Usenet 1994 October
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: Erik J. Heels <legal-list@justice.eliot.me.us>
Newsgroups: misc.legal,misc.legal.computing,misc.answers,news.answers
Subject: Law Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere (5 of 10)
Supersedes: <law/net-resources/part5_780031395@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 11 Oct 1994 07:52:49 GMT
Organization: University of Maine School of Law
Lines: 889
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: 15 Nov 1994 07:46:25 GMT
Message-ID: <law/net-resources/part5_781861585@rtfm.mit.edu>
References: <law/net-resources/part1_781861585@rtfm.mit.edu>
Reply-To: Erik J. Heels <legal-list@justice.eliot.me.us>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
X-Last-Updated: 1994/10/10
Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu misc.legal:55842 misc.legal.computing:7807 misc.answers:973 news.answers:27192
Archive-name: law/net-resources/part5
Version: 5.1
Last-modifed: 94/09/17
Distribution-agent: ldetweil@csn.org
(This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the
bottom for more information, including instructions on how to
obtain updates.)
This chapter describes law-related resources made available by US
government organizations. An organization in this chapter would most
likely have a domain name ending in ".gov" (government). This chapter
is divided into four sub-sections: 1) US Federal Executive Branch, 2)
US Federal Judicial Branch, 3) US Federal Legislative Branch, and 4) US
State Government Organizations.
One of the best ways to find the e-mail address for a particular
individual is to call that individual. If you choose to contact the
individuals listed below via e-mail, please keep your e-mail message
short and to-the-point.
2.0. Government Organizations.
2.1.00. US Federal Government - Executive Branch.
2.1.01. Agency for International Development (USAID).
URL: gopher://gopher.info.usaid.gov:70/1
2.1.02. Department of Agriculture, Children Youth Family
Education Research Network (CYFER-net).
A report on human rights practices of various nations is available from
this site.
URL: gopher://cyfer.esusda.gov
2.1.03. Department of Commerce.
URL: gopher://GOPHER.ESA.DOC.GOV:70/1
2.1.04. Department of Commerce - Economic Conversion
Information Exchange.
URL: gopher://ecix.doc.gov:70/1
2.1.05. Department of Commerce - Economics and Statistics
URL: gopher://gopher.stat-usa.gov:70/1
2.1.06. Department of Justice.
URL: gopher://gopher.usdoj.gov:70/1
2.1.07. Environmental Protection Agency - Future Studies.
URL: gopher://futures.wic.epa.gov:70/1
2.1.08. Environmental Protection Agency.
URL: gopher://gopher.epa.gov:70/1
2.1.09. Federal Communications Commission.
The FCC has been on the Internet since 02/15/94. The following is the
directory structure of this site:
For more information, see the following:
URL: ftp://ftp.fcc.gov/README
2.1.10. FedWorld.
FedWorld(TM) is a pilot project, set up by the National Technical
Information Service (NTIS), that allows users to connect electronically
to many Federal departments and agencies. From FedWorld, you can access
more than 100 BBSs operated by the US Government including JAG-NET,
OASH-BBS, Library of Congress News Service, and the National Criminal
Justice Reference System. FedWorld is also available via Telnet:
URL: telnet://fedworld.gov
BBS Phone: (703) 321-8020
For more information, contact:
Ken Royer, Systems Mgr & Developer
Phone: (703) 487-4608
Bob Bunge, Business Manager
Phone: (703) 487-4648
2.1.11. Food and Drug Administration, National Center for
Toxicological Research.
