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Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
From: cristy@eplrx7.es.duPont.com (John Cristy)
Subject: v34i050: imagemagick - X11 image processing and display v2.2, Part22/26
Message-ID: <1992Dec15.035815.22938@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
X-Md4-Signature: 53d648fcb196c409bfbafa46ed01d323
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1992 03:58:15 GMT
Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
Submitted-by: cristy@eplrx7.es.duPont.com (John Cristy)
Posting-number: Volume 34, Issue 50
Archive-name: imagemagick/part22
Environment: UNIX, VMS, X11, SGI, DEC, Cray, Sun, Vax
# this is Part.22 (part 22 of a multipart archive)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file ImageMagick/alien.c continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
exit 1
(read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != 22; then
echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
exit 1
exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
echo 'x - still skipping ImageMagick/alien.c'
echo 'x - continuing file ImageMagick/alien.c'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'ImageMagick/alien.c' &&
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X }
X p++;
X }
X if ((((image->columns/8)+(image->columns % 8 ? 1 : 0)) % 2) != 0)
X p++;
X }
X else
X if (image->class == PseudoClass)
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X {
X /*
X Convert PseudoColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets.
X */
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X index=(*p++);
X q->red=image->colormap[index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[index].blue;
X q->index=index;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X }
X if ((image->columns % 2) != 0)
X p++;
X }
X else
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X {
X /*
X Convert DirectColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets.
X */
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X q->index=(unsigned short) (image->alpha ? (*p++) : 0);
X if (sun_header.type == RT_STANDARD)
X {
X q->blue=(*p++);
X q->green=(*p++);
X q->red=(*p++);
X }
X else
X {
X q->red=(*p++);
X q->green=(*p++);
X q->blue=(*p++);
X }
X if (image->colors > 0)
X {
X q->red=image->colormap[q->red].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->green].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->blue].blue;
X }
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X }
X if (((image->columns % 2) != 0) && (image->alpha == False))
X p++;
X }
X (void) free((char *) sun_pixels);
X if (image->class == PseudoClass)
X CompressColormap(image);
X /*
X Proceed to next image.
X */
X status=ReadData((char *) &sun_header,1,sizeof(Rasterfile),image->file);
X if (status == True)
X {
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image->next=AllocateImage("SUN");
X if (image->next == (Image *) NULL)
X {
X DestroyImages(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X image->next->file=image->file;
X (void) sprintf(image->next->filename,"%s.%u\0",alien_info->filename,
X image->scene+1);
X image->next->scene=image->scene+1;
X image->next->last=image;
X image=image->next;
X }
X } while (status == True);
X while (image->last != (Image *) NULL)
X image=image->last;
X CloseImage(image);
X return(image);
#ifdef AlienTIFF
#include "tiff.h"
#include "tiffio.h"
% %
% %
% %
% R e a d T I F F I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function ReadTIFFImage reads an image file and returns it. It allocates the
% memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the
% new image.
% The format of the ReadTIFFImage routine is:
% image=ReadTIFFImage(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o image: Function ReadTIFFImage returns a pointer to the image after
% reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or
% if the image cannot be read.
% o alien_info: Specifies a pointer to an AlienInfo structure.
static Image *ReadTIFFImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
X Image
X *image;
X int
X range;
X register int
X i,
X quantum,
X x,
X y;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *q;
X *tiff;
X unsigned int
X status;
X unsigned long
X height,
X width;
X unsigned short
X bits_per_sample,
X max_sample_value,
X min_sample_value,
X photometric,
X samples_per_pixel;
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image=AllocateImage("TIFF");
X if (image == (Image *) NULL)
X return((Image *) NULL);
X /*
X Open TIFF image tiff.
X */
X (void) strcpy(image->filename,alien_info->filename);
X tiff=TIFFOpen(image->filename,"r");
X if (tiff == (TIFF *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open tiff image",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X do
X {
X if (alien_info->verbose)
X TIFFPrintDirectory(tiff,stderr,False);
X /*
X Allocate memory for the image and pixel buffer.
