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- /* @(#)boardstuff.c 1.4 90/04/05
- *
- * Various board routines used by the othello game.
- *
- * Original SunView version by Ed Falk - Sun Microsystems Inc.
- *
- * Rewritten for independent use by
- * Rich Burridge, Sun Microsystems, Australia
- *
- * Copyright (c) Ed Falk & Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- * introductory messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- *
- * No responsibility is taken for any errors on inaccuracies inherent
- * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
- * to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- */
- #include "color.h"
- #include "othello.h"
- #include "extern.h"
- animate_move(move)
- int move ;
- {
- int x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y, dx, dy, ctr ;
- lock(IS_ON) ;
- get_xy(move, &x1, &y1) ;
- dx = x1 ;
- dy = y1 ;
- if (x1 > y1)
- {
- ctr = dx / 2 ;
- x = BBORDER ;
- y = BBORDER ;
- draw_piece(WHITE, x, CY+y, RINV) ;
- while (x < x1)
- {
- set_timer() ;
- x0 = x ;
- y0 = y ;
- x += move_delta ;
- if ((ctr -= dy) < 0)
- {
- ctr += dx ;
- y += move_delta ;
- }
- draw_piece(WHITE, x, CY+y, RINV) ;
- draw_piece(WHITE, x0, CY+y0, RINV) ;
- nap_upto(1) ;
- }
- draw_piece(WHITE, x, CY+y, RINV) ;
- }
- else
- {
- ctr = dy / 2 ;
- x = BBORDER ;
- y = BBORDER ;
- draw_piece(WHITE, x, CY+y, RINV) ;
- while (y < y1)
- {
- set_timer() ;
- x0 = x ;
- y0 = y ;
- y += move_delta ;
- if ((ctr -= dx) < 0)
- {
- ctr += dy ;
- x += move_delta ;
- }
- draw_piece(WHITE, x, CY+y, RINV) ;
- draw_piece(WHITE, x0, CY+y0, RINV) ;
- nap_upto(1) ;
- }
- draw_piece(WHITE, x, CY+y, RINV) ;
- }
- lock(IS_OFF) ;
- }
- /* This routine checks to see if a move can be made for this player.
- * If not, various checks are made to see if the game is finished.
- * Return value indicates if a move can be made.
- */
- check(player, who, be)
- int player ;
- char *who[], *be[] ;
- {
- if ((!count(board, BLACK)) || (!count(board, WHITE)) ||
- ((count(board, BLACK) + count(board, WHITE)) == 64))
- {
- who_wins() ;
- cmode = GAME_OVER ;
- message(PANEL_MES, "Game over") ;
- return(FALSE) ;
- }
- if ((move = makemove(board, player, 0)) == NOMOVE)
- {
- message(PANEL_MES, sprintf(line,"%s %s forced to pass",
- who[(int) play_mode], be[(int) play_mode])) ;
- if ((move = makemove(board, OPPONENT(player), 0)) == NOMOVE)
- {
- who_wins() ;
- cmode = GAME_OVER ;
- message(PANEL_MES, "Game over") ;
- }
- return(FALSE) ;
- }
- return(TRUE) ;
- }
- count(board, player) /* Count the number of player pieces on the board. */
- int player ;
- BOARD board ;
- {
- int i, n ;
- n = 0 ;
- if (board.square[i] == player) n++ ;
- return(n) ;
- }
- do_move(player, who)
- int player ;
- char *who[] ;
- {
- int taken ; /* Number of pieces flipped this go. */
- taken = formfliplist(move, player) ;
- update_board_image() ;
- if (taken == 1)
- message(PANEL_MES, sprintf(line, "%s took 1 piece", who[(int) play_mode])) ;
- else
- message(PANEL_MES, sprintf(line, "%s took %d pieces",
- who[(int) play_mode],taken)) ;
- }
- formfliplist(move, player)
- int move, player ;
- {
- int cnt, i, old_cnt ;
- old_cnt = count(board, player) ;
