Usenet 1994 October
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From: faigin@aero.org (Daniel P. Faigin)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish,news.answers,soc.answers
Subject: Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Chasidism (Pt. III)
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Date: 12 Sep 1994 18:07:10 GMT
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Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/chasidism
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Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism
Part III: The Messiah, Kaballah, and Chasidism
[Last Change: $Date: 1994/09/12 18:07:09 $ $Revision: 2.9 $]
[Last Post: Sat Aug 13 5:35:00 1994]
There is nothing more uniquely
characteristic of the style of Jewish
religious life than the great love Jews have
for holy books. [Sie73]
This list provides a collection of sources on the more mystical and exuberant
side of traditional Judaism. Note that for some of these areas, in particular
Kaballah, there has traditionally been great caution. This is deep material
here, folks. Make sure you have your water wings :-). Note that no book can
substitute for a formal course of instruction guided by one's Rabbi.
Note: The books on this list primarily reflect the Chasidic point of view on
these subjects. Where appropriate, books from non-Chasidic points of view are
included, but are clearly indicated as such.
Availability Notes: All books published by Kehot may be ordered from Kehot at
770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York. The same is true for books published
by Sichos in English. There is also information available via WWW or gopher on
books available from Chabad-Lubavitch; for more information, use the following
URLs. A number of these books are available electronically.
[WWW/Mosaic] http://kesser.gte.com:7700/chabad/chabad.html
[Gopher] gopher://lubavitch.chabad.org
For information on where to obtain other books, including an explanation of
the <INP> and <JPS> notations, consult Part I of the Reading List
Note: You may also be able to obtain information from the L'CHAIM BBS, at
(718) 756-7201, as there are a lot of chasidism on that system. You might also
try contacting someone in the internet domain chabad.org.
This list is organized as a digest; it may be successfully undigestified by
programs such as "gnus".
Reproduction of this posting for commercial use is subject to restriction. See
Part 1 (general) for more details.
Subject: Archival and Credits
Anonymous FTP:
All portions of the FAQ and of the reading lists are archived on
israel.nysernet.org [] and on rtfm.mit.edu, and are available
for anonymous FTP. The locations of the parts of the reading lists on
israel.nysernet.org are as follows:
The locations of parts of the FAQ on israel.nysernet.org are as follows:
If you are accessing the archives on rtfm.mit.edu, the pathname is
pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism, instead of israel/lists/scj-faq.
The files may also be obtained via Email by sending a message to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the following line in the body of the message:
send usenet/news.answers/judaism/(portionname)
Where (portionname) is replaced by the appropriate subdirectory and
filenames; for example, to get the first part of the reading list, one would
send usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists/general
The FAQ and reading lists are available by following the following pointer:
Credits: This list is based on an original list developed by Rob Levine, which
was last posted to the net in February of 1991. Rob's list was culled from
s.c.j. postings as well as the bibliographies of some of the books on this
list. This original list has been augmented based on bibliographic research
done by D. Faigin at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles, as well as
contributions from readers of s.c.j, mail.jewish, and mail.liberal-judaism.
It is also based on suggestions found in the excellent _Jewish Catalog_
series, which would serve anyone well as a sourcebook on Judaism.
Contributions to the list have also been made by: A. Engler Anderson, David
Kaufmann, David A Guberman, Rabbi Mark Glickman, Len Moskowitz, Kay Tavill,
and Yechezkal Gutfreund. As usual, suggestions for additions or deletions
are welcome, as are *brief* annotations for any entry.
[Bot93] Boteach, Shmuel. _The Wolf Shall Lie Down With the Lamb_. Jacob
Aronson Press, 1993. [An examination of the issues and concepts of
Moshiach, as presented in the Talmud, Maimonides and other classic
sources, including the public discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.]
[Pat79] Patai, Raphael; The Messiah Texts; Wayne State University Press,
Detroit; 1979.
[Ros82] Rosner, Fred, trans.; Maimonides, Moses. _Treatise on Resurrection_.
Ktav, New York. 1982.
[Sap??] Saperstein, Marc. (ed.). Essential Papers on Messianic Movements and
Personalities in Jewish History. NYU Press.
