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Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
From: cristy@eplrx7.es.duPont.com (John Cristy)
Subject: v34i051: imagemagick - X11 image processing and display v2.2, Part23/26
Message-ID: <1992Dec15.035843.23013@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
X-Md4-Signature: b8cbdf2b999822ad6117593054bf8eeb
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1992 03:58:43 GMT
Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
Submitted-by: cristy@eplrx7.es.duPont.com (John Cristy)
Posting-number: Volume 34, Issue 51
Archive-name: imagemagick/part23
Environment: UNIX, VMS, X11, SGI, DEC, Cray, Sun, Vax
# this is Part.23 (part 23 of a multipart archive)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file ImageMagick/alien.c continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
exit 1
(read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != 23; then
echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
exit 1
exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
echo 'x - still skipping ImageMagick/alien.c'
echo 'x - continuing file ImageMagick/alien.c'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'ImageMagick/alien.c' &&
X }
X *gray++=(JSAMPLE) p->red;
X }
X jpeg_image->packet=p;
static void JPEGWriteRGB(jpeg_info,pixel_data)
X jpeg_info;
X pixel_data;
X register int
X column;
X register JSAMPROW
X blue,
X green,
X red;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X /*
X Convert run-length encoded MIFF packets to JPEG pixels.
X */
X red=pixel_data[0];
X green=pixel_data[1];
X blue=pixel_data[2];
X p=jpeg_image->packet;
X for (column=jpeg_info->image_width; column > 0; column--)
X {
X if (jpeg_image->runlength > 0)
X jpeg_image->runlength--;
X else
X {
X p++;
X jpeg_image->runlength=p->length;
X }
X *red++=(JSAMPLE) p->red;
X *green++=(JSAMPLE) p->green;
X *blue++=(JSAMPLE) p->blue;
X }
X jpeg_image->packet=p;
static void JPEGSelectMethod(jpeg_info)
X jpeg_info;
X jpeg_info->methods->get_input_row=JPEGWriteRGB;
X if (jpeg_info->in_color_space == CS_GRAYSCALE)
X {
X j_monochrome_default(jpeg_info);
X jpeg_info->methods->get_input_row=JPEGWriteGRAY;
X }
static unsigned int WriteJPEGImage(image)
X *image;
X struct Compress_info_struct
X jpeg_info;
X struct Compress_methods_struct
X jpeg_methods;
X struct External_methods_struct
X external_methods;
X /*
X Open image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Initialize the JPEG system-dependent methods.
X */
X jpeg_image=image;
X jpeg_info.methods=(&jpeg_methods);
X jpeg_info.emethods=(&external_methods);
X jselerror(&external_methods);
X jselmemmgr(&external_methods);
X jpeg_info.methods->input_init=JPEGInitializeImage;
X jpeg_info.methods->input_term=JPEGInputTermMethod;
X jpeg_methods.c_ui_method_selection=JPEGSelectMethod;
X j_c_defaults(&jpeg_info,jpeg_image->quality,False);
X jpeg_info.optimize_coding=True;
X jpeg_info.restart_in_rows=1;
X if ((image->class == PseudoClass) && (image->colors <= 256))
X jpeg_info.smoothing_factor=25;
X /*
X Write a JFIF JPEG file.
X */
X jpeg_info.input_file=(FILE *) NULL;
X jpeg_info.output_file=image->file;
X jselwjfif(&jpeg_info);
X jpeg_compress(&jpeg_info);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
static unsigned int WriteJPEGImage(image)
X *image;
X Warning("JPEG library is not available",image->filename);
X return(WriteImage(image));
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e M T V I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteMTVImage writes an image to a file on disk in red, green,
% blue rasterfile format.
% The format of the WriteMTVImage routine is:
% status=WriteMTVImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteMTVImage(image)
X *image;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *pixels;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to MTV raster pixels.
X */
X pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(3*image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X }
X p++;
X }
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"%u %u",image->columns,image->rows);
X (void) fwrite((char *) pixels,sizeof(unsigned char),
X (int) (3*image->columns*image->rows),image->file);
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e P N M I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Procedure WritePNMImage writes an image to a file on disk in PNM
% rasterfile format.
% The format of the WritePNMImage routine is:
% status=WritePNMImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WritePNMImage(image)
X *image;
X int
X count;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X format,
X *pixels;
X unsigned int
X packets;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Write PNM file header.
X */
X packets=image->columns*image->rows;
X if ((image->class == DirectClass) || (image->colors > 256))
X {
X format='6';
X packets*=3;
X }
X else
X {
X /*
X Determine if image is gray scale.