URL: gopher://gopher.nctr.fda.gov:70/1
2.1.12. National Archives.
URL: gopher://gopher.nara.gov:70/1
2.1.13. Occupational Safety & Health Administration.
URL: gopher://ginfo.cs.fit.edu:70/1
2.1.14. Patent and Trademark Office.
URL: http://www.uspto.gov
2.1.15. Securities and Exchange Commission - EDGAR Filings.
The Internet EDGAR Dissemination project is a research project to
investigate how such large data archives can be made easily available to
the general public. The Internet EDGAR Dissemination project allows you
to receive any 1994 filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) that are available to the public. The data in this project
consists of electronic filings by corporations to the SEC. Not all
corporations currently file electronically, but those that do
participate in the EDGAR filing system. Because this is a research
project, you should expect the data formats and access methods to
change. The information is available via e-mail, FTP, Gopher, and WWW:
URL: mailto::mail@town.hall.org (with "HELP" in the body of the
URL: ftp://ftp.town.hall.org
URL: gopher://gopher.town.hall.org
URL: http://www.town.hall.org
For, more information, see the following file:
URL: ftp://town.hall.org/edgar/general.txt
2.1.16. White House Publications.
For information on how to get White House publications via e-mail, send
a message to Publications@WhiteHouse.GOV with "send info" in the body of
the message.
URL: mailto::Publications@WhiteHouse.GOV (with "send info" in the body
of the message)
White House Publications are available via anonymous FTP from numerous
organizations, including the Computer Professionals for Social
URL: ftp://cpsr.org /cpsr/clinton/
2.1.17. White House, The.
The White House has several e-mail addresses including
75300.3115@compuserve.com, MCI Mail "White House,"
president@whitehouse.gov, and vice-president@whitehouse.gov. The ".gov"
addresses were created in June 93 and appear to be the best. Also, a
service based on the Clinton volunteer e-mail campaign still exists.
For more information send a message to clinton-info@campaign92.org with
"help" as the subject.
URL: mailto::75300.3115@compuserve.com (President Bill Clinton)
URL: mailto::president@whitehouse.gov (President Bill Clinton)
URL: mailto::vice-president@whitehouse.gov (Vice President Al Gore)
URL: mailto::clinton-info@campaign92.org (with "help" as the subject)
(Bill Clinton campaign)
2.2.0. US Federal Government - Judicial Branch.
2.2.1. Supreme Court Decisions - Project Hermes.
US Supreme Court decisions are available online as part of "Project
Hermes." On May 11th, 1990 the United States Supreme Court announced
that it was beginning a two-year experimental program with the objective
to rapidly provide copies of the Court's opinions in electronic form to
as wide an audience as possible. One of the twelve participants is a
noncommercial, nonprofit, consortium composed of Case Western Reserve
University (CWRU), EDUCOM, and the National Public Telecomputing Network
(NPTN). You can electronically receive the full text of the Court's
opinions within minutes of their release--free.
The consortium grants permission to download, reproduce, or re-post any
of the Supreme Court opinion files PROVIDED NO CHANGES OR EDITING ARE
MADE TO THE SUBJECT MATERIAL. The consortium would greatly appreciate
it if source credit were given to CWRU, EDUCOM, and the National Public
Telecomputing Network if these files are used.
The following are two of the anonymous FTP sites that maintain Supreme
Court rulings:
URL: ftp://ftp.cwru.edu/hermes/
URL: ftp://ftp.uu.net/government/usa/supreme-court/Index
2.2.2. US Courts of Appeals, 9th Cir. - Model Jury Instructions.
The Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Courts for the Ninth
Circuit, Manual of Model Civil Jury Instructions is available via
anonymous FTP:
URL: ftp://asylum.sf.ca.us/pub/GOLD/jury.manual/README
URL: ftp://asylum.sf.ca.us/pub/GOLD/jury.manual/ascii/ (ASCII text
URL: ftp://asylum.sf.ca.us/pub/GOLD/jury.manual/WP5.1/ (WordPerfect 5.1
These instructions cover, for example, copyright, patent and trademark
For more information, contact:
E-mail: tenney@netcom.com (Glenn Tenney)
URL: mailto::tenney@netcom.com (Glenn Tenney) US Courts - Introduction.
Electronic versions of many US court documents and opinions are
available, for the most part free of charge (except, of course, for
telephone charges), for US courts. (Note that some of the 800 numbers
charge a fee.) Several systems are in use, including Electronic
Dissemination of Opinions System (EDOS) (also known as Appellate Court
Electronic Services (ACES)), and Public Access to Court Electronic
(PACER). In addition many courts allow ELectronic Filing (ELF) of court
document, and information regarding pending cases is often available via
the Voice Case Information System (VCIS), a telephone-accessible system.