X */
X for (quantum=1; quantum <= 16; quantum<<=1)
X {
X image->columns=width/quantum;
X image->rows=height/quantum;
X image->packets=image->columns*image->rows;
X image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket));
X if ((image->pixels != (RunlengthPacket *) NULL))
X break;
X }
X image->comments=(char *)
X malloc((strlen(image->filename)+2048)*sizeof(char));
X if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) ||
X (image->comments == (char *) NULL))
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImages(image);
X TIFFClose(tiff);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X (void) sprintf(image->comments,"\n Imported from TIFF image %s.\n\0",
X image->filename);
X TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,&bits_per_sample);
X TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE,&min_sample_value);
X TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE,&max_sample_value);
X TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC,&photometric);
X TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,&samples_per_pixel);
X range=max_sample_value-min_sample_value;
X if ((bits_per_sample > 8) || (samples_per_pixel > 1) || TIFFIsTiled(tiff))
X {
X register unsigned long
X *p,
X *pixels;
X /*
X Convert TIFF image to DirectClass MIFF image.
X */
X image->alpha=samples_per_pixel > 3;
X pixels=(unsigned long *)
X malloc(image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned long));
X if (pixels == (unsigned long *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImages(image);
X TIFFClose(tiff);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X if (quantum > 1)
X Warning("not enough memory","cropping required");
X status=TIFFReadRGBAImage(tiff,image->columns,image->rows,pixels,0);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("unable to read TIFF image",(char *) NULL);
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X DestroyImages(image);
X TIFFClose(tiff);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Convert image to DirectClass runlength-encoded packets.
X */
X q=image->pixels;
X for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--)
X {
X p=pixels+y*image->columns;
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X q->red=TIFFGetR(*p);
X q->green=TIFFGetG(*p);
X q->blue=TIFFGetB(*p);
X q->index=(unsigned short) (image->alpha ? TIFFGetA(*p) : 0);
X q->length=0;
X p++;
X q++;
X }
X }
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X if (samples_per_pixel == 1)
X QuantizeImage(image,(unsigned int) range,8,False,RGBColorspace,True);
X }
X else
X {
X unsigned char
X *p,
X *scanline;
X /*
X Convert TIFF image to PseudoClass MIFF image.
X */
X image->class=PseudoClass;
X image->colors=range+1;
X image->colormap=(ColorPacket *)
X malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket));
X scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(TIFFScanlineSize(tiff));
X if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) ||
X (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL))
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImages(image);
X TIFFClose(tiff);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Create colormap.
X */
X switch (photometric)
X {
X {
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/range;
X image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/range;
X image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/range;
X }
X break;
X }
X {
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X image->colormap[i].red=((range-i)*MaxRGB)/range;
X image->colormap[i].green=((range-i)*MaxRGB)/range;
X image->colormap[i].blue=((range-i)*MaxRGB)/range;
X }
X break;
X }
X {
X unsigned short
X *blue_colormap,
X *green_colormap,
X *red_colormap;
X TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_COLORMAP,&red_colormap,&green_colormap,
X &blue_colormap);
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X image->colormap[i].red=((int) red_colormap[i]*MaxRGB)/65535;
X image->colormap[i].green=((int) green_colormap[i]*MaxRGB)/65535;
X image->colormap[i].blue=((int) blue_colormap[i]*MaxRGB)/65535;
X }
X break;
X }
X default:
X break;
X }
X /*
X Convert image to PseudoClass runlength-encoded packets.
X */
X if (quantum > 1)
X Warning("not enough memory","subsampling required");
X q=image->pixels;
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X {
X for (i=0; i < quantum; i++)
X TIFFReadScanline(tiff,scanline,y*quantum+i,0);
X p=scanline;
X switch (photometric)
X {
X {
X switch (bits_per_sample)
X {
X case 1:
X {
X register int
X bit;
X for (x=0; x < (image->columns-7); x+=8)
X {
X for (bit=7; bit >= 0; bit--)
X {
X q->index=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00);
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X }
X p+=quantum;
X }
X if ((image->columns % 8) != 0)
X {
X for (bit=7; bit >= (8-(image->columns % 8)); bit--)
X {
X q->index=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x00 : 0x01);
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X }
X p+=quantum;
X }
X break;
X }
X case 2:
X {
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x+=4)
X {
X q->index=(*p >> 6) & 0x3;
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X q->index=(*p >> 4) & 0x3;
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X q->index=(*p >> 2) & 0x3;
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X q->index=(*p) & 0x3;
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X p+=quantum;
X }
X break;
X }
X case 4:
X {
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x+=2)
X {
X q->index=(*p >> 4) & 0xf;
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X q->index=(*p) & 0xf;
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X p+=quantum;
X }
X break;
X }
X case 8:
X {
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X q->index=(*p);
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X p+=quantum;
X }
X break;
X }
X default:
X break;
X }
X break;
X }
X {
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X q->index=(*p);
X q->red=image->colormap[q->index].red;
X q->green=image->colormap[q->index].green;
X q->blue=image->colormap[q->index].blue;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X p+=quantum;
X }
X break;
X }
X default:
X break;
X }
X }
X (void) free((char *) scanline);
X CompressColormap(image);
X }
X /*
X Proceed to next image.