X */
X format='5';
X if (image->colors == 2)
X {
X format='4';
X packets/=8;
X }
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X if ((image->colormap[i].red != image->colormap[i].green) ||
X (image->colormap[i].green != image->colormap[i].blue))
X {
X format='6';
X packets*=3;
X break;
X }
X }
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"P%c\n# created by ImageMagick\n%u %u\n",
X format,image->columns,image->rows);
X /*
X Convert MIFF to PNM raster pixels.
X */
X pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(packets*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=pixels;
X switch (format)
X {
X case '4':
X {
X register unsigned char
X bit,
X byte,
X polarity;
X unsigned int
X x;
X /*
X Convert image to a PBM image.
X */
X polarity=(Intensity(image->colormap[0]) <
X Intensity(image->colormap[1]) ? 0 : 1);
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X x=0;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X byte<<=1;
X if (p->index == polarity)
X byte|=0x01;
X bit++;
X if (bit == 8)
X {
X *q++=byte;
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X }
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X /*
X Advance to the next scanline.
X */
X if (bit > 0)
X *q++=byte << (8-bit);
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X x=0;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X break;
X }
X case '5':
X {
X /*
X Convert image to a PGM image.
X */
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"%d\n",MaxRGB);
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X *q++=image->colormap[p->index].red;
X p++;
X }
X break;
X }
X case '6':
X {
X /*
X Convert image to a PNM image.
X */
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"%d\n",MaxRGB);
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X }
X p++;
X }
X break;
X }
X }
X count=fwrite((char *) pixels,1,(int) packets,image->file);
X if (count != packets)
X {
X Warning("unable to write image","file write error");
X return(False);
X }
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e R G B I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteRGBImage writes an image to a file on disk in red, green,
% blue rasterfile format.
% The format of the WriteRGBImage routine is:
% status=WriteRGBImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteRGBImage(image)
X *image;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *pixels;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to RGB raster pixels.
X */
X pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(3*image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X }
X p++;
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) pixels,sizeof(unsigned char),
X (int) (3*image->columns*image->rows),image->file);
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
#ifdef AlienTIFF
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e T I F F I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteTIFFImage writes a TIFF image to a file.
% The format of the WriteTIFFImage routine is:
% status=WriteTIFFImage(image,verbose)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o status: Function WriteTIFFImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is of a memory shortage or if the image
% file cannot be opened for writing.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
% o verbose: A value greater than zero prints detailed information about
% the image.
static unsigned int WriteTIFFImage(image,verbose)
X *image;
unsigned int
X verbose;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register int
X i,
X j,
X x,
X y;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X *file;
X unsigned char
X *scanline;
X unsigned short
X photometric,
X rows_per_strip;
X /*
X Open TIFF file.
X */
X file=TIFFOpen(image->filename,"w");
X if (file == (TIFF *) NULL)
X return(False);
X /*
X Initialize TIFF fields.
X */
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME,image->filename);
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE,"ImageMagick");
X if (image->comments != (char *) NULL)
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION,image->comments);
X if ((image->class == DirectClass) || (image->colors > 256))
X {
X photometric=PHOTOMETRIC_RGB;
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,(image->alpha ? 4 : 3));
X }
X else
X {
X /*
X Determine if image is gray scale.
X */
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X if ((image->colormap[i].red != image->colormap[i].green) ||
X (image->colormap[i].green != image->colormap[i].blue))
X {
X break;
X }
X if ((image->colors == 2) && (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK))
X else
X }
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC,photometric);
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,image->rows);
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,image->columns);
X if (image->compression == NoCompression)
X rows_per_strip=8192/TIFFScanlineSize(file);
X if (rows_per_strip == 0)
X rows_per_strip=1;
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP,rows_per_strip);
X scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(TIFFScanlineSize(file));
X if (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("memory allocation error",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=scanline;
X x=0;
X y=0;
X if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_RGB)
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X /*
X Convert DirectClass packets to contiguous RGB scanlines.
X */
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X if (image->alpha)
X *q++=(unsigned char) p->index;
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X if (TIFFWriteScanline(file,scanline,y,0) < 0)
X break;
X q=scanline;
X x=0;
X y++;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X else
X if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE)
X {
X unsigned short
X blue[256],
X green[256],
X red[256];
X /*
X Initialize TIFF colormap.
X */
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X red[i]=(unsigned short)
X ((image->colormap[i].red*65535)/(unsigned int) MaxRGB);
X green[i]=(unsigned short)
X ((image->colormap[i].green*65535)/(unsigned int) MaxRGB);
X blue[i]=(unsigned short)
X ((image->colormap[i].blue*65535)/(unsigned int) MaxRGB);
X }
X TIFFSetField(file,TIFFTAG_COLORMAP,red,green,blue);
X /*
X Convert PseudoClass packets to contiguous colormap indexed scanlines.