Most BBSs require registration via an initial voice telephone call.
The registration and BBS phone numbers have been listed by state. "DC"
stands for District Court, "BC" stands for Bankruptcy Court. Circuit
court phone numbers have been listed for each state in the circuit (i.e.
the 1st Circuit BBS phone number has been listed in the Maine section,
not because the BBS in in Maine, but because Maine is in the 1st
For more information, contact:
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Technology Enhancement Office
Washington, DC 20544
(202) 273-2730 Alabama.
11th Circuit BBS: (404) 730-9600
AL-Northern (Anniston) BC BBS registration: (205) 236-6421
AL-Northern (Anniston) BC BBS: (205) 238-0456
AL-Northern (Birmingham) BC BBS registration: (205) 731-0850
AL-Northern (Birmingham) BC BBS: (205) 731-3746
AL-Northern (Decatur) BC BBS registration: (205) 353-2817
AL-Northern (Decatur) BC BBS: (205) 355-2349
AL-Northern (Tuscaloosa) BC BBS registration: (205) 752-0426
AL-Northern (Tuscaloosa) BC BBS: (205) 758-1309
AL-Northern DC BBS registration: (205) 731-2002
AL-Northern DC BBS: (205) 731-3502
AL-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AL-Southern BC BBS: (205) 441-5638 Alaska.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
AK BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AK BC BBS: (907) 271-2695,2696,2696,2698,2699 Arizona.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
AZ BC (Phoenix) BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AZ BC (Phoenix) BBS: (602) 514-7379
AZ BC (Tuscon) BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AZ BC (Tuscon) BBS: (602) 670-6332
AZ BC (Yuma) BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AZ BC (Yuma) BBS: (602) 783-9535
AZ DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AZ DC BBS: (602) 514-7113 Arkansas.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
AR (East and West) BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AR (East and West) BC BBS: (501) 324-6079
AR-Eastern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
AR-Eastern DC BBS: (501) 324-6190
AR-Western DC BBS registration: (501) 783-6833
AR-Western DC BBS: (501) 783-3538 California.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
CA-Central (San Bernadino) BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CA-Central (San Bernadino) BC BBS: (714) 383-5560
CA-Central (Santa Ana) BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CA-Central (Santa Ana) BC BBS: (714) 836-2281
CA-Central (Santa Barbara) BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CA-Central (Santa Barbara) BC BBS: (805) 899-7752
CA-Eastern BC BBS registration: (916) 551-2679
CA-Eastern BC BBS: 1-900-463-3362
CA-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CA-Northern BC BBS: (415) 705-3148
CA-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CA-Southern BC BBS: 1-900-463-3363
CA-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CA-Southern DC BBS: (619) 557-7138 Colorado.
10th Circuit BBS: (303) 844-3222
CO BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CO BC BBS: (303) 844-0263 Connecticut.
2nd Circuit BBS registration: (212) 791-8910
2nd Circuit BBS: (212) 385-6003,6004
CT BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CT BC BBS: (203) 240-3570,3571,3572
CT DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
CT DC BBS: (203) 773-2451 Delaware.
3rd Circuit BBS: (215) 597-1871
DE BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
DE BC BBS: (302) 573-6243
DE DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
DE DC BBS: (302) 573-6651 Florida.
11th Circuit BBS: (404) 730-9600
FL-Middle (Jacksonville) BC BBS registration: (904) 358-1952
FL-Middle (Orlando) BC BBS registration: (407) 843-4421
FL-Middle (Tampa) BC BBS registration: (813) 222-5020
FL-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
FL-Southern BC BBS: (305) 536-7492,7493,7494,7495,7496
FL-Southern DC BBS registration: (305) 536-4131
FL-Southern DC BBS: (305) 530-7886 Georgia.