[SchM91a] Schneersohn, Menachem M. _Awake the Dawn_. Sichos in English,
Brooklyn NY. 1991. [Collection of public addresses]
[SchM91b] Schneersohn, Menachem M. _I Await His Coming Every Day_. Sichos In
English, Brooklyn NY. 1991. [Collection of public addresses]
[SchM92] Schneersohn, Menachem M. _Sound the Great Shofar_. Sichos In
English, Brooklyn NY. 1992. [Collection of public addresses]
[Sho91] Shochet, J.I., _MASHIACH_, Sichos in English, Brooklyn, NY. 1991
[This is an analysis of sources]
[Sil59] Silver, Abba Hillel; A History of Messianic Speculation in Israel;
Beacon Press, Boston; 1927, 1959.
[Sto91] Stone, Abraham. _Highlights of Moshiach_, Sichos In English,
Brooklyn NY. 1991. [A collection of Midrashic and Talmudic sources]
Chabad publishes a quarterly magazine, _Wellsprings_, targeted at
highly-educated but not necessarily religious Jews. For information,
see the "periodicals" part of the reading list.
[Dre60] Dresner, Samuel H. _The Zaddik: The Doctrine of the Zaddik According
to the Writings of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polnoy_. Abelard-Schuman,
New Work. 1960.
[Hun??] Hundert, Gershon D. (ed.). _Essential Papers on Hasidism: Origins to
Present_. NYU Press.
[Jac66] Jacobs, Louis. _The Seeker of Unity: The Life and Works of Aaron of
Starosselje_. Basic Books, New York. 1966.
[Kan90] Kantor, Mattis. _Chassidic Insights: A Guide for the Entangled_.
Naran Chai Publications, Suite 272 119 Rockland Center,
Nahuet NY, 10954. 1990.
[Kap84] Kaplan, Aryeh. _Chassidic Masters_. Moznaim, NY. 1984. [Short
biographies and excerpts from works of leading Chassidic rebbes of the
1st and 2nd generation]
[Kap81] Kaplan, Aryeh. _The Light Beyond: Adventures in Hassidic Thought_.
Moznaim, NY. 1981. [Collection of Chassidic sayings]
[Min5?a] Mindel, Nissan. _Arrest and Liberation of Schneur Zalman of
Liadi_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 195?. [History of 19 of Kislev and
mitnaged-Chassidic controversy]
[Min5?b] Mindel, Nissan. _The Tzemeach Tzedek and the Haskalah Movement_.
Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 195?. [History of the struggle between
traditional Judaism and enlightenment in mid-1850's]
[Min--] Mindel, Nissan. _The Great Maggid_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. [Biography
of the Maggid of Mezritch, 2nd leader of Chassidism]
[Min70] Mintz, Jerome R. and Ben Amos, Dan. _In Praise of the Baal Shem
Tov (Shivhei ha-Besht): The Earlies Collections of Legends about the
Founder of Hasidism_. Indiana University, Bloomington IN. 1970.
[Rub72] Rubin, Israel. _Satmar, An Island in the City_. Quadrangle Books, New
York. 1972.
[SchD88] Schneersohn, Dov Ber. _Heichaltzu_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1988.
[Seminal discussion of a basic Chassidic concept]
[SchD92] Schneersohn, Dov Ber. _Tract on Prayer_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1992.
[Explains how to concentrate in prayer]
[SchJ56] Schneersohn, Joseph I. __Memoirs_. 2 vols. Otzar HaChasidim, Brooklyn
NY. 1956-1960. [Labavitcher Rebbe's memoirs]
[SchJ59] Schneersohn, Joseph I. _On Learning Chassidus_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY.
[SchJ61] Schneersohn, Joseph I. _Some Aspects of Chabad Chassidim_. Machne
Israel, 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY. 1961.
[SchJ8?] Schneersohn, Joseph I. _Likutei Diburim_. 3 vols. Kehot, Brooklyn
NY. 198?. [Memoirs and sermons]
[SchJ89] Schneersohn, Joseph I. _Basi L'Gani_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1989.
[Last published discourse of the previous Rebbe, discusses the
purpose of creation. Has become a classic and required reading for
understanding Chabad/Chassidic thought]
[SchM8-] Schneersohn, M.M.. _Sichos in English_. 50+ volumes. Kehot, Brooklyn
NY. 198-. [Can be ordered individually. Contains translations of the
Rebbe's public talks on a wide range of subjects]
[Sch62] Schneur Zalman of Ladi. _Tanya_. 5 vols. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1962.
[Sho92] Shochet, J. I. _Likutei Sichot_. 3 vols. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1992.