- FOR_BOARD(i) old_board.square[i] = board.square[i] ;
- old_board.moves_left = board.moves_left ;
- domove(&old_board, move, &board, player) ;
- FOR_BOARD(i) moves[63 - board.moves_left].square[i] = board.square[i] ;
- moves[63 - board.moves_left].moves_left = board.moves_left ;
- cnt = count(board, player) ;
- return(cnt - old_cnt - 1) ;
- }
- initboard() /* Initialise the othello board. */
- {
- static int ivals[4] = { 27, 28, 35, 36 } ;
- static int icolors[4] = { BLACK, WHITE, WHITE, BLACK } ;
- int i, j , n ;
- for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
- {
- FOR_BOARD(i) moves[n].square[i] = FREE ;
- for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) moves[n].square[ivals[j]] = icolors[j] ;
- moves[n].moves_left = 63 - n ;
- }
- FOR_BOARD(i) old_board.square[i] = board.square[i] = FREE ;
- board.square[27] = BLACK ;
- board.square[28] = WHITE ;
- board.square[35] = WHITE ;
- board.square[36] = BLACK ;
- board.moves_left = 60 ;
- }
- move_and_check(player, who, be, opp_who, opp_be)
- int player ;
- char *who[], *be[], *opp_who[], *opp_be[] ;
- {
- do_move(player, who) ;
- for (;;)
- if (check(OPPONENT(player), opp_who, opp_be) == TRUE)
- {
- think(OPPONENT(player), opp_who) ;
- if (check(player, who,be) == TRUE) break ;
- if (cmode == GAME_OVER) break ;
- }
- else
- {
- if (cmode != GAME_OVER) cmode = (enum cantype) ((int) cmode - 1) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- nap_upto(n) /* Sleep upto n microseconds from start of timer. */
- int n ;
- {
- struct timeval ctp ;
- struct timezone ctzp ;
- long elapsed ; /* Number of microseconds since timer started. */
- GETTIMEOFDAY(&ctp, &ctzp) ;
- elapsed = ((ctp.tv_usec - tp.tv_usec) +
- (ctp.tv_sec - tp.tv_sec) * 1000000L) / 1000 ;
- if (elapsed > n) return ;
- usleep((unsigned) (n - elapsed)) ;
- }
- set_timer()
- {
- struct timezone tzp ;
- GETTIMEOFDAY(&tp, &tzp) ;
- }
- show_suggestion()
- {
- enum optype rop ;
- if (suggestion != -1)
- {
- rop = RCLR ;
- color = (iscolor) ? C_LBROWN : C_WHITE ;
- if (iscolor) rop = RSRC ;
- draw_line(suggest_x-5, CY+suggest_y-5,
- suggest_x+5, CY+suggest_y+5, rop, color) ;
- draw_line(suggest_x-5, CY+suggest_y+5,
- suggest_x+5, CY+suggest_y-5, rop, color) ;
- suggestion = -1 ;
- }
- }
- update_board_image()
- {
- int flips, i, piece, x, y ;
- show_suggestion() ;
- for (flips = 0; flips < 4; flips++)
- {
- batch(IS_ON) ;
- {
- if (board.square[i] != old_board.square[i])
- {
- get_xy(i, &x, &y) ;
- if (i == move) piece = board.square[i] ;
- else
- piece = (flips % 2) ? board.square[i] : board.square[i] * -1 ;
- draw_piece(piece, x, CY+y, RSRC) ;
- }
- }
- batch(IS_OFF) ;
- }
- message(SCORE_MES, sprintf(line, "White: %2d, Black: %2d",
- count(board, WHITE), count(board, BLACK))) ;
- }
- who_wins()
- {
- int cs, ps ;
- ps = count(board, WHITE) ;
- cs = count(board, BLACK) ;
- if (ps > cs) message(SCORE_MES, sprintf(line, "White wins %d-%d", ps, cs)) ;
- else if (ps == cs) message(SCORE_MES, sprintf(line,"A tie %d-%d", ps, cs)) ;
- else message(SCORE_MES, sprintf(line,"Black wins %d-%d", cs, ps)) ;
- if (cretin_flag) message(REMARK_MES, "*** CRETIN! ***") ;
- else message(REMARK_MES, "") ;
- }