X */
X status=TIFFReadDirectory(tiff);
X if (status == True)
X {
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image->next=AllocateImage("TIFF");
X if (image->next == (Image *) NULL)
X {
X DestroyImages(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X image->next->file=image->file;
X (void) sprintf(image->next->filename,"%s.%u\0",alien_info->filename,
X image->scene+1);
X image->next->scene=image->scene+1;
X image->next->last=image;
X image=image->next;
X }
X } while (status == True);
X TIFFClose(tiff);
X while (image->last != (Image *) NULL)
X image=image->last;
X return(image);
static Image *ReadTIFFImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
X Warning("TIFF library is not available",alien_info->filename);
X return(ReadImage(alien_info->filename));
% %
% %
% %
% R e a d Y U V I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function ReadYUVImage reads an image file and returns it. It allocates the
% memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the
% new image. U and V, normally -0.5 through 0.5, are expected to be
% normalized to the range 0 through 255 fit withing a byte.
% The format of the ReadYUVImage routine is:
% image=ReadYUVImage(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o image: Function ReadYUVImage returns a pointer to the image after
% reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or
% if the image cannot be read.
% o alien_info: Specifies a pointer to an AlienInfo structure.
static Image *ReadYUVImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
X Image
X *image;
X int
X x,
X y;
X register int
X i;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *q;
X register unsigned char
X *p;
X unsigned char
X *rgb_pixels;
X unsigned int
X height,
X width;
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image=AllocateImage("YUV");
X if (image == (Image *) NULL)
X return((Image *) NULL);
X /*
X Open image file.
X */
X (void) strcpy(image->filename,alien_info->filename);
X OpenImage(image,"r");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Create image.
X */
X width=512;
X height=512;
X if (alien_info->geometry != (char *) NULL)
X (void) XParseGeometry(alien_info->geometry,&x,&y,&width,&height);
X image->columns=width;
X image->rows=height;
X image->packets=image->columns*image->rows;
X rgb_pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*3*sizeof(unsigned char));
X image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket));
X if ((rgb_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) ||
X (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL))
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Convert raster image to runlength-encoded packets.
X */
X (void) ReadData((char *) rgb_pixels,3,(int) (image->columns*image->rows),
X image->file);
X p=rgb_pixels;
X q=image->pixels;
X for (i=0; i < (image->columns*image->rows); i++)
X {
X q->red=(*p++);
X q->green=(*p++);
X q->blue=(*p++);
X q->index=0;
X q->length=0;
X q++;
X }
X (void) free((char *) rgb_pixels);
X TransformRGBImage(image,YUVColorspace);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(image);
% %
% %
% %
% R e a d X B M I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function ReadXBMImage reads an image file and returns it. It allocates the
% memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the
% new image.
% The format of the ReadXBMImage routine is:
% image=ReadXBMImage(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o image: Function ReadXBMImage returns a pointer to the image after
% reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or
% if the image cannot be read.
% o alien_info: Specifies a pointer to an AlienInfo structure.
static Image *ReadXBMImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
X char
X data[2048];
X Image
X *image;
X register int
X x,
X y;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X bit;
X unsigned int
X byte;
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image=AllocateImage("XBM");
X if (image == (Image *) NULL)
X return((Image *) NULL);
X /*
X Open image file.
X */
X (void) strcpy(image->filename,alien_info->filename);
X OpenImage(image,"r");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Read X bitmap header.