11th Circuit BBS: (404) 730-9600
GA-Middle BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
GA-Middle BC BBS: (912) 752-3551
GA-Northern BC BBS registration: (404) 331-6886
GA-Northern BC BBS: 1-900-463-3360
GA-Northern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
GA-Northern DC BBS: (404) 730-9668
GA-Southern (Augusta) BC BBS registration: (706) 724-2421
GA-Southern (Augusta) BC BBS: (912) 652-4465
GA-Southern (Savannah) BC BBS registration: (912) 652-4100
GA-Southern (Savannah) BC BBS: (912) 652-4465
GA-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
GA-Southern DC BBS: (912) 652-4601 Hawaii.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
HI BC BBS registration: (808) 541-1791
HI BC BBS: (808) 541-1392 Idaho.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
ID BC BBS registration: (208) 334-9342
ID BC BBS: (208) 334-9895
ID DC BBS registration: (208) 334-9097
ID DC BBS: (208) 334-9590
ID DC/BC ELF: (208) 334-9476 Illinois.
7th Circuit BBS: (312) 435-5560
IL-Central BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IL-Central BC BBS: (217) 492-4260
IL-Central DC BBS registration: (217) 492-4789
IL-Central DC BBS: (217) 492-4997
IL-Northern (Chicago) BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IL-Northern (Chicago) BC BBS: (312) 408-5101
IL-Northern (Rockford) BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IL-Northern (Rockford) BC BBS: (815) 987-4489,4490
IL-Northern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IL-Northern DC BBS: (312) 408-7777
IL-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IL-Southern BC BBS: (618) 482-9114,9115,9116
IL-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IL-Southern DC BBS: (618) 482-9430 Indiana.
7th Circuit BBS: (312) 435-5560
IN-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IN-Northern BC BBS: (219) 236-8199
IN-Southern BC BBS registration: (317) 226-6710
IN-Southern BC BBS: (317) 226-5146 Iowa.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
IA-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IA-Northern BC BBS: (319) 362-1824
IA-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IA-Southern BC BBS: 1-800-597-5917
IA-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
IA-Southern DC BBS: (515) 284-2125 Kansas.
10th Circuit BBS: (303) 844-3222
KS BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
KS BC BBS: 1-800-613-7052 or (316) 269-6258
KS DC BBS registration: (316) 269-6491
KS DC BBS: (316) 269-6224 Kentucky.
6th Circuit BBS: (513) 684-2842
KY-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
KY-Eastern BC BBS: 1-800-497-2777 or (606) 233-2777
KY-Eastern DC BBS registration: (607) 233-2787
KY-Eastern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
KY-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
KY-Western BC BBS: (502) 625-7388 Louisiana.
5th Circuit BBS: (504) 589-6850,6851,6852
LA-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
LA-Eastern BC BBS: (504) 589-6761
LA-Eastern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
LA-Eastern DC BBS: (504)589-6714
LA-Middle BC BBS registration: (504) 389-0212
LA-Middle BC BBS: (504) 382-2176
LA-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
LA-Western BC BBS: (318) 676-4235
LA-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
LA-Western DC BBS: (318) 676-3957,3958 Maine.
1st Circuit BBS: (617) 223-4640,4641,4642
ME BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
ME BC BBS: (207) 780-3268,3269 Maryland.
4th Circuit BBS registration: (804) 771-2212
4th Circuit BBS: (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084
MD BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MD BC BBS: (301) 227-6866,6867,6868,6869
MD DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MD DC BBS: (410) 962-1812 Massachusetts.
1st Circuit BBS: (617) 223-4640,4641,4642
MA BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MA BC BBS: (617) 565-6021,6022,6023,7593,7584
MA DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MA DC BBS: (617) 223-4294 Michigan.
6th Circuit BBS: (513) 684-2842
MI-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MI-Eastern BC BBS: (313) 961-4934
MI-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MI-Western BC BBS: (616) 732-2739
MI-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MI-Western DC BBS: (616)732-2765 Minnesota.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
MN BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MN BC BBS: (612) 290-4065
MN DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MN DC BBS: (612) 290-4167 Mississippi.