X */
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X *q++=(unsigned char) p->index;
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X if (TIFFWriteScanline(file,scanline,y,0) < 0)
X break;
X q=scanline;
X x=0;
X y++;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X }
X else
X if (image->colors > 2)
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X /*
X Convert PseudoClass packets to contiguous grayscale scanlines.
X */
X *q++=(unsigned char) image->colormap[p->index].red;
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X if (TIFFWriteScanline(file,scanline,y,0) < 0)
X break;
X q=scanline;
X x=0;
X y++;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X else
X {
X register unsigned char
X bit,
X byte,
X polarity;
X /*
X Convert PseudoClass packets to contiguous monochrome scanlines.
X */
X polarity=(Intensity(image->colormap[0]) >
X Intensity(image->colormap[1]) ? 0 : 1);
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X x=0;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X byte<<=1;
X if (p->index == polarity)
X byte|=0x01;
X bit++;
X if (bit == 8)
X {
X *q++=byte;
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X }
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X /*
X Advance to the next scanline.
X */
X if (bit > 0)
X *q++=byte << (8-bit);
X if (TIFFWriteScanline(file,scanline,y,0) < 0)
X break;
X q=scanline;
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X x=0;
X y++;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X }
X (void) free((char *) scanline);
X (void) TIFFFlushData(file);
X if (verbose)
X TIFFPrintDirectory(file,stderr,False);
X (void) TIFFClose(file);
X return(True);
static unsigned int WriteTIFFImage(image,verbose)
X *image;
unsigned int
X verbose;
X Warning("TIFF library is not available",image->filename);
X return(WriteImage(image));
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e S U N I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteSUNImage writes an image to a file on disk in SUN
% rasterfile format.
% The format of the WriteSUNImage routine is:
% status=WriteSUNImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteSUNImage(image)
X *image;
#define RMT_EQUAL_RGB 1
#define RMT_NONE 0
#define RMT_RAW 2
#define RT_STANDARD 1
#define RT_FORMAT_RGB 3
X typedef struct SUN
X {
X int
X magic,
X width,
X height,
X depth,
X length,
X type,
X maptype,
X maplength;
X } SUN;
X sun_header;
X register int
X i,
X j,
X x;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *sun_pixels;
X unsigned int
X grayscale;
X unsigned long
X lsb_first;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Initialize SUN raster file header.
X */
X sun_header.magic=0x59a66a95;
X sun_header.width=image->columns;
X sun_header.height=image->rows;
X sun_header.type=(image->class == DirectClass ? RT_FORMAT_RGB : RT_STANDARD);
X sun_header.maptype=RMT_NONE;
X sun_header.maplength=0;
X if ((image->class == DirectClass) || (image->colors > 256))
X {
X /*
X Full color sun raster.
X */
X sun_header.depth=(image->alpha ? 32 : 24);
X sun_header.length=image->columns*image->rows*(image->alpha ? 4 : 3);
X sun_header.length+=image->columns % 2 ? image->rows : 0;
X }
X else
X {
X /*
X Determine if image is grayscale.
X */
X grayscale=True;
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X if ((image->colormap[i].red != image->colormap[i].green) ||
X (image->colormap[i].green != image->colormap[i].blue))
X {
X grayscale=False;
X break;
X }
X if ((image->colors > 2) || !grayscale)
X {
X /*
X Colormapped sun raster.
X */
X sun_header.depth=8;
X sun_header.length=image->columns*image->rows;
X sun_header.maptype=RMT_EQUAL_RGB;
X sun_header.maplength=image->colors*3;
X sun_header.length+=image->columns % 2 ? image->rows : 0;
X }
X else
X {
X /*
X Monochrome sun raster.
X */
X sun_header.depth=1;
X sun_header.length=((image->columns+7) >> 3)*image->rows;
X sun_header.length+=((image->columns/8)+(image->columns % 8 ? 1 : 0)) %
X 2 ? image->rows : 0;
X }
X }
X /*
X Ensure the SUN raster header byte-order is most-significant byte first.
X */
X lsb_first=1;
X if ((*(char *) &lsb_first) == 0)
X (void) fwrite((char *) &sun_header,sizeof(sun_header),1,image->file);
X else
X {
X reverse_header;
X reverse_header=sun_header;
X MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &reverse_header,sizeof(reverse_header));
X (void) fwrite((char *) &reverse_header,sizeof(reverse_header),1,
X image->file);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to SUN raster pixels.