X */
X while (fgets(data,sizeof(data)-1,image->file) != (char *) NULL)
X if (sscanf(data,"#define %*32s %u",&image->columns) == 1)
X break;
X while (fgets(data,sizeof(data)-1,image->file) != (char *) NULL)
X if (sscanf(data,"#define %*32s %u",&image->rows) == 1)
X break;
X if ((image->columns == 0) || (image->rows == 0))
X {
X Warning("XBM file is not in the correct format",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X while (fgets(data,sizeof(data)-1,image->file) != (char *) NULL)
X if (sscanf(data,"%*[^#] char"))
X break;
X if (feof(image->file))
X {
X Warning("XBM file is not in the correct format",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Create image.
X */
X image->packets=image->columns*image->rows;
X image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket));
X if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Create colormap.
X */
X image->class=PseudoClass;
X image->colors=2;
X image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket));
X if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X image->colormap[0].red=0;
X image->colormap[0].green=0;
X image->colormap[0].blue=0;
X image->colormap[1].red=255;
X image->colormap[1].green=255;
X image->colormap[1].blue=255;
X /*
X Initial image comment.
X */
X image->comments=(char *) malloc((strlen(image->filename)+2048)*sizeof(char));
X if (image->comments == (char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X (void) sprintf(image->comments,"\n Imported from X11 bitmap file: %s\n\0",
X image->filename);
X /*
X Convert X bitmap image to runlength-encoded packets.
X */
X p=image->pixels;
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X {
X bit=0;
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X if (bit == 0)
X (void) fscanf(image->file,"%i,",&byte);
X p->index=(byte & 0x01) ? 0 : 1;
X byte>>=1;
X p->red=image->colormap[p->index].red;
X p->green=image->colormap[p->index].green;
X p->blue=image->colormap[p->index].blue;
X p->length=0;
X p++;
X bit++;
X if (bit == 8)
X bit=0;
X }
X }
X CloseImage(image);
X return(image);
% %
% %
% %
% R e a d V I C A R I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function ReadVICARImage reads an image file and returns it. It allocates
% the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to
% the new image.
% The format of the ReadVICARImage routine is:
% image=ReadVICARImage(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o image: Function ReadVICARImage returns a pointer to the image after
% reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if
% the image cannot be read.
% o filename: Specifies the name of the image to read.
static Image *ReadVICARImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
#define MaxKeywordLength 2048
X char
X keyword[MaxKeywordLength],
X value[MaxKeywordLength];
X Image
X *image;
X long int
X count;
X register int
X c,
X i;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *q;
X register unsigned char
X *p;
X unsigned char
X *vicar_pixels;
X unsigned int
X header_length,
X status,
X value_expected;
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image=AllocateImage("VICAR");
X if (image == (Image *) NULL)
X return((Image *) NULL);
X /*
X Open image file.
X */
X (void) strcpy(image->filename,alien_info->filename);
X OpenImage(image,"r");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Decode image header.
X */
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count=1;
X if (c == EOF)
X {
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X while (isgraph(c) && ((image->columns*image->rows) == 0))
X {
X register char
X *p;
X if (!isalnum(c))
X {
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count++;
X }
X else
X {
X /*
X Determine a keyword and its value.
X */
X p=keyword;
X do
X {
X if ((p-keyword) < (MaxKeywordLength-1))
X *p++=(char) c;
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count++;
X } while (isalnum(c) || (c == '_'));
X *p='\0';
X value_expected=False;
X while (isspace(c) || (c == '='))
X {
X if (c == '=')
X value_expected=True;
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count++;
X }
X if (value_expected == False)
X continue;
X p=value;
X while (isalnum(c))
X {
X if ((p-value) < (MaxKeywordLength-1))
X *p++=(char) c;
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count++;
X }
X *p='\0';
X /*
X Assign a value to the specified keyword.
X */
X if (strcmp(keyword,"LABEL_RECORDS") == 0)
X header_length=(unsigned int) atoi(value);
X if (strcmp(keyword,"LBLSIZE") == 0)
X header_length=(unsigned int) atoi(value);
X if (strcmp(keyword,"RECORD_BYTES") == 0)
X image->columns=(unsigned int) atoi(value);
X if (strcmp(keyword,"NS") == 0)
X image->columns=(unsigned int) atoi(value);
X if (strcmp(keyword,"LINES") == 0)
X image->rows=(unsigned int) atoi(value);
X if (strcmp(keyword,"NL") == 0)
X image->rows=(unsigned int) atoi(value);
X }
X while (isspace(c))
X {
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count++;
X }
X }
X /*
X Read the rest of the header.