[Translation of the 1st volume (Yiddish) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's
public discourses on the weekly Torah reading]
[Wer??] Wertheim, Aaron. _Law and Custom in Hasidism_. K'tav, Hoboken NJ. ISBN
[Win92] Wineberg, Y. _Lessons in Tanya_. 4 vols. Kehot, NY. 1992. [Hebrew
text, with translation and running commentary]
[Zev80] Zevin, A. _Treasury of Chassidic Tales_. Mesorah. 1980. [Complete on
the Torah and holidays]
Chabad Lubavitch also has a number of publications available electronically.
Some are published daily, some are published weekly, and others are seasonal.
These publications are as follows:
Code Frequency Title and Description
D-1 Daily "Lessons in Tanya". Tanya is the basis of the
Chabad-Lubavitch Chasidic Philosophy. The entire Tanya
was translated into English and is divided into a
daily study schedule.
D-2 Daily "Hayom Yom" (A Chasidic Thought for the Day). HAYOM
YOM (Lit. "from day to day") is compendium of Chasidic
thoughts and customs for each day of the year. The
Hayom Yom was written in 1943-44 by the Rebbe, upon
the request of his father in law (The 6th Rebbe of
D-3 Daily "Rambam" (Maimonides' Code of Law - A Daily Dose). The
Lubavitcher Rebbe suggested that every Jewish Person
study the Rambam daily. There are various study
schedules he suggested. The one offered here, is "The
Sefer Hamitzvot" (Lit. Book of Commandments) which
reflect on the same Commandments that are studied in
the Code of Law.
W-1 Weekly L'Chaim Weekly Newsletter. This is a Newsletter
produced by Lubavitch Youth Organization in NY and
has: 10 short items which include: An insight to
contemporary life and how this is a lesson for the
Jew; An adaptation from the Lubavitcher Rebbe's talks
on the Weekly Torah Portion; A "Slice of Life" - A
personal story or episode shared with the readers; A
Call to Action - A suggested Mitzvah for everyone to
share and do; A Word from the Director of Lubavitch
Youth Organization; Thoughts that count, are short
explanations on Weekly Torah Portion; It Once Happened
- Episodes from Jewish History; Moshiach Matters - a
few lines on Moshiach and the Era of Redemption.
Size of this Newsletter is about 28-35k depending on
the week.
W-2 Weekly The Garden of Torah. This is an adaptation and insight
to the Weekly Torah Portion from the Talks of the
W-3 Weekly The Week in Review. This publication uses abstract
items in life and shows how they are relevant to every
Jew and connects them to the Weekly Torah Portion. It
also features "A Telling Story" which leaves one
thinking on the deeper meaning of life.
W-6 Weekly Insights on the Redemption. This is an explanation on
the Weekly Torah Portion, but with a twist. It finds a
connection in the Weekly Torah Portion on the upcoming
W-7 Weekly Wellsprings--Chasidic Insight into the Torah Portion.
This Wellsprings is a translation from the talks of
The Lubavitcher Rebbe on the weekly Torah Portion.
W-8 Weekly Please Tell Me what the Rebbe Says. This takes one
item from the weekly Torah portion and uses a story
form to explain a thought in the Weekly Torah Portion.
S-1 Weekly Stories with the Rebbe. These are first person
episodes that people share with the reader. (Taken
from the book - "To Know and to Care")
G-1 Seasonal Holiday Guides. These are short guides published by
the Lubavitch Youth Organization on the upcoming
G-2 As Needed Essays on Issues - Sichos in English publishes many
different essays, based on the Rebbe's Talks. These
essays vary and cover various issues.
G-3 Seasonal Explanations on Hagadah Shel Pesach - The Passover
Hagadah. Short Essays affording a Chasidic insight to
the Hagadah Shel Pesach.
G-4 Seasonal Explanations on Pirke Avos - Ethics of our Fathers.
Chasidic Insights to the Pirke Avos
G-5 As Needed Sefer Haminhagim - Chabad Customs. The Book of
Chabad-Lubavitch Customs on Chasidic Life
G-6 As Needed The English Translation of the Siddur
G-7 As Needed Printed materials on Moshiach. Essays and talks of the
Rebbe on this issue in Judaism.
G-8 As Needed Information on New Publications - New Publications
from Kehot Publication Society (The Lubavitch
Publishing House).
To subscribe to any of these publications, send an email request to Yosef Y.