X */
X sun_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(sun_header.length*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (sun_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X p=image->pixels;
X q=sun_pixels;
X x=0;
X if ((image->class == DirectClass) || (image->colors > 256))
X {
X /*
X Convert DirectClass packet to SUN RGB pixel.
X */
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X if (image->alpha)
X *q++=(unsigned char) p->index;
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X if ((image->columns % 2) != 0)
X q++; /* pad scanline */
X x=0;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X }
X else
X if ((image->colors > 2) || !grayscale)
X {
X unsigned char
X *sun_colormap;
X /*
X Dump colormap to file.
X */
X sun_colormap=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(sun_header.maplength*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (sun_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X q=sun_colormap;
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X *q++=image->colormap[i].red;
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X *q++=image->colormap[i].green;
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X *q++=image->colormap[i].blue;
X (void) fwrite((char *) sun_colormap,sizeof(char),sun_header.maplength,
X image->file);
X (void) free((char *) sun_colormap);
X /*
X Convert PseudoClass packet to SUN colormapped pixel.
X */
X q=sun_pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X *q++=p->index;
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X if ((image->columns % 2) != 0)
X q++; /* pad scanline */
X x=0;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X }
X else
X {
X register unsigned char
X bit,
X byte,
X polarity;
X /*
X Convert PseudoClass image to a SUN monochrome image.
X */
X polarity=(Intensity(image->colormap[0]) <
X Intensity(image->colormap[1]) ? 0 : 1);
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= (int) p->length; j++)
X {
X byte<<=1;
X if (p->index == polarity)
X byte|=0x01;
X bit++;
X if (bit == 8)
X {
X *q++=byte;
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X }
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X /*
X Advance to the next scanline.
X */
X if (bit > 0)
X *q++=byte << (8-bit);
X if ((((image->columns/8)+
X (image->columns % 8 ? 1 : 0)) % 2) != 0)
X q++; /* pad scanline */
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X x=0;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) sun_pixels,sizeof(char),sun_header.length,image->file);
X (void) free((char *) sun_pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e X B M I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Procedure WriteXBMImage writes an image to a file on disk in X
% bitmap format.
% The format of the WriteXBMImage routine is:
% status=WriteXBMImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteXBMImage(image)
X *image;
X char
X name[2048];
X register int
X i,
X j,
X x;
X register char
X *q;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X bit,
X byte;
X register unsigned short
X polarity;
X unsigned int
X count;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Write X bitmap header.
X */
X (void) strcpy(name,image->filename);
X q=name;
X while ((*q != '.') && (*q != '\0'))
X q++;
X if (*q == '.')
X *q='\0';
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"#define %s_width %u\n",name,image->columns);
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"#define %s_height %u\n",name,image->rows);
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"static char %s_bits[] = {\n",name);
X (void) fprintf(image->file," ");
X /*
X Convert MIFF to X bitmap pixels.
X */
X QuantizeImage(image,2,8,False,GRAYColorspace,True);
X p=image->pixels;
X polarity=(Intensity(image->colormap[0]) >
X Intensity(image->colormap[1]) ? 0 : 1);
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X count=0;
X x=0;
X (void) fprintf(image->file," ");
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X byte>>=1;
X if (p->index == polarity)
X byte|=0x80;
X bit++;
X if (bit == 8)
X {
X /*
X Write a bitmap byte to the image file.
X */
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"0x%02x, ",~byte & 0xff);
X count++;
X if (count == 12)
X {
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"\n ");
X count=0;
X };
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X }
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X if (bit > 0)
X {
X /*
X Write a bitmap byte to the image file.
X */
X byte>>=(8-bit);
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"0x%02x, ",~byte & 0xff);
X count++;
X if (count == 12)
X {
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"\n ");
X count=0;
X };
X bit=0;
X byte=0;
X };
X x=0;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X (void) fprintf(image->file,"};\n");
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e Y U V I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteYUVImage writes an image to a file on disk in Y, U, and V
% rasterfile format. U and V, normally -0.5 through 0.5, is normalized to
% the range 0 through 255 to fit within a byte.
% The format of the WriteYUVImage routine is:
% status=WriteYUVImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteYUVImage(image)
X *image;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *pixels;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to YUV raster pixels.
X */
X pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc(3*image->columns*image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X RGBTransformImage(image,YUVColorspace);
X p=image->pixels;
X q=pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X }
X p++;
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) pixels,sizeof(unsigned char),
X (int) (3*image->columns*image->rows),image->file);
X (void) free((char *) pixels);
X TransformRGBImage(image,YUVColorspace);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e X W D I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteXWDImage writes an image to a file on disk in XWD
% rasterfile format.