X */
X while (count < header_length)
X {
X c=fgetc(image->file);
X count++;
X }
X /*
X Verify that required image information is defined.
X */
X if ((image->columns*image->rows) == 0)
X {
X Warning("incorrect image header in file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Create linear colormap.
X */
X image->class=PseudoClass;
X image->colors=256;
X image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket));
X if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X image->colormap[i].red=(unsigned char) i;
X image->colormap[i].green=(unsigned char) i;
X image->colormap[i].blue=(unsigned char) i;
X }
X /*
X Create image.
X */
X image->packets=image->columns*image->rows;
X image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket));
X image->comments=(char *)
X malloc((strlen(image->filename)+2048)*sizeof(char));
X vicar_pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) ||
X (image->comments == (char *) NULL) ||
X (vicar_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL))
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X (void) sprintf(image->comments,"\n Imported from VICAR image: %s\n",
X image->filename);
X /*
X Convert vicar pixels to runlength-encoded packets.
X */
X status=ReadData((char *) vicar_pixels,1,(int) image->packets,image->file);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("insufficient image data in file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Convert vicar pixels to runlength-encoded packets.
X */
X p=vicar_pixels;
X q=image->pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X q->red=(*p);
X q->green=(*p);
X q->blue=(*p);
X q->index=(unsigned short) *p;
X q->length=0;
X p++;
X q++;
X }
X (void) free((char *) vicar_pixels);
X CompressColormap(image);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(image);
% %
% %
% %
% R e a d X W D I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function ReadXWDImage reads an image file and returns it. It allocates the
% memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the
% new image.
% The format of the ReadXWDImage routine is:
% image=ReadXWDImage(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o image: Function ReadXWDImage returns a pointer to the image after
% reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or
% if the image cannot be read.
% o alien_info: Specifies a pointer to an AlienInfo structure.
static Image *ReadXWDImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
#include "XWDFile.h"
X char
X *window_name;
X Display
X display;
X Image
X *image;
X int
X status,
X x,
X y;
X register int
X i;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned long
X pixel;
X unsigned long int
X lsb_first,
X packets;
X ScreenFormat
X screen_format;
X XColor
X *colors;
X XImage
X *ximage;
X XWDFileHeader
X header;
X /*
X Allocate image structure.
X */
X image=AllocateImage("XWD");
X if (image == (Image *) NULL)
X return((Image *) NULL);
X /*
X Open image file.
X */
X (void) strcpy(image->filename,alien_info->filename);
X OpenImage(image,"r");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Read in header information.
X */
X status=ReadData((char *) &header,sizeof(header),1,image->file);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("Unable to read dump file header",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Ensure the header byte-order is most-significant byte first.
X */
X lsb_first=1;
X if (*(char *) &lsb_first)
X MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &header,sizeof(header));
X /*
X Check to see if the dump file is in the proper format.
X */
X if (header.file_version != XWD_FILE_VERSION)
X {
X Warning("XWD file format version mismatch",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X if (header.header_size < sizeof(header))
X {
X Warning("XWD header size is too small",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X packets=(header.header_size-sizeof(header));
X window_name=(char *) malloc((unsigned int) packets*sizeof(char));
X if (window_name == (char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X status=ReadData((char *) window_name,1,(int) packets,image->file);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("unable to read window name from dump file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Initialize the X image.
X */
X display.byte_order=header.byte_order;
X display.bitmap_unit=header.bitmap_unit;
X display.bitmap_bit_order=header.bitmap_bit_order;
X display.pixmap_format=(&screen_format);
X display.nformats=1;
X screen_format.depth=header.pixmap_depth;
X screen_format.bits_per_pixel=(int) header.bits_per_pixel;
X ximage=XCreateImage(&display,(Visual *) NULL,
X (unsigned int) header.pixmap_depth,(int) header.pixmap_format,
X (int) header.xoffset,(char *) NULL,(unsigned int) header.pixmap_width,
X (unsigned int) header.pixmap_height,(int) header.bitmap_pad,
X (int) header.bytes_per_line);
X ximage->red_mask=header.red_mask;
X ximage->green_mask=header.green_mask;
X ximage->blue_mask=header.blue_mask;
X /*
X Read colormap.
