Usenet 1994 October
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232 lines
Terminal I/O requirements:
Every time a user joins a YTalk connection, he is given a window in
which his output will appear. This terminal I/O is modularized in such
a way that YTalk should be able to drive any windowing system or terminal,
as long as someone programs a set of primitive functions.
When init_term() [in term.c] is called from main(), it will select the
appropriate window system, initialize pointers to the appropriate
primitives, and call the init function for that window system. After
this initialization, YTalk will transparently communicate with the
window system by using these primitives. It is therefore important
that each primitive should be implemented exactly the same for each
windowing system. The purpose of this document is to define the
expected behavior of each of the terminal I/O functions.
A valid YTalk 3.0 terminal interface provides an input interface. Each
time the user sends keyboard input, the input should be given to YTalk
by calling this function in comm.c:
my_input(buf, len) [in comm.c]
ychar *buf;
int len;
Note that it is much more optimal to call this function once with a
batch of input characters rather than calling this function once for
each character.
A valid YTalk 3.0 terminal interface provides these output functions:
This is called when the terminal interface has been selected for
use. It should initialize any static variables and start any necessary
connections. It should not open or create any user windows.
Input processing (ie: calls to my_input() in comm.c) should begin after
this initialization function is called.
This is called before YTalk exits. All open windows should be shut
down, any memory should be freed, and any connections should be
terminated. Consider your terminal interface worthy if it can survive
this test indefinitely:
open_???(user, title)
yuser *user;
char *title;
Zero should be returned on success; any other value will be interpreted
as an error.
This function should open a new window with the given title and assigned
to the given user. All future calls which affect this window will be
passed the same user pointer. Since the yuser structure is not passed
between clients, you may add any variables you wish to the structure
as long as you comment them as part of your terminal interface.
The terminal interface should never modify any of the other fields in
the yuser structure, especially the window height and width fields. These
should only be set by calling the resize_win() [term.c] function.
The cursor position should be preset to 0,0.
The window size is assumed to be 80 columns by 24 rows. If this is
not the case, you are required to call the function resize_win() [term.c]
with the appropriate height and width values. I suggest you always call
resize_win() from within open_???().
resize_win(user, height, width) [in term.c]
yuser *user;
int height, width;
yuser *user;
This will close the window assigned to the given user and free any
attached memory. Again, imagine the test:
open_???(user, "test");
addch_???(user, char)
yuser *user;
ychar char;
This will add the given character to the window, following the terminal
I/O rules listed below.
move_???(user, y, x)
yuser *user;
int y, x;
This will move the cursor (the next output location) to the given Y,X
coordinates, following the terminal I/O rules listed below.
yuser *user;
This will clear all characters from (and including) the current cursor
position to the end of the line. The cursor position does not change.
yuser *user;
This will clear all characters from (and including) the current cursor
position to the end of the screen. The cursor position does not change.
yuser *user;
This will scroll the window up one line, losing the line at the top
of the window and creating a BLANK line at the bottom of the window.
The cursor's X and Y positions do not change.
This function can be implemented using the other primitives, so it
is therefore optional. I strongly recommend that it be included, as
it will no doubt be faster than the version implemented through the
primitives. If it is not available, then _scroll_term should be
set to NULL in term.c.
yuser *user;
This will revserse-scroll the window up one line, losing the line at
the bottom of the window and creating a BLANK line at the top of the
window. The cursor's X and Y positions do not change.
This function can be implemented using the other primitives, so it
is therefore optional. I strongly recommend that it be included, as
it will no doubt be faster than the version implemented through the
primitives. If it is not available, then _rev_scroll_term should be
set to NULL in term.c.
yuser *user;
If your window driver optimizes I/O by queuing updates and sending
batches of changes at a time, this function should flush any pending
output. If your window driver does not require flushes, then this
function should do nothing.
Terminal I/O Rules:
[ For simplicity, I'll use "maxrows" to mean the maximum number of ]
[ rows and "maxcols" to mean the maximum number of columns in a window. ]
When a window is initially opened, the cursor position should start
at the upper left-hand corner. This position is Y=0,X=0, or (0,0).
The Y position is always given first and corresponds to the row
number, starting at zero and ending at (maxrows-1). The X position
is always given second and corresponds to the column number, starting
at zero and ending at (maxcols-1).
Every window is required to have at least two rows, and each row should
have at least 20 columns.
Every time a character is added to the window, it should be placed
at the cursor's current Y,X position, clearing and overwriting any
character which may already be there. Then, the cursor's X position
should be incremented by one. If the X position is now greater than
or equal to maxcols, then the X position should be set back to
(maxcols-1). THERE IS NO DEFINITION FOR WRAPPING. The cursor's
Y position is never incremented as a result of X being too large.
Instead, X is maintained at (maxcols-1) until move_???() is called
to move the cursor.
Since there is no definition for wrapping, it follows that there is
no definition for automatic scrolling. A window should only scroll
when scroll_???() is called explicitly. Note that some terminals
will scroll automatically when a character is placed in the lower
right-hand corner. If this is the case with your system, I suggest
you tell YTalk that your terminal is actually one row shorter. You
could tell YTalk it is one column skinnier, but this effect can
be visually displeasing.
The terminal interface will only be asked to display printable
characters. These are the characters in the decimal range from
32 [space] to 126 [tilde] inclusive. Therefore, the addch_???()
procedure need not consider how to display control characters or
high-bit characters, because these will never be sent.
Similarly, the move_???() procedure will never be called with
Y or X values outside the range of the current window.
-- EOF --