% The format of the WriteXWDImage routine is:
% status=WriteXWDImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o status: Function WriteImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
static unsigned int WriteXWDImage(image)
X *image;
#include "XWDFile.h"
X int
X x;
X register int
X i,
X j;
X register RunlengthPacket
X *p;
X register unsigned char
X *q;
X unsigned char
X *xwd_pixels;
X unsigned int
X scanline_pad;
X unsigned long
X lsb_first,
X packets;
X XWDFileHeader
X xwd_header;
X /*
X Open output image file.
X */
X OpenImage(image,"w");
X if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to open file",image->filename);
X return(False);
X }
X /*
X Initialize XWD file header.
X */
X xwd_header.header_size=sizeof(xwd_header)+strlen(image->filename)+1;
X xwd_header.file_version=(unsigned long) XWD_FILE_VERSION;
X xwd_header.pixmap_format=(unsigned long) ZPixmap;
X xwd_header.pixmap_depth=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? 24 : 8);
X xwd_header.pixmap_width=(unsigned long) image->columns;
X xwd_header.pixmap_height=(unsigned long) image->rows;
X xwd_header.xoffset=(unsigned long) 0;
X xwd_header.byte_order=(unsigned long) MSBFirst;
X xwd_header.bitmap_unit=(unsigned long) (image->class == DirectClass ? 32 : 8);
X xwd_header.bitmap_bit_order=(unsigned long) MSBFirst;
X xwd_header.bitmap_pad=(unsigned long) (image->class == DirectClass ? 32 : 8);
X xwd_header.bits_per_pixel=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? 24 : 8);
X xwd_header.bytes_per_line=(unsigned long) ((((xwd_header.bits_per_pixel*
X xwd_header.pixmap_width)+((xwd_header.bitmap_pad)-1))/
X (xwd_header.bitmap_pad))*((xwd_header.bitmap_pad) >> 3));
X xwd_header.visual_class=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? DirectColor : PseudoColor);
X xwd_header.red_mask=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? 0xff0000 : 0);
X xwd_header.green_mask=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? 0xff00 : 0);
X xwd_header.blue_mask=(unsigned long) (image->class == DirectClass ? 0xff : 0);
X xwd_header.bits_per_rgb=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? 24 : 8);
X xwd_header.colormap_entries=(unsigned long)
X (image->class == DirectClass ? 256 : image->colors);
X xwd_header.ncolors=(image->class == DirectClass ? 0 : image->colors);
X xwd_header.window_width=(unsigned long) image->columns;
X xwd_header.window_height=(unsigned long) image->rows;
X xwd_header.window_x=0;
X xwd_header.window_y=0;
X xwd_header.window_bdrwidth=(unsigned long) 0;
X /*
X Ensure the xwd_header byte-order is most-significant byte first.
X */
X lsb_first=1;
X if (*(char *) &lsb_first)
X MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &xwd_header,sizeof(xwd_header));
X (void) fwrite((char *) &xwd_header,sizeof(xwd_header),1,image->file);
X (void) fwrite((char *) image->filename,1,strlen(image->filename)+1,
X image->file);
X if (image->class == PseudoClass)
X {
X XColor
X *colors;
X /*
X Dump colormap to file.
X */
X colors=(XColor *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(XColor));
X if (colors == (XColor *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++)
X {
X colors[i].pixel=i;
X colors[i].red=image->colormap[i].red << 8;
X colors[i].green=image->colormap[i].green << 8;
X colors[i].blue=image->colormap[i].blue << 8;
X colors[i].flags=DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
X colors[i].pad=0;
X if (*(char *) &lsb_first)
X {
X MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &colors[i].pixel,sizeof(long));
X MSBFirstOrderShort((char *) &colors[i].red,3*sizeof(short));
X }
X }
X (void) fwrite((char *) colors,sizeof(XColor),(int) image->colors,
X image->file);
X (void) free((char *) colors);
X }
X /*
X Convert MIFF to XWD raster pixels.
X */
X packets=xwd_header.bytes_per_line*xwd_header.pixmap_height;
X xwd_pixels=(unsigned char *)
X malloc((unsigned int) packets*sizeof(unsigned char));
X if (xwd_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)
X {
X Warning("unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL);
X return(False);
X }
X scanline_pad=(unsigned int) (xwd_header.bytes_per_line-
X ((xwd_header.pixmap_width*xwd_header.bits_per_pixel) >> 3));
X x=0;
X p=image->pixels;
X q=xwd_pixels;
X for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++)
X {
X for (j=0; j <= ((int) p->length); j++)
X {
X if (image->class == PseudoClass)
X *q++=p->index;
X else
X {
X *q++=p->red;
X *q++=p->green;
X *q++=p->blue;
X }
X x++;
X if (x == image->columns)
X {
X q+=scanline_pad;
X x=0;
X }
X }
X p++;
X }
X /*
X Dump pixels to file.