X */
X if (header.ncolors > 0)
X {
X colors=(XColor *) malloc((unsigned int) header.ncolors*sizeof(XColor));
X if (colors == (XColor *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X status=ReadData((char *) colors,sizeof(XColor),(int) header.ncolors,
X image->file);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("unable to read color map from dump file",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Ensure the header byte-order is most-significant byte first.
X */
X lsb_first=1;
X if (*(char *) &lsb_first)
X for (i=0; i < header.ncolors; i++)
X {
X MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &colors[i].pixel,sizeof(unsigned long));
X MSBFirstOrderShort((char *) &colors[i].red,3*sizeof(unsigned short));
X }
X }
X /*
X Allocate the pixel buffer.
X */
X if (ximage->format == ZPixmap)
X packets=ximage->bytes_per_line*ximage->height;
X else
X packets=ximage->bytes_per_line*ximage->height*ximage->depth;
X ximage->data=(char *) malloc(packets*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (ximage->data == (char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X status=ReadData(ximage->data,1,(int) packets,image->file);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("unable to read dump pixmap",image->filename);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X /*
X Convert image to MIFF format.
X */
X image->columns=ximage->width;
X image->rows=ximage->height;
X /*
X Initial image comment.
X */
X if ((ximage->red_mask > 0) || (ximage->green_mask > 0) ||
X (ximage->blue_mask > 0))
X image->class=DirectClass;
X else
X image->class=PseudoClass;
X image->colors=header.ncolors;
X image->packets=image->columns*image->rows;
X image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *)
X malloc((unsigned int) image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket));
X image->comments=(char *)
X malloc((strlen(image->filename)+2048)*sizeof(char));
X if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) ||
X (image->comments == (char *) NULL))
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X (void) sprintf(image->comments,"\n Imported from X11 dump file: %s\n\0",
X image->filename);
X p=image->pixels;
X switch (image->class)
X {
X case DirectClass:
X {
X register unsigned long
X color;
X unsigned long
X blue_mask,
X blue_shift,
X green_mask,
X green_shift,
X red_mask,
X red_shift;
X /*
X Determine shift and mask for red, green, and blue.
X */
X red_mask=ximage->red_mask;
X red_shift=0;
X while ((red_mask & 0x01) == 0)
X {
X red_mask>>=1;
X red_shift++;
X }
X green_mask=ximage->green_mask;
X green_shift=0;
X while ((green_mask & 0x01) == 0)
X {
X green_mask>>=1;
X green_shift++;
X }
X blue_mask=ximage->blue_mask;
X blue_shift=0;
X while ((blue_mask & 0x01) == 0)
X {
X blue_mask>>=1;
X blue_shift++;
X }
X /*
X Convert X image to DirectClass packets.
X */
X if (image->colors > 0)
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X {
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X pixel=XGetPixel(ximage,x,y);
X p->index=(unsigned short) ((pixel >> red_shift) & red_mask);
X p->red=(unsigned char) (colors[p->index].red >> 8);
X p->index=(unsigned short) ((pixel >> green_shift) & green_mask);
X p->green=(unsigned char) (colors[p->index].green >> 8);
X p->index=(unsigned short) ((pixel >> blue_shift) & blue_mask);
X p->blue=(unsigned char) (colors[p->index].blue >> 8);
X p->index=0;
X p->length=0;
X p++;
X }
X }
X else
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X pixel=XGetPixel(ximage,x,y);
X color=(pixel >> red_shift) & red_mask;
X p->red=(unsigned char)
X ((((unsigned long) color*65535)/red_mask) >> 8);
X color=(pixel >> green_shift) & green_mask;
X p->green=(unsigned char)
X ((((unsigned long) color*65535)/green_mask) >> 8);
X color=(pixel >> blue_shift) & blue_mask;
X p->blue=(unsigned char)
X ((((unsigned long) color*65535)/blue_mask) >> 8);
X p->index=0;
X p->length=0;
X p++;
X }
X break;
X }
X case PseudoClass:
X {
X /*
X Convert X image to PseudoClass packets.