Kazen <yyk@lubavitch.chabad.org>. Use a subject line of "SUBSCRIBE ME", and
for the text, use the phrase
Subscribe <code>
Where code is one of the codes given above. If you would like to receive
everything, use the code ALL.
The following books are highly controversial. Most Orthodox scholars, and
especially Chassidic thinkers and students of Chassidism, consider them
unreliable; they have been accepted by some non-Orthodox scholars.
[Bub58] Buber, Martin. _Hasidism and Modern Man_. Horizon, New York. 1958.
[Bub60] Buber, Martin. _Origin and Meaning of Hasidism_. Horizon, New York.
[Bub61] Buber, Martin. _Tales of the Hasidim_. 2 Vols. Schocken, New York.
1961. (Vol 1: The Early Masters; Vol 2: The Later Masters)
[Fin??] Fine, Lawrence. _Essential Papers on Kabbalah_. NYU Press.
[Gab92] Gabbai, Meir Ibn. _Avodat ha-Kodesh_. [The Jewish Catalog says of
this "a beautifully written text which is also a great encyclopedia
of the kabbalists' rereading of biblical and rabbinic sources
(available only in a reprint of the more-or-less illegible Warsaw
[Gik??] Gikatilia, Joseph. _Shaarei Oreh_ (new edition by Prof. Ben-Schomo).
[Kap78] Kaplan, Aryeh, "Meditation and the Bible," Samuel Weiser Inc., York
Beach, Maine, 1978, ISBN 0-87728-617-5
[Kap82] Kaplan, Aryeh. _Meditation and Kabbalah_. Samuel Weiser Inc., York
Beach, Maine, 1982, ISBN 0-87728-616-7
[Kap85] Kaplan, Aryeh. _Jewish Meditation_. Schocken Books Inc., New York,
1985, ISBN 0-8052-4006-3 (hardcover), ISBN 0-8052-0781-3 (paperback)
[Kap90] Kaplan, Aryeh. _Innerspace, Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation, and
Prophecy_. Maznaim Publishing Corp., 4304 12th Avenue, Brooklyn, New
York 11219, 718-438-7680, New York/Jerusalem, 1990.
[Keh89] Kehot. _A Jewish Mysticism Primer_ Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1989. [A
collection of essays from an international conference]
[Low90] Lowenthal, Naftali. _Communicating the Infinite_. University of
Chicago, Chicago IL. 1990.
[Sha82] Sharon, Stephen. _Messianism, Mysticism & Magic: a Sociological
Analysis of Jewish Religious Movements_. Univ of North Carolina Press.
[Sho90] Shochet, J. I. _The Mystical Dimension_. Kehot, Brooklyn NY. 1990.
[3 volumes: _The Mystical Tradition_ (explains basics of Jewish
mysticism), _Deep Calling unto Deep_ (mytical examination of prayer
and repentence), _Chassidic Dimensions_ (Chassidic application of
[Spe33] Sperling Harry, and Simon, Maruice, trans. _The Zohar_. Soncino,
London. 1933 [Difficult to read without Hebrew text]
[Wei69] Weiner, Herbert. _9 1/2 Mystics, The Kabbala Today_. Holt Rinehard
and Winston, New York. 1969.
The following books are highly controversial. Most Orthodox scholars, and
especially Chassidic thinkers and students of Chassidism, consider them
unreliable; they have been accepted by most non-Orthodox scholars.
[Dan86] Dan, Joseph. _Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Ethics_. Uiversity of
Washington Press, Seattle WA. 1986. <JPS>
[Sch60] Scholem, Gershom. _Jewish Gnosticism, Merkvah Mysticism and Talmudic
Tradition_. Ktav, New York. 1960. 2nd Ed. Block, New York. 1965.
[Sch41] Scholem, Gershom. _Major trends in Jewish Mysticism_. Schocken, New
York. 1941.
[Sch65] Scholem, Gershom G. _On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism_. Schocken,
New York. 1965.
[Sch73] Scholem, Gershom G. _Sabbatai Sevi_. 2 vols. Princeton Univ. Press,
Princeton NJ. 1973.
[Sch49] Scholem, Gershom G. _Zohar: The Book of Splendor-Basic Readings from
the Kabbalah_. Schocken, New York. 1949.
Please mail additions or corrections to me at faigin@aero.org.
End of Judaism Reading List Part III (Chasidism) Digest
[W]: The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 310/336-8228
[Email]:faigin@aero.org, faigin@acm.org [Vmail]:310/336-5454 Box#68228
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