X */
X (void) fwrite((char *) xwd_pixels,sizeof(char),(int) packets,image->file);
X (void) free((char *) xwd_pixels);
X CloseImage(image);
X return(True);
% %
% %
% %
% G e t A l i e n I n f o %
% %
% %
% %
% Function GetAlienInfo initializes the AlienInfo structure.
% The format of the GetAlienInfo routine is:
% GetAlienInfo(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o alien_info: Specifies a pointer to a AlienInfo structure.
void GetAlienInfo(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
X alien_info->server_name=(char *) NULL;
X alien_info->font=(char *) NULL;
X alien_info->geometry=(char *) NULL;
X alien_info->density=(char *) NULL;
X alien_info->verbose=False;
% %
% %
% %
% R e a d A l i e n I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function ReadAlienImage reads an image and returns it. It allocates
% the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to
% the new image. By default, the image format is determined by its magic
% number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename with an
% explicit image format name and a colon (i.e. mtv:image) or as the filename
% suffix (i.e. image.mtv).
% The format of the ReadAlienImage routine is:
% image=ReadAlienImage(alien_info)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o image: Function ReadAlienImage returns a pointer to the image after
% reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or
% if the image cannot be read.
% o alien_info: Specifies a pointer to an AlienInfo structure.
Image *ReadAlienImage(alien_info)
X *alien_info;
X char
X magick[12],
X magic_number[12],
X *p;
X Image
X alien_image,
X *image;
X register char
X c,
X *q;
X register int
X i;
X unsigned int
X temporary_file;
X /*
X Look for explicit 'format:image' in filename.
X */
X *magick='\0';
X (void) strcpy(alien_image.filename,alien_info->filename);
X p=alien_image.filename;
X while ((*p != ':') && (*p != '\0'))
X p++;
X if ((*p == ':') && ((p-alien_image.filename) < sizeof(magic_number)))
X {
X /*
X User specified alien image format.
X */
X (void) strncpy(magic_number,alien_image.filename,p-alien_image.filename);
X magic_number[p-alien_image.filename]='\0';
X for (q=magic_number; *q != '\0'; q++)
X {
X c=(*q);
X if (isascii(c) && islower(c))
X *q=toupper(c);
X }
X for (i=0; AlienTypes[i] != (char *) NULL; i++)
X if (strcmp(magic_number,AlienTypes[i]) == 0)
X {
X /*
X Strip off image format prefix.
X */
X p++;
X (void) strcpy(alien_image.filename,p);
X (void) strcpy(magick,magic_number);
X break;
X }
X }
X temporary_file=False;
X if (*magick == '\0')
X {
X /*
X Look for 'image.format' in filename.
X */
X (void) strcpy(magick,"MIFF");
X p=alien_image.filename+strlen(alien_image.filename)-1;
X while ((*p != '.') && (p > alien_image.filename))
X p--;
X if ((*p == '.') && (strlen(p) < sizeof(magic_number)))
X {
X /*
X File specified alien image format?
X */
X (void) strcpy(magic_number,p+1);
X for (q=magic_number; *q != '\0'; q++)
X {
X c=(*q);
X if (isascii(c) && islower(c))
X *q=toupper(c);
X }
X for (i=0; AlienTypes[i] != (char *) NULL; i++)
X if (strcmp(magic_number,AlienTypes[i]) == 0)
X {
X (void) strcpy(magick,magic_number);
X break;
X }
X }
X /*
X Determine type from image magic number.
X */
X temporary_file=(*alien_image.filename == '-');
X if (temporary_file)
X {
X char
X *directory;
X int
X c;
X /*
X Copy standard input to temporary file.
X */
X directory=(char *) getenv("TMPDIR");
X if (directory == (char *) NULL)
X directory="/tmp";
X (void) sprintf(alien_image.filename,"%s/magickXXXXXX",directory);
X (void) mktemp(alien_image.filename);
X alien_image.file=fopen(alien_image.filename,"w");
X if (alien_image.file == (FILE *) NULL)
X return((Image *) NULL);
X c=getchar();
X while (c != EOF)
X {
X (void) putc(c,alien_image.file);
X c=getchar();
X }
X (void) fclose(alien_image.file);
X }
X /*
X Open image file.
X */
X *magic_number='\0';
X OpenImage(&alien_image,"r");
X if (alien_image.file != (FILE *) NULL)
X {
X /*
X Read magic number.