X */
X image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket));
X if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X DestroyImage(image);
X return((Image *) NULL);
X }
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X image->colormap[i].red=colors[i].red >> 8;
X image->colormap[i].green=colors[i].green >> 8;
X image->colormap[i].blue=colors[i].blue >> 8;
X }
X for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++)
X for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++)
X {
X pixel=XGetPixel(ximage,x,y);
X p->red=(unsigned char) (colors[pixel].red >> 8);
X p->green=(unsigned char) (colors[pixel].green >> 8);
X p->blue=(unsigned char) (colors[pixel].blue >> 8);
X p->index=(unsigned short) pixel;
X p->length=0;
X p++;
X }
X CompressColormap(image);
X break;
X }
X }
X /*
X Free image and colormap.
X */
X (void) free((char *) window_name);
X if (header.ncolors > 0)
X (void) free((char *) colors);
X XDestroyImage(ximage);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(image);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e A V S I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteAVSImage writes an image to a file on disk in AVS rasterfile
% format.
% The format of the WriteAVSImage routine is:
% status=WriteAVSImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteAVSImage(image)
X *image;
X typedef struct Raster
X {
X int
X width,
X height;
X } Raster;
X Raster
X header;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *avs_pixels;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Initialize raster file header.
X */
X header.width=image->columns;
X header.height=image->rows;
X avs_pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(4*image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (avs_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) &header,sizeof(header),1,image->file);
X p=image->pixels;
X q=avs_pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X *q++=(unsigned char) (image->alpha ? p->index : 0);
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X }
X p++;
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) avs_pixels,sizeof(char),(int)
X (image->columns*image->rows*4),image->file);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e C M Y K I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteCMYKImage writes an image to a file on disk in red, green,
% blue rasterfile format.
% The format of the WriteCMYKImage routine is:
% status=WriteCMYKImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteCMYKImage(image)
X *image;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X black,
X cyan,
X magenta,
X *pixels,
X yellow;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to CMYK raster pixels.
X */
X pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(4*image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X cyan=MaxRGB-p->red;
X magenta=MaxRGB-p->green;
X yellow=MaxRGB-p->blue;
X black=cyan;
X if (magenta < black)
X black=magenta;
X if (yellow < black)
X black=yellow;
X *q++=cyan-black;
X *q++=magenta-black;
X *q++=yellow-black;
X *q++=black;
X }
X p++;
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) pixels,sizeof(unsigned char),
X (int) (4*image->columns*image->rows),image->file);
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e F A X I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Procedure WriteFAXImage writes an image to a file on disk in 1 dimensional
% Huffman encoded format.
% The format of the WriteFAXImage routine is:
% status=WriteFAXImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteFAXImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteFAXImage(image)
X *image;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to monochrome.
X */
X QuantizeImage(image,2,8,False,GRAYColorspace,True);
X (void) HuffmanEncodeImage(image);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e G I F I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteGIFImage writes an image to a file on disk in the GIF image
% format.
% The format of the WriteGIFImage routine is:
% status=WriteGIFImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteGIFImage(image)
X *image;
X int
X status;
X register int
X i;
X unsigned char
X bits_per_pixel,
X buffer[10];
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X GIF colormap must be 256 entries or less.
X */
X if ((image->class == DirectClass) || (image->colors > 256))
X QuantizeImage(image,256,8,False,RGBColorspace,True);
X for (bits_per_pixel=1; bits_per_pixel < 8; bits_per_pixel++)
X if ((1 << bits_per_pixel) >= image->colors)
X break;
X /*
X Write GIF header.
X */
X (void) fwrite("GIF87a",1,6,image->file);
X buffer[0]=(unsigned char) (image->columns & 0xff);
X buffer[1]=(unsigned char) ((image->columns >> 8) & 0xff);
X buffer[2]=(unsigned char) (image->rows & 0xff);
X buffer[3]=(unsigned char) ((image->rows >> 8) & 0xff);
X buffer[4]=0x80; /* global colormap */
X buffer[4]|=(bits_per_pixel-1) << 4; /* color resolution */
X buffer[4]|=(bits_per_pixel-1); /* size of global colormap */
X buffer[5]=0; /* background color */
X buffer[6]=0; /* aspect ratio */
X (void) fwrite((char *) buffer,1,7,image->file);
X /*
X Write colormap.
