruction of the European Jews: Revised and
- Definitive Edition. Holmes and Meier. 1985. [3 volumes;
- "magisterial"; "unequaled insight into how the Holocaust was
- perpetrated" -- Michael Berenbaum (director of the research component
- of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)]
- [Kah91] Kahil, Leni. _The Holocaust_. Oxford. 1991. ["comprehensive and
- insightful" -- Michael Berenbaum (director of the research
- component of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)]
- [Kat78] Katz, Jacob. _Out of the Ghetto: The Social Background of Jewish
- Emancipation_. Schocken Press, New York. 1978.
- [Mos80] Mosse, George. _Toward The Final Solution: A History of European
- Racism_. Colophon Books. 1980.
- [Par74] Parkes, James. _The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study
- in the Origins of Antisemitism_. Hermon Press, New York. 1974
- [Reprint of the 1934 Edition by Soncino Press, London]
- There is also an excellent bibliography of Holocaust resources in
- _The Third Jewish Catalog_
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [Abr96] Abrahams, Israel. _Jewish Life in the Middle Ages_. JPS,
- Philadelphia. <JPS>
- [Bae61] Baer, Yitzchak F. _History of the Jews in Christian Spain_. 2 vols.
- JPS, Philadelphia. 1961. ISBN 0-8276-0115-8, 0-8276-0338-X. <JPS>
- [Mar79] Marcus, Jacob R. _The Jew In The Medieval World: A Source Book
- 315-1791_ Atheneum, New York. 1979. <JPS>
- [Rot34] Roth, Cecil. _Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew: The Report by Cardinal
- Lorenzo Ganganelli (Pope Clement XIV)_ Woburn Press, London. 1934.
- [Tra83] Trachtenberg, Joshua. _The Devil and the Jews: The Medieval Conception
- of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism_. JPS:
- Philadelphia, PA. 1983. ISBN 0-8276-0227-8. <JPS>
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [Aho90] Aho, James A. _The Politics of Righteousness - Idaho Christian
- Patriotism_. Univ. of Washington Press. 1990. ISBN 0-295-96997-0.
- [The author is a professor in the Sociology Dept. at the Idaho State
- University, Pocatello, ID. Topics covered include: 1. White supremacy
- movements - Idaho, 2. Arayan Nation, 3. Antisemitism - Idaho, 4.
- Christianity and politics. Includes an extensive bibliography, index,
- and notes. This a scholarly but readable work which is essential for
- anyone concerned with the history and dynamics of antisemitism in the
- Pacific Northwest.]
- [Lip93] Lipstadt, Deborah. _Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on
- Truth and Memory_. Free Press. 1993. [Presents arguments to counter
- the beliefs of the "Holocaust Denyers"]
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [Bae58b] Baeck, Leo. _Judaism and Christianity_. Jewish Publication Society,
- Philadelphia. 1958.
- [Ber78] Berger, David and Michael Wyschogrod. _Jews and "Jewish
- Christianity"_. New York: Ktav, 1978. [This book explains how
- Judaism views Christianity and why it cannot agree with some
- fundamental Christian beliefs.]
- [Coh??a] Cohen, J. (ed.). _Essential Papers on Judaism and Christianity in
- Conflict: from Late Antiquity to the Reformation_. NYU Press.
- [Coh??b] Cohen, Naomi W. (ed.). _Essential Papers on Jewish-Christian
- Relations in the United States: Imagery and Reality_. NYU Press.
- [Fis84] Fisch, Dov Aharoni. _Jews for Nothing: On Cults, Intermarriage, and
- Assimilation_. Feldheim, New York NY. 1984.
- [Kap76] Kaplan, Aryeh. _The Real Messiah?: A Traditional Jewish View of
- Christianity_. National Conference of Synagogue Youth of the Union of
- Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. 1976.
- [Lev80] Levine, Samuel. _You Take Jesus, I'll Take G@d_: How To Refute
- Christian Missionaries_. Hamoroh Press (P.O. Box 48862, Los Angeles,
- CA 90048). 1980. ISBN: 0-9604754-1-9.
- [Moo32] Moore, George Foote. _Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian
- Era_. Harvard. 1932. [a classic scholarly work (3 vols.)]
- [Nac63] Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman. _Vikuach Haramban_ Found in _Otzar
- Havikuchim_ by J.D. Eisenstein, Hebrew Publishing Society, 1915 and
- _Kithvey Haramban_ by Rabbi Charles D. Chavel, Mosad Horav Kook,
- 1963. [The RaMBaN engaged a formerly Jewish convert to Christianity
- in a disputation in 1263. The arguments haven't changed since.
- Also, see a video of 'The Disputation' which premiered on A&E.]
- [She83] Sherman, Shlomoh. _Escape From Jesus, One Man's Search For a
- Meaningful Judaism_. Decalogue Books: Mount Vernon, NY. 1983/1986.
- ISBN: 0-915474-03-4. [The true story of an assimilated Jew's
- conversion to Messianic Christianity, the reasons he became
- disenchanted with it, and his subsequent turn to traditional Judaism.]
- [Sie81] Sigal, Gerald. _The Jew and the Christian Missionary: A Jewish
- Response to Missionary Christianity_. Ktav Publishing House, 1981.
- [UAHC??] Union of American Hebrew Congregations. _The Target Is You_. UAHC TV
- and Film Institute. [30 min. VHS Video. Recommended for students in
- grades 7-9. Includes a review of the differences between Christianity
- and Judaism; a look behind-the-scenes at Hebrew-Christian
- congregations; interviews with Jews who were once members of these
- groups: they explain who they were missionized, what strategies the
- missionaries used, and why they returned to Judaism; and a discussion
- of how to combat missionary tactics. Non-Orthodox.]
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Please mail additions or corrections to me at faigin@aero.org.
- End of Judaism Reading List Part XI (Antisemitism) Digest
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