X */
X (void) ReadData(magic_number,sizeof(char),sizeof(magic_number),
X alien_image.file);
X CloseImage(&alien_image);
X }
X /*
X Determine the image format.
X */
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"GIF8",4) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"GIF");
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"\377\330\377",3) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"JPEG");
X else
X if ((strcmp(magick,"JPEG") == 0) || (strcmp(magick,"JPG") == 0))
X (void) strcpy(magick,"MIFF");
X if ((*magic_number == 'P') && isdigit(magic_number[1]))
X (void) strcpy(magick,"PNM");
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"%!",2) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"PS");
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"\131\246\152\225",4) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"SUN");
X if ((strncmp(magic_number,"\115\115",2) == 0) ||
X (strncmp(magic_number,"\111\111",2) == 0))
X (void) strcpy(magick,"TIFF");
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"\122\314",2) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"RLE");
X if ((strncmp(magic_number,"LBLSIZE",7) == 0) ||
X (strncmp(magic_number,"NJPL1I",6) == 0))
X (void) strcpy(magick,"VICAR");
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"#define",7) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"XBM");
X if (strncmp(magic_number,"\000\000\000\110\000\000\000\007",8) == 0)
X (void) strcpy(magick,"XWD");
X }
X /*
X Call appropriate image reader based on image type.
X */
X (void) strcpy(alien_info->filename,alien_image.filename);
X switch (*magick)
X {
X case 'A':
X {
X image=ReadAVSImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'C':
X {
X image=ReadCMYKImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'F':
X {
X Warning("Cannot read FAX images",alien_info->filename);
X image=ReadImage(alien_info->filename);
X break;
X }
X case 'G':
X {
X if (strcmp(magick,"GIF") == 0)
X image=ReadGIFImage(alien_info);
X else
X image=
X ReadGRAYImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'J':
X {
X image=ReadJPEGImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'M':
X {
X if (strcmp(magick,"MIFF") == 0)
X image=ReadImage(alien_info->filename);
X else
X image=ReadMTVImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'P':
X {
X if (strcmp(magick,"PNM") == 0)
X image=ReadPNMImage(alien_info);
X else
X image=ReadPSImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'R':
X {
X if (strcmp(magick,"RGB") == 0)
X image=ReadRGBImage(alien_info);
X else
X image=ReadRLEImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'S':
X {
X image=ReadSUNImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'T':
X {
X if (strcmp(magick,"TIFF") == 0)
X image=ReadTIFFImage(alien_info);
X else
X image=ReadTEXTImage(alien_info->filename,alien_info->server_name,
X alien_info->font,alien_info->density);
X break;
X }
X case 'V':
X {
X image=ReadVICARImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'Y':
X {
X image=ReadYUVImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X case 'X':
X {
X if (strcmp(magick,"X") == 0)
X image=ReadXImage(alien_info->filename,alien_info->server_name,False,
X True,False);
X else
X if (strcmp(magick,"XC") == 0)
X image=ReadXCImage(alien_info->filename,alien_info->server_name,
X alien_info->geometry);
X else
X if (strcmp(magick,"XBM") == 0)
X image=ReadXBMImage(alien_info);
X else
X image=ReadXWDImage(alien_info);
X break;
X }
X default:
X image=ReadImage(alien_info->filename);
X }
X if (temporary_file)
X (void) unlink(alien_info->filename);
X return(image);
% %
% %
% %
% W r i t e A l i e n I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% Function WriteAlienImage writes an image to a file. You can specify a
% particular image format by prefixing the file with the image type and a
% colon (i.e. mtv:image) or specify the image type as the filename suffix
% (i.e. image.mtv).
% The format of the WriteAlienImage routine is:
% status=WriteAlienImage(image)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o status: Function WriteAlienImage return True if the image is written.
% False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image file
% fails to write.
% o image: A pointer to a Image structure.
unsigned int WriteAlienImage(image)
X *image;
X char
X magick[12],
X *p;
X Image
X alien_image;
X register char
X c,
X *q;
X register int
X i;
X unsigned int
X status;
X /*
X Look for 'image.format' in filename.
X */
X alien_image=(*image);
X p=alien_image.filename+strlen(alien_image.filename)-1;
X while ((*p != '.') && (p > alien_image.filename))
X p--;
X if ((*p == '.') && (strlen(p) < sizeof(magick)))
X {
X /*
X User specified alien image format.
X */
X (void) strcpy(magick,p+1);
X for (q=magick; *q != '\0'; q++)
X {
X c=(*q);
X if (isascii(c) && islower(c))
X *q=toupper(c);
X }
X for (i=0; AlienTypes[i] != (char *) NULL; i++)
X if (strcmp(magick,AlienTypes[i]) == 0)
X {
X (void) strcpy(alien_image.magick,magick);
X break;
X }
X }
X /*
X Look for explicit 'format:image' in filename.
X */
X p=alien_image.filename;
X while ((*p != ':') && (*p != '\0'))
X p++;
X if ((*p == ':') && ((p-alien_image.filename) < sizeof(magick)))
X {
X /*
X User specified alien image format.
X */
X (void) strncpy(magick,alien_image.filename,p-alien_image.filename);
X magick[p-alien_image.filename]='\0';
X for (q=magick; *q != '\0'; q++)
X {
X c=(*q);
X if (isascii(c) && islower(c))
X *q=toupper(c);
X }
X for (i=0; AlienTypes[i] != (char *) NULL; i++)
X if (strcmp(magick,AlienTypes[i]) == 0)
X {
X /*
X Strip off image format prefix.
X */
X p++;
X (void) strcpy(alien_image.filename,p);
X (void) strcpy(alien_image.magick,magick);
X break;
X }
X }
X /*
X Call appropriate image writer based on image type.
X */
X switch (*alien_image.magick)
X {
X case 'A':
X {
X status=WriteAVSImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'C':
X {
X status=WriteCMYKImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'F':
X {
X status=WriteFAXImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'G':
X {
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"GIF") == 0)
X status=WriteGIFImage(&alien_image);
X else
X status=WriteGRAYImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'J':
X {
X status=WriteJPEGImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'M':
X {
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"MTV") == 0)
X status=WriteMTVImage(&alien_image);
X else
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'P':
X {
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"PNM") == 0)
X status=WritePNMImage(&alien_image);
X else
X status=PrintImage(&alien_image,"+0+0");
X break;
X }
X case 'R':
X {
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"RGB") == 0)
X status=WriteRGBImage(&alien_image);
X else
X {
X Warning("Cannot write RLE images",alien_image.filename);
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X }
X break;
X }
X case 'S':
X {
X status=WriteSUNImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'T':
X {
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"TIFF") == 0)
X status=WriteTIFFImage(&alien_image,True);
X else
X {
X Warning("Cannot write text images",alien_image.filename);
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X }
X break;
X }
X case 'V':
X {
X Warning("Cannot write VICAR images",alien_image.filename);
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'Y':
X {
X status=WriteYUVImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X case 'X':
X {
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"X") == 0)
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X else
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"XBM") == 0)
X status=WriteXBMImage(&alien_image);
X else
X if (strcmp(alien_image.magick,"XC") == 0)
X {
X Warning("Cannot write X constant images",alien_image.filename);
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X }
X else
X status=WriteXWDImage(&alien_image);
X break;
X }
X default:
X status=WriteImage(&alien_image);
X }
X return(status);
echo 'File ImageMagick/alien.c is complete' &&
chmod 0644 ImageMagick/alien.c ||
echo 'restore of ImageMagick/alien.c failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'ImageMagick/alien.c'`"
test 191036 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'ImageMagick/alien.c: original size 191036, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
# ============= ImageMagick/montage.man ==============
if test -f 'ImageMagick/montage.man' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping ImageMagick/montage.man (File already exists)'
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
> _shar_wnt_.tmp
echo 'x - extracting ImageMagick/montage.man (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'ImageMagick/montage.man' &&
.ad l
.TH MONTAGE 1 "10 October 1992" "ImageMagick"
montage - creates a composite image by combining several separate images
.B "montage" [ \fIoptions\fP ...] \fIfile\fP
[ [ \fIoptions\fP ...] \fIfile\fP ...] \fIfile\fP
\fIMontage\fP creates a composite image by combining several separate images.
The images are tiled on the composite image with the name of the image
optionally appearing just below the individual tile.
The composite image is constructed in the following manner. First,
each image specified on the command line, except for the last, is
scaled to fit the maximum tile size. The maximum tile size by default
is 256x256. It can be modified with the \fB-geometry\fP command line
argument or X resource. See \fBOPTIONS\fP for more information on
command line arguments. See \fBX(1)\fP for more information on X
resources. Note that the maximum tile size need not be a square. The
original aspect ratio of each image is maintainted unless
\fB\+aspect_ratio\fP is specified.
Next the composite image is initialized with the color specified by the
true || echo 'restore of ImageMagick/montage.man failed'
echo 'End of part 23'
echo 'File ImageMagick/montage.man is continued in part 24'
echo 24 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...