X */
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X (void) fwrite((char *) &image->colormap[i].red,1,1,image->file);
X (void) fwrite((char *) &image->colormap[i].green,1,1,image->file);
X (void) fwrite((char *) &image->colormap[i].blue,1,1,image->file);
X }
X buffer[0]=0;
X buffer[1]=0;
X buffer[2]=0;
X for ( ; i < (int) (1 << bits_per_pixel); i++)
X (void) fwrite((char *) buffer,1,3,image->file);
X (void) fwrite(",",1,1,image->file); /* separator */
X /*
X Write the image header.
X */
X buffer[0]=0; /* left/top */
X buffer[1]=0;
X buffer[2]=0;
X buffer[3]=0;
X buffer[4]=(unsigned char) (image->columns & 0xff);
X buffer[5]=(unsigned char) ((image->columns >> 8) & 0xff);
X buffer[6]=(unsigned char) (image->rows & 0xff);
X buffer[7]=(unsigned char) ((image->rows >> 8) & 0xff);
X buffer[8]=0; /* no interlace */
X buffer[9]=Max(bits_per_pixel,2);
X (void) fwrite((char *) buffer,1,10,image->file);
X status=LZWEncodeImage(image,Max(bits_per_pixel,2)+1);
X if (status == False)
X {
X Warning("unable to write image","memory allocation failed");
X DestroyImage(image);
X return(False);
X }
X buffer[0]=0;
X (void) fwrite((char *) buffer,1,1,image->file); /* EOF */
X (void) fwrite(";",1,1,image->file); /* terminator */
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e G R A Y I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteGRAYImage writes an image to a file on disk in red, green,
% blue rasterfile format.
% The format of the WriteGRAYImage routine is:
% status=WriteGRAYImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteGRAYImage(image)
X *image;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *pixels;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Convert image to gray scale PseudoColor class.
X */
X pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X *q++=Intensity(*p);
X p++;
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) pixels,sizeof(unsigned char),
X (int) (image->columns*image->rows),image->file);
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
#ifdef AlienJPEG
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e J P E G I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteJPEGImage writes an image file and returns it. It allocates
% the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to
% the new jpeg_image.
% The format of the WriteJPEGImage routine is:
% status=WriteJPEGImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o status: Function WriteJPEGImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is of a memory shortage or if the image
% file cannot be opened for writing.
% o jpeg_image: A pointer to a Image structure.
METHODDEF void JPEGInitializeImage(jpeg_info)
X jpeg_info;
X /*
X Initialize JPEG image.
X */
X jpeg_info->image_width=jpeg_image->columns;
X jpeg_info->image_height=jpeg_image->rows;
X jpeg_info->data_precision=8;
X jpeg_info->input_components=3;
X jpeg_info->in_color_space=CS_RGB;
X if ((jpeg_image->class == PseudoClass) && (jpeg_image->colors <= 256))
X {
X register int
X i;
X unsigned int
X grayscale;
X /*
X Determine if jpeg_image is grayscale.
X */
X grayscale=True;
X for (i=0; i < jpeg_image->colors; i++)
X if ((jpeg_image->colormap[i].red != jpeg_image->colormap[i].green) ||
X (jpeg_image->colormap[i].green != jpeg_image->colormap[i].blue))
X {
X grayscale=False;
X break;
X }
X if (grayscale)
X {
X jpeg_info->input_components=1;
X jpeg_info->in_color_space=CS_GRAYSCALE;
X }
X }
X jpeg_image->packet=jpeg_image->pixels;
X jpeg_image->runlength=jpeg_image->packet->length+1;
static void JPEGInputTermMethod(jpeg_info)
X jpeg_info;
static void JPEGWriteGRAY(jpeg_info,pixel_data)
X jpeg_info;
X pixel_data;
X register int
X column;
X register JSAMPROW
X gray;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X /*
X Convert run-length encoded grayscale MIFF packets to JPEG pixels.
X */
X gray=pixel_data[0];
X p=jpeg_image->packet;
X for (column=jpeg_info->image_width; column > 0; column--)
X {
X if (jpeg_image->runlength > 0)
X jpeg_image->runlength--;
X else
X {
X p++;
X jpeg_image->runlength=p->length;
true || echo 'restore of ImageMagick/alien.c failed'
echo 'End of part 22'
echo 'File ImageMagick/alien.c is continued in part 23'
echo 23 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...