5th Circuit BBS: (504) 589-6850,6851,6852
MI-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MI-Northern BC BBS: (601) 369-9805,9854,9856,9862 Missouri.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
MO-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MO-Eastern BC BBS: (314) 425-6935
MO-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MO-Western BC BBS: (816) 426-6033
MO-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
MO-Western DC BBS: (816) 426-6033 Montana.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
MT BC BBS registration: (406) 496-3332,3333
MT BC BBS registration: (406) 496-3339x16 Nebraska.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
NE BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NE BC BBS: 1-800-788-0656 or (402) 221-4882
NE DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NE DC BBS: (402) 221-4797 Nevada.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
NV BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NV BC BBS: (702) 388-6920 New Hampshire.
1st Circuit BBS: (617) 223-4640,4641,4642
NH BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NH BC BBS: (603) 666-7923
NH DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NH DC BBS: (603) 226-7737
NH DC/BC ELF BBS: (603) 225-1544 New Jersey.
3rd Circuit BBS: (215) 597-1871
NJ BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NJ BC BBS: (201) 645-3555
NJ DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NJ DC BBS: (609) 989-0590 New Mexico.
10th Circuit BBS: (303) 844-3222
NM BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NM BC BBS: (505) 766-5566
NM DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NM DC BBS: (505) 766-1911 New York.
2nd Circuit BBS registration: (212) 791-8910
2nd Circuit BBS: (212) 385-6003,6004
NY-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NY-Eastern BC BBS: (718) 488-7012
NY-Eastern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NY-Eastern DC BBS: (718) 330-7200
NY-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NY-Northern BC BBS: (518) 472-2643
NY-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NY-Southern BC BBS: (212) 668-2896,2897,2898,2899,5610
NY-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NY-Southern DC BBS: (212) 791-8050
NY-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NY-Western BC BBS: (716) 846-3152,3153,3154,3155
NY-Western DC BBS registration: (716) 846-4211
NY-Western DC BBS: (716) 846-3117 North Carolina.
4th Circuit BBS registration: (804) 771-2212
4th Circuit BBS: (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084
NC-Eastern BC BBS registration: (919) 237-0440
NC-Eastern DC BBS registration: (919) 856-4370
NC-Eastern DC BBS: (919) 856-4768
NC-Middle BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NC-Middle BC BBS: (919) 333-5389
NC-Middle DC BBS registration: (910) 333-5071
NC-Middle DC BBS: (910) 333-5788
NC-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
NC-Western BC BBS: (704) 344-6121,6122,6123,6124 North Dakota.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
ND BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
ND BC BBS: (701) 239-5265 Ohio.
6th Circuit BBS: (513) 684-2842
OH-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OH-Northern BC BBS: 1-800-579-5735 or (216) 489-4779
OH-Northern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OH-Northern DC BBS: (216) 522-3669
OH-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OH-Southern BC BBS: 1-800-793-7003 or (513) 225-7561
OH-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OH-Southern DC BBS: (614) 469-6990 Oklahoma.
10th Circuit BBS: (303) 844-3222
OK-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OK-Eastern BC BBS: (918) 756-4812
OK-Northern BC BBS registration: (918) 581-7181
OK-Northern BC BBS: (918) 581-7713
OK-Northern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OK-Northern DC BBS: (918) 581-6903
OK-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OK-Western BC BBS: (405) 231-5064,5065
OK-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OK-Western DC BBS: (405) 231-4531 Oregon.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
OR BC BBS registration: (503) 326-5198
OR BC BBS: 1-900-463-3361
OR DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
OR DC BBS: (503) 326-5924 Pennsylvania.
3rd Circuit BBS: (215) 597-1871
PA-Eastern BC BBS registration: (215) 597-8266
PA-Eastern BC BBS: (215) 597-3501
PA-Eastern DC BBS registration: (215) 597-5861
PA-Eastern DC BBS: (215) 597-0258
PA-Eastern DC/BC ELF BBS: (215) 597-5384,0646
PA-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
PA-Western BC BBS: (412) 355-2588 Puerto Rico.
1st Circuit BBS: (617) 223-4640,4641,4642
PR BC BBS registration: (809) 766-5073
PR BC BBS: (809) 766-6579,6554,6558,6571
PR DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
PR DC BBS: (809) 766-5774 Rhode Island.
1st Circuit BBS: (617) 223-4640,4641,4642
RI BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
RI BC BBS: (401) 528-4062
RI DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
RI DC BBS: (401) 528-5145 South Carolina.
4th Circuit BBS registration: (804) 771-2212
4th Circuit BBS: (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084
SC BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
SC BC BBS: (803) 765-5965
SC DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
SC DC BBS: (803) 765-5871 South Dakota.
8th Circuit BBS registration: (314) 539-3652
8th Circuit BBS: (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584
SC BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
SC BC BBS: (605) 330-4342 Tennessee.
6th Circuit BBS: (513) 684-2842
TN-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TN-Eastern BC BBS: (615) 752-5131,5136,5137
TN-Middle BC BBS registration: (615) 736-5577
TN-Middle BC BBS: (615) 254-5290
TN-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TN-Western BC BBS: (901) 544-4336,4337,4338,4339,4340 Texas.
5th Circuit BBS: (504) 589-6850,6851,6852
TX-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Eastern BC BBS: (903) 535-5015
TX-Eastern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Eastern DC BBS: (903) 592-4869
TX-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Northern BC BBS: (214) 767-8091
TX-Northern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Northern DC BBS: (214) 767-8918,8919,8920
TX-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Southern BC BBS: 1-800-998-9037 or (713) 250-5000
TX-Southern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Southern DC BBS: 1-800-765-7909 or (713) 250-5000
TX-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Western BC BBS: (210) 229-6262
TX-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
TX-Western DC BBS: (210) 229-5241 Utah.
10th Circuit BBS: (303) 844-3222
UT BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
UT BC BBS: (801) 524-5760
UT DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
UT DC BBS: (801) 524-4221 Vermont.
2nd Circuit BBS registration: (212) 791-8910
2nd Circuit BBS: (212) 385-6003,6004
VT BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
VT BC BBS: (802) 747-7633
VT DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
VT DC BBS: (802) 951-6623 Virgin Islands.
3rd Circuit BBS: (215) 597-1871 Virginia.
4th Circuit BBS registration: (804) 771-2212
4th Circuit BBS: (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084
VA-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
VA-Eastern BC BBS: 1-800-758-7050
VA-Western (Lynchburg) BC BBS registration: (703) 857-2391
VA-Western (Lynchburg) BC BBS: (804) 528-9003
VA-Western (Roanoke) BC BBS registration: (703) 857-2391
VA-Western (Roanoke) BC BBS: (703) 857-2319 Washington.
9th Circuit BBS: (415) 744-9020
WA-Eastern BC BBS registration: (509) 353-2404
WA-Eastern BC BBS: (509) 353-3286
WA-Eastern DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WA-Eastern DC BBS: (509) 353-2395
WA-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WA-Western BC BBS: (206) 553-0060,0061,0062,0063,0064
WA-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WA-Western DC BBS: (206) 553-2288 Washington, DC.
DC BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
DC BC BBS: (202) 273-0630,0642,0643,0644
DC Circuit BBS: (202) 219-9589,9600 or (202) 273-0269
DC DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
DC DC BBS: (202) 273-0606
Federal Circuit BBS: (202) 786-6584 or (202) 633-9608 West Virginia.
4th Circuit BBS registration: (804) 771-2212
4th Circuit BBS: (804) 771-2028,2063
WV-Northern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WV-Northern BC BBS: (304) 233-2871,2953
WV-Southern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WV-Southern BC BBS: (304) 347-5554 Wisconsin.
7th Circuit BBS: (312) 435-5560
WI-Eastern BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WI-Eastern BC BBS: (414) 297-1400
WI-Western BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WI-Western BC BBS: (608) 264-5630
WI-Western DC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WI-Western DC BBS: (608) 264-5915 Wyoming.
10th Circuit BBS: (303) 844-3222
WY BC BBS registration: 1-800-676-6856
WY BC BBS: (307) 772-2037,2038
"The Legal List, Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere"
Erik J. Heels \ ftp://ftp.midnight.com/pub/LegalList/legallist.txt
39 Main Street \ info@justice.eliot.me.us Fax: (207) 439-8647
Eliot, ME 03903 \ ISBN 0-9643637-0-4 (v5.1 